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01x08 - Master of Doubt

Posted: 12/10/23 17:11
by bunniefuu
(majestic music)

(combatants grunting)

(combatants exclaiming) (blows thudding)

(combatants exclaiming) (blows thudding)

(loud whooshing)

(combatants exclaiming) (blows thudding)

(majestic music)

(combatants exclaiming) (blows thudding)

(loud choking)

(loud thudding) - Ah!

(loud whooshing)

(Will coughing)

(choral music)

- Are you all right?

- (panting) Thanks to you.

The princess, did they get her?

- She's with Aruna, we made it to the woods.

- Come on, take me to them.


(horse whinnying) (majestic music)

- Gather up the men, Captain.

We attack on my command.

- What about the princess?

- No prisoners.

- [Aruna] Drogo!

- Hey, Alvar.

- What happened to you?

They almost overwhelmed us.

- I'm sorry, I was unavoidably detained.

Where's Leon?

- He's out scouting the area. (Alvar whines)

Not much good it's gonna do him, though.

There's no way outta here.

- We'll have to see about that, won't we?

- Will, you're bleeding!

- What?

No, it's nothin'.

- I thought you were supposed to be the chosen one.

Well, you bleed like anyone else.

- (laughing) Sorry to disappoint you, Princess.

- You have a. (trees rustling)

- Someone's coming.

- So what are our chances, are we cut off?

- Well, there are some hills and forests not far away.

We could find shelter there,

but we'd have to cross the plain.

- Well, what's wrong we're staying here?

- [Will] Without food or supplies, how long would we last?

- Long enough to fight all of them, one by one.

- No, I don't think so. - Why not?

Two or three of them to each one of us.

It's not bad odds.

- Yeah, well if I wasn't wounded I might agree with you.

This is all my fault.

Thought if we were this far from the major settlements,

we'd be safe.

I relaxed.

(Alvar grumbles)

- How do you think he knew where to find us?

- He didn't.

If he did, he would've brought more men.

- Yeah, Xax got lucky this time.

- Look, we're wasting time.

What are we gonna do?

(choral music)

- We run for it.

- In open ground?

- It's just what Xax wouldn't expect.

Come on, let's go!

(dramatic choral music)

(crow caws)

- Well, look at that, a black crow.

Now when a black crow alights before a battle,

it means one of two things.

On the one hand, certain victory (laughing).

And on the other hand, a certain somebody

couldn't remain at the citadel until my return.

Kreel, what a surprise.

- I was concerned for your safety.

- You needn't have bothered, Kreel.

In a moment's time, all my enemies shall be dead.

- Don't you think it's unwise

to underestimate Tell and his men?

- Men?


You call that sorry bunch of renegades men?

- The powers are with them.

- Not today, they aren't.

Though, grant you, the blue-skinned one

may put up a struggle, and I hope he does.

There's been little sport today.

- It's Tell you should fear.

- Let him fear me.

- You think the student is greater than the master?

Do you think this revolt will end with Tell?

There'll be another and another.

- So be it.

After today I shall be the supreme ruler

of the Kingdom of Kale.

Then I shall take Shaytana's Eye,

and the full power of the crystal will be mine to control.

- But do you think it's wise

just to feel the power of the crystal?

Shouldn't you learn how to control it?

How to channel it?

- I know how to use the crystal, just you watch me.

(dramatic choral music)

- Kalem is with us, here's a mist coming into the valley.

- (scoffs) This is su1c1de.

- It's the only chance to escape, Aruna.

Leon, what do you think?

Drogo, Vara?

(Alvar grumbles)

Just leaves you, Aruna.

- Some are born to lead, and some are born to follow.

- Then it's unanimous.

All right, everyone, good luck.

Don't wait for anyone else and don't look back.


(dramatic choral music)

(woman exclaiming)

(man grunting)

- And remember what I said, no prisoners!

- Xax, Lord Xax!

Look there!

They're trying to cross the plain!

(choral music) (horse snorts)

- To what, to those hills?

Has Tell completely lost his mind?

(Alvar panting)

- [Xax] Ahoy, hee-yah!

(dramatic music)

- They've seen us! - Save your breath!

(horses snorting) (hooves thundering)

- We're not gonna make it!

- Don't look around! - Keep going!

(hooves thundering) (horses whinnying)

- It's no use, it's too far!

- Well, maybe we can reason with them.

(horse whinnies)

Maybe not.

- Well, he won't take me without a fight.

Go on, I'll hold them off.

It'll give you a chance to make it to the hills.

- And you call me insane?

- Better to die a warrior than a coward.

- This is hopeless.

(loud whooshing)

- Will, Will, look!

(choral music) (wind roaring)

- That's impossible! - Where'd it come from?

- I don't know, I'm not just gonna stand here.

Let's see what it looks like on the inside, come on!

(grunting and panting)

Come on, Alvar!

Alvar, come on! (gate rumbling)

- Will! - Get in there, go!

(Will grunts) (gate clangs)

(whinnying) - Ah!

(choral music)

- There's something wrong here, Will.

- We escaped from Xax, didn't we?

I see nothing wrong with that.

- But when I looked across the plain

before the mist came down, I promise you, this wasn't here.

How do you explain that?

- Kalem?

I mean, I'm sure she's with us, I felt her presence.

- Well, if this is Kalem's work,

she's acquired a sense of humor.

- You mean this is all magic, some sort of illusion?

- Illusion?

(loud knocking)

Doesn't feel like an illusion to me.

(somber choral music) (fire crackling)

- Now look, there's even a fire to welcome us.

- [Princess Vara] Listen, voices.

- [Aruna] Huh, chanting.

Some kind of worshipers?

- Leon, what are you thinking?

- There's something familiar about this place.

Perhaps from my reading of the ancient scrolls.

- Well, whatever it is, at least we're safe.

What's the matter with everyone?

Whoever let us in here has kept Xax out, just don't worry.

These walls are thick, they'll keep him out.

- And us in.

(horse snorts)

- No other exits or entrances, my lord.

- What in the powers' name is it, and what's it doing here?

(choral music)

- Lodasheekans, my lord.

We found them trying to cross the border

from the torrid zone.

- Well, well, well, Lodasheekens.

Yes. - Yes, sir.

Begging your pardon, sir, we ain't done no harm.

We were just on our way home.

- Stop your bleating, man. - Sir.

- I am the Lord Protector Xax.

You, of course, know me.

You, woman, do you pass this way often?

Well, speak up!

- Yes, my lord.

- Well, perhaps you'd be so kind as to tell me

what this structure is and who lives there.

Perhaps she needs a little encouragement.

(w*apon zapping) (woman screaming)

- No, please, we've never seen it before, I swear to you.

- Are you protecting William Tell?

- William? - Oh, don't lie to me!

William Tell, the outlaw!

Or perhaps you don't believe he's an outlaw.

Perhaps you don't believe

he m*rder*d our beloved king and queen.

And kidnapped the darling Princess Vara.

(suspenseful music)

Yes, yes.

You're part of his g*ng, aren't you?

Well I want you to open that citadel door or she dies.

- You're wasting your time,

to say nothing of dissipating your inner fury.

- Keep out of this, Kreel.

- He's not lying.

- I know he's not lying, Kreel, I'm not a fool.

These people are obviously demented, let them go.

I wouldn't want to dissipate my inner fury.

(soft music)

Set up camp, raise the siege!

We shall wait them out, however long it takes, Tell.

(somber music)

- [Will] Ah!

- Well, I'm sorry, but it has to be done.

- Thank you.

All right, that's enough.

Okay, look, this is what we'll do.

Drogo, Leon and I will take a door each

and see what we can find.

No heroics, just take a look around.

And we'll meet back here.

Aruna, you stay with the princess.

(Alvar whines)

- Well why do I have to babysit?

Why can't Drogo stay?

- Yeah, why can't Drogo stay?

- Yes, why not me?

- 'Cause if Xax gets in here,

I want the princess to be well protected.

- And I can't protect her alone?

Is that what you're saying?

- Yes, well no.

Look, what are we arguing about?

Just do as I ask. - No, thank you.

(somber music)

- I'll look after the princess, shall I?

- [Kreel] It must be inhabited, someone left them in.

- They would have opened fire on us by now, Kreel.

We are unprotected.

- Perhaps they're waiting for the right moment.

- You think that ancient monument poses a threat to me

and my warriors?

- I sense some powerful magic here.

You yourself said we're unprotected.

Why take the risk?

- Very well, send for reinforcements.

- I already have?

- What?

- Well, you had so much of your mind.

I didn't want to worry you.

(somber choral music)

- [Aluna] Hello, hello?

- Where is she?

- Sorry Princess, you mean Aruna?

- Kalem!

If this is Kalem's doing,

then why isn't she here to greet us?

What's going on?

- I'm sure there's a simple explanation.

- Well now you sound like William Tell.

I think he's wrong.

Can't he be wrong?

If he bleeds, then he can be wrong.

- [Leon] Will did lead us to safety.

- This is safety?

Then where are all the people and where is Kalem?

Why won't she show herself?

And why did she have to make this place so scary?

- I don't know, Princess.

(loud thudding)

(soft music)

- Hmm.

(soft music)

(loud clattering)

- Wait, it's me!

- The creature's head came off.

- What?

Well don't worry, it's empty.

What is it, some kind of body shield?

- It took me by surprise.

Have you seen anyone?


- What?

- You know what.

I mean, why did we run?

I might expect it from Leon, but from you?

- It seemed like our best option.

- My tribe are Aborians.

They don't run from their enemies.

- Well I'm sorry, I did what I thought was right.

- You shamed me.

From now on, if we make it out of here alive,

I go my own way.

- Will, Will!

I'm sure they can understand us.

They either can speak or they won't.

- Hello.

Who are you, what is this place?

What do you want form us?

Come on, answer me.

- Which one of us are you asking?

Well, does it matter?

- Not at all!

- Well, what's your name.

You, what's your name?

- I am Tamlin.

- Tamlin.

And you?

- I a Tamlin.

- So you look the same and have the same name.

Isn't that a bit confusing?

- We do not have the same names.

I am Tamlin.

He is Pinto.

- Well, why did you say your name was Tamlin?

Forget it.

What is this place called?

- This is Castle Doubt.

- Castle Doubt?

Why haven't I ever heard of it?

Was this food for us by any chance?

Come on, let's just eat it.

It's harmless enough.

- I wouldn't be so sure of that, William Tell.

- Who are you?

- I am the master of this castle.

Thw brothers are my helpers.

- You called me by my name.

- The legend goes before you,

even out here in the wilderness.

- All right, so if you know who we are,

are you gonna help us escape from Xax and his men?

Is that why you lead us in here?

- I will neither help nor hinder you in your quest.

All I can promise is that while you are here in Castle Doubt

your every need will be met.

A word of warning, however.

Here in Doubt, everything has an opposite,

a mirror image.

Nothing is ever quite what it seems.

That piece of fruit you're about to eat, for example,

may very well be poisoned.

- Say that again?

- One of the bowls is entirely good to eat.

For all I know, you may have chosen it.

One bite from the contents of the other bowl however,

will mean your certain death.

- Is this your idea of hospitality,

giving your guests an even chance of surviving dinner?

- I'm sorry, that's the way things are here.

I would help you understand,

but as I say, I don't know which bowl

was poisoned, either.

Tamlin and Pinto, they will help.

- Well, why should we believe you?

Your servants have already lied to us.

- Lied?

That would be Pinto.

I'm afraid Pinto is a terrible liar.

He never speaks the truth, no matter what is asked of him.

Thankfully his brother Tamlin more than makes up for him.

Tamlin is incapable of lying.

- I see.

So all we have to do is work out which one is Tamlin

and he'll tell us honestly which bowl of fruit is poisoned.

- I guarantee it.

- Good, because I already remember which one's which.

You're Tamlin, aren't you?

- Yes.

- And you're Pinto. - No, I am Tamlin.

- Yes, but you would say that because you're Pinto

and you always lie.

- No, I am Tamlin, he is Pinto.

- Which bowl of fruit is poisoned?

- That one. - That one.

- Which one of you is telling the truth?

- I am. - I am.

- Which one's lying?

- He is. - He is.

- Thanks boys, you've been a great help.

- I would remind you, you entered Doubt

entirely of your own accord.

While you're here, I'm afraid you must accept our rules.

- Well, what are we gonna do now?

- Well, haven't we forgotten something?

Well, where's Drogo and Alvar?

- I saved his life, Alvar.

The warrior had him like this.

It's not that I need a reward.

You know that.

Just to be treated as an equal member of the team,

not someone to be looked after, not like some pet.

(Alvar groaning) Well, dog.

(Alvar groaning)

Don't look like that, you know what I mean.

(Alvar groaning)

Oh, nevermind.

Look, we're not gonna find anyone here.

The place is deserted.

Let's go back.

Alvar, not that way.

This is the way we came.

Or is it?

- It's like they've simply vanished into thin air.

- Will, you can't give up!

You have to find them.

- We're not giving up, Princess.

- For what it's worth, I don't think Drogo

and Alvar are in any danger.

I mean, whatever we think about this master,

he doesn't seem to be about to let Xax in.

- Perhaps he doesn't need to.

What if the master's Kreel in disguise?

- We were out there on the plain.

They could have simply cut us down.

- What fun would that be?

This is Kreel's handiwork, it has his trademark cruelty.

My guess is that the fruit is poisoned, all of it.

- No, no, I believe the master when he says

he's neither for us or against us.

This isn't a form of t*rture.

This is a test.

- [Leon] What are you going to do?

- The princess must eat.

You, which bowl of fruit did you say was poisoned?

- This one.

- So this fruit's all right then?

(ominous music) - Yes.

- And of course, your brother would say different,

but no matter.

You have an honest face.

You're Tamlin, aren't you?

The truth teller.

- Yes, I am.

- Don't be a fool, Will.

- What do you think, Aruna?

Would it be foolish if I bit into this apple?


Or would you consider me a coward if I didn't?

What would you do?

- We can hold out for a while, Will.

We don't have to play their games.

- Don't worry, Leon.

I'm not about to bite into this apple,

especially seeing as this man's a liar.

(loud crunching)

It's delicious.

Do you have your own orchard, Pinto?

(Drogo sighing)

- This is hopeless.

We've never been this way before.

What's this?

(dramatic music)

(Alvar growling)

It's all right, Alvar.

(dramatic music)

It's just some sort of costume.

(dramatic music)

And look, a w*apon of some kind.




(armor clattering)

- Not hungry?

- How did you do it?

How did you know he was lying?

- Well, it was something in the eyes.

He was too sure of himself.

It wasn't that hard to tell.

- You didn't know, did you?

You guessed.

- Leon, does it matter?

- You could have died!

- Well, if I had, at least you would have known

which bowl of fruit to eat.

(Alvar panting)

(Drogo groaning)

(sword ringing)

- Look, even if this is Kreel testing us,

what else can we do but to meet every challenge?

- [Leon] Is that what you really think?

- What do you mean?

- I'm not blind, Will.

That business with Aruna.

You were trying to impress her with your courage.

- A leader must be brave.

- What good's a brave leader

if he also happens to be dead?

- Leon, that's. - /, Will!

You gambled everything to prove your worth.

- You know your problem?

You think too much.

- I'm a Heraclean.

- Ah, Heracleans, Aborians, there's no pleasing any of you.

Is Xax still outside?

- Oh no, he's left.

- Good, then we're leaving too.

Take me to the exits now.

- There is no exit.

- How do we leave?

- You cannot leave Castle Doubt.

You will die here.

- He's lying.

(armor clattering)

(sword ringing)

(door hinges squeaking)

(dramatic music)

- Focus, sir.


- I am focusing!


- Nothing, not a scratch.

- Let me try again.

I almost had it then, Kreel.

- No, no more.

- I said let me try it again!

You wanted fury and I have fury enough to spare.

- True, my lord.

You get better with each passing moment,

but I'm afraid it will make no difference.

- Why not?

How can that be possible?

What kind of material can withstand

the power of the crystal?

- The answer is simple but more puzzling.

- Yes?

- According to my divinations, that which is in front

of us is not in front of us.

- You're not making any sense, Kreel.

- No, it's simple.

Our weapons have no effect because despite all appearances,

the castle does not exist.

- I can always rely on you for a excellent appraisal

of the situation, can't I?

(majestic music)

- Oh, whoa!

(majestic music)

(fire crackling)

- Don't worry about Drogo, he can take care of himself.

- Are we prisoners here?

- Well, in a way, yes.

But then in another way, no.

I guess that's why they call it Castle Doubt, huh?

Nothing's certain.

- What about your mission?

Is that still certain?

- Yes, Princess.

You will take your father's place and rule this land,

just as you would have wanted.

I mean, whatever happens, we can't let Kreel

and Xax take the throne from you.

They'll destroy everything your father stood for,

compassion, decency, freedom of speech.

Someone's got to stop them.

Anyway, get some sleep.

Things'll look better in the morning.

- You know, you talk about freedom,

but when you give an order, you expect it to be carried out

just like Xax does.

How are you any different?

(dog howling)

(dramatic music)

- It's all right, boy.

I'm a friend.

- Go on, eat.

If nothing else, it'll warm ya.

- Ah, you're a bit young to be an outlaw, ain't ya?

- Quint! - Well, he knows

I don't mean nothing by it.

Eh, Drogo? - You nevermind him.

Get your broth.

- That's right, boy.

You eat up and we'll see about helping

these friends of yours.

- Thank you. - Oh no, there's no need

to thank us.

We've got no love for this,

what do they call him?

Lord Protector, a man like that ain't fit to rule.

So, William Tell is innocent, you say?

- He didn't k*ll the king.

It was Xax.

Will rescued the princess to save the kingdom.

- Save the kingdom?

Well, he's a hero.

That's what he is.

- Listen Drogo, there's a village nearby, Boroglas.

There are good people there, they'll listen to your story.

- How far is it?

- Not half a day's walk to the west of here.

- I can run if you point the way.

- What, now?

- Tomorrow may be too late.

Thank you for the food.

- Oh no, no, no, well, wait, wait, wait.

See, I know the quickest way.

I can take you.

You have some more broth for us,

but you're gonna need all your strength for the journey.

- He is right, Drogo. - While you're at it, Maia,

bring a bowl for the dog.

Good boy, Alvar.

Good boy.

(soft music)

- Kalem?


(choral music)

Kalem, I need you.

Are you angry at me as well?

Is that it?

Just tell me what I'm supposed to do.

If I act, I'm a fool, but if I do nothing,

then I'm a coward.

(chime music)

(soft music)

You know, I was even beginning to believe you Kalem,

thinking that maybe I was the chosen one,

but I can't be, can I?

Otherwise, I'd have some idea of what to do next.

(mouse squeaking)

Kalem, Kalem, is that you?

It is, isn't it?

(choral music)

Nah, it's nothing, just rat.

(choral music)

- He must have been exhausted.

- Yeah.

- No matter.

What a foolish idea anyway.

He'd never make it to Boroglas this hour of night.

- Maybe not.

I'll tell you what I think is foolish, Maia,

is taking him at all.

- Why? - Think about it.

Who would believe his story?

- Citadels appearing out of nowhere?

- Well, saw it too.

They'd believe him if we back it up.

- Oh yeah, and how about put about

that we're in league with William Tell?

- What are you getting at?

- He doesn't stand a chance.

They'll turn him in, or if they don't, he'll die in battle.

- Quint!

- Whereas, no, no, no, hear me out.

There'll be a big reward.

(rooster crowing)

(Alvar snoring)

(rooster crowing)

- Quint?

(soft music)

(rooster crowing)

(Alvar grumbling)

- Well if he won't do anything, then we have to

before he gets us all poisoned.

- What can he do?

Be reasonable.

- Well, he could fight.

If he won't fight, then I will.

Just let me get my hands on Xax.

- Will you ever learn not to be so rash?

Think for a minute.

- There's enough thinking going on

and not enough doing.

- Listen, self-sacrifice proves nothing.

If we die, then there's no hope for the kingdom.

Whereas, if we could negotiate.

- Oh, surrender. - Negotiate with Xax,

reason with him.

- There you go again, the peace-loving Heraclean,

the gentle giant.

If I only had half your strength,

I'd be the greatest fighter in all of Kala.

- If I had half your charm,

I'd be the best negotiator.

(door latch clicking)

More of your poison, old man?

- Only in one of the goblets?

- What did I say? - Alas, every good thing

has its evil counterpart, such as life.

But Pinto and Tamlin are here to help you.

They will answer your questions.

- It's you we want answer from.

- Where is Drogo?

- Ah yes, the boy.

He is no longer with us.

He found an exit and has left the castle.

- Why did you let him?

- He was free to leave, as are you all.

- Show us the exit.

- Exits?

There are two.

- What a surprise.

- Take us to them.

- Now Leon, let me go with the master alone.

There's something I want to discuss.

- I think we should stick together.

- I'll be back soon, I promise.

- No!

We don't take orders from you anymore.

- Since when?

- We've agreed.

From now on, things are gonna be different.

- Is this true, Leon?

- I'm sorry, Will.

My allegiance is to the princess.

You can gamble with your life all you want,

but not with hers.

- I see.

Well, what do we do now?

I assume the two of you worked out a plan

of some kind.

Let's hear it.

- [Xax] Tell, can you hear me, Tell?

I have something of yours, some kind of animal.

- Ow! - Curious though,

it was on two legs.

- Drogo!

- I have been very patient with you Tell,

but now my patience has run out.

Either you surrender or I will k*ll

the boy/dog creature.

You have until the sun reaches its zenith.

- Princess, you asked me what the different was

between me and Xax.

Well, now you know.

You two just figure out what you're gonna do,

I'm going with the master.

- Well, what about Drogo?

- Quint, come here, please.

You did me a great service today, Quint.

- Yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.

- Seems I was wrong about you Lodasheekans.

I should reward you, shouldn't I?

- Oh, thank you, sir.

May the powers be with you and your men, sir.

- How kind.

Unfortunately, there's a small problem.

You see, when Tell comes out of there,

I'm going to have to k*ll him.

In fact, I'm going to have to k*ll all of them

and I can't have you running around the countryside

telling everyone that their hero, William Tell,

was butchered by their new king now, can I?

- Oh, I won't tell anyone.

You can trust me, sir.

I understand completely.

- I don't think you do understand, Quint.

(w*apon ringing) (Quint groaning)

- Not much for a home.

- I think I know what's going on now.

- Yes?

- Ever since we came here,

we've been at each others' throats.

You're doing it, aren't you?

You're testing us somehow, so just tell me.

How can we prove ourselves to you?

- If I answered that, it wouldn't be much

of a test, would it?

- So I'm right.

What is it that we have to learn?

- The answers to these questions must come from you.

- From me, why?

- Because you are the architect of Castle Doubt.

You built it.

- I built it?

- Each of us has a secret place, a sanctuary inside us.

We retreat to this place whenever we cannot

face the realities of our lives.

What is so easy to enter can sometimes prove

to be difficult to leave.

The sanctuary becomes a prison.

- Wait a minute, I'm not imagining this.

Now we're standing here.

This is real. - Fear, doubt,

these things are as real as any stone walls

once given into.

- Castle Doubt is constructed from my fears?

I don't believe you.

You're lying!

You know, I may not have all the answers,

but I'm not a coward.

I fear nothing.

- Nothing? - No!

(wind whistling)

- Will! - Aruna!

Wait, wait. - They're all dead, William.

She is the last one.

- How did you get in here? - Your friend Leon

let us in, said he wanted to make a deal.

I, of course, k*lled him for his pains.

- It's true, Will.

- I saved the Princess Vara.

It's such a pity I can't save this pretty young thing,

but I can't.

So, say goodbye.

- No, no, Aruna!


(dramatic music)

- A harmless illusion.

You see, in doubt, there is self knowledge.

Fear and cowardice are two quite separate things, Will.

Shall we continue?

(horse whinnies)

- What are they doing in there?

- Two doors,

one leading to freedom, or at least the freedom

to be m*rder*d by our enemies and the other.

- Sudden death.

- Some choice.

And naturally, I may not know which is which.

- The brothers will. - Be there to help me,

of course. - It seems hopeless, I know.

But understand this.

Only when you can conquer your problems

can you be truly free, and to do that,

you must use your head.

You have a big heart, Will, but it alone is not enough.

- What do you mean?

- You think you're surrounded by uncertainty,

but that is an illusion.

In fact, there is great certainty here.

Take the brothers, for example.

Tamlin never lies, Pinto can do nothing else.

They lived by the strictest codes.

Is that true of your world, of the world outside?


Then where is the certainty,

in your world or in mine?

(choral music)

- What are you waiting for?

We have to save Drogo.

- I know that. - Well then come on, let's go!

- We don't know the way to the exit.

- We can go the way we came.

- No, that way is sealed shut.

- You tried.

- Last night while you were sleeping.

(choral music)

- What color is this apple?

- It is green.

- That's true, you're the truth teller.

- Yes, I am.

Then which goblet is poisoned?

- Are you asking me?

- Which one?

- The one on the left.

- [Aruna] So what do you suggest we do, surrender?

- I think it's our only way of saving Drogo,

but you have to promise me not to do anything stupid.

(acoustic guitar music)

Vara, no!

- [Aruna] Vara!

- She drank some water.

I don't know if it's enough to k*ll her.

Come on, we're getting out of here.

(dramatic music)

- Till the sun reaches its zenith, you said.

- I know what I said, Kreel.

He'll come out.

He has to come out.

He's a hero, isn't he?

He's not about to let some innocent

little child/dog die, is he?

- I figured it out.

Well, mostly.

We just have to figure out which question

to ask the brothers.

That'll tell us how to leave this place.

The same question would have told us which fruit

was poisoned, which cup of water.

Do you see?

All this time, I thought it was our courage

that was being tested.

It's really our wits, our ability to think.

- Which way?

- Somehow I know if we just ask the right question,

we'll prevail over Xax.

That's what the master was trying to tell us.

- Which way?

- Come on Leon, you're the thinker.

Help me work this out.

- Look I believe you, but it's too late.

If we can convince Xax that Vara is no use to him dead,

she at least may be left alive.

We have no choice but to surrender.

Now show us the way to the exits!

- Through here.

(dramatic music)

- k*ll him.

(Drogo gasping)

- Two choices Leon, just as before.

One of these doors leads out of the castle.

The other, certain death.

- Do you have a question?

- No, I have the answer!

I'm gonna put you through the door, both of you,

and we'll see which one of you comes out alive.

Now, which one of you wants to go first?

- Leon, v*olence isn't the way.

This is what I'm trying to tell you.

We have to think our way out of here.

- Oh, now you are so strange.

Now you exercise caution?

What happened to the man of action?

What happened to the man who bites

into a poison apple on a whim?

- Look, she's barely breathing!

- That's it, we're going.

- No, Leon, no! - Aruna, pick a door.

- Aruna, listen to me.

- This one! - No!

- No Leon, don't!

(door slamming)

This isn't the way.

What is the question?

- This isn't the way out.

(loud thudding)

What's that?

- The wall.

It's moving.

(majestic music)

- Wait a minute.

You, which door would your brother send me through?

If I asked the way to freedom,

which door would he point to?

And you, which way would your brother send me?

Of course.

Way to a certain death.

Leon, Aruna, come back!

(loud banging)

(loud rumbling)

I can't hold it!

(Leon grunting)

- Wait!

So, your master is prepared to sacrifice you

for his cause.

We have more in common than I had at first thought.

Just remember, it was his decision

that you should die, not mine.

(majestic music)

(Leon groaning)

(chime music)

(epic music)

(electric guitar music)

- Drogo!

- Lord Xax, look!

- How?

- Just as I thought, it was never there to begin with.

- Where is he, where is your leader, where is Tell?

- Behind you, my lord.

Drop your weapons or he dies!

- (laughing) He can't k*ll me.

He hasn't got the nerve.

Seize him!

Seize him, you fools.

He's bluffing. - I could be,

but there's an element of doubt, isn't there?

- Kreel?

- My lord, I'm here.

- Do something.

- What would you have me do, my lord?

- Kreel, please.

(loud whirring)

(Will groans)

(Aruna gasping)

(air whooshing)

k*ll them!

(majestic music)

(dog barking)

- No!

(people shouting)

Leave the weapons where they are.

- Alvar!

Alvar, good boy.

- Hey Alvar. - Drogo!

What are you doing?

- You fools (laughing).

- This magic can't protect you, not from all of us.

Each one of us will get through.

- Is what she saying true, Kreel?

- My lord, if you don't control yourself.

- Just give me a straight answer.

Can she do it or not?

- Yes!

- Well Xax, looks like we have a standoff.

(dramatic music)

(electric guitar music)

- [Maia] More warriors are on their way.

You better head for the mountains.

- [Will] What about you and the villagers?

- We'll go to the torrid zone.

Xax and Kreel have no power there.

- Well, thank you for everything you've done.

Drogo told me what happened.

- Quint put a sleeping draught in his food.

I should have known he would.

I followed.

I was too late to do anything but watch.

- Well, what you did today restores a glimmer of hope

to the people of Kala.

- I'm glad.

It's not why I did it.

Quint was no good.

I lost my chosen one for all that.

- Well, goodbye.

(birds chirping) (soft music)

(chime music)

- I'm sorry, Will. - I want to apologize, too.

- There's no need.

Everything you said back there was true.

I mean, I was acting like a fool.

We nearly all paid the price.

Besides, it wasn't really our fault, it was the castle

preying on our greatest fears.

- Well, if that's true, I discovered my greatest fear,

losing your friendship.

- And me, my pride.

(fire crackling)

- But what about you, Will?

What did you discover?

- I discovered lots of things.

- Well, are you gonna let us in

on your little secret?

- What?

- How did you find out which brother was lying?

- I didn't.

- But then. - Look, take the truth teller.

Now I asked him which way his brother would send me

if I asked the way to freedom and he answer truthfully,

pointing at the door leading to certain death.

Now if I asked the same question to the liar,

he knows his brother would send me to freedom,

but of course he lies about that.

- And sends you to your death!

- It's the same either way, whichever way they point to,

that's the path I avoid.


- Goodnight.

(choral music)

How could you have doubted him even for a second?

(chime music)

- [Kalem] William!

- Kalem!

I thought you had deserted us.

- Perhaps I should.

Relying on yourselves makes you stronger.

- Yes, I see that now.

- It's not enough to be the chosen one.

You must learn how to lead your people.

- The castle, did you?

- It was a test.

- You, it was you all the time?

- Did you expect it to be easy, Will?

This responsibility of yours?

If I always help you out of danger,

then in time you won't be worthy of my help.

- It was all so real.

I mean, if we had failed.

- You survived with no help from me.

You have shown that you can act with restraint

as well as courage.

You are learning, William Tell.

(chime music)

(choral music)

(chime music)

(upbeat music)

(loud thudding)

- You are learning, William Tell.

(choral music)