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05x06 - Taking Control

Posted: 12/10/23 08:31
by bunniefuu
[both screaming]

[computer chimes]

Okay, I patched the shielding
on the aft starboard ancillary booster.

Try it now.

I have no idea what that is.

I'm working on getting the autopilot up
and functional again.

Wrong Hordak, blowtorch.

What? We couldn't just leave him behind.
And he's harmless. You know, since I,

kind of, you know,
fried him and scrambled his brains.

How's Catra?

Good, I think. I keep checking on her,
but she's been sleeping for a while.

- Do you think I should check again?
- Adora, you should let her rest.

Right, right.

What if she needs something?
I'm just gonna go check on her.

No, no, no, you're right.
Letting her rest.

Come on, guys.

We faced Horde Prime
and made it out alive.

I honestly cannot believe it worked.

Plus, She-Ra's back.

How did you do that without the sword?

I don't know.
I just suddenly felt her again.

Like she'd never left.

Like she's been in there all along
just waiting to come out.

- I just have no idea how to do it again.
- You'll figure it out.

What's important is that she was there
when your friends needed her.

Well, friends and one person
who threw me off a cliff, but sure.

- I can't believe we're finally going home.
- [yelps]


Sorry, sorry.

With Darla damaged,
our speed's at 30 percent.

If Entrapta can't fix it,
it'll take a while to get there.

As long as we're headed towards home,
and away from Horde Prime, I'm happy.

We deserve to celebrate. I'm going
to make us a special dinner for tonight.


I have never seen you cook before.


You know what? Wrong Hordak can help.

I bet he knows a lot about cooking.

I am honored to provide nourishment
for my exalted brothers.

- I'm gonna go check on Catra again.
- Adora.

Okay, I can do this.

Next stop, Etheria.

♪ We're on the edge of greatness ♪

♪ Turning darkness to light ♪

♪ We're right beside you ready to fight ♪

♪ We're gonna win in the end ♪

♪ We must be strong ♪

♪ And we must be brave ♪

♪ We must be brave ♪

♪ We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have and never let it go ♪

♪ We must be strong ♪

[Horde Prime] Little sister.


Hey. Hey, it's just me.

Are you still getting the flashes?

Yes, I keep having this horrible vision
of a blond girl

who thinks she's better than everyone,
barging into my room all day.

Oh, wait.

We'll find a way to get the chip off.

If you'd just let Entrapta take a look
at it, I bet she could...

I don't wanna see anyone, okay?

Not you, not Arrow Boy, or Sparkles,
and definitely not Entrapta.

So, you're just gonna hide
in here forever?

- You'll have to face them sometime.
- No, I don't.

Just drop me off on the closest planet.
I'll make my own way.

What, so Horde Prime
can capture you again?

I can take care of myself.

I promised I'd take you home
and that's what I'm gonna do.

Why are you acting like this?
We saved your life.

I told you not to come back.

But you love
feeling like a hero, don't you?

- You'd rather I left you there to die?
- What do you care? You all hate me.

I never hated you.

Then you're dumber than I thought.

Just leave me alone.

I'm such an idiot.

I thought things would be different.
But clearly, nothing has changed.

[Swift Wind] I'm telling you, I felt her.

I did. She-Ra is back.


Oh, no, you don't.


Weird winds today.

What do you think you're doing?
You're supposed to be on my team.

We're doing this to cheer her up.


I am the undefeated champion of ice ball.

You know that doesn't count, right?

Ready, kiddo?


I'm the ruler of my own kingdom,
got it, old man?

Don't take it personally,
Frosta's been having a rough time lately.

This invasion has her pretty freaked out.

Do kids not like me?
How do I make kids like me?

Will Glimmer not like me when she's home?

Okay, see, now it looks like
you're taking it super personally.

I need your help. We got word
that the Horde was sighted near Elberon.

- We have to go check on them.
- Elberon needs help?


I mean, boo for them.

But they throw the best victory parties.
Dibs on this mission.

Parties? Maybe Frosta should come, too.
We could use some fun. Hey, Frosta.

[groans] Catra is driving me crazy.

I thought we actually stood a chance
at fixing things this time.

But after everything we've been through,
she's still a stubborn brat.

This is Catra we're talking about.

Did you think she was going to instantly
become a different person?

No, I just...

I thought she'd at least try.

We all risked our lives to save her
and she can't say thank you?

Can you believe that? [scoffs]

I believe in Horde Prime.

- What's he doing here?
- He's helping me make dinner.

True nourishment comes
from the favor of Horde Prime.

Also from nutrient-rich amniotic fluid.

Yeah, well, we're not eating that.

I think these rations were Mara's.

Does space food expire?
What does this one say?

"Dehydrated protein slaw."


Guys? You'd better get in here.

What's going on?

Sensors picked up Horde ships on our tail.
They're coming straight for us.

It's gotta be a coincidence.
Prime can't track this ship.

Is there somewhere we can hide
until they're gone?

[shrieks] Look.

It's an asteroid field.

It would be so fun...

I mean, a great hiding spot.

But Bow said I couldn't fly into it.

Asteroids. Ship, falling apart.

Well, nobody has a better idea,
so it'll have to do.

[Darla] Projected course not recommended.

[groans] Acknowledged.


Hey, I've got an idea.

Why don't you ride on my shoulders?

Glimmer and I used to do it all the time.

[scoffs] That's little kid stuff.
And I don't need your help.

♪ Gonna beat those bots
And smash some drones ♪

♪ Then eat me some ice cream cones ♪

♪ Hey, where are all those drones? ♪

Where is anyone? I thought this town
was supposed to be in danger.

Welcome to Elberon, rebel heroes.

We came as quickly as we could.
Where are the Horde forces?

You are mistaken.

I'm so sorry we made you worry.

And you came all this way.

Why don't you stay for supper?


Well... I really could go for some cake.

Cake? Really?

Do kids not like cake anymore?

Wait till you see this...


[crash then screaming]

[Bow] Okay, we should be safe in here.

Even if they're looking for us we'll be
impossible to spot among the asteroids.

We have taken damage.
Hull integrity at 60 percent.

Horde ships coming right for us.

How did they find us?

Horde Prime may not be able
to track Darla,

but something onboard
is sending up a trace signal.

- That must be what they're following.
- Those flashes Catra's been getting,

that signal's coming from her chip,
isn't it?

- Once again, Catra is ruining our lives.
- Entrapta hasn't fixed the shields yet.

Then try not to hit anything.

- Something weird is going on.
- Yeah. This place is giving me the creeps.

Maybe it's time to go.

Hey, why don't we start
a game of ice ball?

That should liven things up.

My daughter's gonna hate me.

[Netossa] Where have you been?

You know I don't like
being alone at parties.

Something really weird just happened.

I know. This whole place is weird.

We're going back. There might be
someone who actually needs help.

I don't know what happened to these guys.
Their last party was great.

It's like they've been replaced
with totally different people.

It's getting dark outside.

You don't want to be out in the dark.

We really should get back to camp.

But our guest of honor hasn't arrived.

Stay, and join us
in the light of Horde Prime.


What is she doing in here?
I told you, I want to be alone.

Entrapta's going to remove your chip.

You're going to let her operate on me?
She'll k*ll me.

Me? Why would I wanna hurt you?

Oh, you mean because
you sent me to Beast Island,

stole my work and used it to rip a hole
in the fabric of space and time.

I get it. Hold still.

Stay away from me.

Catra, Horde Prime is tracking that chip.
He's coming for us, right now.

So, grow up and let us remove it,
or we're all dead.

We're doing this.

If you think hiding from the people
you hurt will make you feel better,

we'll drop you off
and you'll never have to see us again.

You'll never have to see me again.

Adora, wait.



Come to Lord Prime's light

and you will find peace.


Stop treating me like a little kid.
You don't need to protect me.

I'm not protecting you,
I'm protecting them.

Horde Prime's done something to them.
But they're innocent Etherians.

We can't hurt them.

You're the strongest one here.
Use your power to defend the team.

To me.

What's happening?

Experiment number 982.

Removal of embedded Horde chip.

Let's begin.

[gasps] Wait. Not yet.

- Catra, we don't have time.
- I can help you, okay?

When Horde Prime was...

using me, I felt...

It's like...

It's like all his clones are connected
to some kind of hive mind

and I was part of it.

- Those flashes you're getting?
- It's him.

He's still in there. He can...

He can see me.

But maybe I can see him, too.
I can find out what he's planning.

No, you can't risk
letting him back into your head.


you have to let me try.

Otherwise you're gonna do
something stupid and get yourself k*lled.


Just stay with me while I do it, okay?

I can feel him.


He's angry.


He wants revenge.

He wants to make you hurt, he's...

attacking Etheria.

No. No, no, no, not attacking.

Something new is happening.
There's so much noise.


He's chipping them.
He's going to chip them all.

Horde Prime is taking control of Etheria.

No. He can't.

It's already happening.
You gotta stop him.

I'm losing visuals.

Where did that asteroid come from?
Glimmer. Get over there and be my eyes.

My children, why do you struggle?

I wish to bring peace to your planet,
yet you reject it.

She-Ra, if you really are out there,
are you getting this?

Your She-Ra will not come to save you now.

[Darla] The hull has sustained
multiple fractures.

We will be unable
to withstand another full-on strike.

Adora, please...


I want to go home.

We will.

I'm getting us out of here.

Etheria needs us.

And I won't let him hurt anyone else.

- Where are you going?
- To send Horde Prime a message.

For the honor of Grayskull.


Welcome, my children.

You will be reborn in Prime's image.

- Whoa! Did you guys see that?
- We'll be impressed later. Let's go.

Chip appears to be fused
with the subject's nervous system,

leeching energy in a parasitic exchange.

Extraction is going
to be a delicate process.

Careful, now.


Just get it off.

Tell Horde Prime this is from me.

Veer left.

Up, up.

Wait, is that...?

- Yeah.
- What is going on out there?



I did it. With the chip removed
from its power source,

it won't be able to signal anymore.

Okay, gotta go check on Darla now.

Entrapta, wait.

Thank you.

And I'm sorry.

I forgive you.

Shields and autopilot are back online.

Darla just needs some time to reboot

and then she'll be back
to full functionality.


She's really back.

Like, back for real.

Good timing, too. We really need her.

- Brothers.
- Who wants dinner?

[Bow] Glimmer.

- You made these?
- Wrong Hordak helped.

Everyone, eat, eat.
I used to make these with my mom.

She wasn't that good a cook either,
so I figured it would be hard to mess up.

- This is really good.
- Okay, hold up. Glimmer, this is amazing.

- Wow, this is delicious.
- Dehydrated slaw? This is so good.

How is it? It smells good, right?

- Does this come in smaller sizes?
- It was coming right at us.

Then Glimmer was like,
"Oh, no. Bow, stop."

And then I was, like, "Okay, I'll stop."
And then I pulled up, then we missed it.

[Spinnerella] We've gotta go back
for them.

[Micah] We will.

But first we need to figure out
what that was.

- And how to stop it.
- She-Ra will know.

She's coming home, I can feel it.
She's getting closer every day.

Sorry for calling you an old man.

Glimmer's really lucky
to have you as a dad.

Really? You think so?

Yes, but you really
gotta stop trying so hard.

We don't know who we can trust now.

But as long as we all stick together,
we'll get through this.

[closing theme playing]