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01x12 - Mine, Mine, Mine!

Posted: 12/12/23 14:21
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

[students chattering]

[chatter continues]

Oooh, who used my towel?

Eagle, do you have my headphones?


Uh, those are my headphones!

Give 'em back!



What's all the ruckus?

I can hear you kids

all the way over at the lab!

She borrowed my fog lights and never returned them!

Where's my flight simulator?

Uh, fog lights, towel, uh...

My headphones.

He took my headphones!

What? I wouldn't need them if you didn't have my speakers!

Where's my Orbo-O orb?

Who's got it?



Okay, quiet, please, all of you!

[chatter stops]

Thank you!

We'll deal with this in the morning.

Until then, I want you all to quit yellin' and go to bed!

Aw, man.This isn't fair at all!

Good night!

I still want my Orb-O orb.


Thank you!

Coot: Attention!

Attention, everyone!

I've explained the situation to our headmaster,

and he's going to hear what you have to say.

Good morning, class.

I understand you are all having some trouble sharing.

Yes, Robyn?

It's not so much the sharing, really.

It's that wehaveto share.

I needed speakers for a group project,

but to borrow some from Eagle,

I had to loan him my headphones.

And I hardly ever get to play with my own Orb-O orb!

It's like nothing we have is really ours

because someone else might need it.

I see.

What you are feeling makes sense.

It does?It does? It does?

You cadets do almost everything together.

You have very little personal time or space to yourselves.

What you need is to have something that is yours, and yours always.

So, you are all going to pick one object

that no one else can ask you for.

Go. Now. Before class.

Find one new thing that doesn't belong to someone,

and that will be your thing.

I think you will find, though,

that sharing gains you more than what you hold tight.

We get to pick a thing?

Some kind of special tool, maybe.

It's gotta be good.


An invention, perhaps.

Just laying around the lab.

Coot! Coot! Coot!

Coot! Coot! Coot!

High-hoppin' Hale-bop! What is it?

Headmaster Crane said we could all pick one thing --

a thing that we don't have to share with anyone!

Can we have any of your old inventions?

Heh-heh, what a clever headmaster he is.

Sure. But only from that pile over there.

Everything else, I'm using.

Whoa-ho-ho, check it out!

Night vision glasses!

With these I can see in the dark!

Eagle: Oh, man!

These grippy tires stick to walls!

I know what I'm taking!

Hawk: Wow!

Look at this!

And I'm not sharing!

[all laughing]

[bell rings]

And this is mine, heh, uh, whatever it is.

These'll be so much fun.

I can climb up walls and to the top of the flight tower.

I can eat breakfast on the ceiling if I wanted!

I could drill right through an asteroid

instead of flying around!

I can read with the lights off!

All right, cadets, settle down.

We got a big day ahead of us.

We're takin' a field trip to the moon!

Actually,intothe moon --

we're gonna collect rock samples

from an underground mine up there!

Wow! Cool! Yes!

Oh my gosh! Yes!

Okay, okay! No time to waste now.

Suit up!

Booster rockets?

Hawk & Robyn: Engaged!

Wings?Hawk & Robyn: Back!

Space visors?Down!

Blast off!

Coach Pigeon: We're gonna be landing in one of the biggest craters anybody's ever seen!

It's called the South Pole-Aitkin Basin. You can't miss it!

It doesn't look like we're at the bottom of a crater.

That's because it's so big

you can't see the sides.

Whatever impacted here,

it must've been bigger than a city.

There's one important thing that ya hafta remember:

No using your jets.

This mine is full of elements that react like crazy to heat,

and our jets make heat,

so, absolutely no flyin' around.

Use your wheels.

I want you to use the buddy system.

Everyone keep an eye on two friends,

and stay close to each other.

There's all sorts of weird elements down here!

No wonder they dug this mine.

Hey! What is this metal?

I wonder if it's iron oxide, or nickel?

Look at the shape of that weird rock!

This would make a great addition

to my collection!

Hey, you guys?

Robyn: I bet it came from an asteroid or something,

maybe whatever made this big crater.

You guys!


We lost the group!

Oh, no!

We can catch up.

Wait for me!

[boosters rockets engage]

Hawk, stop!

Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good.

Quick, cadets, let's do a head count!

Ava, do you read me?

Ava: Eagle, Robyn, Hawk, come in.

Yep!We're here! Yes!

Ava: Coach Pigeon will be relieved.

Are you all right?


We're in a big cave, I think.

I can't see very far,

but the echo makes it sound really big.

Ava: Affirmative.

Stay safe.

Coach Pigeon is looking for a way to reach you.

Well, he's not going to be coming through that tunnel.

It's all full of rubble!


So now what'll we do?

We could see if there's another way back --

If we could see anything.

Robyn: Oh, duh --

I forgot all about my night vision glasses!


I can see everything now!

Whoa! This place is huge.

Be right back!

Hey, I could use my drill to dig our way out!

[drilling sound]

Look out!

Huh. That won't work.

It'd take days to drill that far anyway.

What are you guys doing?


Oh, Robyn.

Did you find anything?Nothing.

I followed the wall -- it's one big circle.

What about up? Did you look up?

I didn't think of that.

Uh, nothing.

It's like a big, round dome.

But you know what?

The top of the cave is so high,

I bet it's really close to the surface!

Ava? Ava: Yes, Robyn.

How deep are we underground?

Ava: . meters. Hmmm.

It's probably just a short way to the surface

from up there.

If we could only get up there.

I can!

My grippy tires, remember?

I can't see anything.Or dig!

Obviously, if one person had the tires...

And the glasses...

And the drill...

She could dig us outta here!


I'm not gonna just sit down here

while you're up there with my tires!

Yeah, you'll break my drill!

This is mine, remember?

I don't have to share it.

Ohhh! What's the point of having these glasses

if I don't get to use them here,

inside a dark cave?

[loud slurping]

Hey, let's draw straws! Hey, let's draw straws!

And then the two with short straws shall,

by their own free will,

share their tools with the winner.



Like I said, "she."

All right. Here ya go.

Just be sure to go slow and watch out for cracks.

They won't grip to stuff that crumbles off.

And give the drill a break every once in a while,

so it doesn't get overheated.

Okay. Thanks.

I couldn't do this without your great tools.

And we couldn't do anything alone, either.

Wish me luck!

I'm doing what you said, Eagle,

and I didn't drive over a crack!


Here I go!


Eagle:/Hawk: [coughing]

Robyn: Don't worry,

I won't let your drill get too hot, Hawk!

Very considerate! [coughing]

Coach Pigeon: Okay, you cadets all wait up here while I keep lookin'.

I'm sure there must be a tunnel somewhere.


Well, there you have it!

Robyn: Eagle, Hawk, grab on!

Yay! We're rescued!

Here ya go!

Why, thank you!

What's going on here?

Why'd they stop fighting?

Hawk: Sharing's not so bad!

We got a lot more done together

than we ever could've alone.

Would you like to sit?

Will wonders never cease.

But, uh, isn't this Eagle's spot?

Eagle: Ah, that's okay, I'm not using it!

[all laughing]