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01x24 - Drifting

Posted: 12/12/23 14:35
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Headmaster Crane: I thought the intergalactic school conference

went quite well, wouldn't you say, Vulture?

Oh, I suppose so.

These things usually bore me to tears.

Thankfully, I brought along

enough crossword puzzles to keep me busy this time.

Too bad you didn't join us on our teachers' picnic in the South Pole Aitken Basin.

The Moon is so beautiful this time of year.

And that's another thing.

Why do they always hold these conferences on the Moon?

Why not Earth?

We're all from Earth --

What's wrong with our own planet?

Oh no! Vulture, look out!

What is that?!


[warning alarm sounding]

Sweet blazing comets!!! What's the matter?

Ava, please report!

Ava: We have lost contact with Headmaster Crane

and School Board Chairman Vulture,

who have encountered trouble

while flying home from the Moon.

Here is their last communication:


Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good.

Ava, where are they now?

Ava: Exact location is unknown.

They are somewhere in space between the Moon and Earth.

What is the meaning of this?!

Why won't our engines work?

Well, don't just stand there staring at me, you bumpkin.

Tell me what the deuce is going on? Blast!

Say something already, Crane!

Vulture, our radios are not working.

I could not hear a word you were saying.

Oh.As you know,

sound does not travel in space.

This cable connecting our helmets will allow us to converse.

Ah, good.

So, what just happened back there?

I believe we passed through a geomagnetic storm

that knocked out our power and communications.

Well, we've got to call for help!

We've got to let everyone know where we are!

Please, try and relax.

Relax? I can't relax!

I have school board business to attend to!

Companies to run! I'm a busy rocket!

I haven't time to just drift around up here.

As a wise rocket once said, we all have plenty of time.

It is what we do with it that matters.


Come. Let us work together to figure out how to solve our problem.

Dodo: What's going on? Where's Mr. Vulture?

Is he hurt? Is he okay?

I never should've let him go without me!

We're workin' on it, Dodo.

Coot: Hmm. I think I know

what happened to them.

Ava, some visual assistance, please.

Solar flares sh**ting out from the Sun's atmosphere

often cause geomagnetic storms.

They can disable satellites and spacecraft,

and can also cut off radio communication.


Headmaster Crane and Vulture

must've accidentally flown

right into the path of one of these storms.

Then we've gotta get up there and rescue them!

Wait! It's not that simple.

We don't even know where to look yet.

Robyn is right. Space is vast.

It'll be like trying to find two tiny needles in a haystack.

We should send up several teams of search parties!

We'll cover more ground that way.

An excellent idea.

Oh! Oh! I wanna go too!

Starling, I have aspecial assignment for you

right here in Stardust Bay.

You can work from the observatory,

scanning the stars through our powerful telescope.

That's just as important a job.

Oh, yaaay!!

And I'll stay here and help her!

Okay, we know Headmaster Crane and Vulture

were headed home from the Moon.

This was their flight path.

According to my calculations, when they lost power,

they'd already been traveling for about two hours,

which would roughly put them around here.

They could be anywhere in this radius.

So this is where we need to search.

Coach: Eagle's team! You're up next!

Booster rockets?Engaged.


Space visors?Down.

Blast off!!!


Once, when my engine stalled,

I re-routed my auxiliary fuel lines.

Maybe that could get us going again!

Indeed. That is exactly what I am trying to do

right... now!

It's no use.

Our engines have been off for too long

in this cold temperature. They have frozen shut.

This is an outrage!

It's -- it's unacceptable!

Surely there must be something we can do!

Since we cannot re-start our engines,

we must somehow contact our friends in Stardust Bay.

But how?

There must be some method

of letting them know where we are.

Some way of communicating with them.

Some way of...

Vulture, look behind you.

It's a communications satellite!

Hoorah, we're saved!!!

[panting, grunting]

Please, allow me.


Judging by these constellations,

this is the general area where they were last heard from.

No sign of 'em here. Maybe we should split up

and cover three different areas of space.

Good idea!

Look, Crane! It has a camera on it!

Ha ha ha! We're as good as rescued!

Hello! Our engines are frozen!

We need your help!

Hello down there!

[sighs] This satellite is not operational.

They cannot see us.

What do you mean it's not operational?

Perhaps it was damaged by the same solar flare that disabled us.

Or perhaps it is just space junk.

No! No, that's not possible!

I won't allow it!

Do you know who I am?

I'm Vulture!

Chairman of the school board!

And I order you to rescue us!

Yes, we all know who you are.

Only no one can hear you but me.

No one can see you but me.

[crying] But I want to go home!

There, there, now.

Everything will be okay.

Who's a good rocket?[sobbing]

Hey guys, look! See those tiny rockets?

Isn't that them?

Woo-hoo! We found 'em!

Come on!

[all cheer]

Uh, any sign of them?

No. Nothing. Uh-uh.

Well, we'd better keep on hunting.

[Starling coughs]

What? Did you find him?

No. Still looking.

How 'bout now? Anything? No, still not.

Are you sure you're lookin' in the right place?

Maybe you need to look someplace else.Don't you worry.

We'll find Mr. Vulture and Headmaster Crane!

Won't we, Mr. Rocket Baby?

Uh, my name isn't Mr. Rocket Baby.

No, that's Mr. Rocket Baby.

He's my best friend in the whole galaxy!


Hi, uh, nice to meet you.

My name is Dodo. I'm Mr. Vulture's personal assistant.

He's also my best friend.

Friends are really, really important to have.

I just hope he's okay.

There must be something we have overlooked.

How can we send a distress signal to Earth?

"Together, stars and solar systems form..."


Six letter word, begins with G and ends with Y.


Ah! Don't tell me!

I would have figured that out!

Oh. Sorry.

This certainly is a puzzle, too, isn't it?

I would say we're about halfway between the Moon and Earth,

so if we floated in that direction for approximately four months...

Ow. That's bright!

Please stop moving around.

The Sun is reflecting off you and blinding me!

Oh. Please forgive me.

Now where was I?

Ah, yes: "The center of our Solar System is..."

A three letter word that's the center of our Solar System.

The Sun.

Oops. Sorry, I did it again.

That's it! Vulture, the Sun!

Yes, yes, yes, I would have gotten that word, too.

No, no, no. The Sun reflected in your eyes!

That's the answer to our puzzle!

The Sun got us into this trouble,

and it will also save us!

Okay, you have my attention. How?


Hey, I see something!Mr. Vulture...

Uh, huh?

Look! Look, it's them!

Headmaster Crane and Mr. Vulture!

See? They're reflecting the sunlight

to show us where they are!

[both laughing]

[radio beeps]

Starling: We found them!

Ava will give you the orbital coordinates.



Headmaster Crane: And we never gave up hope!

We explored many different solutions.

But then, when I accidentally flashed sunlight in Vulture's eyes,

we remembered that you can use the Sun's reflection to send a signal!

Dodo: Welcome home, Boss! Am I glad to see you!

That was really smart using the Sun to solve your problem!

I should've known you'd figure out a way to save yourself!

That's why you're the boss! Ha-ha, ha-ha-ha.

Say, would you still have worried about me

if I wasn't your boss?

Are you kidding me?

You're my bestest friend in the whole galaxy!

Well, that's very nice, Dodo. Thank you.

But I am your boss,

and I need you to draw me a hot, soothing oil bath now!

My joints are k*lling me from all that tension!

Well, what are you waiting for?!

Ha, okay, Boss! Right away, Boss.

Ha-ha, that's my boss! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!