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02x17 - RoboPeck/Puppy Love

Posted: 12/12/23 09:53
by bunniefuu
- I'm just heading to the fields, duke.

I'll be back.

[Sheep bleating]

- Clear!

[Upbeat hoedown music]

- All right!

- Rat-a-bamba!

- ♪ From the haystacks up to the hilltops ♪

♪ We go on dancing

- Whoo-hoo! Whoa!

Ow, ow! Okay, ow.


- ♪ Do si do your partner now ♪

♪ Party till the morning light ♪

♪ Do si do and don't you know ♪

♪ It's just the way we animals roll ♪

[Motor roaring]

- Ha ha!

[Dramatic music]

- Volcano!

- It's gonna blow!

[High-pitched squealing]


- Ooh! - Cool.

- Erupty. - Impressive.

- Yeah, tiny pretend volcano. Adorable.

- Isn't it?

The kids really outdid themselves

For this year's science fair.

You're next, boil.

- Okay, mr. Peck.


This robotic arm will take yo-yo playing

Into the st century.

[Laughs nerdily]

- Ooh! - Cool.

- Hey, look at that go up and down.

I'm never going to get this time back.

- And finally here's little joey

With his homemade peanut butter maker.

- Yeah, that's great.

Well, this sure has been fun, but--


- Smashy, smashy.

- Oh, my cud, did you see that?

He turned nuts into a completely different food!

- Dude, are you serious?

- They were hard, and now they're creamy. Ha!

Wait a minute; we can use boil's robot arm

To take peanut butter making into the st century.

- Uh, otis, maybe that's not such a good id--

Ow! [Yelling]

- Oopsie.

- Smashy, smashy, smashy!

- Crazy!

- Poor peck.

- Poor little guy.

- Curse you, science!

- Actually, otis, you did this.

- Let's not wallow in the past.

We have to fix peck,

And there's only one thing that can do that:

Peanut butter.

[All yelling]

- Put it down!

- It's too bad we can't rebuild him,

Like they did on that bionic janitor show.

[Dramatic music]

- ♪ Bionic janitor

♪ Bionic janitor

♪ Bionic ja-a-a-a-a-a-anitor

♪ Bionic janitor

♪ Bionic janitor!

- Billy, the school superintendent

Is coming in two minutes.

This place needs to be spick and span.

- I'm on it, mrs. Pfefferly.

- ♪ Bionic janitor!

- Dude, that show stank.

- Wait a minute. Maybe we can rebuild him.

Boil, how did you make that robot arm

You used to break peck?

- It was easy.

I just followed the instructions

In this canadian technical manual

Called let's make a robot, eh?

- [Dramatically] give me that book.

- Well, why don't you just take it?

[Machine beeping and dramatic music playing]

- Peck, a rooster barely alive.

We can rebuild him.

We can make him better, stronger,

Maybe give him one of those robot eyes.

Oh, oh, oh! And a dvd player.

And a soft-serve frozen yogurt attachment.

That'd be cool.

- Otis, maybe you should concentrate

On what you're doing.

- He's right; I should go to the beach this weekend.

Anyway, we can rebuild him.

- Don't worry, guys.

Peck is in good hands.

- Dude, otis has never operated before.

- Oh, in that case, he probably won't make it.

- The operation was a complete success!

- Yay! - Oh, thank goodness.

- But I should warn you.

Peck's a little...different now.

He may take some getting used to.

- Peck's our friend.

We'll accept him no matter what.

- Hi, guys.

- It's a monster! Shun him!

- What's wrong with him? I can't even look.

- He's all roboty. - He's a freak!

- People, please.

Just because peck looks like a horrifying robot monster

Doesn't mean he is one.

- Yeah, guys.

Inside this metal shell, it's still the same old me.

[Fly buzzing]

Target acquired!

- Run away! - Save yourselves!

- Oh, who am I kidding?

I am a freak.

- No, you're not, peck. Don't you see?

With all your new roboty skills,

You can be a real help around here.

- Hey, yeah, maybe I can.

[Lively country music]

[All laughing]

- Ah, nothing like watching home movies.

Thanks, peck.

- My pleasure, guys.

- I'm sorry we called you a hideous freak.

- Yeah, peck. - Yeah, our bad.

- Oh, no need to apologize.

I'm just glad I can help out.

In fact, I've never felt more useful.

- In that case, who wants frozen pizza?

- Me! - Count me in.

- Otis, maybe that's not such a good idea.

- Pizza is always a good idea, nerdlington,

Especially with robopeck's toaster oven.

- But the book says that's the master control panel.

- Of pizza.

- Otis, I feel kind of funny.

- He's oozing cheese.

- It's overloading his circuits.

- [In computerized voice] I am robopeck.

My prime directive is to help.

- His logic board is fried.

Better shut him down for repairs.

- You look hungry.

Popcorn mode activated.

- Whoa! Oh! Wha! Ah!

- Peck, stop. What are you doing?

- Implementing my prime directive.

- That's it. You're out of control.

- Your makeup is smudged.

Prepare for beautification.

[All screaming]

- That's not her color!

- Does anyone else need help?

- Nope.

- Then my work here is done.

- I think he's headed towards town.

- ♪ Bionic rooster

♪ Bionic rooster

♪ Bionic roo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooster ♪

♪ Bionic rooster

♪ Bionic rooster!

- Oh, no! We gotta stop him.

- I'll say; our pizza's still inside him.

- Look, let's all just stay calm,

And maybe this whole thing will work itself out.

[People screaming]

- I am robopeck.

I am here to help.

Unsightly graffiti.

Initiating cleanup mode.

You are extremely old.

I will help you cross the street.

- Oh, why, thank you, young man.


Crash! How rude.

- Hilly burford live from downtown,

Where some kind of crazy laser-sh**ting robot ostrich

Is weaving a path of destruction.

- Let me help you across the street.

- Hey, that's quite all right.

Just put me down, now.


- We gotta do something

Before he destroys the whole town.

- There's only one way to stop him.

- Please don't say peanut butter.

- There's only two ways to stop him.

- You mean-- - precisely!

Come on, kids.

We've got a cyborg to build.

We can build a better cyborg--

Better, stronger, with wheelie feet.

Ooh, a holographic pancake maker.

- Otis, you need to focus.

- Right. Sorry.

- Ladies and gentlemen, may I present...robo-otis.

[Musical flourish]

- Otis? - Wow.

- No time to fawn over me.

I've got a town to save.

Scanner's online.

Spin cycle activated.

Jet packs, engage!

- You have to push this button.

- That's a weird place for a...



What's happening?

Stop staring!


- Make sure you come back!

I'm doing a load of whites later!

- Guys, we should head downtown too.

- To help otis in his epic battle with mr. Peck?

- No, to watch the awesome robot fight.

- Robot fight! - Okay.

- ♪ Bionic bovine

♪ Bionic bovine

♪ Bionic bo-o-o-o-o-o-ovine

♪ Bionic bovine

♪ Bionic bovine!

[People screaming]

- This meter's expired.

I will move the car.

- Robopeck, put it down!

- Unidentified robot cow.

Are you here to help?

- No, I'm here to stop you.

- Then you must be neutralized.

Egg grenades!

- Ow!

- Laser udders.

- There they are!

- Robot fight! Yay!

- This ends now.

- Bring it on.

- Ow! Hey!

Oh, giving up yet? No, you give up.

I'm gonna slap you.

- Surrender. Cry uncle.

- Okay, uncle! - Okay.

- Now, peck, let's talk about this

Like two grown robots.

- [Gasps] otis!

- Kids, what are you doing here?

This is way too dangerous.

- Enemy robot acquired.

- Peck, stop! It's me, otis.

Don't you remember?

- Name designation "otis" not found.

Targeting m*ssile.

- m*ssile? Who put that in him?

- My bad.

- Prepare for termination.

- Kids, get away. Save yourselves!

- Okay, bye. - We'll always remember you.

- Remember. That's it!

Boil, come back here toward danger!

- Well, all right, but are you sure this is--



- Dvd mode initiated.

Projecting images.


[Uncertainly] friends.

- That's it.

Remember, you beautiful bionic fol.


- Otis, kids.

What am I doing here?

[Siren wailing]

- No time to explain. Just fly us out of here.

- Fly? I don't know how to fly.

- It's this button.

- Hey!

- Hey, where'd those robots go?

Maybe they went back to robot land.

Or maybe it was all just a crazy dream.

Or maybe--maybe there's a little bit of robot

Inside of every one of us.

Wow, everybody! I think I have a concussion.

- Well, peck, looks like you're all healed.

Now let's get you out of this tin can.

- How are we going to do that?

These robot parts are welded together.

- Oh, don't worry. We got it covered.

We're using high-tech science.


- Smashy, smashy, smashy!

[Suspenseful music]

- Uh, otis?

Have you ever done this before?

- Ha ha ha! No.

But I'm good at other things,

So I'm pretty sure everything will be fine.

- Don't worry, peck.

I'll be perfectly safe back here.

- Careful, otis. Total focus.

Peck's little life may depend on what you do next.

- Hey, guys! - Ah, distraction!

- [Muffled yelling]

- Guys, stop fooling around.

Clearly, duke's got something to say.

- Great news, everyone.

My kid sister, stamps, is getting married.

- Wow! - That's great news, duke.

- [Muffled] congratulations.

- Duke, I had no idea you had a sister.

- Oh, yeah, we did everything together:

Played fetch, learned to bark.

We even drank out of the same toilet.

- Yeah, that's gross.

- Anyway, she's stopping by today with her fiance,

And I'm very excited.

- Hey, dukey!

- Stamps!

- How you doin'?

- Come here, sis.

All: aw!

- Ew. - Come on.

- Stamps, these are my friends.

Otis, abby, pig, pip, peck, and freddy.

- [Muffled]

- Nice to meet yous.

I can't stay long, dukey.

We just wanted to stop by and get your blessing.

Then it's off to vegas for the wedding.

- Vegas? That's practically in asia.

Why don't you guys get married right here at the barnyard?

- Oh, we wouldn't want to be a bother.

- Oh, it's no bother.

The farmer's away for the whole week

At fire dance camp.

[Percussive music]

- ♪ Ah, hoo!

- In that case, we'd love to get married here.

- Hey, that's great. - Fantastic!

- I love weddings.

- So, stamps, where's my future bro-in-law, anyway?

- Right behind me with the bags.

Here he comes now.

- Look at him carrying your bags all gentlemanly.

I like this guy already.

- Thanks, darren.

I like you too.

[All gasp]

Pop! - Ah!

- Baxter?

- That's right.

Your sister and I are getting hitched.

- Oh, oh!

Stamps, you can't marry this guy.

He's a total con man.

- Yeah, he stole duke's identity

And tried to get him kicked out of the barnyard.

- And then he tricked the farmer into adopting him

And got duke kicked out of the house.

- And once he cut off a guy's hand

And expelled him from the jedi council.

- Dude, that was a movie.

- I like movies.

Don't go in there!

The monster's in there!

Don't do it, girlfriend!

Can you believe this?

It's like she's not even listening.

[Cell phone rings]

Hey, I'm at the movies.

Allison just went into the room where the dracula's waiting.

Well, of course I warned her.

- I'm telling you. This guy is trouble.

- Dukey, it's okay.

Baxter's told me all about his past,

But he's different now.

- That's right, dacron.

Your sister's love has made me a new dog.

- Please give us your blessing, dukey.


- Oh, jeez, with the puppy dog eyes.

[Reluctantly] all right.

But I'll be watching you, buddy.

- Thanks, dukey!

Ain't that wonderful, honey?

- It sure is, cuddle-wuggles.

Give me some sugar.

Who's got the sugar lips? Who's got the sugar lips?

Come here. Come here. Come here.

- [Growls]

- Come on, guys.

Wedding altars don't lift themselves.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- I can't believe it.

My most bitter enemy marrying my kid sister?

- Oh, cheer up, duke.

He really seems to love her.

- Nah, nah, he's up to something.

I'd bet my family's priceless collection of dog bones on it.

- Schwa? Thud!

Priceless collection of what, now?

- My uncle scrappy's priceless dog bone collection.

If he kicks the bucket, it goes to me.

- And if you kick the bucket, it goes to stamps?

- Yeah, what's your point?

- Um, duke, how can I phrase this loudly?

Baxter's marrying your sister

So he can kick your family's various buckets

And get your fortune!

- What? Why, that scheming little mutt.

Otis, what do I do?

- We did it!

- Let's beat him with a coconut.

- Abby, no! That would take hours.

Let's go with a sledgehammer.

- We can't hurt baxter.

It would break stamps' heart.

She hasn't been in love since her old boyfriend,

Michael davidson.

- Hmm...

Does pig look anything like this michael davidson?

- Not really.

How about now?

- Still no.

- Perfect!

Okay, pig, you're a dog named michael davidson.

You like long walks on the beach,

You're sensitive yet manly, and you're here

To win back the heart of the girl you left behind.

- All right, but I'm not licking anyone.

Well, maybe a little.

- Otis, this'll never work.

She'll catch wise as soon as she sees him.

- Shh! Here they come.

- I love you, baxty.

- And I love your money.

I mean, I want your fortune.

I mean, you complete me.

- Ooh, you know just what to say to a girl.

- Stamps, my love!

[Both scream]

It is i, michael davidson.

I've come back to woo you.

- Michael? You've really lost weight.

- Well, I have been eating faster.

But enough catching up.

The flame of our love still beats hot within me.

- What? - Michael!

Sweetie here has told me all about you.

So tell me, still chewing up couches?

- Uh, yes.

- Disgusting!

I hate couch chewers.

You know that's why we broke up.

- Ah, then I mean no.

Come, let us walk and talk of many things.

- Actually, michael, we--

- Come on. Let's go.

Since we parted,

I have mastered all of the traits that you admire,

Whatever they may be.

That's it; woo her.

Woo her, you big, beautiful pig-dog.

- [Singing happily]

- Pig, how'd it go?

- Perfectly.

- You mean you made stamps fall in love with you

And convince her to leave baxter?

- Oh, that plan.

No, they're getting married tomorrow.

[All groan] - oh, pig!

- And baxter asked me to be his best man,

So I'm throwing him a bachelor party.

- I'll throw you, you little--

- Wait, duke.

I have an idea.

We heard stamps say

She can't stand couch chewers, right?

- Of course.

A couch chewer's the lowest kind of dog there is.

Nothing lower.

- So all we have to do is get an incriminating photo

Of baxter chewing a couch.

- Hey, we could do it at the bachelor party.

- Where his guard will be down from having a good time.

- Exactly.

My friends, this party will see the end

Of baxter and stamps' romance once and for all!

- Oh, so you're all coming. Great.

Everyone, bring an appetizer.

- You're not bright.

- Yeah, I get that a lot.

[People cheering]

[Upbeat music]

- Par-tay! Whoo-hoo!

Bachelor party!

- That's right, you little rat.

Enjoy it while you can.

- So what are stamps and the girls doing?

- Eh, you know girls.

They're probably sitting around, eating diet popcorn

While doing each other's hair and blabbing about feelings.

- Let's do this thing!

[Chainsaws buzzing]

[Knocking at door]

- Hey, a knock at the door.

I shall be helpful and answer it.

- Whatever, orson.

I'm partying! Whoo-hoo!

- Why, it's two deliverymen whom we've never met.

I wonder what they want.

- We have a package for a baxter.

- A special delivery.

- Uh...

[Sultry music]

Oh, baby.

- Mm, that's a good chewing couch.

- [Sniffs] smells like bacon.

- And don't forget the dog biscuits.

- Must...not...chew.


- Otis, it's working. - Sweet!

Once we get that picture, it'll be bye-bye, baxter.

- How can couch chewing be wrong...

- When it feels so right?

- Can't...resist.

- That's right. Come on.

- Must chew!

- Let me at it! [Barks]

- Duke, no!

[Fabric ripping]

- At least I got his good side.

- And you're not helpful.

- Man, I feel awful.

What happened last night?

- Couch chewer! - For shame.

- Hey, guys.

Thanks for the fun party.

Well, see you at the wedding.

Soon your family dog bone fortune will be mine!

I mean, everyone loves a wedding.


I know I do.

- Looks like duke's getting a new brother-in-law.

- Who will try to do away with him

The first chance he gets.

- Yeah, bummer.

Well, let's go get seats.

- Otis, you can't let this happen.

You gotta do something!

- I don't know, duke.

It looks like baxter's finally won.

[Yells] or has he?

[Wedding march plays]

- Say, olaf, where's duley?

I so wanted him to be here and watch me inherit--

I mean, marry his sister.

- Stow it, baxter.

We both know you got duke right where you want him.

- I do?

Then this is the happiest day of my life.

- Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to--

- Come on, pepper. Get to the good stuff.

I want to be rich--married.

Dog bone fortune! Married!

Okay, you talk now.

- [Clears throat]

Do you, baxter, take stamps to be your wife?

- Absotootely.

- And do you, stamps, take baxter to be your husband?

- Mm-hmm.

- Then I now pronounce you dog and wife.

- Yes, I did it!

I tricked all of you!

I never loved her.

I just wanted her family's dog bone fortune.

And now it's mine!


- What, no kiss?

[All gasp]

- Dagwood!

But--but you're not--

I thought--where's--i--

[Panting] but i--

I--i thought-- the whole thing is--

Hopefully, he's not a real--



- I heard the whole thing, baxter.

You lying, no-good, flimflamming--

- But, stampy, I can explain.

- You're busted, baxter.

Have fun on your honeymoon.

- Wait, derek! You can't do this.

I'm your husband.

I love you!

- I'm sorry you had to find out this way, sis.

The guy was a no-good palooka.

- It's okay, dukey.

I'm not upset.

I've found the true love of my life again,

Haven't i, michael?

- The power of our love burns

With the fire of a thousand suns.

So yeah.

- Pig, you sure about this?

- Nope, I'm very confused.

All I know is, I'm young, disguised as a dog,

And in love.

Come here, baby.

All: aw!

All: ew!

- Ho! Didn't need to see that.

- That's just not sanitary.

- I'm going to go wash my eyeballs.

- The licking!

[Happy music]