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01x22 - The Sweet Spot

Posted: 12/12/23 14:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

[students chattering]

Headmaster Crane: All right, class, settle down.

Who here knows what gravity is?

Gravity is the force that pulls

small things towards bigger things.


When an apple falls from a tree,

the Earth's gravity is what pulls it down to the ground.

Headmaster Crane!

Sorry to interrupt, but I need three speedy students

to make a quick run up to Fuel Station Alpha for me.

Ah, a fine opportunity to see gravity in action!

Any volunteers?

Ooh! If speed's what you need

then I'm your rocket!

Alright, racers,

I need you to take these fuel tanks

up to Fuel Station Alpha.

Uh, do you know where that is?


It's always in the same spot

between the Earth and the Moon.

We've been there a million times!

Good, because you'll have to hurry.

Coach Pigeon is returning from a flight

with some younger students

and they'll all need to refuel.

You can count on us, Coot!

Ava: Launch sequence initiated.

In , , , , ... Primary ignition.

Eagle: Booster rockets?

Robyn & Hawk: Engaged!


Space visors?Down!

Eagle: Ready?

Racers: Blast off!

Have no fear, adventure is near!

Shouldn't we be getting close?

We've been flying for a long time!

According to my odometer

we've already flown , miles.

Fuel Station Alpha should be just up ahead.

Robyn: Ha! What'd I tell you?

It's easy to find because it never moves!

Let's unload these tanks.

That should be plenty of fuel for Coach Pigeon and his class.

Speaking of class, we should probably head back.

What's the rush? We made it up here in record time,

Crane won't be expecting us back for a while.

Here, catch!

Huh, I guess we do have a little time.

Heads up, Hawk!

Hey, Eagle, go long!

Ha-ha! And it's good!

Eagle, look out!

Ohh! Ahh.

Eagle, you okay, buddy?

I -- I'm fine!

But what about...

The Fuel Station looks fine, too.

I think that's enough Orbo-O for today.

Why don't we head back and...

Uh, guys?

The Fuel Station!

After it!

Ah, it's getting too close to Earth's atmosphere.

Already starting to heat up.

Reverse thrusters!

Hawk: It's working!


Now to put this thing back where it belongs!

I think it was right about...

uh, here?Perfect!

Now let's head back

before anything else happens.

Ohhhhh, boy.

Quick! Grab it!

Hawk: I don't get it -- why does it keep falling towards Earth?

Eagle: I don't know. But now it's falling toward the Moon!


Coot to Eagle. Come in, Eagle.

Everything okay up there?

Uh, yep!

Everything's fine, Coot.

We've delivered the fuel

and the station is definitely

not falling out of place.

Nope! It's staying

right where it's supposed to.

Eh, well, that's good to hear

because Coach Pigeon will be there soon!

Coot out.

We need to fix this, fast!

Any ideas?Before we left,

Headmaster Crane said that this

would be a chance to see gravity in action.

Maybe gravity has something to do with this!

Gravity? You mean, like falling apples and stuff?


Gravity makes big things, like the Earth and the Moon,

pull smaller things, like the Fuel Station, toward them.

The closer you are, the stronger the gravity.

So if the fuel station is too close to the Earth,

then Earth's gravity will pull it that way.

And if it's too close to the Moon,

then the Moon's gravity will pull it that way!

That's right.

But maybe if we can find a place

where the Earth and Moon's gravities

pull it the exact same amount,

a kind of "sweet spot"...

Then the Fuel Station would stay in place!

But how do we find the sweet spot?

Well, there's always trial and error.

Let's try something and see what happens.

if it doesn't work, we'll try something else!

Go on. Let go of the station!


It's falling toward Earth!

Try moving it closer to the Moon!

Now it's falling toward the Moon!

Move it back toward Earth again!

This is crazy!!!

Robyn: Now just a little bit back toward the Moon.

Ah, now a teeny tiny eeny-weeny bit toward Earth...

Oh, Robyn, this could take forever!

There's gotta be a faster way,

we're just not looking hard enough!

Ava: I'm afraid "looking" will not help.

The "sweet spot," as you call it,

is invisible and cannot be seen.

Hmm. We can't see it,

but maybe we can measure it!

Ava: Indeed. The "sweet spot,"

where the Fuel Station was once positioned,

is , miles away from the Moon,

on a straight line towards Earth.

Thanks, Ava! So all we have to do is measure , miles from the Moon...

And we'll find the sweet spot!

We'll need some kind of tool

to measure the distance.

Step aside. I've got this one!

I'll use my tape measure!

That's it... keep going...

There! How far is that?

Uh, not quite , miles.

Robyn: I think we need a different tool,

one that measures big distances.

Wait a minute! I think I've got it!

We'll use my odometer!

It tells me how far I've flown.

All I have to do is start on the Moon and fly toward Earth,

and my odometer will tell me when I've flown , miles!

Of course! And once you've found the sweet spot,

Hawk and I will tow the Station...

All: The station!!!

You guys go get it.

I'll start measuring from the Moon!

Alright, setting my odometer to zero,

lining up a straight shot towards Earth,

and... Za-za-zooommmm!

Ha-ha! Now I just fly straight

until my odometer says ,!

Robyn, Hawk -- how are things going with you?

Robyn: Uh, not so good, Eagle!!

We'll have to call you back!

Hawk, hurry!

I -- I got it!

Robyn, catch!

Mmm! Uhhh!

Isn't playing catch what got us into this mess in the first place?

Won't be long now... Whoa!

Oh, I can't go around them

or it'll mess up my measurements.

Can't you go any faster?



Eagle, what's the holdup?

I don't know how much longer we can keep this up!



You gotta hurry, Eagle!

Just gimme a minute, Hawk!



Okay, now!

Ha! Almost there!

, miles...

, miles...

Ava: Danger. Fuel t*nk is low.

Uh-oh, almost out of fuel!

, miles...

Fuel t*nk is empty.

[engine sputtering]

, miles! This is it!

Robyn, Hawk, over here!

Robyn: Eagle, you found the sweet spot!

Just put the station!

We did it!! It's not moving!

Coach Pigeon: What's not moving?

Uh, nothing, Coach Pigeon!

Ha-ha! Welcome back!

Thanks for towing up the extra fuel!

Now, heh, do you mind?

I've got a lotta students here who really need to refuel!

I was, uh, just about to refuel myself, Coach!

Eagle: There. She's all yours!

Coach Pigeon: There ya go. One at a time now!


How does the Fuel Station stay in one place like this?

Well, Starling, let me tell you

about a little thing called "gravity."