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05x04 - Stranded

Posted: 12/10/23 08:29
by bunniefuu
[spaceship whooshes]


So, let me make sure I get this right.
Catra saved you from Horde Prime.

Like "Catra" Catra?

Why would she do that?
It doesn't make any sense.

She said she wanted to do
one good thing in her life.

She said she was doing it for you.


There's so much I want to say,
to both of you,

about what happened on Etheria.

About what I said.

What I did.

What I mean is I'm really, really...

- [crash]
- [Bow] Aah!

[gasps] What was that?

I'll check on Entrapta.

[doors whoosh]


Adora, I'm so sorry for everything I said.

You were right about everything.

I should have just listened to you.
I didn't know if I'd ever see you again

- and now I...
- Hey, hey, it's okay. We're here now.

And nothing
is going to pull us apart again.

I really missed you, too.

- [crash]
- Aah!


So, slight problem.

What's going on? Is it Horde Prime?

No. Darla and I
managed to avoid his ships.

Darla says hi, by the way.

- Darla, say hi.
- Hello.

Oh, right. Glimmer, Darla is the ship.

I mean, why are we lurching?

Because our fuel crystals
are almost burned out.

- We're running on empty.
- But not to worry.

Darla's sensors have picked up
a nearby planet

that has a natural supply
of the exact fuel crystals we need,

and I've set a course.

So, all we have to do is gently glide
through a rocky debris field,

the planet's incredibly dense atmosphere,

and gingerly land
on a solid crystalline surface.

- Hang on!
- [all] Ahh!

[all yelling]

We're on the edge of greatness

Turning darkness to light

We're right beside you, ready to fight

We're gonna win in the end

We must be strong

And we must be brave

We must be brave

We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have and never let it go

We must be strong

Good night, everyone.

Gotta get that beauty sleep
for defeating Horde Prime.

There's nothing we can't do
after a good night's rest.

Come on. Pick up, pick up.

- Hey, buddy.
- [gasps]

Oh! Sorry.

- Uh, whatcha doing?
- I'm, uh, on watch patrol tonight.

You know, so just, uh, protecting us
from any bots Horde Prime might send.

Uh-huh. Like you were the night before,
the night before that,

and basically every night
since Adora left?

I can take over if you want?
It's getting pretty late.

No. That's okay.

Uh... I was kind of
in the middle of something.

Ooh, what is it?

It's nothing. You'd laugh at me.

I would never.
You can tell me. I'm great with secrets.

Like, one time, Kyle told me
he had a crush on Rogel...

Yeah, uh... Never mind.
I didn't say anything. What?

Anyway, I'm a vault for secrets.

I've had this connection to She-Ra.
Our sacred bond.

And, yeah, I know She-Ra's gone,

but I thought maybe I could still connect
to Adora.

Talk to her,
fill her in on what's been going on.

Oh! Tell her I say hi.

That's the problem.
I haven't been able to feel her.

I've been picking a bright spot in the sky
every night,

hoping it might be Mara's ship,
and sending a daily report, but...

I bet you just haven't picked
the right one.

Do you think that's them?
Or wait. What about that one?

No, never mind, that's a moon.

How about that one? No. Also a moon.

Gosh, have you ever noticed
how many moons we have here? It's weird.

[wind whistling]

This is the Crystal Planet?

- With all the crystals?
- Correct.

So, then where are the crystals?

Well, Darla's sensors say
the crystals are on this planet,

and Darla would never lie to me.
So, they've gotta be here somewhere.

[sensor humming]

What is that?

- It looks like...
- It's a Spire.

They're the first wave
of Horde Prime's invasion.

It's what he's doing to Etheria right now.

This planet, he destroyed it.

That's what he's doing to Etheria?

This is all my fault.
Horde Prime only found us because...

Because you activated
the Heart of Etheria.


My tracker pad is picking up
an energy signal.

Entrapta's right,
those crystals must be here somewhere.

- We'll have to find them on foot.
- I'll get to work prepping Darla

for new crystals, removing the old ones.
They're ancient.

It's a miracle they lasted this long.

They must've fused with her engines
by now.

Oh, it must be so painful for her.

[Darla] I do not feel pain.

Okay, good luck finding the crystals.

Darla and I are going to spend
some quality time together.


[door slams]

Uh... Uh-hm...


[wind whistles]

We're looking for these pink crystals.

Not a lot of pink here.

Or any colors.

That's okay. We'll find them.

We're the Best Friend Squad,
and we're great at quests.

- Right, Bow?
- Yeah. Sure.

Come on.


He's still mad at me, isn't he?

Well, Bow missed you so much.

But he was really hurt by everything you...

By everything that happened.
I think he was so focused on finding you,

he never actually worked through
all his stuff.

Well, what do I do?

There has to be a way to fix it.

You're asking me?

[laughs] Wow!

Bow's usually the friendship stuff guy
and I'm the "punch your feelings out" guy.

But okay, um...

Uh... Maybe if you try...

- Oh!
- [cracking]


[both grunt]



[voice echoing] Adora!



[Glimmer] Are you okay?!

I'm okay!

And I found the crystals!

Not the pink ones, though.

Just stay put, we're coming.
We'll have to find another way down.

I think I see a light.
I'm gonna go towards it.

Don't go towards the light!

It's not that kind of light!


Adora. Hello from Etheria.

It's me, Swift Wind. Oh, man,
have I got a lot to catch you up on.

So, a lot of people
have been looking for you

because of the bounty Horde Prime put out,

but don't worry, Perfuma and Scorpia
took care of them.

Kapow! Bam!

[chuckles] I don't know, plant noises!

Then some drones tried to attack
the mountain colonies,

but Mermista and Frosta
totally handled it.


[laughs] That's ice.
That's me being the sound of ice.

So, then back at camp,
Shadow Weaver was all like,

"Perhaps we should use magic

to discover
Horde Prime's true motivations."

"Oh, not this again!"

"No. Bad Shadow Weaver. Bad."

"But magic, magic, magic,
power, power, power, blah, blah, blah."

[groaning] "Why are you still here?"

[Swift Wind] Everyone was pretty on edge.
That's when Sea Hawk got an idea.

"Morale-boosting adventure!"

[Swift Wind] It didn't go well.

"Make it stop."

[Swift Wind] At all. It was terrible.

It's one of the worst things
I've ever seen.



Anyway, hope space is fun.

And that you're getting these.
It's just, uh...

[chuckles] I know the others think
this is useless.

I know.
They try to be supportive, but I see it.

So, if you could just give me a sign
you're hearing this...


Come home soon, Adora.

We need you.







- Wait!
- Intruder!

- Wait, wait, I just...
- Who are you?

- Why are you following us?
- Why are you hitting me?

- Answer the questions!
- You first!

- Are you with the Horde?
- No way!


We're only here for the fuel.

After that, we're getting as far away
from Horde Prime as possible.

Are you with the Horde?

[Adora] No. I mean...


I was, but I'm not anymore.
It's complicated, okay?

What's complicated?



- Do you serve Horde Prime or not?
- No! Do you?

- No!
- [grunts]

Then we're all on the same side.

Can we please stop hitting each other now?

- [yells]
- Glimmer!

[both panting]


You should be more careful
now that you can't teleport.

I really miss teleporting.

Remember when I finally learned
how to use my powers?

We teleported everywhere.

- Bright Moon, Mystacor...
- Castaspella hated it.

But we'd always teleport away
just when she was about to catch us.


[Glimmer sighs]

[Bow] That was forever ago.

A lot's changed since then.

Uh... um...


I guess it has.

[hoots then chirps]

Do you want any?

I'm Starla, by the way.

This my bird, Glory,
my sister Tallstar, my brother...

Starla, you can't just offer
every stranger that shows up our food.

It's one person.

Besides, we have plenty to share.

- [gulping]
- [chuckles]

[clears throat]


And thanks.

- I'm Adora.
- Jewelstar. And it doesn't matter.

Once we get the thulite crystals,
we're blasting off,

and rations won't be a problem.

The pink crystals?
That's why my friends and I are here.

Yeah, but they're impossible to get to.

- Stashed away...
- In the center of this cave that...

- Is falling apart because of...
- Earthquakes?

We're stranded until we can get them.

We can't be stuck here. There's no time.

Horde Prime invaded Etheria.
I have to stop him before he takes it.

If he's on your planet, it's already over.

This place used to be a safe harbor
for travelers across the galaxy.

Then Horde Prime arrived.

Now we're just scavenging the remains.
Same as he did to our home world.


If you're smart, you'll run away.
Far, far away.

- Like we're trying to do.
- Well, I'm not.

Running away, that is. I am smart.

Never mind.

Look, I'm a part of a rebellion,
fighting the Horde.

Once my friends find me and we get fuel,

I'm gonna face Prime,
and I'm gonna stop him.

Wow! Really?

Really. Why don't you help us fight back?

You've got the tech and the weapons, wh...

You could do so much more
than just scavenge.

- You could...
- Get k*lled?

Prime has already taken our home.

Do you think we'd be on this wreck
of a planet if we had a choice?

Horde Prime always wins.

He's unstoppable.

And you're just one girl with a stick.
What could you possibly do?

Well, I used to be stronger.
But that doesn't matter.

If everyone works together,
I know we can take him down.

He has to pay for what he did, and he...

He has someone on his ship. Someone I...

We're stopping him. Period.

If your friend is with Prime,
it's already too late.

Oh, no. Catra is not my friend.

I mean, she's...
Used to be, but that was a long time ago,

and she's tried to k*ll me
a bunch of times since then,

but then she saved Glimmer.

And maybe that means
there's still good in her,

and now I don't know. It's... [sighs]

It's complicated.

Everything seems
really complicated with you.

Whatever she is, friend or not,
she's gone.

There's no point in going back for her.
No one stands up to Prime and survives.

I'm sorry.

[Glimmer] Bow, wait up!

Bow! Would you please slow down?

I just wanna get back to the ship.


It's all right. They're my friends.

They don't sound like friends.

- Are you guys...?
- We're fine. Who are the space pirates?


[crystals shatter]

These are the Star Siblings.

They're after the same thing we are,
and we should all be working together.

You know where the fuel crystals are,
and we can help. What do you say?

- [Entrapta] Hello!
- [all gasp]

Okay. How many of you are there?

Several. Adora, I came as fast as I could
to warn you.

Darla's sensors indicate
that this planet is apparently a hotbed

of seismic activity.

Yeah, we kind of learned that
the hard way.

Darla and I figured out an algorithm
to predict the tremors.

We're sort of running out of time
before the really big one hits.

So, are we getting the thulite now or...?

Fine. We need to hurry. Let's go.

- Once we get to the cavern, you'll...
- Be awesome and hold the...

Then Jewel will cover Glory and me
while we wing fling.

Just absolutely not.

You're saying you won't cover me?

You kind of have to.
You're my big brother.

Yeah, ouch, Jewel. Cold.

No, just... Of course I'll...
Just don't do anything fancy.

Get the crystals and get out.

- We don't want another...
- Eridani.

Or Aquarii.

- We should not have gotten fancy there.
- [Glory chirps]

Uh! Think fast.

- [laughs]
- [Jewelstar grunts]

- You guys are pretty close, huh?
- Yeah.

Growing up under the threat of Horde Prime
does that to you.

We've lost a lot,
but we still have each other.



There it is. That's the thulite.

We have to get over that?

The chasm is wider
than last time we tried.

It's getting worse.
This whole planet is falling apart.

Uh-uh... According to these readings,
there's gonna be another quake soon.

A bridge! If we knock this column over
during the next quake,

- we could bridge the gap and get across.
- It's risky, but it might work.

Everyone, get ready.

Three, two, one!

[all groaning]


Let's do this.


No! That's our only way out.



[crystal shatters]

[gasps] What's happening?

- Glimmer!
- [screams]

[Glimmer] Bow!

It won't hold! We need to turn back!


Jump! I'll catch you!

We can't!

This is our one shot.

It's too dangerous!

Please, Bow.

Just trust me, okay?



[rock shattering]



Your friend better hurry.

- [bleeping]
- Uh-oh!

Uh-oh. What do you mean "uh-oh"?

Slight hiccup in my calculations.

The seismic activity is increasing faster
than anticipated.

- What does that mean?
- We're out of time.

They need to come back now
before this whole place breaks apart!

You can do this.


We need to get out of here, now!


Go! We're right behind you!



There's no time!

[groans] I can't hold it anymore.

No! Hang on!


My friends are on the other side.
I am not going anywhere.

I'm not leaving anyone behind.


[rock shattering]


Was that magic?


I think that was She-Ra.




Ready to do something

- that probably won't work?
- Always.

[Glimmer screams]



Glimmer, are you okay?

Yeah. I'm okay.

Come on.


Wow! Oh! We did it.

We actually did it.



Did you see what she did?

[all murmuring]

Thank you for helping us get the fuel.

You Etherians are so reckless.

- Stubborn.
- And brave.

Magic hasn't been seen in the universe
in centuries.

But what I saw you do, you might
actually be able to take on Prime.

- And we want in.
- We've spent our whole lives running away.

But not anymore.

We're going to fight Prime
and take back our home.

Then welcome to the Rebellion.

[Darla] Two light stores replenished.

Ship refueled.

Look, I know you're still mad at me.

Maybe you'll be mad at me
for a really long time.

I deserve it.

And maybe...

Maybe we'll...

Maybe we'll never be friends
like we used to be.

But I'm not going to
stop trying to make it better.

I made a mistake
with the Heart of Etheria.

I should have listened to you,
and I'm sorry.

You get to be mad,
for as long as you need to be.

But I'm not going anywhere.

And when you're ready, I'll be here.


Adora? Are you okay?

Yeah. I just...

Look, I know this is gonna sound crazy
and dangerous,

and I know Catra was our enemy
and she's done a lot of bad things

and hurt a lot of people, but...

You wanna go back for her.


I can't just leave her there.
I have to try.

Catra sacrificed herself to save me.

Whatever you need to do, I'm with you.

Then let's do this.

Best Friend Squad style.

[Adora and Glimmer sigh]

- [gasps]
- Oh!

- Oh! What is it? What's going on?
- I felt her.

She-Ra is back.