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01x14 - Resurrection

Posted: 12/10/23 17:16
by bunniefuu
(light orchestral music)

- Oh, still no sign.

I wonder where he could have got to this time, Kreel.

- I'm telling you, he's given up.

Now, that he's k*lled Aruna, he's lost face.

With Kalem's power fading,

he's losing his own source of power.

- I'd just feel far more comfortable

if I knew exactly where he was, Kreel.

- Tell is finished.

We've raised our flag in every canton.

The kingdom is ours.


- Don't come back till you're sober.

- Here we are.

The sun has risen, looks like a lovely day.

- If they'd all just go home and go to bed.

- Hey, you!

There's a table out there needs clearing.

- Once I've done these.

- Now, come on, off, off, off.

Do as you're told.

- Gently with the lad.

It's way past his bedtime.

He has been working hard all night.

- I just want the table--

- That's all right.

That's fine, just ask him to do it and he'll do it.

- Do you mind clearing the table, please?

- I'll do it at once.


- How did that get in here?

- Just came through the back door.

- Would you mind taking the cat outside, please?

There's a good boy.

I don't like animals in the kitchen.

I believe you want to throw the others out and tidy up.

- [Vara] Why can't we go away from here?

- Because we're safe here, and keep your voice down.

- Can't we move on, Leon?

No one searches for us anymore.

- We can't be sure.

It's too early to say.

- We can't stay here forever.

- I know that, but where can we go?

Your people wouldn't accept me, Drogo.

My people wouldn't accept you.

There's nowhere where outsiders can be safe anymore.

And what are we gonna do about the Princess Vara?

- I hate this place.

And I hate being a boy.

- I like being a boy.

- Oh, you would.

- Wish Will was here.

- Yeah, well at least he always knew what to do.

(light orchestral music)

(rooster crowing)

- Wake up, animal, or I'll put you to sleep.

Clear that muck up before you eat.

- Yes sir.

- [Kalem] Enjoy shoveling pig dung?

- Kalem?

- The spirit never dies, William.

- I don't understand.

- You will.

You were close to fulfilling your destiny.

- What about your destiny?

- I was very close to extinction,

but here I am.

Still weak, but my strength's returning.

- Just tell me what's going on, Kalem.

- Aruna.

- There was no need to interfere.

She would never have harmed me.

- I know that now.

But did you, Will, at the time?

However, the past is past.

Now, we must return to the present and the future.

- w*r,



k*lling someone you love?

- Self-pity will not win back the kingdom for Princess Vara.

- Leave me alone, Kalem.

- Certainly nothing can be done about it

if people like you won't take up their responsibilities.

- Go away.

- You are not to blame.

- Maybe I'm not,

maybe it's you and Kreel using Xax and me as your puppets.

From now on you can fight your battles without me.

- If you won't fight to save the kingdom,

perhaps you will fight to save Aruna.

- What do you mean?

- Aruna is of the cat tribe, isn't she?

How many lives does a cat have?

- She's still alive?


- My coronation, Kreel.

- You must be patient, my lord,

till we flush out William Tell, and we will.


- Hello, cat.

How'd you get here, eh?


What happens when you lose a life?


(light orchestral music)

(rooster crowing)

What is it, Alvar?




No, Alvar.

It can't be Aruna.


Just wait a minute, I'll get my things.

(dramatic orchestral music)


I'm coming, Alvar.

(dramatic orchestral music)

Please, sirs,

I'm hungry, could you spare some of your tack?

- Go away.

- Go home.

- And come back when you learn how to behave.

(light orchestral music)

- [Man] Excuse me.


- I'm so tired.

- I know, so am I.

- It was bad enough when we were fugitives,

but this is even worse.

I'll never forgive Will.

- Sh, take care.

Look, you rest for a minute.

I'll take over here.

- No, you've got your own work to do.

- Sit down.

- Drogo, get on with your own work.

And you, boy, get on with yours.


You stink.

Hey, throw this rubbish out.

- Come on.

- Don't treat him like silk.

I said, "Throw him out."

- No need to get violent.

He'll go without any trouble.

Pay no attention to him.

We'll walk out like gentlemen.


- [Bolino] Are you deaf?

- You're right.

Some scum need to be handled roughly.

- [Will] Wait, wait!

- I never wanna see you again.

- I need your help.

- You're never going to get it.

- I think Aruna may still be alive.

- I saw her die.

I watched you k*ll her.

- Hey, why you being so hard on the poor man?

We can all end up destitute.

Bring him in and give him something to eat.

- No.

He's diseased.

He's not fit to mix with humans.

- You've changed your tune, haven't ya?

- So have you.

- So, where do you come from?

- Around.

- Eh, speak up.

- Nowhere, everywhere.

- Hmm, go to the scullery and tell 'em

to give you something to eat.

- Thank you, sir.

(light orchestral music)

- Drogo, leave it.

- Will?

- What?

- Keep your voice down.

- Will, it's you.

- Leon, we need to talk.

- [Leon] There's nothing to say.

- Please just listen to me.

I know you're angry with me.

I can understand that

considering what happened to Aruna.

I can't deny the part I played.

But Kalem also played a part.

Yes, Leon, Kalem.

But finally, Aruna's death is my responsibility.

I tried to hide myself from that truth.

And I couldn't.

It followed me around everywhere I went.

Then yesterday,

Kalem found me.

- Kalem?

- I thought she was dead.

- So did I, but she's alive.

And because she's alive, I wanna believe what she told me.

That there's a possibility that we can bring Aruna back.

- How? - I don't know.

- Kalem and Aruna are different things.

What applies to Kalem need not also apply to Aruna.

- But if there's any chance I can undo what I've done,

surely I deserve that chance.

- Yes, of course.

- Thank you, Princess.

- Speaking for myself,

I felt betrayed by you.

You k*lled our comrade, our friend.

However, if there is a chance of bringing Aruna back,

I would be as guilty as you if I refused to help.

I'll go with you.

- Thank you.

- I agree, I want us all to be friends again.

Above all, I want Aruna to be alive again.

- Me, too.

- Thank you.

- But where do we go to find her?

- Kalem?

- Talisman.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Alvar, where have you been?

- I'll give you one guess.

Look, there's the cat we saw.

- [Will] You've seen her, too?

- [Leon] Have you?

- Yes, it seemed to lead me to you.

- Well, perhaps it's led us here somehow.


It's like a signpost, marking somewhere.

- [Will] Exactly.

- I don't see anything.

Nothing that means much, anyway.

- It's gotta mean something.

- Smoke, just above those trees.

- Is that our target?

- Well, it's all we got.

Do we go?

- Come on.

- Where is he?

- [Bolino] Where is who?

- [Xax] You sent a message.

- Did I?

- You suspected William Tell of being here.

- Who?

- You want to die?

- Oh, no sir.

- Then speak.

- He's gone.

- The stranger? - Yes.

- Where are the others?

- They've gone with him.

- William Tell without a doubt.

- You should never have let him leave.

- I couldn't stop him.

- Which direction?

- There.

- [Guard] You're coming with us.

- [Bolino] I need to warn you.


- [Vara] Will.

(light orchestral music)

- Well, it doesn't look dangerous.


- Mm, mm.

Good, excellent, more.



Mm, mm.

Give me time to chew.


The strangers, uh friends.

Bring them to me.


William Tell.

- You know my name?

- I have heard of the legend.


- The eye has marked Tell, my lord.

- Excellent.

So, everything is going according to plan.

- Oh yes,

exactly according to plan.

- [Cicerone] Why have you come to see the Cicerone,

William Tell?

- To tell you the truth, Cicerone, I don't know.

A sign led us here.

- I can't help you unless you express your desire openly.

- A friend of mine died recently.

- Is this friend important?

- She's very important to the future of the kingdom.

- Is she important to you?

- Yes.

- Do you love her?

- Yes, I do.

- Aruna.

There isn't much time.

She lies in the Throne of the Thrones of the heroes.

- Where is that?


- Place the pendant on it.

Spin the pendant.

Wherever it points will point you

to your final destination, William Tell.

- West.

- [Will] Aruna.

- Mark it quickly, mark the location.

- I have it.

- Does this mean that Aruna is still alive?

- I have no more understanding

of the messages than you have.

It's simple.

If you don't want to join your beloved Aruna,

you'd better be on your journey.

- Thank you, Cicerone.

(light orchestral music)

(moves into dramatic orchestral music)

- [Leon] We'll have to find some shelter for the night.

- And food, I'm hungry.

- You're always hungry.

- She's a growing girl.

- [Drogo] I'm a growing boy.

- But you're not royal.

- So, only a princess can be hungry?

- No, I didn't say that.

- So, only a princess can be complaining.

- You can complain as much as you like, Drogo.

- Sh.

- [Leon] You've better learn respect for your elders.

- Sh, quiet.


- Food.

- And a fire.

- Right, stay here.

I'll go check him out.


- I spy, with what do I spy?

With my eye I spy.

The eye is mighty, the eye spies.

I spy with my little eye blinking, winking.

Blink on, blink off, blink on, blink off,

until my little eye feels like the sky.

- Look, I'm sorry to interrupt.

- Are you interrupting? - Yes.

- Well, you should never interrupt.

- I'm sorry.

- Well, it's just as well I've finished.

- Finished what?

Look, I'm a friend.

- Well, there are friends and there are friends.

Which are you?

- I offer no harm.

- Well, there is harm and there is harm.

Which do you offer?

- No harm at all.

- That's easily said.

- What's goin on?

- I do hate it when people do that.

- Do what?

- Awful lot of you, aren't there?

- If you call four people and a dog a lot.

- Well, I do, I do.

And I don't like canines.

Pretty difficult to control, canines.

Could they stay over there please?

- We stay together.

- All right, so, what do you want with me?

- We just wanted to ask you if we can share your fire.

- Not a lot left.

- I'll take care of that.

- Ooh, he is strong, isn't he?

Well, with that amount of fuel, it's your fire now.

Can I share your fire?


- [Will] Alvar.

- Yes, canines, you see, canines.

- [Vara] I'm hungry.

- Catch your own.

- Where?

- Beyond the beach you'll find the ocean.

I think there's still the odd fish in it.

- We don't have any lines.

- No food, no lines, you travel well prepared.


- [Leon] Do you earn your living as a clown?

- Can't you tell?

- Well, I can't speak for the others.

- Unless you're a ventriloquist.

- But I don't find you funny.

I find you irritating.

So irritating I think I might toast you on your own fire.

- Your fire.

Would you like to borrow my lines?

- I'd be extremely grateful.

- Here.

- Thank you.

- Bait?

- I thought you'd never ask.

Drogo, let's you and I go fishing.

(light orchestral music)

- [Clown] Charming man.

- [Will] I like him.

- I'm glad for you.


- What is this, Kreel?

- The Cicerone.

- The what?

- The guide, pointer of the way.

- Where is William Tell?

Answer me!

- He travels the Throne of Thrones.

- What's that?

- The spiritual home of our heroes.

- How do we get there?

- Shaytana's Eye will guide us.

No, the Eye never leaves me.


- Then you won't find William Tell.


- Give it to me, Kreel.


- Very well, my lord.


- Place the Eye on the map.

- Where?

- Beneath your feet.

- Place the crystal

on the post.


- No, Xax!

(ethereal orchestral music)


- It's so nice to have company.

You've no idea how lonely I've been.

- I can't imagine a clown being lonely.

- My only audiences these days are the birds and the beasts.

And they don't always get my jokes.

Perhaps I can travel with you.

- I don't think you'd find life

any more interesting with us.

- Oh, I can make you laugh.

- You haven't made me laugh yet.

- There's always one in every audience.

- Come on, everyone, let's go.

- You going?

- [Will] Yes, we have to.

- But you owe me for food, you owe me for warmth.

- All I can do is thank you for your charity.

- That's not enough.

- We don't have anything to pay you with.

- Yes, you do, you have him, you have the dog.

You have her.

- We stay together.

- She stays. - No.

- Then you must all stay.

- You can't prevent us.

- Oh yes, I can.

- Look, we don't have much time.

- Well, it just so happens that I've got nothing but time.

I've been guarding the entrance for years.

- Entrance to what?

- To what you seek.

- You mean that this is the entrance

to the Throne of Thrones?

- You pretend you didn't know.

- We didn't.

- Now, who's clowning?

- If that's the entrance, we have to go through.

- But you cannot, it's dangerous to go in there.

- Why?

- In the Throne of Thrones, the home of our heroes,

you will find the talisman,

the ultimate power of the kingdom.

- It's the talisman we seek.

- I am its guardian.

- Out of our way.

- [Vara] Well, where'd he go?

- It doesn't matter, come on.


- There's something there, Will.

You can't see it or smell it, but it's there.




- Darkness hides daylight.

I am the keeper of the night.

I am the soul eater.

Out of your essence I will generate power from your spirits.

I will gather more and more strength

until one day I will conquer the kingdom of Kale.


- Run!

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Is this it?

- The Throne of Thrones, the heroes' burial ground.

- That's Aruna.

She, a hero?

Hah, not as exclusive as I had thought then, Kreel.

- The first William Tell,

after whom the present one is named.

- We should hide, Tell will be here soon.

- The talisman, the ultimate power in the kingdom.

Whoever holds the power of the talisman

will always be master.

- [Drogo] Oh look, Aruna.

- Yes, there she is.

- You took your time.

- We had a little trouble.

- Did you know where this place was all along?

- Perhaps.

- [Will] Why didn't you direct us?

- You'd be a very poor hero

if you couldn't find these things out for yourself.

Pay attention to your namesake.

- What?

- William Tell the first.

- Whoever holds the talisman will be all powerful.


- He's going to take it.

- We must stop him.

- Wait, we cannot interfere now.

The die is cast.

What will be, will be.

- Ow! That's hot!

- Wear your gauntlets.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- I can't let go of it, Kreel.

Help me, help me, Kreel!


- Only the true hero can remove the talisman.

If anyone else tries, they're blasted to dust.

- So, Xax isn't the true hero.

- Clearly not.

- Ow.

- Why wasn't he blasted to dust then?

- He was carrying Shaytana's Eye.

That has sufficient power to save him.

- What are you doing?

- Going to Aruna.

- Get off me!

- The crystal has no power for evil

in this holy place, Kreel.

- Kalem, at last.

- You've had your turn, Kreel,

and you, Xax.

- She's cold.

Cold as ice.

- Are you prepared to retrieve the talisman?

- [Will] The crystal arrow.

- You have a choice, William.

Do you know what to do?

- This is what I have to do.

- [Leon] What?

You just saw what it did to Xax.

- Xax isn't the true hero.

- Is Will the true hero?

- [Kalem] If he can withdraw the crystal arrow, yes.

- And if he isn't, he's dust.

Is that it?

- [Kalem] If that is his destiny.

- Xax had the crystal to save him.

- And Will doesn't.

- [Kalem] Do you want to bring Aruna back, Will?

- Yes.

- Then the crystal arrow is your only hope.

- [Leon] Will.

- I have no choice, Leon.


What do I do now?

- The crystal arrow will tell you.

- Yes, of course, it will.


- Will.

Where am I?

- [Will] You're safe.

- I don't believe it.

It's a mistake, it can't be true.

You said I was the true hero.

Ever since I was a child, it was me, not him.

I am the true hero.

William Tell!

- Xax.

- If you are the true hero of Kale, then prove it.


- I have no desire to be a hero.

- Then hand over to someone who does.

- Weapons cannot be used here.

- Oh really, we'll see about that.


Fight with your hand then.

- I'm not gonna fight you, Xax, not here, not now.

- You are a coward.



- Let's settle this somewhere else.

- No, let's settle this here and now.


I'll exterminate you once and for all.

- Xax, it's me you want.

- Very well, I'll finish you off

and then I'll exterminate her.


(dramatic orchestral music)

- How many times do you have to be told?

There can be no deaths in this holy place.


- Vara!

- He's got Vara!

- Kreel.

What's he doing and where's he going?

- He's headed for the citadel.

- He's traveling faster than we can.

- Well, there's a pass through the mountains,

cuts off a great lot.

It won't be easy.

- We've got nothing to lose, come on.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Hyah, hyah.

(gentle orchestral music)

- [Aruna] We made it.

- We'll rest.

It's good to have you back.

- Is it, where have I been?

- Don't you remember?

- I'm not sure, it kind of all feels like a dream.

- Do you remember what happened between us?

- I remember I was really angry with you and then we fought.

- And then I k*lled you.

- Well, you can't have, I'm still here.

- The crystal arrow revived you.

- Now, you're making fun of me.

You knock me unconscious,

and now you're pretending I was dead.

- Whatever, look, it's good to have you back.

I missed you.

- You did?

- Yes.

I didn't realize how much until.

- There's only a couple of mouthfuls of snow water.

At least it's hot.

Restore your strength, Aruna.

- Thank you.

- And then we press on, right?

- Let me go.

- Now, now, this attitude will get us nowhere.

Sit there, please. - No.

- You are being stubborn.

Now, sit there like a good girl, a very good girl.

Sit there and relax and no harm will come to you.

- What are you going to do?

- Nothing to worry about.

Just making alternative plans.

Do not try to fight the crystal.

There's nothing to be frightened of.

You won't feel a thing.

It will be just like falling to sleep.

And when you awake, you and I will rule the kingdom.

Queen of Kale with me as your lord protector.

- You betrayed me, Kreel!

- Talk of betrayal, you refused to return the crystal.

- The crystal should be mine.

I am the lord protector.

- You are my creation.

Without me you would be nothing.

Now, be quiet while I try to recover her opposition.

- [Xax] What are you doing?

- Fitting another piece into the structure.

The crystal is removing Vara's spirit, her very substance.

Soon, she will be in my power completely.

When she is old enough, she and you will marry.

You will be anointed king, and William Tell will

be hunted until his dying days.

- Well, you had better hurry up

because he is on his way here now!

- I am very well aware of that,

but you cannot hurry the crystal.

Vara's mind is tougher than I thought.

But she can't hold out forever.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- [Leon] They outnumber us.

- We haven't got any alternative, have we?

- I suppose not.

- Release the Light.

Come to me, Vara.

Come to me.

Welcome Darkness.

- [Leon] We could scale the back wall.

- No time.

Vara's in great danger.


- [Will] What's happening?

- Kreel is taking over her mind,

infiltrating with the crystal.

- We have to just attack, take our chances.

- There isn't time.

She is almost lost forever.

- Well, what do we do?

- Destroy the crystal.

sh**t it.

- That's impossible.

Well, even if I could hit it from here,

the bolt would never travel that far.

- Use the crystal arrow.

- What?

- Use it.


(glass breaking)




- Oh no, you don't.

The crystal's destroyed.

We need time to gather ourselves to recover.

- Well, what about the crystal arrow?

- Have you learned nothing?

The princess is our passport out of here.

Come on!

(bouncy orchestral music)

- [Vara] All right, all right.


- I told you, Tell, you've had your last chance.

Prepare to die

- The crystal's destroyed, Xax.

Your death wands have no power now.

- Stand back and no harm will come to Princess Vara.

- Hand her over, Kreel.

- I warn you, she will suffer.

- No, I warn you.

Without the crystal, you are weaker than I.

- I wouldn't be too sure of that.

- Release her, Kreel.

- No.

- Release her!


- No, no.

- Vara, come to me.

- [Kreel] No.

- Oh, Tell.

- Surrender, Xax, you have lost.

- Never, we're gonna settle this matter

between us once and for all.




You're no hero at all.

- Will!

- Ooh.

(dramatic orchestral music)



(glass breaking)


(dramatic orchestral music)

You can't do it, can you?

Seize them.

- I told you before, Xax, the death wands have no power now.

- Not unless they're in tune with the Darkness.

- Or the Light.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Kneel before your lord protector.

And seize them.

What are you doing?

Where are you taking me?

Kreel, Kreel, help me.

Tell, Tell, you'll pay for this.

Tell, I will get you.

- The wisdom of Light will always defeat

the wisdom of Darkness, Kreel.

- We have won.



I can hardly believe it.

It's like I've woken up from a nightmare.

- That be how we all feel, Your Majesty.

- Now, I'm Queen of Kale, thanks to you all.

But your task is not over.

I still need your help.

Leon, you will be my Chief Minister.

- Will I?

- It is my royal command.

- In that case, Your Majesty, I don't dare argue.

- Drogo, you will be my companion and chief.

- Yes, all right.

- Your Majesty.

- Oh yes, Your Majesty.

- Aruna, you have proved your skill, strength, and bravery.

As a mighty warrior, you will be my Commander at Arms.

- Gladly, Your Majesty.

- And Will, my brave William Tell.

- With your permission, Your Majesty,

my work is done here.

My only wish is to return to rebuild my parents' farm

and tend to it as they would have wished.

- I can't let you do that, Will.

- But, Your Majesty.

- Well, not without protection.

- Protection for what?

- Aruna, as Commander at Arms, you are charged

with the task of personally defending our national hero.

- Your Majesty--

- Do you disobey me?

- Well, of course not, Your Majesty, but--

- But what?

You know what you have to do.

- Aruna,

I love you.

Be my wife?

- Yes.



- Your Majesty.

- Goodbye.


(light orchestral music)

- You are learning, William Tell.