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01x03 - When Maya Met Andy

Posted: 12/12/23 08:49
by bunniefuu
♪ It's maya

♪ It's maya

♪ And miguel

♪ And miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's maya

♪ It's maya

♪ And miguel

♪ And miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family and friends, that's the start ♪

♪ They make a great team as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's maya

♪ It's maya

♪ And miguel

♪ Maya and miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's maya

♪ It's maya

♪ And miguel

♪ Maya and miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister, maya and miguel ♪

miguel: my sister maya has a big heart.

Un corazon tan grande.

In fact, if her heart were any bigger,

andy and I might never have become friends.

Come on, miguel. !¡Vamonos!

Let's go! , , .

Have to help abuela cook this big meal.

Why didn't we drive to the store?

Because it's a beautiful day.

Que dia precioso.

Besides, I read that everyone should walk minutes a day.

Abuela: si. It's good for your health,

adds years to your life.

If you kids need a rest, we can just sit here

and enjoy this beautiful day.

Hmm. Maybe we should take a break.

You think?

There's a bench waiting around the corner.


what bench?

Hey, look! Someone's moving in.

Miguel: a basketball?

Miguel: a soccer ball?

A bicycle!

Una pelota de baloncesto.

Una pelota de futbol,

y una bicicleta?


Yes! I bet they have kids!

Wait. ¿A donde vas?

Where am I going?

To welcome our new neighbors, like you said.

I didn't say we should welcome them.

Well, whoever said it, it was such a great idea.

It was probably me.

Now we need something to break the ice.

Bread? Too bland.

Toothpaste? Too personal.

Foot powder? Sends the wrong message.


aha! Can we go over there, abuelita?

Si. Vayan.

We'll be right back, abuelita.


welcome, neighbor!

Uh, thanks.

My name is maya, and this is my brother miguel.

Hi. I'm andy.

Where did you move here from?


Wow. We've never been there.

Our mom's from mexico,

and our dad's from puerto rico,

but we've lived here all our lives.

Do you know where you're going to school?

Right down the street.

Cool. That's where we go.

We brought you a gift.

Andy: children's chewable vitamins.

Maya: yes. They provide the recommended daily allowance

of vitamins and minerals,

all wrapped up in a delicious grape flavor.

It's something you can use every day.

You get used to her... Eventually.

Vitaminas? I can't believe you gave him vitamins.

It's ok, miguel.

You can't believe a lot of the stuff I do.

He probably thinks we're a bunch of weirdos.

Then again, you know what they say--

if the shoe fits--

very funny. Think about how andy feels.

He's in a new house, a new neighborhood,

a new school.

He doesn't know anyone.

We have to make him feel welcome.

And nothing says "welcome" like chewable vitamins

in the shape of farm animals.

Ok, it might have been a bad idea,

but now we can do something to make up for it--

something big, something fun,

something--!¡Eso es!

Oh, no.

We'll start planning immediately.

The food, the music, the guests.

Guests? What are you talking about?

A party! !¡Una fiesta!

¿Una fiesta?


¿Una fiesta? We're throwing a party?

Not just a party, an extravaganza!

Fun, fun, fun!

We'll need a cool theme.

Oh, yeah. Old-fashioned poodle skirts

and varsity jackets.

Or medieval knights and dragons and princesses!

Or ancient egyptian with pyramids and hieroglyphics.

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

Guys don't care about poodle skirts and stuff like that.

Let's do something we all like.

How about sports?

!¡Eso es, miguel! A sports theme!

Yeah. We could put different types of games

all around the community center.

Basketball and soccer and volleyball.

And you got to admit, that does sound pretty cool, miguel.

All right. I'm in.

Perfecto. Now, let's get moving, people.

We have an extravaganza to plan.

[music playing]

eh! Oh! Aah! It's alive! It's alive!

Ooh! Ooh!

It's alive!

[bowling balls striking pins]




Las bicicletas, si.

Check. Soccer ball?

¿La pelota de futbol? Si.

Check. Basketball?

La pelota de baloncesto. Si.

Check. We're all set.

Hey, this place looks great.


Has anyone seen maggie?

Maggie: help me.

Maggie, what happened?

That net's alive, I tell you.

[music playing]

vamos, tito. Baile conmigo.

Hmm. It's after :. I wonder where andy is.

I'm sure he'll be here any minute.

We should get ready.

Ok, everybody.

Make sure you shout "welcome" loud and clear when--

andy: sorry I'm late, guys.


Uh, I got lost.

Mira. Tienes solamente un brazo.

He's lost one of his arms.

Whoa! Someone lost an arm?

Where did it go? Where did it go?

Ha ha! Just kidding. Just kidding, guys.

Hi, everyone. I'm andy.

Hi, andy. I'm theo, and this is chrissy and maggie.

Nice to meet you.

Wow! This place looks so cool!

Did you guys do all this?

It was fun. Everyone helped.

Even tito lent a helping ha--

quick, miguel. We have to do something.


Helping of rice and beans. Mmm.


Who's up for a quick game of ba--

maya, what are you--

sorry. I, um-- I saw a big, hairy spider.

I didn't see a spider.

You don't want him to feel embarrassed or left out, miguel.

How do you think he's going to play ball?

Hey, do you know what would be fun right now?

Singing songs.

Really? Because there are so many cool things around here to--

ooh, no archery. Someone could lose an arm--

uh, eye. Un ojo. Um, lose an eye.

Know what? Let's all dance instead.

Buena idea.

Let's dance.

[music playing]

does everyone know the frankenstein foot dance?

You know, where you stomp around using only your feet?

Oh, yes! The frankenstein foot dance.

I love that dance.

Come on, everyone. Stomp.

[music playing]

[room rattling]


[pop pop]


ew! It's alive!

Are you ok?

Maya: despierta! Miguel, wake up!

You have to help me figure out how to fix the disaster.

Disaster? What disaster?

The welcome party.

more minutes. Cinco minutos mas.

Miguel, this is serious.

We need to make andy feel comfortable.


Come on, miguel. Please help.

I'm worried that he thinks we don't like him

because he has one arm.

Let me sleep on it and tell you what I think in hours, all right?

Miguel: you're making the face. I can feel it.

I can't sleep when you're making the face.

Ah, I give up.

I'm powerless against the face.

Gracias. Now please help me think of a way to make andy feel welcome.

Well, ok, let's see. Um, you could, uh--

I think having so many people together at once

might have been just too much.

Maybe we should have a smaller group.

Bueno. That's--

and since we're making it a small group,

like maybe just you, me, and abuelita,

who makes everyone feel comfortable,

we should do it at her apartment.


she could cook her famous tamales for us.

Thanks for your help, miguel.

Mwah. Gracias.

thanks for inviting me over for dinner, senora elena.

Ay, por favor. I love to cook for guests.

Can I help you with anything?

Ay, si, if you want to help

stuff the corn husks for the tamales.



No one stuffs corn husks like you, abuelita.

Andy can stir.

Sure, ok. But if you have any vegetables that need chopping,

I'm your guy.

No corn husks?

Abuelita, can't you see?

Andy has only one arm--

solamente tiene un brazo.

How do you think he can stuff corn husks?

Please, don't make him do things that will be difficult for him.

Pero, maya, el parece estar muy bien.

He's fine, mija.

Please, abuelita. We can't even imagine

how difficult life is for him.

Don't make it any worse.

Everything ok over there?

Ha ha ha! Just chatting.

Keep up the good work.

The table's all set.

I'm ready for tamales.

I know. This is terrible.

¿Que paso? Did I put the fork

on the wrong side or something?

¿Que estas haciendo?

We can't leave all that silverware on the table.

Andy won't be able to use it all.

The knife and fork cutting things.

He'll feel uncomfortable.

What are we supposed to eat with?


You only need one hand for those.

Where are we gonna get chopsticks?

¿Necesitas algo, maya?

No. Gracias, abuelita.

I don't need anything.

So, miguel, that was a fun party

at the community center.

All that sports equipment.

It's too bad we didn't get to use it, huh?

Well, uh, you know, my friends and i,

we're not only into sports.

We like to, um-- we like to talk a lot.

Yeah, talk.

Well, sometime I should teach you some sports.

I love sports.

I used to be on the baseball team at my old school.

Really? You were on the baseball team?

[maya slurping]

oh. So, were you on any other teams at your old school?


ay, ooh! Ooh!

Mmm, abuelita. This is delicious.

Yes, senora elena. Everything tastes great.

And these chopsticks are so...Different.

I always say "dare to be different," right?

Your teeth are green.

¿Maya, donde esta mis cubiertos?

I didn't think we needed knives and forks, abuelita.

I think I may need a knife and fork

if I'm going to enjoy any of my dinner.

Ha ha ha!

Uh, I feel a little sick from all those popsicles.


I think you might be

taking this sensitivity thing too far, maya.

Andy can do a lot of things.

Did you know he was on the school baseball team?

He was probably the manager or something.

I don't know. He said he really likes sports.

Miguel, why are you playing sports with him?

What if he gets hurt?

I didn't play sports. I just talked about sports.

I guess talking about it is ok,

but what if it just reminds poor andy

of what he's missing?

Please, just give the athlete thing a rest.

But I can't go on forever without playing sports.

Por favor, miguel. Think of andy.

Ok, ok. I hear you. Sheesh.

[engine revs]

a perfect day for playing some basketball.

Maya said not to play with andy,

but she didn't say anything about playing solo.

My basketball!

My soccer ball!

I guess I need to take better care of my stuff.

But at least I can still go for a bike ride.

My bicycle?

No. No, she didn't!

No! No! No!


I wasn't gonna play sports with andy.

I was gonna play by myself.

Ay, hermanito.

I'm sorry. I didn't think of that.

What about my skates? You don't need arms to skate?

And if andy falls, how does he catch himself?

Ok. What about soccer?

You're not even allowed to use your arms in soccer.

And let's say andy wants to play goalie.

What about that, smarty?

Maya, did you ever think that if andy wants to do it,

then maybe he can and he's fine with it?

Hey, theo. You're playing basketball?

Yeah. Just sh**ting hoops.

You mean she didn't get to this one?


Maya. She's ruined all my sports stuff.

Whatever you do, hide this in a safe, secret place,

or she will--

you need to loosen up, man.

Are you up for a game?

You know it.

Andy: hey, guys.

Getting ready to play some hoops?

Uh, actually we were-- we were going to, um--

you mind if I play?

Uh, you know we play pretty hard.

Ha. That's what you think.

Ok. Let's see what you got.

Miguel got me thinking

that maybe I've been going about this all wrong.

I really want to make andy feel included.

He seems so smart and nice.

Maybe we could bob for apples, and then we could--

andy: play to ?


hey, andy and miguel are playing basketball!

I thought andy wasn't supposed to play sports.


Where did she go?

I have to stop them!

[playing music]

band practice. !¡Eso es!

Uh, hey!

Don't worry. I won't bring out my k*ller crossover.

That would be way too harsh.

Quit talking and play.

I don't want to wait forever for the next game.

[band playing]

what is that?

Maya, what are you doing?

Oh, hey, guys. I, um, I joined the band.

Ay, maya. Now you've officially

gone way, massively, majorly overboard.

What's that, miguel? I couldn't hear you!

[fake crying]

I can't take it anymore.

Andy, what's wrong?

Oh, the trombones! Oh, how I want to play the trombone!


cut the music! Cut it!

Now see what you've done?

You made poor andy feel bad about not being able to play the trombone.

I am so sorry.

I'll get them out of here right now.

Yeah, get them far, far away.

He looks pretty broken up.

[band playing slowly]

further! Further!

You know maya already, andy.

Let's just say I've got lots of experience

with people trying to figure out how to act around my, uh, disability.

Now, you ready for me to wipe the floor with you?

You can try.


Amigas, I was trying to make everything all right,

and I made everything worse.

Please can you--

[breathing hard]

the bus is here, miguel.

What bus?

The one that just took you to school! Ha ha ha!

That's it. No more mr. Nice guy.

Bring it on, santos.

In your face, blandy.

Nothing but net.

¿Miguel, que haces?

Hey, remember the guy you told me not to play sports with?

Well, you were right. He's mopping up the court with me.

Did you see that shot?

But i--

but what?

Andy's finally doing something he likes

for the first time since he moved in.

In fact, it's taking everything I've got

to stay ahead of him.

Ah! Santos makes a brilliant comeback,

pulling it out in the end.

Good game, bro.

Thanks, man.

Hey, don't get a big head.

Next time, I won't go easy on you.

Yeah, sure.

Maybe we should get andy to play with us

in the -on- tournament.

Oh, yeah. Together we'll be unstoppable!

Andy, are you ok?

What's up, maya? Sure. I'm ok.

Your brother's really good at hoops.

Yeah, I know. He can be a bit much sometimes.

Are you kidding?

Your brother's the first person

who's treated me like a regular kid in forever.

What? But i--

he actually played against me

instead of letting me win.

Nothing makes me feel better than that.

Next time, though, he'd better watch out

because I'm getting serious.

I've decided what our next activity should be.

Does this mean we're not gonna bob for apples?

I have something I want to give you, andy.

More vitamins?

Ha ha! No. A real welcome present.

A baseball glove! Cool!


Thank you.

Let's play ball.

Miguel: andy's no different

from any of our other friends.

He just wants to hang out and have fun.

Come on, maya! You can do it!

Keep your eye on the ball!

Miguel: now maya actually treats andy like everybody else.

Don't you worry!

I'm sending this next pitch

into another time zone.

Yeah? Well, you're gonna have to hit it first, santos.

Enough talk. Give me your best stuff.



Miguel: and that's exactly how he likes it.

You got lucky, andy, and you know it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stop talking and start hitting, maya.

Well, then you show me a real fastball, andy,

unless that was the best you got.

Oh, that is so not the best I've got.

Maya: just pitch it!

Andy: all right. Maya: pitch it!
