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04x02 - Paper Girl

Posted: 12/12/23 06:33
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next ♪

♪ You never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure,
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their
family and friends,
that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

[School bell rings]

THEO: Good shot!

Good shot, Miguel!

Miguel, is there any sport
you're not good at?

Maybe lacrosse,

but I haven't
tried it yet.

MIGUEL: Booyah!

Count it!

This is so boring!


I just made a left-handed
reverse lay-up!

No, Miguel.
The school newspaper.

Look at this--

"New Paint
in the Girls' Room"...

"Library Staff
Purchases Scanner"...

"Chocolate Milk Cartons

Man, no wonder
nobody reads this!

We have
a school

See? Boring!

Maya, remember
what mama says--

if you can't do
a better job yourself,

you shouldn't criticize.

Miguel! ¡Eso es!

I take it back!
I take it back!

I'm going to do
a better job myself.

I'll join the newspaper
and write really
exciting articles!

[Squawk] Count it!

¡Vamos al periodico!

¡A escribir!

Improving the paper
would be really great
for this school.

It would
keep us informed

and help us
with our writing

and give a big boost
to school spirit!

I agree, Maya.

After all, many
students, sadly,

don't even know
that we have
a school paper.

Hello! Well,
I could change that!

I could be a reporter,
an interviewer,
or a reviewer!

Well, how about

You mean it?

Well, you're
a good student,

you work well
with others,

and as it
stands now,

I have to write
the whole thing

my lunch hour.

Please, Mr. Nguyen,
please let me do it!

Please, please,
please, please, please!

And you bring undeniable
enthusiasm to the job.

Congratulations, Maya.

You are the new editor
of the school newspaper.

Wow! Thanks!

Mr. Nguyen, I'm going
to make this the best
newspaper ever!


CHRISSY: We have
a school newspaper?

Yes, Chrissy,
we have a paper.

And I'd love it if you'd all
help me make it better.


¡Paco, el reportero,
listo para trabajar!

Yes, Paco.

Everyone should

even parrots.

Count it!

OK, first we need ideas.

Who's got a cool story?

Oh, I do! I do!

My cousin,
Melissa Rojas--

Your cousin
is Melissa Rojas,

the famous
actress slash pop star
slash clothing designer?!

No. My cousin
is Melissa Rojas
the hairdresser!

She said she
could do my hair
for the school picture!

All right!

Chrissy, we'll put you down
for lifestyles.

So tell me, Melissa,

would you say being
a hairdresser is
a glamorous job?

It is when you're styling
the hair of Melissa Rojas,

the famous actress
slash pop star
slash clothing designer.

Great, Chrissy!

I think you can bring a lot
of pizzazz to this paper!

Now, who's next?

I like sports.
Why don't I write

about the community center
basketball games?

Great comeback, guys!

What helped you turn things
around in the fourth quarter?

Que bueno, Miguel.

Sports writer.

OK, how about you,


I made a short film with
my dad's old video camera,

and I'm going to show it
here at the community
center next week.


Film critic.

THEO: Thank you. Thank you.

Here we are today at
the Fourth Annual Theo Awards,

honoring the cutting edge
of cinematic achievement.

Wait! There's
Melissa Rojas,
the famous

actress slash pop star
slash clothing designer!

Let's see if we can get
an interview.

Great ideas, guys!

Now let's go
make a paper

that's going to make
some headlines!


¡Vamos al periodico!

[Music plays]

[Music stops]

Hey, Theo.

That must be
your movie review.

I can't wait to read it!

It was hard writing
about my own movie.

No problem.

It's my job as editor
to make changes as needed.

Whoa. You're not
going to change it

a lot, are you,

I'm sure
this is great, Theo.

I just edit it--

you know, make sure
it's fun and exciting.

Don't worry.

OK. Thanks, Maya.

Hmm. "Niko's Nine Lives

"is a sincere
and heartfelt look
at a cat's journey

that asks some
important and difficult

Hmm. Ooh, Paco, Theo's
being much too modest.

Nobody's going to want
to read this!


Needs spice!
Needs spice!

[Whistle blows,
bell rings]


You are right, Paco.
I mean, Theo's a funny guy.

I'm sure his movie's

He's probably just
too polite to say so.

Por favor.

Hmm. Let's see.

"Niko's Nine Lives
is a hilarious film..."

Hey, Maya.
Traje mi articulo.

It's an article on
the community center
basketball game.


It was kind of
boring, actually.

We won by a mile.

Gracias por el articulo,

I'm sure it's great.
Thanks for handing it in.


And thank you, Paco,
for the, um...

"airmail delivery."

Let's see.

"The community center youth
league basketball season

began with a game
last night." OK.

"The game started
with a jump ball."

What do you think, Paco?

More spice!
More spice!

[Whistle blows]

[Alarm rings]

Ha ha ha!
You're right!

I mean,
who's going to read

a play-by-play
of the whole game?

You need to set a mood,

make people feel
they're right there!

Um, "With a huge, excited
crowd in attendance..."

Oh, yeah. This is going to be
one spicy sports story.


Water for Paco!

[Bell ringing]

Yikes! Hot water!


OK, Paco, all I need
is one more article--

something exciting
and colorful.

¡Un articulo mas!

Something eye-catching...

What about me?

Something that'll get
everyone talking.

Where am I going to find
something like that?

A bird can't get
a break.

Hola, Maya.

I thought you could
look at my ideas
for stories.

I can't stay.
I'm meeting Melissa.

She's going to style
my hair for free!

PACO: Whoa!

Cool! I can't wait
to see it!

She may not be
Melissa Rojas,

the famous actress
slash pop star

slash clothing

but, boy, can she
do bangs!

Hmm. Paco, I think
I found something
exciting to write about!

¡Vamonos a escribir!


[Cough cough]


"When you see
Niko's Nine Lives,

you'll laugh more than
a hyena being tickled!"


That's a movie
I want to see!

THEO: Maya, you're not
going to believe it!

It's my movie--
it's almost sold out!

And so is the paper!

Every kid in school
is reading it!

It's amazing, Maya!

I mean, I didn't write
that good a review.

Well, I threw in
a few catchy phrases

"Make a beeline
to the feline!"

Wow! We'd better buy tickets
while we still can!


I didn't know people
would be so interested
in such an intense drama.

I mean, not everyone
wants to see a movie
about a sick cat.

Ha ha! "Drama"?

"Sick cat"?


Don't worry.
Niko's all better now,

but it was really rough
for a while.

Anyway, I hope the kids
will find my movie...


"This movie will
make you laugh so hard,

stuff will come out
your nose!"

At least he's selling
a lot of tickets.

Maya, no lo creo.

I know! Everyone's
reading the paper!
Isn't it great?

Maya, I can't believe
how much you changed
my article!

You took out all
the details of the game.

Instead, you wrote about
what music was played,

what the team
uniforms looked like.

¡Ay, ay, ay!

I was just trying to
create some atmosphere.

But you wrote about what
the cheerleaders cheered!

I don't care
about the cheers!

KYLIE: Miguel, I just
wanted to thank you

for writing about the cheers
we did at the game.


Most boys don't care about
that kind of stuff.

It's nice to meet a guy
who does.

Um, I...

Miguel, do you want to sit
together at lunch?



Gimme an "L"!


Chrissy, everyone
thinks your cousin,

Melissa Rojas,
is so talented.

She is, but she's not,
um, who you think she is.

Yeah, she's probably way
cooler in real life.

What's she like?

algo de ella?

¿Maya, que escribiste?

Everyone thinks Melissa
Rojas is my cousin!

But she is.

Not "the" Melissa Rojas!

OK, OK, OK. I never
said that she was
"the" Melissa Rojas.

I just wanted to get
people to read the paper.

Chrissy, sit with us!

Do you want to
come to my party?

Come on, Chrissy,
don't be upset.

I mean, you are getting
a lot of attention, right?

Your hair looks
so fabulous!

Thanks. Melissa did it
for me last night.

¡No lo creo!

She has
so many talents!

Maya, the newspaper
is a big hit,
thanks to you.

Thank you,
Mr. Nguyen.

Just doin' my job.

I just want to remind you
to fact-check everything.

You know, the news we print
has to be accurate at all times.

What?! I mean, um,

what exactly do you
mean by "accurate"?

Well, part of
the responsibility
of running a paper

is that you make sure
all the things you say
are true.

But you're such a hard-working
and conscientious student,

I'm sure
that's not a problem.

So...keep up
the good work, Maya!

¡Ay ay ay!

THEO: Thanks, everybody,
for coming to see my film.

This project is very
special to me,

and I hope you like it.

THEO, VOICE-OVER: It all started
the summer my cat got sick.



She started scratching
all the time.

Then she began
coughing up hairballs.

[Cat coughing]

This is kind of a downer!

When does it
get funny, Theo?

Yeah, when's the part
where I laugh so hard,

stuff comes out
of my nose?

[Cat yowls]


That's so cool that
we both like sports.

You know what I'm
really into now?


Miguel not good
at lacrosse!


I haven't tried it yet.

I'd be happy to
teach you sometime.

Miguel wants to learn!
Miguel wants to learn!

Such a funny bird.

I've got a pretty canary
who'd like to meet you.


Pretty canary!
Pretty canary for Paco!

Hey, it's your article!

Um, um...
that's not mine.

But it says "Review
of Basketball Game."

Oh, yeah, but, um...

I'm not sure that's mine.

But it says "Review
of Basketball Game
by Miguel Santos."

Oh, that review.
Oh, yeah.

You don't want to read
that again.

Don't be shy!
Of course I do!

What you wrote about me
was so sweet.

Hey, there isn't
anything in here
about me...

or the cheerleading.

Oh, that was
the rough draft.

You know, just
notes and stuff.

But it says "Final Draft
for Publication."

OK. Actually, Kylie,
my sister Maya

added all that stuff
about the cheerleading.




But I agreed with her!

Bye-bye, birdie!

¡Adios, mi amor!


[Car alarm blares]


Hey, Chrissy!

Buenos dias!

BOTH: I'm saving you
a seat for lunch!

[Knock on door]

Sure, just a second.

Chrissy, your cousin
is here to see you.

Uh, tell her I'll see her
after school!

Far, far away from here!

But she's here

Oh, look at the time!

We're just about
to start class!

Learning is so important!

It's OK.

We have a few minutes.

Oh, no! We have to review
yesterday's lesson!

Ow! I just broke a nail!

Here, sweetie.
I've got an extra file.

So, Chrissy, I was
on my way to the salon,

and I thought
I'd stop by

and bring you the hair care
products you wanted.

Hi. I'm Melissa Rojas.


Melissa Rojas,
the hairdresser.

Not the actress slash pop star
slash clothing designer.

Here's your conditioner.


[Chuckles nervously]

Thank you so much
for supporting us, Sr. Lopez.

We'll make sure
your advertisement
gets a great spot!

¿Que pasa?

I'm just working
on the next issue.

Who's got a big headline for me?

How about this: "Maya Makes
a Mess of Everything"?

Miguel very angry!

What are you talking about?
What mess?

Today at the basketball game,

Kylie stopped cheering
just to "boo" me!

[Paco plays the Blues]

Everyone's mad at me,
including my cousin,

and now my hair is
starting to frizz!

People laughed
at my cat Niko.

Do you mind?


Paco sorry.

Maya, you rewrote
everything without
even asking us.

But it worked!

Everyone is reading
the school newspaper.

And besides,
you all liked it!

We were wrong to
go along with it,

but still, you shouldn't
have done it.

Maya was wrong!
Maya was wrong!


Maybe I went
a little overboard,

but I just wanted
to make the paper
more exciting.

So why don't you
hand in your big
news stories,

and we'll put out
another great issue!

I don't think so, Maya.

We all talked,
and we think

the best thing
to do is to

You can't leave!

I just got a new ad
from Sr. Lopez's bakery!

[Paco plays the Blues]


Well, Paco, I guess
it's just you and me.

[Squawk] Poor Maya!
Pobre Maya.

[Paco plays the Blues]

There's no point in feeling
sorry for ourselves.

Come on, we've got
a paper to put out!

And this time, Paco,
we stick to the facts!

[Squawk] Just the facts!
Just the facts!

[Upbeat playing]

[Marching band playing]

[Marching band playing]


Oh, no!

GIRL: Shut that

BOY: I can't see
the movie!

[Bell rings]


Oh, no!



You know, Paco,
putting out a newspaper

takes a lot of work.

El periodico es
mucho trabajo.

[Awwk] Paco tired!

Me too, Paco.

Oh, Paco, I never
should've rewritten

my friends did.

A newspaper should have
the truth in it,

not just stuff you think
people want to read.


Maya made mistake!
Maya made mistake!

¿Que hice?

I can't do this
all by myself.


Thanks, Paco,
but it's just
too much work.

Hola, Maya.
How's it going?

Well, actually--

I've got great news!
Breaking news, actually.

A graduate of our school wants
to support our newspaper!

He's donating computers,
printers, all kinds of

publishing equipment.

Wow, that's great!

I could sure use
some help here!

Maya, I know
it's short notice,

but could you and your staff
get the story out tonight?

What? Story?

Great! Here's
his phone number.

You can call him
for an interview.

Maya, I knew
I could count on you!


¡El articulo
es para esta noche!

¡Para esta noche!


Thanks so much
for coming over

for an interview,
Mr. Jimenez.

I would have
come to you,

but, uh,
I don't drive.

Ha ha ha! Glad to help.

Now, what can I tell you?

OK. Um, first,
what made you decide

to donate publishing
equipment to
your old school?

I'm glad you asked, Maya.

Well, it all began
when I was a boy.

My parents, they always
read the newspaper.


The news, the sports,
the movies,

the book reviews...

Wait, wait, wait!
Let me get this down!

The editorials,
the letters,
the advice columns...

Got it. Got it.

The international

the social pages...

Got it.
Yup, yup, yup.

MR. JIMENEZ: When I was 7,
I started a newspaper

just for my street.

Then, when I was 14...

Then, when I was 29,
they told me

that I had to go
into my own office...

When I was 34 years old,

that was the year
I created a new...

I was 53 years old...

Ow! Ooh!

It's no use, Paco.

We tried.

But there is no way
I'm going to get
this issue out

by the morning.

How's the newspaper

Go ahead, say,
"I told you so."

I told you so.
I told you so.

Not you, Paco!


Looks like you've got
a lot of work to do.

¿Te ayudo?

I can't ask for
your help, Miguel.

I have made my bed,

and now I must
sleep in it.

Maya stay awake!
Maya need to work!

Paco, I mean I need to
figure this out by myself.

I'm the one
who stretched the truth.

I'm the one who rewrote
everyone's stuff,

so I'm the one who
needs to dig myself
out of this hole!

Never mind, Paco.

Maya, maybe we can all
help you out.

I mean, it's not
totally your fault.

We went along
with all those stories.

And besides, you seem like
you're really sorry.

I am, Miguelito.
I really, really am.

So come on. Your friends
will forgive you.

You think?

Well, it might
take a lot

of groveling on your hands
and knees, begging
and pleading.

Maya, of course
they'll forgive you!

¡Son tus amigos!

Hey, maybe they could
help me clean my room?

Don't push it.

So...can you all
forgive me?

¿Por favor?

I know
I made a mistake,

and from now on I'll
only print the truth!

You know, I was kidding
about the whole

business, Maya.

Of course we
forgive you,

Yeah. Friends
are friends, right?

Come on.

Group hug, everyone.

Ha ha ha!

OK, everyone, let's
put this paper to bed!


Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

We're under kind of
a tight deadline, guys,

so everyone keep an eye
on the clock.


¡Hola, chica!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!




Ooh! Pretty bird!

Ha ha ha!

So we got the paper out

and discovered something
kind of cool.

Did you read this?

The guy who's giving
the equipment
started a newspaper

when he was only 7!

And now he's giving
new equipment to
our school paper!

¡Que bueno!
I want to join the paper!

I just wanted to
thank you, everyone,

for getting that
story out so quickly.

Gracias. Good work!



MAYA, VOICE-OVER: True stories
can be just as exciting

as made-up ones.

Pretty bird!

[Cuckoo cuckoo]