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01x11 - Power Trip / To Heck and Back

Posted: 12/11/23 17:28
by bunniefuu
[Buzzing and chirping]

- [Chuckling]

- Good as new.

- ♪ Rocko's modern life ♪

-Rocko's modern life.

- ♪ Rocko's modern life ♪

-Rocko's modern life.

- Spunky! Spunky!


- ♪ Rocko's modern life. ♪

-Rocko's modern life.

- [Laughing]

That was a hoot!

Male narrator:it's the super-duper adventures of...

Really, really big man.

- Gee, really, really big man

Can you save megopolis from total destruction?

- Sure! It's easy for really, really big man.

I'll just toss this skyscraper back to the city,

Return this deadly sea creature to its natural habitat,

And merely hurl this atomic warhead into the sun.

- [Screaming]

- See how easy that was, jimmy?


Narrator: to cover his expenses as a superhero,

Really, really big man disguises himself

As adaily orbitreceptionist, lois lane.

- Good morning, boss.

- Lois...

You're fired!

- Buy it or get out!

Rocko, I'm going out of town for hair implants.

You're in charge.

Hire an assistant to help out.

Here are the keys to the office.

And whatever you do...

Don't touch the green button.

- Smoldering old toad.

So, what was your last job?

- Vital organ delivery boy.

- Fry cook.

- [Imitating rocket]

- And I'm punching him, and I'm punching.

I'm punching, I'm punching him,

And I says "what do you mean

I didn't give you the right change?"

- [Honks horn]

- [Imitating machine g*n]

- So have you seen the new issue ofreally, really big man?

Big man finally captures nuclear swan.

- No, filburt, I haven't.

Now, listen, do you feel we can work as a team

And make this shop a success?

- Comic books are my life.

Wow, this can't be happening to me!

- Filburt, why don't you mind the cash register,

While I'll go check on the office?

- Okay, partner, you can count on your pal, filburt.

[Sneakers squeaking]

[Tango music]

- Don't touch the green button.

Don't touch the green button.

Don't touch the green button.

[Chair vibrating]

- Ah, ooh.

Oh, how I love this job.

- Hey, where's the new issue ofreally, really big man?

- Filburt!

- Coming, boss.

- Filburt, you haven't sold anybig mancomics today.

Now, get down there and start pushing some pulp.

- Right, boss.

- Hey, you got the new issue ofbig man?

Nobig man?

- What? He doesn't have it?

- Filburt!

- I thought I told you to sell thosebig mancomics!

How are you supposed to do that standing around in my office?

- R-right, boss.

- [Laughing]

[Crowd grumbling and complaining]


All: [chanting] we wantbig man!

We wantbig man! We wantbig man!

- Filburt! - We wantbig man!

We wantbig man! We wantbig man!

- Filburt!

- We wantbig man! We wantbig man!

- Filburt! Filburt! Filburt!



- Yes, boss?

- I want to see you in my office immediately!

- Yes, boss.

- Supply and demand, filburt.

Supply and demand.

People demandbig mancomics

And we supply them.

If you, filburt, can't supplybig man

The system breaks down.

Do you follow me, filburt?

- Y-yes, sir.

- If the system breaks down, I don't make a profit!

Do you know what this means?

- N-n-no.


You're fired!

- [Screaming]

Where are you, really, really big man?

[Echoing] where are you, really, really big man?

Where are you, really, really big man?

Where are you, really, really big man?

- [Screaming]

[Glass shattering]


- You're... You're really, really...

- That's right, I'm really, really big man.

I'm here to discuss a little matter

Concerning an old friend of yours.

Look into my magic chest hairs.

- Why, it's filburt.

- Out on the street, thanks to you, rocko.

Look still deeper into my muscular bosom

To view the relationship you and filburt once had.

- I'm nauseous.

I'm nauseous.

I'm nauseous.

- And now witness where you're headed, rocko.

Look into the nipples of the future!

- Buy it or get out!

- Smoldering old toad.

- No! No! No!

I'll change, really, really big man, I'll change.

I've been such a fool.

How can I make up for the error of my ways?

- Well, I think there's someone here to see you.

- Rocko?

- Filburt!

- Rocko?

There, there, old buddy.

It's okay.

- Filburt, I'm sorry.

- I love you guys.

I love you!

- But what about the store, rocko?

It's ruined.

- Hey, I've got a really big idea.

- Sign a comic book, big man?

- Oh, please, oh, please. Oh, please.

- Sure.

- Wow! Thanks, big man.

[Cash register rings]

- Me, too, big man.



- Okay, okay, calm down.

There's enough for everyone.

Don't push, don't push.


Thanks, big man.

We've all been touched by your bigness.

- So long, little guys, and remember,

Big is good!

- Rocko!

- Yes, sir.

- What is that turtle doing here?

- That's filburt, our new assistant.

- Fire him! - What?

- You heard me. Fire him!

- But we're a team.

Look at all the money we made.

I will not fire my best friend.

- Well, then...

If you're such a good team

I guess you should stick together then.

You're both fired!

- Oh, yeah?

Well, you're just a smoldering old toad.

No worries, filburt.

It's gonna take a big man

To fill our shoes.

- Wow! This can't be happening to me!

- Lock up before you leave.

- Sure thing, boss.

- Well, karen, I must say

This is a very impressive resume.

Let me welcome you aboard chokey chicken incorporated.

- Why, thank you very much, sir.

- You're very welcome, karen.

And good luck.

[Grease sizzling]

- I think I'll have the chicken.

- What number?

- You better go first, rocko.

I'm not ready yet.

- Okay, I'd like the five-piece...

- Okay, I'm ready.

I'll have the number ,

The , an order of number six,

Extra coleslaw,

And a large mayonnaise.

Hey, I'll go get us a table.

- $., Please.

- Heff, it came to nearly bucks.

- You know, there's something about restaurant ketchup.

- Listen, heffer, I want to talk to you about something.

You know, we've been best friends for a long time.

- You don't want to stop being friends, do you?

- No, no, heff, I just want to discuss something.

- Well, then, are you going to finish that?

- Yes, heff, I am.

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

You see, a friendship is about give and take.

And I feel that, well, sometimes...

One friend will, you know,

Take sometimes more than the other...

- Rocko, I know exactly what you're trying to say.

I think jenny rose said it best

When we were in the third grade.

Both: "mrs. Lederknitz, my bottom bubbled."

[Both laughing]

- [Gasping]

- Heff, listen, you're my best friend in the entire world,


Aw, come on.

No need to be all choked up, heff.


- [Gasping, choking]


- Heffer!

He's choking! He's choking!

Is there a doctor in the house?

Heff, heff, old buddy, hang on.

I'm going to perform the heimlich.

- [Passes gas]


I got big hips!



"Welcome to heck:

A friendly community"

- I am the dark underlord.

The prince of doom.

The king of eternal torment.

I am fear! I am evil!

They call me... Peaches.

- Peaches?

- Would you let me finish?

You will rot in torment forever.

[Evil laughter]


- Okay, heffer.

Oh, that's a good name.

I... What was I saying?

Just forget it.

- Wait a minute, what?

Ah, it's just for the tourists.

Be seated.

- Wow! Cool!

- You like that, huh?

- Wow!

- This is a mcspirit tube-o-vision .

And it belongs to me!

Do you know what that makes it?

- Hmm... I give up.

- It's the tv from heck.

[Both laughing]

- Hey, wait a minute.


Isn't it supposed to be...

- Censors.

There's the lamp from heck

And here's the pineapple from heck.

- I love when people say that.

- Okay, now, where were we?

Oh, yeah.

You are guilty of one of the seven deadly sins!


Are you still with me?

Hey, peaches, you got anything to eat around here?

- You don't get it, do you?

Seven deadly sins?



You... Are... A... Glutton!

- Glue-ton?

- Now, turn to channel three.

- Sure! Where's the remote?

- You poor fool.

Still don't know where you are, do you?

There is no remote!

- [Screams]

- You think that's scary?

Well, how about this?

- [Screaming]

- [Evil laughter]

- Hang on, heff, I see it--

You've got a chicken bone caught in your throat.

Heff, you've got x's for eyes.

What in the blazes does that mean?

[All coughing]

- Your gluttony went far beyond a mere mania for food.

It hurt others.

People who loved you.


- My cake! My cake!

Oh, did you even taste it, you walrus?


- And, of course, there was your friend, rocko.


- Heffer.






- No! Enough!

I'm a glue-ton!

I'm a glue-ton!

I'm glad I'm dead.

- Almost got it, heff.


- Well, it looks as if even your best friend

Has ended up in that cavernous abdomen of yours.

- Rocko!

- And you've got nine stomachs.

He'll starve to death before he finds his way out

Of your labyrinthian gut!

- Starve! Oh, no, rocko!

Not that! Not that!

- Huh?

- Rocko, I'm sorry!

I'm sorry!

- Come, now.

Prepare yourself for your...

Eternal punishment!

You will watch your friend slowly waste away

And when it's finally over,

You will watch it in reruns again and again

For all eternity!

- Rocko!

- [Evil laughter]

- Hang in there.

Almost there.

[Heart beating]

- Don't worry, rocko, old buddy.

I'm coming!


- No!


Ah, go ahead.

- [Belches]

Excuse me.



Rocko, buddy, we're alive!

Oh, rocko, from now on, things are going to be different.

Hey, let's go to the movies.

My treat.

It's the least I can do for...

Hey, you don't mind stopping

At the beef barge on the way, do you?

I'm starved.

- Have you learned nothing?

[Evil laughter]

- [Screaming]

Oh, geez.

What a nightmare!

Maybe I should lay off the exercise for awhile.

But, it's a beautiful day.

- [Evil laughter]

- [Screaming]


- Heffer, let's go.

- Rocko, I'm not dead yet.

I'm not dead yet.

- Heff, come on, we're going to miss the big comic book sale.

- Okay, let's go.

- Hi, heff.

- Hey, karen. Whoa, looking good.

- Oh, thanks, I've got an interview

Down at the chokey chicken corporation.

- Hey, well, good luck.

- Thanks, guys. Bye-bye.

- Chokey chicken!

I love chokey chicken!

Could we please stop there on the way, rock?

- Okay, buddy, but we'll have to make it quick.

- Oh, boy!

I'm going to have the crispy cajun style.

No, maybe the hawaiian chick-o-supreme.

- --.




[Frustrated groan]

One, two, three, four, five.