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02x02 - Pipe Dream / Tickled Pink

Posted: 12/11/23 17:19
by bunniefuu
(Buzzing )

(Rattling )

♪ Rocko's modern life

Rocko's modern life.

♪ Rocko's modern life

Rocko's modern life.

(Whistling and buzzing )

(Splat! )

(Screaming )

♪ Rocko's modern life.

Rocko's modern life.

That was a hoot!

(Thundering )

(Birds chirping )


(Toilet flushing )

(Gurgling and belching )

(Exploding )

Heffer! Heff!

You done yet?

Uh, just a minute!

I'll be out in a sec!

(Bang )

(Gurgling )

Heffer, hurry up!

One minute!

Whoa... Almost done!

(Splashing and squishing )

(Exploding )

Heff! You sure you're okay?

(Bubbling and gurgling )

Okay, heff.

Enough is enough.

I'm coming in there.

(Rattling and popping )

(Popping )

(Metal clanking )

(Popping )


Flush boy, right?

Um... Right.

Phil: great year.

Hm, cold seat.

What is it?

Won't know

Till we take a look inside.

(Inhaling deeply )

Just as I thought.

A severe case of itheoplastic tube blockage.

What's that mean?

Your pooper's plugged.

(Laughing )


Dang, I love this job.

What's it going to cost, dr. Phil?

Well, it's such a nice old toilet

And I really like you fellas.

(Squeaks )

I'll do it for bucks.

Gosh, I don't know.

Seems like a lot.

$ For a clog?

A clog?

No thanks.

Why, I've clogged toilets hundreds of times

And never called the plumber.

Suit yourself.

It's a bigger job than you think.

I'll be seeing you.

Um, um... Once I ate

A gallon of paste.

And let's say, it resulted in

A seriously clogged toilet.

(Sucking sounds )

(Boinging )

(Smack )

Boy, how did all this junk get in here?

(Whistling )

(Rings )

(Grunting )


(Grunting )


(Whomp )

Heh, heh...

Sorry, heff.


(Grunting )





Turn it on, heff.

(Buzzing )

Frisky little thing, hey?

Man: ow! Ooh!

Whoo, whoo, whoo!

(Belching )

(Clinking )

Hey, heffer, how can we unclog our toilet

Quickly and inexpensively?

Good question, rocko!

Maybe we should try...

New tropical plumber.

(Jungle bird calls, drums )

(Loud splash )

♪ Tropical plumber, hey!

♪ Unclog your pipes today

Oh, oh.

♪ Tropical plumber, hey!

♪ There ain't no better way.

(Trilling )

♪ Tropical plumber, hey!

♪ Unclog your pipes today!

(Bass ): looky here!

♪ Tropical plumber, hey!

♪ They ain't no better way!

♪ Tropical plumber, hey!

♪ Unclog your pipes today!

Yah, yah.

♪ Tropical plumber, hey!

(Screaming )

(Crunching )

(Belching )

(Thundering )

Okay, now release breech lock operating lever assembly.

Breech lock assembly released.


Add air freshener.

Air freshener added.

(Exploding )

Engage recoil lanyard andfire!


What the heck was that?

Rocko: I think we found our clog, heffer.

Well, what is it?

You know what I think, heff?

I think it's a...


Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

We have a winner!

Way to go, smart guy!

Let's tell them what we got backstage for 'em.

How about a big, ticked-off goldfish, huh?

What do you think of that for a prize?



You're a regular einstein, you know that?

You know how long I been sitting down there?

Well, do you?

Three and a half years!

(Lolita ranting and raving )

I don't get it, rock.

Who's lolita?

You know that goldfish I flushed?

I thought it was dead, heff.

...nice little bowl.

People would look in

I'd look back at them.

They'd sprinkle a little food.

Num, num, num, num, num.

Three squares a day.

Life is grand.

Then one day, I'm tired, I takes this napsy

Next thing I know...

Living in a toilet!

How would you like to be in a toilet, huh?

How would you like it

If a big goldfish grabbed your wallaby butt

And flushed you, huh?

Not very much fun, is it, huh?

(Big snore )

(Birds chirping )

Hoo, hi, hum.

(Snoring )

Hm, hm, hm.

Heff! Heffer!

Wake up!

It stopped.

The fish stopped.

(Creaking floorboards )

(Yelling )

Will you shut that fish up!

(Angry shouting )

Hey, hey, hey!

What are you doing?

What are youdoing?

Stop that!

That's my goldfish.

(Yelling )

Will you shut that fish up?

I have had enough of that darn thing.

All night long--

Yap, yap, yap... Please, mr. Bighead...

You don't understand.

That's my goldfish.

In the plumbing.

And, he, he... Was...

Goldfish? Goldfish!

Oh, for crying outloud!

I say we eat it.

(Angry shouting and screaming )

No, wait, stop. You can't.

I won't let you touch lolita.

(Reveille bugling )

(Screeching tires )

(Reveille bugling )

It's dr. Phil.

(Finishing reveille )

Fetch me some hot water and towels.

We're going to have ourselves a goldfish.

(Revving engine )

(Lolita screams )

(Chain saw whines )

(Crowd screams )

(Screaming )


(Sheep bleats )

(Gasping )

(Cranking key )

Thanks for saving lolita, dr. Phil.

What do I owe you?

No charge.

Just be more careful

With what you flush down the wonder seat next time.

Well, I better get this little guy

To the o-town oceanarium.

Well, lolita

Sorry I didn't take better care of you.

You'll be much happier at the oceanarium.

Well, rocko, we all make mistakes.

Just make sure you visit.

I'll be in the oddities and gluttony section.

Bye, now.

Bye. Bye!

Take care. See you later.

Au revoir.

Does, does this mean

I can use the toilet now?

Give me the wrench, heff.


Okay, okay, already.


Turn it to the left, rocko.

(Squeaking )

The left!

I know, I know.

(Screeching and crashing )


I think I got it.

Oh, can I flush it now?

All right, all right.

Let me lift the lid back on.

(Squeaking and clunking )

Okay. There.

(Flushes ) here it goes!

Yeah, we fixed it, we fixed it!

Oh, man, it's incredible...

Rocko: you see that one there, heff?

That's the jack-o-matic .

The most state-of-the-art jackhammer in the world.

Gee, rock, I thought

This show was going to be a drag

But you've really made

The world of jackhammers come alive for me.

Hey! What's that?

The demonstration pit.

You can try out

All the jackhammers.

I want to try that one!

(Laughing and hooting )

(Laughing ): high gear, heff.

High gear!


Ride 'em, heff.

(Hooting and shouting )


(Smack )

(In pain ): ooh!

(Bell ringing )

Good morning, class.

All: good morning, miss pancreas.

Miss pancreas?

Yes, bladder?

Can I go to the bathroom?

(Class laughing )

You'll have to wait till after roll call.


(Splat ) here.


(Stuffily ): here.

Lymph nodes?

(Snorting )


Has anyone seen rocko's appendix?

(Moaning and groaning )

Heff, I don't feel too...

Aah! Gack!

Hoo... Mother!


Rocko, are you all right?

Somebody call an ambulance.

(Siren )

Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup

Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup

(Jackhammer falling )

Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup.

(Tires screeching )

(Sighs )

I hate it when that happens.

Don't worry, rocko!

I'll save you.

Excuse me.

Pardon me.

Uh, behind you.

(Starting g*n fires )

(Panting ): honk, honk...

(Juice splashing )

Wounded wallaby.


(Panting )

I'm too fat.

Pick up in reception:

Too fat.

Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup.

(Very slowly ): hup... Hup... Hup... Hup

(Grunting ): hup... Hup... Hup... Hup...

Woman: dear lord!

Get me that sucker, stat.

(Sucking )

Now, what can I do for you?

(Groaning )

I think I've got a problem with my stomach.

Oh, wethink we have a problem

With our stomach, huh?

Well, why don't you let

Someone with a medical degree make that call, shall we?

Now, just fill in the forms

And we'll begin your diagnosis.

(Moaning and groaning )

(Moaning and groaning faster )

(Moaning and groaning more )

Ooh, ooh, ow ooh...

Okay, mister...

Help-me-- the-pain-is-excruciating

The doctor will see you now.

Mr. Excruciating?

(Creaking )

(Gently ): rocko?

Dr. Hutchinson?

I thought you were a dentist.

I was... But I got tired

Of always looking down in the mouth.

(Laughing shrilly )

Ah, dental humor.

I'm a surgeon now.

Let's see what's wrong, shall we?


Here's your problem.

These little lightening bolts indicate pain.

Oop! Good conductor.

Anyway, if you look at this chart

You'll see what I mean.

This is pain.

That's what you've got.

What you want is this stuff here-- relief.

So we need to get you some blue, wavy lines.

I'll go check the supply room.


Oh, and we'll have to cut out your appendix, too.

My appendix!

Yep. Cut it out.


(Door slams )

Cut it out?

So you're the new patient, huh?

We're going to make sure you're comfortable.

Aren't we, d*ck?

Yeah, real comfortable, huh, huh!

Here's your chariot, your highness.

Why don't you hop in

And we'll take you to your nice, comfy room.

Isn't that right, d*ck?

Yeah, comfy-womfy.

Ha, ha. Ha, ha.

So you think

You're sicker than me, do you?

I got boils on my bottom bigger than you!

You want to see?

Back off, seymour!

(Farting noise )

Hey, wait a minute. Back off, my butt...

(Sarcastically ): here's your pleasure suite.


Here's your gown, cinderella.

Now you can go

To your fancy, schmantzy


Don't forget

(Rings cowbell ) your glass slippers.

(Clearing throat )

(Clearing throat louder )

Oh! Yeah! Glassy-wassy!

Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!


(Slams door )

A little tv.

That will relax me.

The cut-o-matic.

It slices, maims, gouges and rips.

Look at it cut!

Through this carrot

Like a hot knife through butter.

The cut!


Welcome back to the chain saw finals, eh.

Look at that sawcut into the meat of that log, eh?

You've double-crossed me for the last time.

Now we're gonna

Cut you out!

(Slowly with menace ): cut you out!

I think that's enough tv.

Ohh! Pain!


Call... For...


Feeling... Very... Helpless... Help!

(Buzzing )

Hey, tammy...

Could you get that?

Yeah, yeah, in a minute.

I've almost got this thing.


Oh, pain!

(Intercom ): nurse

To the e.r., Please.

(In a ghostly voices ): rocko, rocko...

(Echoing ): don't cut us out...

No, don't, rocko.

Your organs are your friends...

Don't cut us out!

No, rocko. Love us, rocko.

(In an elvis croon ): c'mon, baby

Don't be cruel...

♪ Don't be cruel...

Organs: no, no... No...

(Pleading and crying )

(Crying and moaning )

(Alarm bells )

We're your organs!

(Crying softly )

Hey, little fella, what's wrong?

I'm sad, cause I have to go away.

Why? Who are you?

My name's pinky.

(Sniffing )

I'm your appendix.

But pinky

If you don't go away

I can't get better.

I know, but I'm scared.

I'm going to miss my friends, spleen and colon.

I'll never again know the joy

Of being attached functionlessly

To your intestinal tract.

I'm sorry, pinky.

You've been a good appendage.

Is there anything I can do

To make you feel better?

Well, actually...

I've never been to a carnival.


Yah, ha-ha!

Ha-ha! Whee!


Are you okay, rocko?

Oh, yes, I'm fine.

Let's get you some balloons.

Gee, rocko

This was swell, but...

But what?

Oh, never mind.

No, pinky

What is it?


I'd love to ride a roller coaster.

(Clattering )

(Screaming )

All: ah... Ah... Ah!

Wow, rocko.

That was some fun, huh?


Oh, yes...

Uh, lots of fun.

So... What's next?


What did you have in mind?




(Audience applause )

Waah! Wow!

(Crashing )

Gee, rocko

That was really fun.

But what I'd really like to do is

Drive a flaming bus through a wall of tvs

With a stick of dynamite strapped to my head.

But that's cra...

I mean, it's not safe.

(Whimpering )

(Crashing )

(Cheering and applause )

Know what else

I'd like to do?

That's it.

The carnival? Fine.

The roller coaster? Okay.

Ooh, ooh... Rocko.

But then the bungee jumping

The wall of death

Flying over the andes

With the brazilian soccer team...

Oh, dear, rocko.

What? What is it?

(Splashing and throbbing ) it's time.

Time? What time?

Time for me...

To go...


But we're having so much fun!

I realize I've been a lot trouble

And caused you a lot of pain.

But thanks for showing me

A wonderful time.

I'll miss you, rocko.

I'll miss you, too, pinky.

(Pinky crying )

Dr. Hutchinson?

It's all over.


Where's pinky?

You mean your appendix?

Rocko: pinky!

Oh, no! Oh, pinky.



You put me in a jar?

(Screaming )

Hee, hee, hee. Just kidding.

Actually, I'm fine.

Don't worry about me, rocko.

I'll have plenty of friends.

I'll be with your baby teeth

And your tonsils.

Hey, chief.

Well, we're gonna go now.

Thanks again for the wonderful time.

Bye, pinky.

Bye, baby teeth.

Bye, tonsils.

Hey, rocko, what'cha doing?

Oh, I was just...


What happened to you?

They did emergency hippo suction on me.


And who's that?

Oh, that's my fat.

I didn't even get to go to the carnival.

Good-bye, fat.

Aah... Get bent.

I'm gonna miss you!

(Thud ) shut up.

(Muttering and mimicking )

You know, heff

Sometimes you lose friends

Before you even know you have them.

Heff: yeah, but it's better that they go.

I've got toenail clippings

That have been haunting me for years.