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01x04 - Hidden Valley

Posted: 12/10/23 17:06
by bunniefuu
(dramatic rock music)

(dog whimpers)

(horse whinnies distantly)

- Come on, men!

(dog pants)

- Yes, Elvar.

You'll have some when it's ready.

- Mm, smells good, Leon.

What is it?

- My own very special stew,

fit for a princess.

Going to revive our tired bodies.

(Drago grunts)

- I overslept, Leon, why didn't you wake me?

- You were exhausted, like all of us.

- Nonsense.

- If you carry on like this we're gonna start

making mistakes and fall right into Xax's hands.

(dramatic music)


- This is all fabrication, Kreel.

I'm not related to any of these!

- Granted, my lord,

but the chart could be made to prove anything we wish.

- Why?

- Well, in the unfortunate event of Princess Vara's death--

- She chose to oppose us,

and therefore she must suffer the consequences.

- Exactly, but in that tragic event

the people will rest easier if they believe

that you are a genuine successor to the throne.

(children yelling distantly)

This scheme of yours is getting out of control, Kreel.

I can barely hear myself think

but for scores of screaming children!

- The Xaxian brigade is the key to the future.

- No, Kreel.

The destruction of William Tell is the key to our future.

- Will!


- [William] Drago?

- Warriors, right behind me.

- Did they follow you?

- No, their noses.

They can smell that in the next town.

- [Aruna] William.

- Right, quick, come inside.

(horse whinnies distantly)

- Spread out.

Find them!

(horse whinnies)

(pottery shatters)

- Kalem!

You saved our lives, thank you.

- You must be more vigilant, William Tell.

I cannot keep saving you from trouble.

You are draining my spirit.

- But, Kalem.

- You are their leader.

It is up to you to protect them.

(dramatic music)

- They lost him, Kreel!

- I've never found it wise to chase a feather in the wind.

Best to let it settle and wait for word.

- From your group of young spies, I suppose?

- Trustworthy, loyal servants of the kingdom.

With them throughout the land,

our eyes and ears will be everywhere.

- What's this?

- A list of our enemies.

- Count Zeraf?

Count Zeraf?

Yes, a very attractive wife if I recall.

She'll need some consolation once I k*ll him.

Reeve Dunlag, Cieran Petra, Delaine Foye,

what are these names, Kreel?

- They were compiled by our young spies.

William Tell may be our greatest enemy,

but he won't be our last.

With our youth brigade, we can discover and crush

every revolt as it is hatched.

- Maybe I should take a look at your young recruits.

- It's all my fault.

I fell asleep.

- No, Drago.

It's not your fault.

We're all tired, we're all making mistakes.

Now that they've destroyed my pot,

I won't be making any more of those stews

they can smell in the next valley.

We need a safe place to rest, Will,

and restore our strength.

- I haven't felt safe since leaving the citadel.

It all seems so long ago, though.

- Where is safe?

Xax's patrol seem to be everywhere.

- Wherever it is, I hope it's not far away.

- Turn your thoughts away from that place, William Tell.

- Why?

It's perfect.

I have a place we can go.

- Be warned, that is not the way.

- You've chosen me to lead, and that's what I'm doing.

- Fate chose you for this task, William Tell.

May I remind you of your quest to find the crystal arrow,

and that your own actions alone decide your destiny?

If you choose wrongly, you must face the consequences,

and so must the whole kingdom.

Be warned, William Tell.

(ominous music)

- All praise to Lord Xax, our mighty leader.

- [Children] Praise Lord Xax, our mighty leader.

- Lord Xax defends us against our enemies.

- [Children] Lord Xax defends us.

- We dedicate our lives to him.

Our lives are yours Lord Xax.

- Our lives are yours, Lord Xax.

- Oh, Lord Xax.

This is Lucien.

- So, Lucien, you're the leader of this little group, yeah?

- Yes, Lord Protector.

- Excellent, excellent.

One day you too may become a great leader like myself.

Do you know what this is, Lucien?

- Xaxian Caddis, Lord Protector.

- Yes, an award of great honor given to very very few.

You are now a member of my army, Lucien.

Wherever you go, your eyes and your ears

will be the eyes and ears of Lord Xax himself.

Where do you live?

- In the Hidden Valley, my lord.

- The Hidden Valley, yes.

Yes, the name's familiar, but not the place.

- No one ever goes there, my lord.

- But, if they did?

- I will report them, Lord Protector, immediately.

- Good boy.

I want you to return and observe your tribe,

your friends, your family, and your parents.

- My parents, Lord Protector?

- Yes, Lucien, even them

for there are many in this world

who would seek to destroy us.

- I'll fight to the death before I let them, my lord.

- Good boy.

- What did I tell you?

With troops like these

the future of the kingdom is secure.

- We'll see, Kreel.

We'll see.

(gentle dramatic music)

(distant screaming)

(Princess Vara screams)

- It's all right, princess.

It's just a cobweb.

- Will, what are we doing here? It might be a safe place,

but I wouldn't want to spend the night here.

- [William] It's on the way.

(suspenseful music)

- [Drogo] What is this place?

- [William] I think it's the forest of the dead.

(Elvar barks)

(all gasp)

- What do you desire, William Tell?

- You know me?

- I know all sorts, living or dead.

Whom do you seek?

- I seek my parents.

- Oh, their souls can find no resting place.

- Tell me, are they here?

- You must look in your heart for the answer.

- Everybody keeps telling me that!

You must know.

- True knowledge must be learnt.

It cannot be given.

- The way they died.

Do they blame me?

- Look inside, William Tell,

before it is too late.

(Drago growls)

- No, wait!

Don't go!

- Will, was that Kalem in disguise?

- If it was, then perhaps we should heed her words.

Will, it's getting late.

We can't stay here.

This place is only for the dead.

- Leon, do you think my parents are here too?

- Shh, princess.

There's an old Heraclean saying.

If the beast sleeps, walk by with silent footsteps.

(gentle emotional music)

Are they asleep?

- Finally.

They're both really worried about Will.

- Well, I just think Will wants to be alone.

(thunder crashes)

- Elvar, shoo, shoo!

(dramatic music)

- k*ll that dog!

- Xax!

- Turn away from those thoughts, William Tell.

- How can I, Kalem?

- You must for the sake of all who rely on you.

- William, your father will be home soon.

Would you milk the cow?

- My parents relied on me.

I let Xax k*ll them.

- That was not in your power to prevent.

- So you say.

What do they feel?

Are they lost souls?

Do they blame me?

Answer me!

- When will you learn?

- Yeah, I know, I know.

The answer's in my heart.

In that case I know the answer, Kalem,

and I know exactly what I must do.

(thunder crashes)

They will be avenged!

(dramatic music)

- Lord Xax.

What are you doing?

- I saw something.

- You saw something?

- It was a cry, like an angry child,

like something I should remember, someone.

- A face?

A name?

- Just a sound, a fleeting, fleeting glimpse.

Maybe it was just that boy today.

- Lucien?

- Our lives are yours, Lord Xax.

- He reminded me I never had a childhood of my own.

I never knew my mother nor my father, only you, Kreel,

always you.

(gentle dramatic music)

(birds chirp)

- Who's there?

Show your face!

- It's me, young sir.

No need to shout.

- What do you want?

Let go of me.

(ruffian snickers)

- Oh, we will, sir,

just as soon as we've seen what you've got first.

- Hey, let go!

I have nothing.

Let me go, or it'll be the worst off for you.

(both laugh)

- Maybe it's hidden.

Nothing, eh?

That looks like something to me,

a very great deal of something.

- No!

(jewel zaps)

- Do you want some of the same?

Well, take it, come on.

Take it, take it!

(eerie vocals)

- I don't like the look of that.

- Don't worry, that's the Sentinel.

It guards the path to the valley.

- Looks ready to fall.

- It won't.

It was put there many centuries ago by the tribe.

The legend says that whoever moves the Sentinel will die

and the soul of the tribe will fly free.

- How do you know about it?

- I used to come here when I was a child.

The people of the Hidden Valley are kind.

They'll shelter us until we're rested again.

- Is this the only way in?

- Yes.

- Easy to get trapped.

- Don't worry.

Come on, let's meet my old friends.

(Elvar grunts)

(gentle music)


(Elvar whimpers)

It is Glarn, isn't it?

- That's my name.

- It's Will, remember?

Little William Tell.

- If that's your name, who am I to doubt it?

- Wait!

Can I come inside and talk to you for a minute?

- If you wish.

- Strange greeting from an old friend.

- No, something's wrong.

It's not Glarn at all.

She's usually so full of life.

I'll go inside and talk to her.

Leon, you might want to look around.

- Will!

- Come on, princess.

I'll try again.

(knocking at door)

- I have a bad feeling about this place.

- So do I.

Let's be careful.

- This place is fascinating, princess.

It's made up of caves and tunnels

that are all linked to a central cavern.

Here, through there.

(gentle dramatic music)

- Visitors.

- Belen?



Doesn't anybody remember me here?

Glarn, it's William Tell.

I used to play here when I was a child.

How's your husband?

It's Chark, isn't it?

- He's at the mine.

- Mine, what mine?

- Chark works at the mine.

- [William] There wasn't one here before.

What kind of mine?

- I don't ask.

It's not good to ask questions.

Questions cause unrest.

(gentle dramatic music)

(water rushing lightly)

(birds chirp)

(eerie vocals)

- Are you sure this is the right place?

- Of course.

I mean, I know these caves well.

Look, I'll show you around.

Glarn, is it all right if I take a look around,

see what I remember?

Okay, princess.

(dramatic music)

- Right, have a drink.

- Hi.

Where have you been?

(Aruna sighs)

- Drogo, Aruna?

What did you find?

- Trees, flowers, and a pretty little stream.

- Drogo, can you hear me?

Answer me, what's going on?

- Nothing.

- Will, what's wrong with them?

- I don't know.

Look, you stay here.

I'm gonna go look for Leon.

- [Vara] Drogo.


(dramatic music)

- Good, get your drink.

- What's happening?

- [Guard] Next.

- It's one of Xax's crystal mines.

- [Guard] Come on, get on with it.

- Very different from the one we were in.

- Different how?

- They all seem too calm.

They're obviously slaves,

but they don't seem too bothered

about being down in the mine.

- Good.

Have a drink.


- Those people are farmers.

They wouldn't go down in the mine willingly.

- I saw one of the guards slip something

into the water they're drinking.

- Well, that's it.

That's why the woman was so lifeless.

That's why Aruna and Drogo are acting strange.

Come on.

(gentle dramatic music)

- Aruna, speak to me.

What's wrong with you?

(Elvar barks)

- What Elvar?

Do you want a drink?

(Elvar growls)

- Who are you?

- I'm,

never mind who I am.

What are you doing creeping up on me?

- I live here.

- That doesn't give you the right to spy on people.

- I have every right.

I have the Xaxian Caddis.

You can touch it if you like.

(eerie vocals)

- [William] They're in here, Leon.

- [Leon] What else have they eaten fresh?

- [William] I'm not sure.

- Will!

- Contaminated.

It's lithomarge, all right.

- What's going on?

- Leon, what can we do?

- We'll have to get a lot fresh water in them for a start.

- [Lucien] Mother!


It was given to me by Lord Xax himself.

- Well, your father will be so proud of you.

- Mother, who are those strangers in our valley?

- I don't know, but one of them claims he knew me

from a long time ago.

- He could be lying.

I should report him to the guards at the mine.

- Wait until your father gets back.

We'll see what he says.

- You haven't been talking to them, have you?

- No.

- Well, don't!

You know the penalty for harboring strangers.

(suspenseful music)

- Look inside, William Tell,

before it is too late.

- Oh, good.

- How are they doing?

- About the same.

- Well, keep feeding them water.

- Okay.

- We should try and find the antidote to the lithomarge.

- Is there one?

- A mixture of five herbs.

- Do you know where to find them?

- Well, if the lithomarge grows here, so will they.

It's nature's law.

- This must be one of Xax's schemes,

turning a whole village into mindless slaves.

- If that's true, we're not safe here.

- Why? It's not like they can be any harm to us.

They're not capable.

- We don't know that, Will.

If Xax is behind this, he'll have his spies about someplace.

We should move on in the morning.

(ominous music)

- [Lucien] All praise to Lord Xax, our mighty leader.

- [Children] Praise Lord Xax, our mighty leader!

- The darkness.

Lord Kreel.

(thunder crashes)

- These strangers are not our concern, Lucien.

Our work is to mine the crystal for Lord Xax.

- I have to report them, father.

It's my duty.

I will go and tell the guards at first light.

- If you do, the warriors will come.

There'll be v*olence, deaths.

- Like before.

- Your grandfather, your uncle.

- They were traitors, I see that now.

You have nothing to fear.

Lord Xax won't harm loyal subjects.

- So, how are you feeling now?

- I fear water is not enough.

I'll have to find the antidote tomorrow

before we move on.

- I want to lie down again.

- [Drogo] So, do I.

- Leon, I'll take first watch.

(thunder crashes)


- It is dangerous to harbor such hatred.

Xax will feel it.

You will bring him to you.

- Let him come, Kalem.

Let him come.

- You are doing things for the wrong reason, William Tell.

Revenge is not the answer.


- I've had visions again, Kreel.

This time with flames and death.

- [Kreel] Here, sit here, sit here.

Gaze into Shaytana's eye, gaze deeply.

- Xax.

(dramatic music)

- Faces.

- [Kreel] Who are they, my lord?

- They are old people,

two old people.

- Mother.


- Go back, spirits.

Go back.

- A man and a woman.

They cry out.

I see them.

- Who are they?

Where are they?

- No.


- William?

- I knew them, Kreel.

The parents of William Tell.

- Xax.


- He calls me.

- Where is he?

Where is William Tell?

(dramatic music)

- [Kalem] Be warned.

That is not the way.

(birds chirp)

(stew bubbles)

- Spying again?

I was just looking for a pot to borrow.

- Who are you,

and what are you doing in my valley?

- Your valley?

- I live here.

It's my duty to protect it for the kingdom.

- Protect it from what?

- Traitors, rebels like yourselves.

- Why do you think we're rebels?

- You creep about spying, not wanting to be seen.

- And, what if I were to tell you

William Tell is our leader?

- William Tell, well that proves it.

- You think William Tell is a rebel?

- Of course, Lord Xax says so.

- What if Lord Xax is lying?

- Lord Xax never lies.

William Tell kidnapped Princess Vara

and plans to k*ll Lord Xax himself.

- He didn't kidnap Princess Vara!

- What do you know, peasant?

- More than you, stupid boy!

- We'll see who's stupid when I report you to the guards.

- No, wait!

(Vara groans)

- The warriors will come, and you'll all die.

- Now, stop!

Do you know what this is?

- Of course, it's the Diamond of Kalla.

How did you get it?

- My father gave it to me.

- What did he do, steal it from the dead princess?

- He got it from his father

who in turn got it from his father,

my great grandfather.

- But, that would make you--

- Your sovereign, Princess Vara.

Kneel, peasant.

- So, this is the antidote?

- I just have to mix the right combination.

- [William] Is there more?

- Mm-hmm.

- Good, we'll need it for the others.

- What others?

- The people here in the valley.

- Why?

- To free them from their sl*very.

- Will, these are Xax's people.

For all we know, they've already reported us,

and Xax is on his way here.

- All the more reason to free them before he arrives.

- All the more reason for us to leave.

- Not without helping.

- Maybe they don't want to be helped.

As Vara says, they seem happy enough.

- What are you suggesting, that we just walk away?

I'm sorry, Leon.

I can't do that.

- Maybe they chose to live this way, Will.

Maybe that's their choice.

- They don't have a choice.

I can't believe you're speaking like this.


- You say these people are not the same,

but neither are you.

- What?

- Kalem warned you against this, but you ignored it,

dismissed her warnings.

Something is driving you, Will, and it's dangerous.

- Leon, look.

Just help me.

I can't leave the friends I know like this.

I promise, we'll leave straight after.

Would you leave Aruna and Drogo in that state?

- Of course not!

- Well, then help me.

(dramatic music)

- I don't understand.

Lord Xax is good.

- He k*lled my parents, and he wants to k*ll me.

Is that good?

- I'm supposed to report you

to protect the Kingdom of Kalla.

- But, if I'm telling the truth,

if I'm the princess and you betray me,

then you betray the kingdom, not protect it.

Would you betray your parents?

- They're not traitors.

- But, if they were.

- They're not.

- But, will Xax believe that if he comes, if you call him?

They've let us stay in the valley

without reporting us, haven't they?

- I'll speak up for them. - But, will Xax listen?

- Of course he will.

I'm one of his trusted servants.

I have the Xaxian Caddis.

- Let me see that.

- No, don't touch it.

I have to think.

(dramatic music)

- Morning.


Good morning.

- What are you doing?

- This water's poisoned.

A wonder you're not all dead.

- You mustn't do that.

You'll contaminate the water.

You have no right to do that.

When Xax hears.

- Have you sent for him?

- No.

- Good.

There's plenty of pure water in the stream if you prefer.

Drink your fill.

Good morning.

(uplifting music)

(ominous music)

- So, this is the Hidden Valley, Kreel?

- [Kreel] What about it?

- Isn't this where your latest protege, Lucien, hails from?

Why didn't he report to us that Tell was hiding here?

- He obviously hasn't seen them yet.

- Or, your scheme is flawed.

You can't trust children, Kreel.

- How long will the antidote take to work?

- In the quantity, almost immediately.

It'll be like jumping into an icy stream.

- Will it last?

- It should.

We should try and get some good food into them

as soon as we can.

- Slaves, how can we be slaves?

- Can you choose not to go to the mine?

- No.

- Then you're a sl*ve.

We all are.

Don't you remember what it was like

before the warriors came?

- I grew crops.

I was a farmer.

- Yes, and?

The stream.

- The stream, yes.

I fished.

- Yes, you did.

We all did, and we danced, and sang, and made merry.

Do you remember, everyone?

We were free to do as we chose.

- But, that was before.

- No, that is now.

We're free again.

I say enough.

I refuse to be a sl*ve any longer.

Who's with me?

(townspeople cheer)


A sl*ve or a free man?

What do you choose, husband?

- Free man.

- Mother?

What's happening, mother?

What are you syaing?

- The truth, my son.

- Mother, when Lord Xax hears this,

you'll all be k*lled.

- Who'll tell him?

- It's my duty.

I have the Xaxian Caddis.

- [Man] Seize him!

- No, no!

(jewel zaps)


I didn't mean,

I couldn't help...

(townspeople chatter)

(dramatic music)

- Well?

For better or worse, sounds like it worked.

- Yep.

Well done, Leon.

- Just wait and see.

- Help us, please!

- They're out hunting him now.

They fear he'll betray us all.

- We'll help you look for him,

but it may already be too late.

I believe Xax is on his way.

- If he is, we're finished.

- No, we're not.

We'll fight, if you'll show us how.

- We'll show you.

- Fight?

We don't stand a chance.

- We don't have a choice.

So, we fight?

- We fight.

- All right, then.

Let's look for Lucien.

Drogo, you go to the entrance to the valley

and look for Xax.

Elvar will stay with the princess.

- Aw.

- [William] Come on, let's go.

(Elvar groans)

(birds chirp)

(dramatic music)

- Ah, I see we're getting closer to the boy.

- We have no need of him now, Kreel.

- I wouldn't be too sure of that.

He's cunning and biding his time, waiting to strike.

- Hello?

Who's there?

- Your royal highness, may I come in?

(Elvar growls)

- We'll be at the mines soon.

- He's reached the guards, it'll be too late.

- Will, Will!

- Drogo, what is it?

- Xax is coming.

He's crossing the plain

- I haven't betrayed you or anyone.

- I believe you.

- But, when Lord Xax learns how my parents have changed

they will die.

Can't you stop him, your highness?

- Me?


Lord Xax wants me dead most of all.

- Then my parents will die as yours did.

(dramatic music)

- Well, these won't do any good against Xax.

- They could if we got organized hit and run squads.

- We haven't got enough time.

With only one way out of the valley we'd be massacred.

- If there's only one out of the valley,

there's only one way in.

- The Sentinel?

- Yes.

We have to find a way to move it.

- But, legend says whoever moves the Sentinel will die.

- But, if we don't move it, everyone will die.

(eerie vocals)

(Xax snickers)

- The Sentinel.

Sound the drum.

I want them to tremble before they die.

- Do you think you can make it, Aruna?

- On better days, easily.

- [Leon] Let me try.

- Leon, up there even my worst day is better than your best.

(dramatic music)

(Aruna grunts)

- Aruna!

- No Leon, I'll go.

- You'll never move a rock like that.

- Remember the legend.

- Go back and collect Vara.

- Leon, no!

(suspenseful music)

- No, Aruna!

Keep back.

You know what they say about the Sentinel.

There's no point in both of us dying.

- You don't believe all that, do you?

- Of course not.

(suspenseful music)

(Leon grunts)

No, Aruna!

(Sentinel crashes)

- Vara, no!


(Princess Vara screams)

(Lucien screams)

- Will!




Will, come on, talk.


Help me, someone!

(eerie vocals)

- A way out.

This tunnel must lead to the main cave.

(horse whinnies)

- It's completely blocked, Lord Protector.

- Then perhaps you can start clearing it, captain.

(eerie music)

- It's not right.

If anyone is going to die it should be me. I moved the rock.

- [Drogo] It was Will's idea to move it, Leon.

- When I get my hand on that traitorous little spy--

- [Vara] Lucien didn't betray us, Aruna.

- [Aruna] Well then who did?

Who brought Xax here?

- I did.

I brought him here.

I wanted revenge.

Forgive me.

(dramatic music)

- We have cleared a path through, Lord Xax.

- Finally.

(Xax yells)

- No Will, you can't die!

- Kalem!

Kalem, where are you?

- I am here.

- Save him.

Save Will, please!

- He's the chosen one.

You can't let him die.

- Only you can save him.

- Me?

- All of you.

He betrayed you, your trust.

He led you into danger,

and now you must forgive him for that.

- We do.

Help us.

- Each take his hand.

Quickly, his spirit prepares to fly.

Breathe life.

- [All] Breathe life.

Breathe life.

Breathe life.

Breathe life.

Breathe life.

- It's working.

- Concentrate.

- [All] Breathe life.

Breathe life.

Breathe life.

Breathe life.

(William whimpers)

- Xax!

(drumbeats sound distantly)

- He's broken through.

(dramatic music)

- Your little spy better get a move on, Kreel,

or he will be too late.

- Patience, patience.

- Challenge Xax?

- I'll challenge him to single combat.

That should give you all a chance to escape.

- He'll get his warriors to cut you down,

and then he'll come after the rest of us.

- I brought him here, Leon.

What else can I do?

- You, check that one!

And, that one.

That one up there!

- Fight alongside the rest of us.

- And, we'll be proud to die beside you, William Tell.

- Will?

- Lucien!

- Please, follow me.

- What?

- This way, I can lead you to safety.

- There's no way out that way, my son.

- There is, it opened when the Sentinel fell.

Believe me!

- Believe you?

- Please, it's your only way to escape.

You've got believe me.

- I believe him.

- Princess!

- Let's go.

- Come on, Elvar.

- Come on, everybody.

Follow us!

(townspeople chatter)

(dramatic music)

- [Vara] Where are we?

- Safe, your highness.


- The soul of the tribe flies free.

- So, the legend is true?

- Lucien.

- My son.

- There's no one here.

There's no sign, my lord.

It's as if they've vanished into thin air.

I found this in the mud.

- All praise to Lord Xax, our mighty leader.

- [Children] Praise Lord Xax, our mighty leader!

(wind blows)

- So, where will you go, Chark?

- North, we thought.

- There's some pretty rebellious people up there, I hear.

- When I'm queen, Lucien, I'll give you a royal medal.

- I've had enough medals, your highness.

Just thanks will do.

- Leon!

I almost forgot, for you.

(Aruna laughs)

(all laugh)

- Drogo?

- I know, fetch some water.

(all laugh)

(dramatic rock music)