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01x15 - The Fifth Column

Posted: 12/10/23 17:17
by bunniefuu
(uplifting music)

- This is as quiet as I get.

- No wonder the (inaudible) never managed

to launch a surprise attack on us.

- [Man] Why would we want to?

- Do you two want to fight all battles

or eat?


Go up behind it in case it bolts.

I need my net.

I should have brought my bow.

- I'll get them.

I told you, it needs more air underneath.

Get down on your knees,

blow into it.

- A princess is never seen on her knees.

If it wasn't for you

and William Tell,

I'd be safe and warm

in the Citadel with Xax and Kreel.

- Believe me princess,

you'd be neither safe

nor warm with those two villains.

- Yes I would.

They respect me as the heir to the kingdom.

And they most certainly wouldn't ask me

to tend a fire.

- Well princess,

you just better get used to being cold then.

(soft music)

(eerie music)


(soft music)

- Get out of my way, you light foot.

(soft music)

- [Princess] Quiet.

Go back.

You go.

Spirits of Kale,

help me and I promise,

I promise I will wash my face

and comb my hair without

ever complaining for the rest of my life.

(mystical music)

Hot food.

Clean sheets.

Dry clothes.

Hot food.

Clean sheets.

Dry clothes.

Clean food.

Dry sheets.

Hot clothes.

Clean food.

Hot sheets.


Somebody help me.

(soft music)

- Good day, Mondar.

- What Xax?

I demand to see the lord of my canton.

This is a disgrace.

You can't keep me here.

- Oh.

Now something tells me you still haven't changed your mind,


- This imprisonment

is against all the statutes of Kale.

You can't force me to work for you.

- We can't force you.

Do you know what this is?

- Where did you get that?

That's Gadreth's.

- I thought you'd recognize it.

If you want to see your child again,

I suggest you reconsider.

(slow suspenseful music)

(dog barks)

- Quiet dog.

(dog barks)

- One more woof,

and we eat you instead.

- Oh, elegantly done.

- We're not all mammoths.

- We've got supper, your highness.


(slow suspenseful music)


- [Aruna] You said you were watching her.

- I delegated.

Why didn't you tell us she'd gone?

- Come on.


- Curse her.

- Help.

- Princess.

It's alright.

It's alright, just relax.

We're here, don't move.

- Great advice.

- [Princess] No, don't move.

Don't touch me.

Don't come near me.

- [Aruna] It's okay.

Just hold your head up

and keep breathing.

- [Princess] No, no, I'm fine.

I'm fine, thank you.

I don't want to move.

I'm fine.

- Give me your hand.


- Alright, here.

Take my hand, here.

- No.

No, don't--

- Calm down, no.

- Well, don't blame me.

(slow suspenseful music)

- [Kreel] You know what to do.

Gadreth will need this crystal communicator.

- Yes, your excellency.

- So, you are confident that this will solve

all our problems, Kreel.

- Gadreth works to save Mondar's life.

And Mondar works to save Gadreth's life.

And neither one knows about the other.

I thought you would admire my symmetry.

- We're not laying mosaics here, Kreel.

- Gadreth will flush out William Tell,

rest assured.

- The flanks of warriors,

I could run him into the ground in a week.

- Dead outlaws have a nasty habit

of turning into martyrs.

(uplifting music)

- Warriors.


- [Warrior] He's getting away.

Catch him.


(uplifting music)

- Whoa, wait, wait.

- Stop.

It's alright.

- We're not gonna hurt you.

- We're friends.

(dog barks)

Alvar, quiet.

- Look how frightened he is.

Let's get him inside.

You come with us.

You're safe now.

(mystical music)

- He's from the Wolf tribe.

They have wolf blood from a long way back.

- How revolting.

- I agree with you.

- Quiet, Aruna.

He needs our help.

- What's your name?

Who was chasing you?

- You can tell us.

- I'm called Drogo.

Warriors were chasing us.

They'd take us in the valley.

- Are people hurt?

- These ones.

- Can you take us there?

Alright, we'll leave Alvar on guard.

Make sure she doesn't move, boy.

Come on, Drogo,

we'll protect you.

(soft music)

- We were refugees

from villages destroyed by Xax

traveling together for safety.

- Quiet.

- Here.

It's alright.

We're here to help.

- We're not from the Citadel.

- My name is William Tell.

- Freedom fighter?

- Or outlaw, depending on who you're listening to.

- Come on.

Let's get back to camp.

(soft music)

- What's wrong?

- It's just



(soft music)

- You know, warriors just don't attack people

for nothing.

They must be criminals.

- Princess, does she look like a criminal?

- You just can't tell these days.

- If we go after those warriors now,

we can catch them.

- There are too many, Will.

- Yeah, but they have to set up camp sometime.

We'll surprise them in the night.

- And without your crossbow?

- Aruna, we can't let this go unchallenged.

If we don't do anything, who will?

- I can track them for you,

scent them out.

I'm not afraid.

- Yeah, well you should be, Drogo.

You're staying here.

I'll see if I can pick up the trail.

Be back soon.

(soft music)

- There is more important work for you

than chasing warriors.

- But what about the people they att*cked?

And the next victims?

- There is a time to fight

and a time for flight.

You must learn when to let your temper rule

and when you must let cold thoughts

govern your actions.

Remember your amulet.

You wear that so you'll never forget your quest

to find the real crystal arrow.

You mustn't fail in that quest, William.

For otherwise, Kreel and Xax will use (inaudible)

to rule.

And all of Kalem will sink into darkness

and misery again.

- Shouldn't we be teaching those warriors a lesson?

- And then you would never learn the greater lesson.

Take heed of what I've said.

There is a time to fight

and a time for flight.

- The range Mondar,

it is simply not enough.

My warriors need twice the distance

to be truly invincible in battle.

- I've tried to design such a thing in the past.

It has always defeated me.

- Yes.

But now you have your daughter to inspire you,

don't you Mondar.

- Maybe I could entwine the crystal

into the mechanism itself.

- Oh, and what would that do?

- Make the w*apon infinitely more powerful,

cast the bold infinitely further.

- Infinite?


Yes, I like the sound of that word,


- It would be difficult.

I've never tried it.

It will take time,

a workbench forge,

and you would need

infinite patience.

- I have had my warriors bring your forge,

your workbench,

and all the tools you could possibly need.

Mondar, if you want to see your daughter again,

you have exactly seven days.

- I would need more time.

- The problem is, Mondar,

that I don't have infinite patience.

(soft music)

- Xax arrived without warning

and announced he was the lord protector of the kingdom.

- Well that's right.

My father appointed him.

What are you looking at, animal?

- My lord refused to swear allegiance to Xax.

He said they should be a conclave

of all the cantons first.

- Well, Xax has a right to stand as protector

til that time.

- I never saw my lord alive again.

Three of us managed to escape.

The warriors took everyone else.

I joined the refugees on the road.

- The criminals, you mean?

- Most of those criminals died, your highness.

Drogo, what about you?

- It's not important.

- How could it be?

- Sometimes, it can feel good to share.

- I don't want to.

- Come on, Drogo.

You're amongst friends.

- They're all dead,

all my family.

Xax's warriors came to the village,

k*lled them all, alright.

- Drogo, I'm sorry.

- Have either of you had any news of my parents?

- No, princess.


- Drogo?

- Drogo?

Drogo, where are you?

Drogo, I only want to talk to you.



Drogo, come back.

(mystical music)

- Imagine,

there he is on the opposing hill.

And believing himself to be

quite safe.

I raise my crossbow,

take aim,

I fire.

Bolts glide silently across the valley.

And he falls to the ground,

stone dead.

- Ready for martyrdom?

- I didn't mean tell Kreel.

With weapons like this,

no one would ever face us in battle again.

- Only a weak ruler needs to fight a battle.

- Some tribes can't be bought off, Kreel.

Some tribes cannot be betrayed, Kreel.

Some tribes need to be fought in open battle.

- Fortunately for you.

However, we've got work to do.

We have made contact.

Gadreth has given us the location.

(mystical music)

- [Princess] Are we there yet?

- The settlement I'm thinking of is a little bit further.

- Well, I'm just not going to.

I'm not.

(soft music)

- Well princess, it's your choice.

You can either walk, or we'll drag you.

- [Princess] Alright.

- The valley route is quickest.

I used to travel that route with my father.

- Yeah, but this time of year,

the valley gets overgrown

and it's quicker to go over the top.

- Sure, if you can climb.

- The climb is not difficult.

I can teach you.

- I hate climbing.

And I hate rocks.

- You just need to know you can trust your rope.

This is the best (inaudible) coil.

Feel it.

See how many times it's been plaited?


I made it myself.

I could swing a cow on this.

A whole heard of cows.

- Do you think you should compare me to a herd of cows?

- But I just--

- Do you think it benefits a princess

to scramble out on rocks?

I'm not a baboon.

- I was only hoping to--

- Don't.

Don't even hope.

Because each and every day

a princess encounters things

beyond your whole life's experience.

- I don't know whether to protect her

or strangle her.

Catch me up if you want.

- Gather up your men, captain,

and circle around the base of the hill.

Make sure no one escapes back down the valley.

- My lord.


- I'll tell her about experience.

She wouldn't even dream about my sort of experience.

Next time she's stuck halfway up a cliff,

she can just get one of her palace servers to help her.

(mystical music)

- I want two men there

and three men there.

The rest of you come with me.

Princess Royal must be taken alive.

The rest, you can k*ll.

But leave Till to me.


- Don't you like walks?

- Get away from me.

- I've never been this close to a real life princess before.

- Not surprising the way you smell.

- You have to try to put it behind you.

- It's just so terrible what happened to those people.

- Well don't worry.

The settlement we're taking you to is safe.

- Will.

- What is it?

- Warriors up ahead.

They're waiting for us.

- And behind us.

- [Will] Alright, everybody,

get ready to fight.

- There is a time to fight

and a time for flight.

- They're getting closer.

We should ambush them.

- Follow the way of the goat.

She will lead you.

- Everybody, quick,

through here.

Come on, come on.

Through there.

Come on, go.

Are you alright?

Can you walk?

- Just.

- Come on.


- Be ready.

It must be soon.

- I thought you'd decided to fight them off after all.

Well there weren't enough to make it worthwhile.

- You can put her down now, Will.

- Yeah, I know.

Are you alright?

- Almost.

- Ow.

- [Leon] Just water.

- Oh, it's horrid.

- Well, princess,

we're just gonna stay here

until we're sure Xax is gone.

- Here they come.

Now remember,

the princess must be taken alive.


(dramatic music) (screams)

(soft music)


- I have instructed the captain

to call off the search.

You knew their location.

You knew their route.

What happened?

- We had them pinned at each end, Kreel.

- And they disappeared into the middle of a mountain?

- I told you to leave it to me.

Three flanks of warriors

and we could have cleared the entire canton.

- They would have slipped quietly

into the next.

- Do it my way

and by this time tomorrow,

Tell will be captured an Vara will be ours.

- No.

That's what you said yesterday.

We will rely on Gadreth.

- Xax is getting better.

- He must have trackers out.

- Yeah, and people that know the countryside.

I mean they knew where we were going,

where we came from.

- We should have faced them in an open fight.

We can't always run away.

- Escape is the way of victory.

- You're a coward, Leon.

- You know better than that.

Anyway, what kind of fight would it be

if Will doesn't even have his crossbow?

- He, come on, save your anger for Xax.

- I know a craftsman,

a w*apon maker named Mondar.

He lives beyond the falls.

- Could you lead us there?

- It's about half a days journey.

- [Princess] Ugh, what is this?

This food is revolting.

I want to go home.

And I want a hot meal.

- We can't light a fire in here.

The smoke will give us away.

- I know, I know.

I heard you the first times,

wolf face.

- You're a stuck up little princess, aren't you.

- When my father returns,

he'll have you hanged in the Citadel square.

- Your father's not coming back.

They k*lled him,

and the queen.

- Don't talk such nonsense.

- What did he say?

- [Will] He's probably never even been

to the city, princess.

- He's probably got it all wrong.

- No, you are wrong.

I saw them.

Everyone did.

- What a horrible thing to say.

- Come on, princess, he

probably doesn't know what he's talking about.

- Leave me alone, all of you.

(soft music)

- Drogo, is this true?

Are they dead?

- I saw them lying there in their robes of state.

- Are you sure?

- Why are you pretending?

You k*lled them.

- I k*lled them?

Well that's madness.

- Everyone knows.

Xax announced it.

Any citizen has the right to seize you,

take you in chains to the warriors.

You're a wanted man.

- Drogo, why would I want to k*ll the king?

He was a good man.

He was holding Kale together.

- They all say if you were innocent,

why are you on the run with Vara, your prisoner?

- To keep her safe from Xax.

Drogo, think about it.

If I wanted to k*ll the whole royal family,

why haven't I k*lled the princess yet?

- Why should I believe you?

- Because it's the truth.

(eerie music)

- So, master craftsman,

are we nearly finished?

- The crystal will need to be smoothed.

It takes time.

- Oh, yes, yes, yes.

Very light.

Very elegant, Mondar.

This could be your best work to date, yes?

- It is all as you requested.

- But will it be strong enough?

- The crystal will absorb all of the recoil.

But it has to be worked slowly.

The slightest nick

and the harmony of the mechanism

will be destroyed.

- I am aware of the basic nature

of crystal, Mondar.

You have three days.

- Three days?


- If you ever want to see your child alive again.

(soft music)

- Kalem.


- Each time you call, you drain my energy.

And there's precious little left as it is.

- They're calling me a m*rder*r.

They're saying I'm the one who's tearing the kingdom apart.

- Such slanders are inevitable.

- Well the longer we stay up here,

the more people will believe those lies.

We have to go to the Citadel

and challenge Xax and Kreel.

- There are many ways to fashion untruth.

- Running away isn't one of them.

- So, you still have the lesson to learn.

Sometimes fight,

sometimes flight.

- Didn't we run away before?

Where did that get us?

If I'd fought Xax then--

- You would be dead.

And Vara would be his queen elect.

- I'd rather be dead than branded a m*rder*r.

- Worse will be said of you before you complete your task.

- I'm sick of your tasks.

I didn't ask for any of this.

I was happy where I was.

You get someone else.

(mystical music)

- No man can change his destiny.

You must accept it.

- You can change it, Kalem.


I don't want this anymore.

(mystical music)

- Drogo.

- You think it's true?

Is the king dead?

- If he's telling the truth.

I don't believe him.

- You're just prejudice because he's from the wolf tribe.

- He's always disappearing off on his own.

- His whole family has just been m*rder*d.

He needs time.

- You believe him, do you?

All that stuff about his family.


- I suppose you

believe these rumors as well.

- Of course I don't.

It's just a cruel lie.

- Lie or not,

the people believe it.

I've got no way to prove them wrong.

Time will prove you to be the honest man.

- I wish I could be so sure.

(soft music)


Mondar, we come in peace.

- There's something not right.

- Mondar, are you there?


(dog growling)

- [Aruna] Alvar.

- Looks like Xax got him first.

- I'm sorry.

- Hey, it's not your fault.

(horse neighing)

(soft music)

- I knew it.


On all sides.

- Make sure the men are in position, captain.

And no mistakes this time.

- Yes, my lord.

You three, up there.

- What do you think?

- I haven't got a problem with it,

but I don't have enough rope for that sort of drop.

- Well, we got this.

Let's hope it's strong enough.

- Well, no time for hoping when we're halfway down.

(soft music)

- Alright, get a good grip.

You'll be fine.


(soft music)

- Everyone is in place, my lord.

There is no possibility for escape.

- Well done, captain.


(soft music)

- You're not gonna like this Alvar.

But I haven't got much choice.

(dramatic music)

- [Aruna] Hurry, Will.

It won't last much longer.

- I'm going as fast as I can.

- Come on.

- Where are they?

There's no way out of here.

- Maybe they--

- Maybe they what, Captain?

You fool.

No one could climb down there.

I want you to search everything.

Every pot,

every stone,

every damn chicken.


I want them found.


(soft music)

- This is not a coincidence.

Two ambushes in two days.

- What are you getting at?

- Today we went along the river.

There's not a man in Kale who could have tracked us.

They knew where we were going.

- How could they?

- I think what Will's saying

is that there's a traitor among us.

- They were surrounded, Kreel.

- Do you realize how repetitive you're becoming?

- Why don't you practice a little patience?

You're always preaching it.

He won't escape again.

- Perhaps Gadreth needs a little


Fetch Mondar.

- One of them is communicating with Xax.

There's no other explanation.

- Then we search them

one of theme must have something,

like a crystal communicator.

- Yes, but if they've already gotten rid of it,

we can't prove anything.

- And whoever it is only got.

- It's obviously the boy.

- You've been down on him from the start.

Typical cat tribe.

- Every night he goes to the forest.

That must be when he communicates with Xax.

- He's calling for the spirits of his family.

It's an ancient custom of the wolf people.

- How much do we really know about him?

He just says that he doesn't want to talk about it.

- You're spilling water on my dress.

- Oh, I'm sorry.

- Now look what you've done.

- Wasn't that palace etiquette.

I'm not the only one who needs a bath.

(playful music)

- Stop it.

- You think that's Xax's spy?

- Who was it insisted we take the route

through the valley yesterday?

I mean the warriors were there,

ready and waiting.

- Who was it that told us about the craftsman's house today?

- I can't believe it's Cyrana.

- [Leon] You can be deceive by a pretty face, William.

- Nonsense.

Look, if anybody's gonna betray us,

it's Vara.

She's the one who keeps talking about hanging me

in the city square.

- How can we find out?

We can't watch all of them all of the time.

- There is a way.

(soft music)

- [Will] Look, we're all wet and we're all tired.

- Well, I'm wettest and tiredest.

- We should reach a village soon.

We'll be able to rest up in safety for a few days.

- Do they have beds?

- Well, only for well behaved girls.

- You sound just like my governess.

Have you ever thought about doing that instead?

- I already am, your highness.

- Where is this village?

- It's over there

at the crest of those hills.

- We should reach the next canton tomorrow

if we go across country.

- Shouldn't we keep along the river?

It's safer.

- It'd take twice as long.

- We should go the safe bet.

You said they had trackers.

- Alright, we'll follow the river as you suggest.

After all, you know this region better than any of us.

- [Aruna] I hate this part of the country.

- [Cyrana] Why?

- Locals say there's some evil nightshades here.

- That's just superstition.

- We pass one of the old temples tomorrow.

- Where?

- About milos north of here.

- So, we'll see for ourselves if it's really haunted.

- You can.

I won't go near it.

- Ah, Kreel.

What news?

- We have a location for tomorrow.

- I meant of Mondar.

Oh Mondar.

I hope you're finished.

- I have, my lord.

- Beautiful work, Mondar,

beautiful work.

Have you adjusted the trigger as I asked?

- Yes, my lord.

Now, as you promised me.

- Promised you?

I'm sorry, you'll have to remind me.

- My child.

We agreed.

- Such naivety

for one so talented, Mondar, really.

- But you just can't--

- I can't.

I can't, I can't.

I think I can.

Take him away.

- But you promised me.

- A toast Kreel

to the end of William Tell

(soft music)

- We'll wait here.

- Why?

You said the village was just over the hill.

- We've got more important matters first.

One of you has betrayed us.

One of you is communicating our route to Xax.

- I wish.

- Last night, we told each of you

we were taking a different direction today.

Now we're just gonna wait and see which way Xax goes.

Is there anything yet?

(soft music)

- Wait.

- Vara.

- No, they're moving up.

(soft music)

- They'll stop at the stream.

I told you so.

- Wait.

They're moving out again.

- So I was wrong.

- That'd be a first.

It must be the temple.

- Cyrana.

You got some explaining to do.

- We must take Tell alive.

That is of course, if we can take him at all, Kreel.

- She said the temple ruins.

Doesn't she realize her father's life is at stake.

- Well, I have everything I need.

We can k*ll him.

- She's sacrificing his life

for the sake of an outlaw.

- I told you Tell was dangerous.

He's obviously bewitched the girl.

We should k*ll him the first opportunity we get.

(soft music)

- My real name is Gadreth,

daughter of Mondar, the craftsman.

Xax is holding him prisoner.

- So you knew he wouldn't be there.

- It was your craft,

that's how (inaudible) you.

- Kreel said it was the only way

to save my father's life.

He told me to join a refugee colony

and wait for you to rescue me.

- You knew the warriors were going to attack us?

- They told me they wouldn't be using death wands.

That they would only scatter the colon.

- And you believed them?

- What could I do?

If I help them, they save my father,

and I would be released.

- Hey look,

none of us would have known what to do.

You're upsetting yourself.

- They'll k*ll him now.

They'll k*ll my father.

- Is this it?

Is this how you spoke to Kreel?

(soft music)

- No, Aruna, wait.


We could have used that to trick Xax.

- There's still a way,


- We can only assume your daughter

has decided to sacrifice you

and putting her principles first.

- She's a good girl.

- I'm afraid you've outlived your usefulness, Mondar.

- Gadreth.

- Well, well, well.

I was wondering when we might hear from you.

- There was nothing I could do, my lord.

Tell changed our route.

I thought he suspected something,

so I got rid of the crystal.

But I managed to slip away.

- Tell me, Gadreth,

do you love your father?

- Of course I do.

Please, don't k*ll my father.

I beg you.

I can tell you where they're going now.

- Keep talking.

- They're going straight to the Shining River.

- Captain, ready the men.

- You are a good girl,

a very good girl.

But if anything happens this time, young lady,

you can expect never to see your father again.

- So, the Shining River.

- You stay here.

I'll fetch them.

- [Xax] No, I should be the one.

- I want Tell alive.

I want him to die before the widest gaze

as a common outlaw

and a m*rder*r.

We ride.

- Guards,

lock up the prisoners.

(soft music)

- Father.

- Oh, my foolish child.

You shouldn't have come here

into danger.

- All is not lost.

William Tell has promised to rescue us.

- And you believed him?

- Yes, why not?

- Child, what kind of a man is it

that puts his own life in danger

to rescue two people

who have tried to have him k*lled?

Yes, yes.

(slow suspenseful music)

- He's taken the bait.

- Let's not waste any time.

- Can I help?

- No, Drogo, it's too dangerous.

Go back to the cave

and help Alvar protect the princess.

- Oh, but I could--

- When you're older, Drogo.

(dramatic music)

- My lord.

- I have been a stupid fool, captain.

Xax, the girl has betrayed us.

- Briggard,

William Tell.

I know you're out there.

Listen well, Tell,

I'm about to get rid

of this old man

and his lovely daughter.

But, I give you a choice.

You can take their place.

Surrender unto me, Tell,

and I will spare their lives.

- We'll never get to them

before he kills them.

- I haven't got a choice.

- No.

This is all her fault.

You can't surrender yourself to save her.

She would have betrayed us all

if we hadn't caught her.

- Aruna, I gave her my word.

- Yeah, not to commit su1c1de.

Leon, tell I'm.

- Will, you were chosen to lead us out of the dark times.

We need you alive.

You can't trust Xax to let them go.

Drogo, what's he doing here?

- [Will] Whatever it is, he's given us a chance.

Come on.

- After the wolf boy,

one guard stay with them,

one guard come with me.

(uplifting music)

- Xax.

- Hello Tell.

And goodbye.

- Mondar.


(laughter) (screams)

(uplifting music)

- After them.

- They're following us.

- They're gaining on us.

- [Leon] Shall we split up?

- No, we should stay in a pact.

- This is hopeless.


- Quickly.

- Come on.

- All join hands around the crystal.

- Kalem, Kreel is right behind us.

- Trust me William Tell

as others trust you.

Concentrate on the crystal.


- They must have gone this way.

(angelic music)

- What is this?

- Where are we?

- It is my gift to you, William

to protect you on your journey.

Keep the crystal with you

and use it well.

It is from my spirit.

I must go.

This is draining my strength.

- Kalem.

- William you have learned much.

You have used your wits.

There is more than one way

to defeat your enemies.

(soft music)

- You're not stopping me this time, Alvar.

- Not thinking of leaving us again, are you princess?

Come on, I've got a surprise for you.

- [Princess] Hey Alvar.

- [Leon] Princess.

- I don't believe it.

I didn't think I'd ever be comfortable again.

This is my bed.

No one else is allowed in here.

These are all mine.

- Drogo, thanks for what you did back there.

You saved us.

Wow, it's better than it ever was.

- I took the opportunity

to make a few minor adjustments.

The least I could do.

- Thank you.

- And I would like you to accept this

for all your help.

- Mondar.

I don't know what to say.

- Now we must go.

- We can escort you the whole way.

- No, no, there's no need.

My brother's farm is just over the hill.

We should get there by sunset.

- Well, good luck.

- You be careful now.

- I don't want to stay with Mondar's family.

I don't want to be a farmer.

- Hey, they'll take good care of you.

You're really lucky.

- Bye Vara.

- A bow is customary when taking leave of a princess.

- Don't start that again.

- Why shouldn't I?

Etiquette is important.

- Bye, Drogo.

(soft music)

You look different without your disguise.

Maybe we'll pass through this way one day.

- I'll be waiting.

- Gadreth,

come on.

(soft music)

- We could be at the mountains by nightfall.

- If we keep our pace.

- The mountains?

Oh, we're not leaving already.

- Xax can't be too far behind.

We really don't have a choice.

- But the shelter.

It's warm, it's soft, it's dry.

You're only doing this because this makes me happy.

- Drogo.

- I'd be a terrible farmer.

The sheep would keep running away from me.

- Alright, come on.

(uplifting music)

- You are learning, William Tell.

(soft music)