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01x10 - Above and Beyond

Posted: 12/12/23 14:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!


[crowd cheering]



[sensor beeping]

Spin, Sling, Za-Zing!

And Eagle wins it with his Spin, Sling, Za-Zing!

That's Eagle's super-special Spin, Sling, Za-Zing move!

Yes, it always is.

Eagle, Eagle has the move!

He's got nothing else to prove!

Okay, Hawk, tell me if this hurts.


I'll, uh, take that as a "yes."

Hey, buddy, how's that wing?

Hurt. Hurting.

In a painful way that also hurts.

Just a minor bend is all y'got here.

A little time in the shop

and a couple of days of rest

and you'll be right for flight.

Y'know, I couldn't have done

that last Spin, Sling, Za-Zing without you.

So I'm dedicating this victory to my pal, Hawk!

[cheering & applause]

Eagle, I know you go above and beyond to help the team win,

so I've been studying your move.

You mean my personal, patented, and perfected

"Spin, Sling, Za-Zing" move.

Yeah, that.

Anyway. I've been researching motion and velocity

and I did an analysis of the way you do that...move thing.

And? Well, I recorded you doing the...

Spin, Sling, Za-Zing.

Yeah. And then I ran the video through this computer program

that shows you how you could, um...

do it better.

Wow! Eagle,

you could do your Spin, Sling, Za-Zing even better!

Uh, I think I have it down just fine.

Let me show you my video analysis.

Oooh! Can I see, too?

That sounds interstellar!



Just give me a minute.

See, without all the extra looping and spinning,

and with a few small adjustments,

you'll get better speed and accuracy.

Yeah, but...

then it isn't my Spin, Sling, Za-Zing anymore.

Sure it is.

It just isn't a loop-the loop-the loop,

spin, and spin, and spin, and THEN Sling, Za-Zing.

What's your point?

Well, you kind off,

and that slows you down and hurts your accuracy.

Huh! That's not showing off!

That's dazzling the competition.

If you want to call it that.

But this is for the good of the team.

Look, I know Orb-O better than some computer program,

so, thanks for your "idea."

I had an idea.

Then I did research.

Then I analyzed.

These are the results.

THIS is called science!

Well, this is called sports!

Uh, it is called sports,

but maybe you could try.

Sorry to interrupt the celebration,

but I need my team in the Map Room.

There's an important assignment a-wing.

What about Hawk?I'm afraid he's out of commission for a few days.

Follow me.

Oooh! Can I come?

I admire your curiosity, young cadet.

Please, join us.

You recall the launch of the space probe?

Robyn: Sure do.

"Beyond." Great name.

It's going beyond our solar system

to send back information about what lies...beyond.

Problem is, for now,

Beyond isn't goin' beyond anywhere.

Seems she's got a broken thruster.

It's what we in the thruster business call "unthrustworthy".

Get it? "Unthrustworthy"?

Heh, heh heh, heh, heh, aheh!


Due to the malfunctioning thruster,

Beyond is now headed directly towards Saturn's rings.

Your assignment is to intercept the probe

and correct its course.

I'll just surf Saturn's rings,

za-za-zoom right at that probe,

and push it on its way!

That's the coolest idea ever!

It SOUNDS cool,

but Saturn's rings are made of rocks

and chunks of ice -- some as big as a house.

And they're orbiting Saturn at to , miles per hour!

So what should we do?

You're going to have to get

close enough to the probe

to see what's gone wonky.

Then Ava will help guide you

through the correct repair procedure.

And no one gets any fancy ideas about surfin' or skiin'.

This isn't a vacation!

You'll have to deal with this

before you get too close to Saturn's rings.

So, when do we blast off?

All: WE?

I asked if I could come along...

I thought you meant just to the Map Room!

As did I.

However, I believe young Starling

has shown she understands danger

and has the good sense to keep herself safe.

Oh, I do! I do!

I've got good sense!

Observe only from a safe distance.

Eagle, Robyn, Starling will be under your watch. Understood?

I'm going on a REAL assignment!


Okay, that'smything -- the Za-Za-Zoom.

Oh, all right.

You can Za-Za-Zoom, too.

Oh, yay!

I can't believe you guys

are really letting me call the launch!

Eagle: You can do it, Starling.

I remember my first time.

I was nervous just like you.

In fact, heh, it's a really a funny story, I...

Booster rockets?


Oh, uh, right, engaged!



Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Space visors?Down!

Blast off!!!



That's my OWN Za-Za-Zoom.

Yeah, I got that.

Ava: We are approaching destination.


Ava: Saturn. Sixth planet from the Sun.

Can you believe

it's almost entirely made of gas?

The rings are so thin they almost disappear

when you look at them from the side edges.

That's amazing!

Ava: Space probe ahead.

Hey, Robyn,

get a picture of me holding Saturn in my teeth!

We don't have time to stop for photos.

Ava: Three minutes and seventeen seconds

to identify thruster problem and repair it

before Beyond enters ring system.

We're Space Racers! We can handle anything.

Let's go!


Eagle: Ava, please give us close-up on probe.

Ava: Close-up visual on.

Damaged thruster is severely bent and firing.

Oh, no! What'll we do?

I mean, what'll YOU do while I observe...safely.

I'll just Za-Za-Zoom in and straighten out that thruster!

Ava: Two minutes, twenty-two seconds

until Beyond enters Saturn's ring system.

We're already getting too close.

Ava, are there backup thrusters on Beyond?

Ava: Yes. They will activate

if primary thrusters are disabled.

So if we disable the bent thruster...

I mean, make it just stop firing,

the backups will kick in?

Ava: Affirmative.

Ava, how close can I get to the probe?

Ava: According to my calculations,

about as close as you are right now.

Is there something we can do from here?

Ava: If an object can be launched directly

into the bent thruster, stopping it from firing,

it will turn on the backups.

That will correct Beyond's course away from Saturn.

No problem!

Eagle is the best Orb-O player in the UNIVERSE!

He could sling and za-zing an Orb-O orb

right into that bent thruster!

Hmm. If only we had an Orb-O orb...

Funny you should mention.

I never leave home without one!

Ava, how long do we have?

Ava: Objects must be accurately released within seconds.

No room for error.

Um, are those rings getting bigger?

I've got this!

Eagle, this isn't about Orb-O

or dazzling the competition anymore!

We've only got one chance to get this right.

Do you remember what I showed you?

Eagle, were you even watching?

Ava: seconds.

I...well... can I see it again?

I don't have a copy with me!

Ava, activate Robyn's video a**l...anala...analasy thing --

the thing she made to show Eagle how to do this move better.

Ava: Activating. But I didn't program it into Ava's system.

Oh, I asked Coot to do it so I could practice it!

It's so supernova!

And I thought we were supposed

to be watching out for you, Starling!

Ava: seconds.

[intense music]

Ava: Five seconds to impact.

, , , ...


Go, Eagle! You did it!

Eagle, Eagle, has the move!

He's got nothing else to prove!

Ava: Beyond probe is back on course.

Nice shot. Thanks, Ava.

But I definitely could not have done this without my team.

Now let's get outta here!

I hear THAT!

Starling: And then... Eagle sent that orb

smack into the damaged thruster!

It's my new, refined

and simplified Sling and Za-Zing move.

I dropped the "Spin" part... thanks to Robyn.

I guess a LITTLE science and research

can help even the best athlete.

Hey, even the best can get better!

And not only is Beyond

going beyond our solar system,

so is that Orb-O orb!

I think Orb-O is a perfect way

for us to say hello to whatever, or whomever,

lies beyond.

Me, too!

Hey, who wants to go sh**t some orbs?

Oh, I do! Oh, me! I do!



