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05x02 - Papi Joins the Band

Posted: 12/12/23 06:34
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next ♪

♪ You never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure,
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their
family and friends,
that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪


What's this?

"Enter the community
center talent show.

Win the grand prize."

A talent show?

"All acts welcome"?

Hey, let's do it!

We could put
an act together.

Yeah, definitely.

What are we
gonna do?





I know what we can
do for the talent show--

play baseball!

I am the man!


Maybe that isn't
such a great idea.

I know. We could
answer trivia

the audience.

[Bell rings]

Good question.
The state bird in
Texas is the mockingbird.


I don't think that's
such a good idea.

I know. We can
start a band!

I like it.

That'll be cool.

What'll be cool?

Oh, nada.

Starting a band
for the talent show

at the community

¿Un grupo de musica?

Oh, I've always wanted
to be in a band.

That's nice, Maya.

Maybe you could
use my help--

you know, some
dancing or something,

to give people
something to look at,

because otherwise
there's just a bunch
of guys playing music.

Yeah. It's called
a band.

Well, Miguelito,
isn't that a little
bit, well,

you know, sort of
kind of, uh, boring?

Not this band.

We're gonna be
the coolest.

ALL: Oh, yes!




[Bell rings]

So you're not going
to be in the band
with Miguel?

No. Miguel doesn't
want me in his
band, Tito.

He doesn't know
what he's missing.

Why do you not show
him what he is missing?

I mean, so he see
for himself what is missing.

¡Eso es, Tito!
That's it!

I'll put together
an act so great

the boys will beg
me to join them.

♪ Da da da
da da da da ♪

Yo, can I be
in the show, too?

Por supuesto.

We'll do
an act together.

It'll be like
nothing they have
ever seen.

Oh! Uh! Uh!


So, Maya,
what is our act?

Well, I haven't
quite, uh, figured
that out yet.


No te preocupes.
Whatever it is,
it'll be great.

[Rock music playing]

The first thing
we need is a name.

How about Miguel
and the Backup Boys?





Oh, ladies.


I was thinking about
something like

the Andy Experience.

I think just
one word--

you know, something
everyone will

like Theo.

Maybe we should forget
about the name for now

and just practice.

Good idea.

Good idea.

MAYA: Did someone
say "go-go"?


Groovy. Now watch.

We are the dancers
you need

to put your act
over the top.

Uh, no.


Maya, look out!






So I really think
our band has

a good chance
of winning.

You know, your father
was in a band.

That was a long
time ago.

I wonder whether
we have any pictures
of papi's band.


ROSA: Those were
some outfits.

I didn't know
you were in a band, papi.

That's so cool!

I was the leader.

Well, sort of.

Wow. That's so neat.

I mean, leading a band
is a lot of work, you know.

Por supuesto.

You have to come up
with a name and a look

and get everyone
to work together.

Just remember, hijo,
it's all about
the music.

Stay focused
on the music,

and everything else
will take care
of itself.

Wow. You know a lot
about this stuff, papi.

Well, if you ever
need advice,

you know where
to go.


[Imitating guitar]

Oh, no.
Not you, too.


So papi says
it's all about the music.

Let's give it a try.

MAYA: Uh...

you can't have a band
without juggling, can you?

Maya, you're interrupting.

Wait. You haven't seen
the stilt walker.

Stilt walker?

Uh, hola, Miguel.

A little circus
music, please.


[Music playing]

Ha ha!

Now, that's what
I call entertainment.

[Maya humming]

Maya, please!

Enough. Enough!

Stop it!

You don't like it?

No, I don't like it.

Now please, leave us
alone to practice,

OK, Maya?


I'll think of
something else.

I heard that!
No, you won't!

TITO: She might!

OK, now let's have
a little keyboard
action, Theo.

Nice. Now how about
some turntables, Andy?


Hijo, te pido

I realized what
you were trying
to ask me.

What was I trying
to ask you?

Don't be embarrassed.

If you need some
guidance with the band,

I'm glad to help.

Help out?

It would be selfish
of me to waste
all my experience.

Yo te ayudo.

Uh, um, uh, don't
bother, papi.

We'll be fine.

Bother? It's not
a bother, Miguelito.

For my boy
and his friends,

I've got all the time
in the world.


SANTIAGO: Whoo hoo!

Oh, no.

the audience
smells fear.

That's why we give them
la mirada fuerte--

the strong look.


Now you try.

Good. Good.

Now, what do you
boys call yourselves?

What's the name
of the band?


We couldn't
exactly decide.

But name is
very important
for a band.

It's the first
impression you make.

That makes sense.

You want something

My old combo
was called

the Chillin' Cats.

Chillin' Cats.

Or how about
the New Cats in Town?

Not bad.
Maybe a little long.

What about just
the New Cats,

but with a "K"
because it's even cooler?

Ha ha ha!

I don't know
about the spelling,

but I like it--

short, sweet,
and to the point.

All right.

Check it out.

The New Cats are here.

Wow, Mr. Santos.

It's great to have
somebody who knows

so much about being
in a band.

Well, boys, I'm
just happy to help.

Now, where do I sit?

Papi, I just wanted
to say thanks for
all your advice

with the band.

I think it's really
gonna help.

Of course it will.
It has to.


Now I was thinking,

for the next

Next practice?


♪ Y-y-yeah ♪

♪ Y-y-yeah ♪

♪ Y-y-yeah ♪

♪ Y-y-yeah ♪

♪ Y-y-yeah... ♪

Go, Tito!
Go, Tito!

Go, Maya.

Maya and Tito
are in the--

Look out!

House. Whew.




You can't have
a band without
a beat.

Here. Use these
maracas to get
the rhythm.

Get the rhythm.
Get the rhythm.

Whoo hoo!
¡Me gusta!

I like it.
Very groovy.

Say "Ho."

♪ Ho ♪

¿Que es eso?
What are you
shouting at?

It's not a shout.
It's a shout-out...

to our peeps
in the crowd.

I don't know
about any "peeps,"

but you don't want
to be shouting
during the song.

If you have to
shout, save it for

in between
the songs.

That way it doesn't
interfere with
the music, hmm?

Oh, right.


Careful, son.
You're scratching
the record.

Uh, yeah. I know.

Well, be careful.

That's not a toy,
you know.

It's for making


Papi, I just wanted
to say thanks again

for all the help
with the band.


But maybe--

No hay problema.
I haven't had this
much fun in years.

It brings back
my days in the
Chillin' Cats.

But now maybe we need
to practice on our own--

you know, to work in
all the things
you taught us.

Por supuesto, Miguel.
I'm happy to help out
a little more.


That's what you're
asking, right?

To help you work in
all the little things
I taught you.


Wow, look at these--
my old outfits from
the Chillin' Cats.

I can't believe
I was lucky enough
to find them.

Are you sure
we need these, papi?

You won't believe
the reaction you'll get
from the people

when they see you
in these outfits.

Oh, we'll believe it,
all right.



Hey, look.
I got these at a discount.

The man at the store
said nobody uses them

Can you believe it?

Uh, yeah.

These amplifiers
will give us

the big sound
we're looking for,

and a little light show
to jazz things up.

[Music playing]

And now for
the final touch...

the smoke machine.


Are you there?

Whoa. I can't
see a thing.

I can't find my shoe.

Maybe the smoke
machine isn't right.

I think I lost
a rhinestone.


So I guess this is
our last practice.

Yeah, this is it.

Should we practice
our dance steps or work
on the light show?


Check it out!
A flier.

Oh. Please, Maya.
We don't want break dancers,

and we definitely don't
want unicycle dancers. OK?

But wait. You have
to read this.

"Celebrity judges
picked for tomorrow
night's talent show."

Celebrity judges?

"The community center
talent show

is proud to announce--"
whoa! OK.

"that hip-hop star
Willie B. Chill will
lead a panel

of celebrity judges."

No way.

How cool.

Does it really say
Willie B. Chill?

Sure does.

Let me see that.

MAYA: Here you go,
Miguelito. Whoa!




TITO: Maya, is that
part of the act?

Am I supposed to go
in the closet now, too?

MAYA: No, Tito.

Willie B. Chill?

We have to go out
in front of Willie B. Chill

dressed like this?





♪ Ta da ♪


♪ Ta da ♪

When they see this,

the boys are going
to beg us to join
their act.

I don't know.

I'm starting to think
all these lights
are a mistake.

Yeah, me, too.
And these outfits.

Paco loves outfits.

I hope there
are no girls
in the audience.


Hi, Andy!

Oh, boy.

It's Willie B. Chill.

That's cool. Yeah!

This is gonna be
a disaster.

Uh, you know, Miguel,
we really like
your dad and all.

Yeah. He's a great guy.

Thanks, guys.

The thing is,
with this band,

he's kind of doing
his thing, not ours.

All this stuff
he wants us to do--

I don't know how
it'll go over.

What? What are you
guys saying?

We think it should
be just the 3
of us tonight.

Uh, you need to ask him
to leave the band.

SANTIAGO: Whoo hoo!
Almost showtime.

You boys look great.

I told you those
outfits will make
all the difference.

Uh, papi, can we, um...

talk for a minute?

Por supuesto.

What's on your mind?

Well, it's about
the band.

You don't have to say
another word.


I am happy to do it.

In fact, I think I've
been having as much fun
as you kids.

Well, that wasn't
exactly it.


It's just that,
you know,

when we started
the band,

it was only
the 3 of us--

Andy and Theo
and me,

and it was kind of
our own thing,
you know?


And then you started
to help us,

which was really

but then it's kind of
become something else--

you know, something
really cool.

not our own thing.

Oh, I see.

Maya, maybe tonight
we let them do
their own thing.

You know, Tito,
you're right.

And we'll do
our own thing.

What do you say?



So I was thinking
that maybe tonight

we could just play
on our own,
by ourselves.

Miguel, why didn't
you say something sooner?

I--I didn't want
to hurt your feelings.

You seemed to be
pretty into it.

Maybe I did get
a little carried away.

Maybe just a little.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

But this is your night.

Trust yourself
and do it your way.

Well, boys, it's been
great working with you.

But it's time for you
to go out there and do
your own thing.

Are you sure,
Mr. Santos?

You really think so?

I really do.

Hey, Santiago Santos.

¡Wilfredo, mi amigo!


Boogie, boogie,
hup, hup!

That's cool, yeah!

What are you
doing here?

I'm one of the judges
for the contest.

Well, my friend,
you've got a tough job

because there's a lot
of talent here tonight.

Listen, amigo.
We have to catch up
after the show.

You've got it, bro.


Ha ha ha!

Ha cha!

You know
Willie B. Chill?

Willie B. Chill?
Ha ha ha!

Yes. Willie was one of
the original Chillin' Cats.

He was better than
the rest of us.

WILLIE: Hey, you know,
this is one very cool

You could learn
a lot from him.

We did.

Cool conguero.

OK, fellas, but
you better get ready,

and remember, do it
your own way.

Ha ha ha!


All right!

MAYA: Hey, wait.

I just wanted to
tell you good luck, Miguel.

Gracias, Maya.
What about you
and Tito?

We've got
our own thing.

Right, Tito?

Right, Maya.

MAN ON P.A.: Give a big hand
for the incredible acrobatics

of Maya and Tito!

[Cheering and applause]

Ready? Hit it!


MAYA: Ha ha!


Ha ha ha!




Hang on, Tito!

[Cheering and applause]

♪ Ta da ♪

Here. For good luck, hijo.

Ha ha ha!

Thanks, papi.

MAN ON P.A.: Let's give it up
for the New Kats!

New Kats in the house!

You've got the moves,
Miguel. Yeah!


Say, hey!



That's my son.
My boy.

Say hey hey!

All right! Yeah!

It was a great night.

The New Kats ended up winning
second prize in the talent show.

Plus I found out that my dad
was one very cool cat.

Aren't you forgetting
something, Miguel?

Oh, yeah.

Maya and Tito won first place.