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Walden (2023)

Posted: 12/12/23 05:28
by bunniefuu


Wait, ah.




ANNIE: Well, aren't you

glad I cleaned my mirrors

this morning, Walden?

Yes, Annie.

Very pristine.



KINDLEMAN: You have all made

it through the previous rounds,

along with your counterparts

in New York City, Los Angeles,

and Chicago, where I add, the

competition is substantial.

Your quest to beat

the world record

of 360 words per minute, held

by Mark Kislingbury, begins.

Open your stenos, please.

This document has a

total of 361 words.

You have 60 seconds

beginning now.

Atlanta, Supreme Court, the

people of Georgia versus Steven

Earl Brown charged with

two counts of arson,

resulting in the

destruction of property

on the amount of $2.6 million.

The defendant was arrested

at 3:30 AM, June 25, 2016,

and was taken to County jail.

Mr Brown, after

questioning, signed

a full statement, admitting to

the crimes he was subsequently

charged with, but

has since recanted

said statement and

stands before this court

in appeal of said charges.

The people of Georgia have

submitted all evidence along

with first hand

witness statements

and expect the court to decide.


343, Ms. Kindleman.


Hey, Walden.

How did you do?

Did you win the competition?

Well, there's more

rounds to go, George.

You forgot your change, George.

You want your usual soda?

Oh, no. Thanks, Daisy.

I'm good.

I was going a little

too hard on the pop.

And those goblets

of carbonation are

just pure calories and sugar.

Nah, you look handsome.

Oh, no.

Don't you go getting

any ideas now, Daisy?


Thank you, Daisy.

You're welcome.

Bye, Daisy.


You know, the record's 360.

How many words did

you manage, Walden?

I'm going to be late

for court, George.

That's only 17 less.

You won't like today's case.

Bad man.

Very bad man!


living in a world

where we coexist

with evil as a norm.

Objection, Your Honor.

Don't object during

closing, Lloyd.

It's rude.

Miss Van Dries.

Thank you, Your Honor.

So when do we start

to punish such evil?

The pendulum must swing back to

some form of sanity, morality,

just downright goodness.

Norman Casey Bolt,

high on crack cocaine,

put his little three-year-old

daughter, Carmen,

into his oven, locked her in,

and cooked her into her body

was burned to the bone, for

washing her doll's hair.

We, the people in the

great state of Georgia,

reintroduced the death

penalty for one purpose only,

to rid society of pure evil.

Do you really want to send this

monster to a cot bed satellite

TV and three meals a day?


Thank you, Your Honor.

The defendant please stand.

Norman Casey Bolt, you have

been found guilty of the charge

of m*rder in the first degree.

This jury recommends

that you be given

the harshest sentence possible.

And given the heinous nature

of your crime, I concur.

Mr. Bolt, what is inside

a man that would make him

want to harm a child?

Your life will be

terminated at a date

to be determined by this court.








get this piece

of garbage out of my courtroom.


This ain't over.


JUDGE BOYLE: Walden, lunch?


You all right?

Hey, I am fine.

I hear that junkie son of

a bitch was found guilty.


Oh, that poor little girl.

She's come in here, all

bruised and beaten up,

sit at the counter,

eat her ice cream,

go home to another beating.

Usual, Judge?

Yeah, thanks.

Walden, you hungry?

Uhm, no, thanks, Madge.

I got a bit of a headache...


Just maybe a bit more coffee.


You're still trying

to break that 360?

Kindleman called me,

said the court ought

to upgrade your equipment.

Go digital, make

your life easier.


Maybe make hers

easier, maybe for hers.

Hmm, so dead set on winning

that competition anyway.

I mean, you know you

got this job for life.

Hell, Walden, I could blindfold

you and throw you down a well.

You'd never miss a word.

I like having something

to aim towards, you know?

Call it a hobby.

A nice girl would be

something to aim for, warm,

animated hobby.


Speaking of which.

Here is my sweetheart.


How are you, Walden?


I'm fine.

Thank you, Mrs. Boyle.

Trying convince

Walden here that he

needs a warm hobby, instead of

some stenograph competition.


MADGEL I've been trying

to tell him that since he

got home from college.

He never listened to his mama.

No chance of him hearing me.

Your mama was a

fine lady, Walden.


Ma'am, if she was

so fine, why did she

run off with my dad's brother?

Norman Casey Bolt, defiled his

little three-year-old daughter,

Carmen, put her into

his oven, locked her in,

and cooked her until she

was burned to the bone.



Dear Lord in Heaven,

I usually like

to kneel when I

pray to you, but I

find that difficult

to do tonight

when I see how that little girl

suffered while you were absent.

You being God and all, I

imagine you were busy dealing

with bigger things.

But is there?

I mean, bigger things, I mean?

You think child r*pe and m*rder

would just be off the table,


I know, I know, I know,

free will, free will.

Sometimes I wish the will were

just a little bit less free.

Anyway, I'm rambling now.

Thank you for the food,

keeping most of us safe.

You send my prayers

to little Carmen now.

Good night.

Oh, God.



Mm, hmm.



Foster, you are

needed in the emergency room.

- Dr. Foster...

- Mm-hmm.

WOMAN (ON PA): You are

needed in the emergency room.

MAN: Mm-hmm.

Mr. Walden Dean?

Can you come with me please?

Deep breath.


What is it you do again?

Oh, uh, in layman's

terms, I'm a court reporter.

More accurately, referred

to as a stenographer.

So I'm quite focused for

long periods of the day.

How long have you

been doing this job?

Uh, about 14 years.

Well, everything checks out OK.

Is there a specific reason

that brings you here today?

Uhm, mostly just a

general feeling of malaise

and just feeling a bit off.

Have you fainted?

Fallen down?

Thrown up?

No, no, and yes, I have

thrown up a couple of times.

I just blamed it on

the stress of the job.

I see in here the darkest

of the dark in court.

So could that be a factor?

You know what I think?

I think it is stress related.

I can give you something

to relax you, if you...

No, no, no, I need to be sharp

for work and for other things.

Thank you, Doctor.

MAN: [SIGHS] Stop her.


Stop who?


Stop her.

Excuse me, sir.


Ms. Temple, please

come to the reception desk.


(SINGING) Which nobody can

deny, which nobody can deny.

WOMAN: My boy is missing!


he's a jolly good fellow...

My boy is gone!

Somebody snatched my boy!


What's going on here?

Well, I put him

to bed myself, Bill.

I read him a story.

Called him to breakfast the next

morning and went to his room,

and he was gone.

BILL: What makes you think he's

been abducted, Mrs. Pepper?

Four boys have gone

missing from this here

vicinity over the last eight

years, mostly Mexican kids,

marginal and unimportant

to the law it hazard.

BILL: Now, now.

No kid is unimportant

to the law, Mrs. Pepper.

That there computer Cal's?

MR. PEPPER: Yeah, it sure is.

I figured you'd

want to look at it.

He don't have no password.

He don't need one.

He's a clean boy.

BILL: All right.


MRS. PEPPER: We had to put the

dog down a couple of months

back, couldn't

afford the vet bills.

She was old.

I love that dog.


No, we did.


them home, Bill.

Bring my boy home.

LAWYER: Should we really

be sending this young woman

to prison for doing what she can

to feed her six-month-old baby?

A baby that will end

up with child services

and could be adopted

by God knows who?

I mean, maybe some

sick individual...

Your Honor...

LAWYER: Who thinks...

She is a known prost*tute

who has given at least

six teenage boys around

the county herpes,

and God knows what else.


MAN: Ooh.


loud, everybody.



Walden, did not tell

you to stop playing

with that f*cking machine!




Mr. Dean, how are

you feeling right now?

OK, I guess.

The dizziness I

had before is gone.

I suppose I feel normal.

I'm a neurosurgeon, Mr. Dean.

I will probably want to do a

few more tests just to confirm

what the CT scan revealed.

CT scan?


What showed up

was an abnormality

in your frontal lobe.

It's called a meningioma.


I've heard that word before.

That's a brain tumor.

I know because we had a case...

I'm a stenographer...

Where the suspect

suffered from a meningioma.

She was stealing

clothes and jewelry

from a department store, acting

erratic, and causing harms,

and such.

At the peak of her

escalations, she

had removed all of her

clothing and covered

her body in her own feces before

being tased by a SWAT team.

She was understandably

sectioned off

to the criminal wing

of the insane asylum,

where she promptly died.

Jesus Christ.

Does this mean that

I'm going to die?

These tumors are mostly benign.

But we should operate

sooner than later

because these fainting

episodes will evolve.

What time is it?

It's 9:00 AM.

You were here overnight.

Wait, what? Oh, no!

Where's my steno?

I'm going to be late

for my competition.

Mr. Dean, hold on.

You need to take this seriously.

No, I will.

I just... not right now.



The case I'm about

to read has...

Mr. Dean, should you be here?

Why not?

Very well.

KINDLEMAN: As I was saying,

this court case will read

for the required 361 words.

You have 60 seconds

starting now.

The crime of the m*rder occurred

during the outdoor concert

on the 1st of August 19...

Paramedics were

called to the scene,

but the victim had suffered

a... resulting in instant death.

As a result, the outdoor event

was immediately canceled,

and the police and the

suspect apprehended...





That was impressive today.

Anything inspire

you to up your game?

Mm, possibly, I don't know.

Are you sure?

What are you doing?

Being nosy.

Are you a Savant?

A Savant?

No, none at all.

Well, then explain yourself.

Your mental acumen,

your agility,

where does it come from?

Where do you come from?

Maybe I just want to

know who my competition

is because I got 314 today,

and that's my best score yet.


Oh, so you're a

professional stenographer?


Well, I was.

From New York City.

But I came home just to

slow my life down a tad,

and I use these

competitions to stay sharp

and to stave off apathy.

Your turn.

Well, my father and his

father were both stenographers,

five generations of Deans

have lived in Alexandria all

the way back to the Civil w*r.


Five generations.

So this is your Daddy's machine?

Yes, it is.

It was.

He was a very talented,

very emotional stenographer.


You think that's necessary

to be a court reporter?

Well, of course.

I mean, you have to feel the

words, not just type them.

I knew you were a Savant.

Well, you know,

my father believed

words had a price, like

actions, but sometimes

with greater consequence.



Go on.

You know what?

You're right, ma'am.

You are nosy.



It's miss.

It's miss, not ma'am.

And these would be?

These would be the

four missing boys.

Mrs. Pepper was talking about.

All Mexican, all aged

around 9, plus 3 more,

all disappeared within the

last 10 years, no results.

Seven kids?

SALLY: Eight if you

count Cal Pepper.


Would you look at that.


BILL: You did a really good job.

Just read the damn file.






Oh, sorry I've

missed the rehearsal.

- You're late.

- I know.

I know.

Sorry about that.


WOMAN: Well, hello

there, handsome.

(SINGING) Like a

hitman after dying.

WALDEN: Hi, Dad.



Mind if I join you?

Well, by all means.



Usual soda, Walden?

Actually, this evening,

I think I'll have what

my dad is having, a whiskey.

Good Lord, are you

dying or something?


You don't drink.

I know.


[CHUCKLES] Well, here's to 361.

Good health, Pop.

(SINGING) Call it insane...

MAN: Hell boy, you just

grow a pair or something?

Whiskey's a man's drink.

Yeah, and how the

hell would he know?


It's a good servant,

but a bad master.

Is that the reason you came here

before the start of the month?


I actually came

to see if I could

convince you to move back into

the house just like old times.

Hell no.


I left so that you could live.



You know?

But now, I'm not

so sure, witnessing

such profoundly inconsistent

behavior, you know?

I know, but Dad, I was just

thinking that maybe, you know?


(SINGING)... don't never come...

Now, as a change of subject, I'm

going to beat that record, Pop.

What for?

And end up like this?


JESSE: Other than

a momentary wave

of hubris sweeping through,

what else does it bring?

Tell me.

You are just being

so negative right now.



Nope. No.

No. No.

I don't buy it.

It was you that taught

me to feel the word.

You, not just hear

it, not just write it.


Stop it.

No one gives a damn.

Why should you?



I should... oh,

evening, Miss Daisy.

Hey, Walden.

Walden, honey, are you sure you

want to be drinking that stuff?

Oh, a little libation

to loosen the tongue

and open the heart never

hurt anyone, Daisy.

But right now, I need your

strongest over the counter

for a headache...

ROBBER: Give me your

f*cking money bitch!


Back the f*ck up, bruh!

- Hurry up!

- I am...

Give me the f*cking

money, and hurry up!

- I'm trying.

- Check it out!

I'll blow your face off!

Take it all out, hurry up!

DAISY: I am.

ROBBER: Give me the money.

Put it down.

Give me that shit.


Stupid m*therf*cker!

The f*ck are you looking at?



I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.



BILL: Hey, Walden.

Walden, are you all right?

Uhm, I feel really

bad, Detective.

As you can imagine, this

is not a regular occurrence.

In my life.

I saw that man's face shatter

into itty bitty pieces.

Yeah, yeah, I hear you.

I'm going to have to take

your statement, though,

but it can wait till tomorrow.

Uh, do you need a ride

home or something?

I'd like to walk

home if that's OK.

Is that misguided

gentlemen going to live?

He'll live to see you in court.

Well, given his

size and disposition,

I find very little

comfort in that.

Good night, detectives.

Not well.

I have no idea where

the tools are, Walden.

And why the hell do you want

to be doing the same boring job

as your daddy?


have to go out soon, honey.

I expect I won't be

back for a few hours.

Tell your dad his

dinner's in the fridge.


You listening to me, honey?

I asked if you heard me, Walden?

Your eyelashes are fake.



MRS. DEAN: f*ck you!

MR. DEAN: Can you please just...



I want a damn divorce.

MR. DEAN: No, you're not... no!


MR. DEAN: No. No, never.

We are family.


MR. DEAN: Claire, please.

Claire, don't! Claire, don't!

Claire, don't go.

Claire, please!



MR. DEAN: Hey, I

guess you heard that.

She'll be back, son.

I hope not.

See you in the morning.


didn't want college to end,

but it kind of did when my

dad called me and told me

my mom was dead, k*lled

by some drunk driver, who

came out of nowhere.

They told my dad she

never suffered, that she

must have died instantly.

I knew he'd find solace

in that because he

never stopped missing her.

This does not

happen in small towns.

This might happen in LA.

- Does this happen in LA?

- Yep.


It happens in LA, but it's

not supposed to happen here.

What are you doing here, Walden?

You guys told me to come

in and give a statement.

Is everything OK?


No, everything is

not OK, Walden.

Norman Casey Bolt got released

today on a technicality.


What technicality?

Brady violation.

Prosecution was supposed

to turn in evidence,

and they didn't, which is their

constitutional f*cking duty.

So now he's a free man.

And adding insult to the

m*rder of his little girl,

he's back at his own house.

Hell, he even ordered

a brand new stove.

Your statement on

last night's robbery...



Walden's statement,

and if you excuse us, we have

to go welcome Bolt back to town.

Thank you.

Come see my new stove, Bill?


We're just passing through.

What are you doing

there, Norman?

I'm just putting

these out for charity.

You know, the kids around here

be needing clothes, especially

in these, uh, difficult times.

I just want to let

you know we're going

to be passing through a lot.

Do you feel me?


[LAUGHS] My door is always open.

Yeah, what are these

going to do for me?

Are these going to carry me?


Well, it's damn near inevitable.


Maybe I'll f*cking hit him.

I could do that.

Yeah, they just drilled around

your f*cking thing in there.


Bottoms up.


What the f*ck, man?


You need to know

that this isn't me.

But you should never have

gotten away with what you did.

Cut me f*cking loose right now!

You know, I came here with

the intention to scare you.

And I saw with my own

eyes the degradation

that that poor little child

lived in up until the moment

you took her life, now

just how could anyone

let their own flesh

and blood sink so

hopelessly low until this,

all this became normal?

This is not normal!

This is the desanctification

of the human soul!

And quite frankly, sir,

you have to pay for that.

NORMAN: Wait, what

are you f*cking... no!









Walden, it's Bill.

Just drop Lizzie off at school.

Are you OK?

Uhm, yes.

Just, uh, talking

with my mouth full.


BILL: I just wanted

to call you to let

you know that your statement

was cleared by the DA.


Uh, great.



Did you hear about Bolt?

Uh, Bolt?

No, why?

What about him?

Somebody cooked his head

with his brand new stove.

Jeez, to have your head cooked?

Yeah, that sounds

horrifically painful.


maybe it's just karma.

Hmm, well, I don't

believe in karma,

but I'm pretty sure Satan's

got himself a new chew toy.

[CHUCKLES] Sure we can agree

on that part, right, Bill?

If you say so, Walden.

Bye, bye.

Why is everyone standing around?

It's because they

know him, Detective.

It's Cal.


BILL: Jesus, it's

a damn tragedy.

What is that?


MR. PEPPER: Stop her.

Oh, shit.




God, stop.




BILL: It's OK.

It's OK.


SALLY: What are you doing here?

Well, I saw the

Peppers speed by...


What's that?


Oh, it's evidence I just pulled

it out of a dead kid's hand.

Do you want to see it?

Take a look.

Whoever did this to

him is a monster.


- It's OK.

It's OK.

SALLY: Look, I need to get back

there, and you need to leave.

This is a crime scene.

PRIEST: Even though

we have gathered here

to lament the passing

of young Cal Pepper,

we must rejoice that the

Lord Jesus Christ has brought

him into his heavenly Kingdom.

So let us...

He was m*rder*d, Father.

Cal Pepper was a

nine-year-old child,

and he was brutally violated,

and choked to death.

And he was one of eight

kids to suffer that same...

PRIEST: Bill, perhaps the

church isn't the place

for such explicit grief.

I'm sorry, where?

Where do we go?

Isn't this the Lord's house?

Why can't we lay our

pain at His door?

I mean, come to me

all Ye who suffer,

and I will give you comfort.

You know, The Son of

Man said that, The Son.

And I know eight

sons who really use.

His comfort right about now.

Come on.

Come on.


You know, you know,

Cal's last supper was?

It's a candy bar.

Kids love candy bars.

JUDGE BOYLE: All those

kids, Lord have mercy.

Poor Bill pouring out

his heart like that.

What in the world is

happening to our little town?

It was a hell of a thing

you did the other day

at that drugstore.

WALDEN: Oh, no.

It was wrong.

I shouldn't have.

I mean, Judge, I don't

know what came over me.

A big heap of bravery

is what came over you.

All what's going

on in this town,

I'm going to arrange a

carry permit for you.


How things go at the hospital?

Oh, just some routine

tests and stuff.

I mean, I'm fine.

But Judge, I don't

think that I need a g*n.

It's my town, Walden.

If I say you need a

g*n, you need a g*n.


MRS. BOYLE: Better safe

than sorry, Walden.



We're going to lunch.

You're welcome to join.

Oh, no, no, thank you.

Come on, honey.

I'm starving.

Enjoy your Sunday, Walden.


up, Mr. Sheldon.

After some brief

deliberation on my part,

and considering that the g*n

you took into that theater

was unloaded, I think

12 months probation

should be sufficient...


JUDGE BOYLE: In this case.

But Mr. Sheldon, don't

you ever let me see

you in front of my court again.

Do you hear me?

So ruled.

EMILY: I hope you

don't mind, but I

wanted to see you in action.


Well, why?

EMILY: I don't know.

I guess I had some

time on my hands,

and I feel the need to

apologize for being so

forward with you the other day.

Calling you a Savant, and all.



It's really not a problem.


Because I need your

help with something.


With what?

With whom?

Oh, well, OK, with whom?

See, my family's throwing

this party for my Uncle James,

and I cannot handle it alone.

Why not?

Well, because I choose not to.



I know what you're doing.

I have work in the morning.

Don't worry, I'll make sure

you're home before sunset.

And you'll be doing

me a huge favor.

Besides I bet that steno could

use some fresh air, being stuck

in this stale courthouse

day in and day out,

eternally tapped out.


Well, back by sunset, you say?

I promise.

Your family lives here?

Yeah, for six generations.

Beat the DEANS by one, ei?


Where you been hiding

that endearing smile?


Come on.

Let's meet the Duperon g*ng.




Nice to see you.


Hi there.

- Jesus.

- Hi!



WALDEN: This truly is a majestic

residence Mr. And Mrs. Duperon.

Well, thank you, Walden.

Emily has told us absolutely

nothing about you.

Where are you from?

Over in Alexandria, ma'am.



Say, you wouldn't happen to be

Jesse Dean's boy, would you?

Yes, sir.

I am.

MR. DUPERON: Jesse Dean, he was

the mildest mannered, sweetest

boy in our high school.


Well, you went to high

school with my Dad?

MR. DUPERON: Sure did.


Shame what that wife

of his did to him.



What she do?

I don't want to be

gossiping none here.

But let's just say...



I think that's enough.

I'm sorry.

As you can see nosiness is

inherent within the Duperon



I agree, honey.

That's enough, Mitchell.

Please forgive him, dear.

Oh, no, no, no, your husband

is right, Mrs. Duperon.

My mother did not adhere

to her marriage vows,

as one would hope.

She was something

of a loose woman,

some would even say a whore.

[EXHALES] Ah, and a very

successful one at that.

If you'd excuse me.

Walden, how do I

even begin to apologize

for my father's ignorance?

Oh, no.

Never apologize for a truth.

You know, this house

was given to my family.


Apparently, we read

the entire surrounding

area of... and you're never

going to believe this...



I come from a long

line of snake charmers.

[CHUCKLES] Well, tall

tales make short memories.

[LAUGHS] Oh, I like that.

Who said that?

Walden Dean.


You got any more masterful

quotes from Mr. Dean?

Let me think, uhm.

Two most important days in your

life are the day you're born...

And the day you

find out why, OK.

Are you just quoting

Mark Twain over there?

Did you find out why?

I didn't.

Until recently.

You're going to tell me?

Another time.

It's almost sunset.

[SIGHS] Not quite

a stately mansion.

Yeah, well, it is a home of

the great Savant Weldon Dean.



I was just thinking,

I never really

put this down for that long.

Thank you for the invitation.


After having to suffer my

father and his big old mouth?


Well, I'll see you

at the next round.


You broke your promise.

You said you'd have

me back by sunset.


Good night!

BILL: Hey, George.


BILL: Hey, George.

Oh, hi, Detective Billy.


Hey, So now, you know most

everybody in Alexandria,

don't you?

GEORGE: Not only that.

I know where they all live,

and what they do for work.


You seen any strange

folk hanging around?

People even you've

never met before?


I don't see anybody

outside of anybody I know,

Detective Billy.

If I did, I would

remember them, then they

wouldn't be strangers no more.

BILL: You'd tell us

if you did, right?

GEORGE: Uh-huh.

Sure would.

SALLY: Hey, George, you

knew young Cal Pepper,

didn't you, George?

I don't know nothing

about what happened to Cal.


Hey, it's OK, George.


You have yourself a good day.

Thank you.

Today's court case is bad.

Bad man.

Very bad man.

You saw that candy bar, right?


I like candy bars, too.

DEITRICH: Dr. Patel,

can you describe

the condition you found Mr. Pym

in when you were attending him?

He was in a very bad state.

His heart had stopped, and

the brain had no function.

Anything else

outstanding about Mr. Pym?

MR. PATEL: Apart from the

cataracts in his eyes?

It's over.

MR. PATEL: Substantial bruising

to his buttocks and his legs.

His feet were badly

deformed from what looked

like years of heavy bandaging.

DEITRICH: Heavy bandaging?

Any reason why his feet

were heavily bandaged?


There was no history in

his chart showing any kind

of problems in that area.

So there was no real

explanation for such

a sustained and

painful treatment.

DEITRICH: Did you know, Dr.

Patel, that Mr Pym was not

the only patient at the

blessed retirement facility

to have sustained such

terrible injuries?

MR. PATEL: There were

whispers about the BRF,

but not much more than that.

So you aren't aware that Chief

attending nurse, Katherine.

Mills, was overseeing

these patients,

and was caught by the son of

one patient, a Mr. Andrews,

slapping his father

across the face

for not taking his medication?

Objection, Your Honor!

As bad as slapping anyone

across the face is,

it doesn't rise to a

level of probable cause

that my client

nurse Mills, who is

25 years of impeccable service

in the medical profession,

systematically tortured his

unfortunate patients who

subsequently died from nothing

to do with bandaged feet

or bruised buttocks.

of which can be explained with |

justifiable medical reasoning.

I'm sorry, Your Honor,

but defense is deflecting

from an observation of

v*olence, which clearly lends

itself to a mode of behavior.

Ms. Deitrich, did

anybody actually see

nurse Mills binding

these poor people's feet

or whipping them with a...

Leather belt?

No, Your Honor, no witnesses.

I'm sorry, but I...

I just can't see your

stretch of logic here.

Owing to Chief nurse

Mills impeccable record,

and the lack of

any probable cause,

or actual evidence, no

eyewitnesses, no leather belt,

I see no alternative, but to,

uh, grant the defense's motion

for dismissal of all charges.

Walden, how have

you been feeling?

If it is, just want you

to know I'm here for you.

Well, I told you the

other day, Judge, I mean,

there's nothing wrong with me.

Just stress, trying to impose

itself on my disposition.

They're probably just trying to

beat that stupid steno record.

Do yourself a favor, son,

and quit that damn competition

right now.

Well, I can't.

I met someone there.

A very nice young woman.

Well, I will be damned.


How about that?

Well, you sneaky son of a g*n.


No wonder you're

all bent out of shape.

Speaking of g*ns?


Still feels kind of weird.

I mean, it's not really me.

You just watch your

back now, you hear?

Oh, yes, sir.

All right.



This room is

supposed to be empty.

You can't be in here.

Are you hearing me?

Who the f*ck are you?

The stenographer.

[MUMBLES] Not exactly

a pedicure, but...





Do you know what Mr.

Pym's last words were?


Well, I do because

he said them to me.

He said, "Stop her.

Oh, please?"


I feel compelled to

comply with his plea.


WALDEN: I'm going

to give you a chance

to come clean and confess

to all the years of abuse

you have inflicted on

the elderly, the infirm,

and the unprotected.

You did devilishly

m*rder, Mr. Pym, correct?


You have snuffed out the lives

of countless others, have you




I'm glad you got

that off your chest.

Boy, oh, boy, you

just couldn't resist

flaunting a souvenir of the

pain you caused, could you?

The stories this

bloodstained belt could tell.

You see this spot right here?

This one's for you.



KINDLEMAN: That resulted in

between 3,000 and 5,000 people

accused of heresy

and/or witchcraft

was finally abandoned

July 15, 1834.


Care to tell me?

The same, 329.

Mm, I see.


Every bone in

both feet is broken.

Some of them was just splinters.

Cotton ball in the nostrils.

Jesus, what a f*cking mess.


[SIGHS] Found this

in the shower.

It's covered in old

bloodstains, but

there's some fresh on there.


Get that to the lab in Atlanta

and have it tested against Mr.

Pym and anyone else who

died in here with Mr.

Pym's kind of injuries.


And if it's a match

to the other victims?

BILL: Someone save the

taxpayer a lot of money.

SALLY: Same somebody

who cooked Bolt?

Well, we got a

vigilante on our hands?

People here, they don't

got that kind of DNA.

Maybe you're wrong.


Maybe one of them does.

When they gets laughed at,

picked on, eats candy bars,

knows every damn case

in the courtroom.




It's 1888, Paris.

And I see myself sitting

in a cafe in Montmartre,

watching Satie play for

the locals, a song that

will travel throughout time

all the way to a small town

in Georgia, USA.

You know, when I was a

little girl, I wanted to do

is leave this town.

And now, I'm a full grown woman,

and I have no idea what I want.

Can I be honest with you?


I like you.



Hi, Walden.




Thank you.

GEORGE: Do you want to play

video games at my house?

I love you.

I got you a gift.

Let's go.

Do you see that?



Why, George?

Get up, George.

Get up.

George, come on.

Come on.

Hi, Detective Billy.

Is everything OK?

No, George.

It's not OK.

Javier was winning this game.

I won the last game, but

he was winning this game.

Now we won't finish the game.

Why are you arresting me, Billy?

Don't you normally keep those

handcuffs for bad people

who do bad things?

BILL: Yes.

You got to Mirandize him.

Billy, you got him Mirandized...

OK, don't tell me how

to do my job, all right?

Miranda rights or the rights

of every American citizen?

BILL: George Bellows, you have

the right to remain silent.

You have the right

to an attorney.

If you cannot afford

one, then an attorney

will be provided for you.

I'll take you to

the station, George.

- Let's go.

- OK.

BILL: I don't know chief.

I went with the hunch.


He was with a kid.

Same age as the others.

He's Mexican.

Took him to dinner,

gave him a candy bar,

and then took him

back to his place.

Cal Pepper wasn't Mexican.

SALLY: Only one who wasn't.


Are they going at it?

They were playing video games.


SALLY: It's f*cking strange.

40-year-old man hanging

with a little kid.

You do realize that

George has a mental capacity

of a 10-year-old, right?

BILL: It was my call, OK?

All those kids.

Somebody had to do something.

Well, turn this place

over, and see what you find.

I'll let health services

know what's going on.

This cannot get out.

If folks find out we're pulling

a mentally challenged person

because we think he's

a pedophile k*ller,

we'll be hanging from

a cross by Friday.

I need evidence,

or cut him loose.


This is just silly.

I have called you several

times, but now you're

making me feel real childish,

and you know, at least text

me, and let me know you're OK.

In fact, you know what...


[SIGHS] Dear Lord, no doubt

you lost a little faith

in me, if you had any.

I don't blame you.

But I've had enough of watching

people get hurt, and die,

and nobody cares, or

even remembers them.

I know memories don't

live on past life itself,

but I believe pain sure does.

Now watching families

like the Peppers

and the Pyms supposed

to go about eating

and talking like what their

son went through is acceptable?

It is not acceptable!

I'm sorry to go

against you, Lord.

But damn it.

I have to do something.

And if I got to roast

that bastard's head

or crossed out with

his feet, so be it!

Given that, well, I suppose

this is the last conversation

we'll be having between us.

I wish you a lot of luck,

Lord, dealing with all

the ugliness in this world.


Oh, and if you can, please have

Emily Duperon forget I exist.

Thank you.

Hey, Bill.

Hey, I heard George

is in holding?


Yeah, you heard right.

We maybe charging him

for Cal Peppers' m*rder.


George? No.

No, no, no. Surely not.



Local ret*rd can

have an evil streak?

I mean, what the f*ck

is it to you, Walden?


I just don't

believe George would

do something like that, OK?

Plus, he's my friend.

Are you OK?

No, other than you

just can't take a walk

at night with the

person you love,

you want your cop with a g*n.


Wha... what... what?

Sally and Zoe got att*cked

by a couple of punks

last night not far

from Baridisio Bistro.


Now, I hope they catch them.

Can I see George?

You got five minutes.




Hey, buddy.

Come on, sit down.

I don't know why

I'm here, Walden.

I don't know, either, George.

They think maybe

you have something

to do with Cal Pepper's death.

I would never

hurt a kid, Walden.

All my friends are

the local kids.

You know that.

They're the only ones

that will talk to me

and don't spit on me.

Well, you got to

be honest, George.

I don't want to

see you in trouble.

But if you did something, or if

you know something, you know,

you got to tell Bill.

Do you know why they call

me General George, Walden?


I never did know why.

'Cause when I was

a kid, I had long,

yellow hair, and a mustache.

I was only 10.

And I had a mustache.

And someone in school

once said that I looked

like General George Custer.

I liked that name, and it stuck.

He died in battle.


Well, I do know that.


I don't want to die in battle.

This isn't my battle.

No, George.


This is not your battle.





Mr. Dean, guilty or not guilty?


That's a very difficult

question, Your Honor.

I think that I am not guilty.





Are you OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Oh, good.


Because I just spent the entire

day driving around in circles,

wondering who Walden Dean is.

Where Walden Dean is?

And why I care so much?

A boy who leaves me

on a date, and then

refuses to answer my calls.

So I guess if I could

answer that question,

I wouldn't be standing

here right now.

Oh, you've been drinking.


This was a bad idea.

No, what... whoa.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.





(VOICEOVER): "Mommy was"

out again all night last night.

Daddy was crying.

I heard him.

I wanted to knock on his

door and be with him,

"but I know men aren't supposed

to cry in front of their sons."

"It rained heavily

this morning."

I took a bus into Atlanta.

I wanted to go to the department

store, where my mom works.

I looked in through the window.

But there were so many people.

That's why I went inside.

She looked so beautiful.

But she was wearing black.

I just stood there and wondered

if she was as sad as my daddy.

I guess I hoped she was.

When she saw me, my

heart started to race.

I wanted so much to run to her.

Instead, I ran

back out the shop.

I was crying.


What are you doing?

These are my things.

You live with all this?

Some people collect sweaters.

I collect the

testament of justice.


You collect pain and loss.

Walden, you should just

throw all this away.

WALDEN: Don't.

Just please don't.



It's tragic.

I'm... I'm the ghost

of the courtroom.

I arrive.

I take out my

machine, and I record

every moment, every truth,

every lie, every word.

My father told me early

on, you never let your face

betray your emotions, right?

You look around the court like

you just landed on the moon.

You have a pleasant day.

[SIGHS] So my fingers tap

while I hear innocence,

and I hear evil.

And sometimes evil walks away.

And when it does,

pack up my machine,

and the ghost in the

courtroom goes home.

But you're not a ghost, Walden.

You're not a ghost.

This is all I have.

Then you have to let it go.

Some things you just can't

let go of, Miss Duperon.

I'm sorry.

I can't do this.

You're not a ghost, Walden.




Dad, it's so far

away, in the capital

of the city of Canberra.

That's right.

That's my clever girl.

Hey, uhm, can I ask

you something, darling?


When you go see Father Gallagher

for communion practice, with

all the kids, boys and girls...


Does father Gallagher ever...


If you're asking,

he was the best.

I'll say girls are the best

that can be in practice.


They sure are.


Yeah, I bet they are.

[CHUCKLES] Enough of this.

You have to go get some sleep.

Time to rest.

Here you go.


God bless.

God bless Daddy and Mommy.

That's right.

Just because a man is a priest,

that automatically makes him

a suspect in a child's death.

My job is to catch

a k*ller, Laurie.

Oh, OK.

And... and you do that how?

By grilling your own daughter?

Right now, I have

someone locked up

that I believe is innocent, OK?

And the Peppers, Cal Peppers'

family, they don't have

a child to tuck in anymore.

I know that.

That breaks my heart.

But you can't let the

sadness into our home.

You can't do it.


It's heartbreaking,

but you can't

let it... what are you doing?



It's... baby, I

got to take this.

Walden, what is it?

I'm kind of in the middle

of something right now.

Bill, I know you guys got

the badges and the g*ns,

and I don't like to be

here out of my lane.

But I really, really don't

think George m*rder*d

Cal Pepper or any other kid.


I'm sorry... I... hold on.

Where are you?

I'm just enjoying the evening.

You call me at this time to tell

me you are having a coffee?

Oh, come on, Walden.

Do you have something for me

that proves George's innocence?


It's just something he said.

Every time we see

George by the courtroom,

he knows the case

of the day, right?

And he would tell us about it,

but then he always finishes

with the words, "Very bad man."

Bad man.

Very bad man.


Bill, are you still there?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

I'm here.


thing is, not every case

we had involved a man.

We had many cases where

the defendant was a woman,

like the late nurse Mills.




Walden, where are you?

Sorry, Bill.

I got to run.

BILL (ON PHONE): Walden.



Stop fighting.

WALDEN: Excuse me!

Did these women consent to this?


Who the f*ck are you, man?

What are we doing right

here is none of your business.

You just ruined a

really nice party.

f*ck, are you some sort

of cop or something, man?


I don't know.

THUG 1: Here, take me in.

You want to make an arrest?

Oh, really?


GEORGE: You look

sad, Detective Billy.

Did something happen?

It's Walden.

He's been hurt.

GEORGE: Is he going to be OK?

BILL: Let's hope so.


Yeah, George?

Would it be OK if I

showed you something bad?

I know you can hear me, son.

Now you listen to me.

I want you to ignore what

I said before at the bar,

you understand?

Words really do

matter because...

Because I have a great power.

I love you, Walden.

So you... you get yourself

back to me now, all right?

No matter what you've done.

You're not wasting our

time, are you, George?


Not wasting your time.

[SIGHS] Yeah, you sure

we don't need back up?

Look, I know this sounds

naive, but I trust him.


GEORGE: We're getting very

close, Detective Billy.

BILL: How do you

know that, George?

GEORGE: I can smell it.


One out.

Let's go.

Come on.

Come on, come on.




Come on, let's go.

Let's go. Come on.

Walk. Walk.



You... you won't need your g*ns.


SALLY: Come on, George.

I don't want to go in there.

All right.

You don't need to go in there.

All right, George?

You're going to

stay the f*ck here.

Don't move.


Detective Hunt?


You'll never be the same.


BILL: Jesus Christ.


f*cking hell.




13 to David Chen.


David Chen, go ahead.


Chen, we're in sector 4.

Yeah, we're going to need

a photo kit and also...

How's she doing?

How do you think

she's doing, man?

Did he tell us anything?

A couple of the victims

were friends of his.

Go to his house and

play video games.

[CHUCKLES] They told

him about this place,

where, uh, they'd sometimes

going to get paid.


For what?

Jesus Christ!

Is there any way we

can get him to talk?







Uh... uhm.

Found your way home, huh?

Hey now.

Atta boy.



Every day.



she'd be faster

using one of those quill pens.



I'll be back soon, Judge.

Doc says a few more weeks

of sitting doing nothing.

Got a little bit more

space in my head now.

Well, no rush, son.

We're just glad to

know you're good.

Well, I guess I'd better be

moseying here in a minute.

I want you to take it

easy now, you hear me?

No samba classes.

[CHUCKLES] I'll try not to.




See better than me?


Now you know there'd

be incriminating.


I'll walk you down

to the car, Judge.

All right.

I could use a little exercise.

Take care, son.

Come on.

Good to see you you're in your

pop back under the same roof.


He's only hanging around till I

can start shaving myself again.


Oh, wow.

Like I haven't seen

this one in a while.

It's a beauty.

You mind?

No, not at all.

- Take a look.

- Wow.


I've had her in the

shop for a long time.

Nice to get her out,

get some fresh air.


is... it is beautiful.


I want to say I want

to thank you, Judge,

for keeping my job open for me.



I really appreciate it.

It's just a shame you had to get

your head cracked open

to come to your senses

about that competition.

Hey, how's that girl?

New girl you told me about?

Oh, that's, uh,

that's pretty much over.


I'm sorry to hear that.


Well, I'll message you, son.

Yes, sir.

I'm real keen to know what

you intend to do with that.

Well, just exercising

my constitutional

right to self-defense, Pop.

Observation is the

cornerstone of the stenographer.

That fella, Kane, knows.

As does that pretty

little cohort of his.

Are you getting your winks in?

You're talking kind of funny.

I thought I was supposed to be

the one with the brain damage.

You're funny, boy.

Don't miss.


JUDGE BOYLE: Well, I'm going

to sleep like a baby tonight.


Don't you always?

How could that be

this time of night?

JUDGE BOYLE: Why don't

you go on to bed, honey?

Don't be long.

I won't.

Sit down, Walden.

Have your hands

remain visible, please?

What gave me away?

The torn fabric

in your car seat.


I knew I should have

gotten that fixed.

That's just me being

lazy and cheap.

Thought since I locked her

away, the thought might fade.

We judges can f*ck up,

do some terrible things.

That's putting it rather mildly.

Young Cal Pepper put up a pretty

good fight for his life, huh?

He did, indeed.

And that's why you had

to k*ll him so quickly,

and dump his body in the forest.

I'm curious.

What makes someone want

to do something like that?

The need to...

Abuse the young?


They smell good.

They walk like foals.

I've always had it.

I even had a thing for

you when you were young.

And I needed your

pop in my courtroom.

I couldn't have him distracted.


How many?

Oh, you don't want to know.

I started when I was 17.



And Mrs. Boyle?

My sweet facade.

My lily-white camouflage.

She has no idea.


You won't need that g*n.

I'm done.

Lost my grip.

Well, much as I have appreciated

your avuncular

nature towards me,

as well as your

reassurances of being done,

I can't trust what you say

has a word of truth in it.

And since you are

such a wicked man,

I feel obligated to Cal

and all the other children

you so cruelly m*rder*d to send

you personally down to hell.

The burden is on me not

to enjoy my task too much.

But I must bear witness

to your earthly departure

for the children.

You can understand that,

can't you, Your Honor?

For the children.

Fair enough.

Walden, you are the

best damn stenographer I

have ever seen in a courtroom.

Hi, detectives.

BILL: Hey, Walden.

Come on in.

Thanks for keeping

it down, detectives.

My dad's just sleeping

on the couch there.

You guys want any

coffee or anything?

I'm just doing a little

bit of work here.

It looks like you

got yourself a dog.

- Oh, yeah.

- Yeah.

My dad got me a puppy.

He said he thought it would

help me get some exercise.

BILL: Hey, Walden, if

you don't mind me asking,

why did you just happen

to be in that alleyway

on that particular night?


Just going for one

of my renowned walks.

I hope those aren't

outlawed now.

Are they?



No, it hasn't been outlawed.


Well, how was your

friend, by the way?

-She's good.

-WALDEN: Yeah?

She's doing much better. Yeah.

Thanks for asking, Walden.


BILL: You know, the

good news is, you won't

be charged for what happened.

Witnesses have come

forward on your behalf.

They say it was self-defense.

Well, you're darn tootin'.

It was self-defense.

But witnesses?


Caring bystanders.

Of course, we need to figure

out who took out Bolt and Mills,


That's right.


Yeah, man.

That is a mystery.


Yeah, it is.


Walden, you know, I hear

that problems in the head

can make people do crazy things.

But then when the

head gets fixed,

all those crazy thoughts,

and those crazy things,

they can just stop.

You following me?

You're talking above

my pay grade, detective.

I just write this

stuff for a living.

I'll leave it to you

guys to figure it out.


We'll see ourselves out, Walden.

- SALLY: Good night.

- Good night.

BILL: Mm-hmm.




Corpus Christi.


PRIEST: Corpus Christi.

KID: Amen.


Give your mom a hug,

So proud of you.


case was dismissed,

and the defendant left

the courtroom a free man.


[SIGHS] 359, I believe.



You were two away

from the world record.


accused over a two-year period"

is alleged to have m*rder*d

seven different prostitutes

across the state.

The defendant denies

all charges and has

entered a plea of not guilty.

"He will be released on

bond while awaiting trial."

Well, we'll see about that.


(SINGING) Sins of my father

are rolling off my tongue.

Listen, everybody.

I ain't really nobody son.

Man, I got your lips now.

Man, I gotta say I

was twisted charm.

If you listen closely, I ain't

got the beat of your hearts.

Now I'm going to do is go now.

It's all I'm going

to do is just go.

All I'm going to

do before I go now

is paint myself red,

black, and blue.

Call me a bad stitch.

Call me a street

sniffing feral hound.

Always remember I ain't

got a home in no towns.

I get some phone calls.

I get some letters

and some chewy toys.

But listen up, my dears, I

really ain't nobody's boy.

Now all I'm going

to do is go now.

It's all I'm going

to do is just go.

All I'm going to do

as boy now is paint

myself red, black, and blue.

Hey, I'm not a guy

that said I was in it.

Might have got it

twisted some, but all

I want is as I'm leaving for you

to not to say anything at all.

But I ain't the one.

Yeah, I really

ain't nobody's son.