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01x16 - These Sneezes/Ari's Lucky Shirt

Posted: 12/10/23 13:07
by bunniefuu

♪ ELINOR: Wherever I go,

♪ I see things that

♪ ♪

♪ I find things that

♪ Go and explore,

♪ just follow your

♪ ♪

♪ ELINOR: Why do birds sing

♪ ♪

♪ ELINOR: Why do ants march

♪ There's so much

♪ wherever you turn, ♪

♪ ♪

♪ and follow your


♪ ♪

♪ ELINOR: Ask a question,

♪ ♪

♪ ELINOR: Just listen and see,
come and wonder with me.


ELINOR: "These
...achoo... Sneezes"

ARI: Whee!

Woo hoo! Yea!

OLIVE: Ari, why are you
jumping around so much?

ARI: It's such
a nice day,

I just want to
run and play!

Whup! Woosh!

OLIVE: Well I loved
helping Ranger Rabbit...

plant flowers
in the park today.

ELINOR: Yeah, me too!

And now we have
these extra flowers...

that we can plant around
our Exploring Clubhouse.

ARI: Yeah, that
was super fun!

But, we don't have to go
plant them right now,

do we?

ELINOR: I guess not.


ARI: Becauuuuuse...

then we could play a game...

of tag!

Right now!

OLIVE: That would
be fun.

ELINOR: Let's do it.

Who's it?

ARI: I am!
Ha ha!

KIDS: [giggle]

ARI: One... Two...



KIDS: [giggle]

OLIVE: Oh, there he is.

ARI: Aha!
OLIVE: Ohh!!!

ELINOR: [giggle]

ARI: Ah, awwwww.

ARI: Gotcha!


ARI: Are you ok, Olive?

OLIVE: [giggle]

ARI: Well, in that case...

Tag! You're it!

OLIVE: Awwww.


OLIVE: [sniffs]
Aaa.... [sniffs] aaaa...

Achooo!! [trumpet]

Achooo!! [trumpet]

ARI: Try to catch m...

OLIVE: Achooo!! [trumpet]

ARI: Uh-oh.

ELINOR: Whoa! Olive!

Stop that wagon!

OLIVE: Achooo!!


ARI: Look out! Sneezing
elephant coming through!

OLIVE: Sorry.

ELINOR: [panting]
Hi Lizy! Hi Mary!

OLIVE: [sniffs]

Achooo!! [trumpet]

OLIVE: Achooo!!


ARI: [panting] Sorry
about that, Mrs. Hippo.

OLIVE: Oh noooo!

ARI: Whoa!
ELINOR: Olive!

ARI: [efforts]

[frogs croacking]

ARI: [efforts]
ELINOR: [efforts]

KIDS: Phew!

ARI: You almost
went in the pond.

ELINOR: Are you okay,

OLIVE: Yeah.

That was quite a ride.

Achooo!! [trumpet]

OLIVE: Ah...

ARI: Those were
some huge sneezes!

OLIVE: Uh-huh, I've always
had a strong trunk.

OLIVE: [sniffs] Oh...
It stopped.

I don't feel like
sneezing any more.

ELINOR: Hmm...

I wonder what made you
sneeze so much, Olive?

OLIVE: I don't know.

All of a sudden my
nose got tickly...

and I just started

a lot.

ARI: Hmmm, did a bug
land on your nose?

That maybe made
you sneeze.

OLIVE: No, a bug didn't
land on my nose.

ELINOR: Well, something
made you sneeze.

And my nose get tickly
too before I sneeze.

I wonder why
that happens.

What makes us sneeze?

OLIVE: How are we
going to find out?

ELINOR: Hmmm, I know.

Let's learn everything we
can about sneezing.

Is there anything in your
Nature Book about it?

OLIVE: Hmm, let's see...

Snails... Snakes...

Nope, nothing about
sneezing in it.

ELINOR: Hmm, where else can we
find out about sneezing?

ARI: How about
the library?

the library.

Good idea, Ari!

Let's go.

ARI: Cool!


ELINOR: Hi, Mr. Antelope.

MR. ANTELOPE: Well, hello,
Elinor, Olive, aaaaand...?

ARI: Ari.

don't tell me,

I can remember.

ARI: [giggle]
It's Ari.

MR. ANTELOPE: Is it...

Hmmm... Ah... Oh...

Yaaaa.... Ooh!

ALL: [giggle]

MR. ANTELOPE: I'm just
joking, Arnold.

Of course, I
remember you!

ARI: But, it's Ari.

MR. ANTELOPE: Riiight, Ari!

ELINOR: Mr. Antelope, we're
curious to learn...

everything we can
about sneezing.


Is it so you can
sneeze more?

KIDS: [laugh]

ELINOR: No, it's so we
can sneeze less!

Today Olive started
sneezing a lot,

and it nearly made our
wagon roll into the pond.

OLIVE: Do you have any books
about sneezing, Mr. Antelope?

ELINOR: If we can learn what
makes animals sneeze,

then we can find out what
made Olive sneeze.

MR. ANTELOPE: I see...

Well, sneezing is a
fascinating subject.

I can definitely
help you aaah...

aaah-choose the
right book.

[chuckle] Get it?


KIDS: [giggle]

MR. ANTELOPE: Let's see...


Oh, good!

The book I'm thinking of
hasn't been checked out...

for quite a while in fact.

That means it's
on the shelf.

Walk this way, please.

MR. ANTELOPE: Here we go...

books about parts
of the body.

The one you want is called
"All About Noses".

It should tell you
about sneezing.

ELINOR: Thanks,
Mr. Antelope.

MR. ANTELOPE: You're welcome!

If you have any questions,
I'll be at my desk.

ELINOR: Here it is:
"All About Noses".


It really hasn't been
checked out in a while.

It's soooo dusty.

ARI: I'll fix that.



ELINOR: Aaa.... achoo!

OLIVE: Aaaa....achoo!

ELINOR: Aaaaaa... achoo!

ARI: Aaaa... aaa... achoo!

ALL: Aaaaa... aa... Achoo!

ARI: Ah!


ARI: Whew. Still there.

I sneezed so hard I
thought my nose blew off.

ELINOR: We all
sneezed this time...

That is so

OLIVE: Well, it started
when some bat we know...

blew a whole bunch
of dust at Elinor.

ARI: Sorry, didn't
mean to blow so hard.

ELINOR: That made me sneeze and
blow dust on you Olive.

ELINOR: And that's
when you sneezed...

and blew dust on me,

and then I sneezed,
which blew some dust on Ari.

ARI: And then I sneezed...

and almost lost my
nose but didn't.

ELINOR: Hmm...

That's it!

It must have been the dust
that made us sneeze.

OLIVE: But I'm
touching it now,

and it's not
making me sneeze.

ARI: Me neither.

Maybe it
smells funny.


ARI: Aaaa... aaa...

OLIVE: [giggle]

ELINOR: Ari, you
figured it out!

You sneeze when dust
gets in your nose.

OLIVE: You're right!

ARI: I always knew I had a
nose for figuring things out.

KiDS: [giggle]

OLIVE: Let's go tell
Mr. Antelope what we learned.



Sneeze Squad returns.

Did you find the answer
you were looking for?


We figured out why we
sneeze, Mr. Antelope.

We sneeze when we get
dust in our noses.

MR. ANTELOPE: That's good
thinking, Elinor.

Here, let me show you.

MR. ANTELOPE: This is a
drawing of a dog's nose...

and what the
inside looks like.

KIDS: Woooww!


animals like rabbits,

bats, and elephants
have noses like this,

and they all work in
pretty much the same way.

little things like dust...

get in your nose,

they make it feel
all tickly inside.

That's your body's
way of saying:

"I don't like this
dust in here".

MR. ANTELOPE: So to get it
out, your body blows it out

with a big gush
of air.

That's what a
sneeze is.

OLIVE: Ohhh, it's something
the body does all by itself.

That's right!

To keep us safe and
healthy with clean noses.

ARI: Whoa, sneezing
is pretty cool.

ELINOR: But wait, dust made us
sneeze here in the library,

but I don't remember
there being dust...

in the park when Olive
sneezed in the wagon.

MR. ANTELOPE: Well, dust
isn't the only thing...

that can tickle your nose
and make you sneeze.

Other things
can as well.

OLIVE: That makes sense!


It says here that dust,
getting a cold,

and pollen can all
make you sneeze.

ARI: Uh, wait a minute.

What's pollen?

ELINOR: Pollen is the
little powdery stuff...

that's in flowers.

Wait a minute...




ELINOR: There wasn't any
dust on the wagon,

but there were flowers.

And flowers have pollen.

ELINOR: You were
holding this flower.

OLIVE: [sniffs]


It was the flower that
made me sneeze.

ARI: I can see the
pollen on your nose.

ELINOR: We did it!

We figured out what
made Olive sneeze!

OLIVE: And we
learned why.

When little things
like dust and pollen...

get in your nose, your body
tries to blow them out.

ARI: And that's a sneeze!


ELINOR: ♪ Your nose
is for smelling. ♪

♪ And also for

♪ When something

ARI: ♪ Like dust!? ♪

OLIVE: ♪ Or pollen!? ♪

ELINOR: ♪ That gets
you sneezing!? ♪

OLIVE: Aaaa... aaa...

ALL: ♪ A-choo,
achoo-hoo-hoo! ♪

♪ Blow it out,
hooray, woo-hoo!? ♪

ARI: Aaa... Aaa...
OLIVE: Aaa... Aaa...

ALL: ♪ When something
gets in your nose. ♪

♪ You have to get

♪ Your body goes

♪ That's what

♪ ALL: A-choo,

♪ Blow it out, hooray,

ALL: Achoo!
OLIVE: [trumpet]

ALL: [giggle]

done, little scientists!

ELINOR: Thanks for
helping solve...

our sneeze mystery,
Mr. Antelope.

You got it.

Thank you for aahh...

your local library.

KIDS: [laugh]

ELINOR: Okay, it's time
to take these flowers...

to our Exploring

OLIVE: [sniffs] Aa...

I'll just stay a little
bit behind these flowers.

KIDS: [laugh]

let's sing a soooo...

SENOR TAPIR: A soooooo...

ELINOR: Salud!


Let's sing about
a scientist...

who wondered
about sneezes.

SENOR TAPIR: ♪ Have you
ever wondered ♪

♪ just what happen

♪ When your sneeze flies

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ "I wonder just how far a

♪ Oh where,

♪ Do your sneezy

♪ Lydia Bourouiba

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Do they spray and

♪ She tickled

♪ so they'd sneeze

♪ she took special pictures

♪ She watched each sneeze

♪ So she could

♪ of funny sneeze

♪ Lydia Bourouiba

♪ She found they

♪ She found they

♪ And spray

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ who wondered

♪ when you say

♪ When you say



ELINOR: "Ari's Lucky Shirt"

ARI: It's gotta be around
here somewhere...

ARI: No...


that's not it...

ELINOR: Hey Ari, what
are you looking for?

It's almost time
to go play soccer.

OLIVE: Yeah, we're
supposed to practice...

before the big game.

ARI: I know,

but I can't go until
I find my lucky shirt.

ARI: Ha!

Found it!

OLIVE: That is
a nice shirt...

But what's so lucky
about it?

ARI: What's so
lucky about it?

ARI: Do you remember
when I got that big hit...

in the baseball
game last year?

Or the time that cool bug
landed on my shoulder?

Or that day that Ms. Mole
brought in a yummy cake...

and it wasn't even
anyone's birthday?

OLIVE: Yeah, good times.

ARI: Well, on every
one of those days,

I was wearing
this shirt.

That's why I call it
my lucky shirt!

Every time I wear it,
something great happens!

OLIVE: Yeah, that was a
delicious banana cake.

and you all know how
much I loooove bananas.

ARI: [grunt in effort]

ELINOR: I don't
know, Ari.

It looks a little...


ARI: What?! Nah...

I can't move my arms
very much but it's fine.

I just haven't worn
it in a while.

I'm sure it will
stretch out.

Now, let's
play soccer.

[grunts in effort]

OLIVE: [ahem]

Here you go.

ELINOR: Hmm, I'll also
bring a bigger shirt,

you know, just
in case.

ARI: Okay, but we
won't need it.

We have my lucky
shirt on our side!


Whoa, whoa!


ARI: Who's ready to be
a super soccer goalie?

OLIVE: Ranger. Rabbit?

ARI: No...

I meant me!

Now that I have my lucky shirt,
I'm gonna stop every ball.

The ones to the left...


and the ones to
the ri... oops!

Careful there, Ari.

Hi, kids!

ELINOR: Hi, Mom!
What are you doing here?

there was an animal...

on the soccer field that
shouldn't be there,

so I came to take it back to
the forest where it belongs.

OLIVE: Oooh!
What is it?

It's a cute...

little baby...

Garter snake!

ARI: Ah! Ss...s...s...snake?

[grunts in effort]

ARI: Little [effort]

[effort] please?

Now remember, kids,

if you see a snake, you
shouldn't get near it...

unless you're with a
grown-up, like me.

ELINOR: Are snakes
dangerous, mom?

Some are.

This one isn't poisonous,
but it can still bite,

so we have to
be careful.

And it's a living creature
so we should treat it...

with gentleness
and respect.

OLIVE: Look at its
tongue flicking.

Why does it do that?

To smell things.

Snakes smell with
their tongues.

ELINOR: Come look, Ari.

ARI: Uh... That...
That's okay,

I can see it just fine from
back here, thanks. [giggle]

ELINOR: It's so pretty.

Look at the zig zag
patterns on its skin.

OLIVE: Yeah, but...

its skin looks
kind of flaky.

It's not shiny like
snake skin usually is.

a good observation, Olive.

How do you
know that?

OLIVE: Oh, I love looking
at pictures of snakes...

in my nature book.

They're so cool!

ELINOR: Is the
snake okay?

It's fine, Elinor.

What Olive observed is just a
normal part of growing up

for a little
snake like this.


Okay, kids,

it's time for
our practice

before the big game
this afternoon!

ELINOR: Where are you going
to take the snake, Mom?

RANGER RABBIT: Well, snakes
should be deep in the forest

away from where
kids play,

and where there is plenty of
food and shelter for them.

So, I'll drop it off
in the forest...

near the Ranger Station.

KIDS: [gasp]

OLIVE: Can we go
watch, Mrs. Rabbit?

Can we, Mom?


How about you go to
your practice,

then you can help me put the
snake back into the forest...

when you have a break?

would be awesome!

ELINOR: Woo-hoo!


I'll be waiting for you at
the Ranger Station.

ELINOR: Thanks, Mom,
you're the best.

RANGER RABBIT: Just doing my
duty as a Park Ranger!

Have fun, honey!

little snakie!

OLIVE: See you soon!

ARI: Bye!

ARI: Alright,
goalie Ari is ready!

Give me your
best sh*t!






Nope. Uh...

OLIVE: Ari, your shirt is too
tight for you to move.

Why don't you
change it?

ARI: And lose my
lucky shirt?

How are we going to
win the big game?

ELINOR: But you haven't
stopped any sh*ts yet.

ARI: That's because you
don't need luck to practice.

Once the game starts,

the lucky shirt is
going to work

and guess who'll be
stopping all the sh*ts?

OLIVE: The tree?

ARI: No.

This bat right here!

[ ]

ELINOR: I sure hope so
because Mary and Lizzie...

are really good
at soccer.

MS. MOLE: [whistle]
Okay, kids.

Let's take a break and
meet back here later.

OLIVE: Ooh, can we go
to the Ranger Station...

and see the snake now?


Let's go see
my Mom.

We'll be back for the
big game. See ya!

ARI: Wait for me!



ELINOR: Hi, Mom.

Hey there, kids!

Are you ready to help me take
the snake to the forest?

OLIVE: We sure are.


The snake is right
back there in the box.

I'll be right over
as soon as I'm done...

with this
recycling report.

ELINOR: Okay, Mom.

OLIVE: There's the snake
right in the corner.

ELINOR: Wait, I thought
this was the snake.


Are there two
snakes now?

ARI: Two snakes??

That's too
many snakes.

[nervous giggle]

ELINOR: There's
one snake...

ELINOR: And there's
another one,

buuut this one doesn't quite
look like a snake...

OLIVE: Yeah, it looks
really different.

ELINOR: Hmmm, we need
more observations!

ELINOR: Thanks Olive.

This snake looks like
it's made out of paper.

OLIVE: Yeah, it's really thin
and there's nothing inside.

ELINOR: This one looks
like the real snake.

But, remember its skin
looked old and flaky before?

Now it looks shiny.

Ari, look!

ARI: [breath]


I'll help you.

ARI: Whoa,
you're right.

I wonder what happened
to its old skin?

ARI: Wait a minute...

maybe this paper-looking
thing is its old skin.

It must have
fallen off!

OLIVE: The skin fell off?

How can that be?

Wouldn't it
hurt the snake?

ELINOR: The snake seems
okay with this new skin,

but why would its
old skin fall off?

OLIVE: Hmmm...

because it was
too tight?

ELINOR: Huh...

are right about that.

OLIVE: We are?

Yes, Olive,

what you see there is the
snake's old skin,

and it did fall off
because it was too small.

The snake grew and its old
skin didn't fit anymore,

so it grew a new
bigger skin...

that would fit its bigger
body just right.

KIDS: Wow!

ELINOR: So its skin just
comes off in one big piece?

RANGER RABBIT: That's right,

This is called

ARI: [gasp] My Mom says
I'm growing really fast.

Am I going to
molt, too?

No, Ari.

You have nothing
to worry about.

In many animals, like bats,
and rabbits and elephants,

their skin grows as
the animal grows.

But in other animals,
like snakes,

their skin doesn't
grow with them.

Instead they grow a new
skin underneath,

and their old
skin falls off.

OLIVE: Does it hurt the
snake when they molt?

actually feel much better...

because their old skin
was getting tight...

and uncomfortable.

ARI: But, what if the
snake liked the old skin?

What if it was
its lucky skin...

and it did all these
cool things in it?

growing up is a good thing,

and sometimes that means
we outgrow the things...

that used to fit us.

ARI: I guess
you're right.

Maybe it's time to say
goodbye to my lucky shirt.

It doesn't really
fit me any more.

Do you still have
that other shirt?

ELINOR: Now you'll
be nice and comfy, Ari,

like a snake
with new skin!

ARI: [grunts]

RANGER RABBIT: [giggles]


ALL: ♪ All living
beings grow and grow. ♪

♪ From your head

♪ Some take years

♪ Because we all grow

ELINOR: ♪ When you're a snake.
And it's time to grow ♪

OLIVE: ♪ There is
one thing. ♪

♪ That you need

ARI: ♪ Your skin
will start. ♪

♪ ♪

ELINOR: ♪ But don't
you worry. ♪

♪ You'll be all

ALL: ♪ Because your
old skin, ♪

♪ ♪

♪ and you'll

♪ from your tail to

♪ All living beings

♪ From your head down

♪ Some take years and

♪ Because we all grow in

♪ ♪

ELINOR: Welcome home,
little snakie.

ARI: Look at it go!

It can really move now that
its skin fits it just right.

OLIVE: Bye, bye little



ELINOR: Comin' at ya,

OLIVE: Oh no!

ARI: [grunts]

CROWD: [cheers]

ELINOR: Way to go, Ari!

OLIVE: It looks like your new
shirt is lucky for you too.

ARI: Oh, I'm lucky all right.

Lucky to have you two
on my team!!

KIDS: [cheer]