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01x02 - Escape into Fear

Posted: 12/10/23 17:03
by bunniefuu
(dramatic music)

- Acadians, by order of Xax, wanted the outlaw

William Tell, dead or alive, , terrans.

- [Woman] Argh, stop, stop, thief, stop, stop!

(chickens squawking)

(paper crumples)

(arrows whistling) (thuds)

- The freeing of the slaves today, don't go.

- Why not?

The Acadians are being very kind to us.

- I warn you, there'll be nothing but trouble if you attend.

- (chuckles) Kalem, ever since you've appeared

my life has been nothing but trouble.

- Such trouble is not of my making, William.

- All right, all right, but look, can't you

just leave me alone so I can do things my way?

- That is not possible.

You're destiny is to find the crystal arrow

and lead the opposition against Kreel and Xax.

It's time for you to resume the search.

- No, no, no, I won't, I won't wear them!

I won't, I won't!

- But Leon made them especially for you.

- What now?

- Tell them, I am a princess, not a peasant.

I will dress as a princess.

- And have everyone we meet know who you are?

- You can't keep me prisoner forever.

Why don't you just k*ll me or let me go?

- If we wanted to k*ll you, your highness,

we would have done it weeks ago.

Where there's a pain in the neck, I generally twist it.

- Princess, doesn't the fact that we've kept you alive

and looked after you, convince you that we mean you well?

- I don't know what to think anymore.

- To the world elsewhere, you are a princess either dead

or in hiding,

but to us, you are our royal sovereign

and someday soon we'll restore you to the throne of Kale.

- When I'm safely on the throne, I may begin to believe you.

- Freya, Pieter you've served me faithfully for five years

and now because of the loyalty you've shown me

during those years I now make you free.

(audience applauding)

Stand now a free man and a free woman.

(audience cheering)

From now on if you wish to go on working for me

then it should be of your own free will

and for wages.

(audience applauding) (audience cheering)

That this may come as no surprise to most of you.

What I want now is to call Freya my wife.

(audience cheering) (audience applauding)

(ominous music) (horse neighs)

- Don't even think about calling out princess.

One word and the Commissioners dead

before he hits the ground.

(ominous music)

- Master Hugo you've not paid attention

to the latest ordinance.

The Lord Xax has rules that no sl*ve shall be freed.

- But Commissioner I wish to marry this young woman.

- The law does not allow a free man to marry a sl*ve.

- But Commissioner Esdras--

- You may put your case to Lord Xax tomorrow,

here at the village.

Good day to you master.

- And to you sir.

- I don't believe I know you or your companions.

- I don't believe you do.

We're travelers.

- Yes you've stayed long enough to get to know these people.

- A few days.


Have we broken yet another ordinance?

- Not yet but anyone who wishes to remain longer

than a week in this canton,

must give proof of their identity,

and register their presence.

- Otherwise?

- Otherwise, master traveler,

you'll be imprisoned and sent into sl*very.

- You should have no difficulty with the hearings

tomorrow as long as your judgements are fair.

- Aren't they always?

- And the people are satisfied.

- As they will be.

- You can rely upon the loyalty

of the entire Arcadian canton.

- They love me Kreel.

- Who could fail to love you my Lord?

- [Xax] Who but William Tell.

- Our campaign to discredit him has been so successful

he's gone into hiding.

- Well should he emerge I shall be waiting for him.

(dramatic music)

- Enjoy it while you can Drogo.

Our last meal in Arcadia.

- [Drogo] Do we really have to leave tomorrow?

- No question, before Esdras discovers exactly who we are.

We don't have the man power to defeat him.

- Why don't the three of you come with us?

- You don't understand.

This farm has been in our family for close to years

but if I leave it becomes property of the nation.

- And by the nation you mean Xax.

- Who else.

- So you'd rather keep the farm

and let Freya return to sl*very.

- Aruna that's enough.

You're prepared then to go before Xax tomorrow

and beg for Freya and Peiter's freedom?

- Not beg, never beg.

But I'll request.

- Well I wish you luck.

(eerie music)

Excuse me.

- So at first light we move on, due south.

(eerie music) (crying out)

- [Kalem] William.

- I saw something.

It was Vara.

- I know what it was you saw.

- She was dead.

- That moment will happen

but you don't know what will happen after that moment.

Your actions will decide that.

- I can't accept such a responsibility.

- You have no choice in this matter.

- Why?

Because you've denied me the choice?

- Fulfill your obligations, all of them.

- Kalem!

(gentle music)

- You shall return those chickens two fold

and suffer nine strokes of the lash

to discourage other squalid little beings.

Take him away.

- [Man] Next case!

- [Hugo] Hugo farmer of Thorn Edge milord.

- Master Hugo welcome to this court.

- With respect milord, I wish to plead the ancient right

of Arcadian free men, to liberate their slaves.

- Ah, you have heard the words of Commissioner Esdras

on this matter have you not?

- Sir.

- Well then the matter is concluded.

- It is not sir.


- How dare you contradict me!

Those creatures are slaves

and our economy needs slaves to work.

Therefore my judgment is the girl shall be taken

to the citadel and the young man to the Xaxian mines.

- This is wrong sir!

- One more word master Hugo and you will be a dead man.

Dispose of them Commissioner.

- Freya! Freya!


- Hugo!

(thuds) (crying)


- I'm tired of running.

Why don't we stay and fight them?

- Cause we'd lose.

- Why?

We've got the passion, we've got the commitment--

- [Leon] And no army to back us up.

- [Aruna] You're afraid!

- Talk is cheap Aruna, lives are dear.

Squander your own if you want to but don't--

- Stop it the pair of you.

We've got better things to do

than to fall out amongst ourselves.

Our task is to protect the princess

and find the crystal arrow, the talisman of Kayla.

- It's all just a dream isn't it?

We might as well submit and live like slaves

for the rest of our lives.

- Quiet!


It's alright it's Hugo.

- Hugo what is it?

- Xax has sent Pieter to the mines

and taken Freya to the citadel.

He wants her, he wants her for himself.

- You hear that William?


- You must help me, you must help her!

- Look Hugo I'm sorry

but with the best intention in the world,

I don't see how we can help.

Not against Xax and his men.

- You're running away from them?

- [Aruna] We can't!

We can't let her down.


- Strangers!


- Warriors!

- No!

Find cover in the trees, quick!



- [Warrior] Hup two three four.

- We flush them out!

- [Warrior] Hup two three four.

Hup two three four.

Hup two three four.

Hup two three four.

Hup two three four.

Come on!

- Tell, William Tell.

If you surrender now there'll be no loss of life.

If we have to come in and get you everyone will die.

Flush them out.

Present, now be careful they're clever

and they can be dangerous in close quarters.

- Help me!

I'm the princess--

- No quarter, destroy them!

(Alvar growls)

(horse neighing) (Alvar barking)

(dramatic music)

(whooshing) (crying out)

(dramatic music)


(crying out)

- Leave him!

(whacking) (crying out)

(arrow swishes)

(thwacks) (cries out)

(whacking) (crying out)

- Where's Vara?


- Alvar!

He's just stunned, it'll wear off soon.

- Will!

Will Vara's gone.

- [Will] We've gotta find her.

- [Hugo] What about Freya?

- I promise we will help her.

We gotta find Vara first.

Drogo can you track her?


- This way.


- To a long and joyful relationship.

- I'd rather be sent to the mines.

- Oh you'll soon change your tune

for there is nothing in the entire kingdom

I would not offer you.

- Why me when you could have any woman in the kingdom?

- But where's the challenge in that?

- I have news from Commissioner Esdras.

- Kreel don't you ever knock?

Take the girl, see she is well fed

and prepare the finest of beds for her.

And treat her gently, she is not a prisoner she is a guest.


- William Tell has been sighted.

- Captain call out the warriors!

I will hunt Tell down like a dog.

- No, wait, if I'm any judge of men

William Tell will walk straight into our trap.

Ah better news still,

Princess Vara has given him the slip.

- Where is she?

- We have people looking for her now.

(gentle music)


- What's wrong?

- The trail's vanished.

- Again?

- [Aruna] Trails just can't keep vanishing Drogo.

- No but it can be wiped out.

- Well Vara wouldn't know how.

She'd hardly been out of the citadel before we rescued her.

- Then perhaps someone

or something is wiping it out for her.

Or some natural phenomenon.

- It doesn't sound natural to me.

- What are we gonna do?

It'll be night soon.

- Drogo.

- There's no trail, I don't know which way to go.

- Well Vara won't be moving in the dark.

- Let's raise the shelter

and hopefully we can pick up the trail tomorrow.

Don't you worry about it, you did your best.

(magical music)

Come on.

(eerie music)

(owl hooting) (wolves howling)

- Who's that?

Who's there?

(owl hoots)

(eerie music)

(fire crackling)

(Alvar whimpers)

- Alvar?

Good to see you're feeling better boy.


(eerie music)


(eerie music)


- Get away from me!


- Vara?

There you are.

- [Vara] Drogo!

Oh I'm so frightened.

There were wolves.

- Don't worry they won't bother you while you're with me.

(magical music)

- [Leon] Drogo!


- Drogo!

- [Leon] He'll have gone to find Princess Vara is my guess.

- Well why didn't he tell us?

We can't just go wandering off on our own.

(Alvar barks)

- [Aruna] Drogo!

- Pieter!

- How did you find us?

- Trackings my trade.

- Were you followed?

- No, no, I swear.

- But how did you escape?

- I gave them the slip before we got to the mine.

- Why are you here?

- I had to bring the news.

Esdras is gonna execute five Arcadians for every warrior

you k*lled.

- What?

- It's true, are to die.

- When?

- At noon, today.

(eerie music)

- Oh Drogo stop dragging me this way.

Take me to Lord Xax.

- Lord Xax doesn't want you alive!

He wants to rule without you!

- [Vara] Liar!

- [Drogo] He k*lled your parents you fool!

(wind pipes music)

- How dare you.

- Listen.

- My name is Stella.

Don't be frightened, I mean you no harm.

You're exhausted the pair of you,

come and meet my sisters.

We seldom see strangers here.


- I have good news.

William Tell and his rabble are approaching

the execution area.

- Hmm, good.

We'll see if your theory's correct then won't we Kreel?

- If he is the man I think he is

he will not allow innocent people to die.

- If I was Tell I would thr*aten the Commissioner

with his own life.

- I've already thought of that.

Esdras knows what to do.

- May the moon never set on you unrighteousness

my dear Kreel.

- What you're about to see gives me no pleasure.

But then neither did the death of two of my warriors,

innocent men, who leave behind them two grieving widows

and five fatherless children.

Take up the first three.

- Commissioner something urgent.

A message from William Tell.

If you execute just one man

you will forfeit with your own life.

(dramatic music)

- Wait!

There will be a temporary stay of execution.

(dramatic music)

- [Vara] Will you help me Stella?

- [Stella] Return you to the citadel?

- [Vara] Of course, where I belong.

- She thinks she's going to be safe at the citadel.

We don't.

- [Vara] Can you take me there Stella?

- I can but should I?

- No.

- Do you know what this is?

The diamond of Kayla, given by the king to his heir,

yours, if you will return me to Lord Xax.

- I can offer you nothing but I won't let you take her back.

- Very well your royal highness.

- No Vara it's a trick.

(crying out)

- Drogo!



- A mild sleeping draft, he'll be awake in a while.

- He's bluffing.

- No, Esdras says he's willing to die for the Lord Protector

and if you k*ll him he's given orders

to execute this entire community.

- So what does he want from us?

- Esdras will free the hostages in return for you.

He want's you, in chains.

- You can't Will.

- We can't let innocent people die either.

- Will, you show your face

and they'll take it off at the neck.

- I'm not so sure.


- The waiting is over.

(crying out)


- Stay!

- Ah we meet again master traveler.

So you are William Tell.

- I am.

- I shall need proof of that.

The Lord Xax would not thank me

for bringing him an imposter.

- I wear the sign of the talisman of Kayla

you should know what that means.

- (sniggers) You think that makes you the savior of Kayla?

It's a fairy story it's not true.

- Time will tell.

Now let the hostages go, you've got me.

(dramatic music)

- Well what are we waiting for?

- I'm checking the road, they may have posted guards.

- (scoffs) We haven't got time for this.

We have to get to the Jumandis Pass,

it's the only place we can cut 'em off

before they reach the citadel.

- They know that Aruna,

that's why we need to be cautious.

- What about the high road to the pass?

Can we use that?

- Up there?

Are you mad?

It's far too difficult.

(Alvar groans)

Even Alvar doesn't like the sound of it.

- [Hugo] It maybe our only chance.

- It'll be hard going.

Come on.

(Alvar groans)

- This is the route Commissioner Esdras is taking.

He's expecting an ambush from William Tell and his band,

we're prepared for them.

- And what about our princess?

- She's being taken care of by a band of Terrian nymphs,

they're holding her at a place called Retribution.

Now if you ride as fast as you generally do

you should encounter them about here.

The problem is, we're not sure whether Princess Vara

knows that William Tell was not responsible

for the m*rder of her parents.

- And that I was.

- Exactly.

Princess Vara's willing presence legitimized your taking

over the throne.

Now, we can't take any risks,

we must assume she knows the truth.

- So I should...

Erase all trace of the princess from this nation's history.

- But make sure you're here when the deed is done.

(dramatic music)

- You may need this.

- Thank you.

- Drink more.

- I'm thrifty.

- So I've observed.

You expect your people to rescue you?

- That'd be foolish to try.

- Very.

(dramatic music)

- Aruna!

You're right, this route impossible.

- Esdras will be well on his way to the citadel by now.

- Freya's already there, we've gotta get moving.

- I'm sorry Hugo we've got to get Drogo back

and Vara and William before we make

any kind of attempt to rescue Freya.

Aruna you travel three times as fast as we do.

Find them and try to slow them down till we get there.

May the spirit of Kayla go with you.

(dramatic music)

- [Vara] What is this place?

- [Stella] Retribution.

- What?

- Well many years ago there was a village here.

A wealthy thriving community.

One day an old diseased woman came

to it's gates to beg for food.

But the villagers feared her condition

and instead of showing her kindness

they drove her away with whips.

So before she died she cursed the village.

And within one week every man, woman,

and child, everything that moved was dead.

- This is a terrible place.

(eerie music)

- Have you any food?

- Get away!

Get away from us!

- What's the matter with you old woman?

- Once I was as beautiful as you child.

But disease, the unkindness of others

has left this thing on me.

- Well we have no food or water

but perhaps money would help?

- Would you give me money?

Drogo give this poor person a terrian, now.

- Are you afraid of me child?

Then let the princess give me the tarrein.

Since you have shown me kindness child I shall repay it.

Those who you trust are your foes,

those who you fear are your friends.

- What?

- Come on.

- [Drogo] Remember her words.

- [Vara] Drogo!

(dramatic music)

- Well.

I think we should join them.

- I like it here.

I wish I could stay.

- Not go back to the citadel?

- Oh I don't know, I feel happy here.

- This is my kind life, but not yours your highness.

You'll be happier where you belong.

- Well I have no friends there

but I suppose I'm better off there than with, what is it?

- Just wait there my highness.

Sir, I believe you're looking for someone of great price.


- [Man] All clear now commissioner.

- Good, then on we go.

Farewell, you will not be lonely for long,

wolves are plentiful in these parts.

(crying out)

- Xax.

- [Old Woman] Those who you fear are your friends,

those who you trust are your foes.

Your foes.

- Your royal highness.

Welcome to safety.

- Thank you my Lord.

- Once I have seen you settled comfortably

I shall ride on to the citadel to

make sure you receive the welcome you so richly deserve.

Captain help the princess onto your horse will you?

(barking) (hissing)

- Get away from me, you're not gonna eat me you murderers.

(crying out)


Never thought I'd be so happy to see your ugly face.

- One day Aruna you're gonna run out of lives.

- Drogo!

- What's happened, where's princess Vara?

- She's being taken to the citadel by a terrian nymph.

- Which way?

- The road to retribution.

- How are they traveling?

- [Drogo] By foot.

- Well we can overtake them

if we take a short cut, the hard way.

- More mountaineering?

- Lucky you rescued me Leon.

- I'm on my way back.

I've left orders with the Captain

to k*ll her discreetly and leave her body to the wolves.

- No, have him bring the body

of their beloved princess back here

to the citadel, we want them to remember

the vile treachery of William Tell don't we?

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

Madam, please sit and play.

Your defiance merely serves

to make me more determined my lady.

- My Lord commissioner Esdras had arrived.

- With William Tell in chains my Lord protector.

- Excellent work commissioner.

Have him entertained in the cage room,

I shall pay him a visit later.

- My Lord.

- [Aruna] No marks of v*olence.

- Death means?

- Can only mean one thing.

Xax already has the princess.

- So William Tell.

- No I'm the Lord of Crimtartar.


- This is the talesmen of William Tell.

- Yes, I took it from him.

Won it in a contest.

- I don't care really if you are William Tell,

the Lord of crimtartery, or the herdsmen prized pig,

in fact you'll squeal like

a pig once we have you stuffed on the steak.

Though I must admit you have been a very worthy adversary.

There's, there's something about you.

Hm it's strange in another time

we could have been comrade in arms.

- Never.

- No, no the steak is to barbaric you shall hang.

Throw him in the cage.

(dramatic music)

- Kalem?

Where are you?

- I want Tell ex*cuted quickly, let's have done with him.

Patience my Lord.

We must proceed with caution or all will be lost.

- Lost how?

- The people believe in the legend of William Tell.

If he is tried in public for the m*rder

of princess Vara and her beloved

parents then tell and the legend will be gone forever.

- Tried?

- A show trial of course.

Think how that would justify you assuming the title of king.


- No need for manacles here.

The only escape for him is when he's tried and hung.

- What am I charged with?

- The certain abduction

and the probably m*rder of the princess Vara.

- m*rder?

- Regrettable but necessary.

- I tried to save her.

- That will be for your council to prove before a jury.

- How am I supposed to find a council when I'm in here?

- Use your imagination or admit

you are William Tell and I shall find for you

the best advocate in the entire kingdom to plea your case.

Either way you will hang

and with the full approval of the law.

(cries out)

(dramatic music)

- [Man] Attack!


(sweet music)

- Kalem?

You know the situation.

- I'll be there to defend you but you must help me.

- How?

- Is it dangerous for me to be so close to Kreel,

he may detect me.

- How can I help?

- You must focus your thoughts son the person

I appear to be, empty your mind of thoughts of me as Kalem.

- But.

- Your will is strong.

Believe in it.


(dramatic music)

- It is time.

(dramatic music)

- This high court of justice

is now

in session.

Before the one case

the kingdom of Kadar versus William Tell.

Will anyone speak for the accused?

- Here you honor!

(dramatic music)

- Your name and achievements sir?

- Garth Barboton.

Doctor of law, presaw general of five courts.

Grand sumnar of the six defined cantons.

(dramatic music)

- Let the trial begin.

The defendant identified himself as the outlaw William Tell.

He confessed to k*lling two of my men at arms.

- Confessed to an act of treason.

Members of the jury to what else did he confess?

- One night after we had made

camp I found the accused in tears.

When I asked him why he divulged

that he had m*rder*d the royal parents

and abducted the princess Vara from this very citadel.

- That's a lie.

- Silence.

Where is the proof of this?

- I found this ring in his jacket.

A ring that I know is the property

of her royal highness the princess Vara.


(dramatic music)

(dramatic chord)

- Commissioner.

I put it to you that the prisoner

did not confess to the m*rder

of the king and queen of Kanar.

- Did not confess, not exactly perhaps I didn't understand.

- Kalem.

- Is it not possible that

the diamond of Kalar was William Tells

reward for rescuing the princess rather than abducting her?

- I'm not sure.

- Kalem.

- In fact you cannot even prove

this man is William Tell can you?

- Well I.

- Enough.

I can prove the identity of this man,

this it the talesman of William Tell

which I took from his neck myself.

There, that should be sufficient

evidence for the jury to form.


With which to form a verdict.

- The unanimous verdict of the jury

is that the defendant is guilty on both charges.

- William Tell you will be hung from the neck until death.

Tomorrow at noon.

Justice has been obtained, Tell will hang tomorrow at noon.

- Then I must congratulate you my Lord.

- A toast then.

Death, death to the traitor and legend of William Tell.


I like a spirited woman

but not a woman with a spirit of evil.

You shall hang with your hero William Tell tomorrow.

And he shall have the pleasure

of watching you hang before he takes the drop.

- You can k*ll me and as many of us as you like.

- Take her away.

- But the spirit of William Tell will never die.

He will defeat you.

(dramatic music)


Know that these are new times we live in.

My justice is swift and terrible, but fair.

The kindly outpatient of olden times

is no more, we act to save

the realm from decent and rebellion.

The sl*ve Freya raised her hand against me.

My body is sacro saint, her deeds condemn her,

there can be no appeal, she must die.

Take her.

- The man calling himself William Tell is a traitor.

Calling upon the great mist of the great Tell,

confuses the people playing upon

their ignorance he seeks to destroy what we want to build.

- He has committed regicide, his hands are stained

with the blood of king Drognop, Queen Bethal,

and that of the beloved princess Vara.

Kidnapped from this very citadel

and m*rder*d in secrecy and darkness.

- But our laws are still just.

We would not execute an innocent

but who will speak for him, who can speak for him?

- Where is the evidence?

Who saw the deed?

Where is the body?

- [Kreel] Kalem.

- My lords, my lords, on the plain.

A funeral procession, princess Vara.

- Here is your proof.

(dramatic music)

Time to meet your doom, bring him.

Out of my way peasant scum.



Now we can see the handy work of this unnatural butcher.

What further proofs are needed?

Here lies the body of the princess Vara.

Mindlessly destroyed like a bug before it blossoms.

Separated forever from her birth right.

This is hers now.

Hers now forever, hers.

Now in death.

- No Lord Xax a lie.

(dramatic music)

- [Xax] k*ll them, k*ll them all.

- Die.


- You will come with us or die, you will die.

(dramatic music) (yelling)

- Guards, guards!

(dramatic music)

- Since you intend to k*ll me, seven to one might I add.

Why don't you just get on with it?

- Wait.

He's mine.

This is for Agnus in Burthold.

- No, no.

- Can't do it, can't k*ll him.

- Well I can.

- So can I.

- No.

This isn't the way.

If we k*ll him in cold blood we're as bad as he is.

- You are a fool.

(dramatic music)

You should just give up now,

for you can never defeat the power of Shanetazazar.

- With the crystal arrow we can,

when we find that you and Kreel are finished.

- You'll be caught and destroyed

way before you can find your precious little arrow.

- That remains to be seen.

(dramatic music)

Not doing to bad so far.

- You better start running now.

Before we change his mind.

- I'll have you, I'll have all of you.

I know you now.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- Will you join us?

- No, we'll be safe with my father

in the highlands of Morharen.

- So princess, have we finally convinced you?

- I'm sorry I ever doubted you William Tell.

- Welcome to the life of an outlaw your highness.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- You are learning William Tell.

(dramatic music)