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04x01 - Creature Rescue

Posted: 12/11/23 06:52
by bunniefuu
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On this episode
of kratts' creatures

We're clocking
the creature beat.

We're on our way.

It's a race to the rescue.

we're rescuing some
truly amazing creatures.

Creature club
to peregrine one.

This guy might
look like a rat.

nothing will stand
between us...

You're surethere's
something here?

And the creatures we rescue.

What about birds?

we'll use unusual methods

To rescue some
extraordinary animals.

It's a burmese python!

the show's just beginning.

So sit back
and enjoy.

Iarriba! Iandale! Iandale!

We've been searching
the neighborhood for an hour,

And we haven't found anything.

creature club
to peregrine one.

Do you read,
peregrine one?

Peregrine one.
Go ahead.

Any news on our
phantom creature?

Negative. We haven't
found anything.

Are you surethere's
something out here?


You are
in the locale

Where our caller
spotted the creature.

I'm double-checking
the call.

Positive i.d.
It was as large
as a cat, white,

With a long,
pointed nose,

Pink eyes,
and furless tail--

Like a giant
white rat.

a giant white rat?

Looks to me
like somebody's suffering

From creature confusion.

You're probably wondering
what's going on.

This is a different
kratts' creatures

Roll it.


now, another episode
of creature rescue!


Also starring...

And ttark, as the gruff
yet lovable captain ttark.

creature rescue
is a kratt/baldwin production.

Every day,
humans and other creatures

Come into contact
with each other.

But sometimes,
contact with humans
means trouble.

Animals get hit by cars,

Injured in other ways--

Their homes are destroyed,
babies are orphaned...

And sometimes,
animals are mistreated

Because people just
don't know enough
about them.

Our mission on this episode
of kratts' creatures

Is to find those animals
and help them if they need it.

I'm wearing gloves
because an injured animal

Can get so scared,
it will bite.

Here's our so-called
giant white rat.

is right.

This guy might
look like a rat...

But he's not.

A rat isn't even
in his family tree.

This is an opossum.

Wait a second!

I've never seen
a white possum with pink eyes.

That's because
this opossum
is an albino.

He has
no color pigments.

That's why
his fur is white

And his eyes
are pink.

He needs help
because he's blind

And has a hurt leg.

We're taking him
to the wildlife
rescue center.

take care of him.

this is what most opossums
really look like.

They're sharp-toothed
little guys with strong claws,

Gray fur, and long, naked tails.

Their tails
are similar to a rat's,

But that's where
the resemblance ends.

opossums are natural climbers,

And their climbing ability
really comes in handy

For getting food,
like insects and plants.

this is a virginia opossum.

She might look like
a pumped-up rat,

But she has some
far-out relatives.

when he says far-out,
he means far out.

Like all the way out
in australia.

man, this is far.

this is the australian possum.

It's like opossum,
but without the "o."

the first western explorers
in australia

Called them possums
because they looked like

The north american opossum.

But that's where
the similarities end.

well, not exactly.

Opossums and possums
are both marsupials,

Creatures who carry their young
in pouches, like kangaroos.

I know. I was testing you.

That means the opossum's
closest relatives

Are actually marsupials

Like the australian kangaroo,
koala, and the wombat.

another amazing thing
about opossums is--


[Alarm sounding]

Creature club
to peregrine one.

We have a code 52
at 324 indian grove.

Someone's in the process

Of evicting a raccoon
from its residence.

Do you copy?

we're on our way.

Ahh, you just can't keep
a good raccoon down.

Barns, sheds, attics,
falling-down chimneys--

Most of us
couldn't do it,

But raccoons
have the touch

To make those places
a real home.

But people aren't
crazy about them

Because they can
dig up lawns.

Come on, al.

Can you blame a raccoon
for digging up a lawn?

It's a grub gold mine.

You know, it just doesn't get
any better than this.

Here's a scary statistic.

Every year,
hundreds of raccoons are k*lled

When homeowners
try to evict them.

It doesn't
have to be that way.

In any creature rescue,

Find out all about
the creature.

There are tons
of raccoons in the city.

The reason is simple--

There's so much
garbage to eat.

It's not just food--
you have to live someplace, too.

What's better than attics
or old garages?

The population of city raccoons
to country raccoons

Is almost 2-to-1.

One square mile in the country
may have 45 raccoons.

One square mile in the city
may have over 100.

Finding food and shelter isn't
easy for a country raccoon.

They have to work pretty hard
to rustle up grub.

One of their favorite spots
is a river.

They use their sensitive hands
to find crayfish.

Both city
and country raccoons

Are into having
more than one home.

A raccoon mom can move her kits
whenever danger appears.

So to remove a raccoon family
from your attic,

Let the raccoon mom do it.

You don't have to risk
injuring raccoons

To remove them
from your home

If you know a little
about raccoons.

One way
to get a raccoon
out of your attic

Is with a radio.

Go into your attic
and make noise

To scare
the raccoon away.

Put the radio
in the attic

Set to some
boring talk station.

Then check the attic

To make sure
all the raccoons
have left.

After that,
cover up the hole
the raccoons came into.

Martin and I are
trained to handle
wild animals,

But for people
who aren't,

It's important
to remember to never
touch a raccoon

Or any other
wild animal.

That's because
some raccoons

Can spread diseases,
like rabies, to humans.

Humans are helping
to prevent rabies with this.

In this cube is a vaccine
against rabies.

We're spreading these cubes
where a raccoon

Or other wild animal
can find them.

When a wild animal
eats a vaccine,

It's protected
against rabies.

When we learn a little
about creatures,

We can all
coexist better.

And then there's
a lot less need
for creature rescues.

creature club
to peregrine one.

Got another
assignment for you.

[Alarm sounding]

There's a loud disturbance
at 17 geneva street.

Neighbors report

A homeowner left on holiday
several days ago.

They're hearing
an unidentified creature

Inside the house.

copy that.
We're on the move.

I have your 20,

You can get there
in less than two minutes.

Someone or something
needs our help.

copy that. Chris,
let's kick it.

Number 17.
This is it.


Sure sounds like
the right place.

No go. It's locked.

I'll try a window.

I'll break the door.

Ha ha!

Let's go.

[Tiger growling]

Peregrine one
to creature club.

Come in, creature club.

copy. What is
creature status?

Well, we have
a tiger cub.

She's about

Strong, playful, healthy...

And big.

sabe? Sabertooth tiger?

Is that you, buddy?
I thought you were extinct!

Sorry. Sabertooth tigers
lived in north america,

But they're extinct.

This is an asian tiger.

Far-flung felines!

What's an asian tiger
doing here?

He's oceans from home
on the other side of the planet.

How'd he get here?

Last time I checked, tigers
weren't endurance swimmers.


You got that right.

Tigers are in india,
mianmar, manchuria,

what's an asian tiger
doing here?

Because some people
think wild animals
make cool pets.

I'll bet her owners
thought she was cute,

Never realizing
she'd grow into

One of the largest predators
in the world.

Who are these people?
Let me at them!

It doesn't matter
if you're a tiger,
toucan, or tadpole--

Wild animals
belong in the wild.

How much
does she weigh?

It's hard to move
a 140-pound tiger.

Well, let's give it
a try.

This might not be
as easy as we thought.

All right, tiger.
O.k. Let's go. Come on.

Come on.



This way. Hey, tiger.
This way.

That worked.

O.k. Oh, no.
Now she's in the shade.

Oh, man.


Oh, she's taking us
back to the porch.


Oh, no. We're right back
where we started.

Any pet,

Whether it's a cat, dog,
or goldfish,

Is a big responsibility.

A pet depends on you
for everything.

If you keep a pet,

You've got to have
everything it needs
to be healthy and happy.

This tiger looks cute,

But she'd never be happy
locked in a room.

In the wild, she'd have a range
of 4,000 square miles.

She can't get that
in a city.

This is
the biggest cat
in the world--

The siberian tiger.

wild animals need space.

Take this giraffe.

In the wild, they'll need
up to 250 square miles of space.

not a creature you can fit
in the backyard.

And good luck keeping them
out of the house.

or the kitchen.

A giraffe needs
over 75 pounds of food a day.

and a giraffe eats

Think of the vegetable garden
you'd need.

I got one. How about
keeping a lion?

They're not neighborhood
alley cats.

Lions are super-powerful

And those claws and teeth
are lethal weapons.

that power
and hunting instinct

Makes the lion need
more space and grub

Than is found in any city.

You'd clear every butcher shop
in town to feed him.

and even that wouldn't satisfy
his need to hunt.

for a real space problem,

How about having
an elephant around?

We're talking the largest
land animal on earth.

imagine trying to accommodate

The power and appetite
of this creature.

It gives new meaning to
"there goes the neighborhood."

it's a fact--wild animals like
elephants, giraffes, and tigers

Have special needs.

To meet those needs,
they need to be in the wild.

that's where our tiger belongs.

Unfortunately, she's too old
and too used to people

To be safely reintroduced
into the wild.

So we're going to
find her a good home

With the attention
and space she'll need
for a decent life.

creature club to peregrine one.

We have an emergency.
Code four at city park.

Do you read?

Affirmative, creature club.
We're on our way.

Code four--that's
a bird in trouble.

the city is home
to many creatures

You wouldn't think
could live here,

Like foxes
and birds of prey.

like the peregrine falcon,
the fastest bird on earth.

I named the van after him.

inamed the van after him.

speaking of city birds,

Don't forget
we have a code four.

We're on it, al.

city creatures have to
deal with human civilization.

living in the city can
expose wild creatures to danger.

Please, step aside!
We're zoologists.

Please, step aside.

Show's over.
Show's over.

Move back.
Thank you.

Thank you.

What have we got?

It's young.
It must have fallen
from the nest.

A new call
just came in.

Somebody's found
what sounds like
a sick squirrel.

It's got no fur
on its back
or shoulders.

It's an emergency!

That's no emergency.


That's called summer.

In summer,
you'll always
see a squirrel

Missing back
and shoulder fur.

Squirrels are having babies
this time of year, and...

Female squirrels literally
give the fur off their backs

To line the nest.

So it's o.k.?

It's a-ok,


What's going on here?

Don't tell me
a new ice age has started.

Excuse me. The kids
want to know,

Should humans ever
touch wild animals?

People should never
touch a wild animal
if they can help it,

Especially not
baby mammals.

Why's that?

You can
put your scent
on the baby.

Some mammal mothers
might abandon their baby

If it smells
like a human.

Excuse me.
What about birds?

Birds are different.

It's o.k. To handle
a baby bird

Because most birds
can't smell.

That's why
we can put this bird

Back up in its nest
where it belongs.

If you can't
reach the nest,

a makeshift one.

Like this berry basket
which we've lined
with soft cloth.

o.k. Here's what
you do next.

place the basket
near the existing nest

And make sure it's
out of the weather,

Like bright sun
and rain.

Then step away
and observe the nest

To make sure the parents
find the baby and feed it.

Once the parents return,

You've got
a front-row seat

To an amazing show
in the creature world.

So sit back
and enjoy.

it isn't easy being parent
to a nest of birds.

The reason is food.

between dawn and dusk,

A parent may bring
over 200 meals

Just to satisfy
the hungry babies.

mom thought wewent through
a lot of groceries.

parent birds have to
shovel food into one end

And take it out the other.

this looks gross,

But it keeps the nest
clean and healthy.

these babies are demanding.

I don't know how
their parents do it.

fortunately, after a few weeks,

The baby birds become fledglings
and leave the nest,

Like this robin.

and this owl.

It isn't easy
learning to fly.

This bird
doesn't need help.

He's learning
to use those wings.

that's why we put our bird
back in the nest.

See, ttark?
A little help
from humans...

And let the wildlife
do the rest. I'm all for it.

But sometimes the wildlife
needs more than a berry basket.

That's where an animal
rehab center comes in,

Like this one.

when animals are too sick,
young, or injured

To take care
of themselves,

They could use help
from friends.

At a wildlife center
like this,

We can diagnose,
treat, and care for

injured animals.

There's a long list
of injured animals

And lots of
orphaned babies.

Babies become orphans
for all sorts of reasons--

Because their mothers
get hit by cars

Or k*lled by predators

Or--like this raccoon--

Their homes
are disturbed by humans

And the babies get separated
from their mother.

orphaned and injured animals
need help,

And that's where wildlife
rescue centers come in.

Feeding all of these
orphaned animals
is a lot of work.

All the animals
are on different schedules

Which vary
according to their age,
size, and species.

I'll start
with the squirrels.

I'll feed the birds.

newborn squirrels start out

With no fur
and closed eyes.

This guy is
about 6 weeks old.

They're fed with
a small syringe like this

Which is filled
with a special formula.

A young squirrel like this
has to be fed three times a day.

this method of feeding
works for other animals, too.

They really seem to like it.

One step into
the baby bird room,

And you know
you have arrived.

And when you consider
that baby birds

Need to be fed
every 20 minutes,

You realize what faces
the volunteers who work here--

A lot of work.

Hundreds of baby finches,
starlings, sparrows,

Grackles, robins,
and blue jays

Are all screaming to be fed.

[Cheeping loudly]

And they're all
fed differently,

Depending upon whether they
naturally eat worms, insects,

or fruits and berries.

Baby birds get warmth
from their mom and the nest,

But these orphaned babies
have to get their warmth

From this incubator.

By feeding and keeping
these birds warm and protected,

A wildlife center provides
a lifesaving service

To the city's wildlife.

The best thing about
a facility like this

Is that its
number-one goal

Is to return creatures
where they belong...

In the wild!

this is oliver, an opossum
who was separated from his mom.

Oliver was just

When he was brought
to the wildlife center.

when he was old enough,

He was moved
to a halfway house outside.

he got used to the climate

And was fed natural foods.

Then he was released into
a wild area with plenty of food.

thanks to a lot of volunteers,

Oliver got a second chance.

Now he's living in the wild.

people helping creatures
doesn't just happen here--

It happens all over the world.

in indonesia, people are helping
to rehabilitate orangutans

That have been captured
and taken as pets.

We need to return
these orangutans to the wild

Because there are only
about 20,000 left,

And every one of them
is precious.

at an elephant nursery
in africa,

We helped care
for three orphans--

Emily, aitong, and imenti.

these baby elephants
will be cared for

Until they're old enough to be
reintroduced into the wild.

shift to australia.

People take care
of thousands of baby kangaroos

Who've been orphaned when their
mothers get hit by cars.

they provide great care
for the orphans,

But they're careful to avoid
too much contact with them.

That makes it harder
to return them to the wild.

returning animals to the wild

Is what creature rescue
is all about.

Remember our tiger cub?

Well, she was raised
by humans.

So, unfortunately,
she identifies
most strongly

With humans,
not tigers.

She's used to playing with
and being fed by people.

If we returned her
to the wild,

She could wander
close to people

Who didn't know
she was friendly
and get shot.

The best place for our friend
is a facility like this.

Here, she'll have

The best food,
lots of space...

And a playmate.

it looks like they're
going to get along.

This is the coolest
part of the job.

[Cubs growling]

a lion cub and a tiger cub

lions and tigers live in
different places on earth.

They'd never
see each other in the wild.

who'd have thought they'd be
such great buddies?


animals are injured
for all sorts of reasons.

Sometimes they're
mistreated by humans,

And sometimes
it's an accident.

One thing's for sure--

The more we know
about creatures,

The more capable we are
of preventing accidents.

[Alarm sounding]

Helping out animals
that are in trouble
is not an easy job.

You have to
look at each case

Based on
the creature

There are no
simple answers.

The only thing
every case has in common

Is that
you have to understand

The creature
you're dealing with,

Whether it's a blue jay,
raccoon, or tiger.

creature club
to peregrine one.

What is your 20?

We're on the corner
of parkside and maple.

peregrine one.

We have a reported missing pet
in that locality.

Do you copy?

Got you, allison.

I forgot to tell you,

It's not your traditional kind
of creature rescue.

Creature club,
could we get an i.d.
On that missing pet?

It's a burmese python!