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01x34 - Trail Blazers

Posted: 12/12/23 14:06
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ all shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Hey, wait for me!

Oh, boy! A field trip!

I can't wait till we get there!

Hey, where are we going again?

Yeah, where are we headed, Coot?

And what's in these trailers?

Heh-heh. It's a surprise.

You'll find out soon enough!

We've been flying for ages.

Is it gonna be much farther?

Funny you should ask, Raven...

because we're here!


Wow!Look at that!

Now that's a big planet!

Racers, prepare for landing.

Coot: Wait!

Jupiter is a "gas giant."

Unlike Earth,

which is made of hard rock,

Jupiter is nearly all gas!

We couldn't land on Jupiter's surface

even if we wanted to!

And believe me, we wouldn't want to.

Jupiter is very stormy.

That red spot?

It's a storm that's been raging

for hundreds of years!

We'll be staying on this space station instead.

Heh-heh. Much safer!

Oh, I almost forgot the surprise!

Heh-heh. Follow me, cadets.

This is the surprise?

Another junk yard in space?

Heh-heh. This is no ordinary junk.

Eagle, pop your trailer!

Huh. It's empty!

Parts of old satellites and rockets

often get left behind in space.

Our job today

is to collect as much as we can

to recycle this so-called "junk" into new equipment!

It's gonna take us all day to pick this up.

Who said anything about "picking it up?"

All: Whoa!

Meet my new "space dart"!

It launches a super-strong suction-tipped rod,

which sticks to just about anything!

I get it now...

we use the dart to snare something

and then reel it in!

Usually, the right tool is all ya need!

So, who wants to go first?

I'll go!I'll go!Let me!

Some tools can be dangerous

if ya don't use them properly.

So, be careful, you two.


Two degrees left.

Down eight percent.

Steady... Now!

A direct hit!

Nice! Woo-hoo! Oh yeah!

Ha! I can do better than that!

Let's show 'em how it's done, Hawk!

Hawk: Adjust three degrees.


Left a little.

And now!

Oh, sorry, Raven. You missed.


Must have been the wind!

But there is no wind in space.

Well, then I get another turn!

[alarm sounding]

Whoa! What is that?

It's a giant Orb-O orb!

Hawk, come on, focus!

Ava, uh, can you get us a closer look at that thing?

Hawk, I believe you just discovered a new comet!

Ava: Comet: a ball of rock and ice

that travels through space at a very high speed.

Thanks, Ava.

Hawk discovered a new comet?

That's so awesome!

Where's my new comet going?

Ava: Your comet is only recently discovered.

Destination unknown.

Coot: Comets cover great distances,

and some of them have been around for a long time,

so we can learn a great deal

about the universe

from studying them and their travels.

They're kind of like an inter-galactic postcard from the past.

Right! And a great way to study a comet

is to collect a sample.

But how would we ever

get close enough?

It's moving so fast.

Coot: With Ava's maps,

we can work out where the comet is headed,

then wait for it and grab a sample!

Let's just chase after it!

Nobody can fly that fast, Raven.

You're just scared you can't keep up!

I'll get that sample, no sweat.

Just watch me catch that thing!

Huh. The right tools are all ya need.

Robyn: Could it be going this way?

Or maybe that way?

Raven: Psst! Hawk!

Hawk, over here!

Gotta be headed here.


You wanna do what?

Keep your voice down!


I don't think this thing's built

for catching comets,

just space junk and old rocket parts.

I say we should try.

Let's launch Coot's dart at the comet

and pull back a tiny sample!

What could go wrong?

Uh, I dunno, Raven.

Remember what Coot said

about tools maybe being dangerous

if we don't use them prop...

Coot says all sorts of stuff!

Come on! Let's go!

Just wait till they all find out

we got the sample!

Ha! Get ready!

Okay, down a little.


Alright! Yeah!

That's how it's done!

Uh, Raven?


Ahhhhh! Raven!

Release the dart!

You're going too fast! I can't keep up!

I don't know how!

Coot did it, remember?

I'm stuck!

Aw, lug nuts!

All done, Coot. Looks like the comet's headed for Jupiter!

Well done you two!

Do we have time to cut it off to collect a sample?

Looks like it. But we'll only get one shot --

the comet's on a collision course with Jupiter!

[alarm sounding]

[panting] Did someone just say Jupiter?

Pretty exciting, huh?

When those things hit, they really go boom!

You ever wonder how Mars

got all those bumps and dings?

Maybe they were left by comets, too.

Raven! Dart! Comet!


What did you just say, Hawk?

Raven's up there!

We launched the dart at the comet

and it got stuck!

Now he's stuck, too!


Coot: Ava, can you locate Raven for us?

Ava: Scanning space for Raven's signal.

Raven located.

Attached to comet

on collision course for Jupiter.

Raven? Hello? Raven, come in!

[coughing] Eagle?

You've gotta get outta there, Raven!

Yeah, right! [coughing]

And let you guys get the sample first?

No way!You don't understand!

That comet's going to crash into Jupiter!

But that means... so am I!


We gotta get to that comet,

release the dart and save Raven!

You mean land on the comet?

It's the only way!

If we're really fast,

we can try and intercept it before it hits Jupiter.

Come on, Space Racers. let's go!

Where is it?

Did we miss it?

Wait, Hawk.

If we calculated correctly,

the comet should be here

any minute...Now!

We've only got one chance!

This is one fast chunk of ice!

Prepare for emergency landing!

We did it!!!

We're headed right for

Jupiter's red spot!

The giant storm!

Hold on tight, guys!

This is gonna be a bumpy ride!

Raven: Whenever you're ready, Eagle!

Hang on, Raven!

We're gonna find the dart

and try to pull it free!

This way, Eagle! I see it!

Uhhh, it won't budge!

It's on too tight!

I have an idea!

Here goes nothin'!

Eagle! Aaaaah!


Hey, Eagle, need a wing?

Raven! Am I glad to see you!

We gotta go, Robyn!

The whole comet's falling apart!

Raven: Guys, I've got Eagle! Hold on tight!

We're gettin' outta here!

Now, Eagle!

Robyn: Look at the impacts the comet is making!

Whoa! We almost became part of Jupiter's history.

C'mon guys, we'd better get back to Coot!

My space dart! It's destroyed.

Sorry, Coot. I just wanted to get you a comet sample.

Well, that may be, Raven.

But you could have really gotten hurt

by not using my tools properly.

Don't youever do that again!

Heh. Look at you!

You're all covered in comet dust!

Ice, rock...

Well, I suppose we could use this.

Ha-ha. That tickles!

So you're not still mad?

I'm just glad you're okay.

It might not look like much,

but we can still learn a lot from the comet

even with this small sample.

Then whaddaya think of this, Coot?

Eagle: Now that's a comet sample!

♪ Ahhh ♪Is that...

is that...


Ahem. I mean, um, well done.

I suppose since Raven

discovered a new use for my dart,

it's lucky I brought along a spare!

Heh-heh! Now...

who's up for some more target practice?

After the day we've had?
