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03x01 - The Redcoats Are Coming

Posted: 12/11/23 06:44
by bunniefuu
[Dogs barking]

[Chris kratt]
on this episode,
we're deep undercover,

Checking out
what it's like

To be one of north america's
most misunderstood creatures--

The fox.

[Martin kratt]
we're leaping every hurdle

To discover the fox's
true creaturnality.

we'll find out how the fox
has survived and thrived

Despite all hisobstacles.

all this and more

Coming up
on kratts' creatures.

All right!


Iandale, andale!



This is really weird.

No matter where I go,
I can't find them.

For a second,
I thought I saw them, but...

Autolocate kratts--
chris and martin.

I found them!

That is,
I think I have.

Chris? Martin?

What are
you guys doing?

We're looking for signs

Of one of the world's
greatest hunters--

The sly, resourceful,
and clever...

Red fox...

One of the greatest hunters
in the creature world!

And one of the most hunted.

In the creature world,

The hunters can become
the hunted.

So many people think
the creature world

Can simply be divided
into the hunters and the hunted.

which is crazy.

Just about every creature
who hunts is hunted, too.

if you feed on smaller animals,

Usually a bigger animal
wants to feed on you.

when it comes to hunting,

Almost every creature
is fair game,

And you know
what that means.

that means it's time for...

another brilliant,

Life in the wild
is a daily struggle

Between catching
and avoiding being caught.

to demonstrate this,

We're hunting each other
with water g*ns.

when you're both predator
and prey,

You need to be
better at hunting

Than your prey is
at escaping...

and better at escaping

Than your predator is
at hunting.

Better can mean
bigger, faster,

Quieter, smarter...

I usually go for smarter.



Looks like you're
the hunted,

And I'm the hunter.

O.k., So you win.

Just get me down
from here.

There's a knife
in my creature pack.

No problem.


All right!

Who's the hunter now?

Can you cut us down?

I'm trying.

Keep trying.

Oh, boy.

O.k., Help!


Now that's what I call
two guys outfoxing one another.

Outfoxed? Outhumaned each other
is more like it.

Foxes didn't get
where they are

By falling for tricks
like that.

So foxes are as smart
as people say.

Are they the smartest?

what do you mean?

In their family.

Foxes are related
to wolves and coyotes.

Of those three,
who's smarter?

It's not a matter
of who's smarter.

It's a matter of everyone
making the most

Of what they've got,

Putting their
best paw forward.

Let me put the picture
in "pawspective" [perspective].

I k*ll myself.

Here's what I mean.

A fox,

A coyote,

And a wolf--

All members
of the same family,

But you notice something?

I never realized
how much smaller the fox is.

You got that right!

It's not the size
of the dog in the fight,

It's the size of the fight
in the dog.

that's probably why
doglike creatures

Are a success story
all over the world.

Let's look at

The biggest members
of the dog family.

They live in north america,
and they're...


These wild canids weigh
about 130 pounds each.

that's big,

But wolves are smaller than
some of their prey.

A pack of wolves
can take down

One of the biggest animals
in north america--the moose.

a moose weighs 10 times more
than the biggest wolf.

How do they do it?

easy. Teamwork.

hunting in packs
is this canid's specialty

And his key to success.

don't get wolves confused
with these guys--coyotes.

coyotes and wolves
look a lot alike.

Coyotes are smaller
than wolves,

Weighing only
about 40 pounds.

coyotes aren't tremendous
in size,

But they're
the right size

For what they need to do
to survive.

next stop on the dog
family tour--africa.

if you want a fierce, toothy dog
who takes no mess,

Check out
the african wild dog.

it weighs less
than a german shepherd,

But that doesn't affect
his hunting.

a wild dog pack

Can devour a fully grown
thomson's gazelle

In under 10 minutes.

Small size
doesn't slow a dog down

When it comes to hunting.

africa is also home
to the jackal.

he's kind of like the fox,
africa style.

the jackal is about
the same size as a fox,

And he eats
a lot of the same food,

Like rodents, insects,
and fruits.

he's as clever as a fox,

Especially when stealing food
off hyenas,

Who, by the way,
are not dogs.

last stop--australia.

the dingo weighs
only 40 pounds,

But he's the number-one
land predator in australia.

that's what the dog family
story's all about--

Creatures finding ways
to succeed despite their size.

So when you're facing
a size problem...

You learn to adapt.

The fox has adapted

To take advantage
of any resources available,

Which would explain
why foxes

Have been so successful
at surviving.

check this out.

Foxes are so adaptable,

They can be found
just about anywhere.

The arctic fox's
dense white fur

Keeps him warm
in cold climates

From north america
to europe to asia.

The gray fox
favors warmer climates

Found in southern parts
of north america

Through to central
and south america.

But the red fox ranges
far and wide.

She has the largest range
of any carnivore in the world.

Not all red foxes are red.

The silver-black fox

Is the least common
red fox color phase,

Making up a small percentage
of the red fox population.

And then there's the cross.

He's a mix between the red
and the silver-and-black.

They're all red foxes.

There's about 21 fox species
living all over the world,

But you might be asking,

"Why are there
so many redfoxes?"

a long time ago,

The british wanted
to continue fox hunting

In the territories
they colonized,

Like north america.

there were already red fox here,

But the british imported more.

The population
of red foxes boomed.

the real reason
for the fox's success

Was that when the colonists

Built settlements
and cleared land,

The red fox
was able to adapt and expand.

their predators
and competitors couldn't.

Wait a minute.

What's this about people
bringing foxes

To north america?

There have alwaysbeen foxes
in north america.

yeah, you're right,

The only thing is,

Actually finding one
isn't easy.

Not only is
the red fox
shy and secretive,

It's also
very clever.

A red fox could live
in your backyard,

And you might not
know it.

when you think
of city creatures,

You might not think
of the red fox.

the red fox is
an ideal urban animal.

she has few requirements.

All she needs
is enough food...

and a place to build her den
and raise her kits.

whether they're in the city
or in the wild,

All red foxes
are masters at hiding out.

How do you find one?

You can start
by looking

For the signs
it leaves--

Signs like...


The red fox leaves
very distinct footprints.

You can find them
in mud or dirt or snow.

here's another telltale sign--


When foxes find food,
they often leave scraps behind,

Like the shells
of these turtle eggs.

What are other items
from the red fox menu?

the fox is
an opportunistic eater,

Which is a scientific way
of saying

She'll eat
just about anything.

if you give her an opportunity,
she'll eat it.

she'll eat everything

From frogs and snakes

Up to mice, squirrels,
and muskrats.

with her quick moves

And ingenious
hunting strategies,

The fox has no trouble
going after

Even the flightiest of prey,
like birds.

there's no denying that foxes
are natural-born hunters.

But what is it that they have
that makes them so great?

What does it take?

I'd like to get
everything I need

To hunt like a fox.

I've got
just what you need--

Ears, nose,

And eyes.


That's it?

Well, a little
natural instinct
would help,

But a warthog
cleaned me out
earlier today.


How am I supposed
to hunt like a fox

Without natural instinct?

One of the fox's
natural abilities

Is to see
before being seen.

So a fox
always pauses

Before rounding
a corner

Or going
over a ridge.

She looks ahead,

for any movement.

strong eyesight is a key tool

In the fox's
hunting equipment.

another key ingredient
is her ears.

Her hearing is so good
that she can detect

Even the tiniest rustle
in the grass.

her excellent hearing
lets her pinpoint her prey

And then zero in
for the k*ll.

Another sense
a fox uses

Is its keen sense
of smell.

Not only can a fox
sniff out its prey,

But it can smell
other creatures,
like us.

That's why we're staying
downwind of the fox.

What does downwind mean?

Sounds like time for...

Martin is
downwind of me.

Imagine that
this bucket of feathers
is my scent,

And this fan is the wind.

Watch what happens.

Martin gets my scent

And knows where I am,
but I don't get his,

So the conclusion is...

Never let your brother
do an experiment on you.

When you're hunting,

Always know which way
the wind is blowing,

And always stay downwind
of your prey.

the fox picks up the scent
of other animals.

Does sheleave a scent behind?

The fox leaves
several different smells behind.

One of these smells
comes from glands in its feet!

A fox likes to stick
to her territory.

One way she can make sure
other foxes won't tread on it

Is to mark it with smell.

her paws leave scent marks.

It's her way of saying,

"Go find another place
to hunt a groundhog."

There are also smells
from its fur

And from other glands.

And there are
other smells

That a fox
leaves behind--

If you know
what I mean.

Each smell holds a message
for other foxes.

To a potential mate,

A smell could say,
"come this way."

To a trespasser,

A smell could say,
"back off, pal."

We humans have
no way of telling

What these smells

But a fox's smells
are identifiable,

And if you
follow your nose,

It'll lead you in
the right direction.

We could follow
their tracks

Or maybe find a path.

Martin, look!


it's a fox den with kits,

But they're alone.

I guess mom must be hunting.

look at that little fox.

He's probably biding his time

Until mom comes back.

It looks like he's practicing
his hunting skills.

wait a minute.

The way the fox moves

Reminded me
of something familiar.

Check out
my cat godzilla.

The way she pounces is
the same way the fox pounces.

How can foxes be catlike?

We already said
foxes are related to dogs.

Everything I've read says--

come on.

You believe
everything you read?

Let me tell you,
I was there, and I know.

Cats and dogs
were once one and the same.

You're telling me
cats and dogs are related?


Miacisshowed up
and became the granddaddy

Of all sorts
of furry little guys.

I'm talking dogs, cats,
bears, weasels,

Raccoons, civets,
and hyenas.


That's where both the wolf
and the fox came from.

The wolf branch
of the family got bigger

And started hunting
bigger prey, like moose.

The fox stayed
about the same size

And stuck to snacking
on little guys, like rodents.

Foxes hunt alone.

If they catch something
that's too big to eat,

It doesn't go to waste.

You know
what a fox does
with extra food?

It caches it.

It hides it
and saves it
for later.

a fox can't leave
excess food laying around.

It would get stolen by
another animal, like a wolf.

caching isn't only about
saving food for a rainy day.

It's also about hiding food
where others won't swipe it.

a fox will hide her food
in several caches

And keep a running tally
of which are full or empty.

being able to manage
several caches at once

Is proof that the fox
is one clever creature.

But sometimes
foxes get robbed.

wolves have gotten wise
to the fox's food-saving scheme.

They've learned how to locate
and rob foxes' caches.

foxes often cache
their food near a den,

So if a wolf follows
a fox's path,

He might score the cache.

This path
was created by foxes

Going back and forth
to their den.

But if you find
a fox's den...

It doesn't
necessarily mean

There's a fox around.

Foxes only use
their den

When they
have babies.

But you can tell
that a fox den
is occupied...

If you find leftovers.

Bones and feathers
found around the den

Could mean there's
a mother fox inside
with her kits.

all we have to do is hide,

And bingo! Mom's back.

and there are her kits!

to protect her kits,
mom uses a den,

Usually an abandoned burrow
made by another animal.

these kits are
less than 3 months old,

And raising them
is a full-time job for mom.

usually, a fox family
has a mom and dad

To raise the kits.

in some families, like this one,

There's just mom.

a fox mom is more than able

To feed, protect,
and care for her young.

Those kits are jumping
all over mom...

which gives mom an opportunity

To clean their fur
of parasites.

when cleaning
and feeding time is over,

It's time to explore.

as the kits grow older,

Mom will bring them out
to forage for food.

That's when they learn
the skills needed to survive.

these guys aren't ready
for any expeditions.

They're too busy playing.

another great way
to develop hunting skills.

playing is also fun...

and tiring.

Looks like the kits
are heading for a nap.

mom's back from foraging.

She's calling the kits
out of the den.

I think she's
brought them something.

sometimes a fox mom will bring

A half-dead animal
back to the den

So her kits
can play with it.

that might sound kind of cruel,

But in fact,

It's actually
the early stages
of hunting.

The fox kits learn
how to stalk and pounce--

Exactly what
they have to do

When they hunt
their own food.

There are lots
of other tricks

That foxes learn
as they grow up.

these kits are learning

How to cache and handle prey,
using the bird mom brought.

where's the other guy?

there he is,

Practicing hiding skills.

[Horn blowing]

what's going on?

The foxes are freaking.

mom's putting her kits
in the den.

if there's trouble,

Mom will lead it
away from her kits.


[Horn blowing]

Hey! Sounds like

You're right.

It does sound
like foxhounds.

That baying sounds like
the noise they make

When they're
on the trail
of a scent.

Yeah, baying is
the sound they make.

Huh. Sounds like
they're coming towards us.

But foxhounds are trained
to go after things

That smell like foxes.

You guys are forgetting--

You got the fox's scent
on you.

It's a fox hunt,
and they're after you guys.


Foxhounds are
incredible dogs.

For one thing,
they're fast.

How fast?

Really fast.

And foxhounds have
an incredible sense
of smell.

They can
track down a fox

By following
its scent trail.

They run fast
and have stamina!

They can keep running
for a long time.

As long as they think
we're foxes,

We have to have
as much stamina
as they have.

hold it!

Aren't foxes
and foxhounds related?

Why would they hunt
their relatives?

Millions of years ago,
there was a split.

What can I say?
It happens.

Dogs, wolves, and coyotes
went one way,

And foxes went another.

Now they're so different,

They hardly recognize
each other.

So they became
mortal enemies or something?

Hyperbolic humans!

Not close, maybe.
Unfriendly, maybe.

But mortal enemies?

The foxhounds were bred
to follow the fox's scent,

So whether
they like it or not,

It's part
of their nature.

That's why
they chase anything

That smells like a fox...

Like chris or martin.

we wanted to know
what it's like to be a fox.

Now we're really
finding out!

at least we're
leading the hounds

Away from the mom
and her kits.

one fox doesn't have to
go through this...

The gray fox!

Fox hunters
aren't interested in him.

what's wrong with the gray fox?

The british didn't like
hunting them.

Why? One little habit
they have--

Gray foxes can climb trees.

That drives
the foxhounds crazy.

It also takes
the fun out of it

For the fox hunters,

Who like the chase
to go on and on.

These foxhounds
are chasing us

Because we smell
like foxes.

There are dogs
who chase people

Because they're
trained to.

They're called

And now for a serious
scientific analysis!

This is chris' sock.

Let's let the bloodhound
have a sniff.

And now let's see
if we can find chris.

Bloodhounds are
creature-tracking specialists.

All they need to know
is what they're smelling for,

And then
the chase is on.

Humans could never track
a creature by scent,

Even one with a really
powerful scent like chris.

It's no skin off
the bloodhound's nose.

In fact,
his sense of smell

Is one million times
stronger than ours.

Hi. All right!

Good boy.


and now, back to
the jeopardy of our show.

Foxes have ways

Of getting away
from hounds.

They have speed.

But they're
a lot faster than us.

foxes can run
up to 40 miles an hour.

foxes also have stamina!

The guys can't run

thanks for the vote
of confidence.

foxes are fast and strong,

And they have smarts!

We could use
the smarts

Of a red fox
right about now!

Now, for five easy ways
to outfox a hound--

One strategy is to run down
a section of fence.

This sometimes causes the hounds
to lose the scent.

It worked!

The hounds are leading
the hunters

Over the fence
and not along it.

Another way
that foxes trick dogs

Is to run back along
their own trail.

Then they hop off.

The dogs get
to the end of the trail,

Can't find the scent,
and get confused.

the fox has made his getaway.

Another favorite trick
of the fox

Is to run through
a whole herd of livestock.

That way,
the fox's scent

Gets lost
among the cow smells.

the best strategy is
to run into the water.

if the fox travels
up or downstream,

He can come out,
continue running,

And the water will have
washed away his scent trail.

We didn't go
very far downstream,

So I'm not sure it worked.

they're still on us!

man, I'm exhausted,

And the hounds keep
closing in!

we got to do what the gray fox
does to get away.

didn't we say
the gray fox climbs trees?

and hounds can't.

What have we
found out?

When it comes
to hunting,

Foxes are one
of the most clever

And resourceful

In the creature

And when it comes to
escaping hunters,

Foxes are also
one of the most clever

And resourceful
creatures around.

Even more resourceful
than two guys I know.

what does that mean?

You know
where the fox is?

Back at the den
with her family.

that's better than
being stuck in a tree.

we can't beat the red fox

For her ability to hunt
and avoid being hunted.

it's no easy thing to master.

It will take those kits
a while to learn.

it won't be hard.

They do have
the best possible teacher.

whether or not we like it,

Hunting is
a natural process.

It's a major part
of creature survival.

The more dedicated
the hunters are,

The more clever
the hunted need to be.

Sometimes the hunted
resort to odd things.

I still can't believe
how smart foxes are.

I mean, they're hunted
all over the globe.

But they've

And not only that,
they're one of

The most
successful creatures
on the planet.

That's smart.

Really smart.

I wonder if the dogs
are asleep yet.

Hey, maybe.
Let's check.


Not yet.

We might be here
for a while.

I think we're sleeping
up here.

You have
a comfortable spot?


I got to find
something better.

See you
in the morning.