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05x03 - Crushed

Posted: 12/11/23 08:31
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next ♪

♪ You never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure,
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their
family and friends,
that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

Hey, guys.

Hey, Kylie.

Hey, Kylie.
Later, Miguel.

Hi, Kylie.

Have you been studying
for the history test?

Uh, well, um...

Me, neither.

I was kind of looking
for a study partner.

Huh? I could be your
study partner.

Great! Let's study

[Bell rings]

You got it.

Woman: Hello.

That's not Mr. Nguyen.

Hello. My name is
Miss Cisneros.

Mr. Nguyen will be out
for the next two weeks,

so I'll be your teacher.

And yes, we still have
a test next week.

Now please open your books.

Everybody, I have
some big news.

Our new reading assignment
is going to be

very exciting and different.

Comic books!

No, Tito. Not comic books.


This month, each of you
will read something aloud

over the school P.A.

It can be anything--
a short story or a poem
from a book.

You can even
write it yourself.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Why do people say
something is
as easy as pie?

Have you ever
made a pie?
It's hard.

Maybe they mean
the frozen kind

like my dad makes.

Hey, where's Miguel?


[Choir singing]


So, Miss Cisneros?

Yes, Miguel?

Since you're new
around here,

I thought I'd tell you,
um, don't eat the
spinach lasagna.

That's very kind
of you, Miguel.

I got the macaroni
and cheese.

Oh, good. I mean,
that was a close one, huh?

Can I help you
with anything else?

Uh, yeah.

I really want to do
well on the test
next week.

If you study
the right chapters,

you should do fine.

But what if I read
the wrong chapters?

Maybe I could use
some extra help.

That's a great idea.

Ha ha ha!

Why don't you find
someone in your class
to study with you?

Oh. Right. Good idea.

He really wants to
do well on his test.

Sure, he does.

It's like
my grandma says,

the prettiest flowers
attract all the


Let me get that
for you.

Thank you...



Come on, come on,
come on.

See you later.

So I think I've properly
reviewed Mr. Nguyen's

lesson plan, and--

Miguel: Miss Cisneros,
funny running into you here.


Aah! That's all right.
I'm OK.

I was just getting
my books together

to study for the test.

That's wonderful,

I'm impressed by how
seriously you're taking
this test.

Well, I'm all about



Cesar: Miss Cisneros,
I got something
for you.


Oh, a Cuban flag?
Thank you, Cesar.

How did you know
my family was
from Cuba?

I just guessed it
from your last name.

Call it an
educated guess.


"Call it
an educated guess."

Cuban flag. Why didn't
I think of that?

Don't you like
your dinner, Miguel?

I found a wonderful
recipe for chiles
en nogada.

Huh? Oh. I'm not hungry.

Hmm. Tu siempre
tienes hambre.

Are you
feeling OK?

I'm fine.
I'm just not hungry.

Paco very hungry.

¿No tienes hambre?

You're always hungry.
You must be sick.

I'm not sick!


There. Look.
I'm hungry now.

I think he's sick.

Hey, guess what, everyone.

I need to write
a poem for school.

That's exciting, Tito.

What are you
going to write?

No se. I never
write a poem before.

No te preocupes.
I'll help you.

In my day, I used to
write love poems.

I was very

The best way
to a woman's heart
is a beautiful poem.


[Squawk] Mmm!



Hi, Miguel.


Good gravy.



When I met you,
Miss Cisneros,

you seemed just
like a, um...


what rhymes
with "Cisneros"?

Paco: Let's see.
Bird seed, dried mango.

Hmm. Tacos?

I can't do this!

Why couldn't she be named
something easy to rhyme,

like Miss Cat or Miss Bat?

I don't know.
Beats me.

[Squawk] Yeah!


I wish I could draw
a poem.

Hey, that's it!

Paco: That's it.

Pretty bird.

Oh, pretty bird!


One of the greatest
Cuban poets was
Jose Marti,

who was also
a great patriot.

Aah! Hi.

Miss Cisneros,
I made something for you.

Miguel, did you
draw this?

Yes. It's Jose Marti,
a great poet

and a patriot
of Cuba.

Yes, I know.

He's my favorite.


Oh, his poetry
is gorgeous.


That hurts.

[Door opens]



Cultivo una rosa blanca,

el Julio como en enero,

para el amigo sincero,

que me da su mano franca.

Wow, Cesar.
That's lovely.

Miguel, thinking:
It's not even
a white rose.

It's a poem
by Jose Marti.

It means, I grow
a white rose in July,

and in January,
for the true friend

who gives me
his honest hand.

Two Jose Marti fans
in one classroom?

What luck!


You know, boys, my
parents have a portrait
of Jose Marti

hanging in their restaurant.

Your parents
own a restaurant?

Yes. The food is

That gives me
an idea.

Whoever scores highest
on the history test
next week

will get
a special prize.

I'll take them to
my parents' restaurant

for a real Cuban meal.

[Choir singing]

Cesar: I'm going to
ace that test!





Maya: Tito? Hola.
How's your poem coming?

Hola, Maya.
I am trying to write
about Doradito.

But I don't know
what to say.

Write about what
Doradito does.

What does he do?

He swims and he swims
and he swims and he--

OK, we get it.

Fish swims. Fish swims.
Fish swims. Fish swims.

[Squawk] Boring.

I see what you mean.

I think you need to
write about something

or someone more
interesting than
just a fish.

Like who?

Someone funny.


Someone exciting.


Someone attractive.


Pretty bird.

Maybe someone
in your own family.

Paco: Paquito. Ahem!

¡Eso es!

¡Si! ¡Si!

I'll write about



Si, Miguel. Miguel
is the most funny,
exciting person

in my family.

But--but you said
"eso es."

¡Si! That's it!
Gracias por la idea.

I have to go watch
Miguel now.


"eso es" is my line.

It's Tito's now.



Miss Cisneros' voice: Miguel.

If you do well
on that test,

you can have lunch
with me.

Miguel. Miguel.

Theo: Miguel! Miguel!

Look out! Look out!

Whoa! Uh.

I got it!

Uh-huh. Hit in face
with soccer ball.

Miss Cisneros' voice:
Miguel. Miguel.

Kylie: Miguel?


We were supposed to
study together yesterday.

Oh, right! Study.
I'm sorry, Kylie.

I--I forgot.

That's OK.

Can I sit with you?

Uh, I'm actually
a little bit busy
right now.

I cannot hear!
What does he say, Paco?

Paco: Busy doing what?


That's great.
We can study together.

Actually, I think
I need to study alone.

[Squawk] Uh-oh.
Miguel not nice.


Excuse me. Do you
have any good books

about the
Revolutionary w*r?

We have lots
of good books on
the Revolutionary w*r.

Which one is best?

Funny. Another boy
came in here

and asked the same thing.

Another boy?
What did he look like?

You have to tell me.

He's right over there.


There's an excellent
two-volume set

on the American

Here's the title.
I can find them
for you--

Thanks. I got it.

Librarian: Shh!





Miguel: I got one!

I've got the other.










[Squawk] Very strange.

Si. Que raro.
Fighting in library.

Very strange.




Shush, shush,

Maya: Tito? How's
your poem coming along?

No se. Miguel
is very strange.

Of course he's
strange. So what?

How can I write
a poem about him

if I do not understand
him, Maya?

First he is rude
to a girl because he
wants to study alone.

Then he got hit
in the face with
a soccer ball

named Miss Cisneros.

What? But Miss Cisneros
is our substitute teacher.

Then he was in a race
for a book in the library,

but he only got one book,
and Cesar got the other.


¡Eso es! That's it!

I can't believe I
didn't see it sooner.

Some twin sister
I am.

¿Que? ¿Que?


Miguel has a crush
on Miss Cisneros,

and he's trying to
get the best score
on our test tomorrow

so he can go
to lunch with her.

Ah. ¡Entiendo!

Now I know why he acts
so strange,

I can write my poem.

Gracias, Maya.

De nada, Tito.

Leave it to Maya
to set everything

There she goes again.

"Miguel's crush
on his teacher,"

by Tito Chavez.

I'm very proud
of you all.

You did very well
on your tests.

Excellent job, Miguel.

[Choir singing]

Fantastic, Cesar.

Which leads me
to the promise I made

that the student who got
the best score on his
or her test

will win a lunch
at my parents' restaurant.

You all did very well,

but the winner is...

Please, please,
please, please, please.

Me, me, me.

Please, please.

Me, me.

please, please.

Miguel Santos.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Yes, yes, yes, yes!


Miguel: Yes, yes,
yes, yes!

Man: Attention, students.

We have a special
reading this morning

from Tito Chavez.

Go ahead, Tito.


This is a poem I wrote.

I know someone
who has a crush,

and it has turned
his brain to mush.

He studies hard
to pass a test

so that this woman
thinks him best.

He even gets hit
with a ball

and does not notice,
not at all.

Shot in the heart
with Cupid's arrows,

all he can think of
is Miss Cisneros.

Oh, no.


Hey, it's Loverboy

I can't believe it!

Miguel, high voice:
Oh, no!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

I so sorry, Miguel!

I did not think
anyone will know

my poem
was about you.

It's not
your fault, Tito.

Boy: Hey, it's
Loverboy Santos.

But, Miguel, really,
I sorry.

I'll be OK.
I just need to get home
as fast as possible

and hide for
the next few years.

A few years?

Come visit, OK?

Oh, Maya, what did I do?

Don't worry, Tito.

Tomorrow morning,
he'll be back
to his old self.

I guarantee it.

[Pounding on door]

Go away!

Miguel, you have to get up!

No, I don't.
It's Saturday.

Que verguenza.

Too embarrassed.

But you have your
big lunch with
Miss Cisneros today!

And it is
already 11:00!

Oh, there's no way
I can go to the lunch.

Maya, no!

Sorry, big brother.

Tough love.

I'm too embarrassed
to face anybody--ever.

The world doesn't
end just because
you were embarrassed.

Look at me. I'm always
embarrassing myself.

That's true.

Sometimes, Miguel,
when you're afraid,

you must look your fear
right in the eye

and stare it down.

Tito, you are very
smart for such
a little guy.

But I'm still
staying in bed.



I think we need to
call in the reinforcements.


Hmm. Your current
ensemble is all right for
a casual burger and fries,

maybe dim sum,
but today's event is
on another level.

You need something
to make you feel

change your mood.

Let's see.

Aha! I have just
the thing!


Que guapo.

A pirate?!

Ooh. They're very
"in" right now.

It's my own design.

Only one zipper to
get you in and out.

You look great!

Lose the eye patch.

Oh. Maggie,
thanks for trying,

but it doesn't

I'm not
going to lunch.

But you look
so cool!

Ooh, and you could
take Paco with you!

[Squawk] Yo ho ho!
Yo ho ho!

Oh, yeah!
He goes with the theme!



This is ridiculous!

You look great.

Just show mama.
Por favor.

See what she says.

I'm not going
to lunch, Maya.

OK, I heard you.
Now come on!

I think it's charming.


All right. I'm
changing back now.

[Doorbell rings]

She's here!

Quick! Get this
off of me!


The zipper's

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Hurry! Hurry!



[Door closes]

He'll be right out!

Was that a pirate

Miguel, you have
to come out!

Miguel: No way,
no way, no way!

You should both
be very proud.

Miguel did an outstanding
job on his test.

Oh, we are very
proud of him.

Yes. He takes
his studies seriously.

He's always gotten
great grades.


Tito: Come on!
You look good
as a pirate!

Come on, Miguel!



Excuse us.

Maya: Hi,
Miss Cisneros.

Did he tell you
about the drawing he made

of Jose Marti
for our classroom?

That's our boy--
quite an artist.




Maya: But, Miguel,
you studied so hard
for this lunch.

I'm not hungry!

Not even for fried

Aah! Please,
go away.

Can I come in
for a minute?

It's hard talking
to a door.

[Construction sounds]



The pirate suit
was Maggie's idea.

Wow. You have a cool room.

Did you do
all these drawings?

Well, yeah,

A lot of trophies,

You must be
a good athlete.

That one was for
the all-star team.

Pretty cool.

So I guess you're
a little embarrassed, huh?

[Squawk] Aye, matey.

The lad has a crush.


Miguel, you have nothing
to be embarrassed about.

I know what it's like
to have a crush
on a teacher.

Is it Mr. Nguyen?

No, I mean when
I was your age.

It happens to everybody.


Sure. But what you did
was special.

Miguel, you got inspired
to study hard,

and you got the highest
grade in the class.

That's amazing!

Whoa! I'm OK!

Yeah. I guess I did.

And Cesar got the
second-highest grade.

I think he has
a little crush
on me, too.

So, Miguel, don't
be embarrassed.

Be proud.

Proud, huh?

So, what do you say?

Are you coming
to lunch?


But I have one
favor to ask.

May I bring
a couple of friends?


This chicken is
incredible, Miss Cisneros.

Mmm. Delicious.

May I have more
of those fried
banana thingies?

Plantains. They're
my favorite, too.

And don't forget
the black beans.

So, Kylie, I--I just
want to say sorry

about skipping
our study session.

It wasn't very
nice of me.

That's OK.

Besides, I found
a new study partner.

You did?

Oh, yeah! How do you
think I got

the second-highest
grade in the class?

Aye! Stay away
from me plantains!

Miguel, voice-over:
so I got over my crush,

and I even started studying
with Kylie again.

And now Cesar and
I aren't fighting over
Miss Cisneros anymore.

Uh-oh. Captain Santos
is at it again.