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04x07 - Role Reversal

Posted: 12/12/23 06:42
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next ♪

♪ You never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family
and friends ♪

♪ That's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next,
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister,
Maya and Miguel ♪



But I didn't
order a llama.

This is a pet store,
not a petting zoo.

[Puppies yelping]


Step, ball, change.
Step, ball, change.

Step, ball, change.

Step, ball, change.






Paco, ven acá.
I just want to cut your nails.



Paco, get over here.

Nail fine.
Nail fine.

No, Paco.

Nails perfect.
Están perfectas.



Ha ha ha!



Ow! I can't wait
to get home

and do absolutely

Maya, what about
the school paper?

We're doing
layout today.

Oh, no.
I forgot.

And then we're
going to do


Oh, yeah.

And don't forget
our social studies

report for next week.

You know, for
a bunch of kids

we sure have a lot
of stuff to do.

And you promised
to help me

my closet.

Oh, OK.

Gosh, sometimes
I wish I were

a grownup.

They have it
so easy.

You said it.




it's time I look

at the pet store
accounting books.

Aha. Aha.


Más rápido, Paco.

What a life!


grownups really
have an easy life.

No, Paco! Stop!
Slow down!


Come on, Paco.

I still have to
balance the books.



[Phone rings]

This better be
good news.


Rosa, I need you
down at the store

a bit earlier
than expected.

I'll be right down.


No cut nails.
Están perfectas.






what on earth

were you doing with
a llama anyway?

You run a pet store,
not a petting zoo.

I tried to
tell the llama,

but he
wouldn't listen.


I'm so tired
from soccer,

I need help
clicking the mouse.


Oh! I'm so sore
from dance class

it hurts
to write.

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Oh, I'm so tired
I just accidentally

sewed this to
the leg of my pants.

Paco tired, too.

Paco tired,

Yes, Paco.

I'm sure destroying
the curtains

must be exhausting.

[All laughing]

Oh! My back!

[Everyone complaining]

Vengan. I'll bring
out dessert.

All right.
I'm in.

Gracias, Abuela.

Mmm. These desserts
are delicious, Elena.

Sí, deliciosos.


Ah! What a day.
You kids don't know

how lucky you are
to hang out

and play
all day long.

Papi, we work
really hard.

We have school
and dance class

and sports
and homework

and all kinds
of things.

Yeah. I think it would be
a lot easier

just to play with
a llama all day long.

Ay, Miguelito.
We weren't playing.

It was more like
sumo wrestling.

Come on, papi.
You always say

you have the best
job in the world.

You get to hang out
with animals all day.

Es verdad.
But running a store

is a lot of hard
work, you know.

Well, it can't be
as hard as being a kid.

Ay, hijos.
I don't think

you'll understand
what it's like

to be a parent
until you're older.

¡Eso es!

Let's switch!

¿Cambiar qué?

I don't think
we want to know.

Switch lives.


Miguel and I
will do what

you grownups do,
and you can do

what we kids do.
Just for one day.


Maya, of all your
ideas, this one--

is actually
not that bad.

Running the pet store
will be really cool.

Yeah. And we can look
after the house

and clean up,
and "do the books."

Whatever that means.

Yeah! Let's do it.
Can we, mamá, papi?


ALL: Please?

I don't know.

It's a lot of

Abuelita would help,
just in case.



In case of what?

You know, Santiago,

it would be
a nice break.

And a good learning

for Maya and Miguel.

I repeat, in case
of what, Maya?

And you can go to
our Saturday fun club.

In case of what?

And then you would get
to play soccer all day.

I repeat, in case--
¿jugar fútbol? ¡Oh!

Ha ha ha!




Let's do it!
Let's switch.

ALL: Yay!

Wait, wait, wait.

Mamá, would you be
willing to keep

an eye on the kids
for the day?

¿Mis angelitos?

Of course, Rosa.
My pleasure.

Paco wants to switch.
Paco wants to switch.

Bueno, Paco.
You clean the table.

Wow, thanks.

Clean, clean.

[Squawk, squawk]

[Everyone laughing]

Oh! That one
really hurt.


Miguel! Wake up!

Today's the day
we get to be grownups.

Oh! Don't grownups get
to sleep late, Maya?

I don't think so,

Now, come on!


Miguel. Miguel!

All right.
I'll be a grownup.

In 10 more minutes.

Miguel, don't you
want to spend

all day playing
in the pet store?

All right,
all right.

MAYA: Buenos días,
mamá, papi.

What's for breakfast?

I'd like waffles.

And I'd like
oatmeal with banana.

You want us to make
you breakfast?

Sí. Lots of
syrup, please.

Wow. I guess we are
the grownups today.

Ah. You get the oatmeal,
I get the waffles.

Quiero desayuno.

Paco wants
breakfast, too.

Paco wants
breakfast, too.

Hijos, I think
Paco's hungry.

Come on, kids.
We have to get

to our fun club.

And you two have to
open the store.

I can't wait.

We're going to be
the best grownups

you've ever seen.

[Beep beep]

Ah...starting now.

MAYA: Oh, our first day
running the store.

Bueno, a trabajar.


Niños, this is
not exactly

how your parents
run the store.

Woof, woof.

Paco, you're
not a dog.

Eres un perico.

Oh. Look at this
little one.

He likes me.
Yes, he does.

Maya, be careful
with the puppies.

You know,
sometimes they--

[Puppy peeing]


I need to go
change my shirt.

But that's OK.

We're going to have
a great time today.

Yeah, I think I'm going to
change my jeans, too.

So, what is this Saturday
fun club anyway?

We do arts
and crafts.

Arts and crafts?

Cool. Sure beats
cleaning hamster cages.

Aquí es.

[Children screaming]

[Loud music playing]

This is so much
more fun than fun club.

set, go!

Run, turtles.

Run! Run!


Here, puppy. Catch!

[Puppies yelping]


Woof! Woof!

I can't believe
our parents

get to play
like this all day.

Not usually on Saturdays.

It's the busiest day
of the week for them.

How come we're not
busy, then?

You haven't opened
the store yet.



Whoops again.

Come back,

Here, boys.

It's going to be
a long day, Paquito.

Woof, woof.

You're not
a dog, Paco.

Good morning,
fun clubbers.

Today we're having some
special guests joining us.

Please welcome
Mr. and Mrs. Santos,

who are sitting in
for Maya and Miguel.


Welcome, Mr. Santos
and Mrs. Santos.

Or trying
to sit in.


You can stand,
you know.

I'm fine.

Now, if everyone would
please stand,

we can get into
our crafts groups.

Oh. Oh.

Ha ha ha!

So, how do you think
the kids are doing?

Where are
your flea collars?

Where do I find
the goldfish?

My hamster's sick.

Parakeet food.
Hamster's sick.

Yes, ma'am.

I will be with you
in a moment.

Paco. Shh.

You're not
a customer.

[Dog barking]

Mrs. Santos,
you're going to love

face painting.

Yeah. I'm going to
put big flowers

on my cheeks.

And I'm going to
do hearts.

Come on, Mrs. Santos.
Try it.

Well, I'm not sure
what to do.

Why don't you make
yourself a cat?

You can add
whiskers, like this.

Oh, that's
great, Kylie.

And a kitty
cat nose.

Here. Over here.

Pass me the green,

How about red?

Where's the black?

No, no, no.
That's too dark.

Go a little lower.


Are you sure that's
how it works?

Here you go,
Mrs. Santos.

Take a look.


Does this come off?


Yeah. In a couple
of days

it will fade away
almost entirely.

A couple of days?

Here you are.

One bag of doggie
biscuits breath mints.

Hey. I didn't
even know

we sold
that stuff.


Finally, we can
play with the puppies.

Todavía no, niños.

It's feeding time,
and you're running late.

What happens when
you're late

feeding the animals?

[Dogs barking]

[Cats meowing]

[Dog barking]

You had to ask.

Hey, Mr. Santos,

dude, check
this out.

You think that's neat?
Look at this model.


Look out!

Look out!


Whoa. That was
chill, Mr. Santos.


How did you
do that?

Well, it's quite
simple, actually.


Oh, hi. We were
drawing and, uh...

then things got a
little carried away.

Mr. Santos, you are
the adult here.

You're supposed to
set an example.

Of course.

I'm sorry.

From now on,
you can count on me.

Phew! Some people
never grow up.

All right.
Everyone's fed.

Bueno. Now it's time
to clean the cages.

Clean the cages?





How often do mamá
and papi do this?

Several times a week.

Thank goodness
we're only grownups

for the day.

Hey. Why is
the rabbit

in the guinea
pig cage?

Oh, we forgot to
lock the cage doors!

Ah! Oh!

I got these!


Aha. I found Harry.

of scrubbing

and it still
wouldn't come off.

You think
that's bad?

I got yelled at
by Ms. Langley.

Stewed meat bonanza
or tofu burger surprise?

¿Este es el almuerzo?

Lunch? Ha ha.

What kind of
meat is in there?

It's the only
meat we have.

Oh, gracias.
I think.

Remind me to
pack lunches

for the kids
on Saturdays.

looks tasty.

Hey, hello.

Hola, everyone.

So, how do you like
being kids,

Mr. and Mrs. Santos?'s fun.

A lot of fun.

Yeah. And these
cookies you get

for dessert
look great.

Uh-uh, Mr. Santos.

Aren't you always
telling us

to eat our vegetables
and then our dessert?

Vegetables? Is that
what these are?

No. That greenish
stuff is the meat.

The purple and
yellow stuff

are the vegetables.

We caged all
the animals
just in time.


Ah! Even the wrong ones.

Sorry, Paco.

Aw. Paco gets
no respect.

The workday is over.


How do mamá
and papi

do it all
every day?

Oh. Well, at least
we know things

can't get any worse.

[Doorbell rings]




Llamas? But we
didn't order
any llamas.




So much for
the fun club.

What's next?

You have
soccer practice,

and I have
dance class.

Bueno. That should
be fun, right?

Sí. I used to
love dance class

when I was a girl.

Do I still look
like a cat?

a little bit.


[Doorbell rings]

look at me.

I have llama
fur all over me.

Getting those things
out of here was like

sumo wrestling.

OK, niños.
Time to go upstairs

and do some

BOTH: Housework?

Don't we get
any fun?

Don't worry, Miguel.
This should be easy.

Mamá keeps the house
so clean,

there'll be
nothing to do.

Actually, Mayita,

there's one
or two places

I can think of

where your mamá
does not clean.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!



Who lives
like this?

I guess, ah,
you do.

So we have to
clean this now?

After a whole day
of working in the store?





Finally! I can't wait
for the scrimmage.

Just to warn you, guys.

When I was your age,
I was as good as

Amado Guevara from
the Metro Stars.

I was so fast, they
called me "the tornado."

Ah! Oh!

Mr. Santos,
we have to

warm up first.

Oh, right.
Of course.

I knew that.


And stretch.


You're going
the wrong way,

Mrs. Santos.

I keep confusing
my 1, 2, 3s

with my

But Maya said you were
good with numbers.

And the other way.

And the other way!

And the other way.

And the other way!


Ah. There.

All done.

Nice work, mijos.

It looks wonderful.

Now we can relax?

I'm afraid not,




Tito sometimes
comes over

to get help
with his homework

from your mamá.

We have to help
with homework?

Of course.

All grownups help
with homework

when they're asked to.

Well, let's sit
down, Tito,

and get started.

Hey, it can't be
that hard.


Ha ha ha!


When do we get to
play soccer

in this
soccer practice?

Don't worry,
Mr. Santos.

This is our
last lap.

Did I tell you, they
used to call me...

"the tornado"?

Because you sound
like one?


Just a little more
warm-up to go.

Ah! Ah...


I'm doing it.
I'm doing it.

Escusi. Stop. Stop.


Mrs. Santos.

Heh heh.

Gracias, Maya.
Gracias, Miguel.

De nada, Tito.

BOTH: Ah. Phew!

All right, kids.

Are you ready
to make dinner?

BOTH: Dinner?

[Heavy breathing]

Ah! Oh!



Oh, yeah. Cool
good idea.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!


Now do we play

We decided to
let you sleep,
Mr. Santos.

We played
around you.





Are you sure
you're OK,
Mrs. Santos?

Yes, Kylie.
I'm fine.

I can call my mom
to give you a ride home

if you need it.

I'm OK.
Thank you, girls.

Maya, la cena.

The beans need

I'm already
stirring the beans

and the sauce.

I'm making dinner
as fast as I can.



How did you guys
get in there?

Miguel, you have
got to stop

bringing your work
home with you.

Ha ha ha!


Bueno, niños.

We'll finish up
dinner in here

and bring
these animals

back to the store
before we eat.

I'll leave a note
for mamá and papi

about where we are.

In you go.

And stay there
this time.

I feel like we live
at this pet store.

[Doorbell rings]


Gracias, Paco.

Ay, qué día.

BOTH: Mamá, papi.

Ah, niños.
You can have

your lives back.


Oh, yeah.

I always knew
my kids worked hard

all day, but now I really
appreciate how much.

No, mamá. You and papi
work hard.

Fun club and dance club
and soccer are easy.

I'm happy

being a kid.

Me, too.

[Knock on door]

Can't they see
we're closed?

Yo voy.

MAYA: So we learned a lot
about each other that day.

And everyone was happy
to have things

back to normal.

[Doorbell rings]


Llamas? We didn't
order any llamas.

ALL: Oh, no.


MAYA: Yep. Everything
was back to normal.