Diana: In Her Own Words (2017)

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Diana: In Her Own Words (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »


Questions, here we are.

Yeah, has anything come up

since the last meetings?

Any afterthoughts?

PRINCESS DIANA: Well, only about

being accused very early on

of stopping him hunting and sh**ting.

INTERVIEWER: Let's now go

back to the other life,

before this life as it were...

DIANA: Mm-hmm.

INTERVIEWER: Your first memory

after being born?

Anything as a child?


I mean, it was a very unhappy childhood.

I remember seeing my father

slap my mother across the face

and I was hiding behind a door.

And she was crying.

The press were being unbearable

following my every move.

REPORTER: Is there any possibility

of any announcement

of your marriage in the near future,

can you tell me?

DIANA: He sat me down and he said,

"Will you marry me?"

I thought the whole thing was hysterical,

getting married.

It was so grown up.

And here was Diana,

a kindergarten teacher.

I mean, the whole thing was ridiculous.

I once heard him on the telephone saying,

"Whatever happens, I'll always love you."

And I told him I'd listened at the door.

We had a filthy row.

And I realized I had taken on

an enormous role

but I had no idea what I was going into.

But no idea.


I remember him coming to Althorp to stay.

He came with his labrador.

My sister was all over him

like a bad rash.

I thought, "God, he must

really hate that."

And I kept out the way.

I remember being a fat,

podgy, non-makeup, unsmart lady

but I made a lot of noise

and he liked that.

And he just came up to me

after dinner, we had a big dance

and he said,

"Will you show me the gallery?"

For a 16-year-old, for someone like that

to show any attention was just so...

sort of amazed.

"Why would anyone like him

be interested in me?"

Anyway, that was it for about two years.

Saw him off and on with Sarah.

Sarah got frightfully excited

about the whole thing.

And then she saw something

different happening

which I hadn't twigged on to.

When he had his 30th birthday dance,

I was asked too.

"Well, why is Diana coming as well?"

And I said, "Well, I don't know,

but I'd like to come."

"Oh, all right."

And I had a very nice time at the dance.


And then, um...

I was asked to stay with the de Passes

in July by Philip de Pass.

"Would you like to come 'cause we've got

Prince of Wales staying and...

you're young blood,

you might amuse him."

So I said, "Okay."

The first night, we sat down on a bale

and I said, you know,

"You looked so sad..."

"when you walked up the aisle

at St. Paul's...

with Lord Mountbatten's funeral."

And I said, "My heart bled for you,

I watched you.

"I thought, 'This is wrong,

you're lonely.'

You should be with somebody

to look after you, etcetera."

And the next minute he leapt

on me, practically.

And it was very strange,

because it was almost as if...

Like a... it wasn't a magnet effect.

I thought, "Well, this isn't very cool."

I thought men were supposed

to not to be so obvious.

But I hadn't got anything to go by

because I'd never had a boyfriend.

I'd always kept them away.

Thought they were all trouble

and I couldn't handle it.

Emotionally, I was

very screwed up, I thought.

And he said, "Oh, you must come

to London with me tomorrow.

I've got to go and work

at Buckingham Palace."

I thought, "This is too much."

I said, "No, I can't, I'm sorry."

I thought, "How will I

explain my presence...

at Buckingham Palace when

I'm supposed to be staying with Philip?"

And then it sort of built up from there.

Charles used to ring me up and say,

"Would you like to come for a walk?"

"Would you like to come for barbecues?"

So I said, "Yes, please."

I thought this was all wonderful.

INTERVIEWER: A lot of admiration for

an episode on the riverbank at Balmoral

when you looked at

the press through your mirror.

Did you know that was going to happen?

DIANA: No. I saw them appearing

from the other side.

So I said to Charles,

"I must get out the way.

You don't need any aggravation."

So I went up, up, up, up to the bank

and sat behind a tree

for a good half an hour.

And then the press seized upon it.

(reporters shouting indistinctly)

REPORTER: Lady Diana was back

at the Pimlico Kindergarten

where she teaches this morning.

But, polite as ever, she was

saying nothing about her weekend

with Prince Charles at Sandringham

to the assembled press corps.

She drove off in her brand-new

Mini Metro with a smile.

I managed to have a word with her later,

outside her Kensington flat.

Is there any possibility

of any announcement

of your marriage in the near future,

can you tell me?

Boy (off screen):

Prince Charles' girlfriend!

Can you tell me if

there's any possibility?

DIANA: I'm not gonna say anything.

REPORTER: But Prince Charles

did give us a hint himself.

He said we wouldn't have to wait too long.

DIANA: Oh, careful.

REPORTER: He said we wouldn't

have to wait too long.

- Was he completely off beam?

- (boy yells indistinctly, laughs)

- Was he?

- DIANA: Sorry, I... Sorry.

REPORTER: Was he completely off beam

when he said we wouldn't

have to wait too long?

DIANA: I wouldn't know.


Prince Charles of Britain is perhaps

the world's most eligible bachelor,

early 30s, handsome, rich,

and the heir to the British throne.

London was full of rumors this week

that he may now be about to take a bride.

The photographers are trailing

Lady Diana Spencer, 19 years old,

daughter of the eighth Earl of Spencer.

She fits the qualifications,

aristocratic, good-looking,

and well-heeled.

REPORTER: She is said

to be besotted by him,

and that, in the Queen's English,

means I presume that she's in love.

Sweet, kind, nice, and shy

are all the terms used to describe her.

A girl born to be queen.

Ideal for the most eligible bachelor

in the Western world.

Even the Queen, we're told,

thinks she's delightful,

and that is as good as saying

that mother approves.

Her pedigree is perfect.

Her father is the 8th Earl Spencer,

a wealthy landowner

who farms 15,000 acres

in the heart of

the Northamptonshire countryside.

The family link with the royal family

dates back to Queen Victoria's

reign and before.


Have you ever had feedback on

who you first spoke to

or what you first...

DIANA: No, nothing like that.

I was born at home,

I wasn't born in hospital.

I was born in my mother's.


Your first memory after being born?

Anything as a child?

DIANA: It's really the smell

of the inside of my pram.


- DIANA: Hmm.


You remember that quite vividly?

DIANA: Yes, very. Yes.


What did it smell of?

DIANA (laughing):

I don't... Just plastic, yes.

It's the hood.

INTERVIEWER: Wet nappies.

DIANA (laughing): Yes, probably.

We were always shunted

over to Sandringham for holidays

to go and see Chitty Chitty

Bang Bang, the film,

and we hated it so much.

We hated going over there.

The atmosphere was always

very strange when we went there,

and I used to kick and fight

anyone who tried

to make us go over there.

And Daddy was most insistent,

because he said it was rude.

And I said, I don't want to go and see

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

for the third year running.


INTERVIEWER: Children's parties...

- Do you remember any of them?

- DIANA: Yeah, I hated them.

I've always hated parties.

That's why I've never had them my own.

- Daddy loves parties.


DIANA: And organized it

and took great pride in that.

But there were still none of

the arms around the shoulder,

or the hugging.

It was always the other things,

which was probably what he had, too.

I mean, yeah, it was

a very unhappy childhood.

Parents were busy

sorting themselves out.

Always seeing our mother crying.

Daddy never spoke to us about it.

We could never ask questions.

Too many changeover of nannies.

Very unstable, the whole thing.

- I just remember being...

- INTERVIEWER: Just generally unhappy.

DIANA: Generally unhappy,

and being very detached

from everybody else.


How did you first learn about the divorce?

DIANA: I remember seeing my father

slap my mother across the face,

and I was hiding behind the door.

And she was crying.

And I remember Mommy

cried an awful lot.

And every Saturday,

when we went up for weekends,

every Saturday night, standard procedure,

she'd start crying on Saturday.

We would both see her crying.

"What's the matter, Mummy?"

"Oh, I don't want you to leave tomorrow."

Which, for a nine-year-old,

was devastating, you know?

And for my brother and I,

it was very sort of wishy-washy

but painful experience,

and he said to me the other day

that he hadn't realized just how much

the divorce affected him

until he got married and started

having a life of his own.

REPORTER 1: She was educated

privately at Riddlesworth Hall,

and then at West Heath School

in Sevenoaks.

REPORTER 2: When she was 13,

she really developed

her sporting talents,

particularly diving.

DIANA: I liked all subjects.

I played the piano, I loved the piano.

I did my tap dancing,

which I absolutely adored.

There was an enormous hall there

which they built on

just after I got there.

I used to sneak down at night

when it was all dark

and put on my music

and do my ballet there

in this enormous hall for hours.

And no one ever found me.

But actually,

I loved being at school.

I was very naughty in the sense

of always wanting to laugh

and muck about rather than sit tight

in a four-walled schoolroom.

INTERVIEWER: As a child, any ideas

of futures or ambitions?


Always felt very different

from everyone else.

Very detached.

Knew I was going somewhere different.

Had no idea where.

And said to my father when

I was the age of 13,

"I know I'm going to marry

someone in the public eye.

I don't know which way."


- DIANA: Yes.

Thinking an ambassador's wife, actually.

Not the top one.


REPORTER: Since leaving school,

she has lived in a 100,000-pound flat

in South Kensington

given to her by her father.

DIANA: It was nice being in a flat

with girls, you know, I loved that.

It was great, laughed my head off there.

My three girls were wonderful.

Star performers, loyalty beyond belief.

I kept myself to myself.

I wasn't interested in

having a full diary.

REPORTER: And she works part-time

at a nursery in Pimlico.

(peppy piano music playing)

WOMAN: From the minute

she walked in, you could tell

that she had a really genuine

love for young children,

particularly the very small ones.

She was just always there,

if ever a child was looking miserable,

she was the one who would go

and pick them up and comfort them.

REPORTER: It didn't seem to be

quite the life for a future queen,

but one man can testify

that Lady Diana may only

have been biding her time.

Ray Hunt services the family's

electrical and film equipment,

and he remembers something prophetic

she told him

at her sister Jane's wedding.

RAY: She did say to me, uh,

"Nothing like this for me, right?"

She said, "Westminster Abbey or nothing."

And I said, "You're joking, Diana."

And she said, "Not really."

DIANA: By the time I got to

the top of the school,

all my friends had boyfriends.

But not me.

I knew somehow I had to

keep myself very tidy

for whatever was coming my way.

REPORTER: Many speak of her

as a happy but quiet girl,

and her father, her uncle, Lord Fermoy,

and others have even vouched

for her virginity.

Lord Fermoy stating categorically,

and I quote, "I can assure you

she has never had a lover."

REPORTER: How well are you coping

with all the press attention?

DIANA: Well, as you can see. You can tell.

REPORTER: Are you bearing up

with it quite well, though,

'cause it must be quite a strain

with all of us after you.

DIANA: Well, it is, naturally.


involving the media in the car?

DIANA: Oh, lots of them.

(indistinct shouting)

But I always made sure

that I went through

just as the light was going to red.

So they were very stuck.

Sometimes I cycled, some days I didn't.


Did they chase you on the bike?


Oh, they chased me everywhere.

We're talking about thirty of them,

we're not talking about two.

REPORTER 1: Prince Charles has had

a few relationships

that we all know about,

and he is looking for somebody

that he can live with

who will be queen,

who will fulfill her duties,

and everyone who knows him says

that he's very tired indeed

of being pursued endlessly

and being asked endlessly

when he's going to marry

and who he's going to marry.

REPORTER 2: For a girl of 19,

it was a necessary demonstration

of just how great are the pressures

of living constantly in the public eye.

But she handled the problem

with cheerful good nature.


Between the two of you,

can you say if we're likely

to hear the announcement soon?

REPORTER 4 (off screen): Lady Diana?

- DIANA: Um...

- REPORTER 4: Lady Diana?

REPORTER 3: We thought there was

gonna be an announcement

on his 32nd birthday, but there wasn't,

and he told reporters yesterday

that it may be coming soon.

Have you any comment

to make about that?


- REPORTER: Lady Di? Lady Diana?

- (laughs)

REPORTER 3: No comment, all round.


Did you have a good weekend, though?

DIANA: I'm going to work now, okay?

REPORTER: The view is that

her age is about right, being 19,

because it's unlikely

that any ex-boyfriends

would be ringing up

those well-known newspapers

with scandals of this or that

in future years

if she is indeed going to be the queen.

And they say that it's useful

that she's so young,

because of childbearing,

to put it very simply.

People seem to forget,

Western society, we marry for love.

But when we talk about the royalty,

that never seems to enter it.

DIANA: Charles rang me up from Klosters,

saying, "I've got something to ask you."

Instinct in a female,

you know what's coming.

Anyway, I sat up all night

with my girls, saying,

"What do I do? What do I say?"

By that time I had realized

there was somebody else around.

I'd been staying at Bolehyde with

the Parker Bowleses an awful lot.

I couldn't understand why

Camilla kept saying to me,

"Don't do this, don't do that."

She knew so much about

what he was doing privately.

Eventually, I worked it all out.

The next day I went to Windsor.

I arrived about sort of 5 o'clock.

And he sat me down and he said,

"Will you marry me?"

And I laughed.

I remember thinking, "This is a joke."

So I said, "Yeah, okay."

And he was deadly serious.

And he said, "You do realize that

one day you will be Queen."

A voice said to me inside,

"You won't be Queen,

but you'll have a tough role."

So I thought to myself, "Okay."

So I said, "Yes."

And I said, "I love you so much,

I love you so much."

And he said, "Whatever love means."

Said it then.

So I thought that was great!

I thought he meant that.

INTERVIEWER: How much thought

did you really give the proposal?

DIANA: A lot, actually.

In my immaturity, which was enormous

I thought that he was very much

in love with me

which he was, he sort of had

the besotted look about him

looking back at it,

but it wasn't the genuine sort.

You know, "Who is this girl

who's so different?"

But he couldn't understand it

'cause his immaturity is

quite good in that department.

And um...

It was like a call for duty, really.

Go and work with people.

And then it all started to build up.

The press were being unbearable,

following my every move.

REPORTER: The decision by

the press council to discuss reports

of alleged harassment of Lady Diana

have involved reporters trailing

the 19-year-old almost continuously.

DIANA: I understood they had a job,

but people did not understand

they had binoculars on me the whole time.

They hired the opposite flat

in Old Brompton Road,

which was a library

that looked into my bedroom.

And it wasn't fair on the girls.

I couldn't put the telephone off the hook

in case any of their family

were ill overnight.

The papers used to ring me up

at 2:00 in the morning

'cause they were just putting out

their last story,

could I confirm it or deny?

Whenever he rang me up, he said,

"Poor Camilla Parker Bowles.

"I've had her on the telephone tonight...

"and she says there's

lots of press at Bolehyde.

She's having a very rough time."

And I never complained

about the press to him

because I didn't think

it was my position to do so.

And I said, "How many

press are out there?"

He said, "Oh, at least four."

And I thought,

"My God, there's 34 out here."

But I never told him.

I just couldn't cope with it.

I got no support from Charles

and no support from the press office.

They just said, "You're on your own."

So I thought, fine.

(camera shutters clicking)

I was able to recognize

an inner determination...

to survive.

Before I knew what happened,

I was in Clarence House.

Nobody there to welcome me.

It was like going into a hotel.

And then everyone said,

"Why are you at Clarence House?"

And I said, "Because I was told

that I was expected to be

at Clarence House."

So I'd left my flat for the last time,

and suddenly I had a policeman.

And my policeman the night

before the engagement said to me,

"I just want you to know that this is

your last night of freedom ever

"in the rest of your life,

so make the most of it."

And it was like a sword went in my heart.

I thought, "God."


Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor,

heir to the British throne,

Prince of Wales,

Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall,

and Great Steward of Scotland

has finally chosen his bride.

She is Lady Diana Spencer,

and their engagement is the news

Britain has been waiting for.

CARTHEW: 11:00 a.m., Buckingham Palace.

The beginning of a day to remember

for Prince Charles, Lady Diana,

and for quite a lot of other people, too.

The long-awaited,

much-written-about engagement.

There was a fair amount of unrestrained,

old-fashioned happiness

in the cold February air.

It seemed to all of us there

that Britain's constitutional monarchy

appeared to be in quite good health.

And for the couple themselves

in the palace,

undoubtedly a feeling of relief

that it was all out in the open.

WOMAN: It's good. It's great, isn't it?

Cheers everybody up, you know, too,

something like this.

He's getting on a bit, isn't it?

About time he got married.


REPORTER: Immediately after lunch,

the Earl Spencer, Lady Diana's father,

most surprisingly appeared

in the middle of the crowd.

His object, he said, was to take

happy snaps of the palace.

RAINE: You must get her. We're so...

REPORTER: He'd always done

this sort of thing

on important days in his daughter's life.

At three o'clock,

Prince Charles and Lady Diana

appeared for the first time in public.

INTERVIEWER: Do you find it

a very daunting experience

that yesterday you were a nanny

looking after children,

um, now you're about to marry

the Prince of Wales,

and one day, you would

in all likelihood be queen?

It's a tremendous change

for someone, if I may say, of 19

to make all of a sudden, the transition.

DIANA: It is, but I've had

a small run-up to it all

in the last six months.

And next to Prince Charles,

I know I can't go wrong.

He's there with me.

CHARLES: I'm amazed that she's been

brave enough to take me on.

INTERVIEWER (off screen):

And I suppose, in love.

DIANA: Of course.


Whatever "in love" means.

You can put your own interpretation.


Obviously, it means two very happy people.


- DIANA: As you can see.

INTERVIEWER: Well, from us,


- DIANA: Thank you very much.

- CHARLES: Thank you very much. Very kind.

REPORTER: The gilded surroundings

of the Goldsmiths' Hall

in the city of London

were chosen quite deliberately

by the palace

in order to show Lady Diana off

to the best advantage for

her first public appearance.

INTERVIEWER: Do you remember

what your first ever memory was?

DIANA: In this life?


DIANA: Yeah, I remember

my first engagement so well.

I remember being so excited.

I got this black dress from Emanuel's.

REPORTER: It was in black taffeta,

it was off-the-shoulder,

and by normal royal standards,

it was fairly revealing.

DIANA: I thought it was okay

'cause girls of my age wore this.

I hadn't appreciated

that I was now seen as a royal lady,

although I'd only got

a ring on my finger

as opposed to two rings.

And I remember walking into

my husband-to-be's study

and saying, "I'm ready."

And he said, "You're not going

in that dress, are you?"

And I said, "Yes, I am."

He said, "It's black!"

I said, "Yes, it's black."

"But only people in mourning

wear black."

And I said, "Yes, but I'm not

part of your family yet."

Black to me was the smartest color

you could possibly have

at the age of 19,

it was a real grown-up dress.

REPORTER: She looked pretty relaxed,

considering this must have been

something of an ordeal for her.

DIANA: And I was quite big-chested then,

and they all got frightfully excited.

I learned a lesson that night.

I remember meeting Princess Grace.

REPORTER: One of the performers

was Princess Grace of Monaco.

She, of course, is very experienced

at this sort of occasion,

and the often-tricky business

of making small talk.

She also knows how to give

a helping hand to a newcomer,

and how to pose for the cameras,

which Lady Diana is now learning.


DIANA: I didn't know whether

to get out the door first.

I didn't know if your handbag

should be carried

in your left hand,

not your right hand.

Everything was all over the place.

I remember that evening so well.

I was terrified.

Nearly sick.

REPORTER: At the end,

something else Lady Diana

is going to have to get used to,

the fusillade of camera flashbulbs.

MANGOLD: After the royal wedding

and honeymoon this summer,

Prince Charles will bring

his 19-year-old bride here

to Highgrove in Gloucestershire.

This is the 18th-century

manor house bought last summer

by the Duchy of Cornwall

for one million pounds.

Prince Charles' neighbors

living a mile away in Tetbury

were as pleased as the prince

himself must be

at the prospect of

a royal wedding at last.

WOMAN 1: I was absolutely overcome.

I'm very, very pleased for them.

And I feel like going out and getting

a card and sending it, actually,

but it's probably a bit silly.

WOMAN 2: I think they're

a really super couple.

They'd have a lovely

sort of life around here

if they do sort of live

in Highgrove most of the time, you know.

It's really smashing, so romantic.


And I think really

when the country's so,

everyone's so depressed and everything,

I think really it's nice

to sort of cheer everybody up

with a lovely wedding

in the summer, hopefully.

You know, so, what more can you say?

Smashing. Thanks very much.

DIANA: When I arrived

at Clarence House

there was a letter on my bed from Camilla

dated two days previous saying,

"Such exciting news

about the engagement.

"Do let's have lunch soon

"when Prince of Wales goes

to Australia and New Zealand.

"And love to see the ring.

Lots of love, Camilla."

And that was... wow.

You may recall seeing a picture

of me sobbing in a red coat

when he went off on his aeroplane.

That was nothing to do with him going.

The most awful thing had happened

before he went.

I was in his study talking

to him about his trip.

The telephone rang. It was Camilla.

Just before he was going for five weeks.

So, I thought, "Shall I be nice

or shall I just sit here?"

So, I thought I'd be nice,

so I left them to it.

And it just broke my heart, that.

So, I organized lunch.

We had lunch, and...

very tricky, very tricky indeed.

She said, "You're not going

to hunt, are you?"

I said, "No."

"Oh, I just wanted to know that."

But as far as she was concerned

that was her communication.

I was still too immature to understand

all the messages coming my way.

And then someone

in his office told me that

my husband has had

a bracelet made for her.

I walked into this man's office one day

and I said, "Ooh, what's in that parcel?"

"Oh," he said,

"You shouldn't look at that."

I said, "Well, I'm going to look at it."

So, I opened it

and there was the bracelet.

I was devastated.

And he said, "Well, he's going

to give it to her tonight."

So, rage, rage, rage. You know,

"Why can't you be honest with me?"

But, no, absolutely cut me dead.

It was as if he'd made his decision

and if it wasn't going to work,

it wasn't going to work.

He'd found the virgin,

the sacrificial lamb

and in a way he was obsessed with me

but it was hot and cold, hot and cold.

You never knew what mood

it was going to be.

Up and down, up and down.

I went upstairs, had lunch

with my sisters who were there.

And I said, "I can't marry him.

I can't do this.

This is absolutely unbelievable."

And they were wonderful and said,

"Well, bad luck, Duch,

your face is on the tea towel...

so you're too late to chicken out."

REPORTER: Two young and loving

and happy faces are,

in their own very individual way,

putting a smile back

into a broken-hearted, miserable Britain.

Three hundred million pounds

are the spoils of their wedding.

Lot of money, that, 300 million pounds.

But of all the souvenirs,

of all the presents

winging their way to the happy couple,

the nicest, I think,

comes from the Black Country.

A man who grows four-leaf clovers

is sending them one apiece.

He says, no matter how much

money they may have

or might have,

they still have to have Lady Luck

riding on their shoulders.

How very true.

REPORTER: The royal family made

the traditional carriage drive

down the course at Ascot today.

In the third carriage, Lady Diana,

but no Prince Charles.

He's having an away day

on Concorde to New York.

As if to make up for this,

she'd splurged a bit on the fashion,

an outfit that brought sighs of approval

from people in the royal enclosure,

particularly that hat.

DIANA: The day we got engaged

I had literally one long dress

one silk shirt

one smart pair of shoes

and that was it.

So, suddenly, my mother and I had

to go and buy six of everything.

Bear in mind, you have to

change four times a day.

Suddenly, your wardrobe

expands into something unbelievable.

REPORTER 1: The effect,

displayed somewhat shyly today,

suggests that Lady Diana,

when she becomes Princess of Wales,

is going to be a leader of

fashion of the kind

not seen in the royal family for 50 years.

REPORTER 2: News of Lady Diana's

visit spread quickly.

Shoppers waited in pouring rain

while staff from nearby offices

abandoned work for half an hour.

Lady Sarah Spencer was there

to give a sister's opinion

of the wedding dress.

It's been slightly altered.

The crowds saw that,

like most brides,

Lady Diana has lost weight

as the day approaches.

DIANA: The bulimia started

the week after we got engaged.

My husband put his hand

on my waistline and said,

"Oooh, a bit chubby here, aren't we?"

And that triggered off something in me.

And I remember the first time

I made myself sick, I was so thrilled.

Because I thought,

"Right, this is the release, the tension."

The first time I got measured for my

wedding dress, I was 29 around the waist.

The day I got married,

I was 23 and a half.

I'd shrunk into nothing.

(crowd cheering)

The public side was very different,

obviously, from the private side.

The public side, they wanted

a fairy princess.

Touch them and everything

will turn into gold

and all their worries would be forgotten.

Little did they realize

that the individual

was crucifying herself inside

because she didn't think

she was good enough.

"Why me? Why all this publicity?"

MAN: I think she saw

all the press around her,

all the television crews

from all around the world.

Probably went through her mind

about the big day next Wednesday.

It's also her third

public engagement in two days.

I just think she was surrounded,

she felt claustrophobic,

and she felt she had to move.

REPORTER: A lot of press today.

Very many more, of course,

next Wednesday.

- How will she cope on that?

- MAN: Oh, yeah.

I think she'll cope

magnificently Wednesday,

I think it's just a little lapse.

Bit of pre-wedding nerves.

CHARLES: It's not much fun,

actually, watching polo,

when you're being surrounded

by people with very long lenses,

poking in from all directions

at you the entire time.

And then taking a photograph,

which is quite easy to do,

and saying, you know,

"Looking bored."

And I think all this adds up

to a certain amount of strain each time.

So I would only hope

that after we get married,

it will be a bit easier

to come to a polo match

without this kind of, you know,

intensity of interest.

(bells tolling)


DIANA: We got married on Wednesday,

and on the Monday

we'd gone to St. Paul's

for our last rehearsal,

and that's when

all the camera lights were on full.

And I sobbed my eyes out,

absolutely collapsed.

And it was collapsing

because of all sorts of things.

The Camilla thing rearing its head

the whole way through

our engagement,

and I was desperately trying to

be mature about the situation,

but I didn't have the foundation to do it,

I couldn't talk to anyone about it.

MAN: Lady Diana, meeting so many people

is still quite new to you.

How have you reacted to

this warmth and affection?

DIANA: Well, it's been

a tremendous boost,

and just a mass of smiling faces.

It's wonderful.

- MAN (off screen): Quite emotional, too.

- DIANA: Oh, very, very. Yes.

WOMAN: One thing that I know

St. Paul's have done to make it,

from their point of view, very personal,

they were telling me that

where you're going to make your vows,

they've made a platform

so that at least you can feel

that you're together and alone,

because I think everyone would agree,

when you make your vows,

that's the most solemn,

the most precious,

and a very personal moment.

Is it going to be that for you,

even though you'll know the eyes

of the world are watching you

at that very important moment?

CHARLES: Well, I hope so, yes. I...

I don't know about Diana,

but I'm more used to it,

I think, probably now,

knowing for years

that the camera's poking at you

from every quarter

and recording every twitch you make.

So you can get used to a certain extent,

and on those occasions,

you accept that that's part of it.

I think that if you don't try

to work out in your own mind

some kind of method

for existing and surviving

this kind of thing,

you would go mad, I think.

I don't know, do you find

that after the last six months,

you're beginning to get used to it?

- DIANA: Just.

- CHARLES (off screen): Hmm.

WOMAN (off screen): It is, I suppose,

one of the most important things

you're gonna have to

adjust to, really, isn't it?

DIANA: Well, of course. Yes.

REPORTER: And Prince Charles

has been a great help to you

- in that, I should think.

- DIANA: Marvelous. A tower of strength.

CHARLES: Gracious.

DIANA: I have to say that

because you're sitting there.


WOMAN: I'm sure you would anyway.

DIANA: I remember my husband

sent me a very nice signet ring

the night before to Clarence House

with the Prince of Wales feathers on it,

and a very nice card that said,

"I'm so proud of you.

"I'll be there at the altar

for you tomorrow.

Just look 'em in the eye

and knock 'em dead."

I had a very bad fit of bulimia

the night before.

I ate everything

I could possibly find,

which amused my sister,

'cause she was staying

at Clarence House with me.

Nobody understood

what was going on then.

It was sort of hush-hush.

I was sick as a parrot that night,

and it was such an indication

of what was going on.

Next morning when we were

getting up at Clarence House,

I must have been awake about 5:00.

And I was very, very deathly calm.

Deathly, deathly calm.

I felt I was a lamb to the slaughter,

and I knew it.

REPORTER: At the household

cavalry barracks,

horses were awakened

and mucking out began in preparation

for a day for which both men and horses

had been practicing for weeks.

Along the route, both crowds

and excitement were building.

By eight o'clock, police estimated

900,000 people

were already out in Central London.

REPORTER: Before he left home,

Lord Spencer,

the proudest of men today,

wanted a few words.

SPENCER: I'd just like to say a word.

May I say a word?

REPORTER (off screen): Please do.

SPENCER: Um, the Spencers have,

through the centuries,

fought for their king and country.

Today, Diana is vowing to help her country

for the rest of her life.

She'll be following in

the tradition of her ancestors,

and she will have at her side

the man she loves.

REPORTER 1: And then,

just after half past 10:00,

from Clarence House

came the glass coach

and our first chance

to see Lady Diana,

dress half-glimpsed,

veil tantalizingly low.

REPORTER 2: And so, Lady Diana

in her truly stunning dress

is well and truly launched

on her way to the cathedral.

Of course this is the moment

where she could exercise

the traditional bride's

prerogative of being late,

but somehow

I don't think she will.

INTERVIEWER: Did your father say anything

to you in the coach?

DIANA: No. He was so thrilled.

Waved himself stupid.

We went past St. Martin's-in-the-Field,

and he thought we were at St. Paul's,

so he was ready to get out.

It was wonderful, that.

I don't think I was happy.

I think I was...

I never tried to call it off

in the sense

of really doing that, but...

I think the worst day of my life.

I cried a lot on the Monday

when we'd done the rehearsal,

because the tension suddenly hit me,

but by Wednesday I was fine,

and I had to get my father

basically up the aisle,

and that's what I concentrated on.

And I remember being terribly worried

curtsying to the Queen.

Walking down the aisle,

I spotted Camilla,

pale gray, veiled hat, pillbox hat.

Saw it all.

Her son Tom standing on a chair.

To this day, you know, vivid memory.

And I thought, well, there we are,

that's it, let's hope

that's all over with.


Charles Philip Arthur George,

wilt thou have this woman

to thy wedded wife,

to live together after God's ordinance

in the holiest state of matrimony?

Wilt thou love her, comfort her,

honor and keep her

in sickness and in health,

and forsaking all other

keep thee only unto her

so long as ye both shall live?

CHARLES: I will.

ARCHBISHOP: I, Diana Frances...

DIANA: I, Diana Frances...

ARCHBISHOP: Take thee,

Charles Philip Arthur George...

DIANA: Take thee,

Philip Charles Arthur George...


To my wedded husband...

DIANA: To my wedded husband...


To have and to hold...

DIANA: To have and to hold...

ARCHBISHOP: From this day forward...

DIANA: From this day forward...

ARCHBISHOP: For better, for worse...

DIANA: For better, for worse...

ARCHBISHOP: For richer, for poorer...

DIANA: For richer, for poorer...

ARCHBISHOP: In sickness and in health...

DIANA: In sickness and in health...

ARCHBISHOP: To love and to cherish...

DIANA: To love and to cherish...

ARCHBISHOP: Till death us do part.

DIANA: Till death us do part.

ARCHBISHOP: Here is the stuff

of which fairy tales are made.

A prince and princess

on their wedding day.

DIANA: And I remember being

so in love with my husband

that I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

I just absolutely thought I was

the luckiest girl in the world,

and, you know, he was gonna look after me.


MAN 1: It's absolutely fantastic.

They're right in front of me.

They're right underneath us!

Looking, looking right up

at them as they come past us.

Well, that was the moment

you've been waiting for, wasn't it?

- WOMAN: Ah, smashing.

- MAN: Did you get a good view?

WOMAN: I did. It was lovely.

She was beautiful.

MAN 2: Yes. What about Margaret,

did you get a good view?

MARGARET: Marvelous, marvelous.

MAN 2: How much would you give

to swap with Lady Di?

WOMAN: Anything.

DIANA: It was a wonderful feeling,

everybody hoorayed, everybody happy

and everybody happy

because they thought we were happy

and there was a big question mark

in my mind.

(horse whinnies)

PHOTOGRAPHER (off screen):

Your Royal Highness?

- WOMAN (off screen): Sir?

- PHOTOGRAPHER: Sir, sir, please.

(camera shutters clicking)



Went back to Buckingham Palace,

did all the photographs, nothing tactile.

I was basically wandering around,

trying to find where I should be,

touching my long train

with my bridesmaids and pages.

Sat next to him

at the wedding breakfast,

which it's called,

but actually it was lunch.

Neither of us spoke to each other.

We were so shattered.

It was exhausting, the whole thing.

CROWD (chanting): We want Charlie!

We want Charlie!

We want Charlie!


REPORTER 1 (off screen):

The curtains are open. That's the signal.

REPORTER 2 (off screen):

The Prince of Wales.

His bride, the Princess of Wales,

Diana Spencer.

(crowd cheering)

DIANA: Got out on the balcony.

Overwhelming, what we saw.

So humble-making.

Thousands and thousands

of people, happy.

It was just wonderful.


I realized I had taken

on an enormous role.

But I had no idea

what I was going into.

But no idea.

REPORTER 1: The Duke of Edinburgh

and the Queen Mother

helped throw the confetti this afternoon.

Prince Edward and Prince Andrew

tied balloons

and a suitable notice

to the going-away carriage.

REPORTER 2: And into the afternoon

sunshine they came,

Prince Charles

and the new Princess of Wales,

smiling and looking

wonderfully relaxed.

DIANA: I just had tremendous hope in me,

which was slashed by day two.


My husband took eight Laurens van der Post

novels along on our honeymoon.

INTERVIEWER: To prop the bed up?

DIANA: Well, no, to read.

DIANA: So every lunchtime or dinnertime,

when we were allowed to be on our own,

we were supposed to read them.

We were never on our own.

(crowd chanting)


I remember crying my heart out

on my honeymoon.

I was so tired.

For all the wrong reasons.


REPORTER: You can now say

that the honeymoon

has really started.

Actually, it gets more

like a romantic novel

as the minutes go on.

All the old clichs come to mind,

like "And so we say farewell,"

and "At last, we're alone, darling."

DIANA: We were opening

our diaries to discuss various things.

Out comes two pictures of Camilla.

And on our honeymoon...

cufflinks arrive on his wrists.

Two 'C's entwined like the Chanel 'C.'

Got it in one. Knew exactly.

So, I said, "Camilla gave you those,

didn't she?"

He said, "Yes, so what's wrong?

They're a present from a friend."

And, boy, did we have a row.

Jealousy, total jealousy.

And it was such a good idea, the two 'C's.

But it wasn't that clever.

By then, the bulimia was appalling

absolutely appalling, it was rife

it was four times a day on the yacht.

Anything I could find, I would gobble up

and be sick two minutes later.

We survived that all right.

Then we went off to Balmoral

straight from the yacht.

DIANA: Everyone was there to welcome us.

And then the realization set in.

(camera shutters clicking)

My dreams were appalling at night.

I dreamt of Camilla the whole time.

Everybody saw I was getting

thinner and thinner and thinner.

I was being sicker

and sicker and sicker.

REPORTER (off screen): May we ask,

are you having a good holiday, sir?


Every now and then, yes.


Basically, they thought I could adapt

to being Princess of Wales overnight.

REPORTER 1: Madam, how are you

enjoying married life?

DIANA: It's highly recommended.

REPORTER (off screen):

How do you like Balmoral as a place?

DIANA: It's lovely, it's beautiful.


Have you cooked a breakfast yet?


DIANA: I don't eat breakfast.


Obsessed by Camilla. Totally.

Didn't trust him.

Thought every five minutes

he was ringing up,

asking her how to handle

his marriage, da, da, da, da.

And all the guests at Balmoral

coming to stay

just stared at me the whole time,

and you know, treated me like glass.

As far as I was concerned, I was Diana,

and the only difference was

people called me "ma'am" now,

"Your Royal Highness."

They curtsied,

that was the only difference.

We stayed up there

from August to October.

By October I was about

to cut my wrists.

I was in a very bad way.

It rained and rained and rained.

And I came down early

from Balmoral to seek treatment,

not because I hated Balmoral,

but because I was

in such a bad way.

Couldn't sleep.

Didn't eat.

A whole world was

collapsing around me.

All the analysts and psychiatrists

you can ever dream of came plodding in.

Tried to sort me out.

Put me on high doses of Valium.

It was me telling them what I needed.

They were telling me, "Pills."

Got to keep them happy,

they could go to bed at night and sleep

knowing the Princess of Wales

wasn't going to s*ab anyone.

DIANA: But the Diana that was

still very much there

decided that it was just time,

patience, and adapting

were all that was needed.

Anyway, a godsend,

William was conceived in October.

Marvelous news.

Occupied my mind.

REPORTER: In a way,

an odd place to arrive.

None of the grandeur and romance

and legend of Wales here.

Just a little station with one passenger

waiting for the upline train.

There was a minimum

of formality at Shotton,

just a Lord Lieutenant

and a Lady High Sherriff

to greet the couple.

Beyond them the flat outline

of Shotton's beleaguered steelworks,

the reminder of the problems

of modern Wales.

The princess went straight

into an impromptu walkabout

in the station path

and received her first

unofficial bouquet.

The princess was in

a red and green wool suit

with a hat faintly reminiscent

of a Robin Hood principal

Boylan pantomime.

But she can obviously

get away with things

other royals wouldn't attempt.

DIANA: Went to Wales for three days

to do our visit as

Prince and Princess of Wales.

Being terribly sick carrying this child.

Hadn't told the world I was pregnant.

Rained the whole time around Wales.

I wasn't easy.

I cried a lot in the car,

saying I couldn't get out.

I couldn't cope with the crowds.

"Why had they come to see us?

Someone help me."

He just said, "You've just

got to get out and do it.

You just gotta get out."

He tried his hardest

and he did really well in that department.

Got me out.

And once I was out

I was able to do my bit.

But it cost me such a lot

because I hadn't got the energy...

'cause I was being sick

with my bulimia so much

let alone, you know,

the support for him or vice versa.

REPORTER: Perhaps the highlight

of this grueling three days

was the conferring of

the Freedom of the City of Cardiff

on the princess.

All through the tour

it was expected at some stage

the princess would say

something in Welsh.

(trumpet fanfare playing)

DIANA: Desperately trying

to make him proud of me,

made a speech in Welsh.


He was more nervous than I was.

I am extremely grateful to you,

Lord Mayor,

and to the city council,

and to the city of Cardiff

for granting me the Freedom of the City.

I realize it is a very great honor,

and I am most grateful.

I would like to try to express

my thanks to you in Welsh also.

(in Welsh): It is a great pleasure

for me to come to Wales.

I look forward to returning

many times in the future.

Thank you.

Never got any praise from Charles for it.

And I began to understand

that was absolutely normal.

CHANCELLOR: Lady Diana Spencer

became the Princess of Wales

in a ceremony watched by

the world at the end of July.

Buckingham Palace today said

she's expecting.

The baby will be second in line

to the British throne.

MAN (off screen): Ohh!

I'm pouring over the counter there,

aren't I?

REPORTER (off screen): Don't you think

it's perhaps it's a bit soon?

MAN: Well, I do really, yeah,

I don't really think

they've got to know each other

really by now.

But they obviously have.


REPORTER: Let's turn to your good lady.

What do you think, a boy or a girl?

WOMAN: Boy or a girl?

I don't think it really matters.

Another baby's always good news.

REPORTER: Whether or not

the baby's to be born here

has yet to be decided.

That's largely a question for

the Queen's gynecologist, George Pinker,

who will be attending

the princess throughout.

That's just one of many questions

for the future.

For the present, though,

well, there's really only one way

of saying it, isn't there?

That's, of course, if they'll let me.

Wonder if you might,

in her Royal Highness' absence,

pass those on from ATV, ATV Today,

all its viewers,

with our sincere congratulations.

REPORTER: "If only the station

was always this full,"

said the British rail official.

And the royal train

pulled in right on time.

For the hundreds of guests,

just one question.

And, yes, her Royal Highness

was on board.

Recently the princess has had

to cancel several engagements

because of morning sickness.

DIANA: I was sick all day.

I didn't know what to do.

I was very aware that I wasn't

being helpful to my husband,

and I was just mortified.


Today she looked well enough,

although perhaps just a little pale.

DIANA: I mean, I look gray

in all the pictures.

I remember exactly what I was wearing.

Black felt hat, and a sort of,

um, Robin Hood green cloak.

Just simply dreadful.

And I felt so sick. I remember it.

REPORTER: She is young.

She's only just over 20,

and she is having a baby,

and she is, after all, human.

Just because she's a royal princess,

it doesn't mean to say

that she has a baby

any differently to anybody else.


Very, very difficult pregnancy, indeed.

Sick the whole time.

Bulimia and morning sickness.

And this family's never had anybody

who's had morning sickness before,

so every time in my evening dress,

I had to go out,

I either fainted or I was sick.

So I was a problem.

And they registered,

Diana's a problem.

She's different.

She's doing everything

that we never did.


REPORTER 1: And what about

the photographers?

Obviously, they're all looking

for the ideal picture.

Are they going to take

any notice of this?

REPORTER 2: I think they might.

I wonder sometimes about

some of the foreign photographers,

particularly the French and the Germans.

They don't really care

about anything

except getting a good shot

on their camera.

But they might just find that, uh,

they're gonna have to pack their bags

and take a few steps back

and have a little bit of a pause.

Because they are literally

camping wherever you go.

DIANA: It was Charles' choice

when we first got married

not to run around.

He wanted to try and have

a home life of some sort.

But he didn't know how to do it

because he'd never been taught.

So the whole thing just evaporated.


When you fell down the stairs?


I threw myself down the stairs.


Charles said I was crying wolf.

And I said I felt so desperate,

and I was crying my eyes out.

And he said, "I'm not gonna listen,

you're always doing this to me."

He said "I'm going riding now."

So I threw myself down the stairs.

Bearing in mind,

I was carrying a child.

Quite bruised around the stomach.

Queen comes out,

absolutely horrified.

Shaking, she was so frightened.

And Charles went out riding,

and when he came back, you know,

it was just dismissal.

When we had William

we had to find a date in the diary

that suited him and his polo.

William had to be induced,

because I couldn't handle

the press pressure any longer.

It was becoming unbearable.

It was as if everybody

was monitoring every day for me.

And I was aware that the whole country

was holding its breath.

REPORTER: But one thing is certain.

When the celebrations

really begin to bubble,

so will many bottles of this,

Earl Spencer's special Althorp champagne

for estate workers and locals alike

all ready and willing

to wet the baby's head.

DIANA: Went in very early,

and I was sick as a parrot

the whole way through the labor.

WOMAN: Strawberries and cream,


DIANA: Very bad labor.

They wanted a cesarean.

No one told me this

until afterwards.


The boy arrived.

Great excitement.

Everyone was absolutely high as a kite.

CROWD: It's a boy, it's a boy,

it's a boy

It's a boy, it's a boy, it's a boy

It's a boy, it's a boy...

DIANA: I knew it was a boy.

I was just thrilled.

CROWD: It's a boy, it's a boy



REPORTER 1 (off screen):

Does he look like you?

CHARLES: Very kind.

REPORTER 1: Does he look like you, sir?

CHARLES: Um, no, he's lucky

enough not to. (laughs)

REPORTER 2 (off screen):

How do you feel, sir?

CHARLES: It's very difficult

to tell at the moment.

REPORTER 2: How do you feel?

CHARLES: I'm obviously

relieved and delighted.

It's marvelous.

It's rather a grown-up thing, I've found.


Rather a shock to my system.

REPORTER 3 (off screen):

What is the baby like?

CHARLES: He's in marvelous form.

REPORTER 4 (off screen):

Does the baby have any hair?

CHARLES: He looks marvelous. Yes. Fair.

- REPORTER 4: Fair hair?

- CHARLES: Sort of blondish.

It will probably go

to something else later on.

REPORTER 5: Who does he look like, sir,

you or his mother?

CHARLES: You can't tell yet.


They have been singing,

"Well done, Charlie,

let's have another one."


Is that on the program of events?


Bloody hell, give us a chance.

You ask my wife, I don't think

she'd be too pleased just yet.

REPORTER 7: Have you thought

of a name yet, sir?

Have you thought of a name yet?


We've thought of one or two,

but bit of an argument about it. (laughs)

REPORTER: William Arthur

Philip Louis, how about that?

WOMAN 1: I said Louis, yes.

- REPORTER (off screen): You said Louis?

- WOMAN 1: Yes, yes.

REPORTER: Are you happy with William?

WOMAN 2: Yes, I think

William's a very nice name.

WOMAN 1: It's a king's name.

REPORTER: Prince Billy. Prince Billy.

WOMAN 1: King William.

REPORTER: Prince William,

you think? Regal ring?

King William, indeed, regal ring.

- WOMAN 1: Willy.

- WOMAN 2: Not bad.

- WOMAN 1: King Willy.

- REPORTER: King Willy.

- WOMAN 2: Yes, King Bill.

- (laughter)

(crowd cheering)

REPORTER (off screen): May we see

your son, Your Royal Highness?

INTERVIEWER: How good a dad

was he with the children?

DIANA: At the beginning

he loved the nursery life.

He just couldn't wait to get back...

and do the bottle.

WOMAN (off screen): Congratulations!

DIANA: Came home, and then

post-natal depression hit me hard.

And it wasn't so much

the baby that had produced it.

It was the baby that triggered off

all else that was going on in my mind.

If Charles didn't come home

when he said he was coming home

I thought something dreadful

happened to him.

Tears, panic, all the rest of it.

He didn't see the panic.

I would just sit there, quietly.

Boy, was I troubled.

DIANA: William's christening

was desperate,

'cause I literally had just given birth.

He was only six weeks old.


And it was all decided around me.

Hence, the ghastly pictures

of somebody who is so...

And my bulimia,

everything was out of control.

Yeah, everything.

I was treated like

nobody else's business

on the fourth of August.

Nobody asked me

whether it was suitable for William.

Eleven o'clock couldn't have been worse.

(William crying)


There were endless pictures

of the Queen, Queen Mother,

Charles, and William.

(William crying)

I was excluded totally in that day.


DIANA: I wasn't very well,

and I just blubbed my eyes out.


Well, he sensed

that I wasn't exactly hunky-dory.

One minute, I was nobody,

and the next minute,

I was Princess of Wales,

mother, media toy,

member of this family, you name it.

And it was just too much

for one person at that time.

REPORTER: Well, with the amount

of stories that there are

in our newspapers and on television,

you could hardly fail to notice

that the Prince

and the Princess of Wales,

and, of course, young Prince William,

are now well into the swing

of their tour of Australia.

REPORTER: Brisbane was the place

where they expected

the biggest crowds of the tour,

and they got them.

The police estimated

there were 80,000 people here,

but wise old locals reckoned

there were nearer 100,000.

DIANA: The crowds were just

something to be believed.

And, you know, my husband had

never seen crowds like it,

and I sure as hell hadn't.

CHARLES: Ladies and gentlemen,

the last time I was here

was two years ago in 1981

shortly before we were married,

and at that time everybody

was saying good luck,

and I hope everything goes well,

and how lucky you are to be

engaged to such a lovely lady,

and, my goodness,

I was lucky enough to marry her.

- And we had many, many messages.

- (laughter)

It's amazing what ladies do

when your back's turned.


REPORTER: The theme of this

second week has really been

the princess' rapidly growing popularity.

DIANA: Everybody always said

when we were in the car,

"Oh, we're on the wrong side.

We want to see her,

we don't want to see him."

And that's all we could hear

as we went down these crowds.

And, obviously, he wasn't used to that.

Nor was I.

He took it out on me.

He was jealous.

I understood the jealousy

but I couldn't explain

that I didn't ask for it.


CHARLES: I've come to the conclusion

that really it would

have been far easier

to have had two wives...


to have covered

both sides of the street.


And I could have walked down

the middle directing the operation.


DIANA: I kept saying, "Whoever you

married would have been of interest...

"for the clothes, how she

handles this, that, and the other.

"And you build the building block

for your wife to stand on...

to make her own building block."

He didn't see that at all.

I learned to be a Royal in one week.

I was thrown into the deep end,

which now I prefer it that way.

And nobody ever helped me at all.

They'd be there to criticize

but never be there to say, "Well done."

When we came back from our six-week tour

I was a different person.

I was more grown up, more mature.

But not anything like what one

was going to go through

for the process

in the next four or five years.

Between William and Harry

being born, it's total darkness.

I can't remember much,

I've blotted it out.

It was such pain.

INTERVIEWER: Now, they then had

all sorts of people for you to talk to.



Did you have any choice over it?


Dr. Mitchell came in

every evening at 6 o'clock

and I'd have to explain to him

about my conversations

with my husband during the day.

And there weren't many conversations,

it was more tears than anything else.

Because on the outside,

people were saying

I was giving my husband a hard time.

I was acting like a spoiled child.

But I knew that I was just...

needed rest and patience and time

to adapt to all the roles

that were required of me overnight.

By then, there was immense jealousy

because every single day I was

on the front of the newspapers.

Anyway, Harry appeared by miracle.

Charles and I, we were

very, very close to each other

the six weeks before Harry was born.

The closest we've ever, ever been

and ever will have been.

And then, as suddenly as Harry was born

it just went bang.

Our marriage.

The whole thing went down the drain.

REPORTER: Good evening.

The Princess of Wales' new baby,

born at 20 past 4:00

this afternoon is another boy.

Both are doing well.

The new prince, not yet named,

weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces.

He has pale blue eyes,

and according to his father,

indeterminate color hair.

DIANA: I knew Harry was going to be a boy

because I saw on the scan.

And Charles, all he wanted was a girl.

He wanted two children

and he wanted a girl.

I knew Harry was a boy

and I didn't tell him.

REPORTER (off screen):

What's your reaction?

CHARLES: What do you think?

Have you had any children?

REPORTER: I've got two,

and one on the way.

CHARLES: Marvelous.

What was your reaction?

REPORTER: Fantastic.

And I was there both times.

CHARLES: Exactly that. Marvelous.

REPORTER: Were you expecting a boy?

Can you tell us now?

CHARLES: No, I mean,

it doesn't matter what it was,

as long as he was all right.

REPORTER: His name is

Henry Charles Albert David,

but they're gonna call him Harry.

INTERVIEWER: Who chose the names?

DIANA: I did.

I chose William and Harry.

But Charles did the rest.

'Cause he wanted Albert and Arthur,

and I said, "No. Too old.

No, thank you."

Harry arrived, Harry was a boy.

First comment was,

"Oh, God. It's a boy."

Something inside of me closed off.

And by then I knew

he'd gone back to his lady.

But somehow we managed to have Harry.

And Harry is a complete joy

and is actually closer to his father

than perhaps William.

(piano notes playing)

- DIANA: Harry.

- CHARLES (off screen): Harry.


REPORTER: Yes, four hands,

two princes, and a piano.


Harry, don't tread on my toes.

REPORTER: It's a photo session

at Kensington Palace,

with the Prince and Princess

of Wales and family.

- DIANA (off screen): Louder.

- CHARLES (off screen): Louder.


And then there was an ITV film.


I was basically bribed to do that.

First of all...

American network was going

to do it for Operation Raleigh

and they were going to raise

some incredible amount of money

and I said I didn't want to do it.

And Charles said, "Okay, I'll do it."

They came back and said,

"No, no, we want both of you,

or we don't want any of you."

So I said, "No."

So they dropped Charles

and then ITN picked it up and said,

"If your wife does it with you...

we will pay you

such and such amount."

- So there was the bribe.

- INTERVIEWER: Into what?

DIANA: Into the Charities Trusts.

ALISTAIR: Well, now, two questions

that everybody will

want to have answered.

What do you say

when you read in the papers

that you are a determined,

domineering woman?

DIANA: I don't always read that.

I'm... I'm...

People are very willing to tell me that.

But I don't think I am.

I'm a perfectionist with myself,

but not necessarily

with everybody else.

And those stories arose a long time ago

and have kept coming out

again and again.

But I don't think I am.

ALISTAIR (off screen):

Do you feel hurt by them?

DIANA: Well, obviously one does.

You feel very wounded,

and if it comes out, you think,

"Oh, gosh, I don't want to go out

and do my engagement this morning,

nobody wants to see me, help, panic."

But you've got to push yourself out

and remember, uh, some people,

hopefully, won't believe

everything they read about you.

Because there's far too much

about me in the newspapers,

far too much.

Horrifies me, when there's

something more important

like what goes on in hospice,

or there's been a b*mb or something,

they'll put me on the front page.

I feel underdressed.

Why don't you sit down?

- Is this for me?

- MAN: Yes.

How are you?

Nice to see you in the flesh.

- DIANA: In the flesh.

- MAN: Hmm.

DIANA: Don't look too near,

you might get a shock.

MAN: I've seen enough photos.


I know, there's too many of those.

WOMAN: Sell them

in the shop downstairs.

DIANA: Are they?

How much do you sell them for?

WOMAN: Three pounds ten

that one's going for.

DIANA: Is that all?

WOMAN: She bought it.


DIANA: Under pressure?


A lot of hard work goes into it.

I mean, how long does it take

to make something like this?

WOMAN: Well, I really don't know.

ALISTAIR: But there is a natural

and continuing interest in you.

For example, have you actually

tried to change Prince Charles

in any way since you got married?

DIANA: Not at all.

I mean, obviously, there were

one or two things that,

maybe the odd tie or something,

but nothing...

- CHARLES: Shoes.

- DIANA: Shoes.

We won't go any further.

But, that-that, but-but...

nothing dramatic.

- I...

- (laughs)

MAN: Just in case you fell in.

DIANA: This is what Samantha Fox

must feel like.


DIANA: They followed us around

for 18 months.

Very strange.

DIANA: I think you must...

Can I sit down here?

It's all right?

Who's that?


MAN (off screen):

I thought you might ask that.

DIANA: Who's that?

Who does she belong to?


ALISTAIR (off screen):

Now, you both like skiing.

And yet, every year,

it has become a regular,

you don't appear to hit it off

exactly eye to eye on the slopes.

What is the secret of this?

- You two read the papers.

- (Diana laughs)

CHARLES: Not if I can help it.

I suspect most husbands and wives

find that they often have arguments.

DIANA: But we don't!

CHARLES: No, no, no.

But occasionally we do.

- Because I mean, I, I...

- DIANA: No, we don't.

- CHARLES: I-I, you know, I...

- (Alistair laughing)

I go on longer sometimes.

DIANA: Yes, but I'm faster.

(Alistair laughing)

CHARLES: There we are.

ALISTAIR: Of course, some people

say that you're so slim

you probably don't eat enough anyway.

DIANA: When we go on an engagement,

if it's a lunchtime one,

we often have a buffet lunch,

so we can get around

the enormous amount of people

there sometimes are.

So it's impossible to talk

and eat at the same time.

So you end up chasing a bit

of chicken around the plate,

and then never getting anything yourself.

And by the time you get home,

certainly there's no time,

you're rushing off somewhere else.

But I'm never on what's called a diet.

Maybe I'm so scrawny is

because I take so much exercise.

Don't know.

INTERVIEWER: In what way was the Queen

involved with doctors of your bulimia?

- DIANA: None.

- INTERVIEWER: None at all?

DIANA: None at all.


Did she know about it at all?


She indicated to me that she thought

that was the reason why

our marriage had gone downhill

was because Charles was having such

a difficult time with Diana's bulimia.


Right. Did she indicate that to you?

DIANA: Yes, she told me that.

She hung the coat on the hook,

so to speak.

And it made me realize

that they all saw that

as the cause of

the marriage [problems]

not one of the symptoms of the marriage.

INTERVIEWER: Any wise heads during

the whole thing that were helpful?

DIANA: I think a lot of people tried

'cause they saw

that something was going wrong.

But nobody actually,

I never leant on anyone.

Especially... None of my family

knew about this at all.

After five years of being married,

my sister Jane came up to see me,

and I had a V-neck on.

She said, "Duch, what's that

marking on your chest?"

I said, "Oh, it's nothing."

She said, "What is it?"

And the night before,

I wanted to talk to Charles

about something,

he wouldn't listen to me,

said I was crying wolf.

So I picked up his pen knife

off his dressing table

and scratched myself

heavily down my chest

and my both thighs.

There was a lot of blood.

DIANA: And it hadn't made

any reaction whatsoever to him.

And she went for me, she said,

"You mustn't let this side down..."

And I turned on her and I said,

"Give me some credit...

that I haven't troubled any of you

in my family for five years about this."

And, obviously, their perception

is very different now.

They're annoyed by

the lack of support from him.

CHARLES: It's a particular pleasure

to be able to introduce

my wife to this great Pacific province

and to let her see...


and to let her see for herself,

and to find out for herself

just what a warm, hearty lot you all are.


INTERVIEWER: Then things got a bit

tricky on the bulimia front.


INTERVIEWER: And the expo.

DIANA: The expo where I passed out.


DIANA: I remember,

I never fainted before in my life.

And we'd been walking around

for four hours,

we hadn't had any food.

And presumably I hadn't eaten

for days beforehand.

When I say that,

I mean food staying down.

And I remember walking around

feeling really ghastly,

and I didn't dare tell anyone

I felt ghastly

because I thought they'd think

I was whinging.

I put my arm on my husband's shoulder,

and I said, "Darling, I think

I'm about to disappear."

And slid down the side of him.

My husband told me off.

He said I could have passed out quietly

somewhere else.

And everyone was saying,

"She can't go out tonight,

she can't go out,

she must have some sleep."

Charles said, "She must go out tonight,

"otherwise there's gonna be

a sense of terrific drama.

They're gonna think there's something

really awful wrong with her."

Inside me, I knew there was

something wrong with me,

but I was too immature to voice it.

REPORTER: This afternoon,

the Prince and Princess

said farewell to BC.

They're going to Tokyo

to begin a royal tour

that includes at least five

12-hour days.

Royal officials say there are

no plans to change the schedule.

(march music playing)

INTERVIEWER: Was anyone helpful about

the press, generally?

DIANA: No, they were all running around,

they couldn't understand.

It was like a sort of

Marilyn Monroe publicity, you know?

She only had to click a heel

and the whole world was

at her feet, it was very odd.


But I'm never comfortable in it.

Never ever.

WOMAN: Princess Diana!

DIANA: I was absolutely mesmerized

by the whole thing, couldn't believe it.

WOMAN: Diana!


Diana! Please!


Please, please, please,

please, please, Diana.

Please, come on.

This will make my day, my life.

DIANA: They all thought,

"Oh, she's got lots of press,

she must be doing all right."

But that summer

I sat myself down in Scotland.

I remember saying to myself,

"Right, Diana, it's not good.

You've got to change it

right round, with this publicity."

I remember my conversation so well,

sitting by water.

I always sit by water when contemplating.

"You've got to grow up."

"You've got to be responsible."


(camera shutters clicking)

"You've got to understand that...

"you can't do what other

26 and 27-year-olds are doing.

"You've been chosen to do a position...

so you must adapt to it

and stop fighting it."

And I knew I could do it

if I chose a different angle.

REPORTER: The Princess of Wales

felt not the slightest apprehension

about her visit

to the Middlesex Hospital

and its AIDS ward.

All the speculation had centered

on whether she would wear gloves

when shaking hands

with the staff and patients.

DIANA: I'd always wanted to hug

people in hospital beds

and this particular man was so ill

so I thought, "Right, Diana, do it.

C'mon, just do it."

So I gave him an enormous hug

and it was just so touching

as he clung to me

and he cried and

it was wonderful,

it made him laugh.


REPORTER: In Britain,

the public's obsession

with the royal family

has reached new heights or lows,

depending on how you look at it.

The cause of the latest

flurry of excitement

is the rumor that Prince Charles

and Princess Diana

may be on the verge

of ending their marriage.

But whatever problems they may be having,

says Andrew Morton,

royal reporter for

the British newspaper The Star,

there's no chance

the two will get divorced.

MORTON (on phone):

They're as much likely to get divorced

as I am to get pregnant.

I would stake my life on the fact

that they would

never, ever, ever divorce.

(thunder rumbling)

REPORTER: 24 hours before

the royal visit,

parts of Carmarthen were still

under several feet of water.

Today, the floods had subsided,

as the lengthy job

of clearing up was under way.

DIANA: One of the worst things

to ever happen was when we went to Wales

after the flooding

and there'd been a tremendous amount

of press about us being apart.

And I burst into tears

when he got on the plane.

He said, "Oh God, what's the matter?"

I said, "I've had a very bad time

with the press."

Because they'd literally

haunted me or hunted me.

And he said, "Well, if you were in your

right place, none of this would happen."

Indicating that I should be

up in Scotland.

It was a real cry for help.

I wasn't just blubbing

because I'd just turned the taps on.

It was just desperation.

REPORTER: It's only the couple's

second public appearance together

in over a month.

But tomorrow, they'll go

their separate ways again.

The princess stays in London.

Prince Charles goes to Scotland.

DIANA: I said, "I choose to work,

because that's my role in life."

(indistinct chatter)

INTERVIEWER: What do you think

woke you up?

I think the bulimia, actually.

I suddenly realized

what I was going to lose if I let go.

And was it worth it?

So, that's how I got

involved with the...

shrink called Dr. Lipsedge.

Walked in, he said, "How many times

have you tried to do yourself in?"

I thought, "I don't believe

this question."

So, I heard myself say, "Four times."

I asked all these questions

and I was able to be completely honest.

He said, "I'm going to come

and see you once a week for an hour...

and we're just going

to talk it through."

He said, "There's nothing

wrong with you."

And when he said that,

a door opens.

I thought, "Well, maybe

it's not me."

And he helped me get back my self-esteem.

REPORTER: For the first

formal dinner of the visit,

the princess unveiled

another new look,

her worn up with a tiara

that clearly won the approval

of state president Von Viesecker.

The cameras were concentrating

on the princess,

interest in her clothes

replacing speculation

about the royal marriage.

And she seemed relaxed enough

to respond in informal manner

when one photographer

complimented her hairstyle.

PHOTOGRAPHER (off screen):

Your hair looks nice.

DIANA: Looks all right?

One of the bravest moments

of my entire ten years

was when we went to this ghastly party.

It was the 40th birthday party

for Camilla's sister

and nobody expected me to turn up

but again, a voice inside me said

"Just go for the hell of it."

So, I psyched myself up something awful.

I decided that I wasn't going to

kiss Camilla hello anymore.

I was going to shake hands with her.

This was my big step.

Well, he needled me

the whole way down to Ham Common.

Trying to bait me.

"Why are you coming tonight?"

Needle, needle, needle, needle

the whole way down.

I didn't bite,

but I was very, very on edge.

I walk into the house and...

stick my hand out to

Camilla for the first time

and think, "Phew, got over that."

We were all upstairs

and I was chatting away

and I suddenly noticed there was

no Camilla and no Charles upstairs.

So, this disturbs me.

So, I make my way to

go downstairs for him.

I know what I'm going

to confront myself with.

They try and stop me

from going downstairs.

"Diana, don't go down there."

"I have to go and find my husband."

I go downstairs and there's a very happy

little threesome going on downstairs.

Camilla, Charles, and some other man

who I don't really know, chatting away.

So, I thought,

"Right, this is your moment."

So, I went and sat down

and joined in the conversation

as though we were best friends.

And I said, "Camilla, I'd love

to have a word with you, if possible."

And she got really uncomfortable

and put her head down

and said, "Oh, yes, fine."

I said to the two men,

"Okay, boys...

"I'm just gonna have

a quick word with Camilla...

and I'll be up in a minute."

And they shot upstairs

like chickens with no heads

and I could feel upstairs

all hell breaking loose.

"What is she going to do?"

So, I said,

"Camilla, would you like to sit down?"

So we sat down,

and I was terrified of her.

And I said,

"Camilla, I'd just like you to know...

that I know exactly what's going on."

And she said, "I don't know

what you're talking about."

And I said, "I know what's going on

between you and Charles...

and I just want you to know that."

And she said to me,

very interesting, she said to me,

"You've got everything

you ever wanted.

"All the men in the world

fall in love with you.

You've got two beautiful children.

What more would you want?"

And I didn't believe

what she said anyway.

So I said, "I want my husband."

And she said, "Well."

And she looked down the whole time.

I said to Camilla,

"I'm sorry I'm in the way.

"I obviously am in the way...

"and it must be hell for both of you.

But I do know what is going on,

don't treat me like an idiot."

In the car on the way back,

my husband was over me like a bad rash.

I cried like I've never cried before.

It was anger, it was seven years

of pent-up anger coming out.

I cried and cried and cried.

I didn't sleep that night.

And the next morning, I woke up

and I felt different.

A shift, a tremendous shift.

I'd done something, said what I felt.

Still the old jealousy

and the anger swilling around

but it wasn't so deathly

as it had been before.

And I said to him

at the weekend three days later

I said, "Oh, darling,

I'm sure you'll want to know...

"what I said to Camilla.

"There's no secret, you may ask her.

"I just said I loved you...

and there's nothing wrong in that."


Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

One, two, three, four, five.


Think you might be interested...

DIANA: Oh, nice.

INTERVIEWER: Some quite interesting

bits and pieces in there.

Now, what's he got down here?

Questions, here we are.

What have been

the turning moments in life

that turned you from victim to victor?


Wow, love the way he says that.


Gosh, can't remember

what triggered it off.

I suppose last summer

when Sam cut my hair differently

it let out something quite different.

And when my bulimia

finished two years ago

I suddenly felt so much stronger,

mentally and physically

so I was able to...

soldier on.


I've got what my mother's got

where however bloody you're feeling,

you can put on the most

amazing show of happiness.

But what I couldn't cope

in those dark ages

was people saying it's her fault,

and I got that from everywhere,



DIANA: The system and media

starting to say it was my fault.

And I was the Marilyn Monroe of the 1980s

and that I was adoring it.

I've never, ever sat down

and said, "Hooray, how wonderful."


Because the day I do that,

we're in trouble.

I am performing a duty

as the Princess of Wales

as my time is allocated.

And if I go anywhere else,

I go somewhere else.

If life changes, it changes.

But at least when I finish my

as I see it, my 12 or 15 years

as Princess of Wales

I don't see it as any longer,

funny enough...

I know, when I turn my light off

at night, I did my best.

I always knew I would never be

the next Queen, put it that way.

And no one said that to me.

I just knew it.

REPORTER (off screen):

A very what, Your Royal Highness?

DIANA: Healing experience.

REPORTER: In what way?

DIANA: You work that out for yourself.

CHARLES (off screen):

A wiser prince than I

would've opted for a visit

to the Taj Mahal,

and the Red Fort at Agra,

which I believe is where

some at least of the greatest

pundits of the press

think I ought to be anyway,

rather than making

a greater fool of myself here.

REPORTER: As the Princess of Wales

delivered Prince Harry

to his school this morning,

the author of the book

which claims to expose

the real state of her marriage,

said he left very strong

material out of his account,

because it would have

revealed the identity

of several key sources.

The book, due to go

on sale tomorrow,

claims she made

several attempts on her life.

Not serious attempts,

but what it says were

desperate cries for help.

The author, Andrew Morton,

insisted today

that close friends of the princess

stand by the integrity of the book.

And he came on

ITN's lunchtime news

to make his first live defense

of the book on television.

MORTON: The motivation

was to tell the truth.

For once, forget the propaganda,

tell the truth

about what's really going on,

because we do face a crisis

in the House of Windsor.

It's obvious to everyone.

REPORTER (off screen): And make you,

and make you a rich man, Mr. Morton.

MORTON: Well, if that's a corollary,

then so be it.

But hopefully, people,

it struck a nerve, because it is true.

It is a true story.

It's a sympathetic account of her life.

REPORTER 1: "We are not

in the business of hyping publications"

was the only comment from

Buckingham Palace this morning.

Palace officials refused to comment

on whether they had a copy of the book,

or whether top libel lawyers

were examining the text.

REPORTER 2: The secrecy surrounding

one of the most publicized books ever

is remarkable.

The bookshops have been

straining at the bit

for a glimpse of what is arguably

the most talked-about book of all time.

The hype behind this book

is virtually unprecedented,

but according to Andrew Morton,

the story stands up.

He says Diana is a victim

who became a princess

before she became a woman,

and as a result she hit what she

herself called the dark ages.

REPORTER 3: The book serialized

in The Sunday Times today

claims it was the Prince's indifference

to his wife

that caused her chronic depression

and five separate su1c1de attempts.

REPORTER 4: At the Queen's Cup

polo tournament

in Windsor Great Park this afternoon,

all attention was

on Camilla Parker Bowles,

a long-time friend of Prince Charles,

a relationship which the book claims

sparked off jealousy in the princess.

REPORTER 5: Buckingham Palace

officials have denied once again today

that the Princess of Wales

cooperated in any way with the book,

and refuses to dignify its claims

with any further comments.

But the repercussions are continuing.

REPORTER 6: And what about

the role of Prince Charles

in this rather sad, if you say,

cry for help?


I think that Prince Charles

has a tremendous responsibility

towards the Princess of Wales,

and I think that Prince Charles

is very sad

at what has happened

to the marriage,

and he's even sadder that the princess

should have seen fit

to air the problems

in the marriage so publicly.

JUNOR: I am trying to bring some balance

to this whole story.

I think that we've had nothing

but Diana's misery

and Diana's loneliness

and Diana's side of the story.

We've heard her say

how Charles is a bad father,

how he's a bad husband, he's uncaring,

he drove her to su1c1de attempts,

and I think the time has simply

come to adjust the balance.

Prince Charles is not a cold man.

He is not an uncaring man.

The fact of the matter is

that because of Diana's illness

everything has built up in her mind.

She has created situations,

she has imagined situations.

BROKAW: Charles and Diana's

storybook wedding

has collapsed into

a royal embarrassment.

Separate lives, public scrutiny,

whispers of infidelity.

And there were signs today

that it's all getting to be

too much for the princess.

REPORTER: Royal composure

collapsed as Princess Diana,

under extraordinary media attention,

broke down in tears,

red-faced and confused.

This was a side of the princess

never seen in public.

MAN: In all that you do,

you reflect so very sincerely

the philosophy of tender, loving care,

which is and always will be

the hallmark of this hospice.


Diana appeared near tears

in her first public engagement

since a book detailing

her unhappiness

was published last week.


COURIC: It began as a royal romance,

but quickly faded.

Britain's Prince Charles

and Lady Diana.

In the latter years,

a troubled marriage

and mostly separate lives.

She reportedly described it

as a loveless misalliance.

Well, today, official word,

the union is over.

REPORTER 1: The couple will

continue to carry out

separate engagements and duties.

The Princess of Wales

has already done much

to establish herself

as a solo operator.

REPORTER 2: Whether or not

the Princess of Wales will become queen

may finally be decided

by Queen Elizabeth herself

when she chooses to abdicate.

MAN: A lot of people would question

whether she's entitled

to wear the crown.

And it's very important for us

that the dignity and the stature

of the monarchy is protected,

and I think that might well reduce it,

rather than enhance it.


If I was able to write my own script

I would say that I would

hope that my husband would go off

with his lady

and sort that out

and leave me and the children

to carry the Wales name

through to the time when William

ascends the throne.


And I'd be behind them all the way.

And I can do this job

so much better on my own.

I don't feel trapped.

MAN (off screen): Ladies and gentlemen,

Her Royal Highness,

the Princess of Wales,

would like to make a short statement.

Your Royal Highness.


DIANA: When I started

my public life 12 years ago,

I understood the media

might be interested in what I did.

I realized then their attention

would inevitably focus

on both our private and public lives.

PHOTOGRAPHER: Thank you, ma'am.

(horn honking)

DIANA: But I was not aware

of how overwhelming

that attention would become.

Excuse me.

At the end of this year,

when I've completed my diary

of official engagements,

I will be reducing

the extent of the public life

I have led so far.

My first priority will continue

to be our children,

William and Harry, who deserve

as much love and care

and attention as I am able to give.

I couldn't stand here today

and make this sort of statement

without acknowledging

the heartfelt support

I've been given by the public in general.

Your kindness and affection

has carried me through

some of the most difficult periods.

And always your love and care

has eased that journey.

And for that, I thank you

from the bottom of my heart.



REPORTER: Amid the chaos

of Luanda Airport,

a scheduled flight at the start

of an unofficial visit

for the newest and most high-profile

Red Cross volunteer.

For the first time on her own,

stepping out into the Third World,

reunited with the charity she deserted

before her divorce from Prince Charles.

DIANA: It's an enormous privilege

for me to have been

invited here to Angola

in order to assist the Red Cross

in its campaign

to ban, once and for all,

anti-personnel land mines.

REPORTER: Has the reality of Angola

been more shocking than you expected?

DIANA: Yes, I knew the statistics,

but putting a face to those figures

brought the reality home to me.

Like when I met Sandra,

the 13-year-old girl, two days ago,

who had lost her leg.

And for people like her, you know,

the rest of her life

will be very different.

But we must stop

the land mines if we can.

REPORTER (off screen):

Can we ask you that question

about your political role?

DIANA: I would've thought that

was the most important question

out of the two, I'd go for that one.

REPORTER (off screen):

What, the political one?


MAN (off screen):

No, not the political one,

you don't mean the political one.

DIANA: No, no, I mean the one saying

I'm not a political figure.

MAN: Yes, exactly.

REPORTER: Were you surprised

at the political furore

that came out as a result

of your visit here to Angola?

DIANA: It was merely a distraction,

and the fact is

I'm a humanitarian figure,

not one who is a political, political...

- Sorry, can we do that again?


(clears throat)

Were you surprised

at the political furore

that developed as a result

of your visit to Angola?

DIANA: I saw it merely as a distraction,

because I'm not a political figure,

I-I am a humanitarian figure,

and always have been

and always will be.

(helicopter blades whirring)

REPORTER: It is not

the horror of land mines

that is making the headlines back home,

but reports of the princess'

romance with Dodi Fayed.


I see myself one day living abroad.

And you once said to me

last August, you said to me,

"You're going to marry someone

who is foreign.

Or got a lot of foreign blood in them."

I thought it was always interesting, that.


Confirmation of Princess Diana's

first serious romance

since her split with Charles

will be shown in London's

Sunday Mirror tomorrow.

Paparazzi photographer

Mario Brenna is said to become

a millionaire from worldwide

sales of the sh*ts.

WHITAKER: She wants

this romance on the record,

and this is a story

that's gonna run and run

until something wonderful

or something ghastly happens.

COLTHURST: Are you optimistic

about the future?

DIANA: I have been positive

about it for some time...

though obviously there's

endless question marks.

Be quite nice to go and do things

like a weekend in Paris.

I know one day, if I play the game of life

I will be able to have those things

which I've always pined for.

And they'll be that much more special

because I'll be that much more older

and be able to appreciate

them that much more.

(siren wailing)


We interrupt this film to tell you

we are getting reports

that Diana, Princess of Wales,

has been badly injured

in a car crash in France.

REPORTER 2: Stephen Jessel,

our correspondent in Paris,

what is your view of what is now

happening at the hospital?

JESSEL (on phone): Well, I'm, I'm worried

by the lack of any news

or the lack of any statement.

One wonders if one is being told

the whole truth at the moment.

REPORTER 1: One's heart goes out,

especially to the young princes,

William and Harry.

REPORTER 2: William and Harry, indeed.

William, let's remind ourselves,

he, particularly close to his mother,

he, very sensitive young man,

hates photographers.


This is the IRN News Desk.

This message is, I repeat,

is not for public broadcast.

Diana, Princess of Wales, has died.


I know that these pictures

are being beamed

around the world

and maybe people

in some parts of the world

will think this is

quite a normal scene.

Little do they know.

In America, I know for a fact,

people have got up early

to watch live transmissions from London.

In the Far East where it's,

well, well into the day now,

late afternoon, early evening,

they're sitting watching.

Television schedules have been

cleared around the world.

This is an extraordinary view

we're seeing here.

We've never, as far as I'm aware,

seen the royal family

standing like this

at the gates

of Buckingham Palace.

Could they be intending

to walk behind the coffin?

Anything is possible today.

The word "Diana" on a huge banner

on the gate.

And no one said that mustn't be there,

you don't put posters or banners

on the gates of Buckingham Palace.

"Diana of Love."

Prince William, Earl Spencer,

Prince Harry,

and the Prince of Wales.

Almost intolerable moment

for the two boys, the two princes.

Impossible to put into words

as they take their place

behind their mother's coffin.


Of all the ironies about Diana,

perhaps the greatest was this,

a girl given the name of

the ancient goddess of hunting

was, in the end, the most hunted person

of the modern age.

She would want us today

to pledge ourselves

to protecting her beloved boys,

William and Harry,

from a similar fate.

And I do this here, Diana,

on your behalf.

Diana was the very essence

of compassion,

of duty, of style, of beauty.

All over the world, she was

a symbol of selfless humanity,

a standard bearer for the rights

of the truly downtrodden.

Someone with a natural nobility

who was classless,

and who proved in the last year

that she needed no royal title

to continue to generate

her particular brand of magic.

There is no doubt that she was

looking for a new direction

in her life at this time.

She talked endlessly of

getting away from England,

mainly because of the treatment

that she received

at the hands of the newspapers.

I don't think she ever understood

why her genuinely good intentions

were sneered at by the media,

why there appeared to be

a permanent quest on their behalf

to bring her down.

Above all, we give thanks

for the life of a woman

I'm so proud to be able to call my sister,

the unique, the complex,

the extraordinary

and irreplaceable Diana,

whose beauty

both internal and external

will never be extinguished

from our minds.

WOMAN 1: She affected everybody,

and that's everyone's way of showing it.

Laying their flowers and writing

their cards and their poems.

It's just amazing.

But she'll never know how much

she meant to everybody, really.


WOMAN 2: She was just so human,

she made so many mistakes

and just exactly like we do,

and yet she shone through it.


The public side was very different

obviously from the private side.

The public side,

they wanted a fairy princess.

Touch them and everything

will turn into gold

and all their worries

would be forgotten.

Little did they realize

that the individual

was crucifying herself inside...

because she didn't think

she was good enough.

Why me? Why all this publicity?

DIANA: I remember when I first

arrived on the scene

I always put my head down.

Now, from my point of view,

I interpret it

yes, it did look sulky.

Just so frightened

of the attention I was getting.

Head down.

The bit I can remember is that

I didn't want to do anything on my own.

I was too frightened.

I mean, the thought of meeting

anyone on my own sent tremors.

So, I stuck with whatever Charles did.

And if it included a wife, I went with him

all the way, wherever.


I was just so desperate.

I knew what was wrong with me...

but nobody else around me understood me.

I needed rest and to be

looked after inside my house

and for people to understand the torment

and the anguish going on in my head.

Because I had a smile on my face

everybody thought

I was having a wonderful time.

That's what they chose to think

and they were happier thinking that.

DIANA: It didn't get easier.

I just got used to what people required

from the Princess of Wales.

What Diana thought wasn't

going to come into it yet.


History fascinated me.

But I never anticipated I'd end up

in the system, in the books.


INTERVIEWER: Would you leave the format

of the monarchy as it is now

or would you alter it for William?

DIANA: I am altering it for him [William],

but in a subtle way.

People aren't aware of it, but I am.

Through William learning what I do

and his father, to a certain extent

he has got an insight

of what's coming his way.

He's not hidden upstairs

with the governess.

COLTHURST: What would you say

your greatest achievement has been?

DIANA: To not bow down to pressure.

You know, not let

all this chat disturb me.

It took me six years

to get comfortable in this skin.

And now...

I'm ready to go... forward.

I hug my children to death.

I get in bed with them at night

and hug them, and I always say,

"Who loves you most

in the whole wide world?"

And they always say, "Mommy," you know.

And it's always that, always feed them.

It's so important.

INTERVIEWER: Did you have

any expectations looking forwards?

DIANA: I had so many dreams

as a young girl.

Hopes that my husband

would look after me,

he'd be like a father figure.

He'd support me, encourage me,

say, "Well done,"

or say, "No, it wasn't good enough."

I knew somehow I had

to keep myself very tidy

for whatever was coming my way.

I was always different.

I had always this thing inside me

that I was going somewhere different.

I didn't know why,

couldn't even talk about.

INTERVIEWER: Do you remember

the moment you fell in love?

DIANA: No... it was gradual.

It wasn't anything dramatic.

One blink and it would have gone, yes.
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