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02x13 - The Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters

Posted: 12/12/23 08:58
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family and friends, that's the start ♪

♪ They make a great team as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ Maya and Miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ Maya and Miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister, Maya and Miguel ♪

No way we can lose to the Tigers this time.

But they're so good...

Yeah, and tough...

And fast...

Oh, come on!

You guys got to believe!

It all starts in here.

Uh, actually, your heart's on the other side, Miguel.

I knew that.

GIRLS: ♪ They spread cheer, far and near ♪

What is that?

♪ Do not fear, they're always here... ♪


ALL: Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters, time for action!



NARRATOR ON TV: And the Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters

return to Cheery Chipper Land to await their next assignment.

Oh, wow! Awesome!

Yes! Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters!



Hold on, Miguel.

I'm watching the Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters.

They are awesome!

Oh, this is that new show.

What new show?

It's the new thing.

Every girl on my block

is singing that theme song!

Oh, brother!

NARRATOR: The Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters

will be right back.

Hola. Cheery Chippers right back!


How about changing the Cheery Chipper channel?

NARRATOR: The Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters!

Spreading happiness, sweetness, and love

throughout the universe!

!¡Felicidad, dulzura, y amor!




ALL: Sisters!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Guys, this stays between us.

NARRATOR: Join the Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters Fan Club today!

Fan Club?

NARRATOR: And you'll receive

your very own Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters action gear!

Hmm. !¡Eso es!

We'll join the fan club!

It's a great idea!

It's brilliant!

It's genius!

There are of them...

and of us!


We'll get our own t-shirts and masks,

and even our own Cheery Chipper Cupid wings!

MIGUEL: Ha ha ha!

You guys are going to wear wings?

Are you going to fly somewhere?

Just make sure it's far away!


Good one!


You boys sound cranky.

Yeah! I think you need some happiness, sweetness, and love!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

Isn't it great?

That is so cool!

Awk! Ay, ay, ay!

And look at these!

Cheery Chipper Cupid wings!

Ooh! Yes!Sweet!

Come on, let's put them on!

I want to be Chipper Cupid!

And I want to be Cherub Cupid.

And I get to be Cheery Cupid!

ALL: Spreading happiness, sweetness, and love

throughout the universe!

Awk! Ay caramba.

Hmm. Oh, look.

And for your special friend...

Awk! Ay, ay, ay!


"Now go out into the world

and do your Cheery Chipper duty!"

ALL: Ch-Ch-Ch-Cheery, Ch-Ch-Ch-Chipper,

Cu-Cu-Cu-Cupid Sisters!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

[Door opens]

Maya, have you seen my--

what on earth?

So what do you think, Miguel?

Please tell me you're not going to school like that.

GIRL: Huh?

Well, superheroes need to be brave!

♪ They spread cheer, far and near ♪

♪ Do not fear, they're always here ♪

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

You know, that Cheery Chipper Chicken thing

is starting to get annoying.

Don't worry about it, Miguel.

Yeah, we have more important things to worry about.

You're right.

We need to go over our plays.

See, I think we have to fake out the defense like this.

MAYA: Ready or not, here we come!


[Dogs howling]

Over here!

All right!



Yes! Yeah! Yeah!

Oh, yeah!

GIRLS: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

Ch-Ch-Ch-Cheery, Ch-Ch-Ch-Chipper,

Cu-Cu-Cu-Cupid Sisters!

Ch-Ch-Ch-Cheery, Ch-Ch-Ch-Chipper,

Cupid Sis...






Maya, you are taking this Cheery Chipper thing too far!

GIRLS: Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I don't know what,

but we've got to do something about this!


MAYA: First and foremost,

a Cheery Chipper Cupid fan must promise to spread happiness,

be sweet,

and love all the living creatures in the universe.

[Door opens]

MAYA: Hello, ma'am. May we help you with that?

Hey, that's mine!

Help! Help!

Oh, no, no! You don't understand.


Help! !¡Socorro!

Paco, stop that!

MAGGIE: We want to help you!


Help me!

We're doing our Cheery Chipper duty!


Somebody! Anybody!

Wh-what's going on?

Well, these girls here,

they're trying to steal my groceries.

No! Uh, we were trying to--

they're wearing those silly disguises,

trying to make me think that they're angels or something!

Maya, is that you?

Um, yes.

And it's me, Maggie.

And Chrissy.

¿Que estan haciendo, muchachas?

We're members of

the Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters Fan Club, and...

we're spreading happiness and love throughout the universe!

Ha ha ha!

Mrs. Tucker, I know these girls.

They just want to help.

They just got a little carried away

with this Cheery Chipper thing.

Well, if you say so.

We're sorry if we frightened you.

Well, OK.

Maybe you girls should go spread your--




and love!

Si, eso.

Maybe you should go spread it somewhere else.

We wouldn't want to scare away the customers.


Oh, I mean,

what you are doing is very nice.

But it would be even nicer

if you'd find another place to do it, OK?

I guess making people happy

is harder than we thought.

Yes, but nobody said spreading love and happiness

would be easy!

That's true.

Well, maybe we should do our good deeds closer to home

until we get a little more practice.

Great idea!

Ta da!







Ooh! Oh!

[Dogs yelping]

Come on, pups.

Come on in. Come on. Come on.

Get up. Right in here.

Go. Go.

I'm tired. Ohh.

Hey, come here, you little rascal.

MAYA: I got it, papi!


But we were only trying to spread happiness, sweetness, and love.

!¡Felicidad, dulzura y amor!

I know, Maya,

but what I'm saying is that maybe we need

to give this Chewy Cheery Chipper Sisters a rest.

Um, Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters.


So I think you need to spend less time on this

and maybe do some other things.

But, papi!

Please, we're just trying to make people happy

in our Cheery Chipper way!

I know, sweetheart,

but you have to remember

that not everyone enjoys the Chewy Cheery Chocolatey...

what do you call it again?

Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters.


OK, Maya?

Si, papi.

We are so ready for them.

We just have to stick to the plan.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

PACO: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

[Crowd cheering]

[Blows whistle]

I'm open! Over here! Pass it over!


[Crowd groans]


ALL: Ohh.


[Blows whistle]

There are only seconds left!

Why haven't they scored?

They've been practicing so hard!

They just need a little bit more confidence!

They need encouragement!

!¡Eso es!


Whoo-hoo! Yippee!


[Girls cheering]

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

Aha! Unh!

GIRLS: Ch-Ch-Ch-Cheery, Ch-Ch-Ch-Chipper,

go, go, go!

[Whistle blowing]

[Crowd groans]


MAYA: Well, Miguel, we were just trying to be supportive.

We thought if we did our Cheery Chipper cheer--

Maya, I've had enough of your Cheery Chipper cheering!

We were trying to spread happiness.

[Steam whistle blowing]

I am not happy, Maya! I am not cheery!

I am the opposite of cheery!

I am un-cheery!

!¡Estoy enojado!

This Cheery Chipper thing is ruining my life!

I'm chorry you lost the game!


I mean, I'm sorry you lost the game!



MAYA: I don't know, Paco.

Maybe we were a little too, uh, enthusiastic.


Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to cheer at the game.

Cheery Chipper bad.

I feel so bad that Miguel and the boys lost,

and now he's not speaking to me.


I'm really going to have to find a way

to spread a lot of happiness, sweetness, and love tomorrow

to make up for this.

PACO: Help! !¡Auxilio!

Maya, you have to save Paco!

What? What's going on?

Someone's taken Paco!


What about your Cheery Chipper action stuff?

But I thought you didn't want me to--

This isn't about me, Maya!

This is about Paco!

Now run, jump, and flip out of here and rescue him!

Maya, you must go and do your Cheery Chipper duty!

Si, Maya, ve a buscar a Paco.

And please bring him home!

But, um, isn't anybody going to help me?

A Cheery Chipper Cupid Sister can do the impossible.

Go and find Paco, Maya!

And bring him home!


I will find Paco, and I will bring him home!

It is my Cheery Chipper Cupid duty!

MAYA: Cherub Cupid, we have a mission!

I am ready to do my Cheery Chipper duty!


Chipper Cupid, we have a mission!


Chipper Cupid, we got a mission!


I'm ready to do my Cheery Chipper duty.

Paco is gone, and we must find him!

Paco? Let's go!

Uh, Maggie...




Be good.

What are we looking for?


Oh, OK.

Like what?

Um, like a fingerprint,

a footprint, a feather...



A note!

"One gallon of milk. Two dozen eggs.

One loaf of bread."

What could it mean?

I don't know, but you keep it just in case.



Paco is lost, Mrs. Tucker!


My parrot!

We're looking for clues, Mrs. Tucker.

Have you seen anything?

Well, I did see the ringleaders

of an international parrot g*ng.

Parrot g*ng?

[Whispering] The word on the street

is that Paco would be a prime catch!


I saw a car zoom by,

and these tiny little wings

flew out the window.

And I heard a little voice cry out...

[Imitating Paco] "Help me, Maya!"

Oh, my goodness, that was Paco!

Poor little Paco.

Which way did the car head?

Down that alley.

[Girls gasping]


What are we going to do?

We're not allowed to go into dark alleys

without an adult.

What kind of Cheery Chipper Cupid heroes

are you?

-year-olds. Hmm.

You mustn't lose faith!

Remember, we Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters

always complete our mission!


[Maya gasps]




For years.

Who would've thought?

ALL: Ch-Ch-Ch-Cheery, Ch-Ch-Ch-Chipper,

Cu-Cu-Cu-Cupid Sisters.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

GIRLS: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Now, if you want to find Paco,

you must go see the Cheery Chipper Cupid chief.

ALL: The who?

The Cheery Chipper Cupid chief.

Who do you think gives the Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters

their missions?


And where can we find the Cheery Chipper Cupid chief?

There is only one way.

But I can't remember what it is right now.

So good luck, sisters. Got to go!

Whoo-hoo! you think Paco's in there?

I don't know, but I'm scared.

We can't go in there without our parents' permission.

Well, what should we do?

We have a mission to bring happiness to the world.

Can we go home now?

What about Paco? We have to find him.

But my bear is waiting for me.

Oh! Ohh!



Abuela, I'm so glad to see you!

I can't believe you're the Cheery Chipper Cupid chief!

Why didn't you tell me?

Abuela? I'm not your abuela.

I'm the Cheery Chipper Cupid chief!

Oh. But you look just like my abuela.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

People always confuse me for her,

all the time,

but I'm not your abuela!

She walks; I fly.

She bakes; I quake.

She hums; I howl...


OK, OK, we get it.

You are not my abuela.

We're scared, Cheery Chipper chief.

We want to go home.

You can't give up!

You must complete your mission.

You must find Paco.

But how?

Here's what you have to do.


ALL: Ch-Ch-Ch-Cheery, Ch-Ch-Ch-Chipper,

Cu-Cu-Cu-Cupid Sisters!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

I have to run, jump, roll and, uh,

between you and me,

I'm not too good with the flip.



Oww! Ow! Ow!

I'm getting too old for this stuff.

MAYA: Run two blocks east on Apple Street...

then jump blocks south on Orange Street...

then roll one block west on Banana Lane.

The chief said we will find a car

on the corner of Banana and Whipping Cream Lane.

There it is!

The Cheery Chipper Cupid car!

Wow! What are we gonna do with the car?

Drive it?

But, um, we don't know how to drive.

And we don't have a driver's license.

Or insurance.

And our feet won't reach the pedals.

Awk! Maya, help!

!¡Maya, ayudame!


We have to help Paco!

But how?

What are you waiting for?

Get in the car and catch them!

Don't you want your parrot back?

ALL: We don't know how to drive!

Maya, you're a Cheery Chipper Cupid Sister!

You have to know how to drive!

But I don't!

Drive the car, Maya!

You have to rescue Paco!

Oh! Mija!

What are you waiting for?

Yes, don't you want to do your Chewy Chewy duty?

Get in the car!

You must complete your mission!

Drive the car!

Drive the car!

Drive the car!

But I'm only years old!

ALL: Drive the car!

[All talking at once]

MAYA: But I'm only years old!

I'm only years old! I'm only years old!


Huh? Paco?


Oh! He's OK. Whew!


Whew! Nothing cheery about that dream.

Please, Maya,

hurry and get ready for school,

OK, Mama!

Ah, ah.

Don't forget to pick up your dish, Maya.

!¡Con mucho gusto, papi!

What are you so happy about?

Oh, nothing.

It's just great to be a regular kid!

Hey, Maya?


I felt kind of bad

that I got so angry at you

after the soccer game yesterday.

Oh, that's OK, Miguel.

I did cost your team a last-second, game-tying goal

in the most important match of the season.


But I still shouldn't have yelled at you.


I got you something.

Oh! A Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters lunchbox.

Don't you like it?

No, it's so sweet, Miguel,

but the Cheery Chipper Cupid Sisters

are so very yesterday!

They are?

Oh, yeah!

In fact, I think people were starting to think they were "annoying."

But this lunchbox is great,

and it will probably be a collector's item


So that was how I spent a week

as a Cheery Chipper Cupid Sister.

And after that,

I never got crazy about a silly fad ever again.

Papi was right.

You have to spend time doing different things,

not just the same thing all the time.

Maya, Maggie and Chrissy are here!

Maya, I just got an International Girl All-Star Doll!

You can buy them clothes that match your own!

Look at her skirt. It's the same as mine.

Awk! Oh, brother!