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01x13 - Asteroids, Platinum Edition

Posted: 12/12/23 14:00
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!


And I'm sure you'll be pleased

with what we've done to the arboretum.


Who is this portrait supposed to be?

I don't understand, Vulture.

It's you.

This can't be me!

I don't look anything like that!

And my nose cone isn't that big.

Well, I would say it's about the same size as your real nose cone.

DoDo, is my nose cone that big?

Hmm? It is kinda big. Uh, maybe medium-big.

Kinda, maybe kinda in-betweenish, y'know,

kinda like somewhere between medium and big...

well, y'know, maybe much bigger than medium, I think,

but I think, uh...

Uh, no, Boss, it's not that big.

I'm the head of the school board!

The chairman of Stardust Space Academy!

The least you could do is honor my request

for a portrait that LOOKS like me!

[sighs] I'll see what I can do.

Let's peek in at some of the classrooms.

Coot is one of our finest teachers.

I'll be the judge of that.

Coot: Interceptin' an object in flight

is one of the most difficult tasks

any Space Racer can attempt.

That's why it always pays to have a plan.

I don't need a plan.

I go so fast,

it's like everything else is just standing still!


This object isn't standin' still, Eagle.

Meet Argus ,

an asteroid which will be passing near Earth

on its long orbit around the Sun.

If you're so sure you can intercept somethin'

without any plannin',

I'm givin' you a special assignment:

Land on Argus --

without using Ava's guidance --

and figure out what the asteroid is made of.


Ha! No big whoop.

Really? Huh.

Asteroids can travel at over , miles per hour,

so I strongly suggest

you look at all the information you have,

think about what might happen,

and then test your plan carefully.

Oooh, can I go?Me, too!

Yes, Robyn and Hawk,

please join Eagle on his mission,

and the three of you report back to me.

[bell rings]

Hello, cadets. My name is DoDo

and I am Mr. Vulture's personal attaché.

You're a briefcase?

I think it means assistant.


Yes, it is.

And Mr. Vulture would like

a minute of your time, Cadet Hawk.


Yes, you.

Now, if you'll please come this way.

Ah, Hawk, my young cadet.

I couldn't help but overhear

you're on your way to Argus tomorrow.

Well, today is your lucky day

because I have an extra credit assignment for you.

Are you sure you've got the right Space Racer, Mr. Vulture, sir?

You're just the cadet I'm looking for.

For you're the only one with a big enough cargo hold

to carry...

...the Vulture experimental retro rocket!


Yes, "Whoa," indeed.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it,

is to take this retro rocket and attach it to Argus.

Yes, sir, Mr. Vulture, sir!

Um, why are we attaching a rocket to the asteroid, sir?

To assist it on its long,

tiring flight, of course!

Oh, and one more thing --

you must tell no one about this secret mission.

It's a special surprise for the Academy!

Under no circumstances

are you to discuss this with anyone.

Do you understand?

Yes, sir!

Do you want to see the information I've collected

about Argus's path?Nope. I'm good.

Hey, there you are.

So what did that Vulture guy want with you?

Oh, um, nothing.

Just, um -- Hey, are you gonna drink that?



[Hawk imitating beat box]

[rapping] ♪ Space! Space is the place! ♪

♪ Space is the place where I wanna race! ♪

Hey, Hawky, you never told us

what Vulture wanted -- what was all that about?

Can't really talk about it.Why not?

I just can't, Eagle.

Eagle: Okay.

Hawk: ♪ Space! ♪

♪ Space is the place where I wanna... ♪


What's that? Ava?

Ava can't help us today, remember?

THAT is Argus .

It's too fast! Quick! Let me see your flight plan!

Didn't you do ANY of the assignment?

[laughs] No!

I analyzed the information,

and worked out a prediction

about the best way to intercept Argus...

We can't do it!

At that speed we'll never intercept it!

Don't worry! Just follow my lead.

[intense music]

[wheels screeching]

Whoa! Argus IS moving too fast!

See! Your brilliant plan didn't work after all!

Be patient, Eagle.

First, you make a plan.

Then, you test that plan.

Now, we adjust the plan

because it didn't quite work --

that's trial and error. Hmm...

It looks like Argus is moving a bit faster

than I thought it would.

So let's simply make some changes to our plan.

Let's try this again, shall we?

Yeah! We did it!

[all cheer]

Okay, guys, let's start running our tests

so we can find out what this rock is made of.

Sounds great.

I, uh, I'm gonna go see what's on the other side.

What's taking Hawk so long?

He should've been back by now.

Why don't you go find him?

Initiate mounting sequence by pressing the red button.


Eenie, meenie, minie...

Eagle: What are you doing?Aaaah!

Eagle, you scared me!What's goin' on, Hawk?

Where'd you get that rocket?

Oh, um, it was...

I found it here?

Oh, darn it.

I'm here on a secret mission.

Please don't tell Mr. Vulture

I spilled the beans.

Eagle: So Vulture told Hawk

to plant a huge rocket on the asteroid.

And he told him to keep it a secret.

Why? What's so special about this asteroid?

I don't know. He didn't say.

[Spacepad beeping]

Oh! Of course!

The measurements just came in.

This asteroid has incredibly high deposits

of pure platinum!


Platinum is more valuable than gold!

And, platinum is used in almost every computer component

and advanced electronic system.

So we're standing on a fortune here.

NOW we know why Vulture is so interested in this asteroid!

[rocket's engine fires]

Looks like he had a plan, too.

With the added thrust of this rocket,

the asteroid's course has changed,

and now it's headed directly

for Vulture's private space station!


Vulture: Yeesss!

That asteroid will make me rich

beyond my wildest dreams!

But you're already rich, Boss.

You don't know my dreams, Dodo!

Bring me a bottle of my finest rocket fuel.

It's time to celebrate.

You got it, Boss.


Aw, there's no way to move it.

Well, we can't just let Vulture steal this asteroid.

It doesn't belong to him.

But what can we do about it now?

I have a plan.

Vulture: DoDo,

open the cargo bay doors

and prepare the space net to catch Argus .


Our combined thrusters are much stronger than Vulture's rocket!

Are you sure we're aiming it far enough away?

That's the fun part of this experiment.

There's always some room for trial and error.

Okay, let's cut our engines...NOW!

What's going on?

We calculated the flight path of that asteroid

down to the centimeter!

How did this happen?

Excellent plan, Eagle.

Vulture: Where is it going?

Where is it going?


Ach, my asteroid!

We've been followin' your progress

from Mission Control, cadets.

Nice work!

See why it pays to have a plan now, Eagle?

Yup. And then another plan

when the first plan isn't enough!

Good!Yeah! Right on!

[all laughing]
