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03x04 - The Dogwalkers

Posted: 12/12/23 09:01
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family and friends, that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ Maya and Miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ Maya and Miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister, Maya and Miguel ♪

MAYA, VOICE-OVER: Everyone is good at something.

Like speaking languages...

!¡Tito! !Hasta manana!

See you tomorrow.

MAYA, VOICE-OVER: ...or braking on your skates.


Sorry, chicas.

Theo won the school science award!


Which of your inventions was it for?

Good question I call it a pogo-skooter.

A vaulting pole! Can I try it?


!¡Que chevere!

How do you come up with these inventions, Theo?

It runs in the family.

My dad's an amateur inventor.

Congratulations to Chrissy for setting the fifth grade record

in the -yard dash.

I got my speed from my mom.

I'm still trying to beat her records.

Gee, Miguel,

I wonder what talent is in our blood.

¿Quien sabe?

Here I am! Here I am!

A big thank you to me for helping organize the medieval faire

school fund raiser.

A professional couldn't have done it better.

You guys are so lucky.

You're all really good at something.

Not me...

Tu tambien. You're a great actress.

Who got fired for over-acting, remember?

You're a great friend.

That's not a talent.

I think it is.

Si, es tu talento.

Don't worry.

My mom says sooner or later,

everyone discovers their true talent.

Don't worry, Maya. He's right.

OK. See you tomorrow!

Nos vemos manana.

You're really good at rock, paper, scissors.

!¡Uno, dos, tres!

Oops. Best out of .

Thanks, Miguel.

Hey, don't forget we agreed to walk Mrs. Salviati's dog today.


Tenemos que pasear el perro.

[Ding dong]

WOMAN: Step, ball change, shuffle, ball change.

Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.

Buon giorno, bambinos.

Buon giorno, Mrs. Salviati.

Avanti, avanti. Come in, kids.

It was so kind of you to walk Mr. Wrinkles for me.

I'm quite behind on my new choreography.

Step, ball change. Shuffle, ball change.

Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.

Wow! You make it look so easy.

I've been dancing since I was years old.

You knew at what your talent was?

Miguel and I are , and we still don't know ours.

Don't worry.

By the time you're my age, you'll know.

Step, ball, toe, tap, change and cakewalk...


Somewhere on that desk is a plate of biscotti.

Please help yourselves while I get Mr. Wrinkles' leash.


I can't find the plate.


Tap shoes.

MAYA: Beethoven.



An invitation to Mrs. Salviati's th high school reunion.

Wow! I wonder what all our friends will be doing

in years!

Come on, Mr. Wrinkles.

Let's put your coat and leash on.


Excuse me, Mrs. Salviati.

We couldn't help noticing

the invitation on your desk.

Oh, yes, my reunion!

It's so exciting!

Uh! Uh!

MIGUEL: Oh, man. That's kind of snug.

Toma, Miguel, la correa.

All right. He's in.

Anyway, we'd be happy to watch Mr. Wrinkles

when you go to your reunion.

We will?


Of course we will!

I mean...uh, of course we will.

That's right, Mrs. Salviati.

Aren't you the sweetest bambinos!

I would love to go, but I can't.

But a -year reunion only comes once in a lifetime.

Hee hee hee!

Maybe twice if you eat your vegetables.

Yes, but it's across the country,

and I need to buy my grandson a new bike,

and some of my students need new tap shoes.

You can't always do everything.

Ha ha ha!

Don't worry, bambinos.

I keep up with my old friends.

They'll understand.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Mr. Wrinkles' barrette.

They hold up his wrinkles so he can see.


Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

[Mr. Wrinkles barks]




MIGUEL: It's all right.

MAYA: There's got to be a way

to get Mrs. Salviati to her high school reunion.

It sounds like she's spending her money on other things, Maya.

!¡Lo se! But if I had a million dollars--

But you don't.

Eh! Mr. Wrinkles!

But if I did-- But you don't.

If I did-- But you don't, Maya.

But if I did-- Uh...

[Dog barks]

MAN: Buster!

Make up your mind. I don't have all day!


[Ruff ruff]

Buster, please... just pick a tree.


[Ruff ruff]

Excuse me, sir, but I think I know

what Buster is looking for.

Is that so?

Sir, do you walk Buster along the same path every day?

Yes, I do.

Maybe he's trying to tell you that he's bored.

Even dogs need a change of pace.

You two seem to know a lot about dogs.

Are you professional dog walkers?

Well, not professional--

We certainly could be.

Because I need to hire someone to walk Buster.

You would actually pay us money to walk your dog?

Absolutely. I'm a busy man.

Do you have a card?


But we will by tonight.

Uh! Buster!

Miguelito! !¡Eso es!


I know how we can make money

to send Mrs. Salviati to her reunion.

All right, let's hear it.

!¡Paseando perros!

Walking dogs?

Maya, Maya, Maya. You always--

Hey, that's not a bad idea.

[Mr. Wrinkles barking]

Aah! Aah!

Oh, no! His barrette came off! He can't see!


Oh, no!

Look how many clients we can get just on our block.

The Changs, De Sotos, O'Learys, and Fernandezes all have dogs!

Termine. ¿Te gusta?

Miguel, I think it's great.


¿Que es eso?

He's a Mexican hairless.

Mr. Pascual has one, and I thought

he'd like seeing him on our flyer.

Entonces, esta perfecto.

Santos Dog Walkers!


We've discovered our true talent!



No, no, Paco. I'm on to something here.


Think about it, Miguel.

Nuestro talento es cuidar animales.

It's in our blood.

Mama and papi do own a successful pet shop.

These pages were in the printer.

A travel website? You kids going somewhere?

It's not for us, papi.

We want to send Mrs. Salviati

to her th high school reunion.

We're going to walk dogs to raise the money.

¿Van a pasear perros? !¡Que bien!

Following in your papi's footsteps, eh?

Si, papi.

When did you realize you were good with animals?

Well, I was about your age,

living in Puerto Rico, when my dog Lulu ran away.

Every day, I would walk down the streets,

whistling for that dog.

!¡Ven Lulu!



Shame on you.


SANTIAGO, VOICE-OVER: And then the strangest thing started to happen.



SANTIAGO, VOICE-OVER: Well, every time I'd whistle,

all kinds of lost animals would come running to me--

cats, dogs, birds...

so I found Lulu, and at the same time

I discovered I had a special talent.

What a great story, papi!

You never told us that before!

What does the whistle sound like?

Well, let's see. Let me try.


It works!

That's Tommy's lost canary!


Wow. If we had your talent, papi,

we'd be able to send Mrs. Salviati all the way to Chile!

This apartment will be full of doggie business.

Well, you know what I mean.

I'm glad you want to help out Mrs. Salviati.

Just remember, running a business is a big responsibility,

so don't bite off more than you can chew.


Oh! Oh!

Ready, Miguel?


[Ding dong]

I think we were born to walk dogs.

And no one looks better holding a leash than you, hermanito!

No puedo pasear un perro mas.

Maya, we're not gonna make it.

What do you mean we're not gonna make it?

We're doing great business!

Mrs. Salviati's reunion is next Saturday.

At the rate we're going,

we're not going to earn enough money

to buy her the plane ticket in time.

Miguel, you must've made a mistake.

No mistake, Maya. We need to do more.

Do more? But we're already walking

most of the dogs in the neighborhood.

Yeah, we're just walking.

But think of all the other things dogs...

And other animals need!

Do you know how much I love you right now, hermanito?

Oh, Maya! OK, OK.

Hello, Mr. Chang.

This is Miguel from Santos Dog Walkers.

I noticed Puffy's breath

was a little stinky today.

MIGUEL: Would you like to schedule

an appointment to brush her teeth?

Great. : tomorrow.

Buenas noches, Mrs. Fernandez.

This is Maya from Santos Dog Walkers Plus.

I noticed that your kitty, Pretty Princess,

was scratching a lot.

MAYA: We're offering a special on flea baths this week...

In fact, reptiles are our specialty...

Sure, we can clean your rabbit's ears...

Sure, we can disinfect her cage...

A litter of ? No problem!

We can handle the : p.m. feeding.

Thank you very much!

Wow. Every minute of the weekend

is booked with appointments.

We'll get Mrs. Salviati to her reunion no problem.

Actually, there is one problem, Maya.

¿Cuando paseamos los perros?

Don't worry, Miguelito.

We'll find time to walk the dogs...


Not without the help of half the fifth grade, we won't.

Miguel! !¡Eso es!


And with your help, we'll have enough money

to buy Mrs. Salviati a plane ticket to her reunion.

Glad we can help.

It'll be fun. I love animals.

Me, too, except for rats.

I don't do rats.


ALL: Ready!


No rats, OK?



PACO: Hello.


OK, fetch.






BOY: Whoa.

PACO: Hola. Hola.


I think I've got fleas.


Pretty bird.

You're a lot bigger than the mouse, Chrissy!

Ay, Paco.

Estoy cansada.

Team Santos, we did a great job today.

With a big day tomorrow, we should be able to get

that plane ticket!

Yeah, great work, team!

Now we all better get to bed early because tomorrow

we start at a.m. for the morning walks.

Gee, I have a baseball play-off tomorrow.

And tomorrow's my grandma's birthday.

My whole family has plans.

I'm sorry. I can't help you.

Me, too.

Sort of.

That's OK.

You guys helped us a lot.

Gracias, amigos.

Good luck tomorrow, guys.

You're gonna need it.

So it's just gonna be you and me.

It's going to be a long day.

You're telling me.

Aw, we can do it.

Remember, we have a special talent for animals!

¿Para animales? Ha!







Ha ha!


Paco wins! Paco wins!



Despierta, Miguel.

Do I have to, Maya?

Miguel, we have one day to wash, groom, fluff, comb,

clean, dry, and powder about animals.

¿Cuarenta animales?

Please tell me this is a bad dream.

BOTH: Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!

Feeding kitty was only supposed to take minutes.

Finding kitty is taking .

BOTH: Nice kitty, kitty, kitty.


[Maya and Miguel giggling]



This isn't working.


This is gonna take longer than we thought.

We're way behind schedule!

And we still have a dozen dogs to walk.

I am so tired.

My feet hurt, my back hurts, even my hair hurts.


Just checking.

!¡Tengo una idea!

Good, 'cause I got nothing.

See what a brilliant idea this was?

Look how much time we're going to sa--ayyyyy!!

Stop! Please!

Watch out! No brakes!

MAYA: Come back! Come back!

Look out! Look out!

Miguel, what are we going to do?


Oh, no! Oh, no! That's the water!

Oh, no! Aah!

On , jump!

!¡Uno, dos, tres!


You look so pretty. Que bonita therese.


Don't forget, you're going to need to clean this all up.

Yes, papi.

We were so eager to help Mrs. Salviati,

we bit off more than we could chew.

And I don't even think we have

your talent with animals.

No one's going to trust us again.

Santos Dog Walkers is a bust.

Come on, kids.

Everyone makes mistakes.

The important thing is to be honest and responsible.

What do you mean?

I mean take responsibility.

Do the right thing, mijos.

No! No!



PACO: Paco needs a towel!

Are you sure that's what papi meant?

Yeah. If we didn't do what we promised,

we should give back the money.

[Ding dong]

Where have you been?

You're two hours late, you know.

We're really sorry, Mr. Johnson.

Santos Dog Walkers would like to offer you a full refund

with our sincerest apologies, sir.

And we did give Buster a shampoo and grooming--

on the house.

Thank you.

I can't believe it.

We worked so hard, and now we have less money than we did yesterday.

Poor Mrs. Salviati.

Oh, there you are, big guy!

I was worried something happened.

[Ding dong]

Bambinos! What are you doing here?

We came to apologize.

Whatever for?

We wanted to send you to your reunion,

so we started a business to earn the money...

But we kind of goofed things up...

So now we can't buy you a plane ticket.

Well, bless your little hearts.

This is the nicest thing

anyone has ever tried to do for me.

But we failed.

Oh, no.

You see, I never travel without Mr. Wrinkles,

and he hates flying.

So we always go everywhere by the train.

By train?

I think we might have enough money

for a train ticket...

MRS. SALVIATI: ♪ La la la la la

♪ La la la la la la la la ♪

Thank you both for this beautiful gift you have given me.


Cincinnati, here we come! The train station, please.

Thanks to Maya and Miguel,

I'm going to my high school reunion!

You made Mrs. Salviati very happy, ninos.

You have a real talent for helping people!

Hey, little buddy!

I haven't talked to you in a long time.

Where've you been?

Right here. Where have you been?


Here, let me help.

Take it from us,

you don't want to bite off

more than you can chew.

Ha ha! That's for sure.