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01x13 - The Bully and the Bunny

Posted: 12/12/23 08:53
by bunniefuu
♪ It's maya

♪ It's maya

♪ And miguel

♪ And miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's maya

♪ It's maya

♪ And miguel

♪ And miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family and friends, that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's maya

♪ It's maya

♪ And miguel

♪ Maya and miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's maya

♪ It's maya

♪ And miguel

♪ Maya and miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister, maya and miguel ♪

!¡Mama! !Papi! Oh, you were right!

These baby bunnies are really cute!


paco cute! Paco cute!

Hey! Cool!

Wow! !¡Mama, papi! !miren! He likes us!

Hello, hello!

Well, animals know nice people by instinct.

¿De veras?

That little conejito knows his animal lovers, that's for sure.


That's a good name for him.


what about paco? What about paco?

Paco loves maya, too!

Oh, I love you too, paco.

Hey! It looks like somebody's moving in across the street.

Why don't we roll out the santos welcome wagon?

Great idea!

Maya, miguel, paco,

come say hello to our new neighbors.

Oh, um, one more minute with conejito...Please?

Santiago: ok, but come out when you're done.

It's important to be friendly to our new neighbors.




We just want to say welcome to the neighborhood!

My name is santiago santos,

and this is my wife rosa.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

My name is george mccorkle!

Nice to meet you!

This is my son jimmy!

Hello. Hi, jimmy.


Abuela: !¡Hola, todos!

This is my mother, sra. Elena chavez.

Nice to meet you.

I thought I'd bring over some cookies, just to say bienvenidos.

That's spanish for welcome.

Ginger snaps?

Hey, those are jimmy's favorite, right, buddy?

I guess.

You must meet my grandchildren.

They're younger than you, but they'll make you feel right at home.

Say, what's taking those two?



What are you guys doing!?

Playing with the baby bunnies.

Hellooooo? Soccer game?

Oh, my gosh!

We're late!

Hurry! We're going to miss the game!

Both: but...We've never missed a game.

Here you go, conejito.


here come some of their friends!

Andy? Theo? Chris...

Kids: can't talk now!


Ah, here come maya and miguel. Ma...

See you later!

Late for soccer!



Come on!


!¡Hola! !Hola!




Well, you know kids. Always in a rush.

You can meet them later on, jimmy.

Sure you can.

Hey, thanks for coming to say hello!

Yeah. Thank you.

It's nice to meet ya.

Our pleasure!!¡Bienvenidos!

Welcome to the neighborhood.

Theo: a last-second goal to win the game!

What a play!

Aw, I couldn't have done it without that assist from my sister.

I guess that's why the coach gave the game ball to both of us.

Si, si, hermanita.

Andy: hey, miguel! Kick it over here!


How about a little help?

Where'd it go?

Wow, man! Vertical velocity!

That was the game ball!

You told me to kick it!

Yeah, but not to the moon!

To the moon! To the moon!

What did you say?

And my name's not "hey." it's jimmy mccorkle.

Try to remember it from now on, ok?




his name's not "hey!"

Sure. No problem. Uh, ok.

No problem! No problem!

Well, I don't know about you guys,

but I'm not going to have

any trouble remembering.

Me, neither.

Come on, guys. Let's go find our ball.

[door slams]

miguel: come on, maya.

'kay. Coming.

Miguel: I didn't think we'd ever find that ball.

That was some kick, though.

We could use a leg like that on our soccer team.

Why don't we invite

a whole bunch of giants while we're at it?

And that way we can just scare the other team away.

Maya: come on, theo. He's not that big!

Big isn't the word. He's enormous.

He's gigantic.

I mean, he's colossal!

His name should be the jimminator

or jimmy mclarge or something.

Ha ha ha!

Jimmy mclarge. That's funny.

Theo: ha ha ha!



Behind you.


Oh, come on. I deserve a laugh for that one!

That's funny!

Jimmy mclarge. Ha ha ha!




who--who is one heck of a guy.

Hey there, jimmy mccorkle.

See? I remembered!


So, how long have you been standing there?

What's wrong with being big?


Nothing at all.

I wish I was bigger.

I'm always saying that, aren't i, guys?

Oh, yeah! He's always saying that stuff.

I say that, too!

[doors slam]

that is one scary dude.

I hope we didn't hurt his feelings.

Did you hear what he said to theo?

He just doesn't seem so bad to me.

Come on, maya. He's bad news. Game over.

!¡Miguel, eso es!

Great idea!

What idea?



I'll bet as soon as we ask him to play,

he'll turn out to be a big cuddly teddy bear.

Oh, please be careful, maya.

I only have one sister.

Uh, maya, looks like

he already found the game.

See? I thought he'd like it.

I'll go ask him if he wants to play it with me.

Maya, if anything happens to you...

You are so sweet.

Can I have your new cd player?

Ooh, I love that cd player.

I'm telling you, jimmy wouldn't hurt a fly.


He's saving all his strength

for human beings.

You guys are being silly.

Um, excuse me, jimmy?

I'm playing right now.

I gotta beat these high scores.

Oh. Well, uh... Those are mine.

I'm kind of the champ around here.


Yeah. Let me know if you want any pointers.

What's the catch?

Careful! You're doing the hustle!

You should be funky-chickening!

What do you mean?

I always do it this way.

Hit the spin move! Quick!

No, not the reverse spin!

You gotta jitterbug now-- jitterbug!

It's not working!

He's conking out!

You didn't jitterbug!




the game!

My scores!

Stupid game.

Um, this is broken.

Thanks a lot!

I didn't mean--

whoa. That is one scary dude!


scary dude! Scary dude!

Am I right, guys?


Where'd they go?

I think we got a bully on the block.

Wait. Let's not jump to conclusions.

Maya...He kicked your game ball into the next county,

he made us memorize his name,

and then he turned your favorite game into spare parts!

Sounds like a bully to me.

Have any of you actually tried to talk to him?

Um...Well, no.

I don't cliff-dive or tame lions either,

but that doesn't mean I want to try.

Well, either way, we'll be safe at school tomorrow.

I mean, good point.

He's way too big to be in our grade.


No way that huge kid could be our age.

Si. Si.

I'd like you to meet jimmy mccorkle.

Jimmy's a new student starting in our class today.

So let's all say a big welcome.

Um, welcome. Welcome.

Now, I think we have an empty desk for you right over--



I'm always dropping my chalk.

Ok, now, jimmy, why don't you take that empty desk

between theo and miguel?


I believe you live right across the street

from miguel and his sister maya, don't you, jimmy?

I guess.

Ok, so where did we leave off yesterday?

Theodore roosevelt, right?

So, can anyone tell me the word

that president roosevelt was famous for using...



I'm sorry. I didn't get that, miguel.


Just look at him sitting there.

He's just eating his lunch!

Is he? Is he really?

Maybe we should go sit with him.

Hey, guys, I was just talking to jason wong,

and he said that jimmy is really years old

and he's here secretly filming a new reality show

called "th grade bully."

Oh, come on.

Yeah, andy.

I heard that he had to move here

because at his last school, there was this problem,

and, well...There is no school anymore.

Wait. Are you saying that one kid

destroyed a whole school?

What do you think happened to it?

But one kid can't do that, can he?

This kid can.

Thank you, theo.

According to my sources, he's a superhuman cyborg

currently being tested by the government.

It's very hush-hush.

Shouldn't we at least give him a chance?

I mean, he looks like a normal kid to me.

We gave him a chance.

He trashed your favorite video game.

Maybe that was an accident.

Ok, he's a little bigger than most -year-olds,

but he's still just a kid!

I mean, what makes you so sure he's a bully?

I rest my case.

Who eats their animal crackers like that?

He's...Uh, biting their heads off!

That's gruesome.

They're crackers.

Yeah, well, try telling that

to all their little friends and family in the box, maya.

Animal crackers don't have friends and family.


aah! Aah! Aah!



Ok, so he's a little grouchy today.

He's not a bully, miguel, and I'm going to prove it!

Maya: what's wrong with you guys?

How about a little room?

It's a big sidewalk.

We can't be too careful.

Jimmy mccorkle could be anywhere.

He could be anywhere, but he's right there.

Now I'll show you.

Let's just go up and say hello.

Um, I have to run home and start my homework.

Me, too!

Hold it!


now, listen, all of you!

I'm tired of you making fun of me.

But we weren't--

hey, I'm not dumb. I see what you're doing.

Look, from now on, leave me alone.

Don't go anywhere near me.

But we live across the street!

You'd better just face it, maya.

We've got el peleonero!

!¡El peleonero!

First a bully and now el peleonero?

What next? Locusts?


The end of the world as we know it?!

El peleonero just means bully in spanish, andy.

Yeah, I knew that.

And I guess we do have one.

Maya: I can't believe I was so wrong.

I really thought jimmy wasn't so bad.

But I guess it's not as easy for us to tell

as it is with bunnies.

And parrots!


we'd better take conejito back to his mother in the store.

Mama and papi will have to close up soon.

And we better get home before it gets dark.

Yeah. Ok.

Come on, conejito.

Bye, guys.

There you are! Just in time.

There's someone here interested in buying a bunny rabbit.


Si. But you'll be happy to know it's someone who lives right across the street!

Ooh, I like that one with the spots!

Santiago: he'll need plenty of water.

Always keep his bowl filled...

And give him a little bit

of this special food twice a day...

And of course, plenty of love.


Thanks a lot.

Heh heh! Well, come on, son!

Let's get your new little friend home!


!¡Hasta la vista, long-ears!

!¡Adios! Bye now!

Miguel: !¡Mama! !Papi!

How could you?!

How could we what?

How could you sell poor little conejito

to that...To that... Jimmy mccorkle!

What do you mean?

Jimmy seems like a perfectly nice boy.

Claro, his father said

they moved around a lot from town to town,

so maybe he's just a little shy about making friends...

Miguel: shy!?


That kid's a--that kid's-- well, he's a big bully!

Everybody's afraid of him!

Is this true, maya?

Is jimmy really a bully?

I'm not sure, but it kind of seems like it.

Well, even a bully can use a pet.

Yeah, he can use him as a football!

Don't be silly, miguel.

I'm sure jimmy wouldn't hurt that little rabbit.

Besides, his father will make sure he takes good care of it.

So he's got little conejito!

The poor little rabbit!

Who knows how he's treating that innocent little creature?

I mean...Think about it!

[metal door clangs]

make yourself comfortable, little bunny.

We're going to be spending a lot of time together.

The name's mccorkle. Jimmy mccorkle.

And don't you forget it!

Poor little bunny.

We've got to do something!

Like what?

Miguel: rescue him!

We've got to save poor little conejito

from the terrible clutches of jimmy mccorkle.

But we need a plan.


Theo: maya, you always have a plan at a time like this.

I do?

Oh, yeah. I guess I do.

Well...I suppose it could be done.

But we'd need some disguises.

That's the sister I knew I could count on!

Gracias, hermanita. Let's go!

Andy: he's leaving the building. The vulture has left the nest.

Repeat, the vulture has left the nest.

He's headed for the park.

Roger. Got him.

Come, princess.

Can't my name be something like rex or maybe bruno?

Shh. You're a dog,

so quit talking and start barking.


Wow. That's good.

Now you're getting into it!

I'm not acting. This costume's itchy!

Chrissy: hey, where did he go?

Don't even think about it.

Quit fooling around, you guys!

I think we lost him!

Maya: don't worry. We got him.

I thought the whole point of disguises was to avoid attention, maya.

Well, this was all the costume guy would lend us for free.

I guess there's no need for santa and elf costumes

this time of year.

I'm not an elf, I'm a leprechaun.

Leprechauns are like the santas of st. Patrick's day.

Really equal to santa.

They don't work for him.

Ok, when was the last time

you got a present from a leprechaun?

Actually, maya, you have to catch them first.

And then they give you wishes, and then you--

maya: come on.

He's going over that way!

What could he be doing?

Let's get closer.

Ok. We've got him.


I'm not sure. I think he's...

Could he... Is it possible?


what is it? What's he doing?

Maya? Come in, maya!

We're ok! We're ok!

Speak for yourself.


I can't believe this.

We're right here, maya.

What's he doing?

This is incredible!

Who woulda thought...

What's happening?!

Oh, my goodness.

Let me in there!

Hey there, little buddy. Little bunny buddy.

You're my buddy, aren't you?

A picnic!

He's gaga over little conejito!

!¡Tengo una idea!

Maya! No!

Maya: hello, jimmy.

Huh? What?

I thought I told you to stay away from me--



Well, I know who's been naughty

and who's been nice.

What's that supposed to mean?

I think you know.

You aren't a bully at all, are you, jimmy mccorkle?


jimmy loves conejito!

Were you spying on me?

Spying, yes! Spying, yes!

We're sorry.

We were worried about conejito.

We didn't want you to hurt him.

What made you think I'd do that?

When you kicked our ball over the building,

we thought you did it on purpose.

But you didn't, did you?

I just wanted to impress you.

You guys all seemed so tight, playing soccer and all,

the next thing I knew, it was starting all over again.

What do you mean, starting over?

The same thing that happens every place we go.

Just because I'm big and kind of strong...

And sort of shy, everyone thinks I'm a bully.

Well, I guess we sort of did that, too.

Jimmy, we're really sorry.

We haven't been very nice to you.

I guess it must be kind of hard

always having to start over and make new friends, huh?

We were wrong, jimmy.

Chrissy: and we're sorry.

I mean, yeah, you're such a big guy,

we--we sorta jumped to conclusions big-time.

But we won't do it again.

So, how about we start over, jimmy?

Let's get to know each other.


My name is maya santos.

This is my brother miguel,

and these are my friends chrissy, theo, and andy.


paco, too! Paco, too!


oops! And that's paco.

Welcome to our neighborhood.


easy does it, jimbo. Oops!

What do you like to be called?


Just jimmy.

Ok, jimmy.

So, you want to take conejito over

to visit his brothers and sisters?

Ok. So your mother and father really own the pet store, huh?

Yeah, it's pretty cool.

We're supposed to get some beagle puppies later this afternoon.

Maya, voice-over: so everyone was happy

that jimmy adopted conejito-- especially paco.


hasta la vista!

Paco: ha ha ha!