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01x37 - Grounded

Posted: 12/12/23 13:53
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

[bell rings]

You know this is all your fault.

My fault? You're the one who got us into this mess!

To be fair, Eagle, it was your idea.

But Robyn, you were pressing all the buttons.

Oh, so you're blaming me?

Hello? Doesn't anybody remember what happened two days ago?

Sure, it was my idea,

but Raven's the one who caused the accident.

Hey!This is what happened:

We were all following Coach Pigeon on a class trip...

Next stop, Venus.

Close the gap, cadets. Look sharp.

You know, this trip is going to take us

really close to the old abandoned space station.

The one that's in orbit over Venus.

Old abandoned space station? Uh-huh.

They say it's haunted.

I heard a cadet tried to go

into the station this one time

and they never heard from him again.

[whimpers] R-r-really?

Yup. They say that the ghost of Buzzard,

the first Venus explorer,

still roams the corridors looking for ships to haunt.

Come on, Eagle, you're scaring Hawk.

We all know there's no such thing as ghosts.

Oooh, you talkin' about Buzzard's ghost?

Totally true story.[whimpers]

Awesome!Look, there it is!


So, cadets,

can anyone tell me why we don't spend much time

visiting our nearest neighbor planet, Venus?

Because the sulfuric acid

in Venus's thick atmosphere

would eat through anything made of metal.

And the surface of Venus is super hot --

even hotter than Mercury.

That's right, cadets.

And that's why no base

has ever been established on the surface.

What about the spooky old space station?

Ha-ha-ha, Yes.

Since Earth-bound telescopes

can't see through the thick cloud cover,

the Venus space station

was built for observation and research.

Unfortunately, it was abandoned years ago

and the station is off-limits.

Because of the ghoooosts.

Don't feel bad, Hawk.

Eagle is just as scared as you are.

Me? I'm not scared of anything.

Really. If that's the case,

why don't you show us how brave you are?

I dare you to go into the haunted station.

I'll go if you go.

Done and done.

Guys! There's no such thing as ghosts!

That's what Buzzard probably said.

Before his ghost was doomed

to roam the dark, abandoned halls forever!

Fine, I'll prove it to you.

Are you sure this is such a good idea?

Coach Pigeon did say the station is off-limits.

Come on, Hawk.

Nothing's going to happen

if we stick together.

All right, cadets.

Let's take a little lunch break.

We'll meet back here in one hour.

Look, there it is!Robyn: See?

It's just an abandoned space station.

Nothing to be scared of.


Maybe you should go in first then.

Well, it was Eagle's idea and...

No problemo.

Have no fear, Eagle is here!



[doors clank shut]

This way.

Interesting fact: when Venus is visible,

it's one of the brightest planets in the night sky.

Only our Moon looks brighter.


What was that?

Sounded like a duck. Ha-ha-ha.

You guys are all a bunch of scaredy cats.

Come on.

Did you know that winds on the surface of Venus

blow constantly at hundreds of miles per hour?

[creaking]You know what?

This was a bad idea. Let's get out of here.

Fine by me!

You go on.

I'm gonna keep exploring.


This whole place is coming apart!

[whimpers] It's Buzzard's ghost!

Run for your lives!

[glass breaks][alarm sounds]

Warning! All personnel must evacuate the space station.

Warning! Space station will disintegrate in T-minus...

That's not how it happened!

That's how I remember it.

I wasn't the one who was scared, you were!

This is what really happened two days ago...

I was the one who led us

into the space station fearlessly...

This way.

Don't leave me, Raven.


What was that?!Maybe it was a duck!

You guys are all a bunch of scaredy cats.

Come on.


Okay, R-r-raven, you win.

You're braver than I am.

You can say that again.

Okay, Raven, you win.

You're braver than I am.

[bang] Oh!

This whole place is coming apart!


It's Buzzard's ghost!

Run for your lives!

[glass breaks][alarm sounds]

Warning! All personnel must evacuate the space station.

Warning! Space station will disintegrate in T-minus...

We're going down!

Don't worry, I'll save us.Oh, Raven!

[imitating Robyn] ...How did you get to be so brave and magnificent?"

It didn't happen like that either.

And I certainly didn't need you to protect me!

What? That's the way I remember it.

None of that happened.

Eagle didn't run away scared.

And I never said any of that stuff.

This is what really happened...

Robyn: For one thing, there's no such thing as ghosts.

Remember all those spooky noises we were hearing?

[static]That sounds like a broken air vent

and faulty electrical circuits.


That's super helpful, Robyn.

[creaking]What was that?

Stress on the steel that they used

to make this station.

This place was never built to last this long.

Awesome information.

Here's an interesting fact:

when Venus is visible,

it's one of the brightest planets in the night sky.

Only our Moon looks brighter.

Actually, I didn't know that.

Robyn, you're so smart!

[bang]Watch out, guys,

there's corrosion in the rivets.

Leaky air vent.

Broken hinge. Vacuum seal damage.

Improperly stowed tray table.

This whole place is really falling apart.

I hate to admit it, Robyn,

but I was wrong.

It's all perfectly logical the way you explain it.

If that's what happened,

then how did the space station get destroyed?

I think I know.

First of all, I remember things being a lot funnier...

All aboard for the Spooky Express!

Next stop, the haunted station.


[duck sound]

Did somebody step on a rubber duck?



They sure don't make 'em like they used to!

Wocka wocka!

Whoops. Beware of falling objects!

Ha-ha, ha-ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha-hah!

[crashes] [alarm beeping]

Whoops. Warning!

Space station will disintegrate in T-minus...

But seriously, folks,

we should make like lightning and bolt.

Hey, if you can't stand the heat,

get out of the space station!

Am I right? Huh? Who's with me?

Ha-ha, ha-ha-ha, ha-ha!


[continues laughing]

That's crazy, Hawk. It didn't go down like that at all.

Exactly. It happened like I said.

Like you said? You were crying like a baby.

I know someone said

I was being really helpful.

Wait! No one thought my jokes were funny?

Okay, fine.

So maybe the truth is somewhere in between.

But who's fault is it

that the station was destroyed?

Look, maybe we don't know exactly which one of us

caused the space station to fall out of orbit,

but does it really matter?

Robyn's right. We were all there,

so we should all take responsibility.

You may enter.[All gulp]

Before you begin, Headmaster Crane,

we just want to say that the accident was all of our faults.

We were all to blame,

and we accept whatever punishment is coming.

Thank you for your honesty, Cadet Eagle.

And I agree,

you are all equally responsible.

This is the surveillance video

recorded by the Venus space station security cameras,

shortly before the station was lost.


What was that? Let's go back.

Maybe there really are ghosts.


Um, does anybody want to hear

an interesting fact?




Anyone th-th-there?

[Bang]All: Gaaaaaahhhhh!!!

Help! He's got me!

It's Buzzard's ghost!

Run for your lives!




This whole place is coming apart!

All: Ahhhh--

So...who caused the accident?

No one, Cadet Eagle.

The acid in Venus' atmosphere

had been eating away at the space station for years.

It was literally falling apart.

And we just happened to enter the space station

just as it was falling apart

into Venus' atmosphere.

That is exactly what happened.

So it's none of our faults, right?

That means we're in the clear!

That abandoned space station was off-limits.

Coach Pigeon told you that.

You all heard him say this,

yet you went inside there anyway.

You broke the rules, cadets.

So what's our punishment?

Okay, so the space station

wasn't really haunted.

But you know what is?

The outpost on Europa!