01x01 - The First Program (Black & White, 1967)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x01 - The First Program (Black & White, 1967)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor?

♪ Won't you please?

♪ Won't you
please? ♪

♪ Please won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

Hi. Glad to see you today.

I shall button my buttons
on this sweater,

Change my shoes, and get ready
to have some time with you

In this very special studio
of ours.

Do you ever change your shoes
when you come home

From some place--
oh, your school or your work

Or getting ready to play?

How are you doing
with your tying?

Took me a long time to learn
how to make that and that

Into a bow--mm-hmm--

But I kept practicing
and practicing and practicing

And finally learned quickly.

I have a new swing--mm-hmm--
and I'd like you to see it,

But first, I want to check
to see that it's good and sturdy

Because we don't want
to fall on the swing.

I'll get the ladder.
You know what a ladder is?

A ladder is something
that helps you go up

And down.

Make your hand go up,
will you?

Just make it go straight up.

Good. Now make it come down.

Fine. Now we'll go across,
out to the porch.

♪ Bum bum bum ba dum ba boom

Come on out.

I just wanted to check
this one wire up here.

Excuse me. Up we go.

Yeah. That looks good
and sturdy, and down we come.


A grandmother friend of mine
gave me this swing.

Mm-hmm. Oh, I had
a different one before.

It was--
it was kind of small,

And I had it way out
in the yard,

So I was never able
to show it to you,

But this one I can.

How do you feel
about new things?

Sure. What about growing?
You like to grow, don't you?

That's sort of like going up
and feeling different inside.

Well, however you feel about it,
I like you exactly as you are.

♪ I like you as you are

♪ Exactly and precisely

♪ I think you
turned out nicely ♪

♪ And I like you as you are

I do.

♪ I like you as you are

♪ Without a doubt or question

♪ Or even a suggestion

♪ 'Cause I like you as you are

♪ I like your disposition

♪ Your facial composition

♪ And with
your kind permission ♪

♪ I'll shout it to a star

♪ I like you as you are

♪ I wouldn't want
to change you ♪

♪ Or even rearrange you,
not by far ♪


♪ I like you

♪ I l-i-k-e y-o-u

♪ I like you, yes, I do

♪ I like you, y-o-u

I do.

♪ I like you, like you
as you are ♪

Certainly do.

My, I'm glad you were
with me on my swing.

♪ Facial composition

♪ And with
your kind permission ♪

♪ I'll shout it to the kitchen

♪ I like you as you are

♪ I wouldn't want
to change you ♪

♪ Or even rearrange you

♪ Not by far

♪ I like you

♪ I l-i-k-e y-o-u

♪ I like you, yes, I do

♪ I like you, y-o-u

♪ I do

♪ I like you, like you
as you are ♪

Do you like what
we've done in here?

Do you?

You know, the kitchen's
kind of changed around,

Little different table.

Mm-hmm. I'm getting used to it,
took me a while.

All weekend long,
we've been painting,

Doing all sorts of things.

Hi, picture picture.
You're a fine one.

I think it's time to check

With the neighborhood
of make-believe--don't you?--

See what's going on in there.

Hello? Edgar?


How are you?

[Knocks on door]

Excuse me, edgar.
Somebody's knocking at my door.

I'll call you back, ok?
Be right there.

I'll call you right back.

Somebody's at the door.
Come along.

It's a busy day, isn't it?

Good day,
mister rogers.

Speedy delivery.
Speedy delivery.

Oh, how do you do?

How are you,
mister mcfeely?

I'm fine, mister rogers.
Big delivery for you.

There you go, oh,

Thank you very much.

And please sign here,
mister rogers.

If you will, please
sign right there.

Be glad to.

Oh, I'm in a hurry
today, mister rogers,

Haven't time to
stand here and talk,

But I'll be back
someday to visit you.

Well, thank you.

Does this demand
a response?

Oh, yes.
I think maybe

You better read it,
mister rogers.

Thank you.
I'll wait here.

Oh, it says,
"sorry I can't come

"To visit today,
too busy.

"If you're
taking a walk,

"Maybe you'll
stop by.

Sweetness and light,
mrs. Russellite."

Oh, mrs. Russellite.

Would you like me
to take her

A message,
mister rogers?

Would you, please?

Oh, I'd be glad to.

If you'd simply tell
her that we'll try

To come by
later today.

I shall do that,
and return message

Is two today,
mister rogers.

Oh, two. All right.
All right.

There's a two.
Oh, thank you.

Speedy delivery
thanks you.

Thank you,
mister mcfeely.

mister rogers.

You sure
you can't st--

He's gone.

Do you know anybody
who's always in a hurry?

Mister mcfeely seems to be
always on the go.

Of course, he calls himself
speedy delivery,

And he brings me the notes,
and, well,

He just takes things
from one house

In the neighborhood
to another.

I appreciate--

Oh, we must talk with edgar.

I told him we'd call him
right back.


Yes. Yes.
It was mister mcfeely.


Grand man but
always in a hurry.


Now tell me about
the neighborhood.

How have you
been doing?


Not so good?


Gee. Well, I'm sorry.
What's going on?


You might know it.

Lady elaine fairchilde
has been making

A few changes




You mean,
the eiffel tower

On the other side
of the castle?


Well, what's king friday
think about that?


I guess he does--
I guess he doesn't.


Well, what about
the trolley?

Has it changed at all?

not much.

Well, we better just
come in and check, edgar.

Thanks for telling
me the news.

See you later.


The neighborhood
of make-believe, you know,

That's our make-believe place.

Changes there, too.

Boy, a day full of changes.

It's about time
for the trolley to come by

To take us there, anyway,
so let's just take a look.

There's daniel's clock...

And there's the fountain

And the museum-go-round.

They all look fine,

But there's the tree

And henrietta's house.

Well, that's close to the fa--

Why, she did make
a lot of changes.

Hi, trolley.
We're waiting for you.

Yes, sir.

Oh, there is the eiffel tower
on the other side of the castle.

Ooh, that king friday.

Hi, trolley.
Come on in.

Come on.
I'll be right with you.

I'll get our bed ready
for make-believe.

Have you seen the king
today, trolley?

[Ding ding ding
ding ding]

Well, edgar says he
isn't too pleased

With what's
going on.

[Ding ding ding]

Well, you look fine.

Would you
take us into

The neighborhood
of make-believe?

You ready to go? Ok.

On we go, and in we
go to make-believe.


Yeah. Here it is.

Knock on
the clock.

Hi. Did you knock
on the clock?

Yes. I sure did.
You know what?

I could hardly
find it.

Boy, things are really
changed around here,

Daniel, I tell you.

They sure are.

I guess you know
all about it, don't you?

Well, you know, lady
elaine fairchilde

Is behind this,
I'm sure.

Well, she has rearranged
so many things--

Hi, everybody.

Oh, we've had quite
a weekend, I'll tell you.

Gee, I just
can't recognize

Anything, daniel.

I mean, the
henhouse is here,

And the museum is
moved and the castle

And the
eiffel tower.

Oh, the eiffel tower
is way on the other side

Of the castle.
That's right.

You know how hard it is
to get used to new things?

It is tough getting
used to new things

like new shoes

Or something
like that.

Yeah. I'll never
forget the time

I had to get used
to a junior bed.

A junior bed?

After a crib,
you know.

I was so used
to my crib.

Oh, I bet that
was kind of tough

Getting used to.

Do you like
your junior bed now?

Oh, I love it.

Of course, it's the people
that make the place, anyway.

That's right. They
haven't changed a bit.

They're still here.

Everybody's still--

Have you talked
with king friday?

Yes. I was supposed
to do some work

Over in the throne
room, you know,

But he just
wouldn't let anybody

Do anything today.

Oh, is he angry?

Oh, is he ever.

Well, you know
how he feels

About lady elaine's
tricks, you know.

I know.

Oh, he doesn't
like that a bit.

Where is
lady elaine now?

Well, I'm sure she's
really hiding somewhere.


I'm going over and see
if x and henrietta

Are ok and see how
they're making out.

Yeah. I mean,
the tree looks the same.

It might be moved,
but still, well,

Make the best of
a funny day, joe.

Ok. Thanks.
See you later.

See you later, daniel.

"Make the best
of a funny day."

Look at that.

The fountain is moved,
and the museum,

It wasn't here at all.

Boy, lady elaine has really
switched things around.

I wonder--yep. Mm-hmm.

Hmm. Oh, well.

Let's see how x and henrietta
are doing today.

Let's see.
Yoo hoo! Anybody home?

Oh, hi, mister negri.

There he is.
Hi, x.

Guess where
my knitted scarf was.

Oh, I haven't the
slightest idea. Where?

It was in my branch
right over there,

And I always keep
my scarf in my roots.

Sure. I knew that,
and you found it

In your branches.

Everything is topsy-turvy
in this place.

You can
say that again.

It's that kind
of day.

Yeah. It's a little
like a treasure hunt--

You know that,
mister negri?--

Only now, I mean,

Instead of
a treasure hunt,

We know what
we're looking for.

That's kind of good.

Have you seen

No. I haven't
seen her yet.

Is she all right?

Is she home?
There, pussycat?

Hen? Hen?

Aw, there she is.

Hello, henrietta.
Meow meow.

How are you?

Meowt too good.

What's the matter,

Meow meow meow meow
change meow meow

Hard for me meow.

X thinks it's like
a treasure hunt...

Yeah. I do.
Ha ha! Yeah.

What do you think?

Meow think meow
not nice.

Meow too shy
meow meow change.

Oh, listen,

If it'll make you
feel any better,

There's something
around here

That really
hasn't changed.

Meow is it?
The people.

Hey, that's right.
The pe--

I mean,
there's mister negri,

And what about me--
x the owl,

Your old friend
and neighbor x the owl.

And daniel, he's
still the same.

I just saw him
a minute ago.

He asked
about you.

Meow. Meow
king friday like it?

Oh, king friday. No.

He doesn't like it
a bit, henrietta.

No. He really
doesn't, especially

That part about
the eiffel tower.

That really
has him upset.

Oh, I'll bet.
What about lady elaine?

Where is she?
Ha ha!

I guess she's really
hiding somewhere.

I haven't seen her.
Oh, boy,

I guess she's afraid
what the king'll say.

Oh, boy, I bet
she really is.

Hey, isn't that king friday
over there

In the castle garden?

Oh, it sure does
look like him.

Oh, yeah.
There he is.

Hey, listen.
Listen, guys.

I think I'm gonna
go over and see

If I can help him out
with something, ok?

Maybe he needs a little
help right now.

Meow-k, joe.

Come over if you need
any comfort, henrietta.


I'll see
you two later.

Ok. Bye.

Maybe the king might need
a little hand right now.

I'll see if I can be
of some assistance.

Oh, here we go. Yes.

Mister negri,
I presume.

Yes, sir.

Did you desire
an audience with me?

Why, yes.
I did, king friday.

Then I suggest you
make an appointment.

Well, you see, sire,
I forgot.

Forgot? No such thing.
Carry on.

Well, sir, I thought I'd
just come over and--

No. I mean,
carry on back

And make your
appointment to see me.

"Carry on back and
make your appointment--"

Now good day.
Yes, sir.

Oh, gee.
Miss paulifficate. Ok.


Miss paulifficate?


Yes. Miss paulifficate,
this is joe negri.

I wonder if I might
see king friday.


Yes, miss paulifficate,
I know he's in the garden,

But do you think
I could get to see him?


Oh, ok. Fine,
in 2 2/10 seconds?


I'm on my way. Bye.

You are late.

But--but before,
I was early.

But now
you are late.

Well, sir,
I just come over

To see if I could help
you in some way.

You can find that
fairchilde woman

And bring her
for arraignment.

That's what
you can do.

Well, sir, I'm sure that
she is hiding somewhere.

Hiding or not,
she shall be caught...

Well, I'll do
my very best, sir.

At least by tomorrow.

Yes, sir, by--

"At least--at least
by tomorrow."

How am I gonna find
lade elaine fairchilde

By tomorrow?

Oh, hi, daniel.
Hi, joe.

Yeah. How are you?

Oh, I'm ok.

Did you hear what the
king just said to me?

Well, no.
I didn't.

He said that
I had to find

Lady elaine fairchilde
by tomorrow.

Oh, boy, I was
afraid of that.

I came over to see
if I couldn't help myself.

Maybe we could all
look for her.

Maybe we could.

Do you think
mister rogers

Might be able
to help?

Oh, I bet he could.
He's often a help.

Hey, why don't
I send him a note?

Do you think that'd
be a good idea?

You mean,
on the trolley?

Yeah, and I'll send it
over with the trolley.

Yeah. That's great.

Let's see.
What should we say?

Could I watch
you write?

mister rogers..."

Oh, its fun to be able
to write, isn't it?

Yes. It is, daniel.

Oh, you'll be
writing someday.

"Need your help badly

"To find

Lady elaine.

"Lady elaine




Well, I'll go myself,
too, and look.

Ok, daniel.

You don't suppose
she'd be hiding

In the castle,
do you?

Oh, I don't know if
she'd be hiding in the--

She could be
hiding anyplace.

That's right.

Well, I'll just
have to give this

To the trolley and see
if he'll bring it

Along to
mister rogers.

Ok, daniel.
I'll see you later.

Ok. See you later.

Trolley, trolley,
trolley, just a second.

Would you be a dear
and take this over

To mister rogers
for us, huh?

It's an important message,
and be sure that he gets it,

Ok, trolley?
[Ding ding ding]



That'll do it.


Ah, poor people.

Thank you
very much, trolley.

[Ding ding ding]

The note
from mister negri.

Do you think we could
look for lady elaine?

Don't think we'd find her
except in make-believe.

Do you write?

It's very handy to be able
to write and to read.

If you don't yet,
you will someday. Sure.

Well, back with the telescope.

King friday
doesn't like change, does he?

No. I bet he wouldn't
like it in here today

Since I've changed
so many things around.

X thinks it's fun, though.

He thinks it's
like a treasure hunt,

Only you know
what you're looking for.

henrietta pussycat

Was just too shy
for too much change.

I know somebody
who moved his bed one time

From this side of the room
over to that side of the room,

And when he woke up
in the morning, he thought,

"Oh, this is a different world."

Yeah, but then you know
what he felt?

He thought, "gee,
I've got some new ideas,"

So the change was good.

Yeah. Why don't we go see
mrs. Russellite?

We promised her that you might,

And I think mister mcfeely
probably gave her the message.

I'll show you where she lives
right on my map here.

You know, this is where
we are now, right here,

And if we just go down,
around this street,

And right over to this house,
that's where she lives,

So I'll get on my coat,
and we'll go together, ok?

Mrs. Russellite has
a very interesting collection--

A collection of lampshades.

Mm-hmm. Wait till you see
what she does with them.

Ready to go? Ok.
Off we go to mrs. Russellite.

Come on up.

Up the stairs. Up.

Should we just knock
or ring the bell?

[Doorbell rings]

Hi, mrs. Russellite.

Come on in.
Thank you.

Thank you
for the note.

Oh, you're
very welcome.

I didn't
expect you so soon.

I wouldn't
have been dusting...

Oh, I'm glad that--

But maybe you'll
enjoy seeing

Some of
these things.

your collection.

Mm-hmm. Hang up your
coat there, please.

Thank you.

It's my collection
of lampshades.

I've seen only
one of them.

Well, I only wear
one special one

To see the king,

But these are some
of my other ones.

I've been collecting for
an awfully long time.

Tell me how
you like this one.

Oh, that's grand.

Isn't it nice?

So very grand,
and I can wear it

This way if
I want to be shy,

Just want
to hide away.

Am I allowed to take that?

Sure. You can
change it. See?

You can wear it

Oh, sure.

Or just with this
nice feather there.

That's one of
my favorite ones.

You've done it
for years, you say.

Mm-hmm, ever since
I was a little girl.

I'll show you.

For instance, this
little one here,

It really doesn't
fit me so well now,

But I kind of like to
wear it to remember.

I wore this when
I was a little girl,

And here's one that
I changed around.

See, I wore this
when I was

A little girl
this way,

Like this,

And now I can
wear it like this.

Oh, for
the bigger head.

Sure. Mm-hmm.
Bigger girl.

Well, were these
all ones that

Your mother didn't
need anymore?

Mm-hmm, and then
some people

Gave them to me,

You know, they know
that I save them

And that I collect them,

And so they--

These aren't ones
that go on

For real lamps

Oh, they--

I have lampshades
on my lamps here,

But they stay.
I see.

These are just ones that
nobody uses anymore,

And how do you
like this one?

Looks mighty heavy.

Oh, but it's so nice.
Isn't this grand?

It truly is.

I suppose you could wear it
the other way around, too,

Couldn't you?
Sure. Mm-hmm.

Most people don't
wear lampshades,

But that's just
your hobby, isn't it?

Well, you know, I like
to get dressed up

With them
and pretend.

Did you do that when
you were a little girl?

I mean, did you put on
all kinds of clothes and--

Oh, sure. I had--

My mother used to save
her curtains and that,

You know,
and I'd play bride,

And I'd wear
her shoes.

Oh, here's one.

This is kind of
a surprise one.

Now watch.

Oh, pretty.
Isn't it pretty?

Now watch.

Oh, it's different
when it comes off.

Mm-hmm. You can sort of
peek-a-boo through it,

And then you can
use this

For around your neck
if you want to.

Oh, I like that one.

This is a very
special one, though.


This one was made up
of two lampshades.

That's how I did it.

Mm-hmm. Would you
like to borrow it?

I really would.
Go ahead.

Try it on.
Let's see.

Oh, I never thought
of wearing it like that.

That's pretty good.

It's hard to
balance it.

Yeah, but
you could play.

You could maybe, like,
even fill it up

With some fruit
or something.

Whoops! Watch.

Yes. I would like
to borrow it. Thank you.

Ok, and I have some more
to show you. Look.

That looks like
a doll baby with a dress.

Mm-hmm, has
a little apron...

Very pretty.

And then here's a very
kind of elegant one.

It doesn't have
jewels on it,

But it has
all this nice--

All this nice ruffle

And tucking.

You can be
sort of a lady.

You do look
like a doll.

Oh, thank you.

Lots of people have lots
of different collections.

That's right.

Some people collect,
oh, baseball cards

And dolls and
little animals,

But I just sort of
started on this,

And I like it a lot.

Oh, I have
my special one now.

Here's the one
that you're

familiar with.

That's the one
I know.

You know this one.

That's the one you wear
when you go to see

King friday xiii.
Of course.

I think it's my
very prettiest hat.

It's kind of
heavy, though,

But the king,
you know--

The king likes
special things, so--

And he likes the same
things all the time,

It seems.

There's been a little
bit of change

In the neighborhood
of make-believe today,

And he isn't
particularly happy.

Lady elaine put
one thing over here

And another thing over--

You know that she can
do it in magic there.

Oh, yes, and it sort
of upset him, huh?

It surely did.

Doesn't like change.
Isn't that a shame?

Because some things
change, you know.

They have to,
and they're good.

Oh, of course
they're good,

And the new is
kind of exciting.

Oh, sure, and then
some things--

I can understand
the king, though.

There are some
things that

You just don't like
to change, either,

Like your friends.

You like to keep
them the same.

We like to keep you
the same, mrs. Russellite.

Oh, thank you.

Will you come
to my house sometime?

Oh, I'll
be happy to.

Can I sometimes
maybe wear

A different
lampshade, though?

Oh, it'd be great.

When I see the king,
of course,

I'll wear this one.

I'd stay with that one,
but when you come to me,

Oh, I like new things.

Maybe I'll even
have a surprise,

One that you haven't
even seen here...


One of my
very special ones.

It was awfully nice
of you to visit today.

Well, thanks for
asking us over,

And thank you
for the loan.

Mm-hmm. I'll get it

Whenever I come
visit you.

Please do.

mrs. Russellite.

We'll see you.

Come along.

Good collection, isn't it?

Never knew anybody who collected
old lampshades.

Up and down.

Watch it go up, up, and down,

Sort of like that ladder,
you know, up and down.

Mrs. Russellite'll
come back for you.

Good to visit, isn't it?

It's good to go away,
but it's good to come back, too.

I'm gonna have to go away
for a little while

Until tomorrow.

I'm gonna go back to work now,

But we'll be able
to visit together tomorrow.


First, in with the bed,

Our bed for make-believe.

Some people sleep in beds
like this all the time.

Take good care of it.

Yes, sir.

I'm gonna be thinking about you
until I come back.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow

♪ With a song or two

One, two.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow

♪ With a smile for you

♪ Till then,
I hope you're feeling happy ♪

♪ Till then,
I hope your day is ♪

[Snap snap]

♪ Snappy

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say, "a very happy
tomorrow to you" ♪

See you then. Good-bye.
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