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01x16 - Dodo in Distress

Posted: 12/12/23 14:34
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!



Dodo: Mail call, Boss!

I've got all the Stardust express mail here.

Figured you should get yours first!

I like the way you think, Dodo.

Fan mail! For Headmaster Crane,

Headmaster Crane, Headmaster Crane,

Headmaster Crane, Headmaster --

Wait! Look, Boss!

Oh, never mind, it's for Headmaster Crane.

I should be getting more fan mail than him.

Does anyone even know who I am?

I know who you are!

You're Mr. Vulture!


Chairman of the school board,

only the most important rocket

in all of Stardust Bay!

♪ A friend is a friend is a friend... ♪ What is that infernal racket?

♪ Friendly, friendly, friendly, friendly, friendly friend ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la ♪

What ARE you watching?

"My Lunar Pony." Best TV show EVER!

A television show? Yup-yup.

We have a Lunar Pony Network

and a Lunar Pony satellite!

It shows "My Lunar Pony"

all day and all night long!

They're the most famous ponies in the whole galaxy!

Most famous in the whole galaxy, you say?

Find me a TV camera, Dodo!

We've got work to do!


Fifth planet from the Sun.

Largest planet in our Solar System!

Even has its own rings.

And today you Space Racers

are headed there on a new mission.Whoa!

This is my brand new Jupiter observation satellite dish.

And I need you to deliver it to Jupiter for me.

What's it do?

Satellite dishes are special tools

used to send signals over great distances.

This one is designed to give us a closer look at Jupiter.

Why not just look at Jupiter

through a long-range telescope?

Some things are too far away for us to look at,

even with a telescope, Robyn!

This new dish will orbit Jupiter

and transmit close-up pictures back here to Earth!

Eagle: Cool!

Let's do it!

[Dodo muttering]

Got it. Okay, uh, ha.


and, uh, welcome to our show --

"Stardust Bay Today with Vulture."

I am your host, Vulture.

Uhh! And I'm, uh, Dodo.

Yes, you are.

Today we'll be interviewing a very special guest.

A true friend to all of Stardust Bay...


Ahhh! Got the questions right here, Boss.

Uh, somewhere. Uh, wait.

Aha! The first one is from Starling, who asks:

"What is your favorite episode

of "My Lunar Pony?"



You're supposed to ask ME about ME!

Not about those loony ponies!

They're LUNAR ponies, Boss.

They fly all around the Moon,

spraying glitter, and sparkles, and love, and--and...

When this show goes on the air,

the name "Vulture" must ring out

from every corner of the galaxy!


But how are we gonna get on the air?

Hmm. I think I know just the thing.

This way, Dodo -- quick!

Now where did I put that?

Aha! Here it is!

This transmitter is designed

to stick to satellite dishes

and take control of their powerful signals.

But we don't HAVE a satellite.

That's why you will attach this to THEIR satellite.

Then we will use it

to beam MY new Vulture Channel

around the entire Solar System!

Ah! You're gonna be the most famous boss

in the whole galaxy, Boss!


Now get out there

and attach the transmitter

before they blast off!

And don't let anyone see you!

Ava: Launch sequence initiated in , , .

Booster rockets?Engaged!


Space visors?Down!

Blast off!

Oops. Uh-oh.

Just missed 'em, Boss.

Vulture: Then what are you waiting for, Dodo?

Follow them!

After that dish!

Just make sure no one sees you!

Ava: Space Racers are now approaching Jupiter.

Hawk: Look at all those moons!

How many are there?

One, two, three...

Ava: Sixty-seven moons are detected.

Oh. Thanks, Ava!

And there's the ring system!

Jupiter's so far away,

you can't see any rings at all from Earth.


Vulture: Dodo!

What's going on up there?

Have you planted the transmitter

on the satellite dish?

Not yet.

Just takin' a short... [panting] break, Boss.

These Racers are fast.

Eagle: Ava's found the best place

to set the dish into orbit, guys.

This way!

Ah, ah, ah-ah, ah.

Eagle: We're almost there.

Ah, ah, ah, they're so fast!

Ugh, I've lost 'em.

Where'd they go?


That way.

Okay, Coot, we're here!

Setting the dish in orbit now.

Please stand by.

Coot: Copy that, Robyn!

Standing by.

Yay! We did it! Woo-hoo!

Well done, Cadets!

The dish's scanners are sending back

all sorts of information about Jupiter.

Uh, can you remember which way it is to Jupiter, Boss?

Vulture: How can you lose

the biggest planet in the solar system?

Where are you? I'm not sure.

In fact, I think I might be a little bit...lost.


Coot: Okay, kids, I can take it from here.

Thanks for all your help!

Aye-aye, Coot! Racers out.

You heard him, guys. Let's go home!

[alarm sounds] Ava: Alert!

I am picking up a distress signal from nearby.

A distress signal? Up here?

A rocket must be in trouble!

Dodo: If anyone can hear this,

I, uh, I don't know where I am.

All: Dodo?

Eagle: What are you doing up here?

Dodo: I think I took a wrong turn, you guys!

You gotta get me outta here!

Robyn: Where are you? What do you see?

Not much! Just thick blue mist!

Eagle: Look, blue!

Dodo must be lost somewhere in there!

Ava, can you locate Dodo for us?

Please scan the blue section

of Jupiter's rings.

Ava: Unable to locate Dodo.

Composition of the rings

is too thick for my scanners to see through.

It's no use.

We'll never be able to see where he is!

Maybe we can't see Dodo,

but I bet the Jupiter observation dish can!

This dish can take better pictures of Jupiter

than any other tool we have!

Let's see if it can find Dodo inside Jupiter's ring!

Hold still, Hawky. I'm plugging the satellite directly into Ava!

Ava: Generating image of Jupiter.

Hawk: Whoa!

Ava can see everything now!

It works! I see him down there!

Great! Hawk, you stay here

and guide us to Dodo, using the dish.

Eagle, let's go!


We can barely see a thing in here!

Which way, Hawk?

A bit to your left, then straight ahead.

You're almost there!

Stay close.

When you get lost in fog like this,

you STAY lost.

Hawk: Dodo's just ahead of you now!

Dodo, where are you?

Can you shine a light beacon for us?

Over here! See?

There you are!

Oh. Boy, am I glad to see you!

I thought I'd be lost forever!

What're you doing up here, anyway?

I was... Oh, just, um...

I was running an errand and I, uh, y'know, um...

No time for that now! Let's go.

Hawk, buddy, we're heading out!

Hawk: Roger, Eagle!

Keep going straight!

Yeah! Woo! Alright!

Now that's what I call a successful mission!

All thanks to this amazing tool.

Um, I just want one last look at Jupiter before we go!

[satellite beeps] Vulture: Excellent work, Dodo!

I'm picking up the transmitter signal!

Aye-aye, Boss. Mission complete!

Coot: Great work, Racers!

That dish will teach us about the planet Jupiter

for years to come!

Vulture: Ahem, ahem.

For your fine work today, cadets,

you're invited to the grand premiere

of The Vulture Channel!


Welcome to "Stardust Bay Today with Vulture."

I am your host, Vulture...

♪ A friend is a friend, is a friend... ♪

Looks like another satellite dish

is getting mixed up with your signal.

♪ ...friendships are the blendships that never end ♪



I think the "My Lunar Pony" dish is in the way.

Those ponies are ruining everything!

Hey, at least you got your face on TV, Boss!

[cadets laughing]

