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01x03 - Darkness and Light

Posted: 12/10/23 17:04
by bunniefuu
(adventurous music)

(soft music)

- Mendican ales.

Which one do you recommend?

Yes, it's a good color.

I'll try it.

Oh, may the powers smile upon us.

- Still no sign of him?

- No.

- I don't like it.

- He'll be here.

- Too many warriors.

They don't usually take this much notice

of their traveling markets.

I think we may have walked into a trap.

- You worry too much, Leon.

Drendol's in no great hurry.

He's a captain of the guard,

he'll come when he's good and ready.

You just concentrate on being inconspicuous.

It's one of your least developed skills.

- So why would Drendol want to meet you here?

Why not see you in the Citadel?

- Graz! - Oh no!


- I think I know the answer to that one.

He obviously had some shopping to catch up on.

- Be careful.

- Get up.

- One rotten lipan in the whole bunch.

- That's all it takes, Graz.

I have a message for all you traders.

Do better next time, or you won't be setting off

on your next trip.

- Captain Drendol.

Alexim Farr.

I believe you wanted to see me.

- [Will] Something's gone wrong, I can feel it.

- [Aruna] Can you stop pacing up and down, Will?

You're making us all nervous.

- I can't stand the wait.

I'm gonna see if they need help.

- No.

Nobody leaves the shelter.

We've already come too close to the Citadel.

This is Kreel's domain.

You don't know what you're getting into.

Don't you see, William?

If the plan has failed, if they have been captured,

warriors will be lying in wait for you.

You've already put two lives at risk.

- Are you saying it wasn't worth it?

The chance to find out how Kreel plans

to stop us finding the Crystal Arrow,

well, I thought it was.

And now two of my friends are in danger.

- Maybe they are in danger, but they are not the chosen one.

- What's that supposed to mean?

They're expendable?

- It means the future of Kale does not hang on

their decisions as it does on yours.

You should never have embarked on this foolish exercise.

- But we did.

On my orders.

That's why I have to go.


- So.

Why do you want to work for Xax?

- Oh.

Well, we all work for Xax in one way or another, Captain.

- In the Citadel?

You know what that entails?

- Not exactly.

What greater honor is there to serve at the highest level?

No one in all Kale knows horses like I do.

I've trained them and ridden them from here to--

- I know of your reputation.

You have the right credentials for the job.

So why do I smell something wrong?

You have the stink of a rebel traitor about you,

you know that?

I don't trust you, Alexim.

You make me nervous.

- I make you nervous?

- Though to be truthful, what worries me more

is the company you keep.

- Aha!

(energetic music)

- What is this?

I was invited here!

- Take them to the cells.

- [Guard] To the brig with you!

- Step down from the thrones.


- Vara?


I brought you some broth.

Come on, you've gotta eat something.

- I don't want anything.

- Look at you, you're wasting away.

Is this any way for the future queen of Kale to behave?

You have to be strong, you've got to set an example

for your subjects.

- They're not my subjects.

- I see.

Well, they were your father's subjects.

And as I recall, your father was the king.

- My father is dead, and I don't care what happens.

I'm never going to rule in his place, ever.

- Any change?

- I thought she came to terms with her parents' death.

- Can she ever?

After all, they didn't just die.

They were m*rder*d by Xax and Kreel.

- Well, what happened?

- Why has Alexim Farr been arrested?

He's a horseman, not a rebel sympathizer, Kreel.

Drendol has exceeded his authority.

- He was seen with a Heraclin in the marketplace.

They were talking.

- About what?

- We'll learn soon enough.

- And what does that mean, Kreel?

That he's with Drendol now?

Let me tell you something.

You have heard of the Anari, have you not?

The ancient tribe of the plains,

the finest natural horsemen who have ever lived?

- Indeed, I have.

- Then you will know that Alexim is directly

descended from them.

All the power and magic of Shaytana's Eye

is nothing compared to a horse, Kreel.

That is why I need men like Alexim in my army.

He shares some kind of secret knowledge with them.

- The Anari.

They were supposed to be--

- Extinct, and they soon will be if Drendol has his way.

Call him off!

- Very well.

- Oh, and Kreel.

I also want the blue one ex*cuted.

Publicly, tomorrow morning, first thing.

- I think not.

For the moment.

He might be useful to us.

(haunting music)


- I'm not the hero you're looking for.

- No man can change his destiny.

- I don't want this any more.

(thunder crashing)


Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

- I couldn't sleep.

Too worried about Leon.

Will he be okay?

- Of course.

He's more than a match for all of Xax's warriors

put together.

We'll get him out of there, and Alexim.

Just don't worry.

Was there something else?

- What do you do when you want something very badly?

I mean, how do you go on living without it?

- What is it that you want so badly?

Your parents back?

- No.

I know that's not possible.

- [Will] Then what?

- Revenge.

Kalem says that there are always two paths ahead,

a wrong one and a right one.

And the wrong one is always the more inviting.

- Kalem is wise.

- I want him to die.

I want my parents' m*rder*r to die, Will.

Does that make me a bad person?

- No.

(ominous music)

(horses whinnying)

- You may have found favor with Lord Xax, my friend,

but you've still gotta answer to me.

If I had my way, you'd swing with

your oversized blue friend.

- I keep telling you, he's not my friend.

- These are your mounts.

- Magnificent.

- Acquaint yourself with the stables, and report back to me.

- Yes.

You'll do.

- Is she all right?

- Yes.

Just worried about Leon.

- Did they actually arrest Alexim?

- I think so.


- Well, look, I know he's your friend, Will.

It just seems a little strange how Drendol

pounced on Leon the way he did.

- What are you implying?

That Alexim is working for Kreel?

- Don't be angry.

I mean, anything's possible.

- Well, not that!

No, Aruna.

This is my fault.

Now both of my friends are in Kreel's hands.

- Look, I would have done what you did.

I think it's right that we take the fight to them.

- I have a new w*apon.

The death wand.

One of the warriors dropped it when

they were capturing Leon.

- Oh, what use is it?

I mean, it's not tuned for you.

- Well, that's just the thing.

The tuning is not that far out.

I think I can get it to work.

- Does Kalem know about this?

- I don't think that she would, uh, approve, somehow.

Do you?


- I understand how you feel, William.

- Surely if we're gonna defeat Kreel and Xax,

it would help to know their plans.

- You think you can defeat your enemy by

getting closer to him, thinking like him?

- Perhaps.

- By making him your friend?

- Just the illusion of friendship,

to catch him off his guard.

- Don't you know Shaytana's Eye has the power

to make illusions real?

Well, some things cannot be taught.

They can only be learned.

- I will not abandon the others to their fate.

- I never believed you would.

I've given this crystal the power

to project an image in the air for a short period.

Use it wisely.

It took great ingenuity to create,

and drained my spirit severely.

Once you gain access to the Citadel,

I will not be able to help you.

Shaytana's Eye would detect my presence all too quickly.

- Thank you.

Someone's coming.

Might be a warrior.

It's one of Xax's horses.

It seems to know its way here, almost as if it had...

Of course.

A gift from Alexim.

This means he's all right.

They don't suspect him, Kalem.

(haunting music)

- Have you finished with that Heraclian yet?

- Not yet.

- What are you waiting for, Kreel?

I want all of Kale to see him dangle from a noose.

- There's an unfathomable bond between these outlaws,

quite unreasonable to our more enlightened view.

As long as the blue giant lives,

we have every reason to expect that William Tell

will try to rescue him.

(haunting music)

- Well, what do you think?

- I never believed it was possible.

How did you manage to tune it to your thoughts?

- I just kept practicing.

The power just got stronger and stronger.

It's more powerful than I ever imagined.

It sits so well in the hand, and there's no reloading,

it's just a flick of the wrist.

- Can I try it?

- No, it won't work for any of you.

I'm only just beginning to master it myself.

- Will!

- Alexim!

Are you all right?

- You got my message.

- Yes, and a most welcome message it was, too.

They haven't linked you to Leon?

- Not yet.

- All right, let's make some plans.

I haven't got much time.

Come inside.

- I have some bad news for you.

A stay of execution.

- How is that bad news?

- Drendol, that's enough.

Go about your business.

I must apologize for the captain of the guard.

His methods are crude in the extreme.

- But yours are sophisticated?

- You'll have a chance to find out for yourself in a moment.

- Do what you will.

I'll only tell you what I told him.

- You're a brave man, Leon, and an intelligent one.

You know about pain.

What can a brute like Drendol know about suffering?

All he knows is how to beat a man senseless,

and a senseless man feels nothing.

But we know that pain, real pain,

is in the mind, not in the body.

Look at me.



Tell me about Alexim.


- Please.

I don't know anyone with that name.

- You were seen together.

What were you talking about?

- I don't remember, I swear.

- You're lying.


- We were just talking.

- Look at me.

Look into my eyes.

Alexim is a rebel, just like you.

- I don't know any Alexim.

- Well, I never.

You know something?

You must be telling the truth after all.



(haunting music)

- With Alexim's help, we can get into the Citadel

through the stables.

- Yeah, but how are we gonna get Leon out?

There's gonna be armed guards everywhere.

- Yes, armed with death wands.

At least now I can fight Xax's warriors on equal terms.

- One death wand against so many.

- I've thought of that.

We're gonna have to get Xax and some of his force

out of the Citadel.

- How?

- Easy.

You and Aruna are gonna decoy them.

- It'd be a pleasure.

- Look at this.


- What is it?

- It's a vision crystal.

Kalem gave it to me.

Here, Drogo.

Hold it like this, tap it down on the table.

A bit harder.

- What's supposed to happen now?

- I take it, turn it away from me, tap again.

- What's supposed to happen now?


How does it work?

- It's been imbued with the power to absorb

the vibrations in the air and reflect it somehow.

The life of the crystal is quite short,

and as you can see, the image doesn't last that long.

So time is gonna have to be everything.

- So that's our secret w*apon?

An extra Drogo?

One's more than enough.

- Will, neither Kreel nor Xax are

strangers to the crystal's power.

Suppose Xax has seen this magic before.

- That's a chance we're just gonna have to take.

Vara, do you remember where the cells are in the Citadel?


I need you to draw me a plan.

In the meantime, I've got an errand to run.

- [Drendol] Graz!

- Oh, Drendol.

- What did I tell you about rotten fruit, Graz?

- It's fresh, I picked it fresh this morning.

- It's overripe.


Pack all this fruit up.

I'm confiscating everything by way of a fine.

- But this is all I have.

- Well then, let it be a lesson to you.

Then again, perhaps I am being a little too harsh.

I won't take everything.

After all, you have to eat, Graz,

just like the rest of us.


I said eat!


You little--


Don't just stand there!

Cut me loose!

- Well?

- It seems you were wrong, Kreel.

He doesn't care about Leon after all.

He has issued me with a challenge.

A fight to the death, armed only with death wands, ha!

- Death wands?

- Yes, apparently he seems to have come by one.

- Fascinating.

His thoughts must be tuning into the crystal.

- Drendol.

- Yes, Milord?

- Find the warrior who lost his death wand to Tell.

I want him dealt with, immediately.

- Yes, Milord.


- Such language.

I didn't know the Chosen One knew words like these.

Of course, I was born to the death wand.

You taught me well, Kreel.

And if Tell thinks he can learn it in a morning,

(laughing), oh dear.

- It's Leon he's after.

This is an obvious trick to lure you from the Citadel.

- Well, let's see, shall we?

- You look after her, Alvar.

- Good luck.

- Just remember, you're not a bad person, and neither am I.

They're the evil ones.

They're gonna pay.

- Here they come, right on time.

- Xax is a snake.

Look at that, he's brought his warriors with him,

just like Will said he would.

- [Drogo] We'd better get going.

- This is the spot.

Spread out!

(haunting music)

William Tell!

Lord Xax here.

I have come to accept your challenge.


- Well, Milord, it's hardly a fair fight now, is it?

- Get him!

- Where's he gone?

Where did he go?

You must have seen him, he was on horseback, I heard!

- Milord, look!

- By the powers!

It's not possible.

- Well, Xax, what are you waiting for?

Come and get me.

Come on.

- Not like that, like this.


- Hey.

According to Vara's map, the cells are down there.

There's a shrine, a holy place,

and the cells are beyond there.

- Holy place.

It may have been holy in Vara's day.

It certainly won't be now.

- That may be.

- Wait, it's not that easy.

- What do you mean?

- I mean we have to exercise caution.

I'm just a glorified stable boy.

I don't have access to that area.

- And you wait until now to tell me that?

You told me you had authority here.

- I told you everything at the meeting.

I left nothing out.

- Yes, yes, of course, sorry.

- That's all right, I'm feeling a little nervous myself.

How much time have we got?

- Well, that depends on Aruna.

Come on, let's go.

(mellow music)

- Whoa.

Hey, good girl, good girl.


(horse whinnying)

(somber music)

- Aruna finally got through to you, Vara.

I'm glad.

- It wasn't her, it was William.

- You and William have a great deal in common.

- Do we?

- Of course.

You're both predestined for great things,

and you both find that destiny troublesome

from time to time.

- You mean because we're human.

- That's right.

- Being human means that you have right and wrong

inside you, and you must choose between the two.

- Darkness and light.

What is it, Vara?

- Nothing.

- [Kalem] What's wrong?

- Suppose that Will hurts one of Xax's men,

or even kills them.

That would be all right, wouldn't it?

I mean, Xax has hurt so many people.

- We must strive to lessen the amount

of pain in the world, Vara, not increase it.

What's troubling you?

- I suppose I'm just worried that Will

might accidentally hurt someone with his death wand.

Aruna says that he doesn't really know how

to use it yet, he's just a beginner.

- His death wand?

- He stole it from a warrior.

Was that the wrong thing to do?

- But anything that derives its power from Shaytana's Eye

can bode no good.

- I think that might be it.

- How do we find out?

- Ask politely?


We're looking for the shrine,

we were told it was down here.

- Who are you?

Show me your passes.

- We were asked to meet with Lord Kreel, in the shrine.

- This is the punishment block.

The shrine is 'round there.

- Well, do you mind pointing it out?

We must have missed it.

- It's right there, in front of you!

- Enough politeness for one day.

Get his keys.

- Which is it?

Which one is it?

- Shut up.

Someone's coming, come on.

(suspenseful music)

- Where's the guard?

Get that door open.

- Tell?

Come out, Tell.


- What is this place?

- Alexim, hold him.

One word, just one, and you'll regret it.

Now, that man you've been guarding in there

is a friend of mine.

I trust he's still alive and unhurt?

- I never laid a finger on him.

- I don't believe you.

- Will, stop it!

- How can you say that?

With Leon in there receiving so much worse?

What are they doing to him?

What are they doing to my friend?

- I don't hear anything.

The wall's too thick.

- Will, that's enough!

This achieves nothing.

What's got into you?

- Nothing.

Nothing's wrong.

We have to get Leon.

- Wouldn't it be better to wait?

- For what?

Drendol to beat him to death?

No, if you haven't got the stomach for this, Alexim,

I'll do it by myself.

I should've listened to Aruna, for all I know,

you're spying for Xax.

- You don't mean that.

- Why not?

How did you convince them so easily of your innocence?

- Will, you know I'm not a spy.

What's got into you?

- Well, I'm sorry.

I'm just doing what has to be done.

Take his clothes.

Disguised as a warrior,

maybe I'll catch them off their guard.

- Milord!

- Aha!

- It's hardly a fair fight now, is it?

- Hardly fair at all.

(door creaking)

- Will.

I think Drendol must have left the cells.

- Good.

Well, will I pass for a Xax warrior?

- Only too well.

Shall we go?

- [Will] Wait.

- [Alexim] Will.

- Is that what I think it is?

Could it really be Shaytana's Eye?

But Kreel keeps the eye close to him.

What would it be doing here out in the open?

- I don't know.

There's something not right about all of this.

- It's powerful.

I feel the energy coming from it.

It knows me.

Alexim, it recognizes me.

- Will, we must get to Leon!

- Do you realize what we've stumbled on here?

This is the source of all of Kreel's power.

You remove this, and his entire wicked empire crumbles.

- Don't touch it.

They say the eye consumes mortal men.

- Who are you calling mortal?

- No!


- Go on!

Carry out your foolish little errand if you must.

What's the life of one Heraclian oaf

when there's a whole kingdom to be won?


You'll need this.

As you wish.

- William Tell.



(door creaking)

(suspenseful music)

- Leon, my friend.

What have they done to you?

I'm getting you out of here.

Is there a key somewhere?

- [Leon] Alex...

- [Alexim] I'm so glad I found you.

- Alex.



- Haven't you forgotten something?


The crystal.

- What kept you so long?

- You were expecting me?

- Of course, William.

- I have come here to k*ll you, Kreel.

I have Shaytana's Eye.

- How careless of me to leave it in the shrine.

- You're gonna pay for your crimes.

- What, without due process of law?

I always thought the great William Tell

believed in fair play and all the other

ancient Kalian virtues.

You have come a long way.

- You and Xax have subjugated an entire people.

Give me one good reason why I should let you live.

- I can think of none.

Therefore it follows that you will k*ll me.

But please, don't ever mention Xax and me

in the same breath again.

If I'm to die, at least let me take full credit

for the suffering I'm supposed to have caused.

Xax is a fool.

He's not worthy of the power that I've bestowed on him.

- He will die in due course.

You first.

- What then?

You will rule, with Vara as your puppet,

just as Xax would have done?

Or have you not thought that far ahead?

Surely you're not going to let those puny rebels

decide the future of the kingdom.

Not now that you've tasted the power of Shaytana's Eye.

- Silence!

- Of course, you don't realize.

To feel the full effect of the eye,

you must place it around your neck.

- I said be quiet, damn you!

- You like what the eye does for you, William.

Put it on, and the world is yours for the taking.

The feeling is impossible to describe.

You must experience it for yourself.

- Where is William Tell?

All right then, let me guess.

He's gone to the Citadel to rescue his wee friend.

Looks like Kreel was right after all.

It was all just tricks.

Well, never mind.

I shall catch up with him.

Meanwhile, let me dispense with business here.



- Yes, Lord Protector?

- William Tell is trying to break into the Citadel

in my absence.

- What, really, my lord?

- Yes, have you seen him?

- No, everything is quiet here.

- Good.

I've brought some prisoners, I have them here.

I'm going to bring them back.

- Are you ill, my lord?

- No.

Just a little bit, um.


- What do you think, Will?

Our Lord Xax is a little tired.


(thunder crashing)

- No, no!


- Kalem, what is it, what's wrong?

- I've lost him.

I've lost William.

- You don't mean he's dead?

- Shaytana's Eye has...

Our day is night.

Evil reigns supreme.

- There must be something we can do.

- Nothing.

There's nothing to be done.

- Death.

- Don't talk.

We'll get you out of here.

- Death wand.


A death wand.

- William?

- He couldn't help himself.

The crystals.

They attune you to them, it's not the other way around.

So it's not his fault.

- Alexim.



- You sent for me, my lord?

- I want the prisoners brought here now.

See to it.

- Prisoner, my lord.

- What happened?

- Alexim's dead.

- Very well, fetch the other one.

- Yes, my lord.

- Drendol.

- It's all right, no need for alarm.

William is on our side now, right, William?

- What's the matter, Drendol?

You look like you've seen a ghost.

Don't worry.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

- I'll fetch the prisoner.


(mellow music)

- Drendol.


Pay homage to your new master.

(ominous music)

- Will?

- You may call me the Lord Protector.

- Some trick.

You've taken leave of your senses.

- I've come to them.

Kalem lied to us, Leon.

All this time.

The way of the dark crystal is the only true way.

You will come to see this too.

Everyone in Kale will understand.

Maybe not at first.

But Kreel and I will convince them.

- You know who I've just left?


He's dead, Will.

- I heard.

- m*rder*d by Drendol.

- That is regrettable.

- Yeah.

Very regrettable.

(suspenseful music)

(door creaking)

(haunting music)


(thunder crashing)

- Vara?

- Don't you see what's happening?

It's the Eye, Shaytana's Eye.

You've got to throw it away, it's evil, pure evil.

- Hold your tongue!

- Will.

- We're wasting time.

- Listen to me.

Alexim, before he died, he said something

about a death wand.

- What about it?

- The death wand's changed you.

It's turned you towards the darkness, towards evil.

It's sapped your power to resist.

- Power?

I'm more powerful than you can possibly imagine!

- That may be.

But power doesn't equal strength,

and might does not equal right, Will, you know that.

- k*ll him!

We must prepare to meet Lord Xax.

- With pleasure.

- Vara.

Yes, Vara, yes.

Keep going.

- Why do you hesitate, my lord?

- No!

- Princess, welcome home.

This is indeed a fortunate moment.

William, tomorrow we will have a double celebration.

First a funeral, and then a coronation.

- What are you doing?

- Xax will be here at any moment.

k*ll Leon now.

- No, you can't!

- Do it!

- Think, Will.

Think what you're doing.

You're like my own brother.

But if you do this, there'll be no returning.

You'll abide in the darkness forever.

- Too late, Leon.

- You're wrong.

You have the strength.

Take off the crystal.

- Don't listen to him.

They're as insects to be crushed underfoot.

k*ll them, k*ll them both.

- Stop this, leave me alone!

- Will, listen to me.

Come back to the light.

I command you.

Come back to the light.

Come back to the light.

Come back to the light.

- Come back to the light.

- Kalem?

- Do it, Will.

Take off the crystal.


- You're wasting your time, it cannot be done.

- Shhhh.

Keep still.

- Thank you.

Who are you?

- No one.


- Stop!



- Futile.

- Don't listen to him, Will, keep going.

- No!


- [Leon] Untie me.

- [Will] Vara, is there another way out of here?

- Through there.

- [Will] Quick, behind the table!

(screaming) (thunder crashing)

- Let's go!

- You missed again, Kreel.

After them!

- [Vara] No, the turn is back there.

- Leave me, I'm slowing you down.

You can make it alone.

- No, never again.

Vara, take him.

I'll delay them.



- What has been going on here, Kreel?

- Tell breached security.

I believe I warned you of the possibility.

(wolves howling)

- [Drogo] Will, you're back!

- Leon.

I'm truly sorry.

My plan caused the death of Alexim.

- No, Will, it's not your fault.

Before he died, Alexim told me he understood

how it was the death wand that changed you.

- Nevertheless, I will avenge his death.

- You must purge your heart of these feelings of revenge.

- I can't.

- You must.

For hatred is the way of Xax and Kreel.

Xax may be a k*ller, but in the end,

he is not the real enemy.

Hatred is.


- Come on.

(adventurous music)

- You are learning, William Tell.