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02x10 - The Wrestler Next Door

Posted: 12/12/23 08:56
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family and friends, that's the start ♪

♪ They make a great team as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ Maya and Miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ Maya and Miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister, Maya and Miguel ♪

He sh**t!

He scores!

The crowd goes crazy!




What is it?

¿Que paso?

Uhh, no se.


It came from downstairs.


!¡Buenos dias, ninos!

Allow me to introduce myself.

The name's Gus Lopez.

I just moved into the building.


You're going to live here?

Si. That is, as soon as I get everything unloaded.

I didn't realize how much stuff

I brought from Mexico City.

I feel like I've just gone rounds.

Ha ha! ¿Ustedes quienes son?

Humida, humida, humida, humida, humida...

Snap out of it, Tito!

Um, yo soy Maya,

and this is my twin brother, Miguel.

!¡Hola, Senor Lopez!

Y el es mi primo, Tito.


he's from Mexico City, too!

Oh, what a coincidence!

Maybe we're long lost twins, no, Tito?

Ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha. !¡Si, si!


Ahem. Do you need any help?

It's a-ok, chicos.

I can handle this by mysel--

MAYA: All right. Let's grab it from the back.

Tito, tu levanta esta parte.

Miguel, get the other.

I'll hoist the middle.

!¡Esperen, ninos!

That's too heavy!

We get lots of exercise!

Miguel is the strongest kid in town!

Maya, what are you--

He even lifted an entire car

off the street with one hand.

That is very impressive, Miguel.

It was only a remote control car.


OK. Uno, dos, tres!


Uh! Uh!


I don't know, Maya.

This piano is really heavy.

At this rate, we won't even be done before dinner!

Uh! Oh. Whew.

Miguel, don't lean on...that!

Oh, no!

!¡Ninos, tengan cuidado!

Leave it to me!








Ha ha ha!

How about you leave the heavy lifting to me?

But as a way of thanking you,

stop by my new panaderia this afternoon.

¿Usted tiene una panaderia?

Yes. My bakery is opening today,

and the pastries are on the house for my little helpers.

I'll see you later. I have to go unpack.

Ese bigote...

that curly mustache... he looks like...

El Guamazo Lopez!

The wrestler you love?


El Guamazo Lopez was the greatest masked luchador ever!


[Crowd cheering]

Tito, voice-over: When El Guamazo fought El Monstruo Supremo, Jr...


TITO: He grab the monster's tail and do a Guamazo special!

He swing him so hard, Monstruo flew out of the ring,

never to return!

Super big-time wrestler in Mexico, primos!

The very, very, very biggest ever

of all the time!

MAYA: Come on, Tito.

What makes you think Gus is really El Guamazo Lopez?

I mean, if he's such an awesome wrestler,

why would he want to be a baker?

Yeah, that is a little weird.

Um, no se.

But I know he has El Guamazo's super famous curly mustache!

¿Y las maromas?

Those flips he do to save the piano?

Dah! Whoa!

And--and--and his last name is Lopez.

It has to be him!

His mustache? The same last name?

Some somersaults? That's not proof.

Those are just coincidences, Tito.


Similarities. That's all!

Coincidences or similarity, it's him!

I know it!

Sorry, Tito, but we need more proof than that.


!¡Eso es!

We can ask him if he's really El Guamazo Lopez.

Ask? !¡No!

It's against their code of honor.

A luchador would never tell us.

Then how are we supposed to find out if it's really him?

Ha ha ha! I find the proof.

Wow. This place is cool.

Miren, primos. He is there!

!¡El Guamazo Lopez!


All I see is a baker tossing some dough up in the air.

TITO: Is him for sure.

He just not wearing his famous lucha mask.

Besides the other similarities, Tito,

is there anything else

that makes El Guamazo El Guamazo?

Andale, he does have un lunar en forma de luna...


Birthmark on his chest!

And his awesome saying...

"Always keep your cool."

Hmm. "Always keep your cool."

Good saying... sort of.


And he has a great move,

the Mega Ultra Super Guamazo Special.

And he has a mole on his chin...

like that!

Is proof?


MIGUEL: I don't know.

It doesn't seem like proof to me--

not yet.

Miguel, maybe Tito's right.

Maybe it's not just a coincidence.

Let's look for more similarities.

[Door bell jingles]

!¡Ay, buenas tardes, ninos!

What can I get for you for being so--

heh heh-- helpful today?

Actually, we'd like to ask you a few questions about being--


a great baker.

I'd be happy to share

a few of my secrets with you.

Oh, oh...


I must warn you, it's a complicated

and difficult art form.

It can humble any man or woman...

or even a parrot.


OK. We're listening.

This is where all the magic begins.

To make my special pan dulce,

all the ingredients must be masked...


Ha ha! I mean, mashed together in this very large bowl.

OK, while Maya has Senor Lopez distracted,

we have to get him to take off his shirt.

!¡Si! !Si! !¡Si!



So we can see his lunar birthmark on his chest.

I'll have the proof that he is El Guamazo!

[Squawk] !¡El Guamazo!

This is the storage room,

where I keep all my winning ingredients!

Um, like what?

Flour, yeast, sugar, salt.

I'll tell you, though,

it's a constant fight to keep everything dry.

If any of these goods get wet,

my whole operation is pinned down.


[Paco squawking]

PACO: Uh-oh.

Sorry, Maya.


Do you have any more questions about--

ha ha ha!

You know, most people don't realize it,

but baking is a full-contact profession.

Full contact.

!¡Ay caramba!

This is where I mix the dough

if the batch is too big to do by hand.

[Splat splat]

But wrestling with dough all day long

makes these old hands pretty tired.

Wrestling with dough, huh?

So just about every batch

gets mixed by these trusty machines.

Got it!

And over here is the cutting board,

where I punch, pound, and slam the dough

en muchos formas diferentes.

Um, what kinds of shapes?

Bells, masks, belt buckles--

you know, lots of normal things.

Whoops! Whoa oh!



!¡Esperen, ninos!

¿Donde esta Tito?

You wouldn't want to forget

your little primo, would you?


!¡Perdon! I forgot um,

uh, mi zapato.

Ha ha. I forgot my shoe.


Oh, calor, it's pretty hot in here, no?

!¡Ay, ninos! Hace mucho calor.

Like the sun has me in a headlock.






¿Que pasa, ninos?


Pr-proof. Proof.

Muy bonito!

Proof of what?

Ah, the proof, um, is in the pudding!

Ha ha ha! And--and--

and you should taste

some of my abuelita's delicious pudding!

Oh! Tonight, at dinner!

Dinner? Dinner?

!¡Si, si!

Come for dinner

at--at--at abuela's apartment.

She lives next door.

Well, I suppose.

That is, if this abuela of yours doesn't mind.

I wouldn't want to impose.

Not at all!

She loves meeting new people!


Nos vemos a las siete.

See you at :.

!¡Hasta luego!

!¡Abuela! !Abuela!

¿!¡Que pasa, mijo!?

!¡Hijole, abuela!

You are not going to believe this!

El Guamazo Lopez, the greatest luchador who ever lived,

is in the neighborhood!

¿El Guamazo Lopez? Really, mijo?

Is he here to fight in the ring?

!¡Nada de eso!

He has a panaderia down the street!

He says he is Gus Lopez, but we know the truth!

He has a super curly mustache like El Guamazo,

he talks like him, and he has a lunar birthmark on his chest.

Too many coincidences, abuelita...

I--I mean, similarities.

And Maya invited him to dinner tonight!

El Guamazo Lopez...

coming to your mother's apartment for dinner?


No! He's coming to your apartment!

!¡Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!

You know who he is, abuelita?

Know!? Mijita, I'm a big fan!

I even have one of his masks.

But wait. Did you say he owns the panaderia?

!¡Si, si! But is him!

Hmm...but why would he be working at the panaderia?

Hmm, it's probably just a coincidence.

I thought it was a coincidence, too, abuelita,

but there are so many similarities...

the way he looks, how he talks.

Similarities, eh?

Well, I have an idea.

How about I invite his arch nemesis, Sinister Sombrero, to dinner, too?

If it really is El Guamazo, Sinister will know for sure.

Sinister Sombrero!?

¿Lo conoces?

Of course, mijo! He's in my book club!

¿El mas villano de todos?

The most mean luchador of anywhere...

in a book club...

with you?

!¡Si! And the books he keeps suggesting are the most...




No, no, no.


He always picks the most romantic novelas.

And he's always inviting me to dinner,

so it's about time I returned the favor.


Hola, Sinister.

!¡Senora Elena, que placer!

Are you calling another emergency book club meeting?

I still have more pages to read in the last book!

No, no, no, Sinister.

I'm actually calling to invite you to dinner tonight.

¿A cenar, hoy en la noche?


ABUELA: !¡Excelente! See you at :!

[Crowd cheering]


!¡Hola! You must be the lovely Senora Elena.

Nice to make your acquaintance.

Ah, what a gentleman.

Mis ninos me han platicado mucho de usted.

They have told me all about your panaderia.

And they have told me about your delicious pudding.



We have to get you ready for the match.

Wha? Match?

Hey, muchas gracias, Tito.


Should I start taping your fingers?


[Doorbell rings]

!¡Fantastico! Your opponent is here!



[Deep voice] Hola.

Muchas gracias, Senora Elena.

This knitting book taught me

how to make a very warm skullcap.

De nada, Sinister.

Come on, villain, come on.

On this side of the mesa...

Sinisterrr Sombrerooo!

And on this other side of the table...

the greatest luchador that ever live!

The one! !¡El unico!

El Guamaaaaazooooo Lopezzzzzz!


Ninos, what is this all about?

Si, ninos. That couldn't be El Guamazo.

It's impossible!

I've wrestled El Guamazo Lopez hundreds of times.

I would know if it were him.

But I...


Trust me, little one.

This baker bears many similarities to El Guamazo...

but if anyone would know if it is him, it would be me.

But I...



Abuela, we forgot to wash our hands.


Listen up! [Squawk]

If this doesn't work, nothing will.

Here's the plan.


PACO: !¡Atencion!

[Music playing]

!¡Ay ay! !Guamazo!

Sinister Sombrero just stole your last pastelito!





ABUELA: No need to worry.

There are plenty of pastelitos to go around.



Thank you again, Senora Elena.

Don't be sad, Tito.

Always keep your cool!

Ha ha ha!

It was a lovely evening, senora.

Nos vemos, Tito.

Bye! See ya, Gus!


How odd.

"Always keep your cool."

That's El Guamazo's famous saying.

But it couldn't be...

But it is!


MAYA: Even in the face of his arch nemesis, Sinister Sombrero,

Gus didn't give in.

He's a tougher cookie to crack than I thought.

I got a plan!



[Squawk] Got it!

[Door bell jingles]

!¡Buenos dias, ninos!

You're the first customers to come two days in a row.

For that, a free sample.

ALL: Mmm!

ALL: Mmm!

Gracias. Thanks!

So, what brings you ninos into my panaderia today?

Actually, um, Tito had something he wanted to ask you.

Well, what is it, Tito?


ah, Senor Lopez,

I was wondering if...

um, if you were, um...

prepared to challenge me in a lucha match!

!¡El Guamazo Lopez!

Argh! Let's go!

Oh, yeah!

Ha ha ha! !¡Ay muchachos!

As you can see, I'm just a baker.


you have El Guamazo's mustache and his lunar birthmark,

and you even say his famous... "Always keep your cool."

Ha ha ha! Ninos, I can't even beat my granny at thumb-wrestling.


!¡Ay, ay! What was that!?


You know, that looks just like raw dough.





You asked for it...

you worthless...





You asked for it, you worthless piece of junk!

It was no coincidence you were a bargain!


Whoa! Take cover, ninos!

Uh, what are you going to do?

That's it!

You can throw me across my bakery, you cranky machine...

but how dare you fling dough at the children!


GUS: You want a piece of me?

Take that! I'll show you who is boss!


Yikes! Oh! Whoo hoo!

!¡Dale Guamazo!


ALL: Yeah.

That move was the Mega Ultra Super Guamazo Especial!

You are El Guamazo!

I used to be El Guamazo.

Ves, Maya, te dije.

He not just a baker.

Just a baker?

¿!¡Por favor!?

But you've still got the moves!

!¡Si! We could help you be El Guamazo again!

That part of my life has passed.

I didn't mean to deceive you,

but I want to be recognized for who I really am,

not just a wrestling character.

And I've never been happier.

You could show me how to do

the Mega Ultra Super Guamazo Especial!

I can't teach you that,

but I'd be glad to train you in the fine art of baking.

After all, it is a pretty hard job.


And maybe I'll even let you wear my old mask.

Do we have a deal, Tito?

!¡Si! !Si!

All right, then.

Pan dulce on the house!

Looks like someone couldn't wait.


MIGUEL: Tito's all-time favorite luchador

stopped wrestling in the ring, but now he's wrestling dough.

It's like abuelita says, "Panza llena, corazon contento..."

a full belly makes a happy heart.

[Paco burps]

People always say you can't judge a book by its cover.

Ha ha ha!

But sometimes, maybe you can!