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04x11 - Mother's Day

Posted: 12/11/23 15:23
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next ♪

♪ You never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure,
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their
family and friends,
that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

This is my mother.

She loves us so much,
and she always takes
such good care of us.

She makes us feel better
when we're sad,

she helps us
with our homework,

and she makes sure
that everything around
the house is taken care of.

My mother
works at the store,

cooks our breakfast,
makes our lunch,

washes the dishes,
puts them away,

washes the clothes,
folds the laundry,

vacuums the rug,
mops the floor,

scrubs the tub,
cleans the house...

then, as if
that wasn't enough,
she helps others.

Can I help you, Mama?


Oh, no,
I'm just trying to
relax a little.


...and then
she just fell asleep

in the middle
of a sentence.


I do that
all the ti...


No seas payaso, Miguel.

Stop being
so serious.

But this is serious.

Our mama is exhausted
from working so hard.

We have to do
something for her.

¡Eso es!


What, you don't like
that idea?

No, try again.

¡Eso es!

That's not it

Way too complicated.

Yeah, you're right.

¡Eso es!

That's it!

I like it.

We'll get Mama
a great gift
for Mother's Day

and make her feel
special and

Did we just agree?

I think so.

BOTH: It's that twin thing!

How do they do that?

Para el Dia
de las Madres.

We got the perfect gift
for our mother.

It's a nice day
for napping in the sun.

Don't you guys
have any mice or birds

or anything like that
in this place?

What's with you people?

A weird-Looking cat?


No cats! No cats!

Paco, no!

It's just
a pot holder.

You got your mother
a pot holder as a gift?

No pot holders!

BOTH: No pot holders!

What's wrong
with a pot holder?

Besides everything?

What did you get
your mothers?

I knit my mother
this awesome scarf.

And I'm going to

for my mom's favorite
charity for animals.

I made my mother
a cool web site
about our family.

And I'm going to take my mom
to a baseball game.

That's a gift for her?

My mom totally
loves baseball.

She does.

We just wanted
to give my mother

to help her feel special.

She's always
working so hard.

Maybe she just
needs something
to help her relax.

Melissa Rojas recommends
a rejuvenation facial mask.

BOTH: The Melissa Rojas?

The rock star?

Fashion designer?

And host of her own
reality show?

No, my cousin Melissa
who works in a salon.

She says facial masks
are relaxing

and lots of women
come into the salon
to have them.

It's a cream
that they put on your face,

and when it gets hard,
they take it off.

Doesn't it hurt?


It's fun because
it's relaxing.

Lots of women
like to get them.

Man, finding
a Mother's Day gift

was so easy
when we were little.

Si, like our greatest

It's all gone.

Macaroni Mama...

our gift of all gifts!

Those were the days.

¡Eso es!

That's it!

We'll make something!

I said no pot holders.

Not a pot holder--

a rejuvenating
facial mask.

It'll be
a perfect gift for
Mother's Day.

¿Dia de las Madres?

I need to get
a gift, too.

Maya, we can't
make a mask.

We don't even know
what's in a mask.

I bet my cousin Melissa
will know.

Well, I guess
it's worth a try.

Are you OK?

No, I am not OK.

I am a pot holder.

It's the best facial mask
in the world, right?

Well, I think so.


'cause we want the best
in the world
for our mother.

We already
blew all our money
on a pot holder.

We can't buy this, too.


We can make it ourselves!

All right then,
but I have to warn you,

this facial mask
has the most exotic
ingredients in the world.

Yeah, yeah,
exotic is good.


What's "exotic"?

it's made out of things
that aren't common.

Yeah, exotic's
no problem.

Ok, to make a mask
like the one we use here,

you'll need to find silk,
hummingbird feathers,

Arabian snakeskin,
and yak's milk.


Hummingbird feathers?

Arabian snakeskin?

Yak's milk?

I warned you
it was an exotic list.

I do have an easier mask
you could probably make.


Our Mama deserves
the best mask
in the world,

and we'll
do anything to make
it for her.

how are we going to get

hummingbird feathers
and yak's milk?

It's not like we can
just pick this stuff up

from Senor Obregon's

It's like Abuelita
always says--

"Where there's a will,
there's a way."

We are going to
make our mama

the best facial mask
in the world,

because she deserves it.

Are you in?

I'm in.

Let's do it.

All right, everybody,
Operation: Mask!

OK, we're smart.

We're not going to
let a little silk,

hummingbird feathers,
Arabian snakeskin,

and yak's milk
get the best of us.

No, we can find them.


I have a silk scarf!


¿Y la piel
de serpiente?

We have snakes
at the pet store,
you know,

and they shed snakeskin.

but we don't have
any Arabian snakes.

Mama is there

and we don't
want her to know
about the gift.

It's got to be
a surprise.

How about the zoo?

Yeah, they have
all sorts of snakes.

There's got to be
an Arabian one.

and I bet they have
yaks there, too.


Miguel, you, Theo,
and Andy ask Abuelita to
take you to the zoo

to get the snakeskin
and the yak's milk.

The rest of us
will get the silk

and the hummingbird

And how are we going to
get hummingbird feathers?

I'm not sure,

but I know
a certain bird who might
be able to help us.

Paquito, hello?


Necesito un regalo
para Mama.

Fishing pole?

Not a good gift
for Mama.





Always good
to stay in shape.

How do you stop
this thing?


Can't a bird even buy
a present?

¡No se!

Mama is very special
and she deserves
a special gift.

I love the zoo.

Thanks for bringing us,

But remember,
we're here on a mission.

Oh, right.

The secret
Mother's Day gift--

Operation: Mask.

My lips are sealed.

Did you guys
bring your gear?


I have my official
snake charming
flute right here.

And you?

I have my snakeskin
grabber right here.

Good, now let's
do this.

¡Las serpientes!

It's so nice
to see you again.

Thank you for showing us
around the snake house.

No problem,
Senora Elena.

Anything for you
and your family.

Gracias, Louis.

Oh, boy.

We've got a couple
of live ones here.

This is the one
from Arabia!


Oh, they're
after you, Bob.

This large
slow-moving snake...

Hey, I am not slow!

when irritated,

is probably one of
the world's fastest
striking snakes.

You've got that right,

Well, we're not going
to irritate him.

We're just going to
take the snake skin
that he shed

and not bother him at all.

You boys need my help?

We need to finish
our mission--

a super-secret mission,
Operation: Mask.

I see.

One snakeskin coming up.

It's totally working.

Oh, Bobby,
you're good.




We got it!



Thanks for
the snakeskin.

Yeah, that was way cool.

Hey, let's celebrate.

[Train whistle blows]

Oh, the train.

The kiddie train?

You used to love
going on that

when you were



Let's go!

I would love to,

Come on, Miguel.

Would you like to join us?

Sure, Senora Elena.



don't rub it in.

Well, I couldn't find Paco,

but at least I know what
hummingbirds like to eat.

Is it cherry-flavored?

No, it's a sugar solution,

and hummingbirds
are attracted
to the color red.

Don't move.

You might scare
him off.

are very sweet,
shy creatures.

Aren't they beautiful?

Paco likes red.

Oh, no!

You'll scare them!



Now how are we supposed
to get the feathers?

BOTH: Oh, look.


Look at all the feathers!


Thank you, birds!

Oh, my goodness, look.

Well, now that
we have feathers,

we can start
making the mask.

Are you guys
coming in?

Here you go.

Sorry, but I need to
clean up first.

Me, too.


ROSA: Maya,
is that you?

hide these feathers.

Got them.

Hola, Mama.

Hola, mija.

What are you doing?

What am I--

Nothing at all.

Why do you ask?

You have a feather
in your hair.

Where's Miguel?

With Abuelita
at the zoo.

Oh, how nice.

I bet he's having
a wonderful time.

MAN: All aboard!

[Train whistle blows]

Isn't this fun?

Si, Abuelita.

But I really think
we should be looking
for the yak milk.

No te preocupes,

I promise you
we'll find
the yaks

right after
we ride
the train.

Make the sound.


You can do better
than that, Santos.

Come on,
put some heart into it.



Woo woo!

Well, this is the place.

Here, yakkity,
yakkity, yak.

Come here, yak.

Can I help you boys
with something here?

This is all part
of Operation: Mask.

We need yak's milk.

Got you.

You better let me do it.

Cute yakky yak.

Who's a sweet little
yak yakkity yak?

Que linda.

Nice, yakky.

Dame la leche,
por favor.

Mr. Yakkity yak yak.

Yakitty yak yak?

This might be harder
than I thought.

One more try.

Aah! Yak attack!

¡Ayuda! Help me!

Let me show you how
to milk a yak.

All right, little one.

Come here.


She's got
the touch.

There, that's it.

Yes, we did it!

Well, you did it,


I didn't know
you could milk a yak.

Like I always say,
"Where there's a will,
there's a yak," no?


Oh, no.

What'll I tell Maya?

OK, time to start
making the mask.

Paco, where are
the feathers?

Paco? Paco?

Where could they be?

And where's Paco with the
hummingbird feathers?

Don't worry.

They'll be here.

Yeah, you're right.

Well, at least
we got our stuff--

Silk scarf,

and Paco has
the hummingbird



Look at this
pretty gift wrapping.

It'll make your mom
so happy.

Muy bonita.




Did you get the stuff?

Well, here's
the snakeskin.

And the yak's milk?

Well, see, there was
a little problem
with the yak--

But we came up with
something else.

ALL: Goat's milk?

You try to milk a yak.

You're right. Sorry.

Goat's milk
will be fine.

Well, we've got some
of the ingredients.

Let's try
to get started.

Hopefully, Paco
will show up soon
with the feathers.

¡Muy bonita!
¡Muy bonita!


The silk!

Did somebody
move it?

Don't look at me.

Not me.

Me either.

Well, at least
we've got the--

the snakeskin?

¡Muy bonita!

Is it here?

Did you drop it?

Where could it
have gone?

Did it fall
under the couch?


¡Muy bonita!

Pretty scarf!

Brilla, it shines!

Ay ay ay.

Oh, man.

They're not

We have no gift
for Mama.

Mother's Day
is ruined.

[Door opening]

Who's that?

Mama, you're back.


I forgot some papers.

What are you kids doing?



We're making
a special treat.


May I have a taste?

ALL: No!

It's a smoothie.

Sounds great.

Just a little taste.

No, Mama!

I'm sorry.

I'll help you
clean it up.

No problem, Mama.

We'll do it.

You sure?


OK, see you
a little later.

ALL: Bye, Mrs. Santos!

What are
we going to do now?

Maybe we can do
something else with
the other ingredients--

Or what's left of them.

What other ingredients?

The snakeskin
and the silk are gone.

Paco hid the hummingbird
feathers somewhere.

We have no ingredients,
and we have no gift.

Come on, Maya.

I fished out
all those great
gift wrappings.

You can still--


Where'd they go?

¡Esto es un desastre!

No facial mask,
no gift wrappings.

The best gift ever
has turned into
no gift at all.

Forget about
those things, Maya.

We can give Mama
the best gift ever.


Where there's a will,
there's a way.

What do you have
in mind?

ALL: ¡Feliz Dia
de las Madres!

¡Gracias, familia!

I made you
a delicious breakfast

of all your favorites.

¡Gracias, Santiago!

And Miguel and I
have a special Mother's Day
gift for you, too.

Mama, you do
so much for us

that we wanted to make
the best gift in the world,

but things didn't go
exactly like we planned.

So we had to do our best
with what we had.

Here's your gift.

A pot holder.

¡Gracias, Miguel!

¡Gracias, Maya!

This is a wonderful,
thoughtful gift.


Oh, Maya, you shouldn't
have worried so much

about giving me the best
gift in the world.

Everything you and
Miguel have ever made
or done for me

is special because
it came from you.

See? I keep all
of your treasures.

Our Macaroni Mama!

Oh, Mama,
you kept everything.


Feliz Dia de las Madres!

Here's your gift!

what a surprise.


¿Que es esto?

Facial mask!

Our silk.

Our snakeskin.

Our hummingbird

Gracias, Paquito.

I've been wanting
a facial mask,

and this is
very special.

Now, everyone,
let's eat.

So, in the end,

it didn't really matter
what we gave Mama.

It wasn't the gift
that was important.

It was that we gave it
to her with love.

No cats!

And stay here!