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01x18 - Ghosts Aren't Scary

Posted: 12/11/23 07:39
by bunniefuu
You should keep your fellow
fairies by your side,

namely me, since we are both
precious stones, and I am so close to you.

I don't think we're close at all.

You are very wary.

If you weren't,
you wouldn't survive for very long.

Opal, was it?

Everyone, I am glad to see you gathered here!

What are you trying to do?

What happened to helping the artisans?

It is none other than those
very artisans who are, at this moment,

unable to focus on their work!

Why, you ask? Because an evil ghost
has settled in Holly Leaf Castle!

And so, in order to preserve
the peace within this castle,

the magnificence that I am
shall form a vigilante brigade!

We are embarking on a ghost hunt!


Please, by all means,
include me in this endeavor.

You go by Gladus, right?

I hope you'll have me, Captain Mithril Lid Pod.

Of course! I approve your participation!

Where are you going, Challe fenn Challe?

We're about to go on a patrol.

I'm going back to my room.


If you leave, who's gonna fight the ghost?

Do your best, Captain.


Come on!


All right.

That's enough for today. Good work, everyone!

That's right. Mithril won't be here tonight.

He said he was going ghost hunting.

I'm so tired!

Beside you!


Light the lamp!

Wh-What's going on?

Stop it! Let go of me!

Do it now!

Wh-Who is that?

The ghost.

The ghost?!

I'm not a ghost!

Oh no, Challe! The ghost...
The ghost may have died!

He's lost consciousness, that's all.

Are you...

I got you!

Morons! Morons! That's what
you get for letting go of me!

Are you all right?

I'm sorry, master.


So, this child is the ghost's real identity?

This guy's the truth behind the rumors?

There were footprints in the halls.

He's probably a fairy
with the ability to pass through objects.

That's how he did those things
to everyone's locks.

Since he played tricks on the artisans
on the first floor last night,

I thought he'd come to the second
floor tonight and laid in wait.

And it was this child who appeared.

Please don't be afraid! What's your name?

I have no name to give to a thief!

By "thief," do you mean me?

That's right! Just you watch!
I'll defeat all of you!

Hey! Calling Anne a thief is rude!

We're here by permission
from the kingdom's religion.

And what about you?
What did you sneak in here to do?

The kingdom's religion? Permission?
Don't just decide things on your own!

The head of House Chamber,

Lord Stewart's younger brother,
Lord Herbert, owns this castle!


And I am Lord Herbert's page, Noah!

My master told me himself
to protect this castle!

So, your name is Noah, then?

That's right!

House Chamber?

They got rooted out over fifteen years ago!

And this Herbert person
probably died a long time ago, too.

Don't say he's dead!

Lord Herbert will come home!
No matter how many years it takes, he will!

That's why I have a duty
to protect this castle!

Some time after the master of this castle left,

soldiers from the Millsland
royal family came here, didn't they?

You're just a fairy
being controlled by a thief!

Stop talking like you know everything!


We are with her because we choose to be.

I will ask once more.

Soldiers from the Millsland
royal family came here, didn't they?

They did.

A lot of knights in filthy armor
trooped through here.

They ripped down the crest of House Chamber.
They shredded the portraits.

They took furniture with the crest carved
into it and burned it all in the garden.

Back then,

how did you think the w*r between House
Chamber and the Millsland royal family ended?

I thought that House Chamber... lost.


Do you understand now?

After that, the Millsland
royal family annexed this castle,

then donated it to Saint Lewiston Bell Church.

We are borrowing this castle from
that church. That's how we're here.

We aren't thieves.

Even so, this is Lord Herbert's castle.

Until Lord Herbert returns,
I must protect this place.

Look, he's not coming back!

He's definitely, undeniably dea—

Don't say he's dead!

I can't trust anyone who keeps saying,
"He's dead, he's dead," without any proof!

I was right! You're all just—


I will make all of you...

You haven't eaten properly, have you?

Noah, please. Eat something.

If I want to stay here, I can't eat anything
other than what Lord Herbert has given me.

It's an order from my master.

"Don't eat anything
other than what I give you"?

Giving an order like that is just...

Anne. Good morning.

Oh, good morning.

How is the fairy you caught last night?

What do you mean?

Not doing well, I see.

What are—

What a lovely aroma.

You smell of silver sugar.

I think probably all the artisans here
have that scent.

That's true.

But yours... is truly sublime.


I'm going to go work now!

She certainly is adorable.

She smells lovely.

Don't you think, Challe?

That scarecrow? Adorable?

You have unusual tastes.

You don't think she's adorable?

Not particularly.

Really? You're here for her sake, aren't you?

Don't you stay with her because

she's so adorable and dear
that you just can't leave her?

What a naïve way of thinking.

You really don't expose
your true thoughts, do you?

You and I are the same type.

Should I assume that you
and I think the same way?

I have no interest in the way you think.

Whether you take an interest or not,

the fact is that you and I are very close.

We are meant to be together.

Is that some kind of joke?
I'm not in the mood to hear it.

A darkened chapel.

A chapel with a hole dug through
one wall and an altar at the very back.

There were ornaments decorating the entrance,

but all that's left on the ceiling and walls

are the scars, evidence of excavation.

How do you know about that?

It really is just as I thought.

If you showed me just
a little of your true feelings,

I wouldn't mind telling you everything.

How does he know of that place?

Who is he?

Noah, was it? The fact that
he won't eat is worrying.


He says that to stay here,

he can't eat anything that
wasn't given to him by his master.

He should just ignore that order and run away.

His master must have left the castle
still carrying his wing.

The poor thing.

It's no wonder that he keeps waiting
for a master who will never return.

That's why he's stayed in this castle?

Fairies like sugar confections.
He might eat one of those.

That's true. You're right!

I wonder if Noah is still awake.


Oh, it's just the thief.

What are you...

Is this Lord Herbert?

I see.

The reason this one painting isn't dirty
is that all this time, Noah has been...


Did Lord Herbert
take your wing with him when he left?

Lord Herbert isn't a horrible person!

He gave me my wing back!

What? He gave it back?

That's right.

Then why have you stayed here
for fifteen years?

If you have your wing,
you could leave the castle.

Why? How many times have I told you?

It's because I'm Lord Herbert's page.

I will protect the castle and await his return.

Were you really ordered to do that?

Did he say, "Protect this castle. Don't leave.
Don't eat anything I haven't given you"?


Lord Herbert told me.

He said he wouldn't take me to the b*ttlefield,

and to please take good care of the castle.

He said that was my role.

But Lord Herbert said to leave the castle

once I'd eaten the sugar
confections he'd left me.

He said that if I ate anything else,
I wasn't allowed to stay here anymore.

But that means...

This person...

wanted Noah to run away, didn't he?

Say, Noah. Did you eat the sugar confections?

I didn't eat all of them!

I left one piece.

So, I shouldn't have to leave the castle yet!

I'm going to wait here.



It's one of the snow crystals
we're making together.

I asked them to let me have one.

I wanted you to eat it, Noah.

And I'm sure Lord Herbert
would be happy if you were healthy

while you waited for him. So...

I can't.

If I disobey his order,
I have to leave the castle.

I'm Lord Herbert's page, that's why...

that's why I can't eat that.



How does he know about a place
that only Liz and I know?

It can't be...

What are you doing?


Thank you, Challe.

Noah couldn't stand anymore.

He's light, so I thought I could
carry him to his room, but...

Is that for Noah?


But he won't eat it.

He said he was given his wing back.

His wing?


I think that Lord Herbert probably
wanted him to leave this castle.

That's why he said not to eat anything
other than what he'd given him.

That's the promise they made, and yet...

this boy said he will wait.

You're a silver sugar master, aren't you?

Make something that will convince him,
something that will make him want to eat.

A silver sugar master...

Am I wrong?

No, you're not wrong.


Did Gladus say anything to you?

What? Why are you asking so suddenly?

Answer me.

Um... he said that I smell like silver sugar.



You are too defenseless.

Is Gladus dangerous?

I don't know. So, stay on your guard.

I will.

Good girl.

You didn't sleep well last night.
Sleep in my room tonight.

I will watch over Noah. Now, go.

All right.

I'm sure he's just treating me
like he would a child.


I'm so happy.

Young Miss Silver Sugar Master.

What? Am I...

It's your turn, Lord Herbert.

This is a difficult one.

Hurry up and make your move, please.

Is this person Noah's master?

You eat one too, Noah.

This crest is really beautiful.

That's because it represents
the pride of my family.

The swords, shield, and lion are "strength."

The blue flag is "compassion."

It says, "Follow me, for I bestow compassion
on the people with my strength."

Though I don't know the first thing
about wielding a sword.

But your heart is strong, Lord Herbert,
and you are deeply compassionate.

Lord Herbert, why do you keep me
even though I'm so useless?

Useless? That's not true at all.

You're lying.

I'm clumsy. I break dishes all the time.

I've never been any help at anything.

You are helping. After all...

you're the only one who can play games
against me on equal terms, Noah.

You're just as bad at them
as I am, so it's a lot of fun!

Lord Herbert, that isn't a compliment.

Yes, it is.

Why are you leaving me behind?

Lord Herbert!

Please, answer me!

I've already told you.

While I'm away, I need someone
to protect this place.

That's not true!

Anyone could...

Here. Eat these.

I want you to eat them.

If they find these,
I'm sure they'll smash them.

I'd much rather you ate them instead.

Noah, please protect the castle for me.

This is an important role
that only you can fulfill.

But listen closely...

you can't eat anything in this castle other
than the sugar confections I've just given you.


When you get hungry and feel like eating
something, leave this place. All right?

But why?

Lord Herbert!


I won't eat these.

No matter what.


Young Miss Silver Sugar Master
who loves fairies so...

I want you to save him.

Lord Herbert.

Rain like this at this time of year is...

Everyone, come quickly!

The silver sugar is...

What is this? It's hard!

These are all hard too!

These are bad too.

They've absorbed the humidity
from the leak in the roof!

Check them! Check all of the barrels!

Carry them over there!

Yes, sir!

It's no good! The rain
reached all the way inside!

This one too.

Blast it! Did all of them get drenched?!

No good. This one's hard, too.

Why? How could this have happened?

So is this one!

Let's carry any intact
silver sugar out of here.

Ghosts Aren't Scary

Wanting Even a Cat's Help