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01x16 - The First Silver Sugar

Posted: 12/11/23 07:38
by bunniefuu
Mister Collins!

Daana, please fetch a doctor!

Yes, sir!

Pull yourself together, Elliott!

What do we do? He's bleeding!

We need to press some cloth
against that to stop the bleeding!

Mister Collins!

Are you awake?

I suppose this means I'm alive, right?

Oh, Bridget, you're here to see me, too?

Could it be that you helped tend to me?

Oh dear.

Challe, Mister Collins is all right now.

I am not worried for him.

That's just mean.

You can't even say the words,
"I was worried," even if you don't mean them?

I'm not you.

More importantly, I have a question.

Who did this to you?

Well, the attack came out of nowhere.
It was someone wearing a hood.

A robbery?

I'm not sure.

They said they could smell silver sugar on me
and asked if I was a silver sugar master.

When I said that I wasn't,
they started slashing at me.

What is it, Challe?


It can't be...

You're a warrior fairy?

Did the blade resemble this one?

The shine is similar, but I don't think
the metal was silver like that.

I heard a sound, like a blade slicing
through wind, and saw a reddish silver light.

I see.

There is no question.
The one who att*cked him was a fairy.

What? Someone sent a fairy
to attack Mister Collins?

Perhaps so.

That's awful. Why would anyone...

Who knows?

Well, it doesn't matter who did this
or for what reason. I'm alive, after all.

More importantly, Orland, Anne...

I'm all right, so you should go.


There isn't much time
left before the selection.

Don't waste Mister Glen's resolve by
producing a disgraceful result.

Elliott said that?

Yes. Fortunately, it seems
his injuries aren't too bad.

It seems that child has grown
into someone quite impressive.

If I entrust Bridget to Elliott,
I would have no more worries, but...

Apologies. Even if I tell you these things,
there isn't anything you can do about them.

It's all right.

As Elliott said,
you should return to your work.

Do not shame the name of the Paige Workshop.

Yes, sir. You will be
proud of what we create.

Now, let's begin!

We're making snow, right?
How will we express that?

It has no form.

It does. Snow has a shape.


Everyone, try making
whatever crystal you think of!

These are wonderful.

And I think it's good that
there are different sizes.

If we pile these up like snow...

A snow tower!

Oh, yes! A snow tower! That's wonderful!

What if we build it to allow light in
so you can see through to the other side?

In that case, we should
add color here and there.

If there's light, everything
will look more vivid.

Let's adjust the way
we do the kneading, too.

We should increase the number of folds
so that it's even more glossy.

Yes! The underlying colors will be a pure
white with pale blue, the tiniest hint of pink,

and the palest of purples.

We should have lots of all of it!

How much is lots?

For now, we'll just make a lot.

If we're entering it into the selection,
a big piece will be better.

We'll make as much as we can possibly make.

If we do, I'm certain...

it will be wonderful!

The night of the ninth day

What do you think?

No complaints.


I brought him!

Hey. I heard you finished the...

This is just...

Mister Glen!

How could I remain in my bed when
the sugar sculpture has been completed?

It's snow.

It's a snowy landscape.

I want to see how Saint Lewiston Bell Church
looks with rows of these inside!


Come here.

You are the Head of Artisans, are you not?

What? You're the one who said so, aren't you?

You've done good work here.

Anne, as the Head of Artisans for the Paige
school's main workshop, go to Lewiston.

Yes, sir!

Challe, you go with her.

Whoever it was that
att*cked Elliott may appear again.

And I've heard rumors that
they're after silver sugar.

You will protect everyone as their escort.

Can you do that?

I will obey your orders.

The sun will set soon.

What will we do, warrior fairy?

We will continue to Lewiston like this.

There is a full moon tonight.
Visibility will be good.

We're traveling through the night?
Even though we're prepared to camp out here?

The fairy is attracted by the scent
of silver sugar. That's when he appears.

So, he will definitely come.

We should make as much distance
as possible before that.

Now that we've come this far,
perhaps we'll be safe.

It's him.


I will draw him away.

While I do, keep moving. Don't stop.

I will catch up.


Anne, he'll be fine. Trust him.

I do.

Obsidian, is it?

I haven't seen a fellow
precious stone in a while.

I don't want a fight. I will save you.

Who holds your wing?

And you? Who and where is your master?

My wings are in my possession.

You're saying that you're free.

But being alone is occasionally inconvenient.

It wouldn't be bad to have one ally.

I will save you.

I will chase down that group
from earlier and retrieve your wing.

Then I will k*ll them all and steal
the sugar confection as well.

You want sugar confections?

Yes, and a silver sugar master as well.

Is there a silver sugar master among them?

I see. That makes sense.

Unfortunately, I cannot give you
any of the things you desire!

This after I said that I would save you?

I already have someone to save me.

I have no need of you.


Go faster, Orland!

No! The sugar confection will break!

But if that bandit catches up to us...

Don't worry! Challe won't let that fairy
get a single step closer to us!

It's Lewiston!

Don't rush! Unload it carefully.

We've just arrived!

We're from the main Paige workshop!

I'm here on behalf of Glen Paige.
My name is Elliott Collins.

We've brought a sugar confection
for the purpose of entering the selection.

Well, well.

Please come this way. Bring your
sugar confection into the church.

What is the meaning of this?

All right, let's get started!

He said they weren't participating!

All right!

We will now begin the selection process.

The participants are...

the main workshop of the Radcliffe school,

the main workshop of the Mercury school,

and the main workshop of the Paige school.

First, the Radcliffe Workshop. If you would.

How splendid. Very impressive.

It looks like Challe.

Could it be that Keith...

We will take the various achievements
and depictions of the founding king...

and give them form, as you see here.

We envision a number of them
standing in rows in the church.

I see. How splendid.

Next, the Mercury Workshop. If you would.

We will create twelve spheres,

each with one of the Twelve
Patron Saints within, as you see here.

Those twelve would line the church.

Last, the Paige Workshop. If you would.

What we have made is snow.

It's completely different from
how it looked in the workshop.

But why?

Is something wrong? Please continue.

Th-This is snow.

The snow of the Holy Beginnings Festival
cleanses the heart in a solemn way.

We have made this snow to...

It's no good. The way things are going...

What do I do?




Would it be possible to
cast light on our sculpture?

I want you to see it under the same
conditions as the Holy Beginnings Festival!

This is...

What we have made is snow.

With a prayer that good fortune
falls upon the kingdom in the new year,

it shrouds the world in white.

We gave form to those snow crystals,
which make everything new,

and chose to depict a snowscape.

We would line the church with these.

We would line it with many of these!

That is all from us.

With this, every piece is present.

Any of these sugar confection would be
worthy of the Holy Beginnings Festival.

The fathers will all...

It seems we've already come to a decision.

Now, the sugar confections
for the Holy Beginnings Festival...

will be from the main workshop
of the Paige school!

Artisans of the main workshop
of the Paige school,

we will entrust you with the sugar
confections for the Holy Beginnings Festival.

On the day that this year ends,

please decorate this church
with your sugar confections.


We were chosen!

They chose us!

I wish I could have made this with you.

Oh, right!


Anne, hold out your hand.

What? This is... But why?

You certainly are careless.

Back when Mister Glen said
he'd throw you out if we weren't chosen,

you didn't make your own demands, did you?

Normally, you'd say something like,
"Then if we are chosen, give the wing back."

Stop asking for the impossible!
You know Anne isn't that clever!

Well, since you're like that,
we felt sorry for you.

Mister Glen and I decided that if
we were chosen, we'd give the wing back.

Just as I thought.
Anne, you really are the first silver sugar.

What is this "first silver sugar"?

I've been wondering about it all this time.

"That which brings change."

When you refine silver sugar, you leave
sugar apples in cold water overnight, right?

When you do that,
you add a handful of silver sugar.

In our school,
we call that the first silver sugar.

Without it, no matter how long
you soak the sugar apples in cold water,

the bitterness never goes away.

That's why the first silver sugar
is the silver sugar that brings change.

Which is why, with all
my hopes for you, I called you that.

And you did just as I hoped you would.

Thank you, Anne.

You've showed us
how to take a fresh step forward.

So, I won't tie you down you any longer.

You're free to do as you please now.


I smell the aroma of silver sugar.

The sweet, beloved scent of silver sugar...


Hey, you're hurt, aren't you?


Is this a wound? Are you all right?


It's nothing.

I see...

What about the fairy?

He got away.
The next time we meet, I'll k*ll him.

I'm just glad you're all right.

Thank you, Challe, for always protecting me.

What is that?

They gave it back.

They said that since they were chosen in
the selection, I've done more than enough.

They said that I didn't
have to work any more...

But the real work for
the Holy Beginnings Festival starts now.

Is it really all right for me
to leave them now?

Say, you two,

do you think it would be wrong for me
to work at the Paige Workshop

until the Holy Beginnings Festival is over?


After all, I haven't really
fulfilled my responsibilities yet.

I haven't rebuilt the Paige Workshop yet.

That's why I want to work with them
until the Holy Beginnings Festival arrives.

What do you think?

I'm completely in favor!

The bed there is really
comfortable, you know?

Do what you want to do.

As long as you're there,
I don't care where we are.

You two...

All right! I'll go tell them!

I'll say that Anne'll be working at
the Paige Workshop for a little longer!

Thank you, Mithril Lid Pod!

I'm sorry Challe. I'm always
dragging you into things with me.

It doesn't bother me.

Because there isn't anything interesting
to me other than watching you.

Thank you for waiting for me.

I can finally return your wing to you.

This belongs to you, Challe.

You saved me.

Now you can say that you became
a silver sugar master by your own strength.

Hold your head high
and declare yourself a silver sugar master.

I-I will.

To you, who have become a silver
sugar master, I wish many blessings.

The First Silver Sugar

The Castle with No Crest