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01x40 - Titanic Trip

Posted: 12/12/23 14:07
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Headmaster Crane: And that concludes our study of the planet Jupiter,

and its some moons.

[school bell rings]

You've got a four-day weekend coming up,

so make the most of it!

Have fun.

And try to learn something while you're at it.

We'll be studying Saturn and its moons on your return!

Sooo, you two, what's it gonna be?

What's what going to be?

You heard Headmaster Crane!

It's our duty to have some fun this weekend!

Do you have something in mind, Eagle?

You know me too well!

Wait here! What would you say to...



I love camping!

Uh, you mean, like outside?

Where else?

Just imagine...

In the day we can play Orb-O,

go swimming in a lake,

or just laze around in the grass

under a big old tree!

At night, we can have a roaring campfire

and tell spooky stories.

You know, that does sound pretty good!

But Headmaster Crane also said we should learn something.

That's the best part!

We're not gonna be camping on Earth!

I'm not so sure about this.

Why aren't we camping on Earth?

Ahh, been there, done that!

Okay, so the question is,

whereare we going camping?

Do you even have a plan?

Or did you think we'd just camp out

on the first planet we ran into?

Um, well... kind of, yeah. Eagle!

Okay, okay. I know.

It's just, I get so excited sometimes,

I forget to think.

Would you feel better if we went to...

...the library to do some research?

I was actually gonna say "play Space Tag."

But research is good, too. Let's do that.

It never hurts to plan.

We should probably find someplace

as much like Earth as possible.

We should ask Ava!

Good idea, Hawky.

Ava, can you please tell us

which body in the Solar System is most like Earth?

Ava: Calculating.

Based on the question as you have asked it,

the answer is Titan,

the largest of over moons orbiting Saturn.

I'm placing images on Robyn's Space Tablet.

Here is Titan.

And here is Earth.

Aha! Titan!

And can you tell us

why Titan is so much like Earth?

Titan is one of the only moons in our Solar System

with an atmosphere.

Titan has air, clouds, and weather, including rain.

Whoa! Cool!

So, both Earth and Titan

have an atmosphere.

That means it's blue skies and sunshine ahead!

Ava: Actually... Check! What else?

Ava: Titan has liquid lakes, rivers, and seas,

much like Earth. Perfect!

Aw, nothing like a lake or a stream to camp beside.

Checky, check, check!

Ava: The geography of Titan is also much like Earth's,

covered with mountains, valleys, and plains, but...

Sounds like we'll have plenty of scenery to look at!


There it is! Problem solved!

We're camping on Titan!

Okay, what is it now?

Um, I don't know.

Maybe we should just ask

a few more questions?

Aw, come on, Robyn, times a-wastin'!

How different from Earth could it be?

Hello, you three.

Hi, Headmaster.Hey, Headmaster.

Headmaster, we're going...To Titan!

Yes, Ava told me.

I'm very excited for you.

We did our research and Ava said

that Titan's exactly like Earth, so...

Oh, is that what she said?

Yup! I see.

Well, just for the sake of science,

would you mind keeping track

of any teensy-weensy differences

you happen to notice between Titan and Earth?

No problem!

I'll use my Space Tablet

to take notes, Headmaster.

Wonderful! Oh, and please bring

something special back for me too, won't you?

Of course, sir!Absolutely! Sure!

Booster Rockets?


Wings? Back!

Space visors? Down!


Have fun!

It should be quite the learning experience.

What should we do first?

A game of Orb-O

in the fresh air and sunshine?

Maybe a swim!

I think I'm just gonna

to find a tree to stretch out under

and read.

Man, I can't wait!


There it is, Titan!

Last one there is a rotten thruster!

The sky's orange.

Why is the sky orange?

I'm, uh, not sure.

Hey, Robyn, what are you doing?

Just making a note of the differences,

like Headmaster Crane asked us to.

Come on...

blue sky, orange sky...

what's the diff?

We're on Titan!

Pretty cool! Am I right?

Brrrr, I'd say pretty cold is more like it.

As in, really, really, cold...

as in fr-fr-freezing.


Why's it so cold, Ava?

Ava: Titan is much farther from the Sun than the Earth.

As a result, the temperature on Titan

is roughly times colder

than the coldest day on Earth.

Aw, it's just a little cold weather.

I'm sure it'll clear up in no time.

You know, this place kind of stinks.

He's right.

And whatever it is,

it seems to get stronger over in this direction.

Come on, guys!

We can't let a little stink

ruin our camping trip!

Uh, guys?


P.U.! That is awful!

Come on, it's not...




Okay, so it's bad.

Really, really bad.

Ugh! What stinks, Ava?

Ava: By "stinks," I assume you mean

that something has an unpleasant odor.

This may be due to the fact that,

though liquid is plentiful on the surface of Titan,

the liquid is not water.

So then, what is it?

Ava: A chemical compound called Methane.

You also call it "Natural Gas."

Awww. No wonder it stinks!

Egh! Let's get out of here!

I guess that rules out swimming.

I'd say.

And so much for setting up camp near a nice stream somewhere.

Alright, alright. So it's not exactly like Earth.

How about a game of Orb-O?

We should at least be able to do that.

You guys ready? Ready! Ready!

Alright! Orb in!


What's going on now, Ava?

That was my best toss!

Ava: Gravity on Titan

is only a small fraction of gravity on Earth,

but its atmosphere is much thicker.

So the Orb can go a long distance.

It just does it very slowly.

Thicker atmosphere...

lower gravity...

Okay, forget that.

Let's just set up our camp!

We're gonna have fun on this camp-out,

even if it makes us all miserable!

Are we having f-f-f-fun yet?

Yes, I'm having a gr-gr-great time.

Aren't you, H-H-Hawk?

What's f-fun again?

I c-can't remember.

Did it actually get c-c-c-colder?

Everybody just g-g-go to sleep.

It's gotta be late.

We'll just stay one night.

I'm sure this is all g-g-going to be

a lot b-b-better in the m-m-morning.

Whew! Well, it sure couldn't get much worse.

Hey, Ava,

how long is it until morning anyway?

Ava: Calculating.

Approximately hours, or about Earth days.


One day on Titan lasts roughly Earth days.

It is currently morning on Titan.

Wait, what?

But it's so...dark!

Ava: You are correct.

Titan receives much less light than Earth

due to its thick atmosphere

and greater distance from the Sun.

The actual Titanian night, however, is much, much darker.

Okay, I take it back.

N-n-now it can't get any w-w-worse.

No, see,

that's where you're wrong, Robyn.

It could s-s-s-still get w-w-worse.

How? How?

Well, it c-c-could be...

[lightening strikes]


Alright, that's it!

What are you doing?

I'm getting us warm, that's what!



C-C-Coot told me he did this once

on one of Neptune's moons.

You just get a nice-sized rock,

use your thrusters to heat it up red-hot...

and voila, instant heat!

But it's all wet, Eagle.

No worries!

One blast from my afterburners

and it'll be dry as a...

Eagle, wait!


Lemme guess. It's raining methane.

Ava: Very good, Eagle.

Methane catches fire and blows up very easily.

Yes. Thanks, Ava.

Can we please leave now?


Are you kidding?

I think the worst is behind us!

[ground shaking]

Actually, I think it might be under us!

[loud rumbling]

Ava, is this normal?

Ava: Oh, yes. It's quite normal.

Volcanoes are very common on Titan.

Volcanoes!Volcanoes! Volcanoes!

Everybody, move to high ground!

Whoa. Is

Ava: Yes. Titanian lava is thick, slushy ice.

Wow! I've heard of hot lava, but cold?

Guys, look...Saturn!


This place is nothing like Earth.

You said it.

But it is amazing.

Well, well! Back so soon.

And how was your trip?

Not exactly what we expected.

Yeah, But Titan

was still really kind of great.

Oh. How so?

It was just so beautiful,

in its own way.

And even though it had

some things in common with Earth,

it wasn't really like Earth at all.

And, well, it kind of reminds you

what an amazing place Earth is, too.


There's no place like home.

Too true.

Well, I certainly am proud of you three

for really using your eyes, ears and noses

to gather information about Titan.

The thing is, Headmaster, we kind of left in a hurry,

and, well, we didn't bring anything special back with us

like you asked.

Oh, but you did.

You brought back three much smarter Space Racers!