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01x41 - Starling Discovers the Moon

Posted: 12/12/23 13:59
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!


Destroy the Moon, evil Space Noodle?

Not on MY Moon watch!

[alien language]

Good thing I had my Captain Cosmos

laser-neutralizing cuppie cup!

Hey, Space Noodle!

[alien language]


Captain Cosmos...

go bye-bye.

Hey, sprout, a little past your bedtime?

Uh? What? Who?

Oh. I'm fine.

Eagle: Huh! Saving the Moon with a storage cup?

I would never of thought of that!

That's alright, Starling.

No one is expecting YOU to save the Moon.

Hey, uh, does the Moon look kind of, uh,

I dunno, not normal? Like part of it is missing?

The Moon does look a little weird.

Perhaps a more helpful explanation might be:

the way the Moon looks to us

depends on the orbits of the Moon and the Earth.

Right, Hawk?

Uh, yeah! That's what I meant.

Good night, Starling.

G'night, Raven.

Well, come on, Starling.

What I mean to say is...

the Moon doesn't look, you know, like the one

in the Captain Cosmos episode, right?

It really could be going away?

Yes! Itisgetting smaller, Starling.

Wooooo! And one day

it's going to completely disappear.

Good night, kiddo!

She knew I was kidding, right?



Raven can't be right!

The Moon can't disappear!

Can it, Mr. Rocket Baby?

I gather from your silence

that you're not quite sure either.

What can we do to make sure the Moon isn't disappearing?

Watch the Moon tomorrow night?


Hey, are you tired?



Mr. Rocket Baby,

it looks like it MIGHT have disappeared some more.


We have to know for sure.

But how?

Oh, take pictures?

That's what I was thinking too, Mr. Rocket Baby!

We'll take pictures of the Moon

night after night.

Then we'll compare the pictures

to see what's going on!

Ooooh. I can't wait to see what happens.


So we have all our Moon pictures

from the last four nights.

Time to compare our findings.

There's less... and less...

and less...and less Moon from night to night!

Well then, Mr. Rocket Baby, do we have our conclusion?

The Moon is disappearing! The Moon is disappearing!

We have to do something! We have to do something!



Starling, what's the matter?

What's the matter?

What's the matter?

The Moon is disappearing!

Where did you get an idea like that?

Well, first from Raven.

Obviously, this is some kind of "not enough sleep" thing.

To do the proper research

I had to stay up night after night

after night after...

Could be sleep deprivation.

I got this.

So, the Moon is disappearing, huh?

Yeah, it's there, and it's not.

At first I thought I could be wrong.

I don't know that much about the Moon.

So, I took pictures

and plotted them on a chart

one after another.

And you wanna know what I found?

Do ya? Yes!

I do wanna know everything...

[yawns] the morning.

But, Eagle, it's important that you know.

Just ask Mr. Rocket Baby!

Get some sleep, Starling.

You too, Mr. Rocket Baby.

Snooogy, snoogy, snoogums!


I know, Mr. Rocket Baby-- it can't wait until morning!

We have to take care of this ourselves.

Ava: Junior flyers are not authorized

to fly to the Moon by themselves.

I hear you loud and clear, Ava.

But you're going to have to pretend

you didn't see me.

Trust me, I have an important mission

to save whatever is left of the Moon!

Ava: Affirmative. I will now begin pretending I did not see you take off.

Booster rockets? Engaged!

Wings? Back!

Space Visors? Down!

Blast off!

Ha-ha. Not bad for a junior flyer.

Hey, Mister...


That was a satellite.

I'll blast around the back of the Moon

to see what's left.

We'll figure this out.

What? The Moon!

Uhhhhh! Ohhhh!

Mr. Rocket Baby!

Ah, you're okay!


Ouch! My wheel.

Great. I hit it on the MOON.

Which is all here.

Part of it looked like it wasn't, but it's here.


Oh, what's going on over there?

It's brighter.

I agree, Mr. Rocket Baby.

We should check it out.

Eagle: Okay, sprout, rise and shine!

You can tell me your story now.

Uh, Starling?


Starling's gone. Anyone seen her?

Uh-uh. Not me.

Ava, have you seen Starling?

Ava: Starling has gone to the Moon.

What made her want to go up there?


Okay, so I told her the Moon was disappearing.

I guess she went to check it out.

Hey, I was just kidding around!

She's up there, somewhere.

[both] We have to find her!

It's time to trim some minutes

off of my speed record to the Moon.

Anybody care to join me?

I'll go! Cool! I'll go with you!

It's light here, but dark there.

Hmmm. I have doubts

about our earlier conclusion, Mr. Rocket Baby.

We were wrong to say the Moon was disappearing.

But the light does appear to be getting smaller,

and smaller, and SMALLER!

Eagle: Ha! There she is.

She's in the Tycho crater. Dive!

Um, boo?

Ahhhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhh!

Are you okay?What happened?

Oh, uh, don't worry about me.

We got big problems!

Her wheel's twisted and flat, but fixable.

What are you doing up here ALONE?

Trying to understand what's going on

with OUR Moon.

Not like I could get any of you to listen to me before.

Well, you got our attention now.

Well, maybe I shouldn't have come here alone.

But I thought the Moon was getting smaller and disappearing!


Well, I was wrong about that.

Yep. You kinda were. Yeah.

But now I know what's really going on up here:

the Moon is running out of light!

All: Huh?

Yeah! The light in the Moon is going out!

We have to get more light bulbs. LOTS of them!

A hundred maybe.

Whoa. Slow down there, junior scientist.

The light isn't coming

from inside the Moon, Starling.

It's not?

Wanna see something interesting?

How about a lift-off?

The light of the Moon comes from the Sun,

not from inside.

So, it's not going out.

Phew! The Moon isn't going out.

That's a relief.

So, why did it look like the Moon

was disappearing to us?

Robyn: Good question!

Ava, some visual assistance, please?

The Moon, and Earth, and Sun are always moving.

And because of this constant movement,

the Moon looks like it has more light on it

at certain times than others.

We see a full Moon sometimes, then less of it, and less.

Then none of it.

Then we see more and more of the Moon

until we see the full Moon again.

This lunar cycle happens about every days.

Oh, I get it now.

Even when I don't see the Moon,

it's there.

And it's hard!



C'mon, sprout,

let's get you back to Stardust Bay

and take care of that wheel.

Starling: Hey everybody,

thanks for coming to our Lunar Celebration!

Mr. Rocket Baby and I

have been up [yawns] every night this month.

And we have something to show you.

Ta-da! Pictures of the lunar cycle!

One is missing, right?

Right! So, if you'll look up,

you will see...the full Moon!

Beautiful! Sure is. Wow!

By charting the lunar cycle,

Starling knew the full Moon would appear tonight.

So, kiddo, you're our resident Moon expert now.


[yawns] I'm an expert.



