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02x02 - Nothing in the Middle

Posted: 12/12/23 06:14
by bunniefuu
How are you?


Wrong with me.
- Are you okay?

Can I get your autograph?
- Of course.

There you go.
- Thank you.

Oh, good luck in the Olympics!
Dad told me to say.

I can always use some luck.

Don't pretend to like children.

You've lied to me,
don't know for how long.

You're not on the pill.
- What's this?

The bathroom. Your drawers...
I went through everything at home.

And today, when you were running,
I searched the cabin. - Why?

Why don't you get pregnant?

I don't get it.
You're not on the pill. - Come on.

Five years. We have a lot of sex,
why don't you get pregnant?

Are you overtraining?

Is Ilkka doping you up,
that bastard?

You want a baby, I know.
So do I, some day.

After these games?
- I haven't decided yet.

Tell me. We can solve the problem.
- There is no problem.

If it's inherent, we can adopt.

I have all the f*cking time
in the world.

I knew it.
No pills here, either.

When we decide to have a baby,
we will succeed.

How do you know?
- I just f*cking know!

I'm driving back to Helsinki.

According to witnesses,
you also argued about doping.

f*cking careful eavesdropping.

Do you know if your wife used
prohibited substances in sports?

You should look for the stalker.
- Did she have a stalker?

Yes. For over a year.

I was not aware of this.

We filed a complaint with you.

The stalker came to our home...
Aava's things went missing.

We will definitely investigate it.

Wow... Stop.

No, this is an easy shot.

You keep this up, son, there's going
to be nothing left here but crickets.

You are ready.

What do you mean?

You're gonna join me this year.

Are you serious?

Dad, when did you decide this?
- Just now.

You obviously know
how to aim straight.

Now you just need to learn
how to aim right.

There's only one place in the world
where you can really learn that.

Mom had errands to run.
- Is she dead?

Your mom?
She said she had errands in Ivalo.

She promised me.
- She sure did.

Promised to be home more.
- Can you take this?

Not sure I remembered everything.
Not used to cooking for many people.

- What's this?

It's Chicken Soot from
Basque Country, trucker's special.

Tastes better than looks.
- What soot?

Chicken soot!


Do you dare to taste it first?
- Not now.

Esko, you try it first.

Let's dig in.

Doggy! No biting!

Doggy will eat it all.
- Bon Appetit!

Well, well...
Look who's here!

What are you doing here?
- Finnish-Russian Police Taskforce.

You're in it. - Irina was m*rder*d
because of what she saw in Russia.

Our jurisdiction ends at the border.
- You want to know who k*lled her.

The best way to do it
is in Stenius' group.

So you live in Rovaniemi
and still have Thomas...

- Venla is there, too?

You were going to quit policing.
- Right.

I was going to...
But it just didn't happen.

The night Irina died, I promised her
everything would be fine.

I told her to go to sleep,
she'd be safe.

Morning, Kautsalo, let's start.

It's great to have you back,
at least for a bit.

You didn't say Irina was
coming to see you.

I was sure she's worried
for nothing. - Was that all?

I wouldn't have taken my child...
- Hey!

Stop it!

The m*rder*r maybe followed you and
Viktor when you talked to Irina.

Everyone makes mistakes.
Let's try to make no more.

Morning, gentlemen.
Meet our Russian colleagues

Ilya Borisov, who also arrived today,
and Viktor Zujev. - Hi.

I wish we could meet under happier
circumstances. My condolences.

Irina seemed to think
the world of you. - Thank you.

I don't smoke.

Never mind.
Close the door.

Who is he?

Speak English?

Do you speak English?

I don't speak Russian.


You've been fascinated by that thing
since you were a little boy.

I know it's from that place,
but what is it?

You'll find out soon enough.

Next stop: Russia.

For now, we assume
that the two recent murders, -

Irina Semenko on the night train
and Maxim Smith in Helsinki -

are both liked to Murmansk mafia.

Latter due to new arrangements of
organized crime in Northern Russia.

We also assume that both murders
were done by the same professional.

Mr. Smith was shot from a roof top -

next to the movie theater
where he went to meet chief Stenius.

It was wiped clean.

Almost too tidy to be the handiwork
of your average mob hitman.

As for Irina,
the homicide unit in Rovaniemi -

is responsible for
the forensics investigation.

They will share
their results with us.

The conductor sold only two tickets
to passengers on the night train.

All others had bought
theirs online before the trip.

The first ticket was sold
to the victim.

And the other one to a lady
who also had a Russian accent.

The person exiting the train matches
the conductor's description.

People in Rovaniemi have discovered
fingerprints and DNA traces -

of multiple people
in Irina's carriage.

None of them have matches
in the Finnish or Interpol databases.

Mr. Borisov is specialized
in Russian mafia.

Very conservative persons,
very conservative people.

There are not so many
female hitmen running around there.

That helps us to find out who she is
and who she's working for.

Well, it's a start.

I will travel to Rovaniemi
to monitor their research -

and to coordinate our cooperation.

Okay, what about us?

Viktor has looked into the hunting
aspect we discovered last winter.

A local police chief in Titovka
has made several reports -

about professional poaching
in his county.

You two will go meet him
and hear out what he can tell us.

Where's Titovka?

In the middle of Murmansk.
- In the middle of f*cking nowhere.

Even more than this place.

We should look for Irina's m*rder*r,
not some poachers.

I offered you the job,
you didn't want it.

Now you want in.
Nikander is the lead now.

This is not about hunting licenses.
Nobody is k*lled for furs.

We're discussing furs.
- Furs...

It's a serious business in Russia.

Someone just k*lled
the last Russian escort girl -

who know anything
about the hunting parties.

Three previous ones were k*lled by
a reindeer butcher.

His accomplices
were Finnish poachers.

One of them imprisoned a woman
in a mink cage...

So yeah...

Furs and poaching,
very interesting.

So... just remember to pack enough
warm clothes and you'll be fine.

Take care.

So... Titovka.

Woke up at night?
- Yes.

What happened?
- I took her to my bed.

Venla said she can't sleep,
she's afraid of the dead woman.

Poor darling...

Where is she now?
- At school, as she should be.

It must have been
a horrible experience.

Tell her I'll be home soon.

- All right.

Toni Kajanne.


You know about him?

I used to play hockey
when I was young.

The World Championship games in 2003
here in Russia.

Our national team played a fantastic
tournament. Like champions.

But we had forgotten
about Kajanne.

In the final, he got three penalties
and scored four goals against us.

It's time you take this seriously.

I've reported this
to my superiors for years.

Can you speak English?

I'm responsible for
over 500 square kilometers -

of this undressed wasteland.

I give the hunting permits, yes,
but can I take of everything?

It's impossible.
- Yes, it's impossible.

Local people...

always hunted here, without permits.

They just hunt hunt hunt
for what they need.

But this...
Is something else, different.

Local people tell me about
strange people in the woods.

Dressed up like military,
with machine g*ns.

Lots of money.


There are the helicopters.
- Helicopters?

What kind?
Are they military? Civilian?

No one has seen them!

People have heard
this noise they make.

Those people who have contacted you,
do you have their names?

Here are the names.
- Thank you.

Mr. Krueger.
- Death shall be their shepherd.

And the upright shall rule over them
in the morning!

Death shall be their shepherd.

And the upright shall rule over them
in the morning!

Nice to see you guys.
- Nice to see you.

Nice to see you.
- Nice to see!

You must be Justin!

Nice to meet you, sir.
- Nice to meet you, Justin.

You have a handsome son.
- He takes after his mother.

He's not a bad marksman either.
- Okay!

You know... Justin is a fitting name
for our newest member.

What do you mean by fitting, sir?

Ah, my friend!
Justice lives here, you see.

At least one week it does,
every year.

Paša, serve the drinks!
Take it!

To all unsung champions
of humanity!


So this is the fifth place?

And nothing but loonies so far.

I know nothing about anything.

You talked to the police about
some strange hunters.

I know nothing
about any hunting.

I don't hunt.

Ask him what happened there?

What happened to that corner?

A thunderbolt struck.

So nice of you to visit
an old, lonely granny.

I don't get so many visitors.

I can't remember the last time
I had visitors.

Please, let's eat.
To your health!

Sorry, I have to take this.


No, not at all. Talk to me.

We put together a photo of
the suspect with the conductor -

and enhanced it with security photos.
- That's great.

During my grandmother's time
or the Tzar's time, -

Ordo organized their hunting
a bit further south.

But when the Soviet Union
was founded, -

all this hunting stopped

These days
they hunt further north.

Thank you.

That's where I hear the sh*ts now.

- Yes.

Okay. Where are you?

I'm traveling to Murmansk with Ilya.

We can compare our info
of the suspect to their databases

The Russians don't want
to share anything online.

Got it.

We'll handle it here.
- And we'll continue here.

Guess who their leader is?

Jack the Ripper himself!
Famous English m*rder*r.

That's what my mother said.
- They never found him.

He's hunted by the ghosts
of m*rder*d people.

Ghosts, spirits...
God help me.

And he himself, bloody Jack,
leads Ordo Paritet.

What did she say?

Nothing worth translating.
Superstitious babble.

No, she said something Ordo.
What was it, Ordo...

What, she won't believe me?
Ordo Paritet.

I have proof.
I'll show you.

Ordo Paritet.
Irina mentioned about it, too.

Order of parity, similarity...

I found this when I was mushrooming.

It belongs to Ordo Paritet.

I don't want to keep it any more.
Give it back to them. Take!

Thank you.

This little granny
will take a dump now.

It's not from the Tzar's era.

No serial number.


That g*n costs tens of thousands
of euros. - It's beautiful.

It is.
- What does it say here?

- Where?

A. Tokarev...

What does it mean?
Is it the owner?

Or the maker of the g*n.


was one of the most famous
Russian gunsmiths before WW2.

Look at you.
Aren't you excited?

We don't know where this leads.

Finding out the truth, of course.

When is that a happy moment?

Got it.
Thanks, bye.

Nikander and Ilya
are still in Murmansk.

She said we should just basically
wait until they get back. - Super.

Murmansk Police.

Dream Horse, Neigh-Wool,
Hobbyhorse Heaven...

Are all hobby horses so expensive?
- The handmade ones are exorbitant.

But that's not the worst.
- The best ones are sold out!

There's a waiting list,
but the wait is more than a month.

Tell them I'm a special needs child.
- Venla, help me with your shelf.

I can't move
without a hobbyhorse.

Is that so?

Sold out, sold out...

Everything is sold out?
- That's right!

Is that so?

Well, I've got this.

- I promise.

Remember: you promised!
- Of course.

You need to keep your promise.
- Relax.

You can't just say that.
This is important! - Calm down!

I said I'll take care of it.
Word of honor.

And help other police officers.

I'm gonna be an officer
when I grow up. - Really?

Would that be fun?
- Yes, it would be!

What would you do as a police?

I'd catch robbers
and put them in prison.

If someone is speeding,
I'll chase them with a police moped.

That would be fun.

Marita said you're still scared -

because we found
mommy's friend on the train.

I don't know...

Honey, don't be ashamed
if you're scared.

Everyone dies.

The judo girl, grandma
and the lady on the train.

Grandma is dying,
because she's old.

It's not wrong,
but it's really sad.

That's how it goes.

And she won't die totally,
we'll keep her in our hearts.

Wrong things happen
in this world.

Mom promises to catch
whoever hurt that lady on the train.

I will put them in prison.

Will you then catch the person
who hurt the judo lady?

Catch whoever hurt the judo lady?
- Yes.

Bunny, that's a long time ago,
don't worry about that.

Someone else will catch them.

There are other police officers
beside me. Right?


- You have sketch of the suspect.

Suspect? Who... - Irina Semenko,
m*rder*d on the train.

You don't work here anymore.
- FRP was promised access to info.

Well, to be honest,
it's on the back burner.

Everyone is looking for Kajanne.

And guess who is the best bet
in finding Kajanne?

You had your chance
to get your share of the glory.

But, but...
There, I sent you the photo.

Thank you.

My mouth is dry.
Mouth is dry.

Your dad got into judo
when he was an exchange student.

At the time, everyone around here
played soccer or hockey.

Girls skied cross country,
me, too.

His ambition was a bit funny.

But it was also sexy, -

as it was so different.
Trips to Japan...

He was just
an ordinary electrician.

Why did dad leave us?

Didn't he believe
I was his child?

When you were born...

Your dad just stared at you.

For several weeks.

Many dads are overwhelmed...
- No.

He just stared at you.

Kept staring,
didn't say anything to you.

When I breastfed you,
Ilkka went out for a smoke.

Through the window,
he checked when I was finished.

He came back in
only then.

When you were four weeks old, -

he moved to Oulu.

Promised to pay alimony.

And he did.
- But what did he say?

He was afraid
you'll be his undoing.

How can he say that?

I was just a baby.


There's nothing wrong with you.

There's nothing missing from you.

You don't have to keep
proving it to the world.

It's not your fault
your father left.

He left,
because he realized...

He wasn't ready
to be anyone's father.

All right,
it's shower time for us.

Thank you, mom.



I thought...
Don't know if you knew, -

but mom is not doing well.
I thought...

I thought...
I thought it would be...

About time...

Later transferred
to FC Lahden Reipas.

Remember what happened in 1967?

The coach plays an important role.

And in Finland...
- There's too much of that...

My coffee is cold,
can I get a top-up? - Sure.

Here you go.
- Thanks.

You must be relieved
the case is finally solved.

It was Toni, after all...
- Bullshit!

It was the stalker.

Who on earth?

He doesn't like talking about it.
- No wonder, it was a horrible case.

Stop, that's enough.
Take off your gloves, take five.

Good job.

How are things?

They're taking their time.
Maybe it's lack of experience.

They've never cooperated
with foreign police forces.

What do you want us to do?

The hunting r*fle was
made in St. Petersburg.

Go there,
don't wait for us.

That's great.
Talk to you later, gotta go. Bye.

A nightmare?
- Define nightmare.

During deep sleep,
the brain saves experiences -

from your waking state
into the long-term memory.

If this process is disturbed,
reversed, -

the buffer memory starts pushing old
memories back to the hippocampus.

Back to the surface,
so to say.

A nightmare.

Okay, Mr. Wikipedia.

g*ns are the soul of this family.

That's what I'm counting on.

Grandfather Fedor developed g*ns
for the Soviet army during WW2.

He was one of the biggest heroes
after the w*r.

His son Nikolai also
designed g*ns for the army.

His son Alexander, however,
moved to the private sector -

well before
the Soviet Union collapsed.

Says Google.
Let's go.

Good day.
How can I help you?

Good day.
- Hello.

We need help with this one.

There's something wrong with it?
- No, not really.

Except for one thing.
It's connected to a m*rder.

Nina Kautsalo, Finnish police.
- Viktor Zujev, Murmansk police.

g*ns don't k*ll people.
- Yeah, people k*ll people.

I also read it somewhere,
it's so funny.

But still,
we need the name of the owner.

I can't help you with that.

Okay, here's the thing.

If we can't use it as evidence,
I really want it for myself.

I love to sh**t beer bottles
and stuff in my backyard.

But my backyard isn't that big.
So I was thinking...

Could you make it shorter for me
as I wait or should I just...

Should I just like
simply do it myself?

Stop, stop!

Sorry, I didn't know...
- It's okay, please go.

What do you want? - As we told her,
the r*fle is tailormade for someone.

And we need his name.
- We don't do that.

We don't give the name
of our customers to anyone.

Not even the police.
- Please, let me.

You can wait for me outside.

The r*fle was made for ex chief judge
of the Supreme Court -

Nikolai Tretsky
seven years ago.

How did you get him to talk?

I was friendly and courteous.

Okay, let's go.
Let's find out where Tretsky lives.

That's not a good idea.

Chief judge of the Supreme Court.

Yeah, a former one.
- Still...

So this greeting thing...

Death shall be their shepherd...
What is it?

And the upright will rule
over them in the morning.

I thought you knew
your bible better than that.

The quote was chosen
by the second last Tzar, -

Alexander the third.

Captures the essence of this week
quite well, I think.

Although many of the members
aren't Christian any more.

Like that man there.

Uday Kotak.

I think he's a Hindu.

But verybody here believes in making
the world a better place. - Right.

So what do people
have against the guy?

Most of people here are worth more
than many nations of the world.

Paying 7 million dollars a year for
some good meals and hiking stings.

Unless you bring something home.

I don't understand.
- You will, Justin.

What is it that we hunt,

Monsters, son.

Nikolai Tretsky?
- Yes.

Good evening, I'm Viktor Zujev
from the Murmansk police.

Hello. - Nina Kautsalo
is from the Finnish police.

Finnish Police?
How fascinating.

How good is your English?

Come in, please.
Come in.

Thank you.


We know that this r*fle
was made for you.

Do you recognize it?

I threw it away myself.

I lost it on purpose.

I should have guessed
that it will find its way back to me.

Why did you leave it there?

My conscience didn't allow me
to be part in it anymore.

I know it's all
for good cause, but...

What's going on in those woods?

I will...


There is...


Would you excuse me
for a moment?

Let me bring you some tea.
- Of course.

I'm not sure how it works in Finland.

Here, a regular cop stays away
from people in high places.

As far away as he can.

I think we better go.
- No, no.

We'll stay and listen to
what he has to say, then we'll go.


Let's get out of here.
Don't touch anything!

Nina, please!
What are you doing there?

- Yeah, yeah!

Come on!


Police is looking for Toni Kajanne,
the prime suspect in Lahti's m*rder.

So far, no progress.
- Venla, what are you watching?

The investigation reports
were never released.

Sources near the case...

You're not allowed to watch this.
-.. ritualistic traits.

You want your evening snack here?


Let's go eat.

Who is he?

Who is the new guy?


Famous like you.

From Hungary.

Best pictures on page 23.

What is it now?
What's wrong.

I can't breathe.

Oh my God.

The woman on the train
was k*lled in her sleep.

Is that what you're worried about?

Darling, come here.

Take it easy.
There's nothing to worry about.

All is well.
- I want mommy.

Oh love...
- At least daddy must be there.

Yeah. What?

Of course I'll be there.

Okay. Bye.

I'll always help an old friend.

But why did you bring this to me?
You have your people at the police.

This particular piece of evidence
was discovered in...

somewhat unusual circumstances.

She stole it.
- I see.

Okay. I'd say this belonged
to a grown male.

The joints have started
to wear out, so I'd say -

this individual was in his forties -

when he parted ways with
this particular piece of evidence.

What bone is it?
- Coccyx.

A human tailbone.