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03x09 - Hyenas Are Cool

Posted: 12/11/23 06:50
by bunniefuu
nighttime on the savanna.

Hey, what was that?


A hyena might be ready
to attack.

We're on the hunt
with a clan
of spotted hyena.

I thought hyenas
were scavengers,
not hunters.

That's what most people think
about hyenas,

But it's true--
spotted hyenas arehunters.

hey, hyenas are
full of surprises,

And we're going to
find out the truth

About one of the world's
strangest creatures

On this episode of...

Iandale, andale!

all creatures are cool.
We know that.

But there is one creature
that really weirds me out--

The hyena.

[Hyena laughing]

This guy chows down
on rotten carcasses for lunch.

On a scale of grossness,
that's pretty gross.

There. That ought to fix it.

Good as new.

[Bell ringing]

It should be
good as new.

What's that sound?


[Ringing stops]

Good morning.

What? The sun's
not rising.
It's setting.

Oh, yeah.
Good evening.

We're here
in africa...

An awesome creature

Hoping to shed
some light

On one of the most
misunderstood animals--

The laughing hyena!

[Hyena laughing]

Let's go.

the african savanna
is loaded with animals.

Driving across
the wide-open plains,

You're bound to run into

Some of the world's
best-known creatures.

but one creature that's
hard to find is the hyena,

And there are
a lot of reasons for that.

Hyenas are mainly
nocturnal creatures.

Which means they're
mostly active
at night,

When people
aren't around.

So maybe that's why humans
have such weird ideas
about them.

Ha! Weird ideas
is right.

Look at this.

"Hyenas are evil,
awful, smelly

Says close friend."

Wow! That is
some bad press!

We've got to find out
what's true and what's not.

First off, you got to know that
there are four types of hyenas.

but the ones we're looking for
are spotted hyenas.

some people consider
these creatures

Cowardly scavengers.

cowardly scavengers?
That's crazy!

scavengers are animals that eat
animals that are already dead,

But for hyenas,
this isn't true.

Hyenas can and do
catch their own food.

In fact, they're
among the savanna's largest

And most powerful

they live in well-organized
groups called clans.

freeze frame.

O.k. Maybe I don't know as much
about hyenas as I thought.

I always thought
they were some sort of dog.

Accessing hyenas.


[Computer beeps]

Let's figure it out--are they
a dog or a cat or what?

O.k. We all know
what domestic dogs look like,

And we all know
what their relatives--
wolves--look like,

And I've seen
jackals before,

But take a look
at these african wild dogs.

They have spots
like spotted hyenas,

But there's
some big differences,

So let's look at cats.

We all know there are
some amazing cats in africa.

Some have coat patterns that
sort of look like a hyena's,

But there's no way
you could say

Hyenas are a member
of the cat family.

So what on earth are hyenas?

of all the creatures in africa,
you'll never guess

Who one of the hyena's
closest relatives is.

It's this guy--
the mongoose.

are you kidding? That little guy
is related to the hyena?

just because you're related
doesn't mean you look alike.

Martin and I are related,
but I don't look like him,

Which is great.

what's even better is I don't
look anything like chris.

The point is, hyenas
and mongoose don't look alike,

But they have
a lot of similarities.

They both live in packs
and have to look out for...

Martial eagle at 12:00!

big hyena/mongoose difference--

To an adult hyena, this
martial eagle is just scenery,

But to a mongoose,
he's a flying merchant of death.

whoa! No wonder the mongoose

Want to get back
to their den, fast!

but some aren't fast enough.

wait a minute. I just found out
something I never knew before.

Hyenas have another relative--
the genet.

Like hyenas,
they're night hunters.

Count me in on these guys.
They're cool.

And who doesn't like mongooses?
They're awesome.

Definitely sounds like we should
find out the truth about hyenas.

[Slow jazz music playing]

Hey, what's
that crazy music?

[Jazz music continues]

the sun was about to set

On the savanna

When my partner and I
found it.

It was the kind of joint
you'd expect to find
a bunch of hyenas--

A real den of a place,

With enough hairballs
to let you know

Someone was
shacked up there.

Then we realized
we weren't alone.

It was a case
of classic hyena behavior--

The cubs left alone
at the den

While the rest of the clan
searches for food.

at the first sign of danger,
the cubs scamper

Back to the den,
where they're safe.

But we knew the score.

If the cubs were alone,

The rest of the pack
must be out hunting.

they hadn't gone far.

We spotted them
off in the distance.

There's always
one female hyena

Acting as a leader
of the entire clan,

And we found her,
all right.

they were patrolling
the savanna,

for opportunities.

Who doesn't?
If there's a weak animal,

They'll go for it.

Of course, this giraffe may not
have been the best choice.

it was too healthy
and strong

For the hyenas to even think
of taking a shot.

They left the giraffes
and found a herd of elephants.

but the little ones
were sticking close to mom,

And everyone knows not to mess
with mama elephant.

It was time
to play it cool.


[Hippo grunting]

forget about it.

the hyenas spotted
a family of egyptian geese,

But whatever
the hyena was selling,

The geese weren't buying.

As soon as the hyena showed up,
the geese flew the coop.

I guess the hyena didn't notice
the lion on his tail.

He was moving in
for a drink, too.

I was expecting the worst.

Everyone knows hyenas and lions
aren't exactly pals,

But it didn't look like
today was the day

For a scrap
at the old water hole.

The hyena was
on the move again,

Taking it easy at first,
but then picking up the pace

Faster than a wild dog
at a wildebeest migration.

Faster, chris.
They're getting away.

They can really move!

Hyenas can run
up to 40 miles an hour,

And they don't need roads
or a suspension system.


Or a new tire.

[Air hissing]

the guys should get
a more reliable creature jeep.

hey, al!


Remember, not only
can hyenas zoom around

Faster than a wild dog
at a wildebeest migration...

They're also--oh!


I know. How many
other creatures

Eat all of
the animal they k*ll,
even the bones?


Hyenas are
equal-opportunity eaters.

Bones, hair,
teeth, toenails--

You give them an opportunity,
they'll eat it.

you could think of them
as the ultimate recyclers.

Guys, have you found
those hyenas you lost?

No problem, al.
We've got it under control.

As soon as martin
finishes changing the tire,


I see one!

Let's go!


There it is!

It looks like some kind
of hyena or something.

Let me see.


It's an aardwolf!

Say what?

I've heard of an aardvark,

But that's probably
a different show, so...

An aard--what?

an aardwolf, al.

Now, this is one creature
hardly anybody knows about.

this guy's taking it
pretty easy...

But he can move.

But there's something
you guys forgot to mention
about aardwolves.

According to this,
they're a type of hyena,
with one exception.

Aardwolves don't eat meat.

Seems they're more partial
to insects--

You know, termites, ants...

In other words, bugs!

And do they chow down!

We're talking about eating
almost 200,000 insects a night,

Which, believe me, really makes
the old stomach squirm.

And it's not just insects.

Birds, a mouse or two,
moths, beetles--

If it's little, light,
and living, it's lunch.

So you see, al,
given half a chance,

will chow down on meat

And any other
moving morsel.

But what the aardwolf
really likes to chow down on

Is termites,

And in africa,
there's no shortage of them.

You can't even take a stroll
through the savanna

Without tripping over
a termite mound or two.

ttark's right.
When you go to africa,

One of the weirdest sights
are all these termite mounds,

Which are like
ginormous insect fortresses.

hey, get a load of this.

These termites
are repairing a hole,

But they better watch it.
There's a spider around.

When the spider's around...
Well, you get the picture.

Aardwolves actually prefer
to eat harvester termites,

Who live underground.

So how does he get to them?

He walks along
at 2 miles per hour,

With his head
low to the ground,

for the sounds

Of harvester

and carrying away
dried grass.

Hey, what's
that aardwolf doing?

aardwolves can eat
about 200,000 termites a day,

But this guy's
just lounging.

Well, what do you expect?

You don't want to be totally
warthog about the whole thing.

Hey, that reminds me of dad
at thanksgiving dinner.

He always takes a break

Between his third
and fourth helpings.

[Hyena laughing]

That's a spotted hyena!

They can't be far away.

Let's follow the sound.

It's the clan of hyenas
we were following.

They're really
in hunting mode now.

they're going for it,
all right.

Looks like
they're scanning the prey,

Trying to pick out the one
that looks the weakest

And the most vulnerable.

I think they've made
their choice.

yeah! They got them
on the run!


wow! They took down
that gazelle in no time.

Believe it or not, hyenas are
able to hunt down bigger prey.

Wait a minute.
Hyenas aren't just hunters.

They're greathunters.

The way the pack works together
is amazing.

But I can't figure out
how humans got the idea

That they were
just scavengers

Mooching off the kills
of other animals.

people propaganda!

Spotted hyenas
have been hunting for eons.

The only reason
not many people know about it

Is because the folks
spotted hyenas hunt

Aren't doing a lot of talking.
You know what I mean?

When they're done,
they don't leave
many leftovers.

Man! They ate practically
the whole carcass,

Including skin, teeth, hair,

And most of the bones.

I heard that hyenas
can even crush
elephant bones.

Think of the jaw power
they must have.

And now for another episode

we know the hyena's jaw
is strong,

But how does it compare
to other creatures?

tasmanian devils have to be
in the top 10.

These guys crunch through
kangaroo bones like rock candy.

sure, t-devils are up there,
but what about sharks?

Their jaws are

I've got one no one thinks of--
leaf-cutter ants.

If humans had
their jaw power,

We'd be able to lift
a 5-ton elephant by our teeth!

how about gators? This guy is
crunching through a turtle shell

Like it was a potato chip.

a hyena's jaw doesn't compare
to a shark's,

But it is 10 times stronger
than a human's.

Nothing's too tough
for these guys to crunch.

Man, they arefierce.

Guys, considering
what we know of these creatures,

Do you think it's a good idea
to be hanging out on the savanna

When it's getting dark?

No problem, al.
We're on our way.

All we have to do
is get in our jeep

But, chris,
where is the jeep?

Come on. It can't be
that hard to find.

There aren't
many jeeps
on the savanna.

[Lion roars]

You have plenty of lions,
but not a lot of jeeps.

Well, at least we have
our flashlights.'s in the jeep.

nighttime on the african savanna

Is not a good time to be
wandering around without a jeep.

most of the predators
are on the hunt,

And we're not just talking
about the hyena.

the prey has to be
extra careful.

They have to keep
their eyes peeled.

Danger can be
just around the corner.

even great hunters
like the leopard lay low

When a hyena pack is around.

there's a lot of action
out here.

This mother hippo knows
that she has to wait

Until the danger has passed

Before she can take her baby
out on the savanna to graze.

for lots of creatures,

Protecting the young ones
is the most important thing.

[Hyena laughing]

the leopard has to bring
his catch up in a tree

So it won't be stolen
by someone like a hyena.

Nighttime means danger.

But it's a great time
to sit close by the fire

And listen to the sounds
of all the animals out there.

[Animal groaning]

Hey, what was that?

Hyenas. That's
the groaning sound

They make when
they greet each other.


[Hyena grunting]

That grunting means
the hyena is getting angry.


[Hyena growling]


A hyena might be ready
to attack.

and when hyenas attack,
it's pretty brutal.

You can understand
if it freaks a few people out,

Even make
a few people sick.

but hyenas have to eat
to survive.

and that isn't much different
than your cat catching a mouse.

fighting over
who gets to eat next

Is a major part
of the story.

take jackals. There's a creature
who understands hyenas.

They know that if they keep
their distance

And wait
for the right moment,

They might be able
to grab some scraps.

listen. That's the famous
hyena laugh!

But that's another myth, right,
like that one that says

Hyenas are evil, awful,
smelly creatures?

You're not going to tell me
they have a sense of humor.

Hey, how do you know
animals don't?

Maybe it's just that humans
don't get their jokes.

Come on, ttark.

O.k., But don't ever tell
a hyena

It was me that let it slip.

One reason hyenas make
a laughing sound is...

They're scared!

Scared? They laugh
because they're scared?

What do hyenas have
to be scared about?

I'll give you a clue.

It's big, it's got a mane,
and it goes...


most people think that lions
are the supreme predator

Of the savanna,

But few people realize
that hyenas are an equal match.

people assume that the lion
is the master hunter

And the hyena is the crafty
stealer of their catch,

But a lot of times,
it's the other way around.

all this stealing of food
may sound underhanded...

Hey, but it's
the savanna way--

Eat what you can,
any way you can.

Hey, chris.
Chris, wake up.


vultures! You know
what that means.

Yeah. Some predator
must have made a k*ll
during the night--

Maybe a leopard,
maybe lions, or...


here's the story
on the relationship

Between vultures and some
of the savanna's predators.

are mainly scavengers,

Which means
when it comes to food,

They rely on spotting things
that are already dead.

and hyenas know that if they
follow a bunch of vultures,

The vultures might lead them
to some food.

I got an idea.

Why don't we follow
the vultures?

They might lead us
to our clan of hyenas.

It worked!

The vultures led us
right to...a cheetah k*ll?

that mom must have
made the k*ll

Early this morning,

And now she's brought her cubs
to chow down.

and here come the hyenas.

They must have followed
the vultures, too.

It looks like
we're going to see

The scavenging side
of the hyena story.


I don't think a cheetah can
stand up to a bunch of hyenas.

[Hyenas laughing]

Nope. That cheetah's
out of here.

hey, the vultures are moving in
on the feast,

But not for long.

Man, did those hyenas
ever chow down!

They really don't
leave much, do they?

I guess when you can eat
and do it so fast,

There wouldn't be
any leftovers.

Makes sense.

If you had to worry
about lions

Showing up
and stealing
your dinner,

Wouldn't you eat
as much as you can
as fast as you can?

I would.

I would.

Eating fast
is a hyena family trait.

Check out the meerkat.

Want to know how fast
this weird-looking
hyena relative eats?

On your mark, get set, go!

If the hyenas can't finish off
the carcass in one sitting,

They'll go take a rest and then
come back for some more later,

Or they might take pieces
back to the den for the cubs.

Hey, young cubs
need strong bones.

Or, as they say
in france,

Bone appetit!

Sometimes spotted hyena moms
bring food back to their cubs.

And that's exactly what
this hyena mom is doing.

but she's not going to let
anyone interfere

With her feeding her young.

see? She greets
a fellow clan member

And shows him the food.

But then she moves on.

That food is going
to her cubs first.

if you're wondering what
hyenas do after they eat...

Mud bath!

Which is a lot of fun,

Except I have no idea
why hyenas do this.

are you kidding?
They do it to keep cool.

I'm not sure. I think
hyenas roll in the mud

To wash their faces
after they've eaten.

hey, that could be it.

Bugs are attracted to the blood
on the hyena's face,

So maybe...

That's what the hyenas do
to keep the bugs away.

And it works!

back at the den,
the clan is settling in

For a quiet, relaxing day.

it's mainly just the females
and their cubs

That hang around the den,

But the males
are resting nearby.

even though the clan sometimes
works together to hunt,

Each female takes care of
and feeds her own young.

hey, martin, there's that mom
we saw before.

She's feeding her cub.

she's the leader
of the clan,

And she's not letting
anyone else near the food.

here's a really strange thing
about hyenas.

Since she's
the clan leader,

That gives her cubs some clout,
even over bigger cubs.

whoa! He's chasing
adult hyenas!

it's amazing how different
things can be

From what you thought--

I mean, once you take
the trouble to check them out.

I had no idea hyenas had
such a complex society.

it's true. Every hyena
is different,

And they all act differently
towards each other,

Just like people do.

hey, what's that hyena
doing to her cub?

looks like she's marking him
with her scent,

Because that's one of the ways
hyenas communicate,

So this could be
her way of saying,

"This is my kid. Back off."

This is the part of the story
most people don't know--

That hyenas pay so much
attention to their young.

They nurture them, protect them,
and even play with them.

and that little guy
really wants to play.

but I don't think mom's
too interested.

yep. No luck there.

He better find
someone else to play with.

this older cub
seems game.

and now he's giving
the little guy

A run for his money...

right into the burrow!

But he's ready
for action again.

this is where the older cub's
size advantage comes into play.

yep. He's had it.

The little guy
is going back to mom.

but you know...

For evil,
vicious creatures,

sure are playful.

They're not evil,
vicious creatures at all.

Now that I've got to know them,
they're kind of cute.

Well, the baby cubs are.

Play is real important
for the little guys,

Just like it's important
for a lot of young creatures.

Play is not only fun,

But it builds up their muscles
and coordination.

It helps build skills
they'll need to survive

Once they're out
on their own.

Was I ever wrong
about hyenas!

They've sure got a lot
going for them.

After today, you could call me
a big hyena fan.

If you ask me, humans should
take a second look at hyenas.

Ttark's right.
When you take
a close look,

Hyenas are not
mean, smelly


There's so much more
to them than that.

Isn't that what
we always say?

Yeah, and that's
why we're here.

"here" is.

Where the creatures are, bro.
Where the creatures are.

hey. On the other side
of the bushes,

What's going on?

I think the hyenas
found something.

Our jeep!

"Today I've learned
a lot about hyenas,

"Maybe a little
about myself as well.

"We shouldn't judge any creature
too quickly.

"We've got to be open-minded

And realize that too often
our misconceptions..."

Don't judge any animal

Until you've walked a mile
in its paws.

Some creatures
have an undeserved
bad reputation.

vultures, bats,
rats, snakes,

Cockroaches, hyenas.

But we have to remember
that they're all
cool creatures

And they also serve
an important and useful role
in our ecosystem.

They keep the balance
of nature balanced.


[Air hissing]

I'm starting to think
maybe we should forget
about this jeep,

Head back,
and join the hyenas.

I don't know why
we waste time

With that jeep.

We're better off
with the creatures.

Hanging out with hyenas
is cool,

But forget the jeep.

That's my pack.