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02x09 - Maya and Miguel, Come on Down!

Posted: 12/11/23 15:19
by bunniefuu

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family
and friends, that's the start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister,
Maya and Miguel ♪

And for 50 points,

what's the name
of those little plastic things

on the end of your shoelaces?


That is correct!

¡Excelente! You two
make a good team.

We did better
than the kids
on the show!

Yeah, I bet we could win
all those prizes!

[Audience cheering]

¡Eso es, Miguelito!
Let's try out!

Just like Abuelita said,
we're a good team.

Maya, no creo.

It's easy to answer questions
from our living room, but--

¡Andale! We'll have fun!

Well, it could be fun...

If you'd like to be
a contestant on our show,

call the number at the bottom
of the screen.

Let's do it!

Let's do it!

I can't believe
we got a tryout!

I can't believe we only
have a week to get ready!

I know.
We need a plan.

Hey, I say we set
our alarm clocks
every morning

and get up early
to work out.

After all,
the early bird
catches the worm.

Worm? ¡Gusano!
¡Tengo hambre!

Uh, no, Paco.
It means the person
who gets an early start

gets the best results.

No worm?

Miguel, there are a lot
of obstacle courses

and physical stunts
on the show,

so we need to be
in good shape.

Tenemos que entrenar.

Primero, running laps...

jumping rope...

and lifting weights.

Then we'll be
ready to win!

Rawk! Paco ready!
Paco wins!


Well, that's one way
to do it,

but I came up
with my own plan.

Cada quien tiene
su manera de matar pulgas.

That's right, Paco.

There's more than
one way to do things.



Now, to be ready, we need
to exercise our minds

as well as our bodies.

First we need
to brush up on trivia,

study dates
of important events,

and practice ways
to outsmart our opponents.

Oh, I'm not
so sure, Miguel.

Uh, "ways to outsmart
your opponents."

Yaack, bo-ring.

Bo-ring! Bo-ring!

Oh, well, heh heh.
OK, maybe not "boring"...

It's just not how
I think we can win.

Ay. Why don't we try
both our ways?

Ah! ¡Perfecto! Too bad
we can't do them
at the same time

and k*ll two birds
with one stone!


Don't worry, Paco.
It's just an expression!

It means get
two things done
at the same time.


So, first we tried it my way...

¿Ugh, qué es esto?
It smells like feet.

It's good for you.

Rawk! Al mal paso,
dale prisa.

OK, Paco.



Yech! What's in this?

Well, it was
supposed to be

but we didn't
have any, so I used
a zucchini.

And we were out
of strawberries,
so I used radishes.

Uh, how about we skip
the energy shake.

Bueno. Next,
we'll exercise.

We'll run up and down
the stairs.

¿Qué pasa, niños?
¿Hay un incendio?

We're "in training."
that's what we're doing.

getting in shape for
the game show tryout.

Ha! ¡Que bueno!

Ok, Miguel, I'll
take these stairs.
You take those.

We'll sprint
up and down them.

How many times?

Mmmm, how about five...



Ready, set...go!!!

[Breathing hard]

[Breathing hard]

[Exhausted grunts]

[Breathing hard]

Do you need help
with the laundry?

Or anything else?

[Breathing hard]

under the fridge?

Gracias, mi hijito.
¡Que atento!

[Breathing hard]
Maya, can we stop now?

Come on, Miguel.
[Breathing hard]

Just a little more.
Please, please!

For the good
of the team.

Three hundred and...
Um, wait. Where
were we?

Oh, let's start over!


We had to be fair, so next
we tried things Miguel's way...


"What is the capital
of Argentina?"

Argentina City?

It's Buenos Aires.

And you should care.
"For the good of the team."

Raawk! Go, team!

The closest
planet to us is...

Planet Enchilada!

It's the restaurant

around the corner
from Chrissy!

It's very close.


[Slams book]


Phew! We're
finally done!

No, Maya. We're done
with volume one.

There are 25 more
volumes to go.

¡No hay atajo
sin trabajo!

Rawk! There's no shortcut
without work.

Whose side are you on, bird?


OK, "the bandicoot is a small
marsupial that is nocturnal."

True or false?


Maya, you're not trying!

I'm trying harder
than you did during
the physical training!

You are not!

I am, too!

¡Chicos! Recuerden.

You must work together
for the good of the team.

You're right,

Sí. Miguel and I
are partners,

and we're going
to win together!

Maya, still
the energetic one.

I'm an energetic person.

I can't just sit around for
hours going through textbooks

without going
completely loca.

Wow! I can't believe
we're in a real TV studio!

Maybe we'll see some TV stars!

Maya, TV people are
just like you and me.

There's no reason to be

Hello. How are you?


I need to sit down!

Hey, kids!! I hope you all
came ready to win!

You bet we did!

We're ready!

Excellent! First
we're going to ask you

some trivia questions.

Press the buzzer
if you know the answer.

You 6 kids in the front,
please step up.

Everyone ready?



so ready!

Glad to hear it!

"What is the capital
of Argentina?"

Uhh, uhhh...


Buenos Aires!

You got it!


Good! Yeah!

MIGUEL: Boo yea!

Told you all the studying
would pay off.

Wait, wait, wait.
Why didn't you hit the buzzer?

Well, I...
I guess I wasn't
paying attention

when you were
quizzing me.

Why not?

Next question: What is
the closest planet to us?

Oh, uh...


For our next challenge, I'm
going to give you some crackers.

You're gonna stuff them
all in your mouth

and see who
can whistle first.




Oh, man...

Those of you who are left
have made it to the final round.



Right on!

Boo yea!

Yes, it's very exciting.

Now you two--
[Maya gasps]

Your challenge is to take
this roll of toilet paper

and wrap your teammate up
like a mummy in 10 seconds flat.



I've got toilet paper
in my mouth!


Good job!

Now, Maya,
it's Miguel's turn
to wrap you up.

evil laughter]

[Toilet paper rustling]

Oww! Hey! Oww!



So, how'd it go
at the tryouts?


Just great.

completely bombed on
the trivia questions!

Miguel's supposed to
be an athlete,

but he almost cost us
the tricycle race!

¡Chicos! ¡Chicos!
Stop bickering!

You wouldn't know it,
but they made it
onto the show next week!

Wow. ¡Eso está
muy bien niños!

I guess so.

But we'll never win
unless Maya starts

Me?! You're the one
who needs to train!

Hey. Come on. I think you two
should give it a rest.

You're a team, remember?
You're not trying to beat
each other.

You're trying
to work together.

But Maya won't
work together.

She just wants
to do it her way.

Miguel doesn't care
about the team.

He just wants
to do it his way.

Do not!

Do too!

Do not!

Do too!


Do too, too,
too, too, too!


[Cheering wildly]

Maya Santos, you've
outdone yourself!

You've done
the obstacle course
in under a minute!

If that doesn't win
the competition,
I'll eat my hat!

[Audience cheers]

[Breathing hard]
Not so fast, hermanita...

[Tarzan yell]

Try that on for size!


MAN: Maya! Miguel!

We are all bowled over
with your skills on the
aforementioned rope,

but perchance
you should give
some other kids a turn.

BOTH: Yes, Mr. Dombrowski.

I was faster.

Were not.

Was too.



Not, not,
not, not, not,
not, not!

Now, for the grand prize,

you've got to answer
the following question

If you get it right,
you will walk away

with all the prizes
you've won thus far,

plus one-year passes to the
amusement park of your choice.


However, if you get
the answer wrong...

you go home empty-handed.

[Groans and gasps]

So, Miguel, are you ready?

You're sure?

Sí. I'm sure.

OK, then. "What animal
means river-horse in greek?"

Huh! I know this one.

The hippopotamus, which
is a large herbivorous,

even-toed hoofed mammal
of the family hippopotamide.

The hippopotamus averages
over 13 feet, or 4 meters long,

and weighs about 5 tons,
or 4,500 kilograms.

It is a social
and gregarious animal.

Its mouth can open
up to 4 feet wide.

[Buzz] The male hippo's
canine teeth can grow
to 28 inches--

Uh, that is correct!

All I needed was "hippo."




What's wrong?

Maya's over there.

And Miguel's over there.

I think they're taking
this competition thing
a little too far.

OK, so I told Maya
to meet us here.

Yeah, and
I told Miguel.

Good. This obstacle course

is just the thing
to bring them back together

so they can be a team again.

¡Hola, amigos!

What's going on?

We, um, we decided
to help you two get ready

for the game show finals
this weekend.

Yeah. We put together
an obstacle course for you.

Well, I guess we could...

For the good
of the team.



get started!


All right!



¿Abuelita, puedes pasarme
el arroz, por favor?


¿Papi, la salsa,
por favor?


Oh, easy there, Miguel.
That is "hot" salsa.

That's all right.
I like it hot.

Ah! I like it hotter.

Rawk! Uh-oh!
¡Mas picante!

Cuidado, niños.

Bueno. I'm not
going to stay here

and watch steam
come out your ears.

Who'd like to help me
clean up?

You know, if you want
to quit, I'd understand.

No way!


Kids, everything
all right?

We're OK.

It's all good.

So, are you, um, ready
to win this thing together?

Well, I'm ready
if you are.

¡Qué educados!

It's nice to see you two
being civil to each other

Go, team, go!

It's señor concepcion!

¡Qué galan!


Good morning,

I hope you're all
ready to play!


But before we start,
we have a little twist today!

Instead of breaking off
into teams of two,

we're going to let you kids
go at it alone.

[Confused murmurs]

That's right, this week
is our solo show--

there's no one to help you
except yourselves!

Hee hee. You are
going down, hermanito.

Yeah? Well,
you're going to eat
my dust, sister!

¡Ay! They just want
to beat each other!

Beat each other?!
Ow! Ooh! Ouch!

It's an expression, Paquito.

It means one wants
the other to lose.


[Audience cheers]

Boys and girls,
welcome to our show!


For our first challenge,
we're going to ask you

some trivia questions.

"What is that little divet
under your nose called?"


Oh, a philtrum!

That is correct!


What is the--

[Audience laughs]

Oh, I'm sorry, Miguel,
but since you hit the buzzer

before I finished
asking the question,

you have to answer.


that is correct!

[Audience cheers wildly]




Now that I see who's fished
the most worms--gummi worms--

from their buckets of dirt--
cookie dirt--

it's time to eliminate
some of you.

Blanca, Jarred,
Maya, Miguel.

You have made it
to the final round!


Now, for our next challenge:
The dunk t*nk!

Oh, I am sorry, everyone.
I've just been informed

that the dunk t*nk
isn't working properly.

[Disappointed groans]

Rawk! Fix-it lady!
Fix-it lady!

Paco, shhh!

Oh, I remember you.

Do you think
you can fix this?

I...I'm kind
of handy sometimes.

I suppose I could try.

What's the problem?

The lever
seems to be stuck.

Mmm, esto aqui, aprietale aca.
Mmm, eso asi si.

Ah, that should do it.


How can I ever
thank you?

[Clears throat]
Thanks are not necessary.

Everybody ready?!


As you can see, we have
an elaborate obstacle course

for you to navigate,
two at a time.

First up, we have Blanca
and Jarred.


Oh, and it looks like Jarred
is out of the game!

That wasn't fair!


[Audience cheers]

You tied his
shoelaces together
so he'd lose!

So? I also put
chili flakes

on one kid's
brussels sprouts,

I short-circuited
another kid's buzzer,

and I convinced
some others

that I put real worms
in the cookie crumbs.

Wow! All in one show?!

Yeah, but you
won't say anything,

not if you know
what's good for you.

All right, everyone,
there are only

The challenge
is to walk on
this balance beam...

over a vat of
chocolate pudding.

Some of you might
not make it across.

For those contestants,
I just have to say...
hope you like chocolate!



[Blows whistle]

You're both going down,

'cause I'm greasing
the balance beam.




[Laughter continues]


Oh, and Blanca
is out of the game!

Now look at this!

It's twin against twin,
brother against sister.

Maya, Miguel, are
you ready to put up
a good fight?

Your goal is to climb
this rock wall.

The first one
to the top wins!

[Audience gasps]

[Whistle blows]


[Audience groans]


Oh, Miguel!


[Audience groans]

I have never seen
anything like this!

This is real teamwork!

[Audience cheering wildly]

Awesome, Miguelito.

You, too, hermanita.

We have never
had a tie before,

but I guess
there's a first time
for everything!

[Audience cheers]

I'm glad you two
are getting along again.

BOTH: Ay. We are, too.

I know you both like to win,
but it's always good to

somos una familia.

Sí, papi.

Yeah, we've learned
our lesson.

Good. And to celebrate,
I picked up some churros!



Rawk! Ay-ay-ay

Not again!