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01x11 - Taking The Plunge / Timothy's Way

Posted: 12/10/23 11:57
by bunniefuu
♪ It's a brand new day

♪ So come on and play

♪ In a world that's waiting

♪ For you

♪ We're about to begin

♪ So come on in

♪ There's so much

♪ To do at school

♪ And you can do anything

♪ If you try

♪ With friends like timothy

♪ By your side

♪ There's a new adventure

♪ In everything we do

♪ We'll all be together

♪ And you can come too

♪ When timothy goes to school

♪ Anything can happen

♪ Anything can happen
♪ when timothy goes to school

♪ When timothy goes to school



[Horn honking]

Timothy, the bus is here.

Timothy, the bus is here.
Coming, dad.

Coming, dad.

Timothy, don't forget

Your lunch, dear.

Thanks, mom.

Bye, dad.

Have a great day, timothy.

Remember to use sunscreen.


Hi, henry.

Hi, henry.
Hi, timothy.

Hi, timothy.

All right, everyone,

Who can tell me what we

Who can tell me what we
call monday in summertime?

Call monday in summertime?

Yes, timothy?

Swim day.

That's right.

Swim day is when we stop

At hilltop park for a swim.

And look who's here to help out.

]Miss appleberry!

Good morning, boys and girls.

I'm going jump

In the deep end.

No splashing.

But you can not help

It on the water slide.

Oh, great.

Aren't you coming

Swimming, claude?

Um, not today.


I have the sniffles.

I have the sniffles.
Poor claude.

Poor claude.

Quick sticks, children,

I'm right behind you.

I'll race you.

First one there--

Slow down.

No running, frank.

No running, frank.
Play safely.

Play safely.


oh, my!

Oh, my!



Frank #1: let's

Try it backwards.

Frank #2: yeah.

][Girls squealing]

Lilly: oh, that's cold.

Timothy: hey, yoko.

Timothy: hey, yoko.
Watch this.

Watch this.

Good jumping, timothy.

Good jumping, timothy.
Timothy is the best swimmer.

Timothy is the best swimmer.

Timothy is the best swimmer.
Thanks, doris.

Thanks, doris.

Well done, nora.

Good swimming.

Way to go, nora.


[Blowing whistle]



How's it going, fritz?


I caught a red wiggler.


Mrs. Jenkins?

Don't worry, grace.

There are no wigglers

There are no wigglers
in the kiddie pool.

In the kiddie pool.

Hey, what are

You doing, charles?

Watching clouds.

It's fun.

Hey, that cloud

Looks like a cowboy hat.

Charles: wow.

Apple pie, my favourite.

Timothy: it's henry.

What's that cloud?






Hey, watch out.

[Blowing whistle]

Quick sticks, children,

Quick sticks, children,
time to get out.

Time to get out.

Remember behind your ears.

Who can tell me what

Comes after a swim?

Comes after a swim?
]Ice cream!

]Ice cream!

Ah, there's nothing like soft

Ice cream on a hot summer day.


Sorry you couldn't come

Swimming, claude.

It was fun.

It's okay, timothy.

You can swim next time.

You can swim next time.
We'll see.

We'll see.

We'll see.
[Horn honking]

[Horn honking]

Coming swimming, claude?

Not today.

Not today.
I have a sunburn.

I have a sunburn.

Are you coming swimming

Today, claude?

Um, no.

Um, no.
I got something in my ear.

I got something in my ear.

I don't think

Claude likes swimming.

Sure he does.

It's the best thing

About summertime.

Maybe he doesn't know how.


Don't be silly.

Don't be silly.
Claude's good at everything.

Claude's good at everything.

Claude's good at everything.
][Children laughing]

][Children laughing]



Why don't you

Come swimming, claude?

I told you, timothy,

I have allergies.

No, you said it was

No, you said it was
something in your ear.

Something in your ear.

Something in your ear.
It's too cold.

It's too cold.

It's too cold.
Don't you like swim day?

Don't you like swim day?


Promise not to tell?


I'm not good at swimming.


But you're good at everything.

Not swimming.

I'm not good at it.

It's easy.

Easy for you.

You're a good swimmer.

I can teach you

To kick and paddle.

Well, only if

You don't tell anybody.

You don't tell anybody.
Okay, I'm good at secrets.

Okay, I'm good at secrets.

Okay, boys and girls,

Let's draw pictures about

What we're going to do

On our summer vacation.

We're helping big frank

Pump gas at the garage.

I'm going camping.

We're going to sleep in a tent.




Does getting a library

Card count?

It sure does.

I'm getting a library card!

Mama's planting a garden.

I'm going to grow vegetables.

What are you doing this summer,

Mrs. Jenkins?

I'm going hiking.

I'm going hiking.


What are you doing

This summer, timothy?

I'm going to visit my best

Friend yoko every day.


Timothy, what were you talking

Timothy, what were you talking
to claude about at recess?

To claude about at recess?

Uh, it's a secret.

Uh, it's a secret.
Oh, okay.

Oh, okay.

Do I have to?

That's right.


The first thing

To learn is kicking.

[Noisy splashing]

[Noisy splashing]



How about we take

It outside next time?


Thanks for the swimming

Lesson, timothy.

That's just the beginning.

Same time tomorrow.

Same time tomorrow.


I'm really proud

Of you helping claude

Out like this, timothy.

Out like this, timothy.
Thanks, dad.

Thanks, dad.

I'm not going in there.

All you have to do is put

Your head in the water.


You've got to get

Your head wet if you

Want to swim, claude.

No way.

Try blowing bubbles.

Maybe claude can practise

Kicking some more.

Kicking some more.
I can do that.

I can do that.

Doris: hey, timothy.

Oh, look.

There's doris and her mom.

Oh no!

Hi, timothy.

Oh, um...

Hi, doris.

[Gasping coughs]

You did it!

You put your head under water.

You put your head under water.
Dad: way to go, claude.

Dad: way to go, claude.

These are all

Wonderful pictures.

What fun we're all going

What fun we're all going
to have this summer.

To have this summer.

Yoko: look, timothy,

Claude's swimming.

He must be taking lessons.

Yeah, he's pretty good.

Although he doesn't like

Getting his head wet.

Getting his head wet.




Hey, timothy, take this!

Hey, timothy, take this!




Yeah, woo hoo!

Great, way to go, claude.

[Horn honking]

Hi, claude.

Coming swimming?

I sure am.

See anything?

Uh huh.

A big ship.

Claude: hey, timothy,

Claude: hey, timothy,
heads up.

Heads up.

Told you he could swim.

Claude's good at everything.

Lilly: claude is

The best swimmer.

Good swimming, claude.

Hey, isn't that

Your trick, timothy?

Your trick, timothy?
Uh, yeah.

Uh, yeah.

You must have a very

Good teacher, claude.

The best.

Here, timothy, use my towel.

Here, timothy, use my towel.
Thanks, claude.

Thanks, claude.

Thanks, claude.


It'll be four

It'll be four
in a row if I get this.

In a row if I get this.

Oh, that was close.

[Horn honking]

Hello, timothy.

Hello, timothy.
Hi, yoko.

Hi, yoko.

Yoko: its back is black,

And its head, too.

It has an orangey red neck

And a tail with two points.


Let me see.

Here it is, class.

Just as yoko described.

A barn swallow.

Yes, lilly?

How do you know so much

About birds, mrs. Jenkins?

Well, I guess it's

Because I like them so much.

And when you like something,

You want to know all about it.

All of you know a lot about

Some things, special things

That the rest of us don't

Know anything about.


Yes, frank.

So I want each of you

To think of something

Special that you know.

Starting tomorrow,

You're going to teach

The rest of us about it.

And now...

[Piano ♪♪]

[Piano ♪♪]'s snack time.'s snack time.

What are you going to teach?


I'm going to teach

Some ballet, of course.

One of my new steps

Will be perfect.

Well, I'm going to teach

Something that I'm sure no one

Else will know how to do.

Hmm, like the saxophone?


Maybe not.


Charles, do you know

What you're going to teach?

I'm going to teach everyone

How to draw cartoon faces.

What are you going to teach?

I haven't decided yet.

What about football?

No, frank and frank know

Everything about it already.

They taught me.

Hello, timothy.

What are you

Going to teach, yoko?


Oh, what's that?

You remember.

The paper folding mama does.

I can do it too.

What about you, what are

You going to teach?

Maybe I'll do

Paper folding too.


I'm good at making

Paper airplanes.

I make them at home.







Charles: how do you teach

Electricity, fritz?

It's a secret.


[Bell ringing]

Recess, everyone.

Are we playing

Ball tag again?

]I am!

Timothy, what

Are you going to teach?

Uh, well--

If it's a secret,

Don't tell me.

It's better when

It's a surprise.


I think so, don't you?

Yeah, I guess.

Yeah, I guess.
Let's go, okay?

Let's go, okay?

Is everything okay, timothy?

Well, I still haven't thought

Of anything special

That only I know.

You'll think of something,

I know you will.

I know you will.
Thanks, mrs. J.

Thanks, mrs. J.

First, I'm going to

Teach the through the

Legs hike, like this.

And then, I am going to

Teach how to punt the ball.


[Bell ringing]


[Piano ♪♪]

All right, our day

Is over, children.

But before you go, have

You all thought of something

Special that you can teach

The rest of the class?

]Yes, mrs. Jenkins.


Then for the next three days,

Each of you will

Teach the class.

I would like fritz, nora,

Timothy and grace to

Teach the first day.

Then lilly, frank, frank

And claude will teach

The second day.

Mrs. Jenkins?

Yes, timothy?

Uh, do you think I could

Teach the last day instead

Of going the first day?


What is it yoko?

I will teach the first day,

Mrs. Jenkins.

That would be fine, yoko.

[Relieved sighing]

[Relieved sighing]
and now it's time to go.

And now it's time to go.


Fritz told me you thought

Of something to teach, and

I know it's a secret so you

Don't have to tell me

What it is because--

Yoko, I can't tell you

Because I haven't thought of

Anything to teach yet.

That's the secret.

That's the secret.



The bus is coming.


Mom, can charles

Come over after school?

Sure, I think

That would be fun.

That would be fun.
Thanks, mom.

Thanks, mom.




This is called

Static electricity.

It will give you a little

Shock when you touch

Your partner's finger.

[Snapping spark]







How did everyone else do?

Look at mine, yoko.

Oh, nora, your

Puppy is wonderful.

Puppy is wonderful.


This is called a pirouette.

I'll do another one.

Remember, on one foot.


Grace: now you try.

Grace: now you try.


Hey, that was pretty good,

Frank, wasn't it, grace?


Uh, it's a start.

Uh, it's a start.

Charles: vroom, vroom...

My wheels are stuck.

We're going to have to walk

The rest of the way.

Vroom, vroom...

Is it safe?

What about the avalanche?


We need some kind of

Boulders or something,.

Boulders or something,.
Hmm, I've got a good idea.

Hmm, I've got a good idea.

Wow, timothy,

These are great marbles.

Look at this one.

And there are so many.

What do you do with them all?

I play games and

sh**t them and stuff.

Charles, your mom's here.


I guess I got to go now.

We can play with the marbles

Another time, charles, okay?


Thanks, timothy.

See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.



Where are you?


Here I am, mom.


So, what did the kids

Teach at school today?


Fritz taught electricity.

Yoko taught origami, and grace,

She taught some ballet stuff.



Mom, I still haven't thought

Of anything to teach.

Can you think of anything?

Well, I'm sure you'll think

Of something all on your own.

You think so?

I've only got one more day.

Hey, mom, catch!





Where are you going, timothy?

The bus is coming.

[Horn honking]

I'm bringing my marbles

To school to show charles.

That's okay, isn't it, mom?

Yes, it's okay.

Yes, it's okay.
Now hurry, dear.

Now hurry, dear.

[Saxophone ♪♪]

Thank you, claude,

That was great fun.

Now, I know lilly has a magic

Trick that she's very excited

About, don't you, lilly.

Uh huh.

The first trick I'll teach you

Is how to make this

Button disappear.

Button disappear.
It's just a button.

It's just a button.

It's just a button.
Abra ca-lilly!

Abra ca-lilly!



And I didn't even lose it.

What was the secret?

Double sided tape.

Thank you, lilly.

[Bell ringing]

Recess, everyone.

Aw, not even close.

Still a bit

Too hard, charles.

Don't bring your

Thumb back as far.

Great shot, timothy.

What are you doing?

We're playing sticker.

It's a marble game.

Charles is using his sh**t to

Try to hit the bigger marble,

Which is called the sticker.

The first to hit the sticker

Wins all the marbles.

So go again, charles.


You're a good shot, charles.


Timothy showed me.

Will you show me, too?

]Yes, show us, too.

Okay, everybody

Pick up a marble.

Yes, teacher.

Hey, I am teaching, aren't i?

Now, put the marble in

Your hand, like this.

Hey, what are you doing?

Timothy's teaching

Us how to play marbles.

Oh yeah?

Teach me.

Yeah, teach me too.

But me first.


Hey, me before you, me first.

Me before you...

Me before you...