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04x04 - The Video

Posted: 12/12/23 09:04
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ What they will do next

♪ You never can tell

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ Brother and sister

♪ And best friends as well

♪ With each misadventure, they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family and friends, that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ Brother and sister

♪ And best friends as well

♪ Brother and sister

♪ Maya and Miguel

MAYA: ♪ La la la la la


I like movies.

Miguel likes ones about cars and robots and machines,

but I like movies about people.

Oh, this is one of my favorites,

and it stars one of my favorite actors of all time--abuelita!

Let me help, abuela.





Maya, you are going to love meeting my friend Carlota.

I know, abuelita! I can't wait!


I'm out of here!

When we were girls in Mexico,

we used to do everything together.

Ahh. This reminds me of the day we won a fishing contest.

Here, little fishy!Ohh!

Here, little fishy! Ohh!

It's a big one!

He's getting away!

Aah! Come back here!

Aah! Aah!

Abandon ship!

And you won the blue ribbon!

On this day, we spent the whole morning making a sand castle.

Ahh. Perfect. The finishing touch.


[Both screaming]


Oh, we loved to dance.

[Music plays]

Aah! Aah!

ELENA: We loved scary movies.

Aah! Aah!

So when is she coming?

This weekend!

Maya, Carlota is so special to me.

I can't wait for her to meet my grandchildren.

Me too, abuelita!


No! Maya.

♪ La la la la

Awk! Paco sleeping!

Oh. Sorry, Paco.



MAYA: Miguel, are you done with the welcome banner yet?


Paco, not on my head, please!

!¡Quiero dormir!

Well, sleep somewhere else.

!¡Quiero dormir!


I have a treat for you two for helping me.

I'll get it.

Done! Let's put it up.



I'll get it, abuelita!


Hello. This is Abuela Elena's phone,

Maya speaking.

It's Senora Carlota!

!¡Hola, Senora Carlota, la estamos esperando!

Si, mi abuelita esta aqui.

!¡Hasta luego, Senora Carlota!

Maya. Awk! Cookies!

Paco like cookies!

Hola, Carlota. How are you?

I thought you were sleeping!

What? Hmm.

Entiendo, Carlota.


So should we put up the banner now?

Of course. This happens only once.

It's a wonderful occasion.

Si, si.

I will talk to you soon.

What happened?

Carlota is about to become a grandmother for the first time,

and the baby is coming early!

So she has to stay in Mexico.

Oh, no!

Well, hopefully, another time.

A grandchild is an important thing, right, mijita?

Oh, Miguel, that's so disappointing.

Abuelita seemed OK to me.


Paco want cookie!

Miguel, Miguel, Miguel, we have to do something!

Those words send chills down my spine.


Abuelita really wanted Carlota

to see her friends and family.

Maybe she can come another time.

Not if she keeps having grandchildren!

Maya, Carlota can't be here and in Mexico at the same time!

If only there were some way

for her to see abuelita's life in the U.S.

Hey, that's the new Melissa Rojas movie!

I heard it's great!

!¡Una pelicula!

Chrissy! !¡Eso es!

You want to go to the movies?

No! !¡Podemos hacer una pelicula!

A movie of abuelita's life!

And then we can send it to Carlota in Mexico!

We'll call it "A Day in the Life of Abuelita"!

Us? Make a movie?

How are we going to do that?

I smell trouble!

[Oink, oink]

Grab him, Tito! Quick!

Ha ha ha!

!¡El cerdo!

It is all wet!

That's because we just gave him a bath!

I've got him!



Good catch!


Papi, could we please use the video camera?

¿Mi camara de video?

So we can make a video of abuelita's life

to send to her friend Carlota.

Mayita, it's a new camera.

Don't worry, papi.

You showed Miguel how to use it,

and, um, I'll be the director,

and, um, Miguel will be the cameraman!

Me? How did I get into this?

You want to do something nice for abuelita, right?

Sure I do, but--

We'll make it a surprise

because abuelita loves surprises!

Yeah, but I'm not sure if--

Can we, papi?

Please, please, please, please, please, please?

For abuelita, OK,

but please be careful with my camera.

I want to help my abuelita, too!

OK, Tito.

We'll start first thing tomorrow.

Bright and early, cameraman!

Huh? How early?

Way early.

Miguel? Miguel, despierta.

Uhh. No school today, mama. It's Flag Day.

It's not mama; It's me.

Come on, wake up!

We have to make our video!

Maya! It's still dark out!

I know! We have to get ready

for abuelita's morning aerobics class.

Come on!

Awk! Uh-uh.


MAYA: All right!

Hurry. Abuelita will be here soon with her friends.


Why do we have to hide in a tree?

So abuelita won't see us with the camera.

Remember? It's a surprise!

I brought makeup.

Maggie, if you put makeup on abuela,

you'll ruin the surprise!

Ooh, surprise. Right.

OK. Now, Tito, you know the signal.

Whistle when you see abuelita.

Si. I will whistle!

Oh, no!

Oh, no!

Here she comes!

OK! Time to begin

"A Day in the Life of Abuelita"!


What are you doing?

I'm the director, so I shout, "Action!"

and you start the camera!

ELENA: What are you kids doing up there?

Oh, abuelita!

Um, what are we doing here?

Uh, Miguel?

Uh, what are we doing here?


Uh, papi wanted me to check out the camera,

so I'm making a video

of, um, Tito on the monkey bars.

So we thought we'd get in a monkey-bar-like position ourselves.

!¡Mira! Tito's on the monkey bars now so, uh, action!

Tito! Wave to the camera!

Maya! I cannot whistle! Sorry!

Oh. Hi, abuelita.

I don't know why Tito's so worried about whistling.

What a nice morning!

Don't you want to look your best for your walk, Abuela Elena?


Gracias, Maggie.


It's good you're here with your friends

for your exercise class to keep in tip-top shape!

Si. Every morning.

Hey! Since we're up already,

do you think we could join you?

Huh? Uh...

Sure. Why not?

I just hope it's not too hard for you.

We love to exercise.

This should be easy!


Heh heh heh!

That's it! Keep it up!


And reach and stretch and kick and turn

and stretch and kick and turn and stretch

and kick and...

Are you filming all this?

I hope so!

It's hard to film when you're grape-vining!

Senora Carlota, this is where abuela starts her day every morning:

at her exercise class in the community center

to keep he heart strong and loving.

INSTRUCTOR: And ready for the turn, and left...


Left, right, left, right, left, right,

left, right, left right, left, right,

left, right, left right, left, right...

Sorry! Oops! Sorry!

I've got to put this camera down!


Get them to go in front of it!

How am I going to do that?

INSTRUCTOR: Left, right, left, right, left, right.


Maya, what are you doing?

We need abuelita and her friends

closer to the camera for Miguel!

How? We can't just line them up.

!¡Eso es! A conga line!

♪ Da da da da da da, da da da da da da ♪

♪ Da da da da da da


♪ Da da da da da da

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!

I guess my sense of direction isn't always so great.

Maya, we'll--

Never say never!

I didn't. Whatever.

Maya! Abuelita is leaving!

Bye, kids.


Will you stop doing that?!

Oh, sorry.

Where is she going?

Good morning, kids!

Fuji apples came in today!

Nice and crunchy!

Ac--Don't say it!

Carlota, right here inside Senora Cordova's grocery,

abuelita is doing her morning shopping.


Every morning, she likes to pick out

the freshest fruits and vegetables.

What the--

Hmm. Hmm!


I must be seeing things.






Whoa, there's one!Get that one!

[All talking at once]


Oops. Heh heh heh!

Lo siento, Senora Cordova.

Tito, if it hadn't been you,

it would've been someone else.

Besides, you kids were very helpful cleaning up.

Uh, Maya? Where did abuelita go?

She was right in...


So you lost her again?

Don't worry!

Every morning, she likes to take

a long walk in the park.

I'll bet she's there now!

There she is!

Miguel, ac--

Why don't you decide when you want to start filming?


[Dog barking]

MAN: Buster! Stop that! Stop!

Don't worry, Mr. Johnson. We'll help!

What about the movie, Maya?

Well, we can't leave the poor kitty stranded, can we?


TITO: Here, kitty, kitty! Here, kitty!





Is everyone all right?

We're OK, Mr. Johnson.

Thanks, kids. I would have felt terrible

leaving that little kitty up there.


Your abuela got away again!

Almost a half a day

in "A Day in the Life of Abuelita" is over!

And we still can't find our star! Ohh!


MAYA: Papi, have you seen abuelita?

We lost her!

Awk! Lost her? Lost her?

And we want to finish the video surprise!

Awk. !¡El video! !¡El video!

Sorry, I haven't seen her.

Awk! Hello, gorgeous!

Maya, here she is!

MAYA: Don't let her see the camera!

Hey, where you going?

Paco want to talk! Paco want to talk!

[Bells jingle]

Oh, abuelita!

Why, what a surprise to see you!


Well, here, you know, outside the pet store.

Uh, are you going someplace special?

Just lunch with Senor Felipe.

Oh, I don't want to be late.

No! Go ahead! Have fun!

To the post office!

MAYA: There's abuelita!


MAYA: Come on!PACO: Paco's there!


So, it's too bad about Carlota.

Well, yes, but--

Is everything OK?

Si, si, si, si, si.

Maybe I need new glasses.

You were telling me about Carlota.

Oh, yeah, right.

You see, her first grandchild--


Did that tree just move?

The tree? Move?

I think I'm seeing things.

So anyway, Carlota is one of my oldest and dearest friends.

Oh, dear me, where, where, where?


Shh! I--I mean, Mrs. Salviati, what's wrong?

I cannot find one of my tap shoes.

I know it's in the car somewhere.

We'll help you find it!

But, Maya, what about abuelita?

It'll just take a minute, Miguel!

Uh, hmm.

[All talking at once]

Aww. Shiny.

Paco found it!

MAYA: Good job, Paco!

Thank you, thank you all.

Paco! Pretty bird.

Maya, where did abuelita go?


Oh, no! We've lost our star again!

They had a picnic basket.

We have picnics in the park.

Tito! That's right!

We'll check out the parks!

GUS: Slower! Slower! Lift! Lift!

CELIA: Uncle Gus, I think I'm dropping--

Can we help, Senor Lopez?

But, Maya--


Catch it!

Got it!

Mmm! Hey, this is good!


Hold it, Paco!

Wait a minute!Action! Action!

Wait a minute! Wait a minute!



I've got it, Tito!


Oh, no! Aah!

Got it!

!¡Cuidado, Maya!

Awk! Action!

We did it!


When is the wedding, Senor Lopez?

In an hour!

MAGGIE: What time is it?

Hand me the green!

Hey, yellow over here!

MAYA: Got it!

We can do it!

GUS: Next layer!

Chocolate, then vanilla!

Looks good!

It's A-OK now, kids.

Good to know when you're in a tight spot,

your friends will go to the mat for you.

Heh heh heh!

Maya! There's abuelita!

Quick, Miguel--


Awk! Action! Action!

MAYA: Finally!

Oh, no!


[All taking at once]

Yay! Yay!


Way to go, Paco!

Bring the ice cream back to abuelita, Paco.

Oh, man! Yuck!

All right.

I want to know what is going on today.

Everywhere I go, you are right behind me.

Oh, abuelita, we wanted to make a video

that you could send to Carlota.

You were filming me?

We're sorry.

We should have asked you first.

We thought it would be more fun if it were a surprise.


It doesn't matter anyway.

The video isn't very good.

The whole thing was a bad idea.

We'd better give papi his camera back

before anything else goes wrong.

Thanks anyway, everyone.



[Elena laughing]


Is that out tape?

!¡Ninos! !Gracias!

!¡Muchas gracias!

This is a perfect surprise to send to Carlota.

Really?¿De veras?

But we didn't get enough of you, abuelita.

But it shows my grandchildren,

who are so helpful and kind.

I'm so proud of you and my neighborhood,

and that's what I wanted to share with Carlota.

MAYA, VOICE-OVER: So we sent the tape to Carlota after all, and she loved it!

But first we all sat down

and watched the whole thing ourselves!


MAYA: What are we doing here?


Ohh! Whoa!

Popcorn for the movie! Popcorn for the movie!

Hey, I want some!

I'll have some!

Pass it to me!

♪ Da da da da da da

