A Christmas Proposal (2021)

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A Christmas Proposal (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

[piano plays gentle intro]


Dashing through the snow

In a one-horse open sleigh

O'er the fields we go

Laughing all the way

Bells on bobtail ring

Making spirits bright

What fun it is

to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight

Oh, jingle bells,

jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh,


Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

A day or two ago

I thought I'd take a ride

And soon Miss Fanny Bright

Was seated by my side

The horse was lean

and lank...

You know, I've been his manager

for the better part of a decade,

and his voice never

ceases to amaze me.

It's Maria, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- Gabe Meyers.

It's nice to meet you, Gabe.

I have to say,

I have never worked for a man

who actually sang

for his supper.

Well, Shawn was saying

that you have

greater aspirations

than simply being

- a personal chef.

- I do.

I am saving up to create

my own line of food trucks

featuring a mix

of world cuisines.

Well, you certainly are

very good at it.

Thank you.


- [song ends]

- [cheering]

Thank you.

Did you talk to Shawn

about getting him to invest

- in your food truck?

- MARIA: Not yet.

I'm trying to figure out

the best approach.

Direct always works in my book.

I know, but I just...

I don't want to come off

as opportunistic.

It's not being opportunistic.

It's opportunity knocking.

Now, go, answer the door.


I hear you, okay?

Oh, Brook, I-I got to go.

[whispers]: I got to go.

- Sorry to interrupt.

- No.

Yeah, I have some news.

First, the good.

Your dinner was the hit

of the century.

Oh, good.

And second,

I just got confirmation

that Shawn has booked a tour

on the East Coast,

and he leaves

right after the holidays,

and we can't bring you along.


But, um... [sighs]

I quit my sous chef job

because I thought

this job would become permanent.

Yeah, that's the nature

of show business.

But I'm sure somebody

as talented as you

will have no problem

landing on their feet.


this covers you up until

the end of the month,

and Shawn added

a little something extra

on there for Christmas.

It's very generous.

Actually found it

very refreshing

you didn't try

to hit him up for money

to invest

in your food truck company.

[chuckles softly]

Merry Christmas, Maria.

Merry Christmas.

Thank you.

You know the best part

of these work parties?


- Leaving.

- [both chuckle]

Where do you like to go

when you leave?

Home, to my husband.

[Julian chuckles]

Lucky him.

- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

Oh, to be you,

hotshot lawyer by day

with a girl of the moment

by night.

What will it take for

a guy like you to settle down?

[laughs] Settle?

I don't even know

what the word means.

Well, your oldest pal

wouldn't mind finding out.

Maybe, for a change,

you could be my wingman.

Listen, I'm happy to help you

however I can assist, Manny,

but settling down

sounds like giving up.

[scoffs softly]

All right, so tell me,

with your father stepping down

as managing partner

in the New Year,

any idea of who he's naming

as his replacement?

I wouldn't be canceling

my trip to Aspen

to spend the holidays

with my family

if I didn't think

it was gonna be me.

Your brother seems confident

he's on your father's

short list.

Yeah, that's just

Bennet posturing.

I think my father's wise enough

to know that I'm

the better lawyer.

You'd think, right?

But knowing for sure

is a whole other ball game.


He's pretty tight

with Judge McKinley.

I'm seeing him tomorrow

regarding something else.

If you want, I could

casually probe the witness.

Counselor, please proceed.

[Julian chuckles]

Ding dong, merrily on high

In heaven

the bells are ringing...

Cheer up, Maria.

You know what they say.

When one door closes,

another one opens.

Yeah, well, in my case,

the car door,

if I have any chance

of chasing my food truck dreams.

See, that's your problem.

You don't chase a dream.

That means it's getting away.


Oh, profound.

Thank you, Brooklyn,

but one life-coaching class

at The Learning Annex

doesn't exactly make you

an expert on life.

Maybe not, but this

tunnel vision of yours

is definitely k*lling

your fun gene.

No, it's there.

It just, uh, laid down

- for a long winter's nap.

- Yeah, right.

Whatever happened

to the girl voted

"life of the party," huh?

I miss her.

Oh, wait, that was me.

But you were always my plus-one.

I know.

Come out with me tonight.

Rebecca's having a holiday party

with tons of singles. Huh?

- Come on, come on, come on!

- Okay, okay. Fine.

I guess it wouldn't

k*ll me to, like,

you know, take a break.


Because I already RSVP'd

for us both.

You had this planned

from the start, didn't you?

- Yes.

- Of course you did.

I'll see you later.

- Bye.

- Bye.

MANNY: Julian,

what are you still doing here?

Rushing to get out.

Uh, the last train leaves

in 30 minutes.

- Where are you headed?

- To my meeting with Judge McKinley

to find out what your fate is.

"Fate." Manny, fate is

for people without a plan.

And my plan is to use

every billable minute

on this train wisely.

Wise would be

not showing up late.

Yeah, you're right about that.

That is not the mood

I want to put my dad in.

Don't worry.

I'll make it on time.

See you.

- Oh, I love it.

- Yeah?

But the party doesn't start

for hours.

Hours I can spend cashing in

on holiday travelers

eager to get home

the weekend before Christmas.

Ah, yes.

I wish I had your work ethic

and your ability

to pull off pleats.

They always make me look

like a human shower curtain.

That is not true.

What time you want to head

to Rebecca's party?

I don't know.

She says 10:00,

but I don't want us

to give off a desperate vibe.

Got it. Well, why don't you

text me when you figure out

what time sends

a confident vibe?

["Christmas City" by Stuart

Roslyn and Matthew Foundling]

[horns honking]


Hope you enjoyed your ride

with Driven.

Happy holidays, ladies.

What? That tip might as well

be a lump of coal.

Come on.

[cell phone chimes]

[cell phone whooshes]

Maybe one more for the road.

I don't have far to go.


- Maria.

- Yeah.

Okay, great.

Uh, where do I get in?

The back or the front?

Uh, well, you're welcome

to sit in the back,

but the front has more legroom

and heated seats.

- Sold. Great.

- Okay. Do you need a hand?

No. Thank you.

All right.


- Hi.

- Wow, that was fast.

- Ah.

- [chuckles]

What, does the rideshare app

enforce a dress code now?

- [chuckles] Funny.

- [laughs]

Well, you look nice.

Thank you.

I am, uh, on my way

to a Christmas party.

And you are on your way to...

- Briar Ridge.

- Briar Ridge. Yeah.

Wow. That's like a hundred miles

outside of Seattle.

Well, I missed my last train

because of traffic.

Uh, is that gonna be a problem?

Uh, for me,

I got dressed for nothing,

and for you, you're gonna get

hit with a major surge charge.

Yeah, I'm not worried

about a surge charge,

but if we could get rolling...

Love to.

Soon as I can, I will.


Either way, it's still quicker

than the local train, so...

Welcome to help yourself

to some waters in the back.

There's candy canes

in the glove box.

That's cute.

Uh, no, actually,

I would really like

some peace and quiet

so that I can get some work done

during the drive.


What do you do?

I'm a corporate attorney.


You like it?

It has its pluses and minuses,

- like anything, I suppose.

- Hmm.

How about you? You enjoy

driving strangers around?

I do. Yeah.

Everybody has a story.

You ask them the right question,

they open up.

So you like to chitchat

while you work?

- Yeah. [laughs]

- Yeah, my, uh...

my work doesn't leave me

much time to... to chitchat.

Okay. Sure.

Not a problem.

Do you mind if

I at least call my friend,

let her know that I'm probably,

most likely not going

to show up tonight?

Yeah, I... a text

would be much quieter.

Deck the halls

with boughs of holly

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

'Tis the season to be jolly

Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la

[over car stereo]:

Don we now our gay apparel



All right.

I am officially off the clock.

Okay, so, um,

what's in Briar Ridge?

I have to go home

to spend the holidays

with my family this year.

- That sounds fun.

- [chuckles]

[sighs] How about you?

Um, my best friend

Brooklyn and I

kind of started

our own holiday tradition

since neither of us

have family to visit.

So every Christmas Eve,

we kind of splurge

and have dinner

on top of the Space Needle

and set our intentions

for the New Year.


Friends, they are the...

the family you get to pick.

Some of us have no choice.

Uh, what's this?

I'm a personal chef,

and that is my future.

You want to own a food truck?

I do.

My dream is to combine

traditional food

from all over the world

and create plates

that will bring people

a little sense of home.

And I want to bring it

to wherever they are

at a price they can afford,


food truck.

You got me hungry now.

[both laugh]


Got over an hour before

my father rings the tardy bell.

Uh, I-I really don't feel

like arriving there early.

Okay. What do you want me to do?

Drive around in circles

for a couple hours?

I've got a better idea.


I can't seat you.

I don't have a table

until 10:00.

I'm sure if you check

with Paliotti,

he'll, uh...

he'll squeeze us in.

- Tell him Julian's here, please.

- Oh. Oh, oh, okay.

- JULIAN: Thank you.

- MARIA: You really don't know

what the words "can't"

and "don't" mean, do you?

I can, and I do, and I'm hungry.

Oh, Julian. Buon Natale.

[Paliotti chuckling]

Good to see you.

This is Maria.

She's a chef, as well.

Oh, you cook

and are a feast for the eyes.

What a combination.

- Oh.

- [Paliotti chuckles]

My family's been

coming here since I was a kid.


He used to think I was

- the chef on the pizza box.

- JULIAN: That's right.

I used to ask him,

"Make the face. Make the face."

[chuckles, smacks lips]


Well, do you, uh,

even have a name

for this world food truck

of yours?

I do, actually.

Pita Pan.

What? What does that even mean?

Pita Pa... It's like a...

It's just a play on words.

It's, um...

It's terrible.

That's what it is.

It's terrible.

I mean, you need something

that speaks about

what you're doing,

something that embodies

your concept.

You know,

something like Pangaea.

That's a word that describes

when all of the continents

were together, right?

That's what you're trying to do

with your food on one plate.

Bring it all together. Pangaea.

- Pangaea?

- Yeah.

Okay. I will, uh...

I will consider that

when my dream finally

becomes reality.

- You're welcome.

- [cell phone chimes]

You know, I've kind of noticed

you don't exactly

seem excited to get home

to your family for the holidays.


You know, my family's tradition

has become about sitting around

with pasted smiles

on their faces.

Well, if you don't mind me

asking, then why are you going?

My father is stepping down

as head of our family firm,

and he's going to name

his successor

at a client's big

Christmas Eve Gala, so...

[chuckles]: Mostly,

I'm going to remind my father

that I'm a better lawyer

than my brother Bennet.

Here I was thinking

you were excited

to spend the holidays

with the folks.

- No.

- [cell phone ringing]

- Sorry, I have to take this.

- Sure.


one chef to another,

how was the fettuccine?

My grandmother's recipe.


I have a question.

MANNY: Your dad thinks

you're an incredible lawyer,

but he's not sure you're ready

to become managing partner.

What does that mean?

Not ready?

He feels the position

needs to cast

a more mature light.

More mature light?

What? What, like married?

And if you wanted to give

the menu a... a holiday flair,

you could do something like

puree roasted beets

with the Alfredo sauce

and then sprinkle

with a little goat cheese

on top,

and that would make a...

a festive winter alternative

kind of vibe.

So he's going

with my brother Bennet?


I cannot confirm or deny, but...

it looks like

he's leaning that way.

Thanks, Manny.

My brother Bennet, he's been

trying to one-up me for years.

Now he's trying to play the

whole "married with kids" angle

to win over my father.

Are you sure that's why

he's picking him over you?

I'm twice the lawyer

that he is... twice the lawyer...

but for my parents,

it's-it's all about image.

Always has been.

They wanted me to get married

right after

- I graduated law school.

- [cell phone chimes]


Perfect timing.

"Hey, it's Mom.

We're headed to the airport...

me, your father and Bennet...

to pick up Daphne."

Yeah. All right.

"See you soon. And by the way,

I've got a big surprise

for you all this Christmas."


What-what does that mean?

It means that

I'm quitting the firm

and I'm taking

my clients with me.

New Year, new me.

Just because this turned

into a holiday downer for me

doesn't mean that I'm gonna

pass my loss on to you, so...

Ho, ho, ho. There you go.

A little something extra

for your Christmas stocking.

Thank you.

I'll, uh, get your stuff.

Hey, I-I can...

I can get it.

I got it.

Hey, Julian, again, um,

I know this is

none of my business,

but whenever I get upset,

I wait at least a day

- before making a decision.

- You're right, Maria.

It-it's not your business.

Look, I appreciate the concern,

but you don't know my family.

Fine. All I'm saying is

maybe take a little bit of time

and-and let fate be your guide.


You really are one of those

people that just always tries

to find the best in others.

That must be so disappointing.

- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

[lock beeps]

[engine starts]

[vehicle driving away]


[cell phone chimes]

Seriously, Julian?


["Carol of the Bells"

by Warren Dean Flandez playing]





Hark, how the bells


Sweet silver bells

all seem to say


Throw cares away...

You left your phone in my car.

Bringing good cheer

to young and old

Meek and the bold

Ding, dong, ding, dong

That is their song

With joyful ring

All caroling


One seems to hear

words of good cheer

From everywhere

Filling the air

Oh, how they pound

Raising the sound

O'er hill and dale

Telling their tale

Gaily they ring

while people sing


Songs of good cheer

Christmas is here

Merry, merry, merry, merry,

merry Christmas



He left the door open.



Must be his rental car.

He's probably

just getting settled.

WOMAN: Still no reason

to leave the door open.

Anyone care for an aperitif?


Hi. Um, who are you?

Um, I'm Maria.

Oh, she must be

Julian's surprise.

Hi. I'm Helena Diaz.

Uh, this is my husband Charles.

An absolute pleasure.

And, uh, this is our son...

- Bennet. - BENNET: Yes. I see

my brother has told you

about me...

I hope some of it good.

Bennet, be a dear

and get some eggnog

- for our guest.

- Oh...

Daphne, this is Maria,

Julian's girlfriend.

- Actually...

- What? I had no idea.

Oh, it totally makes sense,


The only way that Julian would

ever get involved with somebody

is seriously on the down-low.

Oh, where are our manners?

Please, let's go into

the living room and sit down.

If I could just find Julian

and-and give him his phone.

Oh, he can wait for his phone

while we get acquainted.


So, Maria,

please tell us about yourself.

Sure. Okay, uh, j-just...

First, there-there's been

a tiny misunderstanding.


Ah, where have you been?

And why have you been hiding

your charming girlfriend?

I beg your pardon?

We were just about to get

to know your little surprise.

Uh, what has Maria told you?

Not much other than

her first name.


Yes, but she seems delightful.

I'm dying to know more.

How long have you two

been seeing one another?

- Not long, uh...

- What?

But it's not about the length.

Rather... it's about

the quality of the time.

Right, uh, Maria showed up

right when I needed her, and...

and since then, we've been

practically inseparable.


I-I wouldn't say that.

CHARLES: Julian, when

you said you had a surprise,

I had no idea

that it would be this.

Oh, it's-it's kind of like

Maria was telling me tonight

after dinner at Paliotti's.

Sometimes in life,

you just have to let fate

be your guide.

DAPHNE: He took you

to dinner at Paliotti's?

Wow, must be pretty serious.

[Julian chuckles]

Well, Maria's

a budding entrepreneur.

She's a personal chef

with a dream of having

a line of food trucks.


You mean like a roach coach?

Really, Bennet?

Why do you have to always try

to belittle everything?

Why so sensitive, Jules?

Didn't mean to offend anyone.

JULIAN: Well, then stop

interrupting and allow Maria

to continue telling us

about her Pangaea food truck.

Pita Pan. It's Pita Pan.

And, uh, actually,

food trucks are a great way

for chefs to share their passion

without the sky-high rents

and huge overhead.

I think that's

rather industrious.

Good for you.

Thank you.

Food's always been

a passion of mine.

And now a second passion

of my own.

How sweet.

- Julian, can I...

- Oh, I'm so sorry.

You know, Maria's a little

peaked from the long drive,

and I told her I would

get her an aspirin.

Um, why don't you come with me?



Anything to steal a kiss.

All right,

what is going on down there?

Your family thinks

that I'm your big surprise,

and you are going along

with the lie.


I haven't lied.

They asked how long

we've been seeing each other.

"Not long." That's true.

Have we been inseparable

the last few hours?


I'm letting fate be my guide.

Wow, you are such a lawyer.

Look, my family seems to be

in love with you

for some reason.

And now you're blaming this

on me?

The only thing

that I am guilty of

is coming back here

to return your phone.

Don't you see that's fate?

You could be the key

to me clinching

managing partner,

and I won't have to quit.

I'm not gonna lie.

I'm not asking you to.

I'm just saying go along

with their assumption

through the Christmas holiday.

You scratch my dream,

I'll scratch yours.

How about I make a sizable

investment in Pangaea?

Pita Pan.


And you can't be serious.

Oh, I am. Name your price.

No, this is crazy.

Says who?

Trade in your dreary

holiday plans

and come spend Christmas week

with the Diaz family.

Besides, I-I can't

let you go now.

It's snowing.

I mean, th-that would be

reckless and irresponsible

and a slap in the face

to what is quite obviously fate.

Okay, just knock it off,

Julian, all right?

This isn't like trying

to get a table at

your favorite restaurant,

so stop trying to fast-talk me.

I will stay one night,

and I will think about it,

and we will see

how I feel about it tomorrow.



Luckily, I had some

dirty gym sweats in my bag.

And unluckily, all I had

were dirty gym sweats in my bag.

Great... another situation we can

quickly remedy in the morning.

Um, slow your roll,

counselor, okay?

I only agreed

to spend the night.

Right. Yeah.


So good night.

Yeah. Good night.

What am I gonna tell my parents

about us sleeping

in separate bedrooms?

Tell them I'm old-fashioned.



That's great. That's...

They're gonna like you

even more.


Make yourself at home.


Make myself at home.

Oh, I'm not angry, Maria,

just disappointed.

Not so much with you but...

with the turnout

at Rebecca's party.

It was eight singles, all right?

Eight. All women.

Ugh, well, I'm still really

sorry I wasn't there with you.



you would not believe

the night that I am having.


So it turns out

that the last ride I picked up

is this big-shot attorney

who wants me to stay

at his family's place

in Briar Ridge

and pretend to be his girlfriend

to help him land

a job promotion,

and in exchange,

he will invest in my food truck.



What? Wow.

Looky who hit

the holiday Powerball.

Brooklyn, where exactly

does your moral compass land?

I'm-I'm, like, having

a crisis of conscience here.

Oh, come on, he's asking you

to play a part,

not drive the getaway car.


But I just keep hearing

my mom's voice in my head

reminding me about

the importance of honesty.

Honesty is reserved

for nuns and suckers.

So, Sister Maria,

does this hotshot have a name?

Julian Diaz.

[Brooklyn laughs]

Well, I could

definitely play Juliet

to that Romeo for a few days.

Yeah, well,

looks can be deceiving.

He's kind of a jerk.

He has that whole, like,

lawyer thing working for him.

Right, and you've got that whole

starving dreamer thing

not so working for you.

I don't know, Brooklyn,

I just...

I don't...

I don't know about this.

Oh, come on.

For once, quit living your life

in the slow lane

and finally take a chance.


[birds chirping]


It's Christmas

And the magic is in the air.

You certainly were up early.

And a lot more chipper

than usual.

Yeah, well,

I've got a big day planned

and not a moment to waste.



Picked up some goodies

for everyone. Joy.

Aw, how thoughtful.

Hey, what's in the bags?

Uh, just an outfit and

some things I got for Maria.

Oh, yeah, I noticed

that she packs light.

Unlike your wife, yes.

By the way,

where are Cindy and the kids?

Oh, they're spending

Christmas Eve

with her mom in Seattle,

but they'll be here

for Christmas Day.

Ah. Wonderful.

I can't wait to see kids.

[Bennet scoffs quietly]


Come in.

Good morning, sunshine.

Okay, just take it easy.

I'm not exactly

a morning person, so...

I didn't sleep

at all last night.

Finally. Crisis of conscience?


I was having

some serious concerns

about our little charade.

I might have been naive in

thinking two perfect strangers

could pull off something

of this magnitude.

Well, it's nice to see

your common sense

is making a comeback.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

I have a proposal.

In order to make

this thing work,

we need to create a history

that's rooted in truth.

Otherwise, the whole thing

will unravel.

The devil's in the details.

Why do I get the feeling

the devil before me

has figured out the details?

Oh, you already know me so well.


[door closes]

- [Bennet chuckles]


- Good morning, Maria.

- Morning.


I trust a good night's sleep

has you feeling

more like yourself?

Definitely a step

in the right direction.

Good. Would you like a coffee?

Oh, I would love...

Oh, we will get coffee

on our way.

We're headed for a cross-country

skiing adventure

- at Fiddler Park.

- BENNET: Fiddler Park?

That's like a five-mile trek.


Ten, round trip.

Does anyone want to tag along?

- [Bennet scoffs]

- JULIAN: Okay.

I guess it's just

you and me, then.

See you.


Cross-country skiing?


Okay, just stop. I...

First of all,

I really need coffee, okay?

Secondly, are we really

going cross-country skiing?

If I said it, it's true-ish.

- Here we go.

- Look, Maria,

you're just going to have

to trust me on this one.

I am confident

that I figured out

a way to pull

this whole thing off.

But I already explained to you

that I'm...

- I'm not gonna lie.

- And you won't have to.

Anyone asks you about

our whirlwind romance,

you'll mean every word of it.


Get ready for the biggest

power date of your life.


Okay, so if I do

go along with this, what's next?

JULIAN: Trading in

our skis for snowshoes,

and we are on to our first date.


I don't think that counted

as cross-country skiing.

All we did was stand in the snow

for a quick selfie.

Yeah, in our skis, okay?

Look, I didn't become

a very successful lawyer

without mastering

how to maneuver

within the oh-so-narrow lines

of the truth.

I noticed.

Yeah. Look.

We've got a lot

to accomplish in one day.

We've got to complete

our entire dating narrative.

Oh, our dating narrative?

Yeah, like our history,

like how we met.

I picked you up

at the train station.

- Remember?

- That could be troublesome.

Okay, why don't we just say

we met by chance?

I mean, that's true.

[Maria sighs]

Have you ever been

on one of those horrible

coffee first dates?

- Oh, aren't they all?

- Perfect.

So now you have

a frame of reference.

Anybody asks,

you just say we met by chance

and let me color in the rest.

Let's put the crayons down,


and stick to reality, shall we?

So this is our first date?

As a matter of fact, yes.

Me being an avid outdoorsman,

I invited you out

for a little

snowshoeing adventure.

I don't snowshoe.

You resisted,

but I coaxed you out

by promising not

to let you fall.

Mm-hmm. And I believed you?

You're here.

[Julian chuckles]

Shall we?


Uh-huh. Go ahead, just walk.

Yeah, just walk.

Yeah. There you go.

Well, I guess this is

where I told you

I first discovered

your superpower,

your power of persuasion.

Mm, that's true.

I do know how to get what I want

when I put my mind to it.

I'm catching on.

Quickly, I might add.

- Well... [laughs]

- Huh? Look at you.

So, first dates are

all about discovery.

Tell me about

your last boyfriend.



We have to go back

to the archives for that one.

Two years ago.

Heartbreaker or heartbroken?


It's one of those relationships

you stay in

past the expiration date.

Because I knew

it wasn't true love

when I saw he didn't share

my passion for life.

I can see that.

I mean, you're definitely

an "all in or nothing at all"

type of gal.

Very perceptive, counselor.

I am.

Anyway, one day, I woke up

and realized we were just

better friends than soul mates.


Soul mates?

You really believe

in that sort of thing?

I do, and in a voice

dripping with sarcasm,

I assume you don't.

You ever been in love?

Smitten but never bitten.

Oh, come on.

A good-looking,

successful lawyer like you?

Oh, you think

I'm good-looking, huh?

I got you.

See? Told you.

Kept my promise

I would not let you fall.

Now, onto our next date.


What's the name of that

divey little Greek place

near Pike's Market?

Aphrodite's Grill?

Yeah, the one that

you wanted me to take you to

because you kept raving

about the cuisine.

- Huh?

- I did.

- And...

- Thank you.

...what did you think

of the food?


Oh, I thought it was


Falafel. Hmm?

[Maria laughs]

And I don't want

to come baklava.


Oh. Wow.

That's when I knew

I won you over.

You made me laugh, genuinely.

Quality every woman

looks for in a man.


My turn.



But first, uh...

- Do... Do th... Do this. Um...

- What are you doing?

[Julian chuckling]



Uh-huh, and then...


- Yeah.

- Okay.

Look. See?

There's the French restaurant

that you took me to

- after we went dancing.

- Ah...

Yes. Yes.

- I remember the place.

- Uh-huh.

[Julian chuckles]

This is where the L-word

was first uttered.

Like, "I..."

Wow. Thankfully,

I know the Heimlich, because

you seem to be choking on those

words, even playing pretend.



So, seeing that you would

never be the first one

to utter those words,

I confronted you.


I said, "Julian...

"I know that I don't know

"where this is heading...

I don't...

"but I can't seem

to get you off my mind.


I love you."




JULIAN [laughing]:

Yeah. Yeah.

Thank you. Well, now it's true

that I said it,

so let's just hope your parents

never ask if I meant it.

Ah, okay, I see now you're

doing the lawyering thing.

This is good.

- Pretty good.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- All right.

We got another memory

- locked for life.

- Uh-huh.

- Shall we create some more?

- Why not?

Christmastime is

the very best time

To take my baby dancing

Sing along now,

let the church bells ring

Ding dong singalong, boo

We'll be kissing

by the mistletoe

Covered by the amber glow

underneath the sugarplum sky

Sing along now,

let the church bells ring

Ding dong singalong, boo

We all need somebody to hold

'Cause the streets outside

are frightfully cold

Christmastime is

a wonderful time

Ding dong singalong

Ding dong singalong, boo.

So, don't take this

the right way,

but today was almost fun.

- More like exhausting.

- [chuckles]

Forgot how much work goes

into building a relationship.


So... you want to recap

our greatest hits?


You hate the nickname Jules

ever since your brother

started calling you that

when you were kids.

Your idea of heaven

is warm apple pie,

vanilla ice cream

and cheddar cheese.

- [chair slides]

- Thank you.

And the quality you despise most

in people is insecurity.

That's true.

You are an only child,

and you consider Brooklyn

your ride-or-die, your sister.

And, uh, your love of cooking

came from all the time you spent

in the kitchen

with your mom and dad.

And the word that you hate most

in the entire English language

- is "ointment."

- Oh...

[Julian laughs]

Come on, it sounds gross.

Why not "medicated lotion,"

you know?

[Maria laughs]

Do you really think

we can pull this off?

I think there's only one way

to find out.

I need to make an app-ointment

for dinner with my family

at a fancy restaurant.

Actually, I have a better idea.

- MARIA: Here you go.

- Ooh. Maria...


This smells positively divine.


And what heavenly feast do you

have in store for us tonight?

All right, we have slow-braised

Persian lamb shanks,

silky-smooth whipped potatoes

- with a hint of Irish whiskey...

- [camera clicks]

...and Moroccan-spiced

baby carrots.

Uh, actually, first,

before we get started,

if you wouldn't mind,

would everyone kindly put

your phones on silent

and place them

into this bread basket.

What? Jules, what are we,

in the fifth grade?

Hey, I think what Maria

is trying to get at...

Uh, I've got it, Julian.

- Thank you.

- JULIAN: Yeah.

The way we did it

in my home growing up,

dinner was no distractions,

no interruptions,

nothing to keep us from enjoying

what was right in front of us:

food and each other.

So, what do you say?

Boom. Mic drop.


It's a small sacrifice

I think we all can make,

considering your hard work

- in the kitchen.

- MARIA: Thank you.

There you go.

Thank you.

Okay, on that note,

buen provecho.


Buen provecho.

So, how did you two meet?

It was a mission of mercy,


Maria was on one of those

horrible coffee dates,

and I was waiting for my latte,

watching this poor guy flounder.

I felt it my moral duty

to put the date

out of its misery

and save them both.

That's Julian's version

of events.

So, tell the truth.

First time

that you met my brother,

he seem a tad, uh,

full of himself?



No, actually,

I wouldn't say that.

Um, the first thing

I can recall is thinking

that his smile was

a bit disarming.

That was all I needed.


Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought I put it on silent.

Oh, it's Bill.


Mm. Bill Pendergast.

He's our dad's oldest client.

He owns

the Pendergast Tool empire.

BENNET: Which also

makes him the richest.

Por favor.

- Um, if it's important, you should get it.

- CHARLES: No, no, no, no.

I'm gonna call him back

right after I finish

this beautiful meal.


Maria, Julian must have told you

all about Uncle Bill, right?

I mean, he's like

part of the family.


Pendergast Hardware.

Uh, he's the host

of the Christmas Eve Gala

for children in need.

Right. I'm really

looking forward to meeting him.

Yes, after his wife

Gretchen passed,

Helena has been helping him

plan the event.


Oh, speaking of which, Maria,

given your culinary expertise,

h-how would you feel

about helping me coordinate

with the gala center?

I-I would be honored.


I'll cheers to that.

- Cheers. Salud.

- Salud.


Thank you so much

for this wonderful dinner.

Oh, it was my pleasure.

And I hope I didn't

overstep any bounds.

My mom and dad always felt

dinnertime was sacred.

No. It's wise.

Your parents live in Seattle?

Actually, my mom passed away

when I was in high school,

and my dad when I was

a junior in college.

Oh. I'm sorry.

You poor dear.

Oh, it's-it's okay. Thanks.

Everything all right, Dad?

Well, Bill just discovered

that shareholders are trying

to push through

a hostile takeover

during the Christmas holiday.

He could lose Pendergast

Tools and Hardware.

Home Etcetera has been

looking to buy

Uncle Bill's company for years.

He's always been

unwilling to sell.

BENNET: Unless we can

figure out a legal maneuver,

this could force his hand.

CHARLES: He wants us to

meet with him tomorrow morning

to discuss a plan of attack.

And, Julian,

I'd like you to be there.

Of course.

But, Dad,

I'm Bill's point person.


He's a client of the firm.

We all work for him.

Besides, with the recent

change of events,

I could use a fresh perspective.

Cool. Well, that'll give

us girls the day to hang out.



Did you see Bennet's face

when my father invited me

to meet with Pendergast?

[chuckles] This is a huge step

in the right direction.

This means that

my plan is working.

Okay. Yeah.

Did your plan involve me

being left alone

with your sister?

You need to come with me,

because what-what if

I say the wrong thing

and screw it up?

Hey, hey. Relax.

Okay? You've got

two and a half more days

to realize your dream.

Just keep being yourself,

and you'll be fine.

No, I will be fine when

this whole charade is just over.

We've presented almost

a perfect case, counselor.

Look at this

as our closing argument.

Yeah, well, if that's the case,

how about you, uh,

take it to chambers?


- [chuckles]: Yeah.

- [laughing]

- I'm a fan of legal dramas.

- [laughs]: Yeah.

And after the day we had today,

I am just ready to collapse.

By the way, stellar work today.

Yeah. I mean,

if you were any better,

- I'd kiss you good night.

- Hmm.

Fat chance, Julian.

I'm off the clock.



All I'm saying, Bill,

is maybe it's time

you consider selling.

And let them destroy everything

the Pendergast name stands for?

Forget it.

In that case, our only option

is to litigate.

State of Washington has

very strong antitrust laws.

Further aggression will only

serve to antagonize both sides.

I'm suggesting

a cooling-off period.

Okay, so we can

weigh out our options.

BENNET: Look, Uncle Bill,

we file suit now,

we can hang this up

in court for years,

which will send a very clear

message to the stockholders

you're not backing down.

Let's shove it

up their Christmas stockings

- and see what happens.

- Yeah.

Well, then we'll go

with Bennet's plan of attack.


We're having such a nice time.

We should have invited your mom.

No, this is much more fun.

I mean, don't get me...

don't get me wrong, okay?

I love my mother to bits,

but as far as mothers go, she

can be a little tightly wound.

- MARIA: Ah.

- DAPHNE: I like her hair,

but if I came home

with hair looking like that,

- her pearls would pop.

- Ah.

My mom used to say, if you're

comfortable with yourself,

the people who love you...

really love you...

will be, too.

I'm not so sure about that.

[Daphne clears throat]


In my senior year

in high school, I came home...


...and I told my parents

I'm gay.


"Well, if you're happy,

we're happy, dear."

That was the last thing

that they said, and it's like,

if we don't talk about it,

then it just disappears.


maybe they're waiting for you

to talk more about it.

No? I mean, communication's

a two-way street.

[scoffs] Yeah, in our house,

it's more like a dead end.


Can you keep a secret?

- Apparently.

- I put in an application

to work with

Doctors Without Borders.

So you want to go into medicine?


Honestly, I don't know.

I just know that it is not

law school in the fall.

After seeing how miserable

my brother Bennet is,

I just... I want none of it.

And my parents don't know this,

but he and his wife separated.

- I'm so sorry.

- Yeah, I know.

But please keep it between us.

He hasn't even told Julian.

I remember you from yesterday.


Has your boyfriend

finally mustered up

the courage to say

"I love you" yet?



not yet, but, uh...

but he's getting there.

- Do you, uh, want a cocoa?

- Mm-hmm.

Okay. Uh, two cocoas, please.

- You got it.

- Thanks.

- Okay.

- [both laugh]

Spill the tea.

- Okay.

- What happened with you two?

So Julian and I had

a slightly embarrassing moment

here yesterday

after I said, "I love you."

Oh, that must have left him

like a deer in headlights.

Why? Why? Why do you say that?

You're the first girl he's

fallen for since law school.

After Sarah broke his heart,

I thought he'd never recover.


Are you okay?

You haven't said two words

since you got home.

Is that so?

There, that makes five.


I get the sense we're about

to have our first fake argument.

Oh, it's a real one.

You know, I thought we agreed

to be honest with each other

during our pretend relationship.

Yeah. So?

You lied to me.

During our power date,

I asked you

if you've ever been in love,

and you said no.

Sisters never fail.

This is not about Daphne.

This is about you.

Apparently, you had

your heart broken.

So why lie about it?

Because I come

from a family where

if you don't talk about it,

it never happened.

Yeah, that seems to be

a problem around here.

[Maria scoffs]

Give me your right hand.

- It's a dictionary.

- Right hand up. Do it.

[Julian sighs]

Great. Right here.

I want the whole truth,

nothing but the truth,

so help you Webster.

So help me Webster.


What happened?

Sarah Cook.

We met our first year

of law school,

and I thought she had it all.

Brains, beauty,

X-ray vision through my bravado.

Like you, she couldn't

stand me at first,

but I wore her down

and we fell in love.

I fell in love.

After we passed the bar,

I-I took the next logical step.

I took her to Paliotti's

to celebrate, and I proposed.

And she turned you down?

And she said yes.

It was getting her to say "I do"

that was the problem.

And we were planning

the wedding,

and tensions started to rise,

and so I thought a small

justice of the peace ceremony

with just a best man

and a maid of honor

would make her happy.

But only three out of

the four of us showed up.

Well, I'm sorry.

Probably did us both a favor.

It never would have lasted.

Yeah, but that's not the point.

You believed in

happily ever after.


Long, long time ago.

You know, you're

a lot more likable

when you show

a little vulnerability.

Not that many people

could get me to do that.

Well, then I guess

we found my superpower.

For what it's worth, I'm...

I'm sorry for not being

more up-front with you.

And Voil.

The granddaddy of all

Christmas tree cookies.

So decadent, yet so simple.

- Is this your own design?

- My mom's.

That must be where you get

your passion for food from.

My best memories were always

in the kitchen with my parents.

My dad chopping,

my mom stirring,

me just watching their rhythm,

watching their dance.

They always poured

all their love

into whatever dish

they were making.

Sounds wonderful.


Those were the best times.

- Oh.

- Oh, Mom.

You got to squeeze gently

like this.


Got hands full of thumbs.

- MARIA: Yeah, there you go.

- Yeah, okay.

So, what are some of your

family Christmas traditions?

All I can think of is

putting up the Christmas tree

and Christmas Eve dinner.

And your father and I taking

you kids to see The Nutcracker.

Oh, I've never seen it.


Oh, Maria, it's so romantic.

Yeah, Mom's right.

It's pretty awesome.

"Romantic." "Awesome."

You talking about me again?

Julian, can you believe Maria's

never seen The Nutcracker?

- Oh. Lucky her.

- [chuckles]

You really do put the "hopeless"

in "hopeless romantic."

Well, after that nutcracker

of a comment,

I'm going to ask if Maria is

done with her baking tutorial,

because I'd like my better half

for the rest of the afternoon.

Uh, yeah, I-I think

we can handle it.

- Yeah.

- Great.

Okay, have fun.



I'm sorry, Daphne.

For what?

I really wish we did

more things like this

when you were growing up.

Maybe you and I would be closer.

Well, it's never too late.

You and Dad say you want me

to be happy, right?

Of course. That's what any

parent wants for their child.

Even if my idea of happy

is something

that you and Dad

could never understand?


After starting off as

a tool supply company,

my father took a gamble

and created Pendergast Hardware.

He built this building.

And I spent every hour

I wasn't in school here,

making this the best

hardware store in the state.

I, uh... I worked here, too,

for a little while.

- [laughs]: Oh.

- How could I forget?

[Julian and Pendergast


I wasn't so good at driving

the pallet jack, but...

No, but you got real good

at drywall repairs.

- And I taught you that.

- You did.

You taught me a lot, Uncle Bill.

Mostly about generosity.

Every Christmas,

the hardware store would

give away trees to families

that couldn't afford to buy one.

- That's very sweet.

- JULIAN: Yeah.

Kind of how the

Christmas Eve Gala got started.

Uncle Bill always looking for

a way to help those with less.

My wife Gretchen, she would

look forward all year long

to this occasion.

You know, my only regret is

we didn't have children

of our own.

Guess I poured my life into

this place, so... [chuckles]

And looks like

my work is never done.

- Excuse me.

- Sure.

That's Uncle Bill.

You think you can use

your superpower

to help me find a way

to get him to settle?

I mean...

look around, Julian.

Maybe all you see

is a hardware store.

But what he sees is his legacy.

Hey, fake girlfriend.

How are things shaking with you

and your handsome counselor?

The road has been bumpy,

but somehow,

we've both managed

to slip into a nice groove.

Well, that is good to hear.


And like any family,

they have their issues,

but for some reason,

they instantly warmed to me.


Although you do remember

this is just a part, right?

Come Christmas, Cinderella

comes home with a food truck

and lives happily ever single.

I know, Brooklyn.

I know. It just feels good

to be part of a family again

for the holidays,

even if it is just

for make-believe.

Well, if you weren't always

so busy working,

maybe you would find

a special someone of your own.

Okay, so... what do you think

of the new look?

Oh, jealous.

I'm still paying off

my old look.



Come in.

Uh, hey, I got to go.

I love you.


- Hey.

- Hey.

I hope I'm not

interrupting anything.

Oh, no, not at all.

I was just chatting

with Brooklyn.

Brooklyn. Great.

About that, actually...

it doesn't seem right

that I'm stealing you away from

your bestie for the holiday.

So what do you think

about inviting Brooklyn

to join us at

the Christmas Eve Gala?


You-you would do that?

We could even dial her in

with a proper ball gown.

So what's your angle?

A guy can't do something nice

without having

an ulterior motive?

Our entire arrangement

is an ulterior motive.


- Fine.

- Ah.

There's some small part of me

that was hoping

that my gesture might really

cement the fact to my parents

that you and I are serious.

The fact, counselor?

The idea...

that you and I are serious.

Thank you, Julian.


I thought you were gonna be mad.


I get it.

I told the truth,

so you're happy.


- Yeah.

- And who knows, you know?

Maybe if we're lucky,

it could turn into a habit?

- Yeah.

- Hmm?

That easily? Maybe.

Stranger things have happened.


Maria, Daphne told me

how you encouraged her

to talk to me.


I'm assuming it went well?

I can't remember the last time

we both were so honest

with each other.

I'm just so grateful you were

there to help guide her.

Anyway, I just wanted

to repay your kind gesture

with one of my own.

Oh. [sighs]

Tickets to see

The Nutcrackertomorrow.


That's so thoughtful.

JULIAN [chuckling]:

Maybe for you.

What did I do to deserve

an evening of t*rture

by Tchaikovsky?

Well, who said I was gonna

give you the extra ticket?

For your sake,

you better hope it's for me,

because you're not going

to be able to give it away.

So, how do you like

dating a lawyer?

Oh, um, it has its challenges.

Like, try winning an argument.

No, but actually, uh...

I guess one of the hardest parts

is trying to get Julian

to lower his guard.

I'm never really quite sure

what's going on behind his eyes.

Uh, with me, this pretty much

tells the whole story...

I have zero poker face...

but with Julian, not so much.

JULIAN: I'm trying

to get better at that.

And Maria is really helping me.

- Yeah. Work in progress.

- Oh, aren't we all?

So you challenge one another.

That's... that's important

in a relationship.



You took my suggestions.

Fettuccine la Maria.

- [chuckles]

- He named it after me.


- Buon Natale.

- [Maria chuckles]

- [laughs] I see Paliotti's

up to his old tricks again. - Oh!

Nothing in this world is quite

as delightful as new love.

To new love,

and to everlasting love.

- Chin-chin.

- Chin-chin.





No, Cindy, the plan was

you were gonna

bring the kids to my parents'

for Christmas.

You know what's

on the line for me here.

Look, I have to call you back.

- [phone beeps]

- [car door opens]

How are things

with the Christmas Eve Gala?

Yeah, uh, Maria helped us

nail down the menu,

and she came up with a signature

cocktail for the event.

Wow. You really are a

jack-of-all-trades, aren't you?

Well, you cook,

you plan food truck empires,

and, uh, you drive

for a rideshare app.

Oh, that. Yeah, just, um,

in between chef gigs.

- Right.

- JULIAN: Maria, I was hoping

you would join me

in town for a bit.

Sure. What's up?

I'll tell you on the way.

Okay. Let's, uh...

let's take my car.

You drive.

[cell phone chiming]

- [sighs]

- [car doors open]

That's Cindy, right?

[car doors close]

She refuses to drive down

- with the kids for Christmas.

- [engine starts]

[sighs] It's time you talk

to Mom and Dad,

tell them what's going on.

And give them a matching set

of heart att*cks?

No, thank you. I...

I can figure this out on my own.

- Just talk to them.

- [car departing]

Maria pushed me to, and it was

the best thing I ever did.

- PENDERGAST: Thank you.

- Thanks. Thanks.

- Uh, no, thank you.

- JULIAN [chuckling]: No?

[carolers singing

"We Wish You a Merry Christmas"]

I can't imagine you wanted

to meet me for, uh, chestnuts

and to listen to carolers,

so... so what's up?

Well, I was hoping to get you

in the Christmas spirit

as I presented a compromise.

- [laughs]

- [song ends]

- I figured you had an angle.

- [applause]

And Maria's here to help

soften me up, right?

No, I am just here

for moral support.

Deep down, Julian knows

what this fight for you

is really about.


It's about the Pendergast name.

It's about quality tools made

in America for almost a century.

And I spoke to the lead counsel

today at Home Etcetera,

and I told them they would

be fools to squander that brand.

And what did they say?

They agreed.

And then they proceeded

to remind me

of their endless resources

to battle us in court.

So I proposed a compromise.

If you agree to let the sale

go through,

then the Pendergast name

will live on in perpetuity

with the tool line.

That's it?


You can also maintain

the founding hardware store

right here in Briar Ridge,

with your name on it.


And you get to keep doing

what you love to do right here.


It's a good deal, Uncle Bill.

Don't confuse your pride

with what you want the most.

If they don't have your answer

by midnight Christmas Eve,

then the deal's off and, uh,

they'll let the courts decide.

Then I've got a lot

to think about.

CHARLES: Quite frankly,

Daphne, I am a little speechless.

I thought it was your dream

to become an attorney

and carry on the family legacy.

I think maybe it was your dream.

But my heart's just not in it.

Well, maybe not now,

but give it two years and...

And then what?

Be stuck in a job

I find unfulfilling?

At least you would have a degree

instead of flitting

around the world

on some

search-and-rescue mission

trying to figure out

what you're gonna do in life.

That's what you think

this is, Dad?

Me running away?

This is me running

toward a life that I want,

even if I don't know

what that is yet.

[chimes, vibrates]

[phone continues chiming,



It's just me, Dad.

CHARLES: You know, I can

take a case to the Supreme Court.

You think I'd be able to wrap

a present properly.

Bennet, you're not here

to try to sniff out

who I'm going to name

as successor

at tomorrow's gala, are you?

Actually, Dad,

I was hoping we could talk.

["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"

from The Nutcrackerplaying]

Well, I'm sorry you weren't

a big fan of the production.


It was magical.

The way Clara broke the curse

and saved the prince and they...

they fell in love.

- [chuckles]

- Go ahead, make fun. [laughs]

No, no.

I think it's sweet.

I really do. I...

Part of me was dreading going

to this thing tonight,

but seeing the ballet

through your eyes...

...pretty special.

Do you know the meaning

behind the nutcracker doll?


In the German tradition,

it's supposed to be

a symbol of good luck.

Then hopefully tonight

will be a good omen

for the news

you've been waiting for.

Hopefully... Maria.

I don't think I would've gotten

through this holiday

without you.

Well, I can't say

it hasn't been fun.

Yeah, I can't say it

hasn't been fun, either.

[engine starts]

- [horn honks]

- Oh.

Sorry. It's-it's...

- It okay?

- Yeah. It's okay.

Well, I guess we better go home.



Pita Pan.


Sweet dreams, Maria.

Merry Christmas, Briar Ridge.

- Brooklyn's in the house.

- Hello.

Brooklyn, good to see you again.


Oh, right.

Well, thank you for the invite.

Maria, special delivery.

[squeals excitedly]

- It's so good to see you.

- It's so good to be seen!

- This foyer is bigger than

our entire apartment. - Mm-hmm.

Your folks wouldn't

be interested

in renting out the whole closet,

would they?

You have to forgive Brooklyn.

She was born with no filter.

So you know I'm being real

when I say,

thank you for the gorgeous gown

you had delivered.

Oh, I'm glad you like it.

I love it! Now I just need

a Prince Charming to go with it.

Oh, Daphne.

This is Daphne, Julian's sister.

- This is Brooklyn.

- Welcome.

Thank you.

Julian, Mom and Dad are calling

a family meeting in the kitchen.

All right.

Better see what that's about.

Yeah, go. I will help

get Brooklyn settled.

[Brooklyn chuckles]

- Wow.

- What?


Wow. Are you kidding me?

Apparently, this family likes

to keep secrets.

We wanted to talk

to you all together

about an unsettling revelation

that we need to share.

HELENA: Last night,

Bennet told your father

that he and Cindy have been

separated for six months.


- I'm sorry.

- CHARLES: I assume

this is the first

you've heard of it as well.

And then there is

Daphne's desire

not to want to go to law school.

What? Really?

Good for you.

HELENA: Your father

and I want you to be able

to come to us with anything.


When did that change?

We're here to support you

no matter what.

That's what family does

for one another.

As long as it falls within

the very narrow margins

that you and Mom

have set out for us.

No more secrets.



I'm just glad Maria came along

so we can all stop

playing pretend.

Right? Pretty good, huh?

So pretty.

Okay, you seem off

for some reason.

Is there trouble

in fake paradise?


I don't know, Brooklyn.

I think maybe

I've been playing pretend

for so long

that the lines have blurred.

Oh, please don't tell me

you're falling for the guy.

I thought you said

he was a jerk.

He was at first, but I think

underneath all that bluster

there's a really good guy.

Okay, so last night,

after the ballet,

we almost kissed.

- And it was not for show.

- You "almost kissed"?

Maria, that is the exact

same thing as "didn't kiss."

Unless you wanted him

to kiss you.


Oh, my God.

You are for real in love with

your make-believe boyfriend.


What if I was?

You know, what would I do?

You have no choice.

You have to tell him

how you feel.

[scoffing laugh]

- Uh, no.

- Yes.

- No.

- Yes.

- No, Brooklyn.

- Yes.

No, that was not the plan.

- This is my fault.

- Wha...?

An almost kiss can go both ways.

For all you know,

he may feel the same.

What if he doesn't?

Well, I would rather live

with the pain of knowing

than spend the rest of my life


what might have happened

if he did.


I just got off the phone

with Pendergast.

Julian, who gave you

the authority

- to call opposing counsel?

- Y-You did what?

I saw a way to do this

that I knew

neither of you would approve.

It's a way to find

a middle ground.

BENNET: You had no right

to go behind my back.

You just couldn't resist

another chance to one-up me.

That's not what

this was about, Bennet.


Are you sure?

Seems like you two

have made a career

out of trying

to one-up each other.

Not this time, Pop.

This wasn't about me winning.

This was about me trying

to do the right thing.

Yeah, but this could explode

in our faces.

Yeah, well, I felt

it was worth the risk.

Yeah, I gave Uncle Bill

a chance to save his legacy.

And lucky for you, Bill took it.

- What?

- He did?


How did you get him to soften?

I mean, it's rare

for even a good lawyer

to settle a case where everyone

walks away happy, but this...

this was great lawyering.

Thanks, Pop.

Do me a favor, though, okay?

Next time, let's work as a team.

No more going rogue.


You can't wait too long

to talk to Julian, you know.

The statute of limitations

for an almost kiss is 24 hours.

- [Maria scoffs]

- [knocking]

Come in.



Talk to him.


- How's it going?

- Good.

Just, uh... just getting ready.

- Okay.

- Actually, Julian, I, uh...

I was hoping that we could talk.

Yeah, sure, uh, but I have

some great news first.

- Uncle Bill took the deal.

- Oh, my God.


Yes. Yes.

I'm so happy for you.

- And for Uncle Bill.

- Thanks. I-I...

I don't think

I would've been able

to convince him

without your help.

Oh. [scoffs]

You see how nice it feels

to use that superpower

of yours for good?

Yeah. [chuckles]

Okay, your turn.

Okay. Um...

Last night, when-when we were

outside of the theater...

Hey, Maria. Do you think

I can pull off a smoky eye?

[door opens]


I'll show you.

JULIAN: You were

saying about last night?

Just... thank you

for last night.

Just thank you.


- I'll see you in a little bit.

- Okay. I'm gonna...

I'm just gonna finish...

just getting ready.

[door closes]

[footsteps approaching]

Can I give you a hand with that?

I got it. Thanks.

Uh, I know you're angry

with me, Bennet,

but I never meant

to step on your toes

with the Pendergast case.

If that's your attempt

at an apology, save it.

I really am sorry, Bennet.

You know, growing up

with Dad's high expectations...


...it made us feel like

we were only ever

each other's competition.

Made it hard to see each other

as anything else.

I regret that.

And I'm really sorry

about Cindy.

Yeah, well, it is what it is.

Why don't we push

the past aside,

move forward?

And do what, be friends?

Why don't we start

with being brothers?


I guess.

Little brother

still can't tie a tie.


This is so exciting.

There's even a limo outside.

I feel like we're all going

to Christmas prom.


Well, then, shall we?

- Maria's not down yet.

- MARIA: Sorry.

I'm here.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Your mom was nice enough

to lend me a necklace.

Thank you, Helena.

I am not used to getting

dressed up like this.

Do I look okay?


Thank you.

[strings playing

"Deck the Halls"]


Here comes my favorite family.

- Merry Christmas, Maria.

- MARIA: Merry Christmas, Bill.


Thanks for coming.


And look at my beautiful


Tell me, Daphne, how goes

the law school search?


Daphne has just shared with us

that she wants to explore

some other compelling options

for now.


Helena and I are

very excited for her.


Yes, if this is what

you truly want,

we don't want

to stand in the way.

Daphne decided

to take a year off

to join Doctors Without Borders.

Oh, really?

- [Helena chuckles]

- Thanks.

Aw, you really are the best.

Wow, there are

so many people here,

and I don't know a single soul.

Accent on "single."

[laughs] You know what?

I think I can help with that.

Manny, come here for a second.

Excuse me.


Manny, I'd like you

to meet someone special.

This is Brooklyn.

Uh, B-Brooklyn like the... city.


Yes, although I think you'll

find I am a lot friendlier.

Uh, can I get you a champagne?

I thought you'd never ask.

Hmm? [exhales]


- I'm impressed.

- Yeah, well...

So, are you gonna make

matchmaking your side hustle?


Let's see how this goes first.

[laughs] True.

You're nervous.

Actually, I am.

Everything boils down

to tonight,

and the only thing

I know for sure

is that none of this would be

possible if it wasn't for you.

That's what I wanted

to talk to you about.

Yeah, I-I figured.

I-I had this ready.

Go on, uh, open it.

I left it blank

so that you could

put in the price

of the food truck

and cover your start-up costs.

I just want to help make

your dream come true, too.

I can't accept this, Julian.

Of course you can.


I trust you.

[glass clinking]

I guess this is it.


Nearly 30 years ago,

my dear friend Bill

taught me about putting

personal needs aside

for the greater good by starting

the Pendergast Foundation.

Our firm has been

a proud sponsor

for over two decades now.

And, uh,

as some of you may know,

in January, I will be stepping

down from my duties at the firm

so that my wife and I

can dedicate our lives

to more meaningful pursuits

like this one.




Christmas is a time

for counting our blessings,

something that we don't do

often enough.

And this Christmas,

a very special person

came into our lives

who made us understand

what a blessing family is.

I am extremely proud

of both my sons and my daughter

in ways I cannot even

begin to express.

And while I'm going to miss

my daily duties at the firm,

I couldn't be

more thrilled and confident

to announce that I will be

handing the reins of the firm

over to my son...

- Julian Diaz.

- [applause, cheering]

I hope you told Julian

how you feel

before getting paid

for services rendered.


I couldn't.

So, what happens at midnight?

All this vanishes,

and you go back

to being a rideshare driver?

Something about this

didn't seem right,

but I honestly never

would have suspected

that either of you

could stoop so low.

I have to admit you were good.

[scoffs softly]

Well, I don't feel very good.

What are you talking about?

Maria is Julian's

girlfriend for hire.

This whole thing

has been an act.


No, that's not true.

Tell her the truth, Maria.

I'm so sorry.

I never meant

to hurt any of you.

You... just please

give this back to him.

Can we please go?

Anybody seen Maria?

I'm sorry, Julian.


What's going on?

It appears Julian and Maria's

relationship was just for show.


What? That can't be.

Julian, is this true?

When I heard of your intent

to name Bennet managing partner,

my big surprise was gonna be

me resigning from the firm.

But after seeing how taken

you were with the thought

that Maria was my girlfriend...

...a little lie, it-it just

completely spun out of control.

All this because of a promotion?


So none of it was real?

I-I don't know anymore, okay?

I... I'm gonna make it up

to each of you, I promise.

Right now, I have to find Maria.


- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

It's nice to see a broken heart

hasn't affected your appetite.

Yeah, well, you know cooking

settles my nerves.

I felt so guilty

about what I did,

I couldn't sleep last night.

- How could I be such a fool?

- You are not a fool.

You are a big, kindhearted soul

who got hurt.

[ringtone playing]

Yeah, well, this big,

kindhearted soul

- is done with all this nonsense.

- [ringtone stops]

Come on, Maria.

You can't let one bad experience

sour you on romance.

I know.

And if I'm being

really honest with myself,

you were right in-in pushing me

to take chances.

Say that again.

Safe choices lead

to an unfulfilled life.

No, I mean the part

about me being right.


I really don't know if

happily ever after does exist,

but I-I do know one thing...

I-I will never find it...

if I stop looking.

I like the sound of that.

[vehicle approaching]


["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"

from The Nutcrackerplaying]

What are you gonna do?

Hi, Manny.

- Oh. Hey.

- BROOKLYN: Manny?



You left so quickly last night,

I-I didn't get your number.

Julian gave me a lift.

Yeah, sorry about that.

Uh, my ride-or-die

needed a ride.

["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"


Hey, they say nutcrackers are...

supposed to bring good luck.

I figured I'd take

all the help I could get.

What are you doing here?

Bringing you what's yours.

I tried calling.

You wouldn't pick up,

so I had no choice.

I don't want it.

It's yours.

Then, Julian,

I don't know what...

You can sell it, I guess,

or do whatever you want,

- but I can't accept it.

- Why not?

Because it's built on a lie,

and I don't want that.

I don't want that, either.

After you left, I apologized

to my entire family.

I came clean.

- Really?

- Really.

How'd that go?

It's a work in progress.

I bet.

So far, I got Bennet to agree

to share managing partner

duties with me.

That's generous of you.

No, it's just...

it was the right thing to do.


I also need to take back

an apology that I gave you.

When did you apologize?

I apologized for lying

about having never been in love.

It turns out that I was

telling the truth.

I thought it was love,

but the truth is that

I have never felt about anyone

the way that I do for you.

What are you...

what are you saying?

I'm in love with you, Maria.

I only hope you feel the...

The same?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Well, I guess that if

we're a for-real thing now,

then maybe we ought to have

our first real date.

- Right?

- Probably.

How about tonight?

Christmas dinner?

I feel like I can

probably make that work.

[laughs] Good.

'Cause we were all hoping

you'd say that.

- "We"?

- We.


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas.

I don't know what

you're doing to me, Maria,

but thank you.

Oh, well, this is just

the beginning.

["Christmas with You" by

Philip Panton/Tom Barnes plays]

Merry Christmas!

I'll be home

Home tonight

And we'll sit

By the fire

It's the time

Time to share

Share with friends

Laugh with family, oh

I hope our dreams come true

We'll make them together

And they'll last forever

I'll always spend

Christmas with you

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