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05x05 - Maya the Mascot

Posted: 12/11/23 15:21
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next ♪

♪ You never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure,
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their
family and friends,
that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

MAYA: So this is our
neighborhood basketball team.

The Mighty Parrots!

We've got a lot of team spirit,
but it wasn't always that way.

♪ Woodchucks could,
Woodchucks would ♪

♪ Woodchucks could ♪

♪ The Woodchucks
could chuck... ♪

Go, team, go!

Go, team, go!

Ra ra ra!


Come on, you guys.

Yeah. Come on.



We're lame.

Look at those guys.

♪ Woodchucks could,
Woodchucks would,
Woodchucks would ♪

♪ The Woodchucks could chuck,
and the Woodchucks would ♪

[Cheering and applause]



[Cheering and applause]



¡Eso es! That's it!

I know just what
this team needs!

¡Una mascota!

A mascot?


Like that big rat
cheering for
the other team?

It's a woodchuck,

And it sure seemed
to work for them!

She's got a point.
We need a mascot.

Huh! Yeah!

But what kind of
animal should it be?

It has to be something
with a lot of spirit.


Something fun!


And colorful!

Awk! Paco! Paco!

Oh, Paco!


Oh, Paco!

¡Eso es!
That's it!

You can be
the mascot!

GIRLS: Paco?

Well, not Paco


But a parrot!

Parrots do have spirit...

And they are fun...

And colorful.

Perfect! Now all we need

is someone who
loves attention

and is willing
to dress up as
a giant parrot.



A giant parrot?

Si, Miguel.

¡Soy la mascota
del equipo!

Yup, Maya's
the team mascot.

And you're going
to wear that

at our
basketball games?!

Well, not just
the games.

Practice too.

Oh! Check this out!


Just call me Paola
the Parrot!

Ha ha!

Just great.

Oh, Miguelito!

She looks wonderful!

You'll have the most
colorful mascot

in the whole league!

But it's

She looks like
a giant pinata!

Paco's even going
to show me how to act
like a real parrot!


Asi, Maya, mira!

Wait, where are you,

Paco? Paco?

I lost the eye-holes!



Flap! Do it!


Wow, man!

Now, that's
team spirit!

All right, Maya,
do what I do.



Oh, no!

Now the squawk walk.


Nice work, Maya!

She speaks parrot well!


¡Buenas dias,
Senor Obregon!

Senor Obregon!

Well, Maya,
it's a little
early for Halloween,

but I do have
some crackers.

Oh, Senor Obregon!
Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Paco want a cr*cker.

Oh, man!

Hey there, Miguel!

I know Paco,
but who's
the new bird?

It's me--Maya.


[Paco squawking]

Wait up!
Hey, Miguel!


[Maya squawking]


Sorry about that.

You OK, Miguel?

Ah. It's this
parrot thing.

It's sort of
embarrassing, you know?

I mean, look at her!


You go, girl!

I think she's great!

You're kidding?!

She's awesome,

Besides, when it
comes to
team spirit,

we need all the help
we can get.



Are you ready, Maya?


Your first game!

You'll be great!

Think like a parrot!
Think like a parrot!

¡Gracias, Paquito!

I couldn't do this
without you!

ANDY: Right, Miguel?
Right? Miguel?


We were saying
that if we

play as a team
and stay focused,

we can win.

Oh, yeah. Right.

Stay focused.

If you have a question...

go ahead and ask it!

We'll tell you what
the answer is...

Paola wants a basket!

[Whistle blows]

MAYA: OK, everyone, it's
time for the squawk walk!

Don't balk!
Let's squawk!

do the squawk walk!

[Cheering and laughter]


[Crowd moans]

MIGUEL: I'm open, Theo!

[Maya squawking]

Huh? Grr!


PACO: Higher, higher!

Toss her higher!


ROSA: Oh, my baby!

Are you OK, Miguel?

What hurts?

Oh. Ah...mi tobillo!

Your ankle?

Ooh. Sounds like
a sprain.

Oh, Miguel,
are you OK?

Well, not really.

I am so sorry.

What can I do to help?

I'll do anything!

Actually, Maya,
there is one
little thing.

Just say what it is,
and I will do it!

Just promise me
that as long as
I'm on this court,

you won't be Paola
the Parrot anymore.

¡Pero, Miguel!

That's not fair!

You said anything.

Uh, OK.

I guess, if that's
what you want?

It's what I want,

Oh, OK.

Ah, looks like you got
yourself all twisted up.

You probably should
put some ice on it.


Ouch! Ouch!

Oh, Maya,
you coming?

Poor, poor,
poor Miguel.

Aw. Poor Miguel.

Ouch, ouch. Owww!

Here, put another
pillow under your ankle.

Poor Miguel.

Oh, my poor
little Miguel.

Miguel? You better
be careful, Miguel.

Miguel, careful!

Are you all right?

It's all right.

You can all
leave me now.

ROSA: call us if you
need anything.

Descansa, Miguelito.

Keep the ice on it.


I'm really
sorry, Miguel.

It's not
your fault, Maya.

It was an accident.

Sure there's nothing
else you need?

I think I just need
to get some rest.


And maybe a tuna melt
with cheddar

on that special bread
from Gus' bakery.

And not too toasted
either, though, OK?


And in ice cream sundae
with vanilla and chocolate,

extra whipped cream,
two cherries,

some sprinkles,
and no nuts.


Hmm! All righty,
my sweet twin brother.


Mama?! Can I have
some water, please?

Tiene mucha sed.

I don't know why
he's so thirsty.

We've all been bringing
him drinks for two days!

Maya, be nice.

Your brother's
ankle hurts.

But he's done nothing
but read comic books

and watch
sports highlights!

Yes, Maya,
Miguel is a Santos.

He wouldn't ask
for anything

unless he absolutely
needs it.

Can you please bring
me another pillow?

A feather one, not one
of those plastic things.

Uh, coming right
up, Miguelito!

MIGUEL: Abuelita?

Can you prop my ankle up?

Be right there,

More ice, please!


Ay pobrecito.

Sports highlights are on!

Chris Armas just scored
an incredible bicycle kick!



Coming, Miguel,

Anything for you,

Mama?! Papi!

Coming, Miguelito.


I'm coming, Miguel!

Coming, Miguelito.

Coming! Coming!

I'm coming, Miguel.

Coming, Miguelito.

I'm coming!

"More water, please.
More comic books,
more ice."

This is getting out
of control, Paco!

Poor Miguel!
He really
needs help.

No, Paco, no!

Settle down!

Hey, I thought you
were on my side!

Paco likes
sports highlights!

Just a few more.

You don't mind,
sweetheart, do you?

No, not at all.

ROSA: With poor
Miguel laid up,

we all have to pitch
in a little extra.

Mm-hmm. Of course, Mama.

That's my girl.


What, is he saving
up for winter
or something?

your poor brother--

he can barely
get out of bed.



Hand me the soap,



Sorry. Slippery.


It's going to be
a little while, Chrissy.


Miguel's being a little,

oh, um, demanding.

what are you doing?

I'll talk to you
later. Adios.

Mama, Papi.
¿Van a salir?

Maya, we told you:
today's the day

we're going over to
Maggie's parents'.

They're teaching us
Chinese cooking!

And then we're gonna
have them over

and teach them
Mexican cooking.


What? What?
What? What?
What? What?

Ah. Does that mean
you're leaving
me alone...


with him?

Oh, mijita, we would
never do that.

Of course not.

Abuelita will
be here in
just one minute.

Here I am!

I hope it's OK
if the book club
meets here.

This month,
we're reading

"A Thousand
Wrestling Folktales."


The whole book?!

Hmm. Por supuesto.

So you don't mind helping
out Miguel for a little bit
while we talk?

It won't take
too long to get
through this book.

Um, I know, but--


Hang in there,

Take good care
of your brother.

We'll be back
as soon as we can.



Todavia tengo

Would you please make
me another tuna melt?

Awk! Paco want
a tuna melt, too.

And, uh,
what's wrong
with you, Paco?

Poor Paco
hurt his ankle! Ohh!

Stop, Paco.
You're not helping.

[Bell jingling]


Coming, Miguel!

What can I do
for you, hermanito?

I can't reach
the remote.

But it's right
on the blanket.

Ooh, my ankle!

Paco's ankle, too! Ohh.


A little closer,

OK, here.
Close enough?

Thanks. It's just that
the sports update show

is coming on
in a minute,

and I'm in
a comfortable position,

and I don't want
to lose it.


And I didn't want to
disturb abuelita

during her book club.

Course not.

I'll go
finish making
that sandwich.

Awk! And don't forget
the special bread
from Gus' bakery!

You go, girl!



Hey, Maya!


Maya, we need you
for the game!

Actually we need
Paola the Parrot!

Without Paola,
the team spirit

just isn't happening.

But abuelita has her
book club here,

and Miguel needs help.


Hold on, guys.

Um, si, Miguel.
¿Que pasa?

Who's out there?

Are you talking
to someone?

Yeah. Kylie, Maggie,
and Chrissy
are outside.

That's so nice of them
to think of me.

Yeah. So is there
you wanted?

Oh, uh, no.

I just wanted
to make sure

you could hear me
if I called.

That's it?

That's all
you wanted?

don't you think

you're overdoing
this just a little?

I mean, we're
all waiting on you

hand and foot.

I'm sorry, Maya.

I mean, all everybody
wants is for me

to get back on
the court, right?


Just promise me that as
long as I'm on this court,

you won't be Paola
the Parrot anymore.

As long as I'm
on this court...

as long as I'm
on this court...

as long as I'm
on this court...

Huh! ¡Eso es!

Maya? Maya?

Did you hear me?

Huh? Oh, right,

You're right.

As long as you stay
off that court--

Uh, I mean, ankle,
will be fine.

Gracias, Mayita.

So you need
lots of rest.

And if you need me,
just call.

You're a great
sister, Maya.

Aren't I, though?


I'll be right down, guys!



These should do
the trick.

My favorite part
is when it started
to rain avocados

for 40 days
without end.

Abuelita? Excuse me.

I'm just going out
for a few minutes
to do something

at the community center.

OK, but don't
take too long.

Your brother
might need you.

He's resting
right now anyway.

I'll be back soon.

Are you sure this
is going to work?

Sure! This way,
if Miguel
calls me,

I'll hear him.

See? It works

PACO: Oh, yeah!

Paco, you coming?

Awk! Paco likes
to cheer!

What happened
to your ankle?

All better!
All better!

Oh, hi!

Hola, Senor Obregon!

Paola is back!

PACO: You go, girl!

WOMAN: And now,
ladies and gentlemen,

after a brief stint
of taking care
of her brother,

that champion of cheering,
Paola Parrot!

Aah! Whoa!
Oof! Ta-da!

Pao-la! Pao-la!



♪ Paola, Paola,
what do you wish? ♪

♪ How about
a cr*cker
in your dish? ♪

♪ Paola, Paola,
won't you squawk? ♪

♪ Or waddle or preen
or even talk? ♪

♪ No, no, no,
the talking time
is through ♪

♪ And Paola's got
her eyes on you ♪

Paola wants to win!

Paola wants to win!

Paola wants to win!

Squawk walk!
Squawk walk!
Squawk walk!

Let's do it!


Huh? What?






Oh, excuse me!


Sorry. Excuse me.



[Muffled squawking]

Hey, Paola!
What's the hurry?

Sinister Sombrero,

I couldn't believe
at the end

that she had
waited for him
all those years!

the earthquakes
and fires

and the locusts.

That's what true love is:
sinister, my friend.

Yes. But who won
the fight?

MAYA: I'm coming!
I'm coming!
I'm coming!

Where were you?

I lost the remote!

It's over there
in the hamper.

There you go! Bye!

Everybody do
the squawk walk!


MAYA: Go, Parrots!
Go, Parrots! Go, Parrots! Go!

Way to go!



Maya, I need water!


PACO: Uh-oh.


I'm coming.
I'm coming.



Squawk walk!
Squawk walk!






I'm coming.

Pillow's flat.

Wow, man!

MAYA: Go, Parrots!
Go, Parrots! Go, Parrots! Go!


MAYA: Everybody do the...


Oh, no!


What is it now,
my poor suffering

Why are you
wearing that?

Uh-oh! Maya busted!

Oh. Well, um, uh,
you see, uh...

You were doing
the mascot,
weren't you?

You promised me you
wouldn't do any more
Paola Parrot!

Actually, Miguel,
I promised you

I wouldn't do
any more Paola

while you were
on the basketball court.


Let me think.

Just promise me
that as long as
I'm on this court,

you won't be Paola
the Parrot anymore.

Wow. I guess
you're right.

But you were
still doing it!

Hey, what are you
doing standing up
on that ankle?

PACO: Uh-oh.
Now Miguel busted.


Well, I...

OK, Maya.
I liked all
the attention,

and besides, it was
a way to make sure

you were too busy
to embarrass me

by doing all that
parrot stuff. Ugh!

Miguel, I'm sorry
if you feel

but, well, I like
being Paola Parrot.

I mean, you get
lots of attention.

You're the star
of the team.

It's nice for people
to cheer for me
sometimes, too.

Mmm. You really like
being a parrot, huh?

¡Vamonos, Paola!

To the community center!

Paco do
the squawk walk!

Paco do
the squawk walk!



How's your ankle?

You're back!

I think I should
stay off the ankle,

but I can cheer you on!


Squawk walk.
Squawk walk.


Squawk, squawk.

Yay! Make a basket!
Way to go!

Go, parrots!
Go, parrots! Go, parrots! Go!

how I became Paola the Parrot

and how Miguel learned that
there is more to team spirit
than just playing the game.

Squawk walk!
Squawk walk!

Hey, maybe Miguel should

hang up his sneakers and become
a cheerleader full-time!


Ow! Ow! Ow!

Uh, maybe not.

Heh heh heh!