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01x17 - The Castle with No Crest

Posted: 12/11/23 07:38
by bunniefuu
We're here!

Starting today and for the next
two months, this is where we'll work!

Um, Mister Collins...

is this place really where
the kingdom's religion...

They've provided it to us at no cost.

They said that Lewiston isn't far from here,

and we'll be able to secure
as much space as we need to work.

What's wrong, Anne? You don't look happy.

It's a charming castle, isn't it?

Calling it charming sounds nice,
but this seems more like...

...a haunted castle.

Challe! Please don't say such strange things!

I see. So, it's Holly Leaf Castle, is it?

It's no wonder the kingdom's religion
didn't tell us its name.

Holly Leaf Castle? Mister
Glen, do you know it?

How can I put this?
It's well known to those who know.

Fifteen years ago,
the royal family of Millsland...

faced an insurrection started by
a branch family, House Chamber.

It's commonly referred to
as the Chambers Rebellion.

The battle ended in House
Millsland's victory,

and House Chamber and their
followers were all slain.

This castle was associated
with House Chamber.

Th-They were all slain?

Does that have something to do with why
the kingdom's religion didn't tell us the name?

Ghosts must appear here!

I don't hate that sort of thing, you know?

Honestly! The both of you!

I've heard a lot of things,
but they're just rumors.

Whatever the case, this was done
for the sake of the Holy Beginnings Festival.

Let us give thanks for the kindness
of the kingdom's religion.

Rumors, huh?

It feels unlucky somehow, doesn't it?

I'm the Head of Artisans!
What good does it do for me to be scared?

Now that we've been chosen in the selection,

we must be sure to create what we promised.

Impressive sugar confections
worthy of the Holy Beginnings Festival!

We're gonna be sleeping in a place like this?

It seems pretty filthy in here.

The Holy Beginnings Festival is meant to
invite good fortune for the new year.

With things in this state, the kingdom's
good fortune is more likely to run away.

All right! All right!

No complaining!

Now, we've got all our things here!

H-He's right. I can't be
scared. I can't be scared!

This is likely the work of House Millsland.


It isn't just the faces.

Look at the swords and decorations too.

One part in particular has been cut away.

What was depicted there was likely
the crest of House Chamber.

So, the crest was on all of those?

To House Millsland, the crest of House Chamber,
who caused the rebellion, would be taboo.

They must have wanted to
eradicate every trace of it.

That being that, Elliott,
what's happened to Bridget?

She said she'd come later.

I gave her money and told her
to hire a carriage.

I'm sure she'll be fine.

He's so cold. He's her fiancé, isn't he?

It doesn't matter
what's happened to Bridget, does it?

Move your hands instead of your mouths.

Th-There couldn't possibly be ghosts here.

Now, time to clean! Time to clean!

Young Miss Silver Sugar Master.

I-I'm just imagining things.
Just imagining things.

I'm glad you're here.

What's wrong?

I-It's here! A gh-gh-gh-gh-gh...

Calm down. There are no ghosts.

B-B-But someone whispered,
"I'm glad you're here," in my ear!

You're just hearing things, you fool.

It's true! I've been cursed!
I've been cursed by House Chamber!

Wh-What do I do? What do I do?!

Shall I kiss you?

What? What did you just say?

Have you come to your senses?

I-I'm sorry. I was being silly.

Hey, Anne!

Do you have a minute?

I-I'm going to go. Bye, then.

A ghost that leaves footprints?

We're just about done bringing everything in!

Could you come and look
at the layout of our workspace?

All right!

Just this one painting isn't dirty.

Let's leave things here for today.

Get some rest and we'll start work tomorrow.

What? You want me to sleep here?

I just feel apprehensive somehow.

I'm sorry to ask when we've all
been allowed our own rooms,

but can I ask this of you?
Please, Mithril Lid Pod?

Well, I don't really mind, but...


I think you should ask Challe fenn Challe
to do this sort of thing for you. Yes.


No, I just... It's too embarrassing.

You're such an idiot, Anne!

Keep saying things like that and
your love will never come to fruition!

I've told you before, haven't I? Sometimes
love is born from the situation you're in.

All right! I'll go ask him right now!

W-Wait! Stop, Mithril Lid Pod!

Let go, Anne! Are you trying to interfere
with my repaying your favor?

No! That won't repay my favor at all!

Yes, it will repay the favor!

What is all this noise about?

Challe fenn Challe! Perfect timing!

Anne wants you to slee—

Sorry, Challe. Did we wake you?

It's nothing.

Have you two seen something?

What? By "something" you mean...

A violet-colored something.

A violet-colored...

Wait, Challe! What do you mean?

So, there really are ghosts here!

It's true that there is something here.

Be careful.

Wait, Challe!

He said all those scary things
and left. How could he?

I told you, didn't I?

If you'd just been honest and asked him to
sleep here with you, right now, you'd be—

This and that are completely
different matters!

Please, Mithril Lid Pod. Won't you
stay here like this and sleep with me?

S-Sure, I don't mind.

Daana, how does Mister Glen seem?

No changes. And he ate all of his breakfast.

Morning, everyone.

What's wrong? Anne, Orland,
are you both short on sleep?

There's something wrong
with the lock to my room.

No matter how many times I locked it,
the door would be open before I knew it.

My room's the same way.

Mine, too!

And mine as well.

I heard doors opening and closing all
through the night, so I couldn't sleep at all.

Hey, guys?

Have any of you seen
a violet-colored something?


I-Is there something here?

There is a ghost here. It's been confirmed.

But not to worry! The magnificent
Mithril Lid Pod will get rid of—

Don't alter my report without asking.

I never said it was a ghost.

Well... I guess we'll leave
it to you and Challe.

You aren't the one getting rid of it, Challe.
It will be the magnificent me!

The magnificent Mithril Lid Pod!

And we'll talk about work.

Now then, Head of Artisans,
how shall we proceed with the work today?

When it comes to the Holy
Beginnings Festival,

we'll need much larger sugar confections
than we made for the selection.

In order to decorate the whole church,
the size and number of the crystals...

We'll need a tremendous number of them.

Orland and King will be
in charge of kneading.

King will also handle the coloring.

The remaining three, myself included,

will create the snow crystals
and handle construction.

Now, as to the schedule...

Well, well. Isn't this
an impressive workspace?

The kingdom's religion sure does lend out
some interesting places.


Hey there!

Long time no see, novice silver sugar master.

An... inspection?

It's a commission from
the kingdom's religion.

Every year, the workshop
chosen in the selection

is inspected by the Silver Sugar Viscount.

It's to ascertain the progress of the pieces
and how good or poor the workmanship is.

Additionally, and this is also
a measure taken every year,

the kingdom's religion requests reserve sugar
confections from the Mercury Workshop.

Should anything happen
with the Paige Workshop,

the pieces from the Mercury Workshop will be
displayed for the Holy Beginnings Festival.

And, naturally, there will be
no 10,000 cress compensation.


Did you know about this, Mister Collins?

The Paige school hasn't participated
in the selection until now.

To summarize...

as long as you do what you need to do,
there's no need to worry.

I heard all about it, Anne!

You pulled all these strong
personalities together,

won your way through the selection,

and got Challe back, right?

And you, Elliott.

You were able to see Anne's abilities
and scouted her for the Paige Workshop.

That discerning eye and those disagreeable
methods... How very like you they are.

Your lavish praise humbles me most painfully.

I have high hopes for you.

Well then. I'll go pay my respects
to the master of the school

and that will be all for today.

Where is Glen?

I'll show you the way.

Oh, yes. I forgot to mention this.

My inspections are always a surprise.

It should go without saying
that you won't get any warning.

Don't relax just because I'm not around.

Well, then! Shall we get started?



How wonderful. It's silver sugar.

Are you going to be helping
with the work too?

Why does your expression say
that you hate the idea?

A huge amount of work has to be
completed in a short period of time.

If I help out, it would make
things easier, wouldn't it?

It would be more hindrance than help.

Things are gonna get loud again.

Don't talk too much
while I'm working, all right?

Yes, yes.

He's amazing.

He really is a silver sugar master.

What's going on? A fairy?

How beautiful.

Miss Bridget?

I was told to come, so I came.

Elliott, this will do, won't it?

Allow me to introduce you.
He is a companion fairy.

I bought him.

How do you do? I am called Gladus.
It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Bridget, why did you get another fairy?

Especially after everything
that happened with Challe?

Father took Challe's wing from me
because I restrained him too tightly.

Which is why I won't do
anything of the sort this time.

I've allowed Gladus his freedom.

You should have no complaints with that.

Are you doing this to spite Mister Glen?

I am simply doing what I want to do!

You're always so indifferent to me.

Don't tell me what to do
only in times like this!

Um, Miss Bridget...

Don't you criticize me, as well!

Bridget, is there some issue
with my being here?

There is no issue here.

I will tell father about
Gladus myself. Where is he?

If you tell him something like this without
warning, Mister Glen's heart will give out.

I'll go with you.

This way.

He's a precious stone
just like you are, right,

Challe fenn Challe?

Challe fenn Challe?

It can't be...

Do you have some business with me?

No. It's nothing.

Do you know him?

I've never met him before.

I'm sure that guy was born
from a precious stone,

but I can't really tell what kind.

I'm usually really good at guessing
the type of objects our kind come from.

It's probably opal.

It possesses many colors depending on
the refraction of the light.

Ambiguity is its defining trait.


How long do you plan to
dawdle here, Head of Artisans?


I'm so sorry!

With this, Elliott won't
be useful for a while.

While he's mediating the fight between
parent and child, it's no time to be working.

You saw?

In any case, we can't
allow this to slow us down.

You're right. Today, let's work
as hard as we can until nightfall.

Th-There it is! It's a ghost!

Miss Bridget?

How long will you remain a child?

That fairy! You bought him just to attract
attention from others, didn't you?

Go and return him to the
fairy trader at once!

He might be right.

I think, probably...

it doesn't even matter to me who it is.

Miss Bridget?

Um, what are you doing?

Looking at the moon.
Is there something wrong with that?

No, that isn't what I meant. I just...

What is that?

I just thought that dressed like that,
you'll catch a cold.

I don't need this. I am not cold.

Good night!


I said I don't need it.

Are you meddling in Bridget's affairs again?

I suppose you could call it meddling.

You're a strange one. It isn't something
you need to bother yourself with.

What about you, Orland? Does it bother you?

There's no need for me to be bothered.

That's not what I mean.

If Bridget looks cold,
does it bother you, or does it not?

When Bridget came here with a fairy she bought,
did you wonder why she felt she had to?

Did it bother you, or did it not?

Right now, the sugar confections for
the Holy Beginnings Festival are the priority.

I don't want to think about anything else.

You should stop thinking about other
things, too, and just do your work.

Challe fenn Challe, wasn't it?


Who did you think it was?

There is something of an unknown
nature wandering this castle.

And you're saying
I'm of an unknown nature, too?

I've looked around the inside of the castle,
but this tower certainly is nice.

It feels good.

You weren't given a human name?

That's unusual.

Who is your master?

No one controls me.

I hold my wing in my own hands.

And yet you keep company with humans?

Why would you—

Enough about me.

You seem to have some
unusual circumstances yourself.

You are a precious stone.

You should have the ability
to create sharp objects.

You have the strength to fight, so why
were you purchased as a companion fairy?

Unfortunately, I am unable to fight.

Would you like to see?

You see? This is all I can do.

I can't fight with this, can I?

You are straightforward and severe,
with your gaze too tightly focused.

And when you have
such beautiful dark eyes, too.

As fellow fairies, I had hoped to get along,

but it seems you're opposed to that.

As for fairies, there's Mithril Lid Pod,

and Daana and Hal, too.

If you want a friend, go ask them.

They're a little different.

Even leaving aside the fact
that we're precious stones,

they aren't as similar to me as you are.

In my opinion,

I don't think I am similar to you at all.

You don't know, that's all.

What is it that I don't know?

Do you want me to tell you?

What shall I do? Let's see.

But... I think not yet.

If you were to set aside your wariness
and open your heart to me, then...

But it seems that this is not that moment.

You are vigilant.

That is a good thing, Challe fenn Challe.

If you weren't, you wouldn't
survive for very long.

Opal, was it?

The Castle with No Crest

Ghosts Aren't Scary