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01x42 - Three Racers and a Baby Robot

Posted: 12/12/23 14:18
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

[metallic clanking]

Hmm! I've still got a screw loose.

Oh, maybe this will...

No, still not--

Okay, this one should...

Uh-- Oh.

This is a pesky problem.

Everything alright in here?

Oh yes, it's just...

just a...

Ah! There we go!

It's a wonder you can find anything in here, Coot.

Oh, it's actually well-organized.

It just looks messy.

Yes, well, as a wise rocket once said,

"Things are sometimes more easily seen

when they are a little mixed-up."

Uh, so, what can I do for you today, Headmaster?

I just need you to take a look at my left wheel.

It's still squeaking.

Very annoying, actually.

Would you mind?

Not at all.

Here, let's have a look-see.

[Bot noises]

Uh, late for class! Late for class!

Wheels, don't fail me now!

Almost there...

There ya go, my friend.

What would we ever do without you, Coot?

Well, you'd have squeaky wheels, that's for sure!

Thank you again.

Come back anytime!

Now, what was I working on?

Was it the zero gravity stabilizer?

No, that one didn't go so well.

Hmm, what was it?

Oh yes, I remember now!

The robot, heh-heh.

The robot! Where did it go?

Oh no!

Bot, where did you go?

Oh, he's playing Hide and Seek!

No, not there...

Bot, come out, come out, wherever you are!

[Bot noise]

Everybody stretch!

We don't want any silly accidents.

Spread out now.

Robyn, how nice of you to join us today.

Sorry, Coach.

I was hoping you wouldn't notice.

[Bot noise]

Bot, where are you?

[bot noises]

Oh dear. Oh my.

Bot? Bot?!

Okay, athletes.

Make sure you're in tip-top shape

for next week's Orb-O match.

[bell rings]


Hi, Coot!

No time to talk, Robyn,

no time at all!

Very busy here. Very busy!

Well, that's odd.

Usually, he's the friendliest rocket in town.

[Bot noises]

Hey, little Bot.

Who are you?


Not sure I got that, but I have to go.

[Sad Bot noise]

Are you lost?

[Bot noise]

Well, let's get to my dorm room

and we'll figure out what to do.

Robots are machines that are built to do different jobs.

I wonder what you were built for, little Bot?



Stay! Come!

Whatever you were built for,

you're the cutest little thing I've ever seen.


I'm gonna call you... "Dinky."

Hey, Robyn, have you seen

my Celestial Navigation textbook?

Whoa, what is that?

Dinky! He's my new pet!

Wait! I thought no pets

are allowed in the dorm rooms.

He's not really a pet.

He's a robot. He followed me home.

What exactly does he do?

I'm not sure. But watch...

Dinky, sit!


Wow! Cool, right?

Dinky, come!

He's so cool!

He's great, Robyn,

but robots are designed to carry out specific tasks.

What's his job?I have no idea.

Let's figure it out. Later!

If we don't get to class they'll boot us out of next week's Orb-O game.

That would be awful.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Have you seen my Navigation book?

I think I left it in here.

He must be a retriever bot!

Thanks, Dinky!

[Bot noises]

Robyn, are we boring you?

Oh! No, Headmaster Crane!

[bell rings]No, sir.


Who cleaned up my room?

[Bot noises]

Must've been Dinky!

Way to go, Bro!

He must've learned it himself.

Well, now we know he's more than just a Retriever --

he's a housekeeping bot, too.

I bet if Dinky can learn

to retrieve and clean up,

he can learn to do lots of other things.

Dinky, wanna do my star plotting for me tonight?

[Bot noises]

A lot of robots are built to repair things.

I wonder if that's his real job?

Why don't we try an experiment?

Look! He figured out how to fix it!

Thanks, Dinky. Now my helmet visor won't slip down anymore.

So he is a repair bot, too!

Just goes to show,

the more time you spend with someone...

...the more you get to know them.

He's really smart!

I'm beginning to wonder where he came from.

I'm so glad you found me.

You sleep over there, little Bot.

I love you, Dinky.




[students chattering]

Hey, guys, anyone know

what this assembly is all about?

Nope. But Headmaster Crane

said it was pretty important.

Alright now, listen up, cadets!

We're looking for a valuable machine

that's been missing since yesterday.

Yes. A robot, to be more precise.

What does the robot look like?

He's a little fella.

Looks like an orb.

An orb with a wheel.

We need you all to scour the entire Academy.

We're splitting you into groups

to cover every inch of the school grounds.

If any of you find the robot,

please bring him to Coot's workshop immediately.

Don't worry, Coot, old pal.

We'll find him.

You three, go check the launch pad.

Coach Pigeon?Yes, Robyn,

you were late for class, I remember.

Now, you two go check out the map room.

You, and you, and you, the Zen Garden.

But Coach, I, uh...

Launch pad. Go!

Robyn, why didn't you say something?

You have to tell Coot you found Dinky

and that we have him.

Yeah, I don't want to get

in any more trouble

than we're already gonna be in.

I know.

I started to, but...

I love him.

Dinky belongs to Coot.

You have to tell him, Robyn.

I know, I know.

It's the right thing to do.

It's the only thing to do.

Robyn: Oh...

every time I see you,

I learn something new about you.

Now you're a guard robot?

[Bot noises]

Dinky, listen,

you can't stay with me anymore.

I have to take you home now.

Coot has been looking everywhere for you.

[sad Bot noise]

It's sad for me, too.

But [sniffles] it's the right thing to do.

And sometimes the right thing to do

is just really, really hard.

Yes, cadets, what can I do for you?

I think it's actually what we can do for you, sir.

We think we found your robot.

Bot! Where have you been?

I've been looking all over for you!

You had me so worried.

He followed me to my room.

Your missing Bot

has been living with us in the dorm.

We didn't know he belonged to you.

You're not mad at us, are you, Coot?

Oh my goodness, no sirree!

In fact, I'm grateful to all of you

for bringing him home safe and sound!

I named him Dinky.

Well then, Robyn, Dinky it is.

I'm going to miss him.

I loved taking care of him.

Who says you have to miss him?

You kids can come visit him anytime you like.

And, Robyn, I could actually use

a little help taking care of him.

I can't be with Dinky every minute of the day, y'know.

You think you might have some time

to help me out?

Yes, sir!

Well then, we've got a deal!

And to start with,

we'll need to figure out

just how much my little assistant knows.

At first we thought that he's a retriever bot

'cuz he finds what you're missing and brings it back to you!

He found my textbook. No kidding!

But he made a mess. Then he cleaned it up!

That's when we saw that he was a housekeeper bot, too.


And then we discovered that he can repair things.

He fixed my visor.

So he's also a repair bot.

That's true.

I built this little bot

to learn how to do all sorts of jobs.

He's really smart!

And the longer we were with him,

the more we found out about him.

It's like I always tell you cadets...

keep an open mind and there's no limit to whatcha can learn.

Heh heh heh!

Goodbye, little Bot.

Goodbye, dude.

Don't worry, Dinky,

I'll be back real soon.

Coot: Robyn, what's he doing?

Why is Dinky standing by the door?

Oh, I forgot to tell you.

He's also a guard robot.


See you tomorrow, Dinky.

Dinky, come.


Wha-what are you doing?

Are you going to stand there all night?

Dinky! Oh--
