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01x10 - The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior

Posted: 12/10/23 17:13
by bunniefuu
(adventurous music)

(gentle music)


- [Male] Have you ever seen the like in all of Kale?

- Most impressive.

- Now perhaps you understand, William,

why Xax and his followers hold no fear for we Mendicans.

These many years of conflict have not gone

to waste, I assure you.

- Yes, I can see that.

- You doubt my words?

- No, Assan, I believe you.

It's just that Xax,

he's not a Sark.

- The Sarks are a warrior race,

mountain people like ourselves,

whereas the Xax is a coward.

- Indeed he is and any one of these men

would be more than a match for him

if it wasn't for his weapons.

- Weapons.

What are weapons compared to the hearts of men?

You of all people should know this, William Tell.

Let Xax come to Mendican.

Let him try to make slaves of us.

We are ready.


- Drogo?

What's wrong?

- Nothing.

- Well aren't you gonna come back

and see the end of the ceremony?

- I'm sorry, Vara.

I just wanna be alone for a while.

- Where are you going?

- For a walk.

- I'll come with you.

- No, you'd better go back to the ceremony.

There may be wolves about.

Come on, boy.

- Well what about the wolves?


(tense music)



(wind gusting)



- No.


- Look out!


- No!

- [Assan] You must try this.

- Thank you.

This food is excellent.

- Traditional Mendican fare.

My wife insisted on preparing it herself.

You haven't met.

Leanna, come and meet our guest William Tell.

- [William] It's an honor.

- We hear a great deal about you

and your fellow rebels.

- Well we all have to be on alert

while Xax continues his reign.

- Is it true that he is preparing to attack us?

- We believe Xax has turned his attentions west

to the mountain regions.

- We must resist him.

- And we will.

I have explained my position.

Our forces are on standby and my own son

will join the battle at the head of his first platoon.

After his becoming.

- Coming?

- Another of our customs.

- Sending a boy to live in the mountains alone.

- When does he return?

- When he becomes a man.

(gentle music)


- [Female] They're savages.

I don't know why Will's bothering.

- Savages or not, we can't let Kreel and Xax

slaughter them without warning

and anyway, we need as many allies

as we can get in our fight to save Kale.

- No Mendicans have ever recognized the Kalian statutes

and they never will so why should we help them?

- Keep your voice down.

Vara's asleep.

Whatever else you may feel about our host,

at least they made us feel welcome.

- You call that a welcome.

I hate to see what kind of show they put on

for their enemies.


What's so funny?

- You.

Descended from a species of wildcat

and you have the nerve to call the Mendicans a bunch

of savages?

Well, how'd it go?

- They're gonna be annihilated.

- What did I say?

- Did you explain to them about the death watch?

- He won't listen to me.

Assan is too busy worried with the Sarks

to even think about what Xax is planning.

- Then we should leave, now, tonight.

We're not achieving anything

and for all we know, this place

is crawling with informers.

- [William] I don't think so.

- You trust them?

- Yes.

Up until a point.

It's one thing about the Mendicans,

they don't discriminate.

They hate everyone.

- Except the Sarks whom they despise.

- What's behind this endless w*r anyway?

- According to the legend, apparently the root

lies in the battle of Thamul Ka years ago.

A thousand Mendicans k*lled in a single day.

The worst m*ssacre in Mendican history.

- Anyway, let's get some sleep.

I'll continue the negotiations tomorrow

but if I don't have any luck, we'll have to move on.

(peaceful music)

(rooster crowing)

(dog barking)

- Benji.

Benji, it's me.

- Sark!

- Sark!


- What is it, what's going on?

- I don't know.

Some wild animal what it sounded like.

- Help.


What is this?

- Believe it is a route formation to the northeast.

Not far but it's wilderness.

There's nothing there.

- My son is there.

- What happened to the Sark?

- We lost him in the woods.

- What are you waiting for?

Send someone to fetch him.

- Bruno must survive alone.

It is his becoming.

- He may be hurt.

- You know our law forbids me to send anyone.

- Very well, then I'll go myself.

- Leanna.

- You would stop me by force, my lord?

- Go.

Bring him back.

- Thank you, my lord.

- You won't thank me if what I most fear is true.

The message.

It's written in blood.

- [Xax] The western territories, Kreel.

- [Kreel] Barbarians.

- The friendship pact of course.

The time for them to sign has long since past.

- So?

What do you want me to do about it?

- Well we can't let such insolence pass, can we?

- Leave them alone.

They'll soon tear themselves apart.

Save us the trouble.

- My word, you have gone soft, haven't you, Kreel?

Well it's a good thing for us at least one

of us is thinking straight, hm?

- Indeed.

Patience, my lord.

There is always another way.

(gentle music)

- Will says we might be moving out today.

- Does he?


- I don't think the Mendicans like us very much.

- Maybe it's you and the others

that don't like the Mendicans.

- Why should we?

They're animals.

- [Drogo] What do you mean by that?

- Exactly what I said.

They don't conduct themselves like civilized people.

- [Drogo] And you do, I suppose?

- Well yes.

- All you do is turn your nose up at their rituals.

What's civilized about that?

Better take care, Vara.

I've heard the Mendicans like to eat princesses.

- Bruno, Bruno!




- What happened?

- He was found at the base of a cliff.

- He fell.

- Yes and no.

He was involved in a fight with a Sark apparently.

- And now Assan wants blood.

He says he won't rest until the Sarks

have been wiped out to a man.

- I told you they're savages.

Let's get out of here.

- Bruno is their only child, Aruna.

- You're defending him?

He wants to k*ll an entire tribe.

- No one's defending anyone.

- Aruna, running away solves nothing.

We have to try to understand Assan.

Maybe we can prevent this thing from happening.

Who's gonna stop him if we don't?

- He wouldn't listen to what you had to say

about Xax so why should he listen now.

(downbeat music)

- Assan, my profound condolences.

- What do you want?

- Only to help if I can.

- This is a matter for we Mendicans alone.

- The map that enabled you to find Bruno's body,

may I see it?

Someone said that a Sark brought this.

I can't help but wonder why.

- Why?

- Yes, why.

Why m*rder Bruno then risk capture

to come here with a map to show you

where to find his body?

It seems odd.

- You have much to learn about the Sarks.

This is in keeping with their cruel nature.

They are taunting us.

Now we will have our revenge.

- I beg you to reconsider.

- This is none of your concern.

- But it is.

The princess we have in our charge

will one day be queen of Kale.

She is queen now by rights.

Therefore, by the power--

- You have no power here.

The Sarks have done this to my son.

Now they will pay.

(gentle music)

(throat clearing)

- Kreel.

Beautiful, isn't it?

A requiem for the people of Kale,

my people gave the ultimate sacrifice

to lay down their lives.

- I'm sure they'd be deeply honored.

- If only they understood.

Understood as you and I do, Kreel,

how the invasionary forces of the Xaxian warriors

are simply necessary to restore order.

- As defined in the prophecy.

- Yes.

Along with the crystal arrow.

- You really must not concern yourself, my lord.

- But I do, Kreel.

It is my duty as lord protector.

Now, the (mumbling) pact, what news?

- The pact will be signed, my lord, I do assure you.

- When?

- By the new morn.

- How?

- The rebel forces.

United they stand.

Divided they fall.

And they will fall.

It's written in the stones.

It's destiny.

Your destiny.

The destiny of Kale.

- You won't be able to sleep in

in the morning, princess.

- William.

- My lady.

- I don't want you to leave thinking we all

share my husband's views.

Many of us want to stop the bloodshed.

- I wish I could help.

- Then stay.

You fear my lord Assan.

You're not alone.

- William isn't acting out of fear, my lady,

but out of respect for your customs.

- Our customs?

If you look into the eyes of my people,

you'll see hatred.

We are a warlike people, William.

That's our legacy, our past.

But it's not our future.

The old ways are changing.

I only pray that Bruno's death may speed that change.

- How may it help?

- Don't you understand?

The ritual of becoming isn't just

about surviving in the mountains.

- Leanna.

What are you doing here?

- I think you know, my lord.

I will not stand by and watch the innocent

die along with the guilty.

- You shame me!

- No, the shame you feel is of your own making.

You sent my beloved son to his death.

Tell them the truth.

Tell them about the becoming.

What it is to be a man in Mendica.

You can not say it.

You can not say the words.

- Easy, Will.


- A Mendican boy becomes a man

when and only when he kills a Sark.

- Ironic.

- Assan.

I am sorry about your son.

- I don't want your sorrow.

I want vengeance.

- There is another way.

Allow my friends and I to find your son's k*ller.

Let us find out the truth.

If he's guilty, then you must punish him

according to Mendican law.

We won't interfere, I give you my word.

But if he's innocent, he walks free

along with all the Sark people.

- And why should I agree to this?

To prove I'm a good Kalian?

- No.

A good Mendican.

- You don't know these mountains.

You'll never find him.

- Let us try.

Give us five days.

- I'll give you one.

Til this time tomorrow, no more.

- Can't be much further.

- There, look.

That must be where Bruno fell.

- [Aruna] Or where he was pushed.

- Well, I think we should split up.

Leon, you take Aruna and make your way

to the top of that cliff.

The three of us will look around the bottom.

- Do you really think whoever k*lled Bruno's

still gonna be there?

- No but I can't think of a better place

to start looking, can you?

Come on.

- Look into the pool, my lord.

What do you see?

- The ring of stones.

- Precisely.

And yourself.

Even as a young boy you took the first steps.

Now the days have gone by.

The time has come for you to fulfill the prophecy.

- Need any help?

- Just a little out of practice, that's all.

What's that?

- It's the remains of a fire.

- No, the ring of stones.

- This was probably a place of worship

or sacrifice some time.

- Strange.

- What?

- It's almost like the place is watching us.


Did you hear anything?

- I'm not sure.

- Must have been a gust of wind.

What's that?

- Bruno's?

- It's a Mendican w*apon alright.

(bird cawing)

- [Vara] Can we rest?

- Course.


You stay here with the princess

and I'll check on ahead, alright?

- Why don't you watch and I'll check ahead?

- 'Cause it could be dangerous.

- I can look after myself.

- You've got nothing to prove.

You're a valued member of the team, Drogo.

- I may be a valued member but I'm not an equal member.

- What do you mean?

- Come on, Will, you see me as a child.

I'm always being told what to do,

always being looked after like Vara.

- Vara?

She's hardly an equal member.

She's the princess.

She has the highest (mumbling) of all of us.

- Then I have the lowest.

- That's not true.

Look, Drogo, I can't help it

if you and Vara are younger than the rest of us.

What would you have us do?

Live like the Mendicans, I suppose.

Send you to a lonely death on a mountaintop.

- You hate them just because they do things differently.

- No, I don't hate them.

They're a proud race, a noble race,

but look what's happened, a young man dead for no reason.

- He knew the risks, he paid the price.

- It's a pretty high price, don't you think?

- You don't understand.

- Alright, then go on.

Prove yourself to me if you must.

Why don't you climb this rock and throw yourself off?

See if you survive, will that make you a man?

Will it?

Drogo, wait here.

Come on, princess, we should move on.

- What's wrong with Drogo?

- Shh.

Is that a Sark tent?

- [Leon] I'm not sure.

- You stay here.

I'm gonna circle around and see what I can find out.

- [Male] Don't move.

- Drogo, wait!

- [Vara] Drogo!

- How many more of you?

- [William] No more, let her go.

- Get away from here.

When you're far enough away I'll release her.

Not before.

- What are you afraid of?

We mean you no harm.

- Who are you?

What are you doing here?

- We're investigating the death of a young man.

Bruno, a Mendican.

- Mendican!

- No, no.

We lead a resistance against Xax.

My name is William Tell.

- You're the William Tell they speak of.

- Yes.

- Alright, so you're not Mendicans

but you were sent by them.

- To bring a m*rder*r to trial

if indeed Bruno was m*rder*d.

- A trial in Mendica?

They wouldn't know the meaning of the word.

- You know anything about this boy's death?

- Why should I, because I'm a Sark?

Is that it?

- Father.

- [Male] It's alright, Misha, I can handle this.

- It's alright, just showing you.

Found this up by the rock.

- We wanna help you.

If you know anything, please, just tell us.

I can guarantee your safety.

- Please father.

We couldn't move him.

He's been in a fever since we found him.

- [William] You know him?

- This is Darak.

I am Misha and my father is Uluban.

- He has a fever.

He needs treatment and quickly or he's gonna die.

How far is it to the nearest Sark settlement?

- Three days.

- It's too far.

He wouldn't survive the journey.

- Are you forgetting our promise to Assan?

- Promise?

- I have one day to find out the truth in this case

or else.

- What are you suggesting?

That we surrender Darak to the Mendicans?

- To save his life.

- So that you can have him hanged?

Whose side are you on?

- I'm on the side of justice.

I promise I will do my best by him.

I give you my word.

- Like you gave your word to Assan.

- [Aruna] Will, he's getting worse.

- Look, you're just gonna have to trust us.

We really don't have any choice.

(somber music)

- He had been gone for several days.

When he didn't return we became worried

and so we went looking for him.

- You were lucky to find him.

- You don't know how lucky.

We got to him just before the wolves did.

- [Aruna] Has he come around at all?

- [Misha] Hardly.

When he does he's delirious.

He just mumbles about things.

- What things?

- Something about looking into a mirror, singing rocks.

None of it makes sense.

- She's exhausted.

Look, I'll take over now.

You go get some rest, huh?

- They're due to be married at the new moon.

- I see.

- What will happen to him?

- As soon as he's well enough, we'll try

to ascertain what role he played in Bruno's death.

- And then?

- He'll receive a fair hearing.

- From them?

You don't know the Mendicans very well.

And how will it work, this hearing?

Who's going to sit in judgment of Darak?


- The elders of the tribe, of course.

- With respect, Assan, they can hardly

be expected to remain impartial in this case.

- You've already broken one tradition in this matter.

The Sarks do not deserve such lenient treatment

but you may present your evidence if you have any

and you may speak for the accused

after which you must accept the judgment of the elders.


- Very well.

- [Leanna] I want to thank you.

- [William] For what?

- Saving so many people's lives.

- I wonder if I really have saved their lives

or merely postponed their deaths.

- Don't underestimate your achievement.

My husband respects you.

If things were different, he would join you

in your struggle.

- Instead, it looks like I've joined him in his.

- How so?

- [William] Delivering a Sark into your hands.

- Isn't that what you set out to do?

- Yes but.

I fear your people want revenge.

- Wouldn't you if that was your son

lying out there in the earth?

Just because my tribe are intent on revenge,

William, that doesn't make the Sark boy innocent.

You promised you would find out the truth.

I intend to hold you to that promise.

- I do understand, you know.

- What do you understand?

- Why you're so angry.

Because they treat us like children.

I'm not stupid, it upsets me too.

I just wish there was some way we

could prove to them that we're grown up.

I can't think of any, can you?

Well at least you're my friend, old boy.

- Where am I?

- Mendica.

It's okay, you're safe, no one's gonna hurt you.

- Mendica.

- What's the matter?

- What's my name?

- It's Darak.

Don't you remember anything?

You're a Sark warrior.

You were injured in a fight with a Mendican, Bruno.

Do you remember that?

- Is Bruno?

- He's dead.

What happened up on that rock, can you tell me?

Misha said you were talking in your fever.

- Misha?

- She's your woman, isn't she?

She found you.

She said you spoke of rocks singing

and something about a mirror.

Does that mean anything?

Darak, are you alright?

He's conscious.

- Can I see him?

- Yeah, of course you can.

Just don't stay too long, he's exhausted.

- [Misha] Thank you.

- Did he say anything?

- Yes and no.

He only remembers bits and pieces.

- What does he remember about Bruno and the fight?

- Well he remembers the fight.

He just won't go into detail about it.

Something happened up on that rock

and I think it's got something to do

with the ring of stones Leon and I saw.

- What do you mean?

What happened?

- I don't know.

He can't or won't tell me.

- Are you alright?

I was so worried.

How do you feel?

- A little better.

- Your wound.

- They're not too serious, though.

They'll heal up.

- We didn't want to bring you here.

We had no choice.

- Hey, hey, it's okay, it's alright.

- Darak.


- Wait!

- Misha!



What is it, what's wrong?

Look, you've got to give him more time.

It's bound to take a little while--

- It's not him!

- Then who, who's upset you?

- I meant it's not him!

It's not Darak in there.

- Look, you're tired, you need to rest.

- No, you don't understand!

He's an impostor!

- [William] Think hard, Darak.

Try to remember exactly what happened up there on the rock.

Every detail.

- I've told you.

We fought and he fell.

- Before that.

Think back.

Who att*cked first?

Was it Bruno?

Alright, we'll go back to the beginning.

You were out hunting.

You made yourself a fire to cook a meal.

What happened then?


He's not fit for trial, Assan.

He needs more rest.

- Let him answer.

- Who att*cked who?

- I don't remember.

- Alright, Darak.

Are you acquainted with the Mendican custom

of becoming?

That is when a young warrior--

- Yeah, I know of it.

- And you know that for a Mendican boy

to become a man he must first

k*ll one of your people.


That is what Bruno was doing up there that night.

He ambushed you, didn't he?

You do realize you're on trial here

for your life, don't you?

The map you threw into the camp.

Why did you do that?

Did you wanna save Bruno?

There was a ring of stones up there.

Do you remember that?

What do you know about them?


- Yes?

- I can't help you unless you help me.

Now for the last time.

Tell the court what happened.

How did Bruno die?

- We fought, he fell.

- Misha.

There you are.

We need you.

However hurt you feel, however upset you are

with Darak, you can't abandon him now.

- Why don't you listen to me?

- I am listening.

Darak is not Darak.

- It's true.

- And I am not Uluban and you,

you are not my only daughter.

The one thing in the world that gives my life meaning.

Listen to me.

He was injured.

He lay a whole day unconscious.

Don't you think any one of us after an experience

like that might seem a little changed?

What did he say to you?

- It wasn't what he said.

It was in his eyes.

I looked at him and I knew.

He knew I knew.

- Well then please, won't you tell me?

If that boy is not your future husband, who is he?

They're going to hang him.

You know that, don't you?

- It's like he's given up all hope.

He's preparing himself for death.

- So what happens now?

- Assan will question Darak.

- Closely followed by a guilty verdict

and a public hanging.

There is something we can do.

It's gonna take time though.

- What?

- We follow your hunch, Aruna.

We go to the ring of stones

and we try to find out its secret.

I think you may be right.

I think that's the key to this mystery.

- But we're due back in court.

- You're gonna have to stall them until we get back.

Come on, Drogo.

(gentle music)

- We came upon him at the base of the cliff.

He was ...

- Go on.

- He was dead.


We found his body on the rocks.

- What else?

- [Soldier] Wounds on the upper arm.

- Wounds?

- Afflicted by the Sark no doubt.

- While he was on his mission?

- No.

- What about Darak?

He was also wounded on the shoulder.

And what about Darak's meal, left uneaten.

Doesn't that prove that Bruno att*cked him first?

- My lord.

We do not have to listen to these lies.

- Patience, Golombek.

The time is late.

You may continue your questioning in the morning.

- We tried.

It's just a circle of stones after all.

Come on.

Well Drogo, are you coming?

- No, wait!


- Leon, prepare yourself for a shock.

- What's going on, where is Will?

- I am Will.

- What?

- I said I am Will.

- I have no time for this.

- [Aruna] It's true, Leon.

- Look, Drogo and I stepped into the ring of stones

and this is the result.

One moment I was looking at him.

The next at myself as though in a mirror.

- Drogo's mind inhabits Will's body.

He panicked and ran off.

We looked for him last night but we couldn't find him.

- Wait.

- You want proof?


The tent pole.

- Will?

- Go on, Misha, tell them.

- I don't know him.

It's not my Darak in there.

As soon as he woke from his fever,

he seemed to be another person.

- See what this means?

- The real Darak's dead.

- And the boy in there is Bruno.

- Kalem, what's happened to me?

- Don't be afraid.

You're a victim of the circle.

- The circle?

- The stone circle.

The center point of darkness and light, good and evil

since the beginning of time.

- Where am I, Kalem?

- Wherever you want to be.

- Give in, Kalem, give in.

Come, join me on the dark side.

(chanting "guilty")

- Kalem, where are you?

- Wherever you want me to be.

- The stone circle, release the power.

- It is yours to release.

It is within you, within us all.

- [Will] I need my own body.

- Then you'll need Drogo.

The real Drogo.

- [Aruna] But he's somewhere in the forest.

- Then there's only one course of action.


- Could be dangerous.

- Tried everything else, the truth

is the only thing left to us.


- Assan!

Assan, listen to me!

These proceedings are not over.

- You've had your say, (mumbling).

- But we have another witness, a vital witness.

The evidence I told you about, we have it.

- Very well.

- The defense calls William Tell.

- Bring him on then.

- I'm here, Assan.

I am William Tell.


Wait, here us out!

A magic spell swapped my body with this boy's.

The same spell turned Bruno into Darak

and Darak into Bruno.

Tell them, Bruno.

- You dare to mock us in our darkest hour?

- It is the truth.

- And who are you?

- The wisdom of light.

- The accused is found guilty.

The sentence is death by hanging

to be carried out immediately.

Take him!

(chanting "hang him")


- Why doesn't he speak up?

- Will.

- Drogo, you're back.

- I would have been back sooner

but I can't run in this body.

I want my own back.

I don't wanna be an adult after all.

- [Will] Come on, let's find Kalem.

- Misha, come away.

- No.

- We can't watch them hang Darak.

It's still his physical form.

Come away.

- Leave me alone!

- So, Sark.

Before you die, do you have any last words.

- I just wanna say I'm sorry.

- [Assan] Let the sentence be carried out.

- Stop, I have something to say.

If you are really Bruno, you will know this.

Please, tell me.

Are you Bruno?

Are you my son?

- Hang him.

- It is called a Rath.

It is the traditional w*apon given

to a young Mendican at the time of his becoming.

It is given to him by his father.

The one you are holding is mine.

There is no other w*apon like it.

It has an eagle's wing for speed,

a sheaf of wheat for a full belly

and a crescent moon to mark the day of my birth.

- Bruno.

- Bruno?

- Father, I am sorry.

- Why didn't you tell me?

- I thought it'd be simpler this way.

I didn't think you'd wanna know me looking like this.

- Cut him loose.

- No, Misha!

It's alright, it's alright.

Bruno was ashamed.

He'd set out that day to k*ll a Sark

according to the ancient lore of his tribe

but no sooner had the fight begun

when the stones worked their magic

and he found himself no longer the aggressor but the victim.

- Help, Bruno.

(mumbling) instruction after all.

Simply crying for help signed in his own blood.

- So do the Mendicans plan

to have camped further into the mountains.

- The scouts have reported the Xaxian army

is only a couple days march from here.

- Do they really plan to ask the Sarks

to join forces with them against the friendship pact?

- Assan wants to make peace with the Sarks.

He says he's learned a valuable lesson from all this.

- I think we all have.

- William Tell and the crystal arrow

will always defeat the power of Xax and (mumbling).

It is written in the ancient prophecy

of the wisdom of light.

William Tell and his rebel force

will defeat your spell of darkness, Kreel.

(adventurous music)

You are learning, William Tell.