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03x05 - Recipe for Disaster

Posted: 12/12/23 06:39
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family
and friends, that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister,
Maya and Miguel ♪

[Bell rings]

MAN: Next, type the name of
the person you are studying.


[Computer buzzing]

Mr. Nguyen,
the computer froze again.

Oh, not again.
Let's see.

[Computer buzzing]


Maybe it's a virus.

Or a problem
with the operating

Or a glitch in
the dial-up connection.


Stand back.
I can handle this.


help me out here, Theo.

Try pressing control,
alt, shift, escape,

F-12, and reset
all at the same time.


[Bell ringing]

Did I say F-12?

[Alarm blaring]

Oops. I meant
to say F-10.


Hey, guess what
Mr. Nguyen told me?

We're getting
new computers!


¡Que bueno!

To raise the money
to buy them,

they're having
a book fair.

There's an award
for the person who
donates the most books.

They're giving
an award?

I am totally
going to win.

My dad
used to sell books,

and he's got loads
in our back room.

Actually, Maggie,
my family reads
all the time.

So between Tia,
Teresa, Tito,
and Abuela,

we have tons
of old books that
we could donate.

But not as many
as my family.

We have books in Chinese
and English.

Well, we have books
in Spanish and English.

Hey, it really
doesn't matter, right?

What matters is that
we get the computers
for school.

Ah, si, claro.

Of course.



Hola, mi amor.

Santiago, guess who
just called.

My old friend


Santiago, Miranda
was the first
friend I made

when I moved
to the U.S.

I haven't seen her
in years.

Rosa, I like Miranda
very much,

and I know you two
are very good friends,

but whenever you see her,

you become
very competitive, no?

Ay. Es verdad.
Somos muy competitivas.

It started
when we were kids.

Our neighborhood
used to have a contest

to see who sold the most
out of their booth

to raise money
for the community center.

Mama and I always cooked
something wonderful,

and Miranda and her mother
knitted beautiful sweaters
and shawls.

Later, in high school,

there was a contest
for the best recipe.

I found a wonderful recipe
for chiles en nogada.

It took me days
to get it just right,

but it was so good

that the principal
ate the entire platter.



Ah, so that
explains it.

You know, Santiago,

maybe when
Miranda comes,

I should make
my winning recipe
for her--

that is, if I
can remember it.

Si. And that way,
I win, too. Ha ha!

¿Tu ganas?

Sure. I get to eat
your chiles en nogada.



There's no way Maggie
is going to donate
more books than I do

because I, Maya Santos,
fully intend to--

Score! Ha!


Ok, Maya.

I'm going to help you
win that award.

¿De veras?

You'd do that
just to help me?

¡Maya va a ganar!
¡Maya va a ganar!


I'm doing it because
I said I would

if you scored
the next goal.

Besides, I want
a computer to use
at school, too.

print my report for me.

In color.
On glossy paper.

COMPUTER: Si, Miguel.

I'd like some lunch.

Sandwich de jamon,
con queso, por favor.

Si, Miguel.

¿Mas queso?

Yes. More cheese,

Eh, Miguel,
I don't think we need

those weird-looking
metallic bodysuits.

But that's the best part
of the whole thing!

How'd you know
about the suits?

That was my fantasy.

Come on, Miguelito.
We're twins, remember?

Let's go find
some books to donate.

All right.

I'll go through
your old books,

and you
go through mine.


Awk! Got it.

Yuck. Donate.
Thank you, Paco.

I went through
your shelves, Maya,

and I found lots
of books we've
grown out of.

And I did yours.

Look at all these books
we can give away!

"The Littlest
Soccer Ball"?!

I love that book!

Hey, wait a second.

I like that one,

Oh, come on!

Our bookshelves
are full.

How are we going to
make room for new ones?

Awk. Toss it. ¡Adios!

No way.

Oh! Hey, Miguel.

We can't give this away!

"Favorite Pony Stories"?

Why not, Maya?

Toss it! ¡Adios!

This used to be one
of my favorites.

You want to win
that award or not?

Of course I want
to win, but...

oh, we need to keep
this one, too!

And this one!

If you're keeping
the horse books,

I'm keeping
the sports books.


Oh, sheesh!

Awk! And I'm keeping
the bird book.

I can't find
that recipe

for chiles en nogada,


you could serve
rice and beans,

and it would
taste great.

Gracias, amor,

but I want to make it
just the way I did it
in high school--

with that secret

Rosa, you are
the best cook around.



Gracias, Santiago.

Now hand me that stack
of cookbooks, please.

Maggie, you wouldn't
believe all the books
Miguel and I have to donate.

I know
what you mean.

I'm up
to the letter "G,"

and I still have
lots more to go.

Heh heh heh. Great.

Oh, got to go.

My mom's
bringing in "H."

Don't strain
yourself, Mom.

Use the wheelbarrow!


MIGUEL: Ugh! Well,

that's the last box.

¡Adios, libros!

No, no.
We're not done.

If we don't find
more books to donate,

Maggie's going to win!

enough is enough.

No new computer,
no sandwich.

Now come on.
Tengo una idea.



Are you sure
this is a good idea?

Por supuesto.

We're doing mama
a favor by clearing
out more books.

I mean, look at this.

Mexican Recipes."

It doesn't look
like it's been
opened in years.





MIGUEL: ¡Salud!


I'll just throw it in
with the other books.

Mama will be happy to see
how neat the kitchen looks
when we're done!

Bye-bye, book!
Ha ha ha ha!

[Door opens]

Well, kids,
I dropped off

all your books
at the fair.

Gracias, papi.

Thanks to you,
I'm going to win
that award!

And I'm going to be
eating a delicious ham
and cheese sandwich

served by our new
school computers.



Hola, mama.

MAYA: Is it OK
if we get a snack?

¿Mama, que pasa?

You know my friend
Miranda is coming
to visit.

Well, I wanted
to make a special
recipe for her,

but now I can't find
the cookbook it was in.

Uh-oh. ¡Adios, libro!

But...isn't she
coming tonight?

Si. That's why I have to
find the cookbook.

The trouble is,
I haven't made
the recipe in so long,

I can't remember
what book it was in.

So, you think
maybe it's in
some old book

you haven't opened
in, say, like,




It's got to be
here somewhere.


Lo siento.

Let me make you
a snack.


Thanks, mama,
but I'm not hungry

¿Que hice?

Mama needs that recipe!

Miguel, why did you
let me give away
that book?

Why did I let you?

OK, OK. We've got to
think of something.

Maya, maybe there's
an old copy of--

¡Miguel, eso es!

There is an old copy
of the book--

the one we gave to
the book fair!

So all we have
to do is...

Is go to the fair,
buy the book back,

and bring it home
without mama noticing.

How hard can that be?


OK, so this might not
be as easy as I thought.

Maya, this is like
trying to find a needle
in a haystack.

Awk! ¿Una aguja
en un pajar?

Paco, that means
it's really hard to find,

like finding one book
in the middle of...

a million gazillion
other books.


Don't worry, Miguel.
We'll find it.

Just keep an eye out
for "Traditional
Mexican Recipes."

Awk! Over here!

Over here!

Not now, Paco.

Over here! Awk!

I said not now, Paco.
We're busy.

Oh! Ay yi yi!

Oh, "Traditional
Mexican Recipes."

PACO: ¡Atencion! Awk!

Now, that sounds

PACO: Oh, no!

Maya, that's our book.

Paco, why didn't you
say something?


Come on, Maya,
before she gets away!

Um, excuse me,

but we really need
that cookbook.

I'm sorry, sweetie,
but I'm buying this.

The recipes
look fantastic.

No, you can't.

It's ours,
and we donated it
by mistake.

Our mother needs it.

You can have any other book
in this whole book fair.

I don't want
any other book
in this book fair.

Now excuse me.

OK. Oh!

Time for plan "b."

Wow, Maya. You really
look like a grownup!

Shh. No talking.
I'm a librarian.

Now let's go find
that book.

Excuse me, ma'am.

I'm the librarian here,

and I need to check
that none of these
are overdue.

But they're for sale.

Since when are
library books for sale?

Since the sale.

[Register ticking]


Heh. Right.

Here are the ingredients
you wanted,

the ones you could
remember, anyway.


Gracias, Santiago.

I still can't find
the recipe anywhere.

Rosa, I bet
Miranda's forgotten

all about your silly
little competition.

Oh, maybe
you're right.

I mean, this is
pretty silly, huh?

[Telephone rings]



It's me--Miranda.

I can't wait
to see you.

Don't make dessert.

I'll bring a special
homemade pastel
de tres leches--

the kind
I used to make when
we were growing up.

You always made
a great pastel
de tres leches, Miranda,

but you might not
have room

after you fill up
with my chiles en nogada.


People always have
room for my desserts!

Anyway, I got
an early train,

so I'll be
at your place

in just a couple
of hours.


¡Te esperamos!

Where is that recipe?!

This is never going
to work, Maya.

It looks like
a Halloween costume.

Just give it a try.

We need that book.

[Deep voice]
Excuse me, ma'am.

I'm with the National
Book Inspection Service.

I'm afraid
some of these books
need to be...


Aren't you one
of the kids who
wanted my cookbook?


[No audio]

Ma'am, uh, you're
technically correct,

but I have reason
to believe

that the book you're
holding is, um, uh...


My book
is substandard?

This one's better.

But I don't want
that book, hon.

I'm buying
this cookbook,

and that's that!

MIGUEL: Excuse us!
Famous author
coming through!

Awk! Si, si.

¡Un autor

[British accent]
Hello, ma'am.

Would you be so kind

as to let me
autograph my book
for you?


Yes, yes, yes.

I am the best-selling
author of "Traditional
Mexican Recipes,"

and I am signing copies
of my book today.

Will you two kids please
just leave me alone?


we're running out
of time.

Oh! It's still
not right,

and Miranda will
be here any minute.

[Train horn blows]

MAYA: Please, ma'am.
I need the book.

It's for my mother!

Technically, it's
for our mother's
childhood friend,

but it's kind of
a long story.

I'm sorry,
but I'm sure

there are other cookbooks
you can find here, kids.

Oh, Miguelito.
It's gone.

Awk. Bye-bye, book.

We tried our best, Maya,

but we really need
to get home.

Mama wouldn't want us
to be late for dinner.

You're right, Miguel.
Let's go.


I guess
I have to tell mama

I took her book
without asking.

Hi, guys.

Just donating one
last box of books.

I'm off to win
that award.

Congratulations, Maggie.

Thanks, Maya.

Awk! Awk!

Over here! Over here!

What is it now,

Hey, that's mama's

Mexican Recipes."

¡No lo creo!

Why do you have
a Mexican cookbook,

I told you, my dad
used to run a bookstore.

Maggie, I have
wonderful news!

The donations
have all been tallied,

and you've won
the award for donating
the most books!


I had no idea
it would be me.


it was very close.

Maya came in second
by only one less book.

Really? Wow!

Maya, did you hear that?

I need this book.

But I'm donating it.

That's the winning book.

Oh, Maggie!

I wanted to win
this award so badly

that I donated
my mom's cookbook
without asking,

and her friend will be
at our place any minute,

and mama won't
have the meal ready

because the recipe
is gone!

Wow. That's bad.

Don't you see, Maggie?

This is the exact
same book.

If I bring it home now,
mama can still make
her recipe!


Well, don't just
stand there.

Take the book
and get out of here!


But if we take
this book,

then you won't win
the contest.

Who cares?

Anyway, Maya and I
would tie,

which would be
totally cool.

No, Maggie.
You're totally cool.


Awk! ¡Vamonos!

Don't you want your award?


Hey, maybe it's
the red pepper

Try a little
of this.


[Bells ringing
and alarm blaring]


Definitely not
the secret

MAYA: OK. Now let's
get this cookbook
back to the kitchen

so mama can make
the recipe before--

So you must be Maya.

And Miguel!

Maya! You look so much
like your mother did
at your age!

¡Que bonita!


Come inside, por favor.

She's here already!

Please, go say hello,

and whatever you do,

don't let her in
the kitchen.

Let me go get mama.

Miguel, why don't you
stay here?

I'd be happy to.

Hola. I'm Miguel.


And this is Paco.

It's nice
to meet you.

What a beautiful
young man you've become.

♪ La la la la la ♪

Blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah.


♪ La la la la la ♪

Blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah.



This boy of yours
is such a handsome young man!


Mama, I have to
tell you something.

Not now, mijita.

I still can't find
the cookbook.


I tried to remember
the recipe.


But I can't recall
the secret ingredient.


And now Miranda's here.

Mama, I have
the cookbook.

Oh! That book--

I've been looking
for that all day.

It was all
a big mistake.

You see, I donated it
to the book fair

because I wanted
to win the award
so badly, but Maggie--

Tell me later,

Just please
look up chiles
en nogada.

Uhh. Uh. Oh!

Well, now I've seen
the whole family
except Rosa.

So where is she?

Uh, she's in
the kitchen.

Just finishing up.

She'll be out
in a second.

Now, before I go help her,

I have presents
that I made for the kids.




That's the secret ingredient.


Here they are, mama.




Is that your famous
chiles en nogada?

Si. I wanted to make
a special meal

for a special

I remember the first time
you made that dish.

It was in high school.

I was so jealous
that you could cook
so well.

Well, I confess.

I worked really hard
to impress you.

Oh, I am touched,

Mmm! ¡Delicioso!

Miranda, you have to
try this.



[Clears throat]

Mmm. ¡Super fabuloso!

Rosa, this recipe
is a winner.


PACO: Awk! Ha ha ha!

I apologized to mama

for taking her book
without asking

and gave her the award
that Maggie and I shared.

I remember that.

Oh, that was
so funny.

Mama's meal showed
that she was still a great cook,

and, well, Miranda
was a great knitter...

I guess.